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Leaders for sales of smartphones in the world. Who is who in the smartphone market: big IDC report

In the total number of smartphones sold in Russia, domestic developments account for less than 10%. Russian developments are inferior to competitors from China, which take quantities and scale. The latter accounts for more than 30% of the market

In the first nine months of 2017, 1.7 million smartphones were sold in Russia under the "Russian" brands in the amount of 6.8 billion rubles, the report of the "Svyaznoy" retail network said (there is a RBC). We are talking about smartphones developed in Russia, but collected in Southeast Asia.

In total, according to "Svyaznoye", in the first nine months in Russia, 20.4 million smartphones were sold at 257.5 billion rubles. Thus, the Russian brands accounted for 8.3% of the market in uniform and 2.6% in monetary. At the end of the nine months of 2016, the proportion of these devices was 6.4 and 2.9% of the market, respectively. The decline in the share in the volume of the smartphone market has occurred not due to the fall of the revenue of Russian developers, but due to the lower rates of growth in the indicator in comparison with the entire market.

In the top five of the most popular Russian brands of smartphones for the first nine months of 2017, Digma, DEXP, VERTEX, Highscreen and Oysters, spoke, told the representative of the "connected". Also, Russian includes TeXet, Irbis, 4Good, Stark, Ginzzu and a number of others whose sales can be calculated by thousands of devices per year.

Sales of Russian smartphones began to recover after a fall a few years ago, associated with a splash of popularity of Chinese manufacturers, which are actively developing in budget price segments. In particular, in 2014, 9.7% of the market accounted for Russian brands in 2015 - 8.2%, and in 2016 - 7%. At the same time, the proportion of Chinese brands in pieces of expression has grown from 19.4% in 2014 to 34% in the first nine months of 2017, and in money - from 14.3 to 25%.

According to the representative of the "Svyaznoy" Sergey Tikhonov, the share of Russian brands in the smartphone segment in the next two years will gradually increase due to the growth of the demand of the devices of individual brands, which are presented in large retail chains, as well as maintaining popularity budget smartphones generally. "The gadget of the domestic company is often chosen as the first smartphone or to replace the push button. The Russian smartphone is inexpensive, it is functional and reliable for its price, "Tikhonov said.

Statistics "Svyaznoy" does not take into account the smartphones developed in Russia and the mobile operators sold under brands. Although the devices under the Tele2 brand (it works under it mobile operator T2 RTK Holding) According to the results of the second quarter, they were held in sales in Russia with a share of 4%, according to Counterpoint Research. "T2 RTK Holding" does not itself develop the devices, for him as well as for other operators, this makes special companies, among which there are Russian players (the production of devices is carried out at factories in Southeast Asia). For example, IT Technoserv. As RBC President Andrei Borodin told RBC, since 2014, when the company began to produce branded devices by order cellular operatorsShe sold about 650-700 thousand smartphones. At the peak (the period is not specified. - RBC) This business segment brought the company about 1 billion rubles. Revenue per year.

MTS representative, the largest network for sale mobile devicesDmitry Solodovnikov, among the leaders in the Russian brands of smartphones, called Digma, Dexp and Highscreen. They accounted for 4.7% in the total number of smartphones sold in Russia for nine months of this year. How many other Russian brands occupy, they did not evaluate in MTS, referring to the fact that the proportion of each is too small, below 0.7%.

Telecom Daily Information and Analytical Agency CEO Denis Kuskov notes that Chinese brands are different, among them there are quite strong: Huawei, Xiaomi, ZTE, OPPO. "They have a more correct approach to the use of components, forming the range of devices and their promotion. These are good models with thoughtful technologies. Our developers often reduce the bar, believing that someone will still buy a device, "the slices argues.

According to the leading analyst Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazina, Chinese brands won themselves with several dozen. "These are non-prosidized companies with domestic size players. It is difficult to compete with them in terms of investment, at the cost of devices, and in this segment the one who will offer a smaller price. In addition, our companies often in pursuit of quality spend on developing a device too much time, by the time of issue it is already obsolete, "Murtazin argues.

Each fifth smartphone in MTS retail in the second quarter of 2017 was sold on credit, follows from the materials of the operator. Moreover, the average cost of credit smartphones grows: for the year it increased by 22% and reached 18,500 rubles. - And the middle check on the smartphone in MTS is 10 500 rubles.

Now MTS sells 60% of smartphones more than 40,000 rubles on credit. - a year earlier the share of credit devices in this category was 32%, the representative of Dmitry Solodovnikov reports. Absolute sales of smartphones in their retail and their dynamics of MTS does not disclose. According to Solodovnikov, the Samsung, Apple and Huawei are more active in MTS on credit: in the second quarter of 2017, 31, 44 and 17% of these brands were sold on credit. A year earlier on credit Sold 23% sAMSUNG smartphones, 11% - Apple, 9% - Huawei.

In the second quarter of 2017, the credit sales of smartphones increased in the "connected" and in interest, and in percent - in particular, sales of smartphones are more expensive than 40,000 rubles. Rieteler says Sergei Tikhonov, says the year by the year.

According to MTS, in the second quarter of 2017, 6.2 million smartphones were sold in Russia - 12% more than a year earlier. In money, the market grew by 16% - turnover of 80 billion rubles. In July 2017, a little more than 3 million smartphones were sold in Russia, follows from a partner material of several electronics manufacturers. The first place in total sales in pieces was occupied by Samsung (25.3% of the market), the second - Apple (13%), the third - Huawei (10.4%).

A similar picture is observed throughout the Russian retail, approves the lead analyst Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin. According to him, in the middle of 2017, about 40% of smartphones were bought on credit; A year earlier, their share was about 26%. About 70% of the devices are selling more than 30,000 rubles on credit. - a year earlier their share was twice as well.

According to the director of the telecommunications and financial services of Euroset, Maria Should, 35-40% of Russians buy smartphones on credit. The average price of smartphones sold on a loan in Euroset increased by 18% in Q1 2017 in relation to the same period last year, it reports.

The growth in purchases on credit stimulates the availability and variety of installments and credit programs, continues Murtazin. In the crisis, people prefer not to spend all the money at once, but to give equal shares every month, he believes.

Installation program for two years without additional encumbrances in the form of insurance and additional servicesLaunched in Eldorado in mid-June, increased sales of smartphones by more than 50% in monetary terms, approves by his representative Julia Zavyalov.

Among the reasons for the popularity of credit products, when purchasing a smartphone, you can allocate the buyers's desire to distribute the costs for a long period, the increase in the number of partners providing installments in stores, an increase in the offer of credit products, as well as the popularity of loans for long terms and installments, lists Tikhonov.

It also affects the fact that people began to buy smartphones with a long service life, and this is again relatively expensive devices, adds Murtazin. This leads to the fact that the cycle of replacement of old smartphones to new in Russia is extended. If in 2015 it was 13 months, then in 2016 - for 18 months, and in 2017, perhaps will reach 20 months, he predicts.

Although now summer, but the analysts of the industry only now consider the results of the first quarter of 2018. It became known what companies are leading in the smartphone market, and in terms of the total supply of phones. After all, ordinary push-button phones still enjoyed a certain popularity. Was the statistics considered by a surprise?

According to the reviewed Ivan (Ivan) on the pages of the pages of the Counterpoint analytical company, Samsung in the first quarter of 2018 became the leader of the global market in terms of smartphones and telephone supplies. It should be noted immediately noted that the published indicators are not surprising.

Samsung for the period under review was 78 million smartphones, which amounted to 22% of the total supply (360 million smartphones).

Apple has delivered 52.2 million iPhones, thus, the market share was 15%. The third place is Huawei with a 11 percent market share indicator. This includes smartphones manufactured and under the Huawei brand, and under the Honor brand.

However, Apple dominates North America markets, delivering approximately 40% of smart phones. Samsung ranks second with an indicator of the market share of 27%.

In the markets of Europe, Samsung leads (33%), the second place is taken by Apple (20%).

The total rate of smartphones to the world market decreased by 3% compared with the indicator of the corresponding period of last year. At the same time, Samsung's delivery decreased by 3%, and Apple supplies increased by 3%.

If we talk about the cumulative phone supply indicator, not just smartphones, then Samsung again occupies the first place (17%), and Apple is the second (11%).

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Moscow, Jan 12 - RIA Novosti. Sales of smartphones In the Russian Federation, according to the results of 2017, in physical terms, 6% increased in relation to 2016 and amounted to 28.4 million devices, the MTS reports, which has the largest retail network operators.

"These are record indicators for the Russian gadget market, they overtake the 2014 indicators - then 27.6 million devices were sold," the report says.

In monetary terms, the smartphone market grew by 17.3% - over the past year, retailers sold mobile devices for 386 billion rubles. At the same time, the average price of the smartphone rose to 13.6 thousand rubles against 12.3 thousand rubles in 2016 and 8.9 thousand rubles - in 2014.

As MTS notes, the main market growth driver has become an increase in sales share on credit. "The interest-free installments served as a strongest impetus for the entire market, which mostly caused the growth of the middle price of the smartphone. Also selling competition between Samsung, Apple and Huawei, who practically crowded the rest of the vendors and became the most demanded manufacturers," explains MTS.

Samsung remains the most popular nonsense for smartphones - the share of the Korean manufacturer was about 25.2% in pieces of expression, an increase of 3.5 percentage points for a year, and 29.2% in monetary (increase by 3.5 percentage points). The increase in the share influenced the successful start of flagship models - Galaxy S8 and S8 +, which were 2 times better than Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE.

For sale Apple iPhone. At the end of 2017, there are 12.8% in physical terms (an increase of 1.7 percentage points) and 34.4% in monetary (an increase of 0.5 percentage points).

The third most popular brand is Huawei: the company's share reached 9.6% in pieces and 8.5% - in money. The Chinese manufacturer showed the highest growth in sales - its share in Practical terms, according to the results of 2017, increased by 5.3 percentage points, and in money - by 4.7 percentage points. Xiaomi was also actively developed - they were included in the top 5 sales producers in Russia with a barrier expression of 3.9% (an increase of 3.3 percentage points) and 3.7% in monetary.

"A higher sales dynamics in rubles than in pieces, caused by the growth of demand for high price segments' gadgets," explained in the message.

MTS analysts note that buying buying demand in favor of more expensive gadgets is explained by several factors. Users require devices with high-quality screens and good camerasthat allow you to communicate with comfort in social networks And solve their daily tasks.

In addition, the popularity of more expensive smartphones is heated by marketing promotions and financial proposals. In 2017, Kashback became one of the additional factors when buying a smartphone: so, the MTS retail network returned to 30% of the device's cost on the subscriber's electronic wallet - and this amount could be spent on payment mobile communications, home Internet, housing and communal services, to repay loans and translations, as well as any other purchases.

Last year, the cumulative share of small manufacturers of Android smartphones, including Irbis, Motorola, Philips, LG, has decreased from 24% to 9%, found out the IDC. This happened due to the consolidation of the smartphone market by large brands, including Chinese Xiaomi, Huawei and Honor, consider analysts and confirm market participants.

In 2018, more than 30 million smartphones were supplied to Russia for $ 7.56 billion, follows from IDC report. The first place for shipments was saved by Samsung with a share of 26%, the second place was taken by Huawei along with their Honor brand, the share of which in the aggregate was 21%. At the third place of Apple with a share of 16%, and on the fourth - Xiaomi (14%), the report says.

Together with Huawei and Honor, the second quarter in a row bypass Samsung for the supply of smartphones to Russia, however, Huawei's growth occurs at the expense of small brands, and not Samsung, which continues to hold a quarter of the smartphone market, notes IDC. The Russian smartphone market is quickly consolidated - most of the Android smartphones market belongs to Samsung, Huawei / Honor and Xiaomi, whose share is 61%, indicates IDC. "Small players experience great difficulties, and some famous brands are under threat of exit from the market, "said the market research director mobile phones In IDC Emea Simon Baker.

According to the results of 2018, the share of the "Other" smartphones brands in IDC reporting amounted to 9%, while at the end of 2017 it was 24%. This category includes stamps, whose share in 2018 was below 2%, including Irbis, Motorola, Philips, LG, Micromax, Nubia, Sony, Vertex, Oppo, Vivo, Meizu, ZTE, DOOGEE, clarified the analyst in IDC Russia "Olga Babinina.

All last year, the market consolidated in side samsung., Honor, Huawei and Apple confirm in VimpelCom. Such a tendency is inherent not only to the Russian, but also the world market, this is a "natural process", noted in MTS. In MegaFon say that customers buying less and less budget models Up to 5 thousand rubles, and smartphones are most popular in the range from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, and in this segment leaders are Samsung and Huawei / Honor.

"A year ago, there were two large players in the market - Samsung and Apple and about ten brands that competed with each other, but at the end of 2018, three largest chinese brand - Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi - confidently entered the top five key players of the smartphone market, "the director of the" Digital Technique "of the group" M.Video-Eldorado "of Nikita Tikhvinsky. In his opinion, the growth of the market was determined by the brands of Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, Vivo and Nokia, the demand for which grew in money and pieces is one and a half times or more.

Sales of little-known brands are noticeably reduced due to the fact that it is often small companies that do not have opportunities for wide marketing promotion, which market leaders who also have smartphones - only part of their business, explains the director of the Department " Mobile tools Communication "" Marvel-Distribution "Pavel Besukov. However, according to its assessment, the share of brands of category "Other" on russian market ranges from 9% to 11%.

IDC estimates may not include brands whose deliveries for the year were lower than a certain level, but they can coexibly occupy a more significant proportion, indicates the lead analyst Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin. So, according to its estimates, the cumulative share of Sony, Inoi, Vertex, OPPO, VIVO, ZTE, DOOGEE and Meizu may exceed 12%. "The volume of the market has increased since 2017, and, according to IDC estimates, Apple's share in supply, for example, has been preserved, respectively, the sale of the company should grow, but in 2018 they fell," the expert argues. According to him, the share of the corporation amounted to at the end of the year no more than 14%. Some retailers are obliged to buy a certain amount of devices, but they can be implemented significantly less, indicates the head of the Content-Review Sergey Polovnikov.