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What does notification and app alerts mean. Not receiving app notifications

Depending on which notifications you want to receive, you can set preferences for specific applications or for the device as a whole. To see notifications, just swipe down from the top of the screen. Some of them may also appear on the lock and home screens.

Actions with notifications

Notification settings

Option 1: In device settings

Advice. If your device doesn't have a "Recently sent" section, chances are you're using more early version Android. In this case, select App Notifications and click on the application name. You can turn notifications on and off, as well as their icons and categories. If the application has categories, click on one of them to see additional settings.

Option 2: In a notice

Option 3. In the application

Notification options are available in the settings of most apps. For example, you can open the settings menu of a specific application and select sound signal for his notifications.

On some Android devices you can choose how the application should notify you.

  • Send alerts. You will hear a beep, a message will appear on the lock screen, and the app icon will be displayed on the status bar.
  • Without sound. Notifications will come without sound and vibration, but you can open their list by swiping down from the top of the screen.

Android notifications are incredibly useful. They help the user to always be aware of all events, important and not so. But sometimes there are too many events and notifications come non-stop. It is unlikely that anyone likes to take their smartphone out of their pocket every minute and make sure that nothing important has happened. Fortunately, in Android, you can balance the display of notifications or even remove them altogether.

This is called "stacking" the notification; this is described in more detail in the notification design guide. The next section describes how to update notifications as well as how to delete them. If the previous notification is still displayed, the system updates it from the content of the object. If the previous notification was dismissed, a new notification is created instead.

The following snippet shows a notification that is updated to reflect the number of events that have occurred. It populates the notification showing a summary. Notifications remain visible until one of the following events occurs.

On JellyBean and KitKat

In the fourth version of android, for the first time, it became possible to disable push notifications from each individual application. What should be done:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Go to the "Applications" section.
  3. Select the software you want to customize.
  4. Uncheck the box "Enable notifications" and confirm.

If you set a timeout when creating a notification, the system cancels the notification after the specified duration. If necessary, you can cancel the notification before the specified timeout has elapsed.

  • This method also removes current notifications.
  • You call, which removes any notifications you previously issued.
Notification badges show notifications associated with one or more notification channels in the app that the user has not yet dismissed or completed.

Users can disable icons for notification channels or apps from the Settings app. Users can also long press on an app icon to peek into notifications associated with the notification icon on supported launchers. Users can then dismiss or act on the notification from the long press menu, similar to a notification.

Any android user knows how much software can be in the device. Sometimes it can be tiring to find what you need. It is not necessary to do this at all. You can go to the treasured checkmark even faster. Necessary:

  1. Lower the top panel.
  2. Click on the unwanted push notification and hold your finger until the "About app" button pops up.
  3. Uncheck the box and confirm.

On Lollipop

In the new version of Android, the notification system has received a major overhaul. Now setting it up is even easier and more convenient.

By default, each new notification in a channel increments the number displayed in the corresponding single-click launch menu. After the user dismisses the notification or initiates an appropriate action, this number will decrease to reflect the change. You can override the score displayed in the long press menu as a result of a notification. For example, you can set the number of incoming messages to display in the long press menu when creating a notification for a messaging app.

The fastest way is with the sound buttons. When you press it, a window appears in which you can select three operating modes:

  • Do not disturb.
  • Important. Notifications appear only from those applications to which the user has assigned the status of important. It is possible to set the duration of the mode. The user can independently compile a list of important services, as well as set the automatic activation of the mode on certain days and a specific time of day.

In addition to the above, you can go to the "Sounds and Notifications" section in system settings.

You can override the number of notifications shown in the long press menu. The folder notification icon indicates the presence of notification icons for one or more applications within the folder. By default, each notification channel reflects its active notifications in your app's "launch icon" icon. You can use this method to stop the presence of notifications from the channel shown by the icon. You cannot programmatically change this setting for a notification channel after it has been created and sent to the notification manager.

IN new version Android has a feature to display alerts on the lock screen. You can turn it off here.

You can still set up push notifications on a per-app basis. If a user is constantly bothered by a particular game or program, they should:

  1. Go to the "App Notifications" section.
  2. Choose the right one.
  3. Block. Here you can turn off the display on the lock screen.

Using the Notification Access section, you can make certain notifications private. They will also come, but you need a special combination to view them.

The following code example illustrates how to hide icons in connection with notifications from a notification channel. On the portable device a response action appears in the form of an additional button displayed in the notification. When the user responds via the keyboard, the system attaches a text response to the intent you specified for the notification action and sends the intent to your portable app. Figure Reply action button.

To create a notification that supports direct reply. The constructor of this class accepts a string that the system uses as a key to enter text. Create an instance that you can add to your notification. . The system prompts the user to enter a response when the notification action is triggered.

The filter section is useful to the user if he wants to get rid of the attention of a large group of services.

The notification system in Android Lollipop has undergone a major overhaul, becoming much more convenient and customizable. Now the user can specify which applications can disturb him, at what time and in what way. This can be done in several ways.

Getting user input from an inline response

Picture The user enters text from the notification shade. To receive user input from the notification interface into the action you declared in the response action intent. The progress indicator disappears from the notification interface to inform users of a successful response.

  • Call by passing the notification action intent as an input parameter.
  • This method returns those that contain a text response.
For interactive applications such as chats, you can include additional context when processing the extracted text.

Notifications on the lock screen

All Lollipop users have seen that incoming notifications are now displayed on the lock screen. This is really convenient, because you can find out the content of the notification without unlocking the device. In addition, the following actions are available to you.

For example, these apps may show multiple lines of chat history. When a user replies, you can update the response history with the method. The notification must be updated or canceled after the application has received remote input. When a user responds to a remote update with a direct reply, don't cancel the notification. Instead, update the notification to display the user's response. When using other templates, you can add the user's response to the remote input history.

For example, if your app generates notifications for received messages when more than one message is received, link the notifications together as one group. You can use this method to bundle similar notifications. A notification group imposes a hierarchy on the notifications that contain it. At the top of this hierarchy is the parent notification, which displays summary information for the group. The user can gradually expand the notification group and the system shows more information as the user drills deeper.

  • Swipe down on the notification and it will expand a little, showing you more information and/or additional buttons.
  • Double tap on a notification to open the corresponding app.
  • Swipe a notification to the side to hide it from the screen.
  • Make a long tap, and a pop-up menu with additional options will appear. With it, you can go (the “i” icon) to the notification settings from this application, which we will talk about below.

Changing the notification mode in the volume menu

We are used to the fact that the volume keys cause the appearance OSD menu, responsible only for changing the volume. But in Android Lollipop additional options have been added to this menu to switch between notification system modes. There are three of these modes.

When a user expands a package, the system discovers more information for all of its child notifications; when the user expands one of these notifications, the system shows all the content. The user can gradually expand the notification group. If the same app sends four or more notifications and doesn't specify a grouping, the system will automatically group them together.

When to Use Related Notifications

You should only use notification groups if all of the following apply to your use case.

  • "Do not disturb" - all notifications will be received in silent mode.
  • "Important" - you will be notified only about the arrival of important alerts. You can set the list of applications whose notifications you consider important.
  • "Everything" - normal mode work.

Please note that when you turn on the "Important" mode, you will see an additional settings panel, in which you can set the time for this mode to work. In addition, in the system settings there is special section to fine-tune the "Important" mode. In it, you can not only specify which applications are allowed to disturb you, but also set the days and hours of automatic activation. This is very convenient if, for example, you do not want to be disturbed at night or during dinner.

Notifications for kids are complete notifications and can be displayed individually without the need for a group summary. For a child there Additional Information that the user wants to read.

  • It is possible to individually overlay child notifications.
  • For example: they are valid, with actions specific to each child.
Examples good options Uses for notification groups include: a messaging app that displays a list of incoming messages, or an email app that displays a list of received emails.

System notification options

For detailed settings of the notification system in Android Lollipop, there is a special section. It allows you to disable the display of pop-ups on the lock screen, allow, if necessary, access to notifications for certain programs, manage the list of blocked applications and so on.

Display related notifications

Examples of cases where a single notification is preferred include single messages from a single person, or a list view of single-line text items. You can use this. The application should always post a summary of the group, even if the group contains only one child. The system will suppress the summary and display a child notification if it contains only one notification. This ensures that the system can provide a consistent experience when the user removes children from the group.

But most importantly, in this section you have the opportunity to adjust the receipt of notifications from each of the installed applications. It is in your power to completely block any notifications from this program or only their appearance on the lock screen, deactivate constant reminders of unread messages, or, conversely, assign them the status of important, that is, displayed even in "silence" mode.

While the system normally displays child notifications as a group, you can temporarily set them as. This feature is especially useful as it allows immediate access to the most recent child and its associated actions. On PDAs and tablets, users only see the summary notification, so the app must still have an incoming style or equivalent notification proxy for all of the group's content.

Save navigation on startup

The fully qualified name of the activity class. = Combined with the flag you set in the code, this ensures that this is not included in the app by default. You can then use that as an argument. . The following code snippet demonstrates the process.

Show progress in notification

Notifications can include an animated progress bar that shows users the status of the current operation. If you can estimate how long the operation will take and how long it will be completed at any given time, use the "defined" form of the indicator.

As you can see for yourself, Android Lollipop is not only interesting design, but also a large number of new features that are really useful in everyday use. And what innovations in the latest version of Android impressed you the most?

When writing this article, the MoKee operating system based on Android 5.1 was used, so the names and appearance of some interface elements may differ slightly from the stock ones.

If you cannot estimate the length of the operation, use the "indeterminate" form of the indicator. Progress bars are displayed with the platform implementation in the class. For previous versions, you must create your own notification layout that includes a view. The following sections describe how to display progress in using the notification.

Display progress bar with fixed duration

To display a specific progress bar, add a bar to your notification by calling and then issuing the notification. As your operation continues, increase the progress and update the notification. You can either exit the progress bar showing when the operation is done, or delete it. In either case, be sure to update the notification text to show that the operation is complete. To remove a progress bar, call.

Google has endowed the operating Android system 5.0 big amount innovations. For example, from now on, you can create several users who will not have access to all applications. And the American company decided to develop the function of sound notifications.

More in previous versions operating system we could choose the time when sound notifications were automatically silenced. This made it possible not to disturb us at night. Now this function is developed even more strongly. From now on, we can choose not only the time, but also certain days. Also in Android 5.0 there is a so-called notification priority. This means that some events may still be voiced in order to attract your attention. All this is subject to detailed configuration, which will be discussed below.

To select priority notifications, you need to go to "Settings". From there, go to the "Sounds and Notifications" section. Next, go to "Alert Modes". This is where you configure how it will behave mobile device upon receipt of any notice. For the sake of some events, it will not hesitate to wake you up. Less important notifications will only cause the indicator light to blink.

It is not worth talking about this section in detail. You need to familiarize yourself with it. Here you can order your smartphone to always notify you of any events. Or do some fine tuning. For example, you can enable mandatory sound alerts for incoming calls. Again, calls can be from all people, or only from selected contacts. The smartphone is able to wake you up at any time and about incoming messages.

Scroll down the screen - there you will find the "Important Alerts Only" scheduling setting. Here you select the days and times when the smartphone goes into silent mode, warning you only about the most important events. By default, the device is Android based 5.0 switches to this mode every day, from 22:00 to 07:00.

You can switch to the above mode without waiting for the night time. You just need to change the volume level using the appropriate button. You will see a popup. There are three buttons in it, with the help of which the transition to the three most important modes is carried out.

The first one is called Do Not Disturb. In it, you will not hear any sound notifications or vibration signals at all. The exception is messages from emergency services warning of earthquake and other hazards. However, this only applies to smartphone owners in Japan, the US and some other countries.

The second mode is the same, here it has short title"Important". The notifications you select will cause an alert to sound. All the rest will not cause any reaction in the device, with the exception of the blinking indicator light.

When you switch to the "Important alerts only" mode on your own, you will be asked to set its expiration date. It is set in hours (15, 30 and 45 minutes options are also available). Or you can select the item "Indefinitely". The pop-up window also contains a button that allows you to instantly go to the mode settings.

We hope you find the knowledge about priority notifications useful. This feature will allow you to forget about the existence of a smartphone or tablet, at least during rest or sleep. It will also be useful for students at school or university. Some people use priority mode in their workplaces as well. Forced transition to this mode is required upon arrival at the cinema or other entertainment facility of this kind!

These days, notifications have become commonplace, but for most users, this routine is not pleasant at all. Whatever you do and no matter what business you are, an endless stream of notifications can piss anyone off. Yes, you can easily turn on Do Not Disturb mode and this will solve the problem to some extent, but this solution is not ideal, because you can put your phone on the table or in your bag and forget about it, missing some important notification afterwards. There is a solution to this difficult, but urgent, problem, and we will talk about it in this material, so if you have a little time, then it’s better to spend it usefully right now by setting up your annoying notifications, and live on calmly, like a Buddhist monk.

Note: All tips for setting up notifications in this material can be done on the OS android version Oreo and up.

Blocking unnecessary categories of notifications

The so-called notification categories have been added to android oreo, and they are a powerful tool for managing app notifications. Notification categories allow you to turn off certain types of notifications (Whatsapp group messages, notifications from Google, etc.). By blocking unnecessary categories of notifications, you can be sure that when you receive a notification, it will be exactly what you need to check.

  1. Open "Settings".
  2. Select "and notifications".
  3. Click Show All Apps.
  4. Select the app whose notifications you want to customize.
  5. Click "App Notifications"

Note that there are two other ways to access these settings: press and hold the notification itself when you receive it, or lightly swipe the notification to the side and tap the gear icon. If you accidentally blocked a category of notifications and want to get it back, follow the steps above.

Customizing notification behavior

Once you've decided which notifications you really want to receive, you can change how you receive them. By default, all notifications make some kind of sound and pop up at the top of the screen. Sometimes such notifications can be distracting, and to prevent this from happening, you can go to the categories of notifications, as mentioned in the previous paragraph and go to the “Importance” item.

Here you can choose to mute the notification sound or leave only the pop-up window without sound. That way, if you're waiting for a notification, you'll know when you get it, but it won't distract you with an annoying sound or a half-screen window.

Changing notification sounds

If you are used to and cannot live without sound notifications, there is an easy way to optimize the way you receive them. By setting a specific sound for important categories of notifications, you can instantly understand when something needs your attention, and when an incoming notification can be safely ignored without consequences.

This time we will again need to go to the category of notifications, as described in the first paragraph and click on the “Sound” item. Now select any ringtone that you have saved in advance or create your own by clicking on the plus icon at the end of the list with ringtones. Over time, you'll learn to identify notification types just by the sound, and if you like the concept, you can apply the same settings to incoming calls in the Contacts app.

Learning how to postpone important notifications for later

The most important notifications for this and important that they must be received and immediately done for the sake of which this notification was initiated. But even for important notifications, sometimes the wrong time or, for example, the mood comes. In this case, the notification can be postponed for a certain period and, having received it again, finally respond (or postpone again).

To snooze a notification, swipe it to the side, tap the clock icon, and choose the time you want to snooze the notification. Thus, the notification can serve as a reminder to you.

If you have one of the Pixel devices and you have installed the Android Q beta on it, then you have the opportunity to try new feature- a bell icon appears on new notifications so that you can distinguish fresh notifications from those that have been languishing in the status bar for ages.

Are you already familiar with these tips? Do you use notifications or do you always have "Silent mode" on your phone?

Share your opinion in the comments under this article and in our

The importance of notifications cannot be overestimated. After all, if notifications stop coming on your smartphone or tablet, you can miss an important message from a friend or forget to come to a scheduled meeting.

Today, people rely a lot on their devices, in particular on timely notifications. Therefore, if something happens to this function and it stops working properly, it causes serious inconvenience to the owner of the device. However, unfortunately, sometimes this happens and then the question arises: what to do if notifications from applications do not come?

Not receiving notifications from apps. How to fix?

It is worth noting that sometimes notifications may not work due to an error in the development of the application. And not infrequently, such an error is associated with a certain version of the Android OS. But before complaining about a bug to the app developer, you should make sure that there is nothing on your device that can block them from appearing.

Of course, for notifications to come, you need to have it activated in the application itself. given function. Then you can step by step check the settings of your device according to the items listed below (the name of the items may differ depending on the brand of the device and the version of the operating system).

In the video below, you can see the methods described in the article to fix this problem, as well as some others.

1) Setting the correct time and time zone.

Incorrectly set time may adversely affect the operation of notifications. If you notice that the time on your device differs from the real one, this may be the cause of your inconvenience. To set the time you need:

1) go to "Settings" to section ;

2) disable function "Autodetect time"(it can also be called "Network Time Zone");

3) install correct date And time and choose your Timezone;

4) After setting the time restart your device.

2) Enabling the "Show content" function and setting the display of notifications on the screen.

Check if the "Show content" feature is enabled on your device. For this:

1) go to "Settings" and go to section "Lock screen and protection";

2) in paragraph "On-Screen Notifications" find section "Content. lock screen" and choose "Show content";

3) further in the main settings menu, go to the section "Notifications" and check to see if notifications are enabled for the app you're having problems with. If notifications are turned off activate corresponding switch.

4) In the same paragraph in advanced settings you can set notification priority "Mark as important"(this item may be called differently). This step can also help with this problem.

3) Disable "Background Data Restrictions".

When you turn on Background Data Restrictions, some apps and services won't work when your device isn't connected to Wi-Fi. Even if the device is connected to mobile internet notifications, such as Viber messengers or WhatsApp will not come until Wi-Fi is turned on. To disable this feature:

1) go to "Settings" and go to section "Data usage";

2) click on "Options" and if this feature is enabled select "Turn off background data restriction".

4) Turn off the power saving mode.

As a rule, by default, the power saving mode of the entire device is turned off (unless the battery is low). However, individual applications can be put into power saving mode without the user's knowledge. We advise you to turn off the power saving mode for applications from which you want to receive notifications. For this:

1) in the settings, go to the section "Battery";

2) in paragraph Application Power Consumption press the button "detail";

3) if the application you need is in the item, click on it and select "Disable".

This method often helps and notifications start coming.

5) Removing applications blocking the display of notifications.

Applications that block the display of notifications may include such well-known applications as, for example, Clean Master or DU Battery Saver and all similar applications to list all of which does not make sense.

Battery-saving apps can simply disable the apps you need, and a disabled app, accordingly, cannot display a notification on your screen. Therefore, if one of them is installed on your device, disable the blocking of notifications in the settings of these applications or delete such an application.

6) Inclusion of the application in the "white list".

On devices of some brands, in order for the application to display notifications, it must be added to the so-called "white list". To do this, in the section "Security" select the item "and include the required application in it.

In most cases, these tips should help you with the display of notifications and the question: why application notifications are not coming, should not bother you anymore. If only this problem not related to an error in the development of the application or the firmware of your device.