Is free
check in
the main  /  Problems / Maintenance of the applied solution.

Service applied solution.

Technology support Automation Server. and Automation Client. - This is one of the integration tools with other software systems.

Automation Server

Main assignment Automation Server 1C: Enterprise 8 - Management of the application of the system 1C: Enterprise 8 from other applications and performing actions similar to interactive actions.

Automation server 1C: Enterprise 8 provides access to all properties and methods of its global context, has additional properties and methods for performing actions specific to work in Automation mode.

To start the 1C system: Enterprise 8 as an automation server from an external application, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  • cOM-OBJECT with identifier V82.application;
  • initialization of the system 1C: Enterprise 8 method Connect ();
  • properties and methods of the 1C system are called: Enterprise 8 as an Automation server.


As an example, it is possible to consider an appeal to the 1C information database: enterprises 8 from the program in MS Visual Basic. This example launches and initializes the configuration 1C: Enterprise 8 with a database in the catalog c: \\ Infobases \\ Trade. Further in the program 1C: Enterprise 8 creates an object type Directory. Topics and created a new group Elements with title ***** Export from Excel ******. The newly created directory group records data from the MS Excel table.

SUB Excel_To_Trade ()

Dim Trade AS Object
DIM element AS Object

trade. Connect ("File \u003d "" C: \\ Infobases \\ Trade ""; usr \u003d "" Director ""; " ) "Connect with an information base
Set direct reviews \u003d Trade. Runs. Products
SET Groupwers \u003d Directory Supplies. Create group ()
Groups. Name \u003d "***** Export from Excel ******"
Group owners. To recruit

N \u003d 100 "number of rows in the document
FOR COUNT \u003d 1 TO N

Set Element \u003d Directory Supplies. Create element ()
Element. Name \u003d Application.cells (Count, 2 )Value
Element. Troin_zen \u003d Application.cells (Count, 3) .Value
Element. Mel_opt_zen \u003d Application.cells (Count, 4) .Value
Element.opt_zen \u003d Application.cells (count, 5) .Value
Element.Rodel \u003d Groups. Link

Element. Recruit

Context of execution

Object AUTOMATION-Server 1C: Enterprise 8 as its properties may have:

  • system constants,
  • the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the object configurator, access to which is carried out using managers (for example, constants, listing, reference books, documents, documents, reports, reports, types of characteristics, account plans, calculation plans, registers);
  • variables declared in the application module.

Automation server 1C: Enterprise 8 as its methods may have:

  • system procedures and functions;
  • procedures and functions of the application module and general modules announced with keyword Export;
  • two additional methods - Connect () and NewObject ().

Automation Client.

Like many modern software products, 1C: Enterprise 8 may act as Automation clients. Therefore, it is possible from the 1C system: Enterprise 8 Access to another copy 1C: Enterprise 8 (for example, to another configuration) for data exchange.

As an example, you can consider accessing the information base of 1C: enterprises 8 from another information base 1C: Enterprises 8. In this example, the 1C configuration is launched and initialized: enterprises 8 with a database in the directory c: \\ Infobases \\ Trade. Further in this database in the directory Products A new group is created with name. *** Export from another base 1C: Enterprises 8 ***And this group is recorded.

Question 08.13 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. To create an object using which from one database 1C: Enterprise 8 will be circled through OLE to another information database 1C: Enterprise 8, a designer is used:

  1. New Base (StringInitialization)
  2. New Ole object
  3. New Comobject
  4. Creating a similar object is made by other means
Correct Syntax Option - Third

Question 08.51 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. Editing OLE objects is carried out:
  1. Built into the platform in the editor of tabular documents
  2. Built into the platform by the editor of OLE-objects
  3. The application associated with OLE-object
The correct answer is the third, see the definition of an OLE object.
Question 08.53 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. Automation-server "1C: Enterprise 8" ...
  1. provides access to all properties and methods of its global context.
  2. provides access to additional properties and methods for performing actions specific to work in Automation mode
  3. allows you to control the application of the system "1C: Enterprise 8" from other applications, as well as perform actions similar to interactive
  4. verne all the indicated answers
The correct answer is the fourth - Automation gives almost full access to the application.
Question 08.10 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. In the procedure that will be called when connecting to the database through COM, it is impossible to use:
  1. DOCK \u003d DOCK. CreateDocution ()
  2. Form. Open ()
  3. Query \u003d new request
  4. No correct answer
The correct answer is the second.

Question 08.03 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When accessing the 1C database: Enterprise 8 via OLE, the procedure is performed - the processing of the event "PropacialSystem" is defined ...

  1. in the application module
  2. in the external connection module
  3. in general module
  4. in Ole Module
The correct answer is the first, Automation sees the application module.
Question 08.06 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When accessing the 1C database: Enterprise 8 via ComConnector procedure is performed - an event handler "PropacialSystem" defined ...
  1. in the application module
  2. in the external connection module
  3. in general module
  4. in som module
The correct answer is the second, for COM only modules are available with a sign "External connection".

System 1C: An enterprise can be run by an external application as an OLE Automation server and provides access to all attributes and methods of its global Context (See "Context of the program module"). In addition, OLE-Server 1C: The company has additional methods with which you can perform a sequence of statements or calculate the expression specified in the built-in 1C: Enterprise.

To start the 1C system: Enterprise as an OLE Automation server from an external application, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  • an OLE object is created with an identifier:
    • V1senterprise.application - version of an independent key;
    • V77.application - version dependent key;
    • V77s.application - version dependent key, SQL version;
    • V77l.application - version dependent key, local version;
    • V77m.application - version dependent key, network version.
  • the initialization of the 1C system is performed: the enterprise in the Initialize method.
  • attributes and methods of system 1C: Enterprise as OLE Automation Server

Since 1C program: The company is simultaneously an OLE Automation server and OLE Automation by a client, then it is possible from 1C: an enterprise to access another copy of 1C: Enterprise (for example, to another configuration) for data exchange. Basically, all modern software products support the OLE Automation mechanism, this applies in particular MS Office, MS FoxPro and applications written, DAO, etc., so the program 1C: the company can fully integrate with them

Not localized version external programsDriving to the 1C program: Enterprise via OLE Automation may incorrectly interpret Russian identifiers of objects of aggregate data types, for example, directories details. This remark does not apply to MS Office products and programs using Microsoft Visual Basic as a language. It is recommended to use localized software versions, or in configuration to use identifiers without Cyrillic characters. To appeal to attributes and methods of aggregate data types of system 1C: Enterprise from external applications It is recommended to use their English-speaking synonyms.

All created OLE Automation objects exist as long as there is a variable that contains value this object. Consequently, the program itself 1C: an enterprise serving as an OLE Automation object in another program will be in the memory of the computer before removing or changing the value of the variable containing it as an object

Attributes of the 1C system: Enterprise as OLE Automation Server

System 1C: Enterprise as an OLE Automation server provides full access to its global context (See "Context of the program module"). Therefore, the OLE-server object 1C: the company as its attributes may have: system constants, values \u200b\u200bspecified in the configurator constant, transfers, registers, species of calculation, groups of species calculation, as well as variables declared in a global software module with keyword export.

8.41 When determining the type of property propertiesXdto. type information includes:

1. Only type name

2. type name and name name name

3. Type name and XDTO package name

4. Type name and XDTO factory name

8.42 managerWeb. services solves the task:

1. Control bullet connections with information bases

2. Support WSDL service description, SOAP Protocol Implementation

3. Support for WEB application

4. right answers 1,2

5. Verial answers 2.3

6. Verial answers 1,2,3

8.43 Configuration object" We.The service "is used for:

2. Organization of access to Web services on a static link

3. export functionality of this information base

8.44 Configuration object" WS.Link"is used for:

1. Organization of dynamic access to Web services

2. organization of appeal K.web.-service but static link

3. Exports of the functionality of this information base

8.45 In the event that the function implements the operationWeb. Service, returns any value. That value is determined (when configuring the corresponding configuration object) as having a type:

4. XML element

5. object or valueXdto.

6. Right answers 1, 2, 3

8.46 when contactingWeb. service according to the static link Sequence of actions Next:

1. Receiving WSDL descriptions, Connection Setting (Proxy Creating), Appeal to Service Operation

2. connection Setup (Proxy Creating), Appeal to Service Operation

8.47 when contactingWeb. service for the dynamic link Sequence of actions Next:

1. obtainingwSDL descriptions, Connection Setup (Proxy Creating), Appeal to Service Operation

2. Connection setting (proxy creation), access to the service operation

3. Appeal to the service operation

8.48 In the event that the function that implements the operationWeb. Service, accepts any value as a parameter. That value is determined (when configuring the corresponding configuration object) as having a type:

4. XML element

5. object or valueXdto.

6. Verial answers 1,2,3

8.49 How can you determine in which exchange plans for a particular application object indicated the autorecistration?

1. In the object editing window, section "Data Exchange"

2. By calling the "Property Palette" window for this object.

3. By calling the "Advanced" window for this object (Bookmark "Exchange Plans")

4. True all of the above

5. Right answers 1 and 3

8.50 for applied objects In the configuration object editing window on the "Data Exchange" tab, ...

1. Objects, when the change in which one should get into exchange.

2. Objects that should get into exchange when changing this object

3. Exchange plans, when making a change in which this object will be changed.

4. exchange plans in which changes in this facility will be taken into account

8.51 EditingOle.-Pastes are carried out:

1. Built in the platform of table documents

2. Built in the platform by the editor of OLE-objects

3. Applied toOle.-Attage

8.52 External files tabular documents:

1. Have an extension XML

2. Have an extensionMXL.

3. may have any extension

4. Do not exist. All table documents are built into the configuration

8.53 Automation-server "1C: Enterprise 8" ...

1. Provides access to all properties and methods of its global context.

2. Provides access to additional properties and methods for performing actions specific to operation in Automation mode.

3. Allows you to manage the application of the system "1C: Enterprise8" from other applications, as well as perform actions similar to interactive

4. verne all the indicated answers

1. Impossible

2. Fully implemented by the programmatically

3. implemented using the configuration object "Exchange Plans"

4. Implemented by the Master of Exchange built into the platform

9. Maintenance of applied solutions

9.1 In what order is the installation of the platform and configuration?

1. You must first install the platform, then set the configuration based on the template

2. You must first set the configuration, and after the platform

3. The installation procedure does not matter

9.2 Normal Platform Installation "1C: Enterprise 8" ...

1. Presums separate installation to each user computer, further updating the platform can be done automatically from the server

2. assumes a separate installation to each user computer, further updating the platform can only be carried out on each user computer

3. It assumes the installation to the server with further copying the necessary files on user computers, further updating the platform can be done automatically from the server

4. assumes the installation of the local version per user

9.3 What needs to be done to update the technological platform when setting 1C: Enterprises?

1. In the configurator mode, specify the update file

2. Run the installation program that is part of the distribution

3. In the configurator mode, specify the delivery file

9.4 Administrative installation ...

1. Ensures the installation of the platform on each individual user computer.

2. ensures the installation of the platform by the administrator on one computer, with further copying from it executable files on user jobs local network

3. It assumes the configuration setting to the 1C server: Enterprise, with the user definition with administrator access rights

9.5 When updating the technological platform with administrative installation 1C: Enterprises ...

1. the administrator is enough to update the platform only at the place of administrative installation, the platform update on local computers will be able to produce themselves

2. The administrator must update the platform at the administrative installation site and on all the local network computers, users do not have the right to update

3. The administrator must update the platform for the local network computers, users have the same opportunity.

4. The administrator must update the platform only on the LAN computers, users do not have such an opportunity.

9.6 Is it allowed at the usual installation of 1C: enterprises in the client-server version, the work of client and server applications of different releases of the technological platform?

1. Allowed

2. Not allowed, you need to update, both server application and client applications.

3. Allowed, you must update the server application

9.7 Using a packet launch mode ...

1. Allows B. automatic mode Unload / Download, Testing and Fixing the Information Base

2. Allows you to run both program modes without interactive intervention

3. Allows you to perform syntax control and configuration check.

4. Right answer i and 2

5. correct answer 1.2 and 3

9.8 Startup parameters from command line 1C: Enterprise ...

1. Determine the information database, user, it, password, start mode, rules for performing specified operations in the external file

2. Determine the information database, user, it, password, start mode, rules for performing the specified operations specified on the command prompt

3. answers I and 2

4. Pet of the correct answer

9.9 What allows the command line to use?

Automation Server. and Automation Client. - Integration tool with other software systems.

Automation Server.

Main assignment Automation Server 1C: Enterprise 8 - Management of the application of the system 1C: Enterprise 8 from other applications and performing actions similar to interactive actions.

Automation server 1C: Enterprise 8 provides access to all properties and methods of its global context, has additional properties and methods for performing actions specific to work in Automation mode.

To start the 1C system: Enterprise 8 as an automation server from an external application, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  • cOM-OBJECT with identifier V82.application;
  • initialization of the system 1C: Enterprise 8 method Connect ();
  • properties and methods of the 1C system are called: Enterprise 8 as an Automation server.


As an example, it is possible to consider an appeal to the 1C information database: enterprises 8 from the program in MS Visual Basic. This example launches and initializes the configuration 1C: Enterprise 8 with a database in the catalog c: \\ Infobases \\ Trade. Further in the program 1C: Enterprise 8 creates an object type Directory. Topics and a new group of elements with the title is created. ***** Export from Excel ******. The newly created directory group records data from the MS Excel table.

SUB Excel_To_Trade ()

Dim Trade AS Object
DIM element AS Object

trade. Connect ("File \u003d "" C: \\ Infobases \\ Trade ""; usr \u003d "" Director ""; " ) "Connect with an information base
Set direct reviews \u003d Trade. Runs. Products
SET Groupwers \u003d Directory Supplies. Create group ()
Groups. Name \u003d "***** Export from Excel ******"
Group owners. To recruit

N \u003d 100 "number of rows in the document
FOR COUNT \u003d 1 TO N

Set Element \u003d Directory Supplies. Create element ()
Element. Name \u003d Application.cells (Count, 2 )Value
Element. Troin_zen \u003d Application.cells (Count, 3) .Value
Element. Mel_opt_zen \u003d Application.cells (Count, 4) .Value
Element.opt_zen \u003d Application.cells (count, 5) .Value
Element.Rodel \u003d Groups. Link

Element. Recruit

Context of execution

Object AUTOMATION-Server 1C: Enterprise 8 as its properties may have:

  • system constants,
  • the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the object configurator, access to which is carried out using managers (for example, constants, listing, reference books, documents, documents, reports, reports, types of characteristics, account plans, calculation plans, registers);
  • variables declared in the application module.

Automation server 1C: Enterprise 8 as its methods may have:

  • system procedures and functions;
  • procedures and functions of the application module and general modules declared with keyword Export;
  • two additional methods - Connect () and NewObject ().

Automation Client.

Like many modern software products, 1C: Enterprise 8 can act as Automation clients. Therefore, it is possible from the 1C system: Enterprise 8 Access to another copy 1C: Enterprise 8 (for example, to another configuration) for data exchange.

As an example, you can consider accessing the 1C information database: enterprises 8 from another information base 1C: enterprises 8. In this example, the 1C configuration is initialized: enterprises 8 with a database in the directory c: \\ Infobases \\ Trade. Further in this database in the directory Products A new group is created with name. *** Export from another base 1C: Enterprises 8 ***And this group is recorded.