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10 years vkontakte memories like. New design and space

Recently there was a very important anniversary date in the social media market. Now VK is 10 years old; how to view the memories carefully prepared by the social network during this period? There is a very easy answer to this question.

The company has not removed this function from its website - at any time this page can be opened again, and it will show you everything that has been done on your page since its registration. The action "VK 10 years - how it all began" is unlimited, and if you did not visit the site at the time when it was carried out, then you still should not be asked how to view statistics in "VK 10 years".

Honestly, you will not see any special figures or facts there. Most likely, you yourself remember everything that will be indicated on this page.

Something like this looks like the statistics of the page "VK 10 years"

Nevertheless, you may well be interested in the question of how to make memories in "VK 10 years". They are filled in automatically, and contain the very first actions from your page, as well as a list of your most loyal friends and a social graph (that is, a figure showing why, or through which mutual friend you are friends with someone). Now let's see how to find out the statistics of "VK 10 years".

VK 10 years - remember how it was

So, we want to look at the memories in VK 10 Years, how can we open this page that everyone is talking about? How to watch the history of "VK 10 Years"?

This page is official and verified.

But what if you are not satisfied with the statistics "VK 10 years", how to make more detailed statistics?

To do this, VKontakte has developed a section of the site "Statistics", which can be accessed by going to the section "My Page" and clicking on the "Statistics" button under the photo (it looks like three vertical columns of different heights, next to the "Edit" button).

Very detailed data is written there. This is the gender and age audience, geographic coverage, unsubscribed and subscribed, the number of people who liked any of your posts or photos for each day. If desired, statistics can be exported to Excel.

Now the question for you is not how to view the page statistics, "VK 10 years" is only a small fraction of the analytics that VKontakte company collects. This is just a small crack through which the gigantic work of thousands of programmers and designers is already visible, striving to make the site better and more human every day.

So, how to record "10 years of VK"?

Who can't be trusted

Some people try to hide this possibility, confuse the user, slip him a fake page. In this case, people begin to write in support and ask how to pass the test "VK 10 years", or how to get memories of "VK 10 years" for money. We can state with full responsibility that people who speculate on this simple game and try to make money on it are scammers.

If you ever have a question, how to find the memories of "VK 10 years", our advice to you - share the post on your wall, and you can view your such page at any time.

How to add memories to VK 10 years old?

Of course, the page appears to be static. But it aggregates many metrics. The more active your social life was on VKontakte, the more beautiful this page looks, the more vividly the social graph shimmers, and the more large numbers written below.

In order for the social graph to be even larger, and the page to be even more beautiful, we recommend that you download Brobot - this program will help you maintain your page in your absence, will communicate with users for you, while you can teach her everything that is usually about speak. Download and try Brobot for free, without restrictions and you can SMS on our website, right on the main page.

Brobot is universal program for VK, which will not only help you keep old friends, but also acquire new ones, give everyone worthy attention, and at the same time not be distracted from their daily affairs.

Note! The service is available for PC and mobile application users.

How VK has changed over the past 10 years

Initially, the site was created for students of Russian universities. It was closed for a month. Users were asked to register for special invitations, where they were required to indicate their full name. But later the network became open and accessible to everyone.

In 2007, VK was recognized as a popular Internet project, becoming a serious competitor for Odnoklassniki.

In 2008, fakes began to appear, they looked like custom pages or celebrity accounts, which created a number of problems for site managers.

On 02/28/2008 there was an option to create a Ukrainian account.

The summer of 2009 was remembered for a major scandal, when the public was given access to 100 thousand logins and passwords collected by a virus program. It is not known who harmed the users.

5.09.2009 Domain name changed to The project managers were forced to take this measure to quickly promote the site abroad.

In 2010, the social network was launched in microblogging mode. Then Pavel Durov withstood the routine of dissatisfaction and demands to return everything to its place. By November 2010, another scandal awaited VK when the RIAA, an association representing the interests of the US record industry, filed a lawsuit against VK for illegal distribution of music.

On June 14, 2013, a mass liquidation of music took place on the basis of an anti-piracy bill adopted by the State Duma. It allowed blocking sites where compositions were published without the permission of the copyright holders. Then users, in order to save their favorite songs, changed their consonant names. So, LanaDelRey became a Bathroom without doors, the ThirtySecondsToMars group was named “30 Seconds to Mars”.

In the fall of 2014, Mail.Ru bought out the project, becoming its sole shareholder.

According to statistics, in 2014 the attendance social network was 60 million people daily, in 2015 this number increased by 10 million people.

08/17/2016 the design was updated. Users were outraged by what was happening, noting that the resource outwardly reminds them of Facebook.

At the first stage of our journey, we had no idea what the VC would be like in 10 years. Therefore, now we are very interested in what awaits him in the future, - said the operational director of the project A. Rogozov.

User reviews

Anna Robonyuk, 32 years old, Vladivostok

My friends' feed began to display "Memories" entries, where you can get acquainted with the first photos, graffiti, friends and a playlist. The service displays the age of registration, moreover, both in years and months, days. There is also a calculation of the total number of marks "I like" for the entire existence of the account, and sent SMS. I was seriously interested in the question and found a button with this function in the friends list. Later it turned out that many users on the network share links to the service. Highly convenient function, I would call it touching. True, instead of the first playlist, the last one was displayed.

Inna Pavlova, 23 years old, Kaliningrad

Elena Gradova, 41 years old, Orenburg

VK for 10 years. A very significant date, my congratulations to the team and its users! I am grateful for the service offered by the site for us, guarded the service and newcomers to the resource. It is always interesting to see the first avatars, the first friends (for me, for example, they now number in the hundreds), hear the music that warmed the soul 10 years ago, etc. The only drawback is that I found this function with my friends. Scrolling through the news feed, I saw their interesting publications in the form of statistics for the entire time of registration in the social network. It would be nice to know about this service from the site admins through notifications.


a. The site with the address, registered on October 1, 2006, received its first functions on October 10, 2006.

Durov recruited potential users of VKontakte at the SPbU forum, of which he was the administrator. At the initial stage, students could register in the future global social network only by invitation under their real names and surnames. But at the end of November 2006, free registration was opened.

For the birthday of the social network, Durov wrote on your page about the main lessons learned while working on the project: VKontakte grew out of the success of the SPbU forum, the SPbU forum - from the success of the site for philologists. Each next step should be based on the foundation of the existing successful experience. " According to the founder of VKontakte, in 2006 he created the first version of the social network in a month, and this taught him to work “either quickly and efficiently, or long and badly”.

Pavel Durov

Pavel Durov /

The starting functionality of the project was to create a profile with information about yourself, replenish your friends list, exchange messages, organize groups and meetings, and upload photos.

At the beginning of 2007, the limited liability company VKontakte was founded. The founders of the company were (60%), his father is an entrepreneur (10%), Pavel Durov (20%) and (10%). According to Leviev, it was he who told the future creator of the project about the Western social network Facebook, the concept of which formed the basis of the Russian analogue. The technical director of the portal until 2013 was Durov's brother, Nikolai.

Durov, return the wall

The audience of VKontakte began to grow actively in the first years of its existence, starting to compete with another popular Russian social network - Odnoklassniki. In 2008, the network, according to, became the most popular Internet resource in Russia and overtook its "ginger" competitor, and at the end of 2010 the number of users approached the 100 million mark.

The VKontakte administration in the same 2010 introduced new system"Statuses 2.0", which was a microblogging that replaced the usual wall for users of those years.

Such an action led to criticism of the company from users and gave rise to the meme "Durov, return the wall!"

The period from 2011 to 2012 became important for the development of the project. Then "VKontakte" acquired its own mobile application, turned on hashtag support, moved to the domain, and increased its share in VKontakte to 39.99%.

Since 2012, the adopted laws aimed at regulating the Internet space began to influence the social network. "VKontakte" was mistakenly blocked, and because of the first version of the anti-piracy law, the site administration carried out a "cleaning" of the content. Subsequently, the activities of the social network have repeatedly raised questions from the side of fighters for legal content.

Solely Mail.Ru Group

In early 2014, Durov sold his stake in the company to the CEO, who then resold it to Mail.Ru Group.

On April 1, Durov announced on his page about his resignation. general director, explaining this by the reduction of the available freedom of action. But on April 3, the entrepreneur wrote that he had withdrawn his application. Later it turned out that this was not an "April Fool's joke": on April 21, the owners of VKontakte granted Durov's dismissal request.

At the same time, another VKontakte shareholder with a stake of 48% - the United Capital Partners (UCP) fund - initiated an audit of the company's economic activities in previous years, and then sold its shares to the same Mail.Ru Group, making it the sole owner of the social network.

“Today, VKontakte is coming under full control and. Probably, in Russian conditions, something like that was inevitable, but I am glad that we held out for seven and a half years ",

- wrote Durov on his page. Later he decided to leave Russia.

“During the management of VKontakte there was a lot: DDoS attacks, criminal cases, stock wars, melting servers, media wars, lawsuits, intrigues. Emotions are unproductive - do what needs to be done, ”Durov recalls now.

New design and space

Over the past couple of years, VKontakte has continued to improve its technological capabilities, increasingly moving away from simple communication towards new tools for users.

The company introduced Snapster, a photo app that resembles Instagram in July 2015. Also, VKontakte began testing live video broadcasts based on Pladform with the participation of celebrities.

“We got rid of unnecessary details and made the site easier to understand,” the developers said.

For two years now, VKontakte has been organizing a summer festival on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, within the framework of which the company gathers its users, administrators of million-plus communities, famous bloggers and popular artists. So, from a site focused on student communication, VKontakte has become an independent platform with its own ideology, but for a wide audience.