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Check for search engine sanctions. Yandex filters

How to check the domain for employment, filters search engines And other troubles? How do legal aspects need to be considered when choosing and verified domain?

What stages are the domain check?

    1. You need to check the domain for employment.
    2. Check for search engine filters.
    3. Checking the domain history by WHOIS
    4. Checking a reference domain profile
    5. Check on "glue" if parameters are important
    6. Legal verification for trademarks and commercial designations

1. Check the domain name for employment

The procedure for checking a domain to employment is to find out if the selected domain has an administrator.

The domain name administrator is a person who carries out the management of the domain, that is:

  • has a contract with the registrar (not necessarily paper);
  • manages the domain (assigns NS records, prolongs, makes forwarding and so on).

Buying domain name, you will also not become his owner, but his administrator.

Database data administrators are stored in special recorder bases. Registrars are very much, but to systematize information about domains, a special protocol was created to access all bases - WHOIS.

Where to check whether the domain is free?

You can check the domain for employment through any domain name registrar.

The most popular domain name recorders in Russia are and

Each registrar has a search field to verify whether the domain is free.

They are not the best, but including their services I use. Each registrar is good for its purpose. Some are distinguished by reliability, others - the value of domain names, third - convenient ways payment.

BUT! There is one nuance here. It happens that the selected domain name when checking through one recorder is indicated as "occupied", while through another registrar it is free, but has the status of Premium.

If the domain is busy - is it an end?

No, this is not the end.

Firstly, a lot of beautiful domains is intercepted by cybercotters or simply "reseller" - for subsequent resale. Usually when you go through such domains instead of the site, you will see a "plug" with a proposal to buy a domain.

Secondly, Nothing prevents you from contacting the domain name administrator through WHOIS-contacts and offer the sale of a domain. Many agree to do it.

Thirdly, domain zones Now there are so many - apart from RU there are international zones and many "thematic" zones (.shop, .cafe, .marketing). Pay attention to them.

2. Checking the domain name to search engine filters

This is the most difficult part of the verification for which there are no universal tools. Search engines fighting with unscrupulous site owners, various filters are introduced (for example, AGS from Yandex or Panda at Google).

One of the options for checking is to register a domain on your own fear and risk (the benefit that the domains are relatively inexpensive), to place one page instead of a full-fledged site and add a website on Google Webmaster Tools and Yandex Webmaster. In both services there is a section with a list of some filters of these search engines.

But no notifications come about the imposition of most filters. You can only find out about indirect features.

Before developing the site on the domain, I would recommend paying attention to the following details:

  • is this domain registered by anyone earlier (how to do it - see step 3);
  • whether the site was on the domain;
  • how successful was this site in terms of traffic from search engines;
  • as far as "human" was on the site;
  • how natural is the reference profile (incoming links to the site);
  • as far as the content and reference profile of the previous site corresponds to your subject.

In all this, it is difficult to deal with a novice. Better contact a professional before investing in the site on its promotion - otherwise everything can "fly into the pipe".

An abandoned domain with a previously successful site is suspicious. In this case, it is very high that the site got under search engine filters.

3. Check domain history

For domains in the RU zone, SU, the Russian Federation has special services where you can check the domain for the one who owned them earlier. Here you can check the age of the domain - when it was registered for the first time and when he registered the last owner.

What is worth paying attention to?
how many times the owner of the domain changed;
Whether there were intervals when the domain was free.

However, for other zones with viewing the history of the domain - the situation is slightly harder.

Also in search of Yandex or Google can remain part of the pages that have not yet managed to fall out of the index.

4. Checking a reference domain profile

The meaning of this procedure is to find and analyze as much incoming references to the domain.

Firstly, their presence is likely to indicate that earlier the domain name is registered by someone.

Useful services for reference analysis:

What should be paid attention to:

  • how many links are on your domain;
  • with how many sites are references;
  • how many unique IP addresses go links;
  • the ratio of the anchor / non-puncture references;
  • reference ratio from profiles / catalogs / articles;
  • staging donors and others.

5. Checking the domain on gluing

Such an inspection is useful if you register a domain with a nonzero indicator of TIC (usually they are much more expensive).

And very often, such TICs in domains are not real, and "tweaked". In the future, such TIC "falls off".

Here I will not stop in detail on the very essence of the "glue", but I'll just give one of the services for checking:

6. Legal Domain Check

Such an inspection is obligatory (!) If you are going to develop a serious project, which are planning to receive money. Otherwise, you may have problems - you may be made to pay compensation to 5 million through the court and take the domain. I do not even say that you may not be able to register your trademark that corresponds to the domain.

Minimum check:
- through the service for the presence of registered branded items similar to the degree of mixing with your domain (for legal entities);
- through the service to search for trademarks similar to the degree of mixing;
- through the search in Yandex and Google for the presence of companies using commercial designations similar to the degree of mixing with the name of the domain.

Name generator with domain name check

If you still have not chosen the domain name, you can use our names generator, with which you can immediately check the domain for employment in different zones.

Also checking a domain for your business you can order from us. Just leave the application in any convenient way.

Website or not, I prepared this article that is dedicated to Google filters.

The Bourgeois search engine is more arrogant, it is well developed, has powerful algorithms that determine the quality of sites with high accuracy and decide whether to send a resource for the filter. Filters here are very much, much more than in Yandex, but we will not consider everything - only the most common.

The problem of working with Google is to write here in those. Support does not make sense, because Google is an automated system, self-introducing and output from under the filter, and see each individual case manually can hardly be. That is why try not to fall into the Google filter - you can never get out of there.

Filter "Sandbox"

A very famous filter, the existence of which ruled representatives deny. The filter is superimposed on almost all young sites (sites at small age) and with time automatically removed if the site develops. The reasons for entering it: the small age of the domain and the site itself, the small age of the content, rare content renewability, low trust of the site. In principle, it is not necessary to be afraid of this filter, you need to try to get out of it as quickly as possible.

This filter is determined very simple: check the positions of your site. If at the request of the site position in the extradition is very bad, and the software and the site is not present at all in the top 100, the likelihood is high, that the site is filter (but under the conditions that the site has causes to get into the sandbox).

To quickly leave from there, try: buy a couple of links from trust sites, and after some time the search engagement confidence in your brainchild. Also try to add as much new material as possible to the site, work on improving attendance with social networks and other sites. The faster the characteristics of the site grow, the sooner google will bring it from under the sandbox.

Filter "Supplemental Results"

In a different way, this filter is also called "snot" (occurred from Supple). This filter can be false not on the whole site as a whole, but on its separate pages.

Google has two indexes: the main and optional (Supplemental Results). The main is available in extradition, and the auxiliary in the extradition is not shown (it can be shown only if the user is desired). Of course, if the pages fell into an additional index, then the traffic with Google will fall sharply.

The reasons for contacting pages under the "snot" are as follows:

  • template design;
  • non-unique text;
  • duplicate content.

Most often, the unimportant site pages (columns, labels, search, etc.) fall under the filter, so it's not necessary to fear it.

Determine how many pages in, you can:

  1. Enter in Google request "Site: http: // website/ & ", Replacing a domain in it to your own, and see how many pages there are. These pages are mostly index.
  2. Open the site map and look at how much the site permitted to indexing the site. You can define the total number of pages by any other known method.
  3. Delete from the total number of pages those that are mainly index, and you will receive the number of documents in the additional index.

For example, the blog site is only permitted to indexing about 450 pages, and in the index 388. It means under the filter 62 pages.

Florida filter

Here are sites, the owners of which are engaged in black and excessive optimization of their resources. In other words, Florida filter is a punishment for overcoming the website where you can attribute:

  • excessive use of search queries in meta tags;
  • high, big percentage of key entry;
  • excessive optimization of pictures.

Check if your site fell under this filter, it is very difficult. Try to compare the facts:

  • whether excessive optimization was used, overpowering;
  • the traffic with Google fell sharply;
  • the site remained in the index, but the positions fell out of the top 100.

Obviously, to correct the situation, you will have to delete all fragments of overpowering. After some time, the position of the site will be restored, but most likely they will be worse than in the initial case.

Filter "Minus 30"

The name was due to the fact that when the site hit this filter, its positions fall at 20-40 points. As a rule, the reasons for entering it becomes the use of malicious optimization methods associated with the redirection of visitors from one site to the other: it is Cloacing and Dorvelig.

Obviously, the site is under the filter "-30", if:

  • redireche (Cloacing, Dorveling) were used;
  • site positions fell on average by 30 points.

It is almost impossible to get out of the "-30". Moreover, in the future, the site can be banned at all.

Filter for buying links

You can get under it in cases where you buy too much links in a short time. Those. In principle, buy links can be, but in reasonable quantity. If the increase external references It will be too big, then you will bloom on the Google filter.

The determination of the filter falls down to the following:

  • recently, a large number of references were purchased;
  • site positions flew over the top 100.

If you got under the filter, do nothing! Do not try to dramatically remove all purchased links - this is only a confirmation for Google that you have abused buying links. It is best to wait in such a situation - after a few months the site's position will be restored.

I also advise you to see interesting video For the analysis of competitors on the SEOPROFY.NET blog, it is necessary to monitor not only your site, but also analyze the methods of promoting competitors.

Be sure to even read my fresh survey of 12 famous SEO specialists.

One very interesting service prompted me the other day - he checks the "new" text filter Yandex, which, according to the famous SEO specialist, has long been superimposed on separate pages. Dmitry suggests that this type of sanction appeared in the summer of 2014 and is superimposed on sites moving in Yandex both in Moscow and in other regions.

Often, analyzing sites, I still see a terrible renabase with keywords, a lot of discrepancies with fat, repaired Title, the crowded use of keywords (3-5 pieces in one paragraph), etc. Moreover, what is interesting, some projects (more and less often) are pretty high in the top. But here there are often pretty strong hosts or reference factors that are still holding such pages. And it will not for a long time, given the new and new filters from search engines. And many poverty pages flew into many positions, starting from last summer.

Now really comes and included in the flourishing of the ERA filters of search engines. It would still seem to be so long ago there were only 3-4, and now almost dozens. For links, advertising, behavioral, texts, site quality and much more. Manual, automated. Postilters, prefilters. Simultaneously in Google and Yandex or each of its own. You can remove or better not to try. Removal takes from several aps to six months and more. Very varied.

For example, it seemed to have recently explained that my top base is created for high-quality semi-automatic accommodation - slow, gradual, diverse, in different types of sites and therefore safe. Because for a sharp and trashing increase in reference mass imposed sanctions. And not everyone believed that everything is true. Now it is, in principle, everyone is known. As well as the presence of other numerous types of filters and a ban.

It is time to start as much as possible in them. First of all for prophylaxis. Previously, I could boast that none of my projects was neither under one type of sanctions. Then I had an "affiliate" and now, apparently, there is something and "new" text Yandex. But but not there were no more serious type of penguin or for a reference explosion.

You will help you learn more about search engine filters Blog "Optimizers" Elena Kamsk (about it and its projects in a separate post) and Dmitry Sevnev's materials.

In particular, these two articles:

Test it, it works very quickly and simply, without registration and payment. Drive the Domain URL in format and the request for which the project has requested or cannot climb enough in Yandex.

About the service itself in a short description on this page everything is written. I contacted the author and clarified a few more points.

Actually, everything comes down to:

using the extended Yandex search and its operators, create a request in the desired format and compare the position of your project and sites on the desired key request for 1-15 positions above. If there is a distinction in the ranking of documents in general issuance and artificially created by us (narrowed up to several sites) - then, it means that the influence of the "new" text filter of Yandex takes place.

At the same time, it is worth checking requests that are in Yandex for the 20th position and further. And those that are definitely not under other filters.

And, of course, it is worth understanding the difference between completely non-optimized and not advanced to a specific request to the pages and pages, with which, in your opinion, everything is good in terms of texts and optimization for this request, but there was a drawdown for positions in Yandex or cannot Climb above the top 15-20.

We look at that filter that ADV. Second option - OLD ( old version calculation) is left by the author just like that.

"The essence of the methodology, briefly: if your project is at the request of the type" Request (Site: | Site: Konkurent.RU) "is above the competitor's website, despite the fact that it is below the usual query below (or at all behind the top100), then Probably on your site (or rather, a filter is superimposed on your website. If you remove the filter, then your project and on the usual query will be higher than the competitor site.

"Probable position"- This is the position of the site if it was not imposed this filter. The accuracy of this parameter is sufficiently conditional., and for the differences + -1 attention to pay at all. But, as Buddhists say, it is better than nothing.

Regarding accuracy. There are no statistical data. My personal checks show that the presence of the filter shows reliably. "Probable position" - in question.

If the real position of the site differs from "probable" by 1-2, then there is no filter. If the project in the top 10 - no filter.

It makes sense to check the filter according to the requests that are 20 times and below.

I do not plan to do it paid. I'm lazy)"

I hung up on several of my projects - everything looks quite reliably. A couple of siephernik's friends were hung - too. Check, write about the results or your thoughts.

How to recover from the "new" text filter Yandex? Recommendations Dmitry Sevneva:

My article can also help you - there are several useful services to determine the naturalness, nausea, page relevance.

There, in the above articles there were other useful references on the sanctions of search engines from Dmitry Sevalnev, I will bring them again. I have already written on the "independently" section on Pixelplus earlier in the mailing list and I will write in this blog.

Write how this service is Yevgeny Kulakov.

All my projects, except for this SEO-blog:

Top base - High-quality base for semi-automatic registration with AllSubmitter or for fully manual placement - for independent free promotion of any site, attract target visitors to the site, raising sales, natural dilution of reference profile. Base collect and update 10 years. There are all types of sites, all themes and regions.

SEO-Topshop. - SEO-software with discounts, on favorable conditions, SEO services, services, databases, manuals. Including XRumer for the most favorable conditions and with free learning, Zennoposter, Zebroid and different others.

My free integrated courses on SEO - 20 detailed lessons in pDF format.
- Site catalogs, articles, press release sites, bulletin boards, firms catalogs, forums, social networks, blogging systems, etc.

"Approaching .." - My blog on self-development, psychology, relationship, personal effectiveness

Sites located in RuNet are more influenced by two search engines: Yandex (about 73% of the entire market share) and Google (about 21%). It is the filters of these projects forcing many SEO-optimizers and Web-masters to spend water budgets and use exclusively white ways to promote.

Checking Yandex filters

The most common option is the AGS filter. This filter is distributed mainly on poor-quality resources that use not very white promotion methods. As a rule, such projects do not carry any practical benefit for visitors and are used only to make profits.

Yandex considers it appropriate to exclude such projects from the index, so that the issuance is better and relevant. The filter is easily determined using the number of indexed pages. If it suddenly decreased to 1-5, then this filter was probably imposed on the site. The same can be said if the pages of the new site are completely not included in the index.

The second most popular is the ban. In this case, absolutely all pages fall out of the index. You can check the availability of this filter using the Web Wizard panel. If the resource can not be added, it is banned.

A new filter has also appeared, which lowers the position of the site, winding behavioral factors. To check, you need to stop making a cheap (if it is) or analyze user actions. If the quantity of failures declined sharply, and each visitor browsing several pages, then you are probably trying to substitute PS in the eyes.

In addition, you can use another way. Enter the keyword and look at what position is the site. Then add to the request "left text." For example, "Website -loid". The issuance is displayed without taking into account behavioral factors. If in the second case, the position will be noticeably better, the filter is imposed.

The "drop of position" filter is superimposed on the resources, which, according to Yandex, screw the reference. To check it, it is enough to copy some piece of unique text and insert it into search string. If the page is not in the first three positions, the filter is likely to be.

The latter is a filter of affiliate. It is introduced when the search engine suspects that resources belong to the same person. To check, it is enough to enter a keyword from the semantic kernel of both resources. If both are present in the extradition, it means there is no filter.

Check Filters Google

The most popular Filter from Google is a sandbox. Young projects do not go to the first positions in search engines due to the index period. This period can last from several months to the pair of days.

It all depends on the speed of development and promotion of the project. You can check the presence of the filter using positions. If the website in low-frequency requests is in the first place, and in Google somewhere by 30-40, then it is under the filter.

Also, domestic sites often fall under the Supplemental Results or snot filter. In this case, the site's pages will not fall into the usual issuance, but in an additional one. Accordingly, it is impossible to achieve at least some results in promotion.

Under this filter, sites with a template design and unreleased text are most often falling. To check, simply enter into the search string "Site: Http: //" and compare the number of pages found with their total number on the site.

Florida filter is superimposed on otopimized resources. For example, if on pages a large number of keys and "nausea". The main sign of this filter is a sharp decline in positions. Otherwise, unfortunately, it is impossible to check in any way.

For the same reason, a more malicious filter can be superimposed - "minus thirty". He named after the fact that all positions of the site fall at 20-40 points. According to Google's statements, it is impossible to get out of this filter. In addition, after a while, the site can be banned at all.

Hello, constant and random blog visitors!

The current topic of the article is devoted to a serious matter - consideration of search engine filters, their symptoms, reasons for overlapping and how to avoid filters.

Immediately, I note that the filters of two search engines - Yandex and Google, because will be considered. Traffic with the rest is negligible. Each search engine has its own filters with their algorithms, but in general they are very similar. We will consider Yandex filters separately from Google filters.

This article is devoted to Yandex filters. Yandex is inferior to Google by the number of filters - it is good for webmasters. The second plus for site owners is that they have a chance to write in those. Support for the search engine and ask if their site is under the filter, which can be obtained at least some answer.

Filter AGS

Perhaps the most famous and common filter, designed and with time improved by Yandex.

AGS deciphered as Anti shit Site . Such a jargon and sharp name - the merit of the Internet community of webmasters, which began to share sites on the SDL (sites for humans) and GS (shit sites). This Abbreviation "GS" so deeply entered the Internet that even Yandex workers decided to use this term for the filter name.

As you can guess, GS - low-quality sites, designed not for people, but only to make money (as a rule, on selling links). It is obvious that such resources are not beneficial and only litto the Internet, therefore it is advisable to exclude them from the index that Yandex does.

Determine this filter is easier than others: if you notice that the pages of your site have dropped sharply from the Russian-speaking search engine index, only the main (or 2-3 pages) remained, then this is the first symptom of the AGS filter.

You can check your guess so:

  1. Go to the Yandex.Vebmaster panel or read the article about where you need to enter the address of the domain of your site (site). After that you will see the number of pages located in the index. If there are very few (one, two, three), then your site has suffered for low quality.
  2. Try adding any page of your site in Yandex Adduunch. If you do not be able to do this (the site is prohibited by indexing), then this resource under the filter AGS. Last article, just about.

By eliminating the causes of the site from entering the AGS, you can count on the exit from under the filter.

Falling site positions

This filter leads to the fact that the positions of your site suddenly fall sharply. But at the same time the site is normally indexed, and the pages remain in the issuance of Yandex.

Causes of traffic drops - low quality content (for example, copy-paste), strongly outdated and not corresponding to the reality of content, a large number of errors in the text, etc.

There is a way that allows you to intend to determine if your site is under this filter or not. To do this copy unique piece of text (which is definitely not on other sites) from the page that fell under the filter, and insert it into the search for Yandex. Look, at what position is your site - the lower the resource, the higher the probability that the site is under the filter.

Falling positions due to the cheating of PF

The cheating of behavioral factors can also lead to the site entry under the filter. The result can be a drop in positions on many requests to several pages further. The first filter symptom is a sharp drop in traffic from a Russian-speaking search engine.

Fortunately, there is a tricky way to determine this filter: select any key request included in the semantic kernel of your site, and enter it in the search engine, check the site positions. After that, enter the same request, but add to it via the "-DSFSDFSDF" gap, where (DSFSDFSDF is any meaningless combination of letters). This "hack" allows you to see the position of the site without the influence of behavioral factors. If in the second case the position of the site was higher, it means that your site got under this filter - stop the artificial cheating of the PF.

Filter affiliate

Affiliate is called a branch (separation) of some company. In our case, it is necessary to understand the affiliate - "branch" of some site, i.e. Its other, but very similar version. Usually, the websites of companies and organizations providing services or selling something are resorted to this. This is done in order to capture all the search results and displace competitors. Of course, Yandex, who wants to diversify the issuance, against it.

Also, under the filter of affiliation, you can get, having a similar semantic core, similar content (pictures, articles, keywords and descriptions, headlines, structure) or site design.

Check availability of this filter is quite time-consuming: Enter the search query that is in semantic kernel And the first and second site, and check output. If both sites are in it, the filter is not imposed if somehow it is, then it was under the filter.

These four filters are the main Yandex filters. They, fortunately, can be determined by "symptoms", after which it is possible to eliminate the causes of entering Yandex. But, of course, it is better not to bring the case to sanctions from the search engine, but to unwind the site "legitimate" ways.