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Control Panel. Administrative Panel Control Panel

1C Bitrix: Site Management - Specialized Professional Platform with Extensive functionality To create, support and subsequent maintenance of Internet projects.

1C Bitrix is \u200b\u200bsuitable for implementation:

  • Stores;
  • Information portals;
  • Community sites;
  • Social networks;
  • Corporate portals;
  • Other thematic resources.

In stock Eight different editions, among them, for example: standard, start, business, from which you can pick up optimal, focusing on the requirements specific task. Each version includes its own set of modules for efficient operation.

Among the basic functions of 1C Bitrix to manage sites:

  • Automation of everyday technical processes;
  • The highest level of protection against hacking and overall safety;
  • Adaptive and affordable "Hermitage" interface;
  • Ready functionality for managing all structural elements;
  • High performance, automatic diagnostics and optimization of resource allocation;
  • Using cloud services To save backups;
  • Integration with 1C for shopping sites;
  • Mobile administration.

The main features of the platform

To work with content will be useful:

  • Information blocks to publish heterogeneous materials;
  • Several types of search;
  • Collective Wiki-Knowledge Base;
  • Calendar of events and events;
  • Photo gallery and media player;
  • Document management;
  • Management of marketing campaigns;
  • SEO module for promotion;
  • Development of structured lists.

For communication uses:

  • Messenger;
  • Forums and social network;
  • Blogs;
  • Subscriptions and mailing;
  • Post office;
  • Organization and automation of workflows;
  • Polls and surveying;
  • Web forms;
  • Technical support.

Shopping will come in handy:

  • Sales channel management;
  • Trading directory with flexible update settings;
  • Reporting;
  • Integration with CRM;
  • Currency Operations Management.

In addition, there are other services that should be selected, guided by expediency and relevance for a specific project.

Administrative panel

Site management is carried out through the main administrative section. Each site is presented as a separate entry.

An important feature of the system - support for multi-waynessDue to which one copy of the product allows you to work immediately with several resources, according to the license conditions. All portals have their own domain, design, interface and content.

Setting the multi-speedness is carried out in two schemes:

  1. On one domain when each site is posted in a separate section of the common catalog;
  2. On different domains, from individual web servers.

To add the corresponding button to the Bitrix system, the corresponding button is used. Parameters are indicated through the context panel. Changes are also made through the item item.

When creating a site, you must fill out fields with information about the project. After saving the data, the form closes automatically, and the administrator will be able to evaluate the result.

To achieve the maximum result in the development and management of the site before use 1-bit Bitrix, it is better to study with video lessons.

Administrative panel functions

The administrative panel allows you to work with many blocks. First of all, it pdistribution and editing content:

  • Creating new pages and managing their properties;
  • Static blocks and materials template;
  • Advanced menu settings;
  • Distribution of access rights;

The visual editor is connected through the settings of the structure control. Its use can be configured separately for different modules or leave a general resolution.

The user management system is based on the principle of separation of access rights between different categories. Each visitor relates to certain groups on the basis of which rights and opportunities are distributed.

Among the advantages of this approach:

  • Assigning multiple administrators for the site or individual sections;
  • Creating an address mailing list;
  • Providing third-party users to independently perform certain operations.

System 1C Bitrix allows you to configure the interface of the administrative panel.

Multilinguality ensures unhindered creation of projects in different languages.

The deletion of the site is another possibility, access to which is open only through the administrative panel. To do this, select a project in the List of Sites through the product settings. All related entities and elements are previously deleted.


1C Bitrix is \u200b\u200ba universal solution for creating and subsequent support from Internet projects of any complexity, for example for small and medium businesses, as well as destinations.

On the this moment You can buy a licensed version 1 with Bitrix. - even more educational rollers on administration and development sites will answer your questions on our website for free! Now consider the administrative control panel, which contains general teamsused when managing the site. Although we considered some teams in previous lessons, but still will not be superfluous and supplemented something. So, the "View" mode is used to view pages. In this mode, you can perform basic operations for managing the content of the site. If held sHIFT keyThe public section will open in a new browser window. Editing mode is used to change the content of pages. Development mode is intended for use by site developers, because Provides opportunities to change the appearance of the site. Control panel: opens the administrative section of the site and serves for full control System settings, individual modules and content content. Favorites: adds the current page to the Favorite list. The page is added with all the current filter settings. The settings menu opens the form of an active module settings. For example, if the Structure Management section is open, this button opens the module settings form the structure control. To open the section of the reference system on the current form in a separate window, it is enough to select the "Help" command by clicking on, such, the button you can update the system, and this switch allows you to switch to another installed in the administrative language language system. This icon located in the upper right corner of the page contains a link to the current page. You can copy the link to the clipboard by clicking on the icon with the right mouse button and selecting the Copy Label command. Link to the page may need you, for example, when contacting the service technical support Company 1C-Bitrix. And with the help of the button located at the right end of the panel, you can consolidate the administrative control panel. The "Exit" button, as it is not difficult to guess, completes an authorized session in the administrative section.

1C-Bitrix. WebSite Management and Administration

Want to learn how to administer sites on 1C-Bitrix? Aimed to translate the site on this CMS? Our course will help you in solving standing tasks.

The Runet Rating Resource put "1C-Bitrix" on the first among the boarding systems of the site management. Its advantages are obvious: comfortable and intuitive, flexible and customized, there is a ready-made solutions store, the "Search Engine Optimization" module helps promote the site in search enginesThe ability to integrate with "1C: Enterprise" allows you to track all purchases.

In this course, you will thoroughly read "1C-Bitrix: Site Management". Learn to install the system - starting from the theoretical part, complete laboratory workIn the course of which all the necessary skills for administering "1C-Bitrix" will work out. Learn to change the page properties, create and edit sections, fill them with a variety of content, work with existing and create your own menu.

Separate courses will be devoted to information blocks and components. We will work with static and dynamic information, learn how to create and administer infoblocks, challenge in the components of the "News" groups, "Photo Gallery", "Blog", "Subscription", "Social Network" and others.

The course is aimed as aimed at working out practical skills management skills. Each training unit ends with laboratory work. You will not only secure the knowledge gained, but also learn to avoid traditional errors of novice administrators.

The course is intended for managers of sites, content managers who manage company sites, marketers, for site owners on other CMS, planning to transition to 1C-Bitrix, for those who wish to learn how to correctly administer the system and manage the content and functionality on the site.

The course is the basic to pass the following software training courses.

Within the framework of the course, it is not considered issues of working with other products "1C-Bitrix", editors above "Standard", server administration issues, programming, etc.

Learn from practitioners. Come to the Center "Specialist".

What is the control panel? After we switched to the site and Authorized Further enter the site. The top of the page will appear panel:

Note: The control panel is available only for users with sufficient rights. If you logged in, and the control panel did not appear - contact the site administrator.

At first, the number of items on this panel and their purpose confuses a little, but by the end of the course everything will fall into place.

What is the control panel from?

The two main parts of the control panel are tabs. Website and Administration :

  • Tab Website represents directly public Public section - The main place of the content of the content manager. It is part 1C-Bitrix: Site Managementapparently ordinary users. If there are sufficient rights in it, it is possible to work on editing the contents of the site Part of the site and toolbar. This display mode is very visual, as we can make changes and immediately see them on the page. However, in this mode, we do not have access to all settings and capabilities. All tools on the tab Website We will analyze a little further.
  • Tab Administration Transfer us to the administrative part of the system. In the administrative section, we have access to all the settings and capabilities of the system.

Imagine a car. We can make small external changes, go behind the wheel and go. However, for a deeper configuration and understanding of the principle of operation of the machine, we need to "climb under the hood". In the same way, the control panel is arranged in "1C-Bitrix: Site Management". Tab Website Allows you to quickly and clearly make small changes. While tab Administration intended for experienced users and solving more complex tasks.

Also from important items of the panel should be noted:

Control panel - our main tool for working with the system. Work is conducted on tabs Website and Administration. In the following lessons, we will analyze all the important elements of the control panel in detail.

1 1C-Bitrix: Site Management Course "Administrator. Modules »

2 Content Introduction ... 3 Universal Lists ... 4 Working with a module ... 4 Installing the module ... 4 Setting up the module ... 4 Creating a list

3 Introduction Course for users carrying out the administration of sites. The second certificate in the administration line. First course - admin. Basic - gives basic concepts ON WORKING WITH THE SYSTEM "1C-BITRIKS: Site Management" and describes the operation of the modules: the main module, structure control, information blocks, search. Course administrator. Modules allows you to master the methods for performing advanced tasks for administering modules that are not related to commercial activities. Received skills: working methods with a non-profit plan system modules; Work with tools search engine optimization and control over the attendance of the site; Methods of importing users using the LDAP server; organization of document management and business processes; work with site protection tools from unauthorized access; Work with tools to ensure the viability of the site with an increased load; 3.

4 Universal lists Universal lists are a tool for convenient storage and working with any structured information. Module capabilities: Construction of arbitrary storage facilities; All functionality is available from the public section of the site; Everything works on the basis of the information block module and all of its capabilities are available: filters and sorting, cards and lists with speaker settings and fields, group editing, access rights, etc.; Any object storage hierarchy is possible; As applications: FAQ, reference books and databases, lists of counterparties, structured archives, libraries, file storages and more. Working with a module Installing a module for different reasons Module Universal lists may not be installed in the system. (For example, when switching to the older edition.) You can check the setting on the Settings\u003e Product Settings\u003e Modules: If the module is not installed, click the Install button, the module will be installed with demo data. Configuring Module Configuring Module Universal Lists is performed in the Administrative section on the Settings\u003e Product Settings\u003e Module Settings\u003e Universal Lists: Access Rights List on the Access Right tab Determines which users of users have access to information used as lists. To configure access, you need to select the desired group of users in the user group column, and assign the appropriate type of information for the selected group in the Type Types column. four

5 Default displays two lines in the form. To add rows, use the Add Access Right button. Outcome: Groups of users specified on this tab will be able to create their own lists in the specified information block or edit existing, unlike other groups. Bookmark "Social Network" on the Social Network tab gives permission to use universal lists framework the social network. Checking the Checkbox in the Enable Support field social networkyou will give permission to the fact that the universal lists appear in the working groups and on Personal pages. In the Infoble type field you need to select need type Infoblock, which will be used as lists in the social network. Permissible use different types Infoblocks as a data source for social networks and for lists on other project pages. five

6 Creating a list in the default distribution is not a page with which you can directly add universal lists and work with them, so it should be created independently. To do this: in the public part of the site, go to the section in which you should create a page with lists; Click the Create page button, specify necessary settings; Place the Complex Component Universal Lists on the Created Page; Save the changes made. on the context panel. Open to create a list Use the new list creation button: Fill in the List Creating Bookmarks Fields: Settings List Name - Required field, Enter the list name, as the list must be visible to company employees. Sort - Enter a number defining the order of the list created in the general order of all lists. The higher the number, the lower in the general order will be the created list. Picture Use the Overview button you can set a picture corresponding to the list. The picture will automatically be changed in the size of the site design without distorting the proportions of the parties. If your own picture is not used, the default image from the program distribution will be installed. Enable business processes support - if the work of the list created is planned to use standard or own business processes, then installing this flag is necessary. 6.

7 Signature tab On the tab, you can specify the name of the items and partitions of the list created to facilitate employees work. For example, if a list of suppliers is created, it will log in to replace the word element to the supplier, and the word section, to the group of suppliers, and so on. Access Access Bookmark! If the user group will not have the appropriate rights to access the list / infoBlock, they will not see the list on the page, respectively. Configure the rights to access the list in two ways. In the settings of the list in the public part of the portal: go to the list settings and select Access tab: 7

8 This bookmark sets the access level for users to which will be visible and is available for changing the list created. To make users with a certain level of rights not seen the created list at all, it is simply not to include this group in this bookmark. So that users from the desired group can only view the list, but could not change the list of the list, then this group needs to be included in the list and give it the right to read. So that users from the desired group can not only view the list, but also change the list of the list, then this group needs to be included in the list and give it the right change. So that users from the desired group can not only change the list, but run business processes by the list item, then this group needs to be included in the list and give it the right business processes. To determine a certain group of users could change the status of the list of list in document flow, then this group needs to be included in the list and give it the right document flow. or in the info settings in the administrative part of the portal (content\u003e inform. blocks\u003e types of inform ). Thus, setting the rights to access information can be restarted reading / changing various lists for different user groups. The settings of the universal list are discussed in the course of the content manager. eight