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How to find out the balance on corporation Velk. Check Internet Traffic Velk


To clarify the parameters of its tariff plan, subscribers must first clarify its name. This will help you to get acquainted with the service settings, for example, via the Internet. How to find out the tariff plan on the "Velkom" if the documents issued during the design of the SIM card were lost or the maintenance conditions have repeatedly changed in the room? The previously specified operator offers several options for information on what conditions the subscriber uses communication services. Consider how to find out tariff plan At the "Velkom" more details in this article.

Overview of possible options

Before proceeding to the main topic of the article, I would like to clarify that the operator has developed several services to inform his subscribers. With their help, it is possible to find out the tariff plan "Velk":

  • USSD request(Entering a special request, you can quickly quickly and without additional costs to view the following data);
  • call to support line(experienced consultants will answer customer questions, will help determine the choice of tariff or additional options);
  • issa service(Popular Internet Assistant, Complete Name - Internet Service Service).

Method 1. Appeal to the support line

Registered subscribers or potential users of the operator's communication services can contact the support line and ask how to find out what a tariff plan "Velk". From the SIM card of the current subscriber to contact information Service You can typing number 411. As with calls on the support line of other telecom operators, a voice information system is provided, which will help you to get the user-search user, without connecting to a specialist.

Method 2. How to find out the tariff plan "Velk" (USSD service)

Convenient and functional way is to obtain information about your number (it can be a balance, tariff name, information about connected services, etc.) via USSD. After sending a short query, the subscriber will have to wait until two minutes - the response from the operator will be immediately (via a text message). There are a number of teams that you want to know all subscribers. To begin with, we give the main request that can be the answer to the question in question.

*141*2*1 # - sending a similar combination, you can get in the response not only the name of the tariff activated on the number from which the command was typed, but also to view your number (such a function can be quite convenient for new customers, which could not be remembered yet );

Other USSD requests that can be useful to customers

  • *141*2*3*1# - Internet users from mobile gadgets This request will allow you to find out what conditions apply to this moment On the number when using the Internet, in the event of a tariff or option with a subscription fee, the date here will also be indicated when the money will be written off.
  • *141*3*4# - Subscribers who wondered by the idea to change the tariff plan, this request will allow realizing conceived.

Method 3. Using an Internet assistant

How to find out the tariff plan on "Velkom" in the presence of the Internet? The Issass Service Web Interface is available on the official resource of the Belarusian telecom operator. Previously, before you access the view and managing the number, you must register with the system. Detailed information on how it can be performed is contained on the main service page. Let us give a brief overview of the actions that will need to be performed by the Subscriber.

Registration on service

A subscriber who wants to access the Internet service and a functional account must be performed following:

  • From a mobile gadget in which the SIM card is installed with necessary number, enter a request * 141 * 0 #. This command allows you to refer to the password installation service to access the web informing service.
  • Assign and enter a sequence of characters (password) to access the Internet assistant. From the basic requirements for the password, only one should be distinguished: the number of characters should not be less than five. At the same time, the maximum length of the access code cannot exceed ten characters.
  • Wait a few minutes so that the data has managed to update in the system and go to the logging page again, specifying your number and assigned password.

What opportunities are provided in the Internet service service of subscribers?

Those customers operator who are already familiar with the functionality of a personal account will never face the question of how to find out the tariff plan at the "Velkom". After all, by visiting the personal page of the Issa Service, you can perform any operations with the number, for example:

  • learn balance;
  • view the name and parameters of the tariff plan;
  • change the tariff;
  • view a list of existing options;
  • control of connected services: Disable and connect them, etc.


How to find out the tariff plan "Velk": by support line number, visit the web support service of subscribers or to use short requests services - the client itself decides the customer itself of the previously mentioned operator. Previously, we reviewed several ways to obtain data. It should be noted that the most efficient and less cost is the USSD functionality: In order to use them, you do not need to connect to the Internet, wait on the line of the specialist's response or bother with a voice menu, moving from the point to the item.

All modern people use mobile services from different operators, and each mobile operator has a list of combinations with which you can connect certain services to USSD. If you briefly, such requests contain numbers and characters, after entering and sending some action. Everyone is responsible for a separate function, and in this article will be represented by all the similar combinations.

What are teams for?

USSD request is a kind of option for mobile clients, which is installed with SMS and is a base service of any operator. Translated this abbreviation means "an additional option that does not have the structure."

For a visual example, it is worth understanding how this combination works:

  1. Mobile client, for example, wants to check the mobile phone balance using the service code.
  2. On the keyboard of the phone, "*" is first pressed, and then the desired number is entered, the code of which is responsible for checking the balance.
  3. After the numbers, "#" is entered and the call is made to send data to the network.
  4. After a few seconds, the balance information enroll on the phone in the form of an SMS or as an interactive menu on the gadget screen.

In addition, the USSD request can not only allow you to check the account status. With it, you can enable or disable services, make the transition to another tariff, open the operator's menu to obtain information on mobile communication, as well as carry out a lot of other operations.

Use of combinations

The USSD request is very convenient to use, because with the introduction of short commands you can achieve a quick receipt of information, while there is no need to call the operator or send SMS. In addition, using the combinations you can get the data you are interested in at any convenient time, for 24 hours a day.

With the use of such codes, you can control your mobile phone, number. Network clients can send requests to other people so that those moved money or just called back.

For more detailed consideration of combinations, data should be specified on different operators of Russia.

Popular MTS combinations

The very first and popular team from MTS is * 111 #. This command is used to open a portal in which each user will be able to manage the tariff and options. If it is difficult to memorize other commands, then you need to remember only this. With it, it will be possible to find out everything that will be needed, and even a mobile balance. Request replaces personal Account On the site and can be used in any region and even the country. MTS USSD requests are not charged, which is very convenient.

If there are symbols that are impossible to read on the phone in messages and other documents, then you need to enter * 111 * 6 * 1 #. Below will be the most popular codes from the operator MTS Russia:

  1. Account check is carried out through a set of combination * 100 #.
  2. To see, for which funds were removed for 5 recent actions, you can command * 145 #.
  3. You can quickly find out the mobile number in code * 111 * 10 #.
  4. To verify active paid options, uses * 111 * 11 #.
  5. To check the current tariff applies * 111 * 12 #.
  6. You can learn about the residue of batch offers by entering * 217 #.
  7. To replenish the balance, using a bank card for this, you can via the request * 115 #.

This is only a small number of requests that the operator has. Everyone can be found in detail on the site, and this article describes only the most common and necessary. Information on requests for tariff plans will be provided in the description to the tariff itself, which is selected by the subscriber.

Teams "Velk"

Through the USSD request from "Velk", subscribers can manage mobile communications independently. Thus, to verify the balance of the balance, you need to dial on the keyboard of the phone * 100 #. If the user needs to change the payment system, then the code is used * 145 #. These are the basic codes for managing their money.

You can still manage tariffs. To activate one or another tariff plan, serves its own team. Now we suggest familiarizing yourself with other plan management methods. To check the active tariff you need to dial * 141 * 2 * 1 #, and to learn mobile number, recruited * 147 #. In some cases, SMS will come in response to the request, and in some data are displayed immediately on the screen.

For information about the mobile Internet and other options use a combination * 135 #. After entering, a menu will be opened in which you can choose different services and familiarize yourself with them, as well as if necessary to make them activation. There is another menu that allows you to open help and commands for other requests, for this users need to dial a combination * 141 #. As can be seen, USSD requests "Velk" are very similar to MTS teams and work in the same way.

Teams "MegaFon"

The MegaFon operator is also a big list of combinations with which subscribers should be familiar with. You can see all possible codes on the official page, and only the most sought-after users will be described below:

  1. To call a menu that can be replaced by functionality, the personal account is entered * 105 #.
  2. You can find out information on the account through the code * 100 #.
  3. View your room will succeed in request * 205 #.
  4. Batch offerings are recognized through a combination * 558 #.
  5. To detail the information about the tariff used * 105 * 3 #.
  6. Information about bonus balance Provided by code * 115 #.
  7. It is very convenient to use the service "Call me back" if you can register on the keyboard * 144 * Customer Mobile Phone Number #.
  8. To replenish the balance to another user "MegaFon", a combination * 143 * # number is applied.
  9. Use the "Promised Payment" service will be input * 106 #.

These are the most common USSD requests "MegaFon", which are most often applied.

Sooner or later, combinations will be useful to each mobile subscriber, so it is better to study the most important of them, so that at the right moment they can be applied. All teams from MegaFon are completely free, and customers can use them at work at any time convenient.


As can be seen, there are a lot of requests, and they are all responsible for individual services. IMPORTANT After entering a particular combination, do not forget to make a call to send a command, otherwise the necessary information will not be provided.

People who enjoy the services of cellular companies often forget about the conditions on which their number is maintained. The usual to regular calls in specific areas and relevant write-offs, subscribers have to work out to find out how much the service will cost. For example, a call to another country, etc.

In order not to fall into such situations, it is enough to find out what rates for the selected tariff plan are used on the SIM card. How to find out the tariff plan on "Velk" and clarify the conditions for the provision of services? Is it possible to do it yourself or need to contact the dispatch service specialists? All these questions will be discussed in the article.

How to find out the tariff plan on "Velk": Possible options

Regarding your number to get these subscriber can be several ways. Conditionally, they can be divided into two categories: through self-service systems or using the employees of the operator's service mentioned earlier.

Obtaining any data related to the status of an account, a list of connected services and options, is free. Consider more each of the ways that can be used to view information about the tariffs of Velcom ( corporate tariff, options for individuals).

Using an automated service management service

The Operator of the "Velk" has developed a whole service that is intended for subscribers of this company and allows you to fully control the number: change the tariffs, activate and disable services, view the cost of expenses and receive other information. For people who enjoy communication services and already familiar with this service, the question of how to find out the target for Velcom is not relevant, because all the information is at hand. You can get it anyone in a convenient way: via USSD service, by calling to short number, through the Internet.

How to find out the tariff plan on "Velk" through a web interface?

If you want to have full access To its number, to view and at any time independently manage services, account and changing the tariffs Velcom ("All say", "Smart", etc.), we recommend using the web interface. Going to the site cellular company And clicking on the link "Personal Cabinet", you can be on the initial page.

Here, before you get access, you will need to register. Make it easy, you should carefully read the instructions located on this form. This procedure is carried out once. In the future, the subscriber can at any time using a designated password, open its personal page. As mentioned earlier, having received the opportunity to view data on the number, a person who is a client of the company "Velk", will be able to perform any actions "by clicking".

Voice informing system

For people who enjoy a yellow SIM card, those who better assimilate information received by the voice, a voice system of informing has been developed. Uploading a combination of 411 from its number (+ key set key) you can get into the multifunctional service. It suffices to choose the relevant items to obtain the necessary data. Please note that here you can also perform any operations with the number. In addition, you can always press the connections to the operator in the event that some actions cause difficulties and need to clarify some nuances.

Short service (USSD) requests

If you are interested in "Velk", use the method of SMS information. Send a USSD request from the SIM card to which you want to obtain data, as follows: * 141 * 2 * 1 # + Dialing key.

In response to a similar question, the operator on the client number will be sent a text notification containing the name of the tariff. By the way, this request is perfect for both subscribers who do not understand their number and would like to refresh it in memory. After all, in the message that is sent by the automatic service in response to the previously reduced combination, there is also a phone number.

View tariff information

After the client finds out how the tariff it uses in his room, it can be easily clarified which conditions are valid for it. In particular, we are talking about the cost of communication services, the size of the subscription fee (if available), the number of packages that can be included in monthly or daily payments. It is more convenient to do this through the official resource of the operator, it can be easily found through the search engine. Next, it is necessary to find the desired name in the section "Tariffs" of Velcom ("Smart", for example) and familiarize yourself with the conditions:

  • Monthly for the use of the tariff plan, it is necessary to pay 14.50 rubles.
  • For the specified fee, the subscriber receives six hundred free minutes to use which it can at its discretion. It is important to take into account that this limit does not include calls to short numbers (third-party content providers) and calls in international destinations.
  • Call for "Favorite" rooms (which can be appointed no more than five pieces) is also free of charge within the framework of the established limit. If it is exhausted, the calls will continue to be free on the numbers allocated to the list.
  • Use the Internet also for the monthly fee of 14.50 rubles. You can a month for free as part of one gigabyte.

The complete conditions of the "Smart" tariff plan and other tariffs can be found on the official website or by calling customer support.

The easiest and most well-known USSD request is to check the balance of your personal account: * 100 #. He is universal: acts at Velcom, and at MTS, and Life :). But the remaining USSD operations are not always known to users, although many of the challenges do not mind simplify their lives using USSD. We bring to your attention a list of some USSD requests for mobile operators.

USSD requests velcom

* 100 * 1 # - information about the residue of minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in the subscription fee.
* 100 * 2 # - Notification of the prepayment residue.
* 100 * 3 # - information about the size of the monthly payment, the residue of the amount to pay for the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of contributions.
* 114 * 1 # - Refusal to SMS-mailing companies.
* 114 * 2 # - Failure to listen to ACCA news (Automatic service service of the subscriber).
* 115 * 0 # - Reception of USSD messages in transliteration.
* 115 * 1 # - Reception of USSD messages on Cyrillic.
* 145 # - providing the opportunity to work without prepayment.
* 145 * 9 # - Go to work on prepayment.
* 131 * Company subscriber # - "Waiting for a call."
* 135 * 1 # - Connecting the service "Mobile Internet", change of TP services " Mobile Internet", Change / deleting an application for a change of TP services" Mobile Internet ".
* 135 * 2 # - Connect / Disable MMS.
* 135 * 0 # - Getting Mobile Internet Services, MMS, streaming video ("Mobile TV"), all available.
* 141 * 2 # - information about the phone number and tariff plan.
* 141 * 3 * 1 (* 2,) # - Operations related to international communication services (roaming). In addition to subscribers connected under TP "Unified".
* 141 * 3 * 3 # - Connection / change of your favorite room. In addition to subscribers connected by tariff plans,, Web 250, Web 500).
* 141 * 3 * 4 # - Change of the tariff plan.
* 141 * 3 * 5 # - "Pause".
* 141 * 3 * 7 # - "again in touch."
* 141 * 5 # - Repeat account for a closed period on e-mail.
* 141 * 9 # - USSD help.

Privet USSD queries (Velcom Trading Stamp)

* 120 # - information about the status status and status statuses;
* 124 * Card code # - account replenishment card prepayment Hi;
* 131 * The number of the company's subscriber # - "Waiting for the call" in the Velcom / Roaming network (the status "Prohibition of the outgoing communication");
* 114 # - Failure from SMS-mailing Hi.
* 126 # - Menu of additional services. Among them:
* 126 * 1 * 1 # - Connection / Disable Mobile Internet service;
* 126 * 1 * 2 # - Connection / Disable MMS services;
* 126 * 1 * 5 # - Connection / disable service "again in touch";
* 126 * 1 * 6 # - Connecting the Internet 50 service;
* 126 * 9 # - USSD help (SMS with basic requests can be obtained in the status of "Active" and "Prohibition of the outgoing communication")

USSD requests MTS

* 110 # - Menu Services "Be in touch!", Thanks to which you can manage the services "called you!" (Comart messages with numbers, the number of calls and their time when you were not available or could not answer the call) and "There is a connection!" (No more than ten subscribers whose calls you missed, messages are sent to what are already available).

* 120 * (Subscriber number that is sent to request) # - "Call me back!". Only MTS subscribers are available in partial blocking. The maximum number of requests "Call me back!" - Not more than 5 per day.

* 363 * 375xxxxxxxxxx * yyyyy #, where: 375x ... - the number of the subscriber's phone, in whose favor the order is formed; Y ... - Amount (number from 500 to 10,000 rubles) - "Share Balance" service.

* 111 # - USSD portal allows you to manage your account, connect and disable services, carry out operations with balance, use many informational and entertainment services, do not remember access number to them.
The main menu of the USSD portal includes:
1. Hit - all the most relevant: games, melodies, video, weather;
2. USSD assistant. Allows you to manage the score and services of MTS;
3. Promotions / Services. Allows you to get information and activate current MTS marketing actions, as well as connect additional services for phone;
4. Horoscope for today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, subscription to the horoscope;
5. Play - Games;
6. Download - games, melody, video, pictures;
7. More - weather, jokes, aphorisms, currency courses, tests and more.

USSD requests Life :)

* 105 # - information about the timing of the Internet package, SMS packets, video calls, bonuses, free minutes.
* 115 # - information about the current tariff plan and phone number.

USSD requests Life :) for independent operations:
* 100 * Card code # - replenish the personal account using account replenishment maps;
* 110 * 1 # - Go to the tariff plan;
* 110 * 2 # - add service;
* 110 * 3 # - Add / delete package of services;
* 110 * 5 # - Add / delete a tariff online service;
* 110 * 6 * 1 * 1 # - Add / delete a tariff SMS service;
* 120 * 1 # - use the service "Balance" service;
* 120 * 2 # - use the service "Call me";
* 120 * 6 * 1 # - Add / refuse the service "Voice Mail";
* 120 * 6 * 2 # - Add / refuse the service "Who called?";
* 120 * 6 * 3 # - Add / refuse the service "on the network";
* 120 * 7 # - Add / abandon the service "Anti-Prodener number";
* 120 * 8 # - Add / refuse the service "Call Prohibition";
* 120 * 9 # - install / change password;
* 150 # - make operations with favorite numbers.

Using the USSD menu is free. The system of the mobile operator, as a rule, warns about possible one-time spending on changing the tariff plan or connecting services.
To use the USSD query, type the key key on the phone, and press the "Call" key, after which the final response will appear on your phone display or a list of further possible operations will be proposed.
Please note that in some cases, the use of USSD requests can affect the balance sheet of your phone number. If the actions in the USSD menu call you questions, you can get all the additional information on the official websites of mobile operators or in the offices of their representative offices.
Also, when using some USSD commands, there are other conditions that depend on your tariff plan and other factors.
The USSD menu is based on the data of the official websites of mobile operators,, MTS.BY, LIFE.COM.BY.

1. The "Favorite Number" service allows subscribers to make calls to the number in the Velcom network on special tariffs.
2. As a "favorite" number, the number of the company's subscriber can be selected.
3. The number of "favorite" numbers and payment order is determined by the subscriber tariff plan.
4. Add / change "Favorite" rooms is made by the subscriber independently from its mobile phone
4.1. Using USSD:

  • * 141 * 3 * 3 # call (for velcom subscribers)
  • * 126 * 7 # call (for subscribers hello)
4.2. With the help of ISSA, if there is this service from the subscriber.
5. Adding "favorite" numbers in the amount corresponding to the subscriber's tariff plan is made without payment of payment.
6. Any change in the subscriber number selected as a "favorite" is paid in accordance with the subscriber's tariff plan.
7. When changing the tariff plan (available to Velcom subscribers), "Favorite" numbers are automatically deleted. Further assignment / shift "favorite" number by the subscriber is made independently in accordance with the new tariff plan.
8. Velcom numbers / hi transferred to another network cannot be selected as "favorites." When transferring the subscriber number to another network, it is automatically deleted from the lists of "favorite" numbers of subscribers of the company.
9. In the event that the Client transfers with the written consent of the company the right to use the Subscriber Number to a new client without changing the tariff plan (available subscribers velcom), appointed "Favorite" rooms are saved.
10. In the event that the Client transfers with the written consent of the company the right to use the Subscriber Number to a new client with a change in the tariff plan for any other company's tariff plan (available to Velcom subscribers), "Favorite" numbers are automatically deleted. Further appointment / change of "favorite" numbers subscriber is made independently in accordance with the new tariff plan.
11. The company has the right to unilaterally change this procedure, publishing changes on the company's official website.
12. In everything else, not regulated by this Procedure, the Client and the Company are guided by the provisions of the Agreement concluded between the Client and the Company.

Using USSD commands, you can receive reference information about the services of the mobile operator "Velk", connect and disable them. To do this, you need to perform a simple action - to dial a certain combination of characters on your smartphone.

General rules for using teams

The USSD commands sent by you do not remain in the gadget memory. You can use requests in roaming. Of course, the roaming partner must support USSD.
Using the USSD menu is free. If you connect to play serviceThe system will warn you about the cost.

Please note: the USSD query should begin with an asterisk (*), and end with a grid (#).

Between these symbols, you need to dial the short number of the operation performed. By typing a combination of characters, click Call.

Balance checking and Internet traffic residue

With the help of these commands, you can check the status of the account, find out how much minutes you have, SMS, MMS, Mobile Internet megabyte, replenish your mobile, refuse to receive accounts on email etc.

Name of operation USSD team
Checking money balance on account *100#
Find out how many minutes left, SMS, MMS, Mobile Internet megabytes *100*1#
Find out what amount you have to pay monthly *100*3#
How many minutes left for the service "Velcom International 100/250", Megabyte as part of the ITV Velcom service *100*4#
Debra information for contract subscribers *100*5#
Information on the number of minutes of calls in a closed subscriber group *100*11#
Find out the residue megabytes in *100*12#
Checking the ability to quickly disable services in the presence of debt *100*51#
Registration of payment that was not confirmed *141*1#
How to check how much money remains on the account of the subscriber's plan "Hello" * 101 * Subscriber number #
"Please call me back". Man will get sms from you with a request to call back * 131 * Subscriber number #
Top up mobile fast pay card *141*4#
Change e-mail to which accounts are set *141*5*1#
Repeat the account for the closed period *141*5*2#
Refuse to receive accounts for email *141*5*3#

Services about services and managing them

The USSD commands presented in this block are intended to view information about connected services, the room and the tariff, the transition to the contract and prepayment, etc.

Name of operation Request code
What services I connected *141*2*2#
What services I can connect *141*3#
My telephone number and current tariff plan *141*2*1#
How to change the tariff *141*3*4#
View Number in International Format *147#
Disable the service "What's new" *404*0#
How to connect the service "What's new" *404*1#
How to connect or disable SMS-newsletter *114*1#
Connect the audition of the ACCA news or disabling this service *114*2#
Installing USSD Reception Latin Letters *115*0#
Taking USSD messages in Russian *115*1#
Conditional redirection in roaming *117#
How to connect moments on all operators *118#
Service "again in touch." Your subscribers will receive an SMS message that you can call *133#
Transition to contract *145#
Transition to prepayment *145*9#
The service "Anti-Security of the Room". Connection (Disable) Services *200*2#
Melofon service. How to connect it or disable *424#
"Voice mail" *441#
How to connect either change "favorite number" *141*3*3#
Service "Pause" *141*3*5#
Issa, connection and shutdown *141*3*6#
How to get a password Issa *141*0#
How to Connect, Disable, Change Package for Users Manager Plus and Services "Director Package" *141*6#
USSD help *141*9*1#

MMS and Mobile Internet

Executable operation USSD code
Configure mobile Internet on your phone, MMS, Mobile TV service *135*0#
Check MMS, receiving a test message *135*0*5#
How to connect or disable "Mobile Internet", change the megabyte package *135*1#
How to connect mms or disable them *135*2#
Information about the connected package megabyte *135*3*1#
Information about the connected package megabyte, its price and date, when money will be written off from your account. *135*3*2#
How to find out your static IP *135*4#
How to connect (disable) "Antivirus" *135*5*1#
How to connect (Disable) "Firewall" service *135*5*2#
"Children's Internet". How to connect or disable *135*5*3#
How to get additional megabytes. For users of Web start tariffs, Web 4, Web 8, Web 16 *135*7#

Management of roaming services

Name of operation Request code
How can I connect the service "International Calls" *141*3*1*1#
Refuse "International Calls" service *141*3*1*2#
Connect the service "Velcom International" *141*3*1*3*1#
Refuse the service "Velcom International" *141*3*1*3*2#
Start using the International Roaming service *141*3*2*1#
Refuse "International Roaming" service *141*3*2*2#
Connect to the service package "Roaming.otpus" *141*3*2*3*1#
Connect (or disconnect) to "" *141*3*2*3*2#
"" Connection. *141*3*2*3*3#
View information about the partners "Velkom" in Roaming *141*3*2*4#
The time of the "roaming.otpus", "" *141*3*2*3*4#

What is "Balance Plus"

The mobile operator "Velk" has a "Balance +" service. With it, you can find out what additional services are available for connecting. Relevant information can be displayed as an answer to the request * 100 #.

To connect (Disable) the Balance Plus service, type * 149 # and click Call.

"Balance Plus" can be used to connect services:

  • "King of the Mountain";
  • "English lessons";
  • SMS subscription;
  • USSD-Sport;
  • "Mortacey";
  • "Fanbox";
  • "Surprise."

The popular Belarusian telecom operator "Velk" offers a whole line of tariff plans. Among them, you can find favorable options for both smartphones and tablet PCs. Often, users have to think about the question of how to find out their tariff at the "Velkom". By name, you can find out the conditions of service, for example, the cost of the Internet or long-distance call, reviewing them on the operator's website. Can the user himself cope with this situation or will need to contact a line employee technical support? Consider all sorts of ways to obtain information on your number.

Method 1. Internet assistant

The Internet support system of subscribers is a kind of "Account Management". Here, the user can choose tariff plans to "Velk" number, refine the set of options and services that are activated on the SIM card, view expense information, etc. Before assessing the capabilities offered by the Internet service, you should register on the portal. Detailed guidance how to create an account can be found on the starting page of the portal.

Registration of the subscriber

At the first stage, it is necessary with mobile devicewhere the Operator's SIM card is installed, to dial a USSD combination to assign a password. You can do this by entering the request: * 141 * 0 #. After that, the system will offer the client to enter a sequence of characters that will be used as a password. Special records for password is not presented. The main thing is that the length is at least five and no more than ten characters.

Enter registration data on the initial page of the Internet service

Before you tell how to see your tariff at "Velk", it should be clarified that to log in to the portal that serves as a tool for managing the number, use:
. The SIM card number (the format in which it needs to be made is specified in the corresponding field).
. Password (sequence that has been appointed earlier).
After the data is accepted, the subscriber will be able to view all its interests, including understanding how to find out its tariff at the "Velkom".

METHOD 2. Apply the voice version of the subscriber service service

If there is no Internet or desire to use the Internet, then you can call the number 411 from the number that information is interested in. In the list of voice system items, you can find the section regarding the current number and listen to the information. If this does not work, you are simply confused in the list of subparagraphs offered by the system, then you will wait until the contact center employee respives, and check with him, as in "Velkom" to find out its tariff. Most likely, the employee will simply call us his name, pre-clarify some of the data owner.

By the way, to clarify about the tariffs "Velk" to the phone with favorable conditions can also be given in this way. Please note that user consultation is also carried out in online mode. On the official operator's portal there is a function "Ask a question" and links to a number social networksThrough which you can contact the company's employees by setting questions you are interested in the usual way.

Method 3. Use a short query

The USSD command service is an excellent option to receive information of interest in a short time and without the use of additional "conditions". The subscriber does not have to use the Internet, listen to the voice service of the service and wait until the employee of the operator's contact center answers. The only complexity of using the USSD service is to remember the query combinations. A successful solution will be adding frequently used commands to a mobile device contact list. Then at any time you can get the necessary information. How to find your tariff at the "Velkom"?
. * 141 * 2 * 1 # - When entering the device from the keyboard, such a request, after a couple of minutes, you can get the name of the tariff plan in the text SMS sent by the operator; However, the message will be specified in the message. This feature will especially delight new-night users who have not yet managed to remember its number.

What other teams can be useful in the "Velk" room?

Tariff plans, comprehensive information about the terms of use, Change TP - All this can be performed by typing request:

* 141 * 3 * 4 # - As in the first case, the information will be displayed as Push or SMS messages.

For users Global Network From the SIM card "Velk" will be interesting to find out, under what conditions the use of mobile Internet takes place, and what time will the subscription fee be written off (if available). To clarify this data, it is enough to type a query: * 141 * 2 * 3 * 1 #.

* 101 * 1 # - Request for balances on packets included in the tariff plan.
* 100 * 19 # - Request information about accruals for this room.
*131*<номер абонента своей сети> - Sending notifications to another subscriber of the network "Velk" that you are waiting for a call from him ( comfortable featureWhen the account is not enough for calls). The option is provided completely free.


In this article, we looked at how to get information about your number. Please note that you can use any of the above methods. If you can register in the Internet service system, you cannot or simply do not have access to the Internet, you can always call specialists and ask the question of interest, for example, what is the most cheap tariff on "Velk". If you can call the contact center employee, you can not order a callback or write to Chat employees of the company.

Access to the USSD menu is possible only from your phone number. To use the USSD menu, no additional service is required and password memorization. Using the USSD menu is free. The system will surely warn you about possible one-time spending on changing the tariff plan or connecting services.

All short USSD numbers begin with the "*" symbol and end with the "#" symbol. To make a query, type a short number and press the call key. Below is a complete list of short USSD commands.

USSD commands for subscribersvelcom (Legal entities)

USSD requests


Information about the residue, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in the subscription fee.

*100*4 #

The remainder of the included minutes services velcom International 100/250


Information on the number of minutes of completed outgoing call inside

*100* 1 9#

Information about accruals for the current month for subscribers of JUR. Persons.1.

Refusal to SMS-mailings

Refusal to listen to Assa news

Receive USSD messages in transliteration.

Connection Services 500 SMS

* 131 * Company subscriber #

"I am waiting for a call".

Information about your room in international format


USSD.-menu *1 35 #

USSD requests


*1 35 * 1 #

Connecting the service "Mobile Internet", a change in the TP service "Mobile Internet", change / delete an application for a change of TP "Mobile Internet" service.

*1 35 *2#

Connecting / Disable MMS.

*135*3 #

Information about the connected service

*1 35 * 4 #

Information about the static IP address provided.

*1 35 * 0 #

Getting Mobile Internet Services, MMS, Streaming Video, All Available.

*1 35 * 0*8 #

Obtaining test MMS.

USSD.-Not * 141 #

USSD requests


Password Issa.

Information about the phone number and tariff plan.


Information about the phone number and TP subscriber.


Information about connected subscriber services.


Connecting the service "International Calls".


Disable international calls service.

*141*3*1*3*1 #

Connecting the service "Velcom International"

*141*3*1*3*2 #

Disable the service "Velcom International"


Connecting the Services "International Roaming"


Turning off the service "International roaming"

*141*3* 2 * 3 *1 #

Connecting services "Roaming. Vacation, "Roaming. Business"

*141*3*2* 3*2 #

Disable services "Roaming. Vacation, "Roaming. Business"

*141*3*2*4 #

Information about roaming partners


Term of the service "Roaming. Vacation, "Roaming. Business"


Connection / change of "favorite" number3.

*141*3* 5 #



"Again in touch"

"Director Package2"

*141* 9*1 #

USSD help.

*141* 9*2 #

Rules set



1. The subscriber's balance displays all subscriber expenses: AP, one-time write-offs, current accruals, tax.

Features of the information provided:

a) at the beginning of each month (from 1 to 6 times), in the period of billing for communication services, information on accruals may be incomplete or inaccessible for technical reasons;

b) information about the accruals is updated as the data settlement calculations requested by the Subscriber

c) When using international roaming services, the calculation of the cost of communication services is carried out with a certain delay, upon receipt of the relevant information from roaming partners.

2. For TP "Manager +"

3. For subscribers legal entitiesconnected along the tariff plan "Open", "Open 100", the tariff plans of the Linek "Corporate", "employee", "Smart" and the tariff plan "Agrokorporation"