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Homemade ozone generator for water. Required tools and materials for the creation of a household ozonator

To figure out what is ozonator of water or air, and why it is needed, you should understand what ozone is and how it affects all living things. We will talk about this and talk in this article, as well as discuss the question of how to make ozonizer with your own hands and that it will be needed.

Ozonized air favorably affects the human body

So, ozone is gas, trochatomy oxygen. Treatomic molecules are very unstable, so this gas is found in nature only sometimes, during a thunderstorm or in cases of powerful electrical discharges, but will soon be destroyed. That is why, during a thunderstorm, such a pleasant and fresh smell appears, from which the poems are born "I love a thunderstorm in early May ...". Also, ozone in nature is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and our planet is shrouded in thin ozone enclosure of a beautiful blue color, protecting everything alive from cosmic radiation.

The destruction of ozone leads to the formation of a large amount of highly active oxygen. He, in turn, is very beneficial (in small quantities) act on the human body, oxidizing various metabolic products. The pathological microorganisms active oxygen acts destructively, killing bacteria, viruses, fungi and simplest. To artificially get such useful gas, people and invented ozone gas generator, or air ozonation apparatus. This article will help you figure out why people use the devices of this type.

Principle of Ozonator Operation

So, on sale there are devices called ozonomators. How do they work, what is the principle of the ozonator? Any, including Moscow ozonizers, produce ozone in several ways:

  • Most effective method - This is an impact on ordinary oxygen of a powerful electric discharge. This method is used in most ozonizers.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation of oxygen. This is an inefficient way, and rarely used, because the result is too little gas at the output.
  • Special chemical reaction. This method is rare due to the high cost of the necessary reagents.

In general, all ozonizers are divided into industrial, homemade and medical. The main difference between them is in the volume of the resulting gas and in the feedstock, the air is used or pure oxygen. Therefore, the principled difference between how a medical disinfectant ozonator works in the form of an ozone lamp and household appliance, not. In the household refrigerator, a small special light bulb ensures ozone disinfection on the same principle as large lamps in operating or industrial installations.

Ozonizer - harm or benefit?

In essence, ozone is a strong oxidizing agent, the same as Fluorine and Chlorine. It destroys microorganisms, and therefore ultraviolet bactericidal ozonizing lamp is massively used for disinfection. In this case, human cells have their own antioxidants, some of which are located in cell membranes. Antioxidants prevent oxidation reactions that are undesirable, and thus eliminate the harmful effect of ozone on the human body. Although at high concentrations, the effects of ozone may be destructive, gas can overcome the antioxidant cell barrier and harm the body.

Therefore, official medicine ozone therapy does not recognize, although the ozonization of the premises and the DRL lamps for disinfection are widely used. It can be said that doctors are simply reinsured, one is only one reason - the line between the useful and harmful properties of ozone is too thin. But unconventional medicine ozone therapy is widely used and promoted.

On the issue of ozone is harmful for a person, we can say the following: if its concentration exceeds its concentration, the mucous membranes of respiratory paths, bronchi and lungs suffer. Inflammatory processes are possible in these organs, the development of bronchitis, emphysema of light and pneumosclerosis. And if you breathe highly concentrated ozone, you can get fatal poisoning.

Even the harmful effects of ozone include the formation of insoluble cholesterol. Long inhalation of ozone (for example, if practicing too frequent ozonizing the car's salon) in men can lead to the mass death of sperm and infertility. Too frequent ozonation of premises can provoke the growth of cancer cells and premature aging.

Therefore, you need to know the maximum permissible concentrations of ozone in the air. The maximum is 0.1 milligrams per cubic meter of air. The good news is that the concentration, 10 times less than the limit, human olfactory receptors are perfectly trapped. Therefore, it can be argued that the ozonizers in retail are quite safe devices.

Ozonizing the apartment

So, what do you get if you are in reasonable limits to ignite your apartment, why do you need an ozonator air in the apartment?

  • The ozonizers of the air for the modern house are primarily disinfecting devices that kill all pathological microorganisms. By the way, the device is afraid of even the bugs, not to mention the dust ticks that cause allergies.
  • Ozonizing any premises contributes to the destruction of toxic substances.
  • Ozonizers for home will gently stimulate your bleeding.
  • The periodic ozonization of household premises will contribute to the fact that the synthesis of its own biologically active substances will be reflexively intensified in your body.
  • The coagulation of your blood will decline, which will facilitate the work of the heart and blood vessels. The usual rose ozonator is able to prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, and this will reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • If you suffered with some other pains, they will significantly decrease.
  • A person who enjoyed by an ozonator for disinfection of premises, imperceptibly strengthens its own immunity.

By the way, the food ozonator is used not only in industrial installations. The household ozonator for the refrigerator will make it possible to neutralize purchased products of dubious quality and remove an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator. And the device made for disinfection can be used as the ozonator for the bath, which will kill every mold there, for example. Thus, ozonizers are very popular, like household appliances.

Such an ozone generator is quite suitable for the refrigerator. It will disappear extra smells and products will retain their freshness longer.

Industrial ozonation

In industry, powerful applications Ozonators are used for:

  • Disinfection of drinking water.
  • For disinfection of premises.
  • For disinfecting food.
  • For cleansing oils.
  • For whitening paper.

Especially widely used worldwide processing of ozone drinking water, for this it uses a multifunctional ozonator of industrial type. This allows you to destroy all microorganisms in the water, and most importantly - the most active chemicals are neutralized. Oxygen, connecting with them, forms oxides insoluble in water, which is easily filtered by mechanical filters. As a result, 1 powerful ozonizer provides tons of clean and safe bottled water. All over the world, chlorination is gradually replaced by ozonizing drinking water. Such water until it comes to the consumer, almost does not contain ozone, but is enriched with oxygen, that is, its benefits are much increasing.

Use in medicine

Medical ozonizers generate ozone mainly of pure oxygen. These devices serve for disinfection of premises (operating, procedural), sterilization of tools, dressing material and consumables. These goals use devices, incl. Ozonizers are universal, and in pharmacology. Mandatory rule - disinfectant lamps include only when there are no people in the room. Especially dangerous to the mercury for a person in the case of its depressurization, because poisoning of mercury couples can occur.

In unconventional medicine, a mixture of ozone and oxygen for inhalation, ozonized water and even ozone-enriched intravenous drug solutions are used as ozone therapy. Excellent effect is observed from the use of ozonated oils and aqueous solutions For processing wounds. They significantly accelerate healing, and even a low-power portable ozone generator allows them. Paramedics also widespread humidifiers with ozonizer for domestic use.

Ozonizer instruction

As already mentioned, strictly adhering to the instructions for the use of the ozonator, you will never harm yourself and your loved ones. And the ozonor of the household called the thunderstorm, for example, will only benefit. In general, how to use for ozoning a specific device is always painted in its instructions. The most important thing is right time use. For ozonizing the air of the room, to get rid of flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, dust mites and to remove odors, it is enough to include a portable ozone generator for 10 minutes. After repairing indoors for full cleaning Air Ozonizers Household thunderstorms include half an hour.

In any case, when the ozonizer of a thunderstorm or any other, there should be no people in the room, the exception is only the ozonator for the refrigerator. It is necessary to enter the room to turn on / off the device with a wet bandage dressed on face. After processing the room, it is possible to use it in half an hour or 40 minutes.

You never need to breathe air in close proximity to the working device, even if you have long been practicing its use inside the apartment. In the rawrooms, for example, in the bathroom, you need to follow to the device (incl. And on the ozonor for the refrigerator) did not get water during his work. It is strictly forbidden to open the included device, because inside a huge tension. These are the basic rules for all generators.

How to make an ozonator yourself

Full ozonizers are made and with their own hands, it is not difficult, you only need to accurately comply with the manufacturer's instructions. There are many, video instructions and articles on how to make your ozone, a lot on the Internet. We describe the easiest homemade home appliance. To make a working ozonizer, you need to take a glass tube with a diameter of about 2 centimeters and about 45 centimeters. From 2 sides it is necessary to choose rubber stoppers. Through one tube you need to skip a thick wire made of aluminum, copper or iron. Outside the wire must be connected to the inductor.

On the other hand, a glass tube via a rubber stopper need to insert a wire with a smaller diameter. Outside the glass tube you need loosely winding a thin wire, and one of its ends to attach to the reducer. It is advisable to accommodate the entire design in the elusive aluminum foil box. By making the air ozonator with your own hands, you need to carefully check it before starting to exploit in the residential room.

Do not forget about caution! People like the smell of ozone (the smell of thunderstorm) for a banal reason - oxygen acts on the brain and causes a feeling of euphoria. This feeling causes a desire to include the ozonizer more often than it allows instructions and common sense. But do not give in to the temptation, and you will be really healthy!

You can make ozonizer with your own hands

Recently, the instruments called "ozone generator" on a simple "ozonator" are treated with a lot of popularity, applied to ozonating water, air, food, the destruction of human-life-threatening microbes, bacteria, microorganisms and harmful flying flying, crawling insects. There is available on sale great amount Ozonizers, the price of devices fluctuates in wide ranges, sometimes reaching space values. Therefore, dear friends, I suggest you to make a simple, ozonator of the air with your own hands, from the available details. In this picture is depicted simple scheme The ozonomator of the air, collect her on the shoulder even a schoolboy.

The scheme consists of a generator of rectangular pulses assembled on the NE555 timer assembled on the chip. The principle of operation of the device is simple, the generator generates rectangular pulses with a frequency of 1 kHz and a 2% well. For those who do not know if I explain: the wellness is a dimensionless value, it is a classification sign of the pulse system, it determines the ratio of the period of repetition of pulses to the pulse duration. Next, with the third leg of the chip, the pulse enters through the restrictive resistor R1 on the database of the amplifying transistor T1, which opens and skips the current through the winding of the line transformer (TDKS).

The outlet voltage from the transformer rises to 25-30 kV depending on the TDKS model. High voltage is fed to the arrester and the crown discharge occurs as a result of which ozone gas is produced. I want to sharpen your attention on the fact that in this device only at a frequency of 1 kHz, a crown discharge will occur. If you raise the frequency of more than 2-5 kHz, then a burning electric arc in the combustion process will be distinguished by a large amount of heat. Do not confuse these two things. For the assembly of the ozone generator, you will need the following details:

Radio components for assembling ozone generator

  • NE555 chip or KR1006Vi Analog
  • Dip Panel for SCS-8 chip (DS1009- 8AN)
  • Transistor T1 MJE13007, MJE13009, KT805, KT819 and others n-P-N structures Dutch at least 5a
  • Linear voltage stabilizer L7809CV
  • Condenters non-polar C1 10 NF (103), C2 1 μF (105)
  • Resistors 0.25 watts R1 100 Ohm, R2 1K, R3 71K
  • TDKS almost any of the imported color TV
  • Radiator for example from a computer power supply unit
  • Metal pipe with a diameter of 25 mm, length 120 mm

All items are located on a small pCB 22x28 mm size. Also allowing to assemble ozone generator by mounting.

The main part of the ozonator is the lowering transformer, it is possible to get it from any imported TV. Why from imported? Because in imported TDKS built-in diode multiplier voltage. The transformer and TV model does not matter. All TDCs are equally located three pins necessary for our homemade, the only difference on some stickers may be one, two or three armorpers and the lack of unused pins. Thin wires can be cut off, leave only the fattest, central, armored car.

The transistor will be very hot, so it should be fixed on the radiator with sufficient surface for normal cooling. The end of the armorberry of the emerging from the line transformer should be cleaned of insulation and flush metal veins slightly, giving the shape of the brush. Before launching the ozonizer, place the end of the proofer in the centimeter from the edge of the pipe.

The device is properly collected from the serviceable details begins to work immediately and does not need it in the setup. After the power supply to the generator between the wire and the pipe will appear the blue glow emanating from each veil of the armor, this is the same crown discharge accompanied by a loud hissing and highlighting of a large amount of ozone caustic gas. The device consumes only 0.8a.

The components of the device are easy to place in a plastic distribution box with a size of 125x85x60 mm purchased in the "Electrical Suite" store from the seller with the smartest face.

On the side wall of the case there is a slot to which the bolt fastening the metal tube is inserted. This is a simple gap adjustment mechanism between the pipe and armored car. The movement of the metal tube we achieve the largest corona discharge and, accordingly, the maximum release of ozone.

In the rear wall of the ozonator drilled holes for air intake. It turns out a kind of ion engine, during the corona discharge, the released gas comes out of the tube, through the holes in the rear wall of the fresh air flows into the case.

What is useful for ozone for a person?

In 1785, Dutch physicist Mac Van Varum first discovered ozone gas on sharp odor and oxidative properties. He missed electrical discharges through the air and received ozone. In about the mid-19th century, an installation for disinfection of drinking water was created, so the world's first ozonizer was invented. Currently, water ozonization technology is used in Europe, USA and Canada.

During World War I, Ozone was widely used in medicine as an antiseptic. Doctors treated ozone purulent wounds, infections, tuberculosis and other diseases. These were the first steps in the new direction, "ozone therapy".

As chlorine and fluorine ozone is a very strong oxidizing agent, the same, its powerful impact leads to the destruction, unpleasant odors, harmful microorganisms, microbes, fungus, mold and bacteria, so it is used for disinfection of rooms, water, food, food. Vegetables and fruits with ozone treated for a long time savor their appearance and taste.

Regular ozonization of the premises leads to the death of cockroaches, sofa ticks, eliminates unpleasant odors from animals. Mice goes, rats, flies, mosquitoes and other flying and sparkling insects die. To carry out disinfection of the room, it is enough to turn on the device and leave the room for a couple of hours, do not forget to pick up pets with you. Then you need to spark a good room. Cockroaches are dying seven days after disinfection. Here is such a miracle device!

Friends, I wish you good luck and good mood! See you in new articles!

Good afternoon, dear friends, you are because you most likely wondering how to collect ozonizer, or the ionizer with your own hands. Yes, yes ozonizer and ionizer-one and the same. First I want to recall once again what is a ionizer. Ionizer-device released gas-ozone (O3) to oxygen. In general, the ozone gas is an oxidizer who will kill you with time, with non-fulfillment of certain conditions.

1 condition. The concentration of ozone in the air should be 1/16 ozone on 1 oxygen.
2 Condition. If you still bought the ozonizer, then after an hour of operation of your device, open about half an hour window. This will reduce the ozone in oxygen, and you will have a smaller chance to choose gas.
I want to warn right away. If you gathered to buy a ionizer in the store, then think once again Read more this article.
Types of purchase ozonizers:
Killer ozonors.
Useless ozonizers. This is the type of ozonizers who will neither treat, nor kill you. They allocate positively charged particles and negatively charged particles. As you already understood, the benefits of such - no one.
Killer ozonizers. Buy such an ozonator is the same thing that drinks poison that kills over time. In such ozonomators, MPC is most often written (the limit of permissible concentration). The devices most often allocated gas more than ≈ 5/16 gas per 1 Oxygen.
Our ozonizer will allocate just a little less that is 1/16 for 1 kiss.
What we need to create our ionizer:
.2 ordinary wires with a fork;

2 or more ball from ping pong;

Insulating tape;

Scissors, clip.
Start assembling!
Step 1:
We take scissors and paper clips, take the paper paper with scissors, heats up the close of the clips, it makes a hole in the ping ball. Middle a little longer. Again, 2-3 mm.
Step 2:
We dissolve our wire to the Volosins (veins). Over the first hole in 1 ball. We skip the end of the vein, also through 2 hole. We can also with a second wiring, but we dissolve this postings to a few small, in the holes only one small wire. It should turn out so that (+), where the wire is less, was in one ball, and (-) in the other.
Step 3:
Carefully insulating the wire.
Step 4:
We produce about 20 tiny holes in the ball (-), and about 5.6 in the ball (+).
Step 5:
If you have already exceeded your wires, time to connect them together!
Step 6:
Turn on the network, enjoy. Do not forget to periodically open the window, use-benefit, and may you harm.
You can also place our device in any case, so it will look better! Well, that's all, friends! I told how to make an ionizer in 10 minutes. The main thing be careful! How no - electricity! [Email Protected]

In the current environmental situation, who does not wish, staying with famous urban amenities, breathe with rich oxygen air, drink water without bad impurities, to use non-smoke food? In part, an option for solving such a task is to use trochatomic oxygen as a disinfecting and deodorizing, due to high activity, substance.

However, it requires artificial interference with the relevant chemical reaction in the necessary quantities. And industrial production devices operating on the formation of O3, although presented in stores, but are not yet characterized by accessibility in view of high cost. Therefore, the development of many more or less successful projects related to the manufacture of ozonator with their own hands was developed.

Handicraft installations, schemes and descriptions of which are pleasingly placed on the Internet, have quite acceptable performance to solve unassuming domestic problems. By collecting such a product with your own hands, it can be used for the following purposes:

Decide with the set of suitable component partsrequired to assemble the device with their own hands, will help clarify the principle of its action. If you figure it out, the device is not so difficult:

  • an increase in the transformer, eaten from the network (~ 220 V), multiplies its voltage by several orders;
  • the resulting high voltage causes electrical discharges in the emitter, under the influence of which there is a processing of ordinary oxygen (diatomic) to the trochaty state;
  • the fan directed to the emitter drives the air through it, giving a useful product at the outlet of the casing.

Based on the fact that air and network power supply you probably have, you will additionally need not so much details. It:

  1. Voltage converter made according to one of the proposed schemes of schemes;
  2. Inductor;
  3. Actually emitter, which will "create" O3;
  4. As well as suitable sizes, if there is a desire to give the ozonator with a complete view.

Making all the components individually can also be your own hands.

Selection of components

If there is no desire to bother to build a voltage converter assembly, then you can do without it and use the purchase dimmer in return. But in the presence of at least the basic radio amateur skills, it is not difficult to customize it with your own hands. Schemes for such a device do not differ something unique, they are full of thematic articles about ozonizers on specialized forums.

The list of items to one of them is given in the table. By the way, the transformer mentioned in it can also be collected with their own hands from plates from transformer steel, wire, fluoroplastic tape and epoxy glue.



Bipolar transistor Kt805am
Bipolar transistor CT361A. With any letters. Nominal
Resistor 100 Oh. 1-2 W.
Resistor 56 com
Resistor 1 com
Resistor 260 Oh.
Resistor 100mom
Transformer TVS110PTS16 (TVS110PTS15) From the old TV
Voltage multiplier UN9 / 27-1.3. From the old TV

Voltage multiplier

Diode KC105G (7GE350AF) With tension
up to 8 square
Capacitor 320 PF With tension
up to 20 square

The coil is quite suitable for an inexpensive ignition coil almost from any domestic car (for example, "Zaporozhets", "Oka"). For use in the ozonitor, it is necessary to recycle a pair of capacitors for 2 ICF / 630 V.

For the manufacture of a key element - emitter, it will take a little diligence. It consists of such details that are easy to cut down:

  1. A pair of fiberglass (freaks) plates thick. 3 mm and 100 × 100 mm sizes;
  2. Four fiberglass (ghetinaks) strips thick. 4 mm and 100 × 10 mm sizes;
  3. A pair of aluminum plates thick. 1 mm and dimensions of 80 × 80 mm;
  4. Glass plate thick. 2 mm and 80 × 80 mm sizes.

Dimensions are given indicative. The first pair of details will be the outer plane of the emitter. In the middle there is glass, on both the main planes of which the insulating planks are superimposed. On top of the latter, metal parts are placed with conclusions for their connection.

As a result, it turns out a multilayer design with grooves forming the air gap between the plates-electrodes. It will also generate trichat gas due to the so-called corona discharge. The assembly should be conducted using insulators: direct electrical contact between aluminum parts should be excluded.

The latter that it is necessary to prepare - high-voltage connecting wires. And, of course, insulators. The body of the product can be performed from undergraduate materials after testing performance.


Having collected the installation, it is necessary to feed food and make sure of its unfinishedness. First, it should publish a characteristic sound, electrically crackling-itching. Secondly, looking at the gap of the emitter, it will be possible to find a barely noticeable bluish-purple glow. And finally, you will feel the characteristic smell. If these factors are in stock - everything is in order, the device functions as it should.

It will not hurt to know and general rules The operation of any, including those manufactured by their own hands according to the above algorithm, devices. They are as follows:

  • to process the air, leave the device on 20-30 minutes, and you yourself exit from the room (if you disinfect vegetable store, then leave the device to work for several hours);
  • returning to a disengthled room, de-energize the product and thoroughly carrying it out;
  • do not use the device in rooms with high humidity or containing a plurality of conductive dust particles;
  • keep the ozonizer away from children.

Using proven solutions from people's masters, you can make a simple and inexpensive air purification device (and not only) in the house. Be sure to share the results of your experiments, there is a chance that they will be useful to someone.

Most of the modern versions of the equipment that regulates the climate in the room today have a very high cost. Therefore, much more economical will make ozonizer with your own hands. Especially in order to collect ozonizer with their own hands, they will need enough affordable and inexpensive components. The discussed device is able to make the life of every person even more pleasant and comfortable. After all, it can be cleaned and refreshing the air in the house, get rid of unpleasant odors and even destroy some forms of bacteria and spores of fungi. This is especially true for apartments in which little children live. At the same time, the self-made ozonizer is not less effective than purchased. The main thing is to collect it exactly according to the instructions described and do not try to excessively save on all acquired details.

First of all, it will be necessary to take care of the voltage converter. In general, it is enough to make it simple enough, but only for those masters who have some experience and knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and radio constructions. For everyone else, it will be better to just buy a dimmer as this device. It will take a few more additional elements. Among them is a network wire, 2 film capacitor (2 IFRs at 630 V), ignition coil from "Oka" or "Zaporozhets", as well as high-voltage wires with insulators made of silicone. The last condition is mandatory. We must not forget that in the instrument that is planned to collect, a voltage capable of becoming dangerous for life will be present in inept hand. Therefore, before purchasing all the details for the ozonator, it is worth assessing your strength and abilities in an independent assembly of household appliances.

One of the main elements homemade device It is the emitter, in which, as a result of the discharge of the oxygen molecule is modified, and the third atom cleansing oxygen appears in them. The emitter consists of two thin (about 1 mm) aluminum plates. Between themselves they are attached through the insulators so that the distance is approximately 2 millimeters. From the fiberglass, you will need to cut two panels with 10-centimeters parameters. The thickness of each of them should be 3 millimeters. Aluminum plate is fixed on one panel, the parameters of which are less than 2 centimeters. The glass with the same dimensions as the previous part is applied on top. Plates made of fiberglass are attached from two opposite sides (10 per 1 centimeter and thicker - 4 millimeters). The remaining aluminum part is superimposed. The final layer should be the second panel of textolite.

Ozonator is almost ready. There is a minimum distance between one of the glass panels and the aluminum detail. It is 1 millimeter. This part of the collected device will produce ozone, which is necessary for cleaning and disinfection of indoor air. True, it is impossible to fully use the device yet, it needs to "hide" in comfortable housing And correctly consolidate all the remaining details. At this point, you will need to remember about all the other parts purchased at the very beginning. The first point in the device collection scheme is the network (the network wire will help), then the voltage converter with the capacitor at the output will be followed. From this place the voltage should be sent to the coil protected by low-voltage winding. The current will enter the second capacitor and only from it to the emitter, due to the installed high voltage wires with insulators made of silicone.

It is very important that the fan is present in the described scheme. It should be located near the vertical path of the emitter and serve cold air directly to it. It is the fan that will create a powerful airflow, which must constantly drive through the resulting emitter. For this purpose, you can take any old unnecessary device. The main thing is that the fan works regularly. As for the corps of the collected ozonomator, then to do it or not, depends on the desire of the host itself. Of course, you can leave the whole design open, but it is very dangerous, especially if there are children or animals in the house. Create body can be created, for example, from wooden panels. This is the easiest, affordable and not costly way. The panel will be able to even effectively decorate to their taste.

To insure itself from possible serious problems, the first time to turn on the ozonizer should be under strict supervision and carefully to watch him at least during the clock pair. If there will be any oddities in the work of the self-made device, unpleasant odors, smoke, it means that you need to thoroughly double-check the assembly scheme and the quality of all parts.