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Fast earnings in GTA 5 online. How to make a lot of money in GTA Online - Professional Player Tips

In the game GTA 5 there are many cars, weapons and or real estate that you want to purchase during the passage. But to get them, you will need to lay out a round sum, and the higher their level, the things more expensive. Therefore, many players are extremely interested in how to make money in GTA 5. In this small guide we will tell about all the methods of gold mining, and share secrets about how to become a millionaire.

Why do you need money

Cash in GTA mean a lot and are extremely difficult, and the deficit of gold you will experience even in the later stages of the game when you want to buy a new home or hotel. Illegal ways to make money in GTA 5 does not exist, because the developers did not provide for codes or cheats for currency. So get ready for the fact that gold will have to be produced independently.

Make it can be done different ways: Robbing or participate in races, play on the stock exchange or find treasure. In general, with sufficient perseverance you can find a way to earn money. But still there are tasks that should be left at last. We are talking about additional missions from Leicester. Such quests, except for plot, you need to pass only after you have an impressive amount in the reserve, because more money You will have in stock, the more you can earn. Dale awaits you a streamlined list of cases, thanks to which you learn how to make money in GTA 5.

Attack on people

The simplest method of cash production is robbery passersby. Of course, in a similar way you will not become a millionaire, because few of the oncoming people carry an impressive amount in your pocket. In addition, the victims of robbery often have serious resistance, and if you do not have a weapon, the task will complicate.

If you still decided to earn money in a similar way, then use the Soviets couple. First of all, it is better to rob a passerby, which just removed the money in an ATM - in this case, the catch will be more weighty. In addition, you should choose your victims in rich and prestigious areas, for example, in Downtown. In the inhabitants of these cash points in the pockets are much more than that of poor people living in the working quarters.

Robbery collectors

This method of how to make money in GTA 5, easy enough, and get cash with a similar method, even in the early stages of the game. To do this, find the special icon on the map, indicating the collector van, and go to it. Now, to turn the operation, you need to catch up and stop the car, after which you kill the guards and open the back door with the help of explosives or slightly shot on it from the gun. Inside the van, you expect a significant monetary prize - at least $ 5 thousand. Having rolled money, you need to quickly disappear from the crime scene, running away from the gorgeous police.

Robbery stores

A great way to quickly make money in GTA 5 in the early stages of the game - it is a robbery of small shops. In total, there are about 20 objects in the city in which you can check such an operation.

Before making a robbery, it is necessary to prepare to it. And for this, think over the paths of the retreat: expand the car to the other side where you plan to run away, and open the door from the driver's side, so as not to spend precious minutes after robbery. Now enter and direct the weapon on the owner, after which he will begin to fold the cash in the package. Remember that the murder of the merchant will bring you a much smaller amount than if you leave him alive. In addition, his death will add you the stars of the search.

If there are two cashiers in the shop, then to pick up the cash from the second, shoot it. To solve this way the problem with how quickly make money in GTA 5, you can quite often, but consider if you constantly "visit" the same store, then, most likely, the owner will acquire firearms, and one day Will a "warm welcome".

Robbery and Ammu-Nation

It would seem that such objects exist only for purchases, but they can be robbed. To do this, you need to enter the inside of the store and wait until the door closes behind you. Next, go to the street, but do not go out, but stop in the opening. The door will be swollen, and now you need to get a weapon. Do not expect the seller to fold the revenue into the package - it is impossible. So immediately shoot on cash register And collect the fallen cash.

Thanks to a small game trick, boutique robbery becomes the most easy way How can I make money in GTA 5. The fact is that cash at such facilities appears almost instantly, so you can get an "income" from such events is infinite. But there is one small problem - after robbery, the door will not open a second time, so if you have conceived a "reusable robbery", then block the output with the car. After that, you only need to enter, rob, go back and re-returning for "fresh catch."


At the initial stages of the game it is very important to save funds, so it is not necessary to acquire at the first pores by cars, clothing or make hairstyles. It is better to invest in a weapon, which is an excellent way to make money in GTA 5. There are several tricks that will help you save:

  • To obtain a 15% discount in AMMU-NATION, perform all shooting tasks in the dash. In addition, if you succeed in getting gold awards for passing these tests, then the discount will be 25%.
  • To update your arsenal for free, take any task, go to Ammu-Nation in the course of execution and skip all available weapons and improve it. Now you need to commit suicide - the mission will be failed, and the purchase money will return to you. H After returning to the store, you will find that all updates are considered already acquired. The main thing, after suicide and fails to choose to "repeat the mission".
  • Car repair is a fairly expensive occupation. If you want to save on it, save the game and reboot. After that, the car will be completely renovated.

Participation in races

How to make money in GTA 5 game? Very simple - participate in different races, which are provided on the map of the city. The victory in such competitions will bring you a lot of cash, while the most favorable arrows pass on off-road. In addition, marine races and street mapsing can bring you fabulous amounts: each such a check-in will enrich at least 6 thousand $. But note that you can take part in the races only after paying a rather impressive entrance fee.

Random events and help strangers

How to make money in GTA 5 without much trouble? First of all, pay attention to the red dots on the map, which means one of the fourteen possible random events. These missions are pretty light: simple custom murder or assistance in escape from the police. It will not be possible to earn a lot on such quests, but even a small award will not be superfluous.

In addition, there are 58 characters in the game universe that will offer you to get a reward for performing certain tasks. For example, by order of one of them, you will go to search for a spacecraft, the other will suggest finding the missing girl. In general, each such mission is quite interesting and can bring you a considerable income.

How to make money in GTA 5 online

In this block, we will talk about the game on the Bawsaq Stock Exchange during the fulfillment of missions from the leter. This method of earnings is available only when connecting to Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, and without access to the Internet it will not work in a similar way. After performing these tasks, each character will have about 40 million. But it is better to start quests after passing the main mission of the game, when in stock you will have impressive sums. After all, then the option of how to make money in GTA 5 online is particularly profitable, as the income depends on the initial capital, and to obtain interest income from a million much more profitable than from a thousand.

  • Murder is a hotel. Before completing the task, invest money for each character in bettapharmaceuticals assets on the Bawsaq stock exchange. After the murder, the action will increase in price, and when their cost rises to 180%, start selling them quickly.
  • Murder - panel. Before making a mission, skip Fruit shares, and after the task, sell them and put them in Facade.
  • Murder is a bus. The preliminary action is not required here, but after the destruction of the target, visit the stock exchange and buy all the shares of Vapid. Now they have fallen sharply in price, but after some time, your investments will again rise again.


The game on this exchange becomes an excellent way to make money alone GTA 5. Of course, there are not such high rates, as in an online adventure, but at the same time, if you prefer offline passage, then here you can podnapy A lot of cash. There are several missions that affect the growth or fall in prices of certain shares, and then you will learn about some of them.

Tasks from Leicester:

  • Murder - four goals. Before passing the task, allocate all shares of DebonAir. And only after that, proceed to the fulfillment of the quest. Now you need to wait until the stocks grow in price, after that it is necessary to sell them and bought the assets of the company Redwood, which will fall almost to a minimum after the killing of the goal. This embedding will pay off as soon as I would like. But in the end, REDWOOD shares will rise in price again, and you will get substantial profits.
  • Murder is a construction. Before proceeding with the task, buy all the assets of Goldcoast DeV. A day after the murder, the promotion will rise in price by 80%, after which they can be sold.

This exchange is an excellent "non-license" way to make money in GTA 5. pirate, or a broken version of the game, will not give you the opportunity to go online and access Bawsaq. But if you still want to play on the auction, the LCN will provide you with such an opportunity.

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5

Robbery in GTA play a fairly important role, but there are six major storytellers that will allow you to get maximum profits. At the same time, it should be remembered that such missions must be successfully held from the first time, because after failure and replay you will not receive a cash remuneration.

About how to earn maximum money in GTA 5 on the passage of robbery, you will learn further.

  • Robbery jewelry store. When passing this mission, you need to choose a partner. The best driver will be Karim Dentz, the shooter - Paki Makriri, and the hacker - Ricky Luchence. It is equally important to pick up the tactics of passage. In this case, the optimal will be the option "B" - a smart approach.
  • Robbery in Palelo. For the passage of this task, you can earn more than $ 8 million, but consider, for each shot to you in the back amount will decrease. The best partner in this mission will be Paks Makriri, provided that he participated in the jewelry robbery. If not, take the chef. The remaining applicants are either perished when performing a quest, or request a great reward.
  • Flight on the bureau. For this robbery, only Franklin can receive a reward. The use of tactics "B" will bring you an additional 30 thousand. The best shooter in this team will be the rules Richardz, the driver - Karim Dentz, hacker - Riki Luchenz. Robbery tactics - option "B".
  • Huge kush. In this large case, you can earn more than 40 million per each, but only provided that the entire operation will be carried out correctly. The best pilot for the helicopter will be Taliana, which will do everything as it should and ask only 5% of profits. In the machinists you can take the Kerim of the Deal. The shooter choose anyone except Gustavo Mota. Tactic passing is better to choose the option "B", if you choose "a", then income will fall by 6.8 million.

Now you know all the ways to earn a lot of money in GTA 5, and if you use our advice, your heroes will be very quickly millionaires, and the shortage of cash will worry you last.

Tuning plays an important role in GTA Online. - It allows you to stand out among the players, passing the opportunity to prepare the usual sedans for Street-racing, and SUVs for the trophy raid. Residents of Los Santon also do not mind decorate their transport, and then leave him to turn it on the parking lot. Today it will be discussed just about this transport in GTA Online, which can be freely taken on the street and sell for a very significant price in any nearest auto repair shop. Sometimes the amount received from the sale of one machine will be more than the money that we get from the delivery of Auto Simonu, gangster disassembly, killing people by order of the leter and small crimes. All cars below can be found, but do not need to forget that the world in GTA is a huge sandbox in which something always can go wrong. It is worth noting that the tuned cars are only on PS4, Xbox One. and PC, all cars are taken from $ 9000.

Sentinel XS with tuning elements. You can find transport in the Western Weinwood area, near Eclipse Tower, the most expensive and demanded apartment in GTA Online. Total can notice three types of tuning of this machine. The first and second - Sentinel XS yellow color with a non-toning, whose views differ only in the color of the disks. The price of one such car - $ 14970.

Only the type of dark blue Sentinel XS with a purple mother-in-law, with a spoiler and a characteristic bumper, at its price, any car delivered to Simono. The price of third tuning variation is $ 17420.

The method of obtaining is shown on the map. Blue is shown where the car drives, and the red is your trajectory of the movement you must make to get transport. You need to move counterclockwise and not very fast, otherwise the car simply will not appear. After you have sold, or put it in the garage, immediately go back to this place, for transportation can be found in the range from 22:00 to 4:00. If you are lucky, you may have time to catch a few cars in one night.

The following machines do not stand out external speciesAs the previous one, but they also serve as an excellent way of earning. These vehicles are quite ordinary and can be found in any area or area in GTA Online. For such accessibility will have to sacrifice the price - this transport is in the price verge of $ 9000.

It seems to be a common rhylad, but not for those who found it near the auto repair shop in Paleto Bay from 8:00 to 14:00. The car also has two variations - the ever-green car will leave $ 10975, and the yellow version is already at $ 12975.

Tunned. This monster can be noticed on the parking opposite the LSC in Sendy shorts closer in the evening. It has two versions of tuning - yellow, with a chrome-plated tank and toning will cost $ 175,52, and blue, with a pink pearl - $ 18495.

Gang machines should be considered separately. GTA Online has three gangster gangs that have their own transport - ballas, families and Wagos. On the territory of each of the gang you can see the same fleet, which is characterized by respectively. Each car has its tuning, but only the following cars are worthy:

Tornado - $ 12575

To facilitate the search, use the card below. Move on the red arrows in the specified direction, reaching the territory of Wagos, take two circles and then return to the starting point. It is worth noting that the machines appear around the clock and the most difficult to find a car on the territory of Wagos.

A pleasant surprise can expect you in parking near the LSC salon. There is a very small chance to see a tuned car, and even less that it can be sold. Below two examples of the machines that I managed to find, and which are suitable for the price threshold of $ 9000.

Ruiner - $ 9205

Ruiner - $ 9675

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No wonder the expression "not to live beautifully does not forbid" became a winged, because precisely because of the permissiveness and the feeling of the rich life of the GTA acquired such popularity among young gamers. For me, as for a large fan of this series, there has been a complete surprise lack of cheats and in the scene mode of the game. But as it turned out, this moment developed in detail in detail: by the end of the game, a couple of billions of dollars can boast on his account.

How to make a lot of money in GTA 5?

In the game there are several potential ways to fill your pocket with money, but the most important thing you have to understand - the mission to eliminate goals from the leter you should leave at the very end, with the exception of the one that affects the plot of the game.

But we start from the very beginning - with robbery. This type of activity will bring to each of the characters a substantial amount, but how to enlarge it - read below. The developers provided you with complete freedom in choosing a team for robbery, but there is one perfect combination at which you can earn more than with other options.

This manual works only during the primary passage of the plot, you can replay the tasks, but this will in no way affect the income.

"Jewelry Robbery" (The Jewel Store Job)

Before you start this task, each of the three characters in the share of Bettapharmaceuticals (BET) on the Bawsaq stock exchange. After passing the task, you will need to wait from 1 to 4 game days so that the company's shares reached their peak (from 2 to 12 saving). But do not let the case on Samotek, constantly go to the site of the exchange and check if the growth of the company's shares amounted to about 50% (on the old generation consoles 80%), start selling. Do not forget that you bought shares by each character, which means that it is necessary to make a sale on the same algorithm.

Once you have received a decent amount, go to the LCN stock exchange and buy securities of competitors - BIL company. During the trading on BawSAQ, the shares of this company should have fallen by about 30%. You can wait another game day, but make sure that the price does not start to grow ( acceptable price 7.5 dollars per share), but even without it, the sale will bring you more than 100%. Do not rush to sell: in our case I had to wait for 7 game days. You can speed up time with bed (saving).

Blitz Play (Blitz Play)

No matter how you hate Steve Haynes, you will have to fulfill for government agencies for free - they are both governmental.

"Paleto SCORE" robbery

Most optimal option As an arrow, these are Paks Makriri, if you worked with him in the very first robbery. If not, choose the chef, its characteristics are quite suitable for this case. But in no case do not take the norm - we will not spare, but this is the worst option.

Only Franklin can earn money in this robbery. The role of the hacker again choose the Ricky Lakence, the arrow's place should take Richards standards, and take the driver either Taliana Martinez, or Karima Denza.

Ricky can give up a little to professional hakwar in the speed of work, but it is acceptable for this task. Despite the inexperience, Richards will be quite acceptable to cope with the task (just do not take it in the first option, otherwise he will die that he will be in a penny already in the near future). Taliana Martinez is the best driver for this robbery, but to choose it, you will have to go through a side task where you need to save the girl from death. You will see it near the inverted car on the side between two roads. Take it to Sandy Shores faster than she will die.

The option with Karim is acceptable only if you worked with it on a jewelry robbery, and otherwise there will be serious waste problems.

"Huge Kush" (The Big Score)

Taliana perfectly cope with piloting, but if you replace it on the day, you are waiting for a plane crash. The shooter here does not matter, the cheapest is suitable.
If you still decided to pass the robbery in a quiet way, then know that it will bring 6 million less. In this case, Macriri or Chef is suitable for the role of the first arrow, and the place of the second can be entrusted to Daril Jones or Norman. Taliana and Karim - drivers, the role of a hacker should get Rica Lachens.

If you select an option b and make everything without a single blot, then in the end, each of the characters will be able to get 41 million GTA dollars.

Investing before lester missions

As mentioned earlier, these 4 tasks should be left to the easiest of the story, because the income size depends on the amount of investment. So, let's begin.

"Murder - 4 goals" (The Multi Target Assassination)

Each of the three characters are in line with the Debonaire Tobacco (DEB) manufacturing company on LCN securities stock exchange. Now it remains to be patient and check the growth of quotes. For several game hours, the price of shares in the PC version of the game will grow by 52% (on consoles up to 80%) - it's time to sell.

After you "raised" money on Debonaire shares, it's time to buy shares of the REDWOOD (RWC) competing company. It is necessary to make it quickly to make a company, after passing the six-nine game days of the company's quotes will return to the limits of the norm, and you will earn 300% of profits (on consoles 330%).

"" (The Vice Assassination)

Purchase Fruit (FRT) shares on BawSAQ. After 2 saves, the price of assets on the PC will rise by 25% (on consoles - 50%). After that, insert your savings in Facade (FAC) and monitor quotes - you can earn another 30%.

"Murder - Bus" (The Bus Assassination)

Here, the algorithm of action will have to change a little. Before you start, you do not need to invest anywhere, it should be done only after its completion. Be sure to look at the VAPID course before passing the mission, you can buy stocks when their market value falls 2 times. After five or seven gaming days you can earn 100% of the initial investments.

In addition to the tasks to eliminate goals in the game there are some more options for earning the stock exchange. For example, you can help business analytics, the machine of which broke down next to the highway () is a random event that is called "Travel 1" (HitchLift 1).

The essence of the task is to 2:20 minutes. You managed to deliver analyst to Los Santos Airport, and as a reward, he will share insider information with you.

Before passing, invest all the means of each heroes in Tinkle on Bawsaq. Through one game day, the increase in the cost of shares in the PC version of the game will be about 30% (on consoles 50%).

Another way to improve your financial condition, although very dubious is to trust Mr. Bill Binder and to invest in his portfolio generator at It is impossible to accurately predict the results, so players are disadvantaged money We advise to refrain from this scam, the same who does not know where else to spend their billions, we wish good luck.

Independent earnings on LCN and BawSAQ shares

Despite the fact that information about the impact of the player's actions is often found on the Internet. of various companies, there is no confirmation. All actions in the game are fully thought out, so the price of the quotations will not change from the undermining property of competitors.

How to make money on the stock exchange in GTA 5, and for what they are then created? In fact, everything is simple, in the LCN Exchange, which does not depend on connecting to Rockstar servers, you can buy stock companies at low prices, and sell at higher. However, you will have to study all the subtleties of trade, as not always a positive growth of securities today can continue in a day or two. For this type of earnings, only a player himself can be responsible.

If, after reading this article, you still have questions, see this video about how to make money in the game.

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Methods, on what and how to quickly make money in GTA Online, as well as tips, how to store them and in what to invest.

As in real life and virtual realityThe more money is, the more confident you can feel and act.

Therefore, many novice players are interested, how to quickly make money in GTA Online.

Especially since the single version of the game in the usual GTA is different from the multiplayer mode by many details and ways to earn.

Therefore, newbies often experience confusion and bewilderment, and proceed to finding full manual Secrets of rapid enrichment.

The difference between off- and online versions It is related to the fact that the usual GTA 5 is a finished finished project.

But GTA Online developers can change and improve what they are engaged.

But there is nothing to worry about: ways to make money in GTA Online quite a lot and everyone can find suitable options to correct the financial position.

Read this article and proceed!

What can I buy for money that will work out to make GTA Online?

When you just start playing GTA Online, you should not spend money on trifles: clothes, tattoos, accessories.

It is better to acquire a weapon or collect money for real estate.

The ability to purchase property in the GTA Online will appear after reaching the fifth level.

In this case, the restriction is valid - one player can acquire only one building.

You can buy them with the help of the Internet or finally coming to the icon on the map (the icon of the house).

The more real estate in size and the number of places for transport, the more expensive it will cost.

All at your disposal 65 objects.

If you decide to start with a small garage, then you can sell it and buy something more solid.

So that you can navigate, here is the price list for some objects:

  • $ 25,000 is the cheapest real estate, a garage for two cars in the east of Los Santos;
  • $ 80,000 - the cheapest of the available houses, which is located on Rockford Drive;
  • $ 120,000 - a house in which there is a garage for six places;
  • $ 200,000 - a house with a garage for a whole fleet for ten places.

In addition to the money for the purchase, you need to get ready to post every day at $ 25-70 to pay utility services.

But the garage owners in GTA Online must only pay the mechanics, but $ 50 daily.

What can make money in GTA Online?

Work (job execution)

Maybe this method will not allow you to earn in GTA Online as fast as you would like. But this method is the most affordable and effective for everyone who is just starting to master the world.

After all, the tasks that are offered to players are pretty lungs and can be performed in a short period of time.

In addition to the award in the form of money, you will receive additional bonuses for this: raising rank, plus to reputation and statistics.

And the zeal in the performance of working tasks will be rewarded with increasing payment - the more often you will do something, the more profitable tasks will open.

How to find tasks to make money in GTA online?

It is also very simple.

First, on the map, then there, there, it is possible to detect special marks that here you can get a task.

And secondly, the task can be simplified using a smartphone.

There is a special section "Fast work". Click on it and you will see all available for work.

Also invite to earn any tasks can other participants in the Virtual World GTA Online.

You yourself can send anyone who wants invitations using the above-mentioned tab "Fast work".

Additionally, the tasks are open when you pass the mission inside the game.


Many interesting finds may wait for you if you do not be lazy to inspect the body. They may well be with them some amount.

This, of course, is not a fullest way to earn, but will allow you to quickly get money with due luck.

Also, do not take care of various boxes (especially a lot of interesting things you will meet during the mission from Martin). To open them, just shoot.

Inside are not money, but cocaine. But it can be sold and earn $ 500 per bag.


After your player "grows up a little" and reaches a 15-level, you will have another opportunity to quickly make money.

When Ron calls you and threatens the workman, you will need to go to Trevor.

After that, it opens exactly what is needed for earnings - the mission of survival.

For each of them you can get a round sum - $ 20,000. At the same time, only 1 to 4 people participate in matches.


When you cross the bar "50th level", the call from Lamar will arrive. He will make you an offer, from which you should not refuse: Rob another character.

It is not worth saying "no" because a rather large amount can stand on the horse. But note that you, too, can treacherly die and with the help of threats to knock out cash.

True, in this case you can still resist. You just need to have time to jump on your feet and attack the attacker.


If the previous methods are designed mainly to beginners, then the hunt for people requires a more or less confident opinion about their rifle skills.

After all, the essence of the way to make money is that you will have to hunt for people, for the capture of which award is appointed.

Where they will tell you the points on the radar of red.

Do not rush to go to the attack, most of the "goals" are also not flashed. And if you do not calculate your strength, you will not earn money, but lose it - waking up in the hospital.

Car hijacking

There are some important momentsYou need to know before making money on the hijacking of cars with subsequent sale:

  • In one day of the game (virtual, in reality, it passes quickly - only 48 minutes) You have the opportunity to sell only one car.
  • For a hijacked car, you will be offered no more than $ 9,500 - this is the maximum amount.
  • SUVs and coupe are best evaluated.

    But the sedan will bring much less.

  • Do not spend money on repairing the car before selling it.

    The fact is that the amount that you spend on it, and the size of the "discount" of the buyer is the same.
    Therefore, if neither twist, the revenue will still be equal, but, engaged in repair. You will not be able to earn so quickly.

  • Search for hijacking cars are best in the area of \u200b\u200bRichman.

    In the area there are the most expensive cars.

  • A little secret: remember those cars that will call you Simon Character.

    These expensive "horses", barely freezing, you need to immediately repaint and lead him.
    You can quickly and impressively earn money.


There are several options how to arrange a robbery and quickly earn more money: Classic and group.
  1. Everything is according to the classics of the genre: Choose a target shop, come and threaten weapons to the seller.

    When you give money, you quickly run away.
    But it is always important to keep vigilance!
    In addition to the police, which will be drunk at you, and the seller himself can try to shoot you in the back.
    By the way, if you do not want to make much noise and attract unnecessary attention, you can not shout during robbery.
    Just hold the seller on the sight and you can even straighten into the counter.
    True, without motivation in the form of screams, money store employee will collect much slower.
    It is necessary to control everything alone, but I don't need to share the revenue.

  2. If you make a group attack, the strategy may vary.

    For example, you can move on the helicopter.
    And what, "parked" him at the entrance, made the case and flew away.
    Isn't it deft?
    This scheme can be wrapped many times, while making a lot of money.
    But sooner or later, police helicopters will still arrange a race with persecution.

About what ways you can make money in GTA Online,

see also in the video:

How to keep what managed to make money in GTA Online?

It will not matter how much you can earn if you will constantly lose profits.

After all, someone else's well-being can attract a lot of attention from other "residents" of the world GTA Online.

And there is also a danger to die and go to the hospital (money, if you do not know, write off). Because in the real world, you should not wear large amounts of cash with you.

Better and safer to send everything to the bank at the first opportunity.

Another way to competently use capital is not to spend it on nonsense.

Clothing and tattoos are, of course, cool. But much more logical to postpone everything that manages to earn in order to invest in real estate and weapons.

But accessories, rags and other nonsense is not a male business and may well wait.

Now you know, how to make money quickly in gta online And you can afford more than if you learned all these subtleties on your own and gradually.

It should be followed by official news from the project developers.

After all, they can not only cut the chances of receiving fast and too easy earnings, but also add new methods to earn.

Now we will show you how easy it is to make money in GTA Online.

We have collected all the main ways to earn money in GTA Online and told about them in detail in this article.

With the release of Grand Theft AUTO 5, the cost and number of vehicles, weapons, clothes, and other steep pieces for sale in the GTA Online, the multiplayer component of the game, increased significantly. But also increased the amount of money that can be earned.
Whether these two factors have increased at the same speed - another question, and in this article I collected the best ways Earnings (legal) in GTA Online to help players understand what was incomprehensible and was not much discussed.

There are many methods to make money in the game, which are not listed here, such as races, deadly battles, missions, and different other game schemes. But the amount of money you get for the time spent has not increased since 2013, so they are relatively ineffective.
New players may consider them comfortable at first, and ultimately, if you like what you are playing, then the money will appear by themselves. Nevertheless, in this article will be marked different and most effective methods Earn so much money as possible.

It should be noted that everything that is stated below is exclusively about money. Do not be afraid to combine and do what you like more. Although the most money per hour can be earned, having a bunker GunRunning or making cocaine as a part-time, performing a mission of Vehicle Cargo and making VIP work (if a player is one) or a Pacific Standard robbery (if you have a fairly competent team) - you can get rid of doing one And the same constantly. The absolute maximum that you ever could earn on the fulfillment of missions - $ 500k per hour in any case, and though it seems that it is a lot, you still need 600 hours of work at this level to afford all the transport that is in game (as I found out on my YouTube Channel here).

When it becomes the duty performed for the money when it seems more work than the game, or you do not enjoy the fruits of your work, it's time to relax from making money and play other games for the sake of entertainment. Although it is possible to abstract from this issue, because below you will find the best ways to make money in GTA Online.

Follow the shares with a double amount. Rockstar changes what you can do to earn a double amount almost every week. Sometimes it will be races or competitions, and even with a double amount they will not be as effective as the methods that I listed here.

However, sometimes these methods will have a double price week, such as the sale in the GunRunning or Vehicle Cargo bunker. The more options are available to you, the more you can use the benefits of shares with double money when they become profitable. And if double amounts you get for the robbery (which happens very rarely) absolutely accurately to do this in this week.

Potential profits: $ 400k per hour

The necessary conditions: Dear apartment (minimum cost: $ 200k) and 3 friends

Methodik: Go to the room for planning robbery in your expensive apartment and select a robbery to start. You will need to pay an advance to start a robbery as an organizer. Invite three friends and work the mission from the organization to the final.
It is recommended to discuss everything in a good group of four people, a skill is also required, which will help reduce the time spent, and there are many learning videos for each mission.

Council: The Pacific Standard robbery on the HARD fashion will bring the greatest number of arrived per hour than other methods of earning money in the game if the group of players is competent.
The organizer of each robbery does not receive anything for organizing the mission, and must invest money to start, so it will be correct to take 40% of earnings, and the rest of the players - by 20%, thus, all four players receive about the same amount.

Potential profits: $ 300K per hour

The necessary conditions: Room (minimum cost: $ 1.25 million) and 1-3 friend

Methodik: Go to the room for planning robbery in your room and select a robbery to start. You will need to pay an advance to start a robbery as an organizer.
Invite one, two or three friends, and discuss with them preparations for the mission, its holding and finals. As in older robbers, form a group of good players, as in order to reduce the time of the robbery, you will need skills and communication.

Council: To carry out these robbers together, and not four of them - it means to get automatically more money per player, since the total amount remains the same, but the missions will be slightly more complex and more costly in time with a smaller number of players. The organizer of each robbery does not receive anything for organizing the mission, and must invest money to start.
Therefore, it will be correct to take 40% of the earnings (4 player) / 50% (3 players) / 60% (2 players) from the final earnings, and the remaining players are divided into equal shares the remaining amount, so all players receive about the same amount. Never pay to miss the preparation for the mission, it is not profitable from the point of view of money or in terms of time.

Special Cargo.

Potential profits: $ 200k per hour

The necessary conditions: Office (minimum cost: $ 1 million), warehouse (minimum cost: $ 250K) and organization member (CEO)

Methodik: Start the organization as CEO in the SecurVV agency in the interactive menu. Come to the computer in your office and select "Special Cargo", then "buy" the number of boxes you want. To complete the mission, you will need to deliver boxes to the warehouse.
You can only transfer one box at a time, but you can return and collect them. After that you can use a laptop in stock to sell collected boxes through the delivery mission to make a profit.

Council: Buy more boxes at a time more effectively, especially if you have friends who can help you collect them and deliver to the warehouse. The more boxes you sell at a time, the more money you will earn the box, so the big, the full warehouse will be easier to build and sell. Although large warehouses are more and the sale of 111 boxes at a time is a big risk, because you or earn 2.2 million or lose everything.

Potential profits: $ 300K per hour

The necessary conditions: Office (minimum cost: $ 1 million), garage (minimum cost: $ 1.5 million) and member of the organization (CEO)

Methodik: Start the organization as CEO in the SecurVV agency in the interactive menu. Come to the computer in the office and select "Vehicle Cargo", then "Source Vehicle". To complete the mission, you will need to catch the transport and deliver it to the garage.
Be careful, distinguishing transport to the garage, because the accidents will entail the cost of repair, and it will affect profits. Then you can use a laptop in the garage to sell the transport that you hijacked through the delivery mission and make a profit.

Council: Repeat the hijacking until you fill the garage standard set Of 10 machines and 10 average machinery without repetitions. At this stage, every mission gives you the best transport until you collect all 12. Only exports of the best transport and selling more transport at one time, if you have friends to help, help get the maximum profit per hour.

Potential profits: $ 150k per hour

The necessary conditions: Angar (minimum cost: $ 1.2 million) and organization member (VIP / CEO)

Methodik: Start the organization as VIP or CEO in the SecurServ agency in the online menu. Go to your computer in your hangar and select "Source", then the type of cargo you want to steal. To complete the mission, you will need to deliver the cargo to your hangar. Then you can use a laptop in the hangar to sell the cargo that you stole through the delivery mission and make a profit.

Council: Choose one type of cargo, let it be either drugs, or chemicals, or medical products. You will receive a 35% bonus for selling 25 boxes of these types, and 75% for the sale of 50 boxes. To sell the entire hangar, you will need help friends, and in general, this mission can be performed much more effectively with friends.

Potential profits

The necessary conditions: bunker (minimum cost: $ 1.2 million) and member of the organization (VIP / CEO)

Methodik: Start the organization as VIP or CEO in the SecurServ agency in the online menu. Go to the computer in the bunker and select "Resupply" then "Steal Supplies" or "BUY Supplies". To complete the mission, you will need to deliver all stocks to the bunker if you have chosen this option, or they will be delivered without any effort if you have chosen "buy". When you have raw materials, your employees will begin production, turning it into stocks of goods while you are doing anything in the game. Then you can use a laptop in the bunker to sell the goods through the delivery mission and make a profit.

Council: Purchase of raw materials will be less costly in time, like the work of employees in the production and purchase of equipment / state updating. This is a passive income, so you do not need to do this, at the same time you can earn with the help of active methods listed here. In this mission there is no bonus for the whole bunker sold, and to do this, you will need help friends if several cars are involved in the sales mission.

Potential profits: $ 80k passive earnings per hour (you can do your affairs at the same time)

The necessary conditions: Club building (minimum cost: $ 200k), business (minimum cost: $ 650k) and Motocluba president

Methodik: Start the Motocluba organization as the president in the appropriate option in the interactive menu. Go to the laptop in your building and select "Resupply" then "Steal Supplies" or "BUY Supplies". To complete the mission, you will need to deliver all stocks to the building if you have chosen this option, or they will be delivered without any effort if you have chosen to "buy".
When you have raw materials, your employees will begin production, turning it into stocks of goods while you are doing anything in the game. Then you can use a laptop in the building to sell the goods through the delivery mission and make a profit.

Council: Production of cocaine will be the most profitable (as well as the arms trade), the cheapest Cocaine business is $ 975k, while the sales mission requires more time. Buy raw materials less costly.
This is a passive income, so you do not need to do this, at the same time you can earn with the help of active methods listed here. In this mission there is no bonus for the whole bunker sold, and to do this, you will need help friends if several cars are involved in the sales mission.

Potential profits: $ 150k per hour

The necessary conditions: Member of the Organization (VIP / CEO)

Methodik: Start the organization as VIP or CEO in the SecurServ agency in the online menu. Open the interactive menu and select "VIP Work", and then the mission you want to perform. You will need to complete the mission in free form, and you will receive a cash reward after successful implementation.
Council: These missions are a great way to make money during waiting, when the recovery time is expired, for example, when you wait for a car in stock. These missions are quickly executed and are well paid. They do not replace all other ways to make money, as they pay for them not so much, but they can exist as a reliable main work. Headhunter, Hostile Takeover and Sightseer are excellent missions for execution.

Premium races

Potential profits: $ 80k per race

The necessary conditions: Fast Machine / Motorcycle, Good Racing Ability

Methodik: You can come to the place, which is marked with a golden wheel on the map where the race passes, or hover over it and start directing from the card. When 8 other players are registered in the race, you will remove $ 20k from the bank account. You need to come to the finish, at least the third so that this attachment stepped up, as the winner receives $ 100k, the second place takes $ 30k, and the third place takes back its investment in $ 20k.

Council: Premium races change every week, and this is a pretty risky event, because the registration of players can take some time, and there is no guarantee that you can earn.
If you are a professional racer, familiar with the races that are offered this week and you good car (If you do not know in advance which machine to use for racing, then you are not ready for it) it can be beneficial for you.

Potential profits: $ 50k for check-in

The necessary conditions: Fast Machine / Motorcycle

Methodik: You can come to the place where the check in, which is marked with a purple stopwatch on the map. Start a check in when you feel ready, and try to come to the finish line faster than that time indicated. There are no checkpoints in the arrival, so you can go through any route as you want. You will be rewarded by the amount of about $ 50k for the successful completion.

Council: Rides are changing every week and you can get a reward only once a week. You have an unlimited number of attempts to come faster than the set time, and you can come back to the beginning, but the more time it takes, the less money you can earn in an hour. In short, you can get to the right place to reach the destination on the fast motorcycle.

Potential profits: $ 1.6 million in 28 days

The necessary conditions: Rank 15.

Methodik: Open the interactive menu and select "Daily Objectives". The screen will show three goals that you need to achieve per day. Just perform each task and you will be rewarded by the amount of $ 25k for successful execution. Some tasks can be more complicated than others, and for their successful execution you will need help help.

Council: This is the easiest way to make money, provided that you adhere to it every day, because there are very significant bonuses for 7 and 28 days of consistently performed tasks. Performing tasks for 7 days in a row will bring you a $ 100k bonus, 28 days in a row - an additional $ 500k. The total amount of money you can get for the fulfillment of the goals for 28 days is $ 1.6 million (28x25k + 4x100k + 500k).