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Resources for job search. Modern methods of searching and selection of personnel Specialized resource on the proposal of work

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On the site, all current vacancies are distributed over rubrics and cities. Here you can get acquainted with the most demanded professions and shifting the labor market. A large list of free seats is waiting for young professionals in the field of trade and sales, education, science, medicine and pharmacology. If you are a creative person and used to perform tasks while sitting at home, pay attention to the proposals to designers, content managers, editors and IT technologies.

The largest base of current summary and vacancies on the Internet. Here waiting for you good selection enterprises and companies that are ready to employ people on favorable terms. Thanks to a convenient menu, a quick search system and a catalog of professions, among thousands of offers, the right thing is not to be much difficult. The portal has prepared a lot of visitors useful informationconcerning working and career growth. It is possible to subscribe to the newsletter by registering on the site

Hope to find the best sites specializing in employment?! For this you do not need to go far and spend a lot of time. All you need is to enter this site and proceed to search for vacancies. On a universal Internet resource, you can learn about various types of part-time, get free offers with decent earnings to all family members. In the section "Place ads", each owner of the company or a novice businessman can publish the news of the staff set in his team.

On this site it is possible to find proven and serious organizations that have managed to establish themselves with positive In the modern employment market. Any chart, workplace near the house, career growth, the opportunity to pass the paid internship - all this is waiting for you to "[email protected]". Asbiturines and graduates of universities, the portal prepared special offers of remote and seamless work without separation from study and not requiring investments. Read articles and share comments.

Interested in job search sites? Then look here. On this Internet resource, more than 10 thousand vacancies are presented and the as many questionnaires of seekers of various professional categories. Decided to learn a new profession? The site will talk about educational institutions that spend a set of courses and trainings. Do not know how to create a resume? See the instructions and requirements for the description of your skills. If you have any questions, you can ask their portal managers online.

Need sites to search for work? One of these is "job". On this Internet resource, you can appreciate all the convenience of an extended or standard search by company, enterprises and professions. A correctly formulated request will save time and facilitate the task. Looking for vacancies for remote employment? Specify your requirements in empty strings and within a few seconds you will answer. Meet also with the rating of the demands of professions and explore the labor market.

Did you need job search sites? Come on "Headhunter" and search for the desired vacancy. Here you can find more than 250 thousand different vacancies, about ten million relevant questionnaire questionnaires, the most reliable employers, as well as advice on successful employment and much more. Read on the resource comments about companies and firms. Need help in making a summary? Talk to payments Portal and specialists will do everything for you, observing the requirements and wishes of customers.

The authoritative site where you can find any kind of earnings in Russia. Every day information about enterprises and large holdings, personal data, information for students and graduates of higher educational institutions is updated. In the "Salary Reviews" section, find out what specialty is in demand today and how much the employer is ready to pay for a qualitatively performed task. Do not know where to start your way to employment? The portal will teach you to competently draw up a resume.

Here you can find qualified employees and find the work of your dreams. The site is filled with thousands of vacancies and tell about each employer and its reputation. Learn on the portal fresh news about the labor market and see the rating of the demanded professions. New Internet resource will help competently create a resume. Filling and publication of questionnaire questionnaires is a free service and does not require registration. In the heading "Catalog of agencies" there are addresses of personnel firms.


On the pages of the Internet resource you can find vacancies and summaries operating in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition to the standard list of employers, the portal offers all the unemployed catalog with trainings and courses for training, personnel retraining and training in foreign languages. If you think that your specialty is outdated and no longer enjoys in demand in the labor market, the site will help you choose an educational institution where you master one of the demanded professions for today.

The Internet resource has a simple menu format, a convenient distribution of vacancies by headings and a quick search engine. Even if you are searching for work for the first time, here you will be easily and simple. Want to work in your specialty? Choose a section with its name and meet the offers of employers. You still student, but there is a desire to learn how to make money? The site has prepared interesting options with a flexible schedule and without deep knowledge in various fields.

This Internet portal provides everyone to gain education, learn foreign language and find a job in Kiev or other city of Ukraine. There is not only a description of famous companies that need qualified employees, but also a list of prestigious universities. If you have become a graduate specialist and need employment, the portal prepared for you full instructions By finding an employer and tell about the main points in the process of compiling a summary.

To your attention the project of urban employment centers of Ukraine. With it, each employer and applicant can place their suggestions and wishes, including data with an extended version version, completely free. If you need full access To all data posted on the site, - register and fill the user's questionnaire. In the "Legislation" section, explore the rules and procedure for official employment, meet job descriptions.

Work in Ukraine, press centers, enterprise services, search for search, information for the employment of foreigners, as well as changes in the current labor code of the country and other types of data can be found here. Registered visitors can take advantage of free consultations and solve controversial moments that have arisen in relations with the employer. In the "Electronic Services" section Meet the trends in the labor market and find out about passing trainings and courses.

Internet portal allows you to save immediately after registration personal Cabinet Favorite options and suggestions of employers. For those who are constantly in motion, who has no time to sit at a computer, the portal has developed a mobile version in which you can also look for vacancies, send a resume, negotiate interviews and read latest news labor market. There is a rating of popular vacancies in your city and show contact centers phone numbers.

Come into the virtual assistant to choose a suitable job. The resource allows you to quickly find a company or enterprise for perfect employment. The portal operates an automatic selection of vacancies and a quick search engine. If you did not find a suitable job and you did not interest you anything, you can register on the site and subscribe to the newsletter. Fresh sentences. Read useful articles on design and proper summary.

The Internet portal provides a number of information and other types of tools, service packages that can help applicants in finding work, and will also allow employers to employ skilled office employees. Meet the site with trends in the labor market and recognize the rating of popular professions for today. Those who wish to pass the retraining or increase the level of professionalism - read the training centers, trainings and courses.

Multifunctional Internet service, which allows in a short period of time to make a quick selection of resumes, candidates and suitable vacancies. Placing the personal data and the search for qualified employees is completely free service. On the site you can read useful articles on how to get an interview and leave a pleasant impression about yourself, and whether it is worth creatively to fill the portfolio. In the "Abroad" section, find out where to go to learn in Europe and where to find a job.

Website "Jobrapido" will allow you to learn about existing workplaces in the world, country, city and fields. All resource data are collected from third sources, as well as published managers of companies through the form "Add vacancy". Here convenient interface and a search menu, so you can easily read the vacancies in the field of activity you need. If nothing is interested, leave your coordinates and resume on the portal and wait for the employers' response, and write comments on the forum.

The catalog offers to view the best online job search resources:,,,, and others. To each site is attached short description, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibilities and prospects that helps faster and better search for vacancies. Almost every portal has a forum where you can read the opinion about employers. In the "My Sites" section, add you liked and watch them filling and updating.

Your attention is presented with the rating of the most popular Internet resources for finding work in Ukraine. Read the opinions of professionals about the effective methods of employment, clones, aggregators and satellites. Specialists in their articles will teach you correctly choose a vacancy and place competently compiled summary. Learn to pass interviews without excitement and clearly formulate your thoughts. Leave comments and share tips with the guests of the portal.

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There are several sites where the absolute majority of resumes and vacancies in Russia and the CIS countries are collected. They can even find a job abroad for Russian-speaking professionals. These are the best job search sites.

Hedhanter, - the largest job search site. You can leave your resume on this site, place a portfolio, various certificates and test results, tell about yourself. On this site you can find vacancies in a wide variety of activities. The largest base of vacancies in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Superjob, - another great site with a large base of vacancies. There are industrial and creative offers about work. The interface of this and previous sites is quite different, but it is easy to understand. Recruiters believe that on this site you often can be found more qualified specialists than on other resources.

Job Ru, - another giant in the field of employment of the population. Jobs are well sorted, which can facilitate job search. First, they are divided into areas of activity, and then already ordered.

Work Ru, - also using the site also popular. It is distinguished by the fact that here, in comparison with the previous three, the vacancies are more present, not only in Russia, but also in neighboring states.

Professional social networks

The age of the Internet opens up completely new opportunities. If you are a high-class specialist, then place your resume on the stock exchanges may not be the most solid solution. As a rule, recruiters are looking for such people on professional social networks. Here are the most popular among them: - International social network, through which can be contacted with the personnel service of almost any large company in the world. Even if you do not consider yourself an upscale specialist, the account here is very useful. Through this site you can log in in other job search exchanges.

Do not lose. Subscribe and get a link to the article on your mail.

The relevance of finding a job in our time is not only not reduced, if you compare with previous decades, but, on the contrary, it becomes more and higher. Some, others firing, alone want to change the place of work for some reason, others just get up before the need for change. But if used before everything was used, so to speak, the classic method: buying a newspaper - search ads - phone calls - assignment of interviews; Today, today two, and most often, even the three first items of this method can be safely cleaned, because people have internet.

The search for work via the Internet allows multiple times to reduce the time, avoid downtime in queues and preparation of documents, because you can simply find the job of the job and respond to it or write a letter to the organization by sending an e-mail summary and briefly told about yourself. And do it can be sitting at home at the computer and drinking your favorite green tea.

However, special attention should be paid to finding the most suitable site to find a job, because options can be found a lot, but not all resources can provide professional services and help finally find it. Therefore, we decided to bring the list of the most, in our opinion, the best sites for finding work in Russia, which are already checked for years and huge number applicants.

Below we will look at the "hot" dozen sites, contacting which anyone significantly increases its chances to find a suitable place of work.

The site "" is one of the oldest job search sites - it has been functioning since 1996. By contacting the applicant gets the opportunity to find a job in the territory of the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS, and the vacancy bank is over 100 thousand proposals renewing daily. In addition, on the site you can learn how to competently create a resume, with an employer, find a lot of useful materials related to labor law and career. All resumes entering the database from applicants are thoroughly moderated, so that requests from job seekers Maximum consistent with the conditions of employers.

The resource " (" occupies a leading position among resources working in the field of job search. On the site you can find over 300 thousand topical proposals for work and more than 13 million summaries of applicants. Each applicant is invited to use very comfortable. search engine, learn about news on the labor market, to get acquainted with the updated salaries catalog, get help of a specialist online, and also learn about all sorts of training courses and advanced training and visit the research section. Among other things, this site is very useful for employers.

The site "" is a portal offering applicants over 180 thousand proposals for work in the regions of the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS, and employers are more than 3 million summons. The job search on this site is very convenient, fast and accurate, and its specialists are in touch 24 hours a day. Find for yourself the work here is a student, and a storekeeper, and manager, and manager, and a specialist in any area. However, the resource has a rather hard regulation of resume and vacancies, which is done to avoid dubious publications, repetition and spam. In addition, the site has and mobile version and special application, Install which can be on your smartphone or tablet.

In the database of the portal "", over 220 thousand vacancies from companies of different scale and format, and both from domestic and foreign ones are presented. But the main activity of the site is not only the provision of proposals for work, but also useful materials and relevant information in the field of labor market, wage reviews, trade guidance reviews and even the help of specialists in drawing up professional summary. In addition, applicants have the opportunity to receive a list of recruitment agencies, learn about various thematic events and find training courses, advanced training or professional retraining.

The site "" works in the field of employment for 12 years and cooperates with the popular and well-known publication "Work and Salary". The resource offers users to familiarize themselves with a huge number of proposals - all of their more than 40 thousand, and the number of people who visit the site daily exceeds 100 thousand. The site is equipped with functional, fast and convenient search for vacancies, which are updated every day, sections of news, reviews in the labor market and analytical data, as well as the ability to place a resume and design a subscription to updates. The moderation of all incoming summary allows you to find the relevant relevant as soon as possible. specified parameters Jobs.

The portal "Rabota.mail.Ru" is very well known to Russian applicants and employers. Every day on the site you can find a lot of fresh proposals for work in all regions of Russia. Fit suggestions here can find almost every person, regardless of what its specialization is - work for everyone, from handymen and housewives to managers and specialists. In addition, visitors to the site have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the news of the labor market and all sorts of analytical data, and students can take advantage of the special section in which very good and promising proposals for people are collected without experience and wishing to combine work with learning.

The resource "" is very well known among users of the Internet and people who are interested in a particularly remote job. Most of all this site is suitable for people specializing in copywriting, translation texts, writing articles, infographics, web design, photography, programming, etc. By and large, the resource presented is one of the most popular also for the reason that it allows offline employees to present their work and creation for sale and reveals any wishing very wide scope for work and with the possibility of obtaining good financial rewards.

The site "" offers applicants quality services and a convenient search for vacancies, the total number of which exceeds 170 thousand. Users can add their resume to the data bank and look for work, both on the territory of the employer and remotely. The resource has been operating since 2000, and is currently considered one of the best. It distinguishes it from the mass of other fast registration, the ability to place a resume and the presence of inner mail that simplifies the interaction of applicants and employers. In addition to this, it is possible to note the possibility of creating your own job archive, subscription design and familiarization with relevant in the market of labor market.

One of the youngest sites for finding the work of GORODRABOT.RU is already in the top 7 of the most popular portals for the employment of Runet. More than 8 million users choose every month. There are almost 1.5 million vacancies. The portal contains vacancies from 150 proven sources, including the most famous job search sites in Russia. On GORODRABOT.RU Employers can post vacancies for free. Plus, the base of candidates from 1.3 million resumes and services are collected here. quick search employees. There are also salaries statistics, indexing calculator, fresh news, useful articles, comments and expert advice.

Updated: 06.12.2018 17:53:04

Expert: David Lieberman

* Overview of the best editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

The Internet is one of the best playgrounds to find a job if you want to find a highly paid, an interesting position where you can show all your professional talents. In this regard, it exceeds the classic ways to detect vacancies (employment centers, newspapers with ads, etc.).

Rating of the best sites for job search

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best sites for job search 1 5.0
2 4.9
3 4.8
4 4.8
5 4.7
6 4.7
7 4.6
8 4.5
9 4.4

Why he: the largest site with job offers.

Hadhanther was originally created as a platform for the search for highly qualified employees - professionals in their field, experienced managers, leading experts. However, over many years of the project, its audience expanded significantly. So, now even students and people without experience can find a job on this site without experience, as well as unskilled specialists.

Hadhantter is not limited to any one orientation, offering the base of employers' proposals for any specialties and in all regions of Russia. The ads are sufficiently developed - requirements, duties and conditions are indicated in understandable and readable form. All offers are checked by moderators.


  • The largest resource with ads on the search for employees in Russia;
  • Completely free to use applicants;
  • There are vacancies of both highly qualified and unskilled specialists.


  • Very many messages from the site on email;
  • It is difficult to remove the summary;
  • Frequent responses from HR by unsuitable vacancies.

Why: a huge base of vacancies and cooperation with the largest companies in the country.

"Superjob" was originally created as an alternative to Hadhantra - and recently confidently holds positions. If the latter expanded the scope of influence on the labor market, capturing unqualified jobs, then this site continues to specialize in professional vacancies.

The portal presents the largest employers of Russia - banks, trading networks, insurance companies, Production enterprises. That is why he is excellent for applicants who want to get highly qualified - and therefore the highly paid position. But it is also necessary to meet. Superjob specialists manually check all offers on the site.

As at the time of writing this material on SuperJob, about 400 thousand vacancies are presented throughout Russia, and the base of companies has a 1.5 million enterprises.


  • Excellent platform for the search for highly qualified work;
  • Manual verification of resumes and vacancies;
  • Convenient search.


  • It is difficult to find unqualified work;
  • Many of the same type of vacancies from major employers;
  • Complex access to direct contacts of employers.

Why he: one of the best sites to find the work of "secondary qualifications".

The site "" is quite difficult to find a vacancy requiring high qualifications. This site is primarily focused on employees of the so-called "middle link" or "working class". Therefore, if you need such a job, it is worth looking for it first of all on this site.

Students, people without experience wishing to take part-time specialists, as well as employees seeking a position on some distant watch will be able to find a job on the resource. Here to detect a similar vacancy is much easier than on other platforms in the ranking. The project has a team of moderators, manually checking all offers.

The resource is quite large - at the time of writing this material on it, about 200 thousand vacancies of various focus were presented. In addition, in collaboration with large companies offers an internship program for students.


  • Well suited for students and secondary specialists;
  • Convenient search;
  • Internship program.


  • Few vacancies of highly qualified specialists;
  • Little suggestions of top managers.

Why he: job aggregator from other sites with job offers.

Yandex. Work is not a website with job offers. For example, companies will not be able to accommodate a position here. Yandex. Work is a vacancy aggregator from other popular sites with suggestions.

In particular, he collects offers from Headhanther, Superjobs, "" and several dozen other platforms, including those also presented in the ranking. However, he also has unique ads. For example, thanks to cooperation with its own "center of hiring drivers", it is through this platform that it is easiest to get a job in the branded taxi service - Yandex.Taxi.



  • There is no single standard of ads;
  • No system of unified registration;
  • You can not post a resume.

Why: cooperation with recruiting agencies, reference materials, proven vacancies.

"" is a major project about work as a whole. Many information articles and reference materials will help in preparing for the search for a new position or change current, the "salaries" tool will prompt the average wages By specialty, and cooperation with recruiting agencies increases the chances of the applicant for successful employment.

The main advantage of the project is manual selection and check of vacancies. That is why only real jobs are represented here, no "lugouts" with high salary and impatient duties. Therefore, of course, the base of proposals from employers from the site is slightly smaller than the rest of the platforms - it is honest.

So, at the time of writing the material, the site vacancies of the site has more than 100 thousand ads hosted by 32 thousand employers' companies.


  • Big base of information and reference materials;
  • Verified vacancies;
  • Checked employers.


  • Few vacancies for people without work experience or students;
  • Many offers from recruiting centers.

Why he: an ideal place to search for unskilled work.

Avito is one of the largest platforms for private announcements in Russia. And the section with suggestions about work also has. True, unlike previous platforms in the list, Avito does not concentrate on the labor market, and therefore the announcement of the search for an employee or about the offer of work look like ... just ads. No resume or other complications.

Actually, that is why Avito acquired a "specialization" site with vacancies of unskilled employees. It is well suited for people with secondary education, without work experience that do not need high levels of responsibility or serious requirements.

Nevertheless, Avito is one of the largest sites with advertisements about work. In particular, at the time of writing this material, more than 230 thousand vacancies are posted on the portal throughout Russia.


  • Maximum simplicity in finding work;
  • Convenient and understandable interface;
  • Most of the functions are available even without registration.


  • It is difficult to find a qualified work;
  • No check of vacancies and employers;
  • There is no single standard of publication of vacancies.

Why he: Best playground To search for first work with subsequent career growth.

Specialization "Career" is reflected in his name. On this site, it is easiest to find work to students who have just completed the university - or even continue their studies - but are ready to create their careers. It also contains many internship programs that will help in the future to work in large companies or state structures.

However, thanks to cooperation with the heading of the Hadhantter portal, there are quite familiar vacancies on this site, which will suit people with experience or simply wishing to change their current place. Also at the "career" presents a large information base of useful materials that will help students in search of work.

According to official information, more than 50 thousand vacancies are placed on the project. The base of companies includes over 90 thousand organizations from Russia and abroad.


  • Large base of internships;
  • A large base of vacancies with part-time working day or remote operation;
  • Useful materials For students and applicants.


  • Few vacancies for professionals; most internships are extremely low paid;
  • In many ads on internships, the salary is not even indicated.

Why he: a huge base of job proposals.

The "City of Work" unites the functionality of the usual site with proposals for the work and the portal aggregator with vacancies. Therefore, it is presented with both "own" publications and references to materials from other sources. In addition, the site has a large base of information articles that help applicants in drawing up a summary, preparation for the interview, and even protect against employment fraud.

In addition, the benefits of the resource indicate the so-called "vacancy card" and a unique search engine, thanks to which the applicant will be able to choose a great workplace without long mailings. Summary.

Thanks to the function of the aggregator "City of Work" - one of the largest portals with the relevant ads in RuNet. So, according to official information, at the time of writing this material, more than 1.2 million vacancies are presented on it.


  • Big base of information materials;
  • Optimal search mechanism;
  • Editable, downloadable summary examples.


  • Many duplicate and "trash" vacancies;
  • There is no moderation of proposals.

Why he: one of the oldest sites dedicated to the search for work.

The "Vacanant" portal is one of the oldest portals for finding work in the ranking and at the same time the Russian segment of the Internet. He was created in 1999 - and since then, unfortunately, has changed little. Nevertheless, despite the obsolete interface, it is still popular with the "Padroviki" "old school".

As a result, the "Vacan" is a good site for finding a reliable, stable and permanent employment. And the vacancies presented on it mainly describe the so-called "working class" specialists. Although the proposals from the regions on it are quite small.

According to official information, at the time of writing this material on the Vacante, about 25 thousand vacancies acted across Russian Federation. Also offers information base From articles dedicated to various aspects of employment.


  • Many suggestions for representatives of the so-called "working class";
  • Proposals are mainly from the "Old School" companies.


  • Outdated interface;
  • Few vacancies in the regions;
  • Few high-paying vacancies.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

For starters, advice: always check the sites of those companies in which you would like to work! Often, vacancies are placed primarily there, and in large companies, there is surely a built-in system with vacancies where you can fill in the summary and go through the necessary tests.

Students and young professionals of any profile

  • First of all, the website of Hedhanter his child section for students and young professionals In addition to the huge base of vacancies and employers, there is a job fair online and publishes news and articles from HR experts.
  • University career resources: our (with division in directions) and page Hse Career. in contact with and facebook Where, in addition to vacancies for tower students, news about career events of the University, as well as the base of vacancies in the tower .Family. (If you have a profile there).
  • Portal ICANCHOOSE, Where not only vacancies and career tips are located, but there is an excellent embedded constructor of the resume and the accompanying letter, and you can also look at the life of the office of many companies in photos and interviews.
  • The site of internship Grintern.- A large selection of positions of interns, assistants, assistants and young professionals, also different resume templates, valuable experts and analyst at the labor market.
  • Future Today. - Work for students and young professionals in leading companies and in various industries, employers rating and a visual calendar of career events, flexible mailing setting to receive vacancies for the interests of the user.
  • Job Balance - Search for work on interests, hobbies and hobbies.
  • ISIC - The international student organization also places vacancies in different directions.
  • Aggregator Indeed. - One of the most normal accommodation aggregators in Russia. At the same time you can read reviews on employers.
  • Section Superjob For students - internships, practice and work for students, including foreign internships.
  • Anti-Strength - There are also advice on the forum.
  • Career portal government of Moscow - Jobs in different directions in the government of Moscow, the opportunity to get into the personnel reserve, as well as the portal Youth Employment Center of Moscow Especially for students and young professionals.
  • Social networks: R. azel vacancies B. LinkedIn.- Bring your profile in order, update the place of work and contacts and forward. Also do not forget to scroll through groups with vacancies in VKontakte and Facebook, for example Hunters for heads , Work on the soul , Work for friends etc. - Try to find groups of your specialization. You can also subscribe to profile canals and chat rooms.
  • HR-agencies sites and HH pages: Kelly Services, Hays, Atsal, Inter-HR, Consort Group, Kaus, Penny Lane Personnel, Antal, Favorit, President, Triumph, Thousands of them.