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How to increase the maximum upload file size in WordPress. How to increase the file upload limit in WordPress How to increase the size of a jpeg image file

In most cases, the file is compressed information. It is compressed according to the format in order to reduce size object, this often leads to a loss of quality. In the case of small size, it is comfortable to use such files, because they are downloaded and processed faster. But it has and back side- some file hosting services may not accept our file due to the fact that it is too small size, in this case you need to increase the size.

You will need

  • - a computer
  • - Internet connection


1. In case you need to increase the size of the picture, you can increase its area through the editor. Specific processing also increases the size file... If we do not want to change the area of ​​the image, but only want to change the size itself, then we can save without compression by using formats that have no compression at all, such as files with stretching “.bmp”.

2. In order to change the size of the audio track, you need to open it through the editor. Later, after you open it, save it by specifying a higher bitrate in the settings than it is at the actual moment. Quality file will not change, but due to the settings of the program, the size of the audio track will change. It is also allowed to save the track by using the “.wav” stretching format, which is not a compression format, like the “.raw” format, therefore, due to this, its size also increases.

3. If you need to increase the video size file, you must open it through a special editor, and later save it with the settings more High Quality and less compression. You can also change the stretch at which you save the file to the one that supports the lowest compression ratio.

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Be careful not to change the compression settings, but it is easy to change the file stretching through the editor - in this case, there is invariably the possibility of returning the object to its original size without loss of quality.

Helpful advice
Remember that the quality of the file does not change from the fact that you enlarge it!

If you need to increase the disk space of your device or just change the weight of the image, you need to know how to reduce the size jpg file.

This photo format is the most common.

Compression jpg is supported by all devices and allows you to save picture information without loss and distortion.

The weight of the jpg file can be found in the properties of the photo, and the size of the picture can be easily changed using editor programs and online services.

Method number 1. Reducing the size of a picture in Paint.NET

Paint is the simplest standard program for editing raster and vector images. Available to all users operating systems Windows.

The main tools available in the application:

  • adding labels;
  • filling elements;
  • trimming, pasting;
  • copying fragments and so on.

After changing the width and height of the photo, the size changes.

Follow the instructions to reduce the size of the Paint image:

  • Right-click on the desired picture and select Edit. The photo will automatically open in Paint in editing mode;
  • On the main toolbar, find the resize key and click on it. A dialog box will open. To reduce the size of the final file, you need to change the size to a smaller one.
    You can edit using percentages or pixels. By saving, you will reduce the size of the picture.

Remember! After changing the width parameter, you need to proportionally change the height. Otherwise, the picture may become too stretched and disproportionate.

Method number 2. Resizing in Photoshop

The photo file size can also be reduced by professional program for editing bitmaps- Photoshop. Follow the instructions:

  • Open the application and import the required graphic file for further work;
  • Find the Image tab on the main toolbar, click on it. In the drop-down list, select Image Size, as shown in the picture below;
  • Change the dimensions of the image (width and height), also make sure that there is a check mark next to the Respect for the proportions of the photo checkbox;
  • Try to reduce the photo by 10-15 percent. Thus, its final weight will also decrease.

Method number 3. Using MS Office programs

Test processor has Word 2010 and above early versions there is a picture compression function. V newest versions programs removed this function.

Add a picture to the document page, then in the tab that appears, select "Open With", and then the MS Picture Manager application.

In the window that opens, click on the "Image" tab and select "Compress Image". The higher the compression ratio, the lower the final file size will be.

Save the resulting changes.

Important! Artwork may deteriorate after compression.

Method number 4. Using online services

An excellent web service for working with photos is It allows you to work with huge amount various image formats.

To reduce the size, you can open the image menu and edit its height and width.

Also in the resize window, you can select Extra options for better compression: sharpening, sharpening filter, special keys to reduce / increase the size and change the resolution of the picture.

The save option can also reduce the size. The best option their settings are shown in the figure below.

This window appears while the final image is being saved.

Method number 5. Reduce size on Mac devices

Available for Mac OS users free app for working with pictures and photos called iPhoto.

If the program is not installed on your device, download it from the official store. It's completely free.

The utility allows you to easily work with images of all common today formats.

  1. Click on the events tab twice;
  2. Select the required picture;
  3. In the options window, adjust the dimension of the photo: you can adjust the width, height and resolution. The lower these parameters, the correspondingly lower the file size;
  4. Save the image.

Thematic videos:

In this video, I show 2 of the easiest ways - how to reduce the size of a JPG file (image)

Decrease JPEG (JPG) File Size

In this video, you will learn how to reduce the size of a picture. JPEG format(JPG) using simple programs.

How to reduce jpg file size, resize photo

In this video, we will learn how to reduce the size of a jpg file, change the size

Much more often people ask us: How to crop a photo? We have already written about this,. And the topic "How to increase the size of a photo?" was not included there, so let's talk about it separately.

The truth is that any increase in the size of the photo results in us seeing the small details of the image better. This means that all the failures will be more noticeable. Up to a certain degree of magnification, this will not affect the picture quality in any way. Of course, if it is not initially spoiled. Agree, it is naive to believe that you can take a bad shot, enlarge it and it suddenly becomes good. Of course not.

But to make sure that the frame does not get worse when zoomed in is quite a feasible task. This is another reason why it is worth increasing the size of a photo on a computer, and not on an online service. In, for example, you can immediately apply various effects to enhance the result if required.

Three things you might not know about photo enlargement.

  1. The fact and it is the answer to the most frequent question"How to increase the size of a photo without losing quality?" V Paint programs and you can safely increase the size of the image in 2 - 3 times without losing the quality visible to the eye.
  2. Fact. Photo processing on a computer gives a better result in quality than online services... Because online services, when uploading a photo, compress it in order to speed up processing and reduce the load on their resources.
  3. Fact. When you increase the size of a photograph, for example, 3 times, its "weight" can increase 4-5 times. The dependence is nonlinear here.

So, let's look at 3 ways to enlarge images:

In Paint, the size of the picture can be increased:

  1. in pixels,
  2. as a percentage,
  3. keeping proportions,
  4. without preserving proportions.

In, the photo size can be increased:

  • in pixels,
  • in centimeters (print size),
  • as a percentage,
  • keeping proportions,
  • without preserving proportions.

In Monosnep, the image can be enlarged:

  • in pixels,
  • keeping proportions,
  • without preserving proportions.

Increase photo size in Paint

Open the built-in editor. "Start", "Standard - Windows", "Paint".

Open Paint

Open the image in the program. Click File, then Open. From the menu, select the editor command "Resize". The Resize Settings dialog box appears. In the screenshot below, there are three of them, in fact, of course, there is only one window.

In our illustration, the number 1 marks the percentage resizing setting. The easiest option. Since the checkbox "Maintain aspect ratio" is checked, you just need to change one value, the second will change automatically.

At number 2, the photo enlargement setting is switched to pixels. The proportions are also maintained, so it doesn't matter if you change the width or height, the second size will change in proportion to the first.

In the last example, number 3, the "Maintain aspect ratio" checkbox is unchecked. Therefore, we increased the vertical size of the photo to 600 pixels, and the horizontal size remained the same - 1200. It is clear that in this case, when we press "OK", the image will be slightly stretched up

If you have not chosen the correct size for enlarging the photo, do not worry. You can undo any action in Paint using the arrow located at the top of the program menu. There are two of them, in fact. Left - step back, right - step forward.

Paint, undo arrow

Enlarge photo size in

In this program, unlike the previous one, it is possible to increase the size of the photo in centimeters. The program is free, simple, convenient and, in comparison with Paint, rather multifunctional. You can download it here: Installation is simple, without any hidden surprises, so I won't describe it.

Run the program. Open up desired file... "File", "Open ...". In the menu, click "Image" and from the drop-down list of commands, select "Resize".

You can immediately see that there are more settings for resizing the photo here. Here are the promised centimeters. You can also increase the size of the photo in inches, but for us this is already exotic. The principle of maintaining proportions is the same as in the previous description. If you want to save - leave a check mark, if you want to stretch or compress the photo - shoot.

What's also great about this program is the ability to edit the resulting result. Pay attention to "Effects" in the menu. The first line is "For photos", and there are some cool tools for processing.

How to improve enlarged photo in

So, in the main menu of the program there are several tools to improve the quality of the image. We will use them when increasing the photo size. effects to improve photo quality
  1. Portrait.
  2. Sharpness.
  3. Glow.

The effects "Vignette" and "Red-eye removal" will not be considered for this reason. They, of course, can be used, but they have no direct relation to improving the quality of the enlarged photo.

1.Portrait. The name speaks volumes about the purpose. If you increase the size of a photo that shows a portrait of a person, then be sure to try applying this processing. Three parameters are available for customization:

  1. Mitigation,
  2. Illumination,
  3. Heat.

2. Sharpness. This processing is more suitable for landscapes, panoramas and monitor screenshots, and is not suitable for people's faces. Everything is simple here. Change the Sharpness Amount and watch the image change.

3.Glow. Good, practically universal tool for a wide variety of shots. Control the parameters of your photo:

  • Contrast,
  • Brightness,
  • Radius.

Practice shows that if initially the frame was good quality, then these tools are quite enough to correct possible little things after increasing it.

Enlarge photo with Monosnep screenshot

The fastest, easiest way. No options other than choosing pixel sizes. True, you can immediately crop the photo and enlarge the frame in one action.

In general, Monosnep is just a great screenshot shooter. You can record video from the screen, and capture pictures, and make screenshots of games. It is also convenient because you can customize it for yourself. The same "hot keys" select the path for storing files. Monosnep is downloaded from the official site

Here you can immediately crop the photo by highlighting desired area, but you can select the entire photo. To do this, use the mouse to move this crosshair to the corner of the photo. Click the left mouse button, and while holding it, move the lines across the screen until you capture the desired area. Release the mouse button. At the bottom of the frame that appears, click the "Resize" button. A dialog box will appear in the center of the screen. Actually, everything else is clear:

  • decide whether to maintain proportions,
  • enter your new values ​​for the size of the photo in pixels,
  • click OK,
  • Click "Save" or "Load".

Save - the enlarged photo will be saved on your computer. The folder for saving can be selected in the settings, and even if you go into the settings at the moment when the screenshot is created and select the location to save the file, the file will be saved to the folder you specified.

Lacks random access memory(RAM) for browsing the Internet or running a modern game? Before increasing its size, try adjusting the paging file. It is possible that your PC or laptop will run much faster. About what it is and how to enable the paging file in Windows 7, 8 or 10, read below.

What is a paging file?

First, a little theory. A swap file is a special file that Windows refers to if the PC does not have enough current RAM to work. Simply put, this is virtual memory, which is added to the current one, as a result of which the speed of a laptop or computer is improved.

Let me give you a simple example. You want to enable a game that requires 4GB of RAM. And you only have 3 GB. What to do in this case? Increase virtual memory and the missing 1 GB Windows will "take" from this special file. In this way, you can start the game and play it.

Of course, there are several points here:

  1. An increase in virtual memory can slow down your computer. After all, the speed of access to RAM is much faster than to the hard disk (namely, the paging file is stored on it).
  2. Using this function creates unnecessary load on the HDD and shortens its operating time.

How to increase virtual memory in Windows 7

For this:

  1. Go to Start - Control Panel - System.
  2. Click on "Add. options".
  3. Find the "Performance" section and click on "Options".
  4. In the new window, select the "Advanced" tab.

This is where the virtual memory is configured. As a rule, the used on the this moment size (in the screenshot below it is 8173 MB, i.e. 8 GB). To increase virtual memory in Windows 7, click on the "Change" button.

The same window will appear where you can configure the paging file.

If the PC or laptop slows down, then there is not enough RAM and it needs to be increased. First, uncheck this box. All buttons will become active, and you can enable the paging file in Windows 7 and customize it to your liking. To do this, put a tick next to the line "Specify size" and write the original and max. volume. For example - 4096 MB (that's 4 GB).

Important: in order to avoid brakes and glitches, the initial and max. the size must be the same. For example, 4096 MB (as in the screenshot above).

By the way, what is the optimal paging file size? There are a lot of tips on this issue on the Internet, and the calculation formulas are also intricate.

The best option would be to increase the virtual memory of your computer by 50% of the amount of your RAM. That is, the swap file for 4 GB will be 2048 MB. And for 8 GB of RAM, you can specify 4096 MB. As a result, the total memory will be 6 and 12 GB, respectively - this should be enough for all occasions.

If your PC has a lot of RAM (for example, 8 GB), and you only work on the Internet, then you can disable the paging file altogether. After all, as I said above, it loads HDD which sometimes slows down your PC.

However, this is not recommended. Perhaps, after a while you will want to start a game or video processing, and an error will pop up that there is not enough memory. And you will most likely safely forget about virtual memory. As a result, it will waste a lot of nerves before fixing this problem.

In general, if you need to increase virtual memory in Windows 7, specify it manually. And if you need to restore the previous values, put a tick in the very first paragraph and close this window.

Increase or decrease restrictions on the allowed size of files for uploading in WordPress can be very quick and easy... For this, I recommend the simplest and reliable way.

Open the file functions.php in your theme folder. The path to this file: www \ wp-content \ themes \ your_theme_name \ functions.php... Go to FTP, copy the functions.php file to your computer and open it with text editor(I recommend Notepad ++).

You can also open a file with functions through the admin panel of your site. To do this, go to Appearance-> Editor and in the list on the right, select for editing Theme functions.

The following command should be inserted at the end of the functions.php file, before the closing tag?>.

WordPress upload file size limit:

add_filter ("upload_size_limit", "PBP_increase_upload"); function PBP_increase_upload ($ bytes) (return 1048576; // 1 megabyte)

By changing the numeric value in the code, you can easily increase or decrease restrictions on the size of files allowed for uploading to the WordPress site.

After you have pasted the code above, do not forget to save the file and upload it back to your site via FTP (if you added the code through the site admin panel, click the button "Update file").

Of course, there are other ways to change the size of the upload files, for example by changing the values ​​in config file php.ini or through.htaccess ... But as for me, the example I gave above is the most practical and understandable.

If something did not work out or you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

Increasing or decreasing the size limits for uploads in WordPress can be done very quickly and easily. For this, I recommend the easiest and most reliable way. Open the functions.php file in your theme folder. The path to this file is www \ wp-content \ themes \ your_theme_name \ functions.php. Go to FTP, copy the functions.php file to your computer and open it with a text editor (I recommend Notepad ++). You can also open a file with functions through the admin panel of your site. To do this, go to Appearance -> Editor and select Theme Functions for editing in the list on the right. The following command should be inserted at the end of the functions.php file, before the closing tag?>. Download size limit WordPress file: add_filter ("upload_size_limit", "PBP_increase_upload"); function PBP_increase_upload ($ bytes) (return ...