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Asus laptop BIOS entry. How to run BIOS on a Samsung laptop

On an Asus laptop and set it up correctly. Unlike stationary system units, mobile computers are not distinguished by a high level of unification. If in the first case, only the Del key is used everywhere to enter, then there may be various options. It is the most common options for entering basic settings PC and will be presented within the framework of this material. Also will be given practical advice regarding BIOS settings.

BIOS is a basic input / output system. It saves the basic settings of the computer (date, time, type installed processor, size and model of connected drives). That is, the information without which the PC cannot function. In most cases, the default settings are sufficient: the computer boots up and everything is fine. But this approach is not entirely justified. You need to set optimized parameters to reduce load times and use resources more efficiently. Physically, it is a microcircuit with volatile memory that is installed on the motherboard. Its functioning is impossible without a battery. Once the battery is dead, it needs to be replaced on the motherboard. Otherwise, at each boot, you will have to set the necessary values, which is not very convenient. BIOS launch on an Asus laptop or a device from any other manufacturer is performed after power is applied. After that, the condition of the equipment is tested. Before the start

downloads operating system you can go to the basic I / O system. During its operation, this cannot be done, since some of its values ​​are used for the full functioning of the OS.

Basic login options

The easiest way to find out how to enter BIOS on an Asus laptop is in the user manual that comes with the mobile PC. This is indicated there. But such documentation is not always available. Then you can try to determine this during the boot process. To do this, after turning on the power, we look at the screen. If the manufacturer's logo appears, then you need to press Esc. On the black screen, you need to find the following inscription: Enter to setup ... Instead of ellipsis and the required key or their combination will be indicated. This inscription will be either at the bottom of the screen, or at the top, at the end of the text. Its location depends on the device model. As practice shows, most often this Taiwanese manufacturer uses the following options:

  • Ctrl + F2.

Therefore, if it did not work out how to enter the BIOS on an Asus laptop in one of the two previously given methods, then you can try to determine this by the selection method. That is, when you first start the mobile PC, we press the first key of them and look at the result. If it did not work out, then we use the combination at the next boot. And finally, we apply the third option. In most cases, one of the three suggested options should definitely work.

BIOS sections

Now let's find out what partitions the basic I / O system consists of on a device such as an Asus laptop. Entering the BIOS is not difficult if you follow the instructions that were set out in the previous section of the article. This will open a blue window. At the top of it there will be a menu, which consists of the following items:

  • Main - basic PC parameters (processor type, date, time, amount and type of installed memory).
  • Advanced - advanced settings (interrupt system and other values, this section can only be configured by an advanced user).
  • Power - power consumption and voltage on the main components of the system unit.
  • Boot - the order in which the system is booted.
  • Exit - options for exiting BIOS.

To navigate between them, you need to use the cursor keys. At the entrance, press Enter. Either PgDn and PgUp or F5 and F6 can be used to make changes. By the way, everyone possible actions keys are indicated in the tooltip. In the main window, it is at the bottom, and in the rest - on the right in the column. Its only drawback is that it is in English. Therefore, those who are not familiar with this language will experience certain difficulties the first time when working in BIOS.


Most easy setup The BIOS on an Asus laptop can be done as follows. After logging into this system go to the Exit tab. On it we find the item Load optimized defaults and press "Enter". A request will appear, which must be answered positively. That is, click OK. After that, go to Save and exit setup and press Enter. Next, the usual restart of the laptop will begin. The performed manipulations are enough to significantly speed up the equipment testing process.

Checking changes

If you decide to pick up more fine tuning system, it is better to restart the Asus laptop after each parameter change. Entering BIOS with the next similar procedure will not be difficult. In this case, it will be possible to personally observe the effect obtained. Some parameters are critical, and if they are incorrectly set, it will be easy and simple to determine the cause of the problem. But if several changes were made at the same time, this issue cannot be resolved so easily.

Several basic I / O options allow you to speed up the initialization process for a device such as an Asus laptop. In this case, the entrance to the BIOS, as noted earlier, will have to be done several times. Immediately you need to establish the order of choosing a boot device. To do this, go to the Boot menu section. In it, as the First Boot, you need to install exactly the one HDD(the keys PgDn and PgUp or F5 and F6 are used, on the right there is necessarily a hint on how to perform this manipulation) on which the operating system is physically located. The same parameter is sent before installing it either on a flash drive or on a CD (depending on where this procedure will be performed from). The following download sources ( Second Boot, Third Boot) should be Disabled to avoid misunderstandings. It is recommended to install Other Boot in the same way. Next, you need to disable the display of the logo of the manufacturer of the mobile PC. It can hide important messages about the state of the computer hardware during the testing phase. To do this, go to the Advanced section and find the Logo On item. We also change it to Disabled according to the previously described method. Then we save the changes and restart the laptop. Loading the BIOS on an Asus laptop will then be visible with your own eyes, and not hidden behind the manufacturer's logo.

Disable unnecessary tests

Last important parameter that definitely needs to be changed is Qick Power. It is located in the same section, and when it is enabled (value Enabled), a number of tests are performed that are not needed during normal boot. Therefore, it must be disabled without fail, that is, set to Disabled. After deactivating it, the PC boot speed should increase significantly. If, by default, each of the above parameters is set to the recommended value, then there is no need to make any changes.


Within the framework of this article, it was described not only how to enter BIOS on an Asus laptop, but also how to configure it. There is nothing complicated in this operation, but correct parameters allow you to optimize the boot order of your PC and more efficiently use its resources.

Today we will try to tell you in detail how to enter the BIOS and with which keys it can be done. First of all, it is worth noting that many computer or laptop users do not know how to enter the BIOS, thinking that the BIOS is entered from the operating system. This is certainly not the case.

Therefore, the questions "How to enter BIOS on windows 7?" and "How to enter BIOS on windows 8?" you can unequivocally answer - no way. In fact, everything is simple. If you want to enter the BIOS on Windows 7 or enter the BIOS on Windows 8, then just restart your laptop or computer and press the desired key or keys at the time the computer boots. Let's figure out together how to enter the BIOS.

How to enter BIOS

So, as we said above, the computer needs to be restarted. At the time of its reboot, at the very beginning, you must press a special key or a key combination. What are these keys, you ask? The keys or their combination directly depend on the manufacturer motherboard your computer. Therefore, below will be a list for such laptop and motherboard manufacturers as ASUS, Acer, DELL, Fujitsu, HP, Lenovo, MSI, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba and others.

It is worth noting that when the computer boots up, it is usually indicated with which key or key combination you can enter the BIOS. Here are a couple of screenshots for example:

As you can see, when booting, the computer itself offers the opportunity to enter the BIOS using a key. The problem is that there are many manufacturers and, therefore, there are a lot of different BIOS. Therefore, the following table may help you.

How to enter BIOS using special keys

BIOS Manufacturer Table

BIOS manufacturer Keys
ALR Advanced Logic Research, Inc. F2, Ctrl + Alt + Esc
AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) BIOS F1
AMI (American Megatrends, Inc.) BIOS Del
Award BIOS Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Del
DTK (Datatech Enterprises Co.) BIOS Esc
Phoenix BIOS Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + S, Ctrl + Alt + Ins

Table by manufacturer of computer or laptop

PC or laptop manufacturer Keys
Acer F1, F2, Ctrl + Alt + Esc
AST Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + Del
Compaq F10
CompUSA Del
Cybermax Esc
Dell 400 F3, F1
Dell Dimension F2, Del
Dell Inspiron F2
Dell Latitude Fn + F1
Dell Latitude F2
Dell optiplex Del, F2
Dell Precision F2
eMachine Del
Gateway F1, F2
HP F1, F2
IBM E-pro Laptop F2
IBM PS / 2 Ctrl + Alt + Ins then Ctrl + Alt + Del
IBM Thinkpad from Windows: Programs> Thinkpad CFG
Intel Tangent Del
Micron F1, F2, or Del
Packard bell F1, F2, Del
Sony VAIO F2, F3
Tiger Del
Toshiba Esc, F1

Apart from that, it is worth considering other keys that can also help to enter the bios.

  • Esc - most Toshiba laptops after Esc suggest pressing F1 to enter the BIOS;
  • F1 - most of IBM / Lenovo and some HP, Dell, Packard-Bell, Gateway;
  • F2 - Acer, Asus, RoverBook
  • F3 - may be from Dell, Sony.
  • F8 - iRu, select Dell models
  • F10 - Toshiba, Compaq
  • F12 - Lenovo
  • Ctrl + F2 - Asus
  • Ctrl + Alt + Esc - Acer

If none of the above helps, ask a question in the comments, indicating the model of the laptop or computer motherboard - we will try to help with advice.

How to enter BIOS on an Asus laptop

First of all, start the laptop and check if the monitor is signaling. If everything is in order with this, then wait while the device boots. According to standard methods, you can get into the BIOS by pressing the key F2 or Del.

And you need to do this quickly, catching the moment before downloading Windo ws and after loading the main screen. If you did everything right - get started - menu The BIOS has opened.

Please note that you should not change those parameters that are not clear to you personally. It is better not to take risks, otherwise you can not only correct the operation of the system in an undesirable direction, but also bring the laptop into a malfunctioning state. As a rule, after this, the device is subject to the intervention of specialists, and you will have to spend a lot of money on repairs. When wrong work your PC, you can contact the official Asus laptop repair center.

If you failed to get into the BIOS the first time

By the way, you may not always be able to catch the moment when you need to press the button. Do not forget that the system will send you a signal that th you expect. When a splash image appears on the screen firm of the motherboard, hurry up to press the corresponding button. If you do not have time, you can try again by restarting your device.

Features of entering BIOS on OS Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10

You need to go to the settings and select the item responsible for changing the parameters, it can also be called update and security. After selecting the next item "restart now" select the diagnostic action. Then go to additional parameters and menus BIOS will start when select itemUFFI firmware parameters.

Also, if you are unsure about the correctness of your actions, find instructions for your model. Most likely, the manufacturer took care of the presence of a couple of words on the BIOS topic and indicated the correct way to enter the subsystem. If the above keys did not help you, then, most likely, the BIOS is entered through some of the keys F, located at the top of the computer keyboard.

Quite often, users have a question: How to open BIOS on a laptop and what is it? The basic I / O system is responsible for the normal startup of the PC and the operation of its devices.

What circumstances force the BIOS to run?

  1. Integrated computer components must be activated or deactivated.
  2. Replacing the video card. Many laptop computers have two built-in video cards. Thanks to the I / O system, the user chooses either the first or the second.
  3. Setting up special modes of the laptop. Here the computer owner can configure various modes (hibernation, sleep mode).
  4. Time correction in the system. The system allows you to adjust the time that requires such manipulations, often after resetting the settings.
  5. The need to check the "state of health" of the computer. Through BIOS, you can monitor many parameters of the pc.
  6. Return standard settings... Having opened the control system, you have the opportunity to restore the system settings to their original state.

This article will describe step by step algorithm how to run BIOS on a laptop. After reading it, you will understand that it is not difficult to open this system on your computer.

Running the system on desktop computer and portable do not have much difference.

We start the I / O system

First, to open it, you need to restart your computer. To do this, you will need to click on the "Start" button and find the shutdown / restart key in the panel that appears. The button is in the lower-left corner of the panel.

You can also restart the device by pressing and holding the start / stop key, which is (most often) located in the upper right corner of the keyboard. After complete shutdown laptop, you must press the same key again and start the computer.

You need to open the settings before the computer is fully loaded. Most often, when loading, it is written at the bottom: Press F1 to enter setup (press F1)

Besides F1, there can be any other keys, for example:


Sometimes you need to press a combination:

  • Ctrl + Alt + Del
  • Fn + F1
  • Ctrl + Alt + Esc
  • Ctrl + Alt
  • Ctrl + Alt + Ins
  • Ctrl + Alt + S
  • Ctrl + Ins
  • Ctrl + Alt + Enter

In the event that you did not have time to press the buttons to enter the system, then you should turn off and start the computer again.

After completing all the steps correctly, you will see a window that opens in front of you.

Now let's look at how to run the setup on PCs of different companies.

How to run BIOS on an Asus laptop

First you need to turn off your computer. Then, turning it on, often press F2 (or keep the key pressed, simultaneously with the laptop start button). Thus, open the BIOS on portable device the Asus company will not be difficult.

How to open BIOS on HP laptop

To run Bios in Hewlett-Parkard, (HP Pavilion, TouchSmart, Vectra, OmniBook, Tablet) you need to either actively press or hold the F1 key.
To open Bios in Hewlett-Parkard (HP Alternative)- press F2 or Esc in the same way.
To log in Hewlett-Parkard (HP) Tablet PC- press F10 or F12.

How to run BIOS on a Lenovo laptop

Open BIOS on Lenovo laptop can simple method, that is, by pressing special buttons when turned on. At the beginning of the download, you need to press and not release the Fn key. While holding it, you also need to actively press F2.

The second way: a special button "Novo Button". It features a curved arrow. After turning off the computer, instead of the start button, press the "Novo Button" button.

"Novo Button Menu" will open in front of you, where you will see different ways downloads. In second place will be - BIOS Setup.
Use the arrows to aim at it.

We press. Ready.

How to run BIOS on an Acer laptop

To open Bios on Acer laptop, you need to actively press or hold F2. If the BIOS does not open in front of you, then you need to try other standard control system power-on keys, such as: DELETE or the Ctrl + Alt + Esc combination.

How to run BIOS on a Samsung laptop

When turned on, press the "pause" or "Fn + pause" button.

You should see - "press F2 (f8, f12, f4, etc.) to enter setup". Based on which button (f2, f12, f4, f8 ...) appears in the line, we select the one for pressing.
Increase your computer knowledge every day, as the twenty-first century forces all of us to keep up with the times, actively learning about many modern technological processes!

Have a great day!

Good day!

ASUS laptops are among the leaders in today's market ( good value price and quality). Well, since they are in demand, then there are always enough questions about them ...

In today's article I want to touch on one of them - namely, entering the BIOS (or UEFI on newer device modifications). Most often, this must be done to boot from an installation flash drive (for example, to update / install Windows OS), to disconnect some devices, view the model of components, etc.

Approx. : The article is replete with explanatory screenshots. Some of the details that you see on the screenshots may differ slightly from yours, depending on the software version of your device (but all steps will be the same for laptops of this brand).

Method 1

  1. Turn off your laptop first;
  2. Then hold down the F2 button;
  3. Without releasing the F2 button, turn on the device;
  4. Do not release the F2 button until the main BIOS / UEFI page appears.

Note: instead of "holding down" the F2 key, you can often press it immediately after turning on the laptop. The action will be similar, you should also see the main BIOS settings page.

As for the choice of media to boot, you need to open the section "BOOT" (boot). Below I will consider the 2 most popular software options.

On newer ASUS laptops UEFI is used instead of BIOS: there are several links at the bottom of the screen - click on "Advanced Mode (F7)" (you can also press F8 to select a medium, a boot menu will open, where you can select all available drives to boot).

In the "BOOT" subsection in the "Boot Option # 1" line, you can select and specify the media from which you want to boot. After changing the settings, do not forget to save them (F10 key or select "Save and Exit" (i.e. save settings and exit)).

In older laptops, you will find the usual BIOS: here you can immediately open the BOOT section and specify the required drive (USB flash drive) in the "Boot Option # 1" line. Saving settings also by pressing F10.

Method 2

This method is somewhat different from the first: the fact is that we will not open the BIOS itself, but the boot menu: from it you can quickly select the USB flash drive or disk from which you want to boot (very convenient, and you do not need to change any BIOS settings).

Note that the boot menu also contains a link to enter the BIOS. So, if you have a problem with the F2 key, try using ESC!

  1. The first thing to do is also turn off the laptop;
  2. Then we hold down the ESC key;
  3. Without releasing ESC, turn on the laptop;
  4. We hold the ESC key until the boot menu appears in front of us.

The boot menu is a simple list of devices (disks, flash drives, etc. drives) from which you can boot.

In my example below, there are 3 lines:

  1. Enter Setup - enter BIOS / UEFI settings.

Method 3: for Windows 10 users

If the previous methods did not work for you (for example, in case of problems with the keyboard, this may be the case), then you can resort to others. Here are a couple of options for those using the modern Windows 10 operating system.

Option 1

  1. Open the START menu / Options;
  2. Then the section "Update and Security";
  3. This section should have a "Recovery" tab;
  4. Look for the heading "Special Boot Options" and click the "Restart" button.

After rebooting the device, it will automatically pop up blue screen with special options downloads. Choose an option , and then . See below for screenshots.

Option 2

  1. Press the button combination WIN + R;
  2. In the pop-up window "Run" enter the command powercfg.cpl ;
  3. This should open the Power Options preferences window: from the menu on the left, select the "Action of the power buttons" option.

Changing options that are currently unavailable

Now the shutdown parameters should become active: you must uncheck the "Enable quick start"Then save your settings and restart your laptop.

Disable Fast Startup

After rebooting, you will see a blue screen with several options: press option "Select other options" , or immediately "Troubleshooting" if such a download option is immediately available (See two screenshots below).

UEFI Firmware Options

Agree to reboot. After it, the laptop will automatically open home page(Main) BIOS settings.

That, in fact, is all. I hope one of the options will definitely work for you ...

Add-ons are, as always, welcome ...

That's all, good luck everyone!