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Popular topics for YouTube. What topic to choose for YouTube? Original ideas for Youtube video

It's no secret that you can earn money in YouTube. For this, just needed, make your own channel popular, gain a large number of views.

Last Visitors on some videos can exceed the number 500 views per day and more, and some may not reach the first tens of views ...

Imagine how much your channel will pick up the views per day if it is about 100 video and each video will have an average of 500 views per day. Such channels are in great demand on the expanses YouTube and, of course, earn good money.

From this flows the following, every person who has his own canal, wants to know which videos are popular on YouTube?

And the webmster, who have their blogs, are interested in a popular video, in order to still insert on their pages and thereby increase.

Now I will reveal several secrets, and I will also say what topics are most popular on this video hosting. When I worked on my canal, I sistered different topics.

Time goes, the desires and needs of users are changed, and accordingly the popularity of rollers, too. And what now users of YouTube are watching?

What else do you need to know about YouTube?

Below is outdated information, but you can familiarize yourself with common development.

From all those analyzed by me the most sought-after news, accident, sport and slideshow about celebrities. Now we will analyze each of these topics.

Actually theme "News" It is a favorite among the others. But she has a very significant drawback.

If you placed the video that was removed from the scene and poured it on YouTube, then the views are poured by the river.

On the this moment This is the most interesting and actual topic in the Internet. But over time, everyone will slowly forget this, and after a few months your views will fall significantly. And a year later they will disappear. Therefore, earnings on such video are only temporary.

Let's wonder the topic "DTP". Such videos also enjoy good network. Many people are looking for various collections of an accident for different years.

This topic is always relevant, especially since accidents and various incidents occur every day. People who do not know what to do in the evenings are sitting at the computer and begin to dig on YouTube in search of interesting video for them.

The next popular topic is the king "Sport". Just this topic will always remain in demand and interesting. Each second person is fond of sports and is looking for various recommendations and lessons.

I myself athlete and often watch various videos of different guys who share delicious information.

It would seem that there is a sweet show with celebrities, how can they dial a large number of views? But you are gaining, and I do not fit in my head, how ???

Everything is very simple, we take beautiful music and under it we make a slideshow from the photos of celebrities, pour on video flash stroke and see the results.

P.S. Personally did not test the option with slides, the information came from the user who unlocked his channel in this way.

Of course, there are still a lot of different interesting topics on YouTube, but I led the most popular and popular topics on YouTube.

You can not agree with my observations and conclusions, to express your opinion, take advantage of the comment form;).

And also, I promised you to reveal one secret. Now it will do.

Since in the process of experiments, most of my video was blocked due to copyright infringement, I found an alternative method.

You can not imagine how quickly browsing browsing short series.

I started looking for such cartoons that are not protected by copyright. If you find such, then this is your way to success. You can try to cut them into pieces and pour one series of different videos.

This will increase your views, as well as, such videos will be able to check the copyright check. But this method is not always working, but only in some cases.

A little about the earnings on YouTube.

Almost every user earns here, the question is only in the amount of earned funds. Naturally, the more you have views on your channel, the more your earnings will be.

For each click you will receive about 0.03 euros, from a hundred views you approximately get three clicks. Now calculate the amount you can earn for a certain number of views and clicks.

Approximately I can say that for 20,000 views, I get $ 20 a day and this is just the beginning. By various manipulations, experiments and other things, you can achieve sooo good earnings.

Let's summarize. Today you have learned what videos are popular on YouTube. Also, I told you briefly about earnings on this resource. And most importantly, I revealed you the secret of the most profitable topic for this video hosting.

How much this method will work - it is unknown, so while we remove the cream;).

That's all. See you soon!

Sincerely, Middle Alexander.

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about the promotion of the account on YouTube. After all, Promotion is a permanent and conscious process. To succeed, you need to know , what is popular on YouTube now, embody the trends, follow competitors. Thanks to the secrets that you find out, make a thoughtful action plan will be easier.

What videos collect views: ideas for top 10

You probably heard about ways of earning for VLOGER: You can post advertisement, talk about the product or leave links under the rollers. But for income, you need to collect subscribers, creating popular video. Especially for you, I prepared the top 10 topics:

  1. Enjoy the greatest popularity reviews of fashion gadgets. To minus the options include the fact that it is difficult to monitor the innovations of the market, and the purchases require infusion of funds.
  2. Educational video Can be dedicated to ways to apply cosmetics, make home repairs, sort out software. The main thing is that you immediately oriented, are you going to work with newcomers or give master classes of an advanced level.
  3. According to analysts, the demand for lets-Plei and Game Reviews will grow. The patience of the subject demonstrates Vlog Pewdiepie: the channel collected 54,000,000 Follovers and continues to expand the audience. The minuses include insufficient solvency of users. Lets-Plei are watching schoolchildren and students, so advertisers are in no hurry to cooperate with similar channels.
  4. Haul-video Adore one and hate others. This is called shopping videos, worried about the rise in popularity. But they must be meaningful, so show how things look in the figure, and share the secrets where to find cheap quality. The option is suitable for girls, and we have a model appearance optional. Since the foreign movement of the bodypositive is gaining momentum, a woman with a standard or magnificent figure is likely to collect the audience.
  5. Others say they have never seen such a cute couple like yours? Get the Vlog Pro relations: The famous Carrie Hope Fletcher and Pete Bakneel collected 91,000 Follovover, simply telling how to spend their free time.
  6. Rollers with animals Call dignification and smiles. But, although you will attract the audience easily, it as quickly will lose interest.
  7. Video on education and self-development We will require the expense of the creators. But the field of activity will delight with breadth: whether you will choose the tutorials on the guitar or will spend psychological trainings, the audience will sign on the canal.
  8. Caverns of famous songs It is often popular than originals. True, Vloggeru need to be able to sing. But even if you do not have any special data, you can collect views: In Russia, the audience value the parodies on famous performers.
  9. In Top YouTube-popular topics include cooking. Training rollers must be simple, understandable, and most importantly - fun.
  10. People love to laugh, and humor Does not learn positions. Popular accounts include Vlog Ryan Higi, known as nigahiga. - The 20-year-old guy gathered 20,94,000 subscribers. There are enough Follovier and Epic Rap Battles of History. Look at the roller, and understand what is now in Youtube now, it will be easier:

Define the topic, remove your own video and collect subscribers. Just try to make the area to you like, because without this popularity is not achieved.

You will have the most popular channel! Read how to achieve

To increase the number of views, decide that you will shoot for YouTube, and make up semantic kernel (This will be done using the WordStat service from Yandex). When you determine which phrases, users are injected into the search string, take the roller to each keyword. Think whether keywords are suitable for the format: for example, a request "how to dance Hastle" is good for youTubes. It is unlikely that the user wants to read an article with a description of movements, and not watch a video!

Then work over the screensaver: the user in a couple of seconds determines whether your video clip is interesting, so it needs to be attracted immediately. Make a screenshot striking, with a resolution of 1280x720 and in format.jpg or.png. If you do not create your own preview (it can be downloaded during video posting), the service will offer to select 3 arbitrary frames.

The header may also contain keywordsBut a more important role is played by a successful wording. Ideally, the video name should immediately cause interest, so come up with 3 options. Make a description to the roller by adding keywords, and select Tags. Previously, users indicated as many tags as possible, but this tactic moves into the past.

Do not forget and indicate what you want from users. Studies show that the text under the rollers, directly encouraging to deliver the like and subscribe, really brings follovers.

Rules promotion video

An increase in the number of views will benefit the channel. But, if the viewer, after familiarization with the roller, went to surf further, this means that your policy should be revised. According to the YouTube service, the audience can show activity as follows:

  • put like or shake video;
  • subscribe to the channel;
  • leave a comment;
  • view other videos from your collection.

To improve the results, you can not only add text under the roller. Use the following methods:

Folloviers must be surrounded by attention, so you find the time to work with Fidbekk (so also call feedback). Answer comments, make a mutual subscription, communicate with popular vloggers, but do not ignore ordinary users. Thanks to the competent policy, you will collect the audience!

I spoke about numerous nuances of video promotion on a popular area. Be sure to look at the roller from the vlogger held, you exactly learn a lot of new things:

According to the descriptions it seems that the channel is not so complicated. But from all videos downloaded to the site, only a small percentage collects more than 100 views. Only single clips reaches a level of 10,000 or 1,000,000 impressions!

  • how many people began to watch video and closed, without waiting for completion;
  • the ratio of likes and dyslaike;
  • number of comments;
  • the percentage of users subscribing to the channel after viewing.

If the indicators clearly require improvements, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The sound quality plays a decisive role. Users will forgive that you removed the roller on mobile phone (True, the image should not tremble). But if they do not distinguish words, it stops playback after a few seconds.
  2. Take care of sufficient lighting. Optional to buy expensive equipment, since the problem is able to solve the use of conventional lamps.
  3. Rate the duration of the video. If it lasts 10 minutes, users will not learn to the end: they simply do not have time.

Led all the indicators in order, but no result? Analyze the content of your work. Even the popularity of the topic will not play a hand if you are not interested in the user for 5 seconds. After starting viewing. You can say directly that in the video teach the furnace of a delicious cake, make asana from yoga or dance. The main thing is that the audience understands: it will find an answer to your request.

Do not forget to watch other people's videos and mark the available advantages. At the same time, do not copy the "chips", and develop your own.

But efforts will be useless if you chose the topic that is not interested in personally. Make a account popular in a couple of months will not succeed, and you quickly lose the first enthusiasm. When a boredom will be added to the routine work on the promotion, the chances of success will become meager. Tune in to continuous operation, consider a long-term plan, and you get several thousand follovers.

It is no secret that, if other things being equal, and subscribers, one channel can earn significantly more than the second. To find out, it is enough to conduct a channel monitoring and make some calculations. But, a significant difference lies in advertisers.

In this article we will consider not so much, but try to figure out what the theme on YouTube is the most profitable. After all right choice Themes at the very beginning of video promotion - the key to success.

Also, in addition to advertisers who are more paid, there are niches in which it is easier to "unfold." In other words, niche, which allows not only to earn on the views, but also, for example, selling services. And not depend on how many times they click on your advertising banner.

We are not talking about cars, airplanes or other electronic technology (although why not?), It will be about partner earnings or sale of small goods / services. Having created several sources of earnings - you will ensure a guarantee of preservation, and sometimes an increase in profits.

1. Overview of games.
Yes, despite the fact that it is one of the most simple ways To break through YouTube, there is where to turn around. Even if you make reviews for one single game, then your audience may be interested in other toys. And considering how many new games appears every year - the demand from advertisers will always be.

2. Cosmetics and Makeup.
Suitable mainly to girls and women, but this is one of the most profitable niches. Such an audience very willingly buys goods up to 3,000 rubles.

3. Overview of Chinese parcels.
Perhaps you have already seen such videos, people order, for example, with Aliexpress and overlook their parcels. Having gained a large audience of its audience - you can proceed to your resale of such a product.

4. Fashion and clothing.
Here, perhaps the biggest field for implementation. You can also sew and present your clothes and things, and overlook our purchases. The audience of "Shopaholikov" is very well monetized.

5. Humor and cats.
Although there are no direct sales, but a lot of people are signed to such channels, unless of course you have funny content. And then when the audience of your YouTube Canal It will be significant, you can already analyze and test different promotional offers.

6. Software review.
Overlooking various programs under poppy or windows, you are collecting 2 groups of people - girls blondes and system administrators. The second is very well buying "iron", and you can sell it or cooperate with the online store.

7. Mobile games and applications.
Very global and interesting niche, there are practically no ceiling for topics of your video. Considering that many paid games or applications are from several cents and everything to a pair of dollars, you can earn good money on the volume.

8. News.
If you have access to unique news content, then you will collect people who always want to be aware of all events and changes in the world. Such people willingly buy trend products.

9. Lessons and informative video.
An audience that loves to learn is sometimes eternal students, which will allow you to make regular sales by the same people. Very correct and economical way to promote video in this niche.

10. Promotion of sites, blogs and social networks.
Eternal themes for monetization, there will always be people who are just starting to "unwind" their website or blog. And, as you know, everyone wants an instant result, and it is practically not possible for free. Here and the huge field appears for your monetization.

Choosing one of the subjects, you can count on what you will always have additional ways Monetization of your video. Main, create high-quality content!

How to choose a niche for the channel on YouTube?

If you have not decided in what niche will work in what niche, we suggest you watch the video where one interesting technique is told. Look it up to "pump" in this topic!

Do not know where to start the canal? Looking for inspirational ideas for your channel? Develop a content plan for business?Our 40 ideas list for YouTube will help those who cannot move from a dead point, and people who look for ideas for the future.

But before you implement ideas from our selection, we recommend to prepare the channel - and.

Original ideas for Youtube video

Ideas for children's channels

1. Cartoons. This option The most labor cost, but over time will pay for itself. The essence in creating simple cartoons with original characters. Such a format is in great demand, and the favorite cartoons of children can revise hundreds of times. You can also upload content not our own production, but for this it is necessary to study the question of copyright to material.

2. Reviews on cartoons, movies and serials that are interesting target audience. Such a format is less in demand than the previous one, but to make it much easier to implement it. Reviews can be made separate category.

3. Children's products with Aliexpress. Aliexpress is a very popular site. If you yourself often order products from there, you can make reviews on them. In this area, new products are constantly emerging, so themes for new video are provided to you.

4. Educational videos. Prepare children to school easier and more comfortable. Basic training materials in colorful and interesting feed will surely come to taste both children and their parents.

5. Video about animals. It may be cuts from transmissions on discovery or own content. It is not necessary to devote the video from animals, children will also be interested to watch videos about birds, fish and other fauna representatives.

6. Tales for the night. Such videos often include children before bedtime and in cognitive purposes, so that the audience for such videos will certainly be found.

7. Reviews on trend toys. New toys come out constantly, and they don't get to Aliexpress immediately. Here you have a chance to collect first browsing without competition.

Ideas for women's channels

8. Educational rollers about make-up. Many girls cannot afford the services of makeup artists, and they do not see meaning in them. It is easier for them to watch such videos and are trained on them. They also allow you to follow the fashion and what makeup for what lifestyles is intended.

9. Parodies. In general, it is not only suitable for women's channels, but there are a lot of those who have jokes over which only girls will understand. It can also be parodies on popular video clrokery girls or pop performers.

10. The contents of the handbag. Surely many heard the joke: "The girl in the girl can have anything." Such videos help girls somewhere on themselves, somewhere to adopt your experience if it is helpful.

11. Reviews for cosmetics and other women's goods. Such videos are also in demand among girls, because much makes life easier for them. We recommend to make reviews in an interesting format, but without unnecessary information - only on the topic.

12. Video about manicure and nails. Makeup is only a small part in the information about leaving. Training materials for applying manicure, especially original, will definitely find their viewer.

13. Video about hair care. Proper hair care is a routine. Therefore, many girls are looking for the cheapest, high-quality and time-spent ways to care hair.

14. Video about yourself. Special useful material For an audience under 18 years old. Young girls active users of YouTube, so they will be useful to experience accumulated on your life.

Ideas for sports channels

15. A selection of the best heads / knockouts of the week / year / month. Such a format is suitable for both team sports like football, hockey, volatile, basketball and American football, and for boxing and mixed martial arts.

16. Top athletes In any discipline. Make the top 10 footballers last or present. Such a video will definitely be viewed, and the more popular sport, the more you have a view.

17. Speeches of athletes at the Olympics / World / European Championships. At the sporting events of this scale watches the whole world. This means that you can collect not only the audience of the CIS, but also around the world.

18. Parodies. It may be parodies of both popular personalities and sensational events in sports. Often such occur in the world of boxing and football.

19. Reviews of sporting events. It can be the final matches of the most significant tournaments on the planet (Champions League, Stanley Cup, NBA Final, and so on), as well as battles for championship belts in professional boxing or UFC. The format needs competent installation and deep understanding of the nuances.

20. Comparing athletes "Who is better". Who is better than Messi or Ronaldo - the topic for dispute huge number Football fans.

And similar to the comparison of representatives of different sports will be treated very much. But, be prepared for criticism, for some people your arguments may seem insignificant and they will hurry to throw it out in the comments. On the one hand, this is good - you involve the audience, on the other hand, it is better not to gestrate with controversial opinions, otherwise your video is simple zadiakyat.

21. Slicing of funny moments. It can be flayls, misses and major failures. This happens even with experienced athletes, so you can detect a lot of content.

Ideas for a journey canal

22. Travel Vlog. The most common format. These videos are based on your traveler's experience, where everything is as it is. You just travel and show it to the camera.

23. Video guides. Created to inspire and help other travelers. This is a heavy format that is not suitable for everyone. In essence, you must convey your knowledge in the most accessible format, so you should be able to travel, and teach others.

24. How to plan a journey. This, at first glance, a simple action requires certain knowledge. The budget melting is impossible if the traveler does not know that he is waiting for and with what he can face.

25. Reviews for exotic food. All that rarely meets in our areas of manitis and attracts the attention of dreamers, except for travelers, reviews will be interesting to those who are fond of cooking.

26. Video about culture. Each country has its own culture and its traditions. If these are exotic countries, then you will have a lot of content. It remains only to install the video correctly to be interesting to look.

27. Interview with locals. Just prepare a few questions that will probably become interested in your audience and ask local residents. For this format need knowledge at least of English language And decoding the answers for the speakers of the channel (it is better to do subtitles).

28. Reviews for interesting places. Make reviews of interesting institutions and attractions. In almost every city there are such, therefore, they will not have to search for long. We recommend choosing places with historical past, such easier to win.

Ideas for business channels

29. 2019 business ideas. A selection of the most topical ideas for business in 2018 (or that year you have now). Modern entrepreneurs are followed by trends, so they will definitely be interested in promising areas in business.

30. How to create a startup. If you have a similar experience, then you can easily talk about how this path has passed. If video contains a lot useful information, it will be reviewed repeatedly that, undoubtedly, you benefit.

31. Errors novice entrepreneurs. Very useful and viewing information. Even if there are many such videos, everyone has different mistakes, so you can rightly qualify for the uniqueness of the material.

32. Interview with businessmen. If you succeed in interviewing some successful entrepreneur, it will surely interest many people and you are guaranteed to get new subscribers.

33. How to hire good employees. This question takes a very large number of businessmen, so good recommendations on the topic they will accurately appreciate with positive comments and huskies.

34. List of best book books. Many businessmen read a lot and constantly get the experience of other people, so they will be interested to know where to take new knowledge.

35. How to find an investor. Such videos will be interesting even to entrepreneurs with money. After all, always on the horizon there may be an opportunity for which personal funds may not be enough.

36. Legal support. What form of the Jurlitz to choose at the very beginning: IP or LLC, which of the tax systems is most profitable to work in different niches and so on. Knowledge of the majority of our country's inhabitants at a very low level, therefore legal support can become the topic, not only for video, but also for a separate channel.

Ideas video for beginners video blocks

37. News digest. The topic for weekly issues where the most iconic events and news are consecled in any subject.

38. Answers to questions. Questions can be collected in the comments under previous video On the channel or create a special topic in social networks and assemble a list of questions there.

39. Comments Popular videos, new clips, conflicts. Come in the Trends of YouTube, choose a roller or music clip and watch it, disassemble and comment on controversial or frankly stupid moments.

40. Life video. Hike to a store / hospital / cinema, visiting an event / tasting / master class and everything in such a spirit. In the general weekdays in an interesting interpretation and with good jokes. Nevertheless, it is interesting to users of YouTube - it's fun and with benefit to spend time watching new rollers.

41. endless flow of ideas for videosearch engines. Collect requests and popular topics in services and Google Trends.


The main thing is to remember that everything has been said about everything has been said, written and most likely shot video and 100% of unique ideas are very small,therefore, it is not necessary to focus only on the originality of the video, it is better to concentrate on how you do and how to present the audience. More work over your feed And above what is interesting to you personally. Then you will definitely find your audience.

And furtherAfter the selected idea is implemented and the video is recorded. Think over good, as well as during the download, to get browsing from Youtube search and possibly traffic from search engines.