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Is it possible to print from a flash drive on a printer. How do I print directly from a memory card or USB flash drive? How to find the program you need on your computer

We use a printer to print almost every day, printing photos, documents - whatever information we want to see printed. Printed information is easier to digest and easier to understand than what is visible on a computer screen, moreover, it is much more mobile and easy to use than electronic information. It so happens that we do not have an Internet connection and we need to use a removable storage medium in order to print information.


  • First of all, make sure the size of the flash card is larger than the size of the document. Insert the removable media into your computer and wait until the installation of the new device is completed. After the "autorun" window appears on your screen, click on the "open to view files" message.
  • Make sure there is enough space on the flash card to copy the document. Scan the USB flash drive available on your computer with an antivirus and copy the document from the computer to a removable storage medium. Make sure copying is complete and safely remove the device. To do this, right-click on the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon, select the flash drive and click "Stop".
  • Insert the flash card into the computer to which the printer is connected. Open the document, or copy it to your computer. Open the file and click on the "print" button in the file viewer menu. Select the number of copies and print format, as well as the active printer, then click "ok". Remove the flash card safely.
  • amount computer technology growing every year. Along with this, which is logical, the number of PC users who are just getting acquainted with many functions that are quite often useful and important is increasing. Such as, for example, printing a document.

    It would seem that printing a document is enough simple task... However, beginners are not familiar with this process. And not everyone experienced user can name more than one way to print files. That is why you need to figure out how this is done.

    Method 1: keyboard shortcut

    An operating theater will be selected to address this issue. windows system and software package Microsoft Office... However, the described method will be relevant not only for this set of software - it also works in other text editors, in browsers and programs for various purposes.

    1. First, open the file you want to print.
    2. After that, you must simultaneously press the key combination "Ctrl + P"... This action will bring up a window with settings for printing the file.
    3. In the settings, it is important to check parameters such as the number of pages to print, page orientation and the connected printer. You can change them according to your own preferences.
    4. After that, you just need to select the number of copies of the document and press "Print".
    5. The document will print as long as the printer requires. These characteristics cannot be changed.

      Method 2: Quick Access Toolbar

      Memorizing a key combination is not always convenient, especially for people who type so rarely that such information simply does not stay in memory for more than a few minutes. In this case, use the panel quick access... Let's consider Microsoft Office as an example, in other software the principle and procedure will be the same or completely coincide.

      This method is quite convenient and does not require much time from the user, which is quite attractive in conditions when you need to quickly print a document.

      Method 3: context menu

      This method can be used only in cases where you are completely sure of the printing settings and know exactly which printer is connected to the computer. It is important to know if this device is currently active.

    Hello everyone, my dears! Just yesterday I realized such a thing that many of my readers are very poor at computers. That is, here I’m talking about how to make money using the Internet, about some cool services to save on travel, but it's all like peas against a wall, because computers are a dark forest for some of my guests.

    So today I decided to correct this omission and start with a very detailed story about how to type text on a computer. So...

    In this article:

    1. Program for working with text

    To create a text electronic document, there are special programs... It is they who allow you to print text, that is, create a document layout in in electronic format, which can then be printed on a computer or dropped onto a USB flash drive.

    There are such programs great amount, but there are only a few of the most popular ones.

    1 - Microsoft Office Word
    2 - WordPad
    3 - Writer (rarely used, needs to be installed separately).

    2. How to find the required program on the computer

    I know from my family that the most difficult thing for a beginner at the first stage is to find and open these programs.

    To do this, you must have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat program icons look like. Most often this is a document icon with a letter W, or as in the last case - with the letter AND (this is how WordPad is denoted):

    Look carefully at the desktop and the toolbar below, programs can be displayed prominently, like on my desktop (by the way, here it is, don't be alarmed):

    If you didn't find anything like that, then try the second method:

    1 - run the panel Start or just click on the round icon in the lower left corner, a menu will open.

    In it you need to find a field for searching files, I have it called Find programs and files:

    In this field, enter the name of the program you are looking for. For example, I enter the word Word and I get microsoft programs Office Word:

    If I enter the word WordPad, it will find this program for me too:

    After that, you simply click on the found program, and a working window opens in front of you, in which you can create a document: print text, edit it and save it.

    3. Working with the document and editing text

    So, before you is a working area, the so-called blank sheet. This is where you can type text, edit it as you like.

    Usually beginners, at the sight of this sheet and a huge number of buttons, get lost and do not know what to start. The keyboard most of all causes a brain explosion: it is not clear where and what to press.

    So, you don't need to be afraid of this, you will definitely be able to figure it out. To do this, just watch this informative video, everything is very simple and explains in detail the main features of the program.

    Be sure to watch this informative video from start to finish, remembering to repeat all the steps after the presenter. This will take you a giant step in learning about text editors.

    Then you just have to train, and then you can navigate literally in any text programs, since they are all arranged approximately the same.

    4. How to save text

    After you have created your document, you can save it. To do this, find in the upper left corner the button that brings up the menu, and in this menu select Save as and any suitable format like Word document:

    A window will appear in which you can select:

    1. where to save the file (I usually choose Desktop,
    2. how to name the file (enter any suitable name),
    3. and the file format (I do not change it, I leave it by default).

    Done! This file will now appear on your computer desktop.

    With this document, you can do whatever you want. For example, upload to a USB flash drive, send by e-mail, open for further editing or delete.

    By the way, if you are working on a large document, I recommend that you make intermediate saves. And the more often the better.

    5. How to upload a text file to a USB flash drive

    Everything is very simple.

    1. Insert the USB stick into your computer.

    2. On your desktop, find and open My computer (or simply Computer).

    3. In the window that opens, you should see Removable drive , click on it 2 times:

    An empty window will open to us, which we will leave for now:

    4. Now find our text file, we saved it with you in the previous paragraph on the desktop. Click on it with the RIGHT mouse button, and in the menu that appears, select Copy:

    5. Now go back to the removable disk that we just opened in step 3, click on the free field with the RIGHT mouse button and select Paste:

    The document is copied and appears in this field:

    That's it, now the USB flash drive can be removed from the computer.

    6. How to print a document on a printer

    Let's say you have a printer, it is already connected to your computer and configured properly. I will not talk about connecting a printer and settings now, since this is a topic for a separate article.

    But if you already have everything set up, you can print the document literally in 2 clicks. But first, make sure the printer is turned on and has the required amount of paper.

    1. Open the document you want to print:

    2 ... Find and open in the upper left corner of the menu and select in it Printing,and then one more time Printing:

    You will be presented with a window with a bunch of settings, but do not be afraid of them, they are all quite simple.

    Here you can select a printer, if you have several, the number of copies of the document, paper size, print color, etc.

    But if you do not need any specific settings, you can leave everything as default and just click OK.

    The printer will start printing and you will receive your document. By the way, this way you can print not only text Documentbut other files, the schema will be the same.

    7. Become "YOU" with a computer and improve your life

    Not having a common language with a computer today is a big problem. If 5 years ago it was forgivable not to be able to work with equipment, today it turns into a huge obstacle for every beginner. This is because almost any profession today comes into contact with a computer in one way or another.

    When I worked at a large military enterprise, we were new version design program. It didn't cause any problems for me, just a new shell.

    This can be compared to the updated packaging of my favorite sweets: I did not stop buying them less, but I was simply able to quickly adapt to the new wrapper.

    But for many employees it was literally a disaster, so much they depended on the program interface, and so desperately their brains resisted everything new. As a result, they were even trained to work in the new interface.

    Not the most better times for Russian companies, and I don't even need to guess who will be the first to be laid off ...

    And a completely opposite example is also from real life.

    The engineer has over 40 years of experience, is constantly developing and mastering not only a computer, but all modern engineering programs. They do not want to let such a specialist go, he is needed, in demand and speaks the same language with young subordinates.

    This is just one example. Now think about how many opportunities open up the ability to use a computer to make money remotely via the Internet. Even learning how to use text editor, you can write.

    It is already a necessity to be familiar with the computer today. It doesn't matter where you study, today there are a huge number of useful materials, courses, schools.

    On this I will end. I hope this article was useful to you and helped you understand the main points. Move forward, improve, be better. And I have everything for today, thanks for your attention and bye!

    Photos taken with a camera of a modern phone sometimes do not differ in quality from those taken with a digital camera. Because of this, almost all memory cards are completely crammed with pictures. Can I print them directly from my phone? How to do it correctly?

    What will be discussed:

    Wireless connection

    First mate is WIFI. Printing to a printer via WIFI is the easiest way. It is applicable even if the printer does not have this technology. In this case, you can even do without a computer.

    So, on phones with the Android operating system, you need to go to the settings menu. There you should find the "Print" section. If you click "Load modules" in it, special programs for working with printing devices will be downloaded. You need to select the appropriate model, for example Canon or HP.


    Printing a document from a phone to a printer is also possible using the cloud. To do this, the device must support the Internet. If there is such a function, as in the previous case, you can do without a computer.

    How to act correctly?

    1. First you need to register in the cloud storage. If you already have an account there, enter your username and password and log in.
    2. Now you need to set up printing on your computer, phone or tablet. These devices can be quite far from the printer. If there is an opportunity to go online and go to cloud storage, printing will be done.

    A special program Google Cloud Print, also called a virtual printer, will help to print photos from the cloud. You can download it in the Play Market.

    There are two options for working with such a device:

    1. Log in to your Google Chrome account and connect a printer to it. Now you can print one of the documents that are in the browser.
    2. The second option is to install a special softwarewhich will allow you to print any documents stored on the memory card.

    Any files can be stored in the cloud. It will not be difficult to extract and print them from there.

    Using the cable

    Printing from phone to printer via USB is pretty easy too. However, you will need to perform some simple preparation:

    1. Purchase a dedicated USB cable.
    2. Prepare an adapter for uSB connection to the phone.
    3. Install special applicatione.g. PrinterShare.

    It remains to connect all devices with each other and enter the program. Select the desired printer there, and then a document or photo.

    It is not possible to print files in this way on all devices, unlike, for example, WIFI or the cloud.

    Working with iPhone

    Using the above methods, you can print files that are stored on Android devices or connected to Google. In the case of the iPhone and Apple, the situation looks a little different.

    As in the previous cases, the printer must be connected to the Internet (WIFI or wired connection). And a special program must be installed on the iPhone and other gadgets from Apple.

    1. Apple airPrint. You do not need to use USB cables for printing.
    2. Handy Print. A good replacement for the previous program. It has one significant drawback: the first 14 days it works for free, and then you need to buy a subscription.
    3. Printer Pro. Lets you print documents stored in the cloud storage.

    When working with iPhone and Apple, you can use printers of any model, be it Canon, HP or something else.

    More options

    Is it possible to somehow print documents or photos from a phone without having the above-described devices at hand?

    1. Connect your smartphone to your laptop or computer. Enter his memory through these devices. Here the phone will act as a memory card.
    2. Connect the memory card separately after pulling it out. In this case, you need a card reader.
    3. You can also upload the file to one of the social networks, and then, going there from a computer, print.

    It is not that difficult to print data from your phone. Special programs, WIFI, USB-cable will help here. Can you do without them? Yes, by using social media or making your phone a storage device. Some methods do not work with all device models, for example, what works for HP may not work for printers from other companies.