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Where is the dot and comma on the MacBook. How to insert special characters on Mac computers

At first, the familiar PageUp, PageDown, Home, End keys were lacking, and in the early days it was inconvenient, but then, after comprehending the trackpad dao and tricky keyboards, you get used to it.

The huge trackpad is really very easy to navigate. As usual, one finger moves the cursor. In further, the magic of gestures turns on. Smooth scrolling of the page in all 4 directions is carried out with two fingers - it is so convenient that I no longer agree to struggle with a small trackpad and grabbing narrow scroll bars on a PC. Tapping with 2 fingers on the trackpad causes context menu similar to what we are used to seeing in Windows when clicking the right mouse button. There are gestures with three and four fingers, I will not consider them here. You can assign custom functions to the corners of the screen - I tried it and turned it off after a couple of days, since they turned on from careless movements of the mouse and were more likely to interfere with me.

Here are some commonly used keyboard shortcuts:

⌘ + Space - switch Russian-English (default)

⌘ + Q - close the application

⌘ + W - close the active window (it is convenient to close bookmarks in the browser, without rushing into a cross)

Ctrl + Space - Activate Spotlight search bar ( global search by files and their contents)

⌘ + F - Search (in those applications where it is supported)

⌘ + ▴ (up arrow) - Home

⌘ + ▾ (down arrow) - End

Fn + ▴ - PageUp

Fn + ▾- PageDown

You will find a comma and a period in the Russian layout under the numbers 6 and 7, while holding Shift.

The letter "ё" - the "\" key (above enter)

shift + 2 - "
shift + 5 -:
shift + 6 -,
shift + 7 -.
shift + 8 -;

alt + command + eject - sleep mode;
control + shift + eject - turn off the display (turn off the screen)

Command + Shift + 3

This OS X keyboard shortcut to create screenshot of the whole screen and saving it in PNG format on your desktop. The name of the image is formed by the date and time of the screenshot.

Command + Shift + 4

The second combination allows you to make screenshot of the highlighted part of the screen... For this, a pointer appears in the form of a crosshair with coordinates. After you have selected the area and released the mouse, the finished image is saved on the desktop.

Command + Shift + 4 + Space

If you do not select the screen, but press the spacebar, then the sight will change to a camera icon and you will go to "photographing" windows mode... Now it is enough to hover over any window and take a screenshot.

If you hold Control while taking a screenshot in OS X, the image will not appear on the desktop, but will go to the clipboard. This is convenient for working with temporary pictures that need post-processing.

And there are dozens of such combinations. And if we talk about various applications, then there are many more.

Name Symbol Shortcut keys
Apple logo Shift + Alt + K
Copyright sign Alt + G
Trademark Alt + 2
Registered trade mark ® Alt + R
Dollar $ you yourself know Shift + 4
Cent ¢ Alt + 4
Euro Shift + Alt + 2
GBP £ Alt + 3
Japanese yen ¥ Alt + Y
Dash - Alt + - (minus sign)
Em dash Shift + Alt + - (minus sign)
Ellipsis Alt +; (or three dots)
Mathematical symbols:
More or equal Alt +.
Less than or equal to Alt +,
Approximately Alt + X
Not equal Alt + =
Division ÷ Alt + /
Plus / minus ± Shift + Alt + =
Infinity Alt + 5
Square root Alt + V
Sum Alt + W
Pi π Alt + P
Degree ° Shift + Alt + 8

Useful to include virtual keyboard from the language menu and look at it by pressing the alt.

For writing texts in spanish, german and so on French no need to set a special layout.
For example, Alt-e a = á, Alt e e = é, Alt-n n = ñ, Alt-u o = ö. (You need to hold alt and press "e", then release both keys and press the letter you want to put a sign on). Etc. The American keyboard has all kinds of diacritics.

á -> Opt + E, A

é -> Opt + E, E

150 150 Igor Kashin Igor Kashin http: //site/wp-content/themes/anemos/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 12.07.2014 11.10.2016

I really love the letter ё and do not like complex solutions, so when I bought myself a MacBook, I was very upset, because the Internet unequivocally states that in order to use my favorite letter on the Mac axis, you need to install third-party layouts, which, among other things, will contradict key signatures. I resigned myself and almost forgot, in all the previous blog posts I used the dry and soulless letter e, as if it was not an entertaining text, but federal law. Perhaps federal laws are also written on poppies and that is why there is no letter ё there. But the decision came today, suddenly, like snow in Moscow on May 7th. The solution turned out to be banal, elegant and obvious! Probably those who knew him simply did not think to write in Google a query "how to write it on a Mac", while Google, meanwhile, gives out almost four million pages with crutches and disappointments.

I wanted to download the song Schöner Moment, and then write to a friend that I had just returned from the village of Bad Schönborn and for some reason decided to type umlaut not in the standard way (Opt + U, then o), but as it was always done on the iphone: hold down base character and wait for the system to suggest the appropriate diacritics.

I think it makes no sense to continue the description of the method, because I have already written everything! We press the e key for about half a second and a menu with a choice of diacritical marks will appear above the cursor.

Here's a humble life hack that works for any diacritics.

Hello friends and comrades of the makovods! Recently, I often come across user complaints that the keyboard layout on Mac computers terribly inconvenient - the letters are out of place. This is noticed by everyone who has recently moved from a regular PC to a Mac. Yes, yes, I know that more than one article is devoted to this topic, but nevertheless, the number of dissatisfied people does not decrease. Moreover, when I first sat down at the MacBook, I spent a lot of nerves looking for the right letter on the keyboard. Needless to say, the dialing speed is critically reduced, not to mention the spoiled mood. In general, well, I will pull the cat by the tail - in this post I will tell you how to install the keyboard layout we are used to on a PC on an Apple Mac.

What's wrong with the Mac keyboard? About English layout- no questions, it is quite standard and familiar. But as soon as we switch to Russian or Ukrainian language- problems begin. For example, a semicolon instead of the usual place at the bottom of the keyboard on the key with the "?" mystically move up to the keys "6" and "7". The Russian "ё" disappears altogether, and the Ukrainian "i" instead of the English "s" will be transferred to "b". And so on. Of course, such permutations for our post-Soviet person brought up in the spirit of Windows PC are completely inconvenient! By the way, if you don't have Russian and Ukrainian letters on your Mac keyboard, you can do laser engraving.

I still ask myself: why the Apple developers did not take into account this feature of the mentality of Russian and Ukrainian-speaking users, without adding standard way installation of our familiar PC layout? Honestly, I don’t know.

More precisely, there was an attempt on the part of Apple, but some kind of hack. V standard set keyboard layouts you can find "Russian PC" and "Ukrainian PC". However, installing them does not solve the problem. For example, in Russian, "ё" will never appear, but in Ukrainian, semicolons will remain at the top of the digits.

Well, now let's move on to actually solving the problem. In order to install adequate Russian and Ukrainian layouts on Mac, you need to download and add them manually. Fortunately, the good people did their best and did all the work for us, all that remains is to take advantage of the fruits of their sleepless nights and complete a few simple steps... Below I give detailed instructions for installing rus. and ukr. layouts.

Instructions for installing PC layout on Mac

1. Download this layout file(don't worry, there are no viruses or malware).

2. Unpack the archive. To do this, you just need to double-click on the file. A folder with Russian and Ukrainian layout files will open.

3. Navigate to the Library / Keyboard Layouts folder on your Mac. To do this, click "Go" in the Finder and select Library. The library folder may not always appear in the list. If you do not see it, hold down the "Alt" (Option) key, after which the folder will appear.

4. Copy the files you downloaded from the link to the Keyboard Layouts folder. Voila! Now Ukrainian PC and Russian PC will appear in the list of layouts.

Entering text is one of the most common operations when working with a computer. Imagine my surprise when I moved to a Mac, when I had to reach for a number to enter a period and a comma. And this is in the camp of perfectionists, people who strive to do perfectly calibrated things. Now we will fix everything.


OS X is a fork of UNIX. As a result, everything can be “corrected with handles”. A couple of minutes in a search engine gives a ready-made solution. Instead of the standard Russian layout, it is recommended to use Russian - PC, which returns the semicolon to the place we are accustomed to - to the left of the right shift. The layout is set from the keyboard settings: « → System settings→ Keyboard → Input Sources ", press "+" at the bottom of the screen and select the layout we are interested in, in this case «Russian | Russian - PC "

It would seem that the research can be completed on this, but in the process of tinkering with the settings, an interesting moment was discovered: the Panel menu item "Keyboard".

Note: if you do not have this menu item, then you need to activate it in the settings " → System Preferences → Keyboard → Keyboard Tab" and activate checkbox there Show Keyboard Panels and "Symbols" in the menu bar " .

When you select which, the used layout is shown, and when you hold down the Option, Shift keys or their combinations, a set of additional characters.

Those. what in Windows needed to be remembered in the form of Alt codes is available here out of the box, and even with a hint.

Upon closer examination of the layout, it became clear that it was unrealistic to remember, there was no logic of location. Why not place a quotation mark on the existing keys and call them when you press Option, how to put an impact in a word, write a sign of any currency other than the dollar, for example:

  • ruble ₽
  • euro € and euro cent ¢
  • British pound £

In the process of searching for a solution, I found a ready-made setting.

Birman typographic layout

The fact that a talented designer would be able to make a layout for people did not cause doubts for a second, but the fact that he would actively support and develop it evokes respect. It can be seen that it was made with great love and is one of the author's favorite “children”.

The logic of the arrangement of symbols has been seriously corrected, and allows you to quickly enter texts with a large amount of special characters.

The simplest example, when installing this keyboard, all OS X users older than Mavericks will face the problem of missing a signature on the installer and see an error. To bypass it, you need to go to " → System settings → Protection and security → General" and allow installation action.

Or how do you like entering the simplest arithmetic operations:

  • P number ≈ 3.14;
  • 2+2 ≠ 3–8;

So anyone who is busy preparing texts or simply appreciates high-quality typography hates the use of a minus instead of a dash, prefers the classic “herringbone” and “paws” quotes to foreign “alternatives”, the use of this layout is strongly recommended.


After discovering the typographic layout, I naively assumed that there must be other specialized solutions, at least for programmers.

But they could not find anything worthwhile. Apparently, only a few can do something efficiently, pack it in a beautiful wrapper and not lose motivation to support their product.

If you know other layouts that are worthy of attention, please indicate them in the comments!

Everyone is good at macOS - only a very ... creative person made the Russian keyboard for it. He decided that it would be easier to type the comma and the period not like on a PC, but in a special way - with Shift held down and additional pressing for some reason not on the key next to the “shift”, but on the fairly remote numbers 6 and 7. How to fix this?

No, this is really a problem - personally, I know at least two people who abandoned (or pretended to give up) a Mac for this very reason! Of course, in the settings of the Apple desktop operating system, you can put a PC keyboard and type commas in the same way as before ... but this is not our way, right? For true fans of Apple's typing approach, there is the following recommendation.

How to put period and comma on Mac (macOS) keyboard - multiple ways

Take a closer look at your keyboard. The letters "B" and "U" are marked with a period and a comma. This means that some combination of "hot keys" allows you to type your favorite characters in the same place as before! But which one? We will show you ...

1. Type a point with the command Ctrl + ⌥Option (Alt) + NS.
2. Type the comma with the command Ctrl + ⌥Option (Alt) + B.

Of course, there is also a minus here - after all, you need to press not two keys, but three at once. But, I think, for beginners it may be more convenient than the combination of letters ⇧Shift + 6 or ⇧Shift + 7 or feverish searches for a PC keyboard on my Mac, although ... Personally, I use it last way via ⇧Shift - very convenient ...