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the main  /  BY / How to send a letter to the future or right now and why do you need? How to send an email to the specified time of Yandex Mail Delayed sending a letter.

Like in Yandex. Please send a letter to your future or right now and why do you need it? How to send an email to the specified time of Yandex Mail Delayed sending a letter.

Through this service, you can write a letter with a delay of 1 day to 100 years - not just yourself, but also a friend or even a stranger. To the news you, you are free to attach a file of up to 500 kB or snapshot from a webcam. Paying $ 7, there is a possibility to send a letter in paper.

To use the site, it will have to register on it. Also on Future-Mail there is a section with letters that their senders preferred not to hide from the eyes of the public.

One of the most simple services of this kind. Write a message, specify the name and email of the recipient, as well as the delivery date, and then wait.

A letter can send a maximum of 100 years ahead, but it is worth choosing a smaller period: the site keeps on pure enthusiasm, so at any time it may stop existence. However, the authors say that the cost of maintaining the service is minimal, so it is hardly closed soon.

The project from St. Petersburg residents appeared quite recently and has much more pleasant design than many other services. The site is allocated by the fact that letters on it can only be sent for a year. Despite this restriction, more than 270,000 people took advantage of the service in a few days.

You can delay the delivery of a separate message or use the rules to delay the delivery of all messages by opening them in folder "Outgoing" For a certain time after pressing the button " Send".

Delivery delay message

After pressing the button Send The message will remain in the folder Outgoing

If you subsequently, you will need to send a message immediately, follow the steps below.

Note: This feature works only if Outlook is in interactive mode.

You can delay the delivery of all messages for two hours by creating a rule.

    Open tab File.

    Select Management of rules and alerts.

    Select Team Create Rule.

    In the dialog box Step 1. Select Template in a group Start with empty rule Select option Application Rules to Messages sent by me and click Further.

    In the list Further.


    In the list Step 1. Select Actions Check the box deliver delivery to [number] min..

    In the dialog box, click Stressed Word number

    Check the boxes for all the desired exceptions.

    In the dialog box Step 1. Set the name rule

    Check the box Enable Rule.

    Press the button Ready.

After pressing the button Send Outgoing on the specified time.

Delivery delay of one message

After pressing the button Send The message will remain in the folder Outgoing Before the delivery time.

Note: Service Click Setting up accounts. On the tab Email In column A type

Delivery delay of all messages

    On the menu Service Click Rules and alerts and click Create Rule.

    In field Step 1. Select Template In chapter Start with empty rule Click Check messages after sendingand then click Further.

    In the list Step 1. Select the selection conditions Check the boxes for the desired parameters and click Further.

    If no check box is set, a dialog box appears with a confirmation request. If you click YesThe created rule will be applied to all sent messages.

    In the list Step 1. Select Actions Check the box delay delivery on [number] min.

    In the dialog box Step 2. Change the description of the rule (click the underlined value) Click the underlined word number And enter the duration of the message delay before shipping (in minutes).

    Sending can be detained for up to 120 minutes.

    Set the desired exceptions.

    In the dialog box Step 1. Set the name rule Enter the name of the created rule.

    Check the box Enable Rule.

    Press the button Ready.

After pressing the button Send Each message will delay in the folder. Outgoing At the specified time.

Note: If you use POP3 account, Outlook cannot be closed before sending a message. To determine the type of use account, on the menu Service Click Setting up accounts. On the tab Email In column A type Listed types of accounts in the active Outlook profile.

Delayed sending email letters today is provided by mail services Mail and Yandex, and in Gmail it is possible to configure sending letters on a schedule through the application for modern browsers.

This useful feature saves time and allows you to plan sending e-mail according to the schedule, at a specified time. For example, you need to send an important letter tomorrow, but you know what you will be on the trip. In this case, you can prepare a letter and subfed materials, specify the date and time of sending, and the postal service will send a letter on the schedule.

How to schedule sending a letter in Mail mail

In order to schedule sending a letter in the Mail.Ru service, you need to click log in to your mailbox and click "Write a letter".

Specify the recipient, topic, text text (if necessary) and add attachments.

To schedule sending, click on the clock icon in the toolbar, as shown in the screenshot, and specify the date and time of sending.

The scheduled letter before sending will be stored in the folder "Outgoing"where you can cancel sending or change the date and time.

How to set up a deferred send letter in Yandex mail

Also enter mail, prepare a letter to send and next to the button "Send" Click on the clock icon.

Specify the date and time and click on the button "Send".

The letter can be found and edited in the folder. "Outgoing".

This is how quickly you can schedule sending email on schedule. Nothing complicated, but how to get out. Especially when you know in advance what and where to be poisoned. At work, so much time is released))

Deferred sending letters in Gmail

Unfortunately, users mail Service Gmail has no standard tools in the mail, drawer to schedule sending letters. At least, at the time of writing the article there is no such possibility.

But there is an opportunity to install Boomerang for Gmail plugin, which perfectly copes with planning letters to send. In addition, it is perfectly integrated into Google Mail Mailbox.

Download and install plugin you can link above. And this video, from the official page will show how this tool works.

Specify, the Yandex contains your box from which you want to send letters, or your mailing recipient boxes?

If you want to massively send letters to your partners or customers, use only special mailing services for this.

If a large number of letters come from your box every day - this will be regarded by our security system as spam. To this not happened, in Yandex. We are installed technical restrictions on sending letters per day. It is impossible to get around or change these restrictions.

If this happened, sending letters from your mailbox will be blocked. Only sending letters is blocked - enter the mail and receive letters you can. The blocking will end automatically after 24 hours if you do not try to send a letter during this time, - otherwise the blocking will last another 24 hours.

So that your newsletter came to the recipients on Yandex and did not get into the Spam folder, observe. Unwanted mailing should be distinguished from honest. Yandex.Thow reserves the right to send in spam or not to accept quite letters of mailings that do not meet the mandatory points of this document. Compliance with optional requirements will significantly reduce the likelihood that your letters will fall into spam.

If you make a newsletter on the mailboxes on Yandex and letters were rejected mail server Yandex, you will receive an automatic report from the Mailer-Daemon service, which indicates the reasons for the shortcomings and the name of the server, which rejected the further movement of the letter for the purpose.

Restrictions on sending letters

  • Limitations in mail
  • Mail Restrictions for Domain

During the day, you can send 500 letters from one box. If there are several recipients in the letter, then each of them is considered a separate letter.

During the day you can send 3000 * letters from one box. If there are several recipients in the letter, then each of them is considered a separate letter.

Additionally installed restrictions on the number of recipients:

Number of recipients Limitation
3000 *
5000 *
Number of recipients Limitation
Total in all letters per day (from one box) 3000 *
Total in all letters per day (from all boxes of one domain) 5000 *
In one letter sent through the site 50
In one letter sent through postal program or by SMTP protocol 35

* Only external recipients are taken into account; The owners of the boxes on this domain are not taken into account.

Yandex requirements for honest mailing

This document reflects the submission of Yandex on honest mailing. He is not an offer and does not entail any obligations from the Company and its postal service to services carrying out mass mailing.

The document is based on the current practice of the largest providers and postal services, complies with the standards and recommendations of ASTA, as well as "Networking standards". The algorithm for separating newsletters and spam is the company's know-how, not published and is not discussed.

    Subscription process:

    • When adding the recipient addresses to the sending list must pass validation.

    The process of refusal to subscribe:

    • (Obligation) Each letter must be given clear instructions on how to unsubscribe from mailing. In this case, the recovery process should not require a recipient of complex actions, such as recovering password, registration or authorization. The recipient should be able to unsubscribe from mailing within 10 minutes.

      The letter of the letter should explicitly specify the address of the subscriber.

      (Obligation) The letter must use the List-Unsubscribe header, decorated according to RFC. When you go on the link from this header, the user must be instantly unsubscribed from the mailing.

      (Obligation) For an unsubsion, you must specify only working links.

    Letter heading:

    • The subject of the message should be understood by the user and should not be misleading him.

      The subject of the message should be the same for all letters of one mailing.

      (Obligation) In the field from whom the actually existing email address associated with a source of mailing must be specified. If messages arriving at this address are processed by a robot, then clear and clear instructions should come in response, allowing you to contact your support service.

    Network identification correctness:

    • (Obligation) Softwarecarrying out the newsletter must check the answers received. If the host server responds that the specified user does not exist, then sending to this address must be suspended.

      For correct identification domain name must be meaningful and not to be automatic address Like x.y.z.w-in-addr-arpa or

Send a letter to your future or immediately means that from your e-mail address you send yourself a letter to the same e-mail address. For example, S. email address Nadezda @ send a letter to the same Nadezda @ address. And this letter you will get either immediately, or it will come in the future, more precisely, will come to the scheduled year, month, day and hour.

Similarly, you can also send an email to your relative, a friend, a friend, a colleague on their e-mail. It is convenient, for example, for the New Year holidays, when it is nice to get congratulations, but I don't want to send them yourself. Let the postal robot work.

You can send a letter to you practically from any Mail: Yandex. Please, (Mail.Ru), Google Mail (, Rambler. Goods, etc. But the "simple" question arises:

Why write emails?

Options can be much, I will give 5 (five) the most common, why sometimes it still costs to do it:

  1. Letter-reminder

Remind yourself about the event or about what you need to do, opening your mail and seeing a letter with a reminder. Someone is suitable exactly such a variant of reminders.

  1. Checking the performance of your mail

As you know, letters must:

  • go e-mail and
  • take an e-mail.

If at least one of these basic mail functions is broken, then we can assume that mail you do not have. A letter sent to myself will help you test the work of your mail (any of your mailbox): whether letters are sent from there and whether they reach.

From this site, users sometimes prefer, not comments. And this is understandable, but it happens, when you write a long answer in the response letter, sometimes inserting explanatory links, and in the end you receive a message: the letter cannot be delivered due to the fact that the recipient's mail does not accept emails. In this case, when the mail for some reason does not accept the letters, the user would have a chance to see my answer in the comments on the site, but he is in his mail waiting for letters from me.

  1. Check that will see in the letter Recipient of your letter

You can check, in what form will receive another person. The check will be as correct as possible, provided that another person (recipient of the letter) uses the mail of the same type (for example, the sender and recipient of the letter - both use Yandex. Good).

  1. Shipment to yourself files

To send the file yourself:

  • it is necessary to write a letter to yourself, for example, from the email address Nadezda @,
  • in this letter,
  • send a letter to the same address Nadezda @

It is convenient if the letter was sent, being at home, and opened it at their work and read or saved the nested file. Or sent a letter to himself from a laptop, and then opened on the tablet, and the invested file can then be viewed and saved on the tablet. It does not need flash drives, do not need clouds, however, you need the Internet. A way to send files maybe a bit outdated, but for someone more familiar.

  1. Letter to your future

Why do you need such a letter?

As I mentioned, for the nearest future A letter to myself will be useful as a reminder of a certain event, for example, congratulations on your birthday or a reminder that someone needs to congratulate someone else or make another useful matter.

For remote Future Your letter will probably be more interesting to check or check out the plans, dreams, forecasts, events, etc. Then, when you reach a certain age or event, having received your own letter, it will be necessary to remember, compare with the past events, glad, think, perhaps make some conclusions for yourself.

You can send a letter to the future not only yourself, but also another addressee, which is entered in the "To" field. For example, it can be a happy birthday congratulation so that the recipient receives it in a timely manner, regardless of anything.

How to send an email to the future

6 in fig. 1 - click on the watchs located next to the "Submit" button,

7 in fig. 1 - click on the team "Today." A calendar opens to select a suitable date of sending a letter:

Fig. 2. Configure in the letter to yourself the date, the time of sending and notifications about the presentation

1 in fig. 2 - After clicking on the "Today" button, a calendar will appear.

2 in fig. 2 - Using the calendar, sequentially clicking on a small triangle, you can choose a month, year to send a letter in the future. Then click by number. So the date of sending a letter will be set.

3 - You can choose the time to send the letter.

4 - If you click "Notify O receipt", then after delivery (at the time when it is delivered) a message will come that the letter is received.

5 in fig. 2 - The "Remind" button is useful if there is a need to remind you that I did not reach the answer to the letter sent by you. By clicking on the "Remind" option, you can configure when it is reminding: if a response is not received within 1 hour to two weeks.

When all the settings for obtaining a letter in the future are made, click "Send". The message "Letter has been successfully sent" comes.

How to delete or edit a letter to your future

Fig. 3. Letter to the planned date of sending will be in the "Outgoing" folder.

As can be seen in fig. 3, the letter to the future will be kept in your mailbox, namely, in the "Outgoing" folder.

Plus this is that at any time you can go to the "Outbox" folder to edit or delete a letter to the future.

Some minus is that you need to follow the state of your mail: due to spam, overflow or other causes of mail can, then the letter in the future will never get to you.

Fig. 4. How to delete or edit a letter to the future in Yandex.We

To delete a letter to the future, you will need:

1 in fig. 4 - go to Yandex. Please, in the "Outgoing" folder,

2 - put a tick opposite the letter to the future that you decide to remove,

3 in fig. 4 - think and click "Delete".

My letter is deleted to the future.

Where are the folders in Yandex.We?

The question is not quite on the topic of the article, but for inexperienced users of Yandex, it is relevant. There is a "secret" button in Yandex.Well, thanks to which the folders in Yandex "disappear.

Fig. 5 Secret button to conceal folders in Yandex.We

The situation "Folders in Yandex. Then" occurs if the button 1 is accidentally pressed in fig. 5. Compare it with the 4 button in Fig. 4. One click on this secret button Folds (hides) folders in Yandex. Please, another click returns folders to place.

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