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The best bluetooth headsets for your phone. Best Bluetooth Headsets for Phone Headset in the form of a phone

The diagonal of the screen of an average smartphone today reaches 5 inches. Is it worth clarifying that not everyone is comfortable talking about such "giants"? Of course, you can buy a relatively compact device with a diagonal of 4-4.3 inches, and it will be much more convenient. Here are just the most functional smartphones (and many mid-range models too) are equipped with either 5-inch or even larger displays. Girls especially suffer from this: they also want a large functional smartphone, buy it, and then face the fact that it is not so easy to keep such a “colossus” at the ear for a long time.

An ordinary "in-ear" Bluetooth headset is, of course, a solution to the above problem, but I personally don't like wearing a piece of plastic on my ear. I bought the first “ear with blue teeth” back in 2004 - it was some kind of model from Siemens. Then I periodically purchased Samsung, Jabra and Motorola, but I failed to make friends with any of them - it is not convenient, annoying, I want to take off and stuff like that ... Meanwhile, lately I need a wireless headset very sharp - I took the 5.7-inch Lexand Antares for long-term tests, which, due to its size, hold passion at the ear as uncomfortable.

5.7-inch Lexand Antares

Recently I was visiting a friend and found this thing on his shelf:

This is the LG HBM-700 - it was sold under different names in the United States, South Korea and a number of other regions, only it was quite a long time ago, in the mid-2000s. The "friend" copy, alas, turned out to be inoperative - its battery "died" a couple of years ago. (This is normal for headsets, their batteries fail much faster than in the same smartphones.)

Meanwhile, I really liked the concept of LG HBM-700 - it is a kind of miniature "Bluetooth-phone" with a screen and buttons that allows you to leave your smartphone in your pocket and talk on a much lighter and more compact "stick" with the ability to dial numbers.

I did a little "research" and found out that HTC has something similar - we are talking about the HTC Mini +, this is both a headset and a kind of remote control for smartphones and the HTC Media Link HD set-top box. Everything would be fine, but this splendor costs 4,500 rubles - in my opinion, too much for a headset. And then: I'm not sure that it will work well with devices not manufactured by HTC.

HTC Mini +

TCL / Alcatel showed another similar product at IFA 2013. But when it goes on sale, how much it will cost and whether it will work with models from other brands is an open question.

Next, I came across a whole range of Bluetooth headsets from the Russian brand bb-mobile. He has three of these things: MicrON, MicrON-2 and MicrON-3. The first two resemble small mobile phones, and the third is just a rectangle with a speaker and control keys, that is, without a screen and number buttons. It so happened that we managed to get exactly the third version for the test - well, I'll tell you about it, and at the same time “in absentia” I will compare it with the first two models.

bb-mobile micrON

bb-mobile micrON-2

Bb-mobile MicrON-3 comes in this package. The package includes a USB charger, a lanyard to be worn around the neck and a couple of books - instructions and a guarantee.

Two points: the first - the blister is so scratched (although for 1,000 rubles it is forgivable). That is, Mikron is quite suitable for the role of a gift, but you may not be able to find packaging without a single scratch in the store. The second point is that with white versions of the headset there is a white cord, with black - black. In my opinion, white is not very practical: it quickly "gets dirty", especially in the heat of summer.

There are four options for bb-mobile MicrON-3 - three white and black:

First and foremost, in bb-mobile MicrON-3, the developers have significantly simplified the concept. At first glance, this is an obvious disadvantage. For example, in order to make a call in the case of the two previous headsets, there was no need to take a smartphone out of a pocket or bag - the Mikron screens displayed contacts from his address book. Meanwhile, with the bb-mobile MicrON-3, you can only receive calls, as well as dial the last dialed number (two quick presses on the middle button). For everything else, you will have to take out your "shovel".

However, if you dig deeper, you will find out the following: firstly, the third Mikron costs 1,000 rubles, the second - 2,000, the first - 1,500. When buying a phone accessory, such savings are definitely pleasant. Second moment - time autonomous work: the bb-mobile website states that MicrON and MicrON-2 work on a single charge for no more than 7 hours. Meanwhile, the bb-mobile MicrON-3 lasted for 9 with a hook (specially tested in the "non-stop voice transmission" mode). Probably, it was possible to increase the operating time precisely due to the removal of "unnecessary" components.

Motorola Finiti and bb-mobile MicrON-3

Actually, the "superfluous" was removed, but what is left? bb-mobile MicrON-3 is a thin (less than 7 millimeters) and light (30 grams) rectangle made of glossy plastic with a speaker, microphone and three "transparent" control buttons. The assembly is neat, the quality of the materials is nothing at all. Also on the case there is a loop for a lanyard, a connector for a charger and a bb-mobile logo, which has a built-in LED - that's, in fact, all. By the way, speaking of charging: I would very, very much like to see MicroUSB here.

Using the keys, you can do the following: accept / drop / end calls, hold a call, switch between a pair of calls, adjust the speaker volume, switch a call from the phone to the headset and vice versa, turn on / off the microphone. In fact, there is no difference with most "in-ear" Bluetooth headsets. Well, except that multipoint bb-mobile MicrON-3 supports - but this function is far from unique in recent years.

In the bb-mobile case, MicrON-3 performed well - the quality of voice transmission / reception is high, there are no unnecessary rustles. The melody, however, is played not from the smartphone, but another one recorded in the headset memory. But this is the case with Android devices. I have not tested it with iPhone, but the developers promise that in his case your ringtone will play.

The headset also connects to the computer - testing with Skype, everything works like a clock.

Lexand Antares and bb-mobile MicrON-3

There is not much more to talk about - the device is simple, but useful. I personally do not speak on the phone very much, and more often it is I who receive calls, and not call myself. So the lack of a screen and keyboard in the bb-mobile MicrON-3 does not bother me too much. For 1,000 rubles (compare with 4,500 in the case of the HTC Mini +) the product is worthy and can be recommended. If you call yourself more often, then you can look, for example, at bb-mobile MicrON-1 - it is devoid of all the disadvantages of the "troika".

Hello dear readers!
Today I will try, by virtue of my modest capabilities, to talk about an unusual device. When I showed it to my acquaintances, in 90% of cases the first question was, "What is this?" The second question was - "Why is this?" Let's try to figure it out.

Indeed, why such a headset format? The headset is most often bought precisely in order to free the hands. For example, in a car, when the hands are busy driving. But not everyone is comfortable with constantly wearing a very nice device in their ear. So what could a headset like this be useful for?
First: The manufacturer claims that the use of a headset minimizes the effect of mobile phone radiation on a person. Or as it is written on their website: Only 1/3000 of the radiation of a mobile device. The factor of the negative impact of mobile phone radiation on human health has not yet been studied so much that one can reliably state something. But by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, electromagnetic radiation mobile phones classified as Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans. That is, with a high probability, it can be assumed that frequent use of a mobile phone in the immediate vicinity of the upper part of a person, where some people have a brain, can greatly harm both the brain in particular and the person in general. Using wired and wireless headsets reduces this risk. Especially considering that the wireless headset can be used at a distance of up to 10 meters from the phone. Of course, the headset also emits electromagnetic radiation, but its power compared to a mobile phone is a cockroach sneeze.
Second: It is highly recommended for those who constantly use the tablet. Have you also seen these Cheburashkas holding a huge shovel to their ear? It is much more convenient to talk using such a device. Moreover, it is lightweight, relatively inexpensive and very easy to use.
And the third thing: It's just a very elegant and unusual accessory.
With this sorted out, and now let's go directly to the hero of the occasion.

Transmission distance: up to 10m;
Transmission frequency: 2.4-2.48 GHz;
Talk time: up to 10 hours;
Standby time: up to 240 h;
Charging voltage: 5V (from USB);
Dimensions: 112x40x12.5 mm;
Weight: 19 g;
Compatible with BlackBerry, iPhone, Nokia and other smartphones with Bluetooth function;
Ability to work with two devices.

Packaging and equipment.

The headset comes in a small white cardboard box with a transparent window through which you can see the device itself before purchasing.

The box lists the main specifications and features.

In general, it is a sin for Qumo to complain about the designers, they always get their boxes well.
True, amused on the back of the box in the technical characteristics:
Working voltage: 3.3-3.4V;
Talking current: 14 mA;
Standby current: 1mA.
In general, the operating voltage of the built-in battery is 3.7V (well, it is written on the battery that 3.7V, in fact, for a fully charged 4.1V). And we will return to the current strength, but the user probably does not need to know this. Although it gives a serious and smart look to the packaging. Once again, bravo to the developers.
We open it, the headset itself is in a transparent blister.
USB charging cable;
User's manual;
Warranty card.


All papers are covered with literate and sane Russian text. Moreover, only in Russian, that is, you do not have to look for the necessary information among the Arab worms and all sorts of sprechenzidoich. Again, a plus sign to the manufacturer.

Visual inspection
First of all, when you take this headset in your hands, you want to exclaim, - "Oh my God! How light it is!" Indeed, the headset weighs only 19 grams.
On the side of the box it is written that the thickness is only 6 mm. This is true. At its thinnest point, the headset is really the thickness. Although this is still some slyness - to measure in the most delicate place and be proud of it. It's like measuring the thickness of a girl (fine ladies will excuse me for my clumsy style) measured by the thickness of an ankle or a finger. I gave the dimensions in the characteristics.

I got a pink headset for review. The color is pleasant, but rather suitable for the beautiful half of humanity. Although there are several different color options for the body of this headset.

Main surface - Soft-touch coating. The headset is very comfortable and pleasant to hold in hand.
On the inside there are speaker and microphone holes and a pair of buttons to increase and decrease the volume.

You can adjust the volume with such buttons only by lifting the handset from your ear. That is, I adjusted it before talking and use it. On all smartphones and phones, the adjustment buttons are on the side for a long time, and not only because the screen is in the center, but because an abnormal situation may arise during a conversation. For example, a diesel locomotive is passing by or a neighbor decided to have fun with a puncher and you need to adjust the volume during a conversation. And it is more convenient to do this with the buttons on the side.
On the back there is one very multifunctional button and a nice ornament, which for some reason reminded me of who showed everyone Kuzkin's mother at the last Olympiad.

At the bottom there is a hole for connecting a charger.


The device is charged from USB using a cable. Unfortunately, the plug is cylindrical, the outer diameter is 2 mm.

Another lace! I already have a bunch of mini and micro USB class A and B sat on the pipe, and now another string. I think we could have tried to fit the micro USB connector into the dimensions of the device. And so, in addition to the fact that the number of necessary cables used in everyday life is increasing, even if, say, a cat chews on this cable, it will be very difficult to find a replacement.

At work.

There were no problems with connecting to devices.

This is given that I carried it with me for a couple of days and tried to connect all my friends to mobile devices.
In fact, the headset has only one control button - on back side, in the form of a tube. It is with the help of it that all operations are performed.
Pressing for 3 seconds- the headset has turned on or off.
Short press- answering an incoming call or ending a call during a call or using voice control mobile device.
Hold down a key- pairing mode with a mobile device.
Short double press- dialing the last dialed number.
All actions are accompanied by LED indication. There are two LEDs, at the bottom, blue and red.
Fast flashing blue- turn on the headset.
Fast blinking red- turn off the headset.
Blue flashes once every 5 seconds- Standby mode.
Blue LED flashes twice with a period of 3 seconds- standby mode, the headset is not connected to the device.
Alternating flashing blue and red- search mode.
Flashing red LED- charging required.
When charging is connected:
Red - charging in progress.
Blue - the battery is charged.
A comfortable distance at which you can talk is 5-6 meters with direct line of sight.
Support for Skype is declared. This is indeed the case. The headset also connects to the computer without problems.

In Skype, the interlocutor is clearly audible. Again, the acceptable distance from the computer, when there is no interference, is about 5-6 meters. In principle, even from 10 meters I could hear normally, but the interlocutor complained that I disappeared from time to time.
The device is very easy to disassemble. Snap-on housing. A minute of work with a plastic spatula and you have two halves in your hands.

The battery costs 90mAh. VDL marking 032323, where 032323 is the dimensions of the battery in millimeters. Thickness - 3 mm, length - 23 mm, width - 23 mm. Manufactured, of course, in China by Shenzhen VDL Electronics Co.
In principle, the internal volume allows you to install more capacious battery, however, I think this is quite enough.
The wires from the battery are apparently manually soldered, not very nice, but, nevertheless, reliably.

At the bottom is a small board with a power connector, a microphone, and a pair of indicator LEDs. There are no holes for LEDs in the case and they shine directly through the plastic of the case, since it is thin and transparent enough.

This indication looks somewhat sloppy.
Now let's return to the amperage indicated on the box. Let me remind you that the manufacturer indicated the standby current 1 mA, in mode conversation 14 mA.
Measuring quantities that change at a very high frequency with a multimeter will initially lead to very large errors. Yes, and my multimeter does not know how to measure the average current for a specified period of time. But even so, my measurements indicate that the data provided by the manufacturer is true. Moreover, the standby current is less than 1 mA. What do we get from this? The autonomy figures are most likely somewhat overestimated. Talk time should be about 5-6 hours, and standby time about 150-170 hours. However, this autonomy is more than enough for most users. Or do you talk more than 5 hours a day on the phone?

So what did we get?
Nice, extraordinary and inexpensive device. Recommended for tablet owners and those who just talk on the phone for a long time. Still, this light, graceful pipe is much more comfortable to hold in your hand.
Yes, and if you decide to purchase this headset, prepare some stupid answers to the question of what it is. For example, - "This is a miniature lie detector, it turns red and blinks with an LED if the interlocutor is lying."

- the originality of the device;
-protection against mobile phone radiation.
- non-standard charging plug;
- the location of the volume buttons;
- a little sloppy display.

Thanks to DNS and Qumo for the sample provided for testing.

Especially for those who find the design of the bluetooth headset archaic, a stylish successor was released under the name Mini-phone BB-mobile micrON-2, which can also be used as a mono or stereo headset, as well as a Bluetooth adapter for a PC and a wireless headset for VoIP telephony. As innovations, the second generation miniphone got the function of searching for contacts in the address book, the ability to adjust the volume incoming call, more flexible settings for sound control modes, a five-way navigation key and removable battery... The range of the Bluetooth headset has been increased from 10 to 20 meters. The dimensions of the device are 104x38x12 mm, and the weight is 17 g. Calls are made from the headset itself - using the numeric keypad or through the call log and contact list transferred from the main phone. That is, it is not necessary to get expensive and big smartphone or a tablet for making calls, which is especially important, for example, in the subway, teeming with thieves. It will also allow you not to forget your phone, for example, in a restaurant (you must agree, it is better to forget a trifle than a valuable thing). But if you suddenly forgot, then when the connection with the phone is lost, the device sends sound signal... This function will allow you not to lose your device in the office or at home and not to forget it in a cafe or in a taxi, and also gives additional protection from theft. The miniphone is equipped with a 1.1 OLED display with a resolution of 96x96 (previously, these indicators were equal to 1 and 128x64, respectively), buttons for accepting and rejecting calls, volume buttons (on a scale with seven marks) and a media player control button (connecting headphones to the headset via a 3.5 mm jack , you can use it to listen to music). The novelty can also be used in conjunction with a computer: as a Bluetooth adapter or a wireless headset for communication using VoIP telephony services (Skype, MSN, Google Talk). In the talk mode, the novelty works up to 8 hours, in the standby mode - about one week. The headset has already appeared in Russian retail at a price of $ 60. The package includes a charger box, USB cable and headphones.

In February 2012, the Business Bureau company (owner of the BB-mobile brand) presented an unusual accessory for smartphones and tablets - a 15-gram bluetooth headset "Mini-phone BB-mobile micrON series", made in the form of a miniature phone. The gadget was intended for users who are not comfortable talking on a smartphone because of its weight (on average about 150 g) and who do not want to wear a familiar Bluetooth headset on their ear.

Today the Business Bureau presents a wireless headset "Mini-phone BB-mobile micrON-2 series", which also looks like a small mobile phone. The novelty was created taking into account the wishes and feedback of users of the "BB-mobile minifon of the micrON series".

The second generation miniphone received the function of searching for contacts in the address book, the ability to adjust the volume of an incoming call, more flexible settings for sound control modes, a five-position navigation key as well as a removable battery. The range of the Bluetooth headset has been increased from 10 to 20 meters. It is also worth noting the updated design of the device.

The main functionality of the gadget has not changed. The BB-mobile micrON-2 series mini-phone allows you to make calls (using the call log, numeric keypad or contacts sent from your mobile device).

If the connection with the smartphone or tablet is lost, the second Miniphone beeps. This function will allow the user not to lose his device in the office, at home, and so on, not to forget it on a table in a restaurant, or, for example, in a taxi, and also provides additional protection against theft.

"BB-mobile mini-phone micrON-2 series" can play the role of not only mono, but also a stereo Bluetooth headset (the novelty can receive both voice and music from the head unit in stereo mode). It has a standard 3.5mm headphone jack on its body. The novelty can also be used in conjunction with a computer: as a Bluetooth adapter or a wireless headset for communication using VoIP telephony services (Skype, MSN, Google Talk).

The SAR level in the case of the second Miniphone is 0.01 W / kg, like a regular Bluetooth headset. For comparison: in the case of mobile phones SAR level is 1-2 W / kg. This means that using a smartphone or tablet in conjunction with the Miniphone is safer for health, since the user does not have to attach his main mobile device to the head.

The package of the novelty includes a charger block, USB cable, headphones, instructions in Russian and a warranty card. Russian sales of the Bluetooth-headset "Mini-phone BB-mobile of the micrON-2 series" began on May 23. The model will be available in white. The recommended retail price is 1,950 rubles.


  • Headset
  • Cable for charging the device from a computer
  • Neck strap
  • detailed instructions

The device is supplied in a compact blister pack. In comparison with previous generations, they decided to abandon the complete set of the headset with a separate charger which, in my opinion, is a minus.

Appearance, controls, assembly

Previous MicrON models were made in the form of miniature phones, while in the third generation they decided to follow the path of simplification and abandoned all unnecessary buttons and display.

Outwardly, the device looks like an unusual compact "gadget". The manufacturer on the official website uses a comparison with a credit card, but it is only appropriate in terms of dimensions, but to say what the MicrON 3 looks like if you don't know its purpose is very problematic.

Most of the front side is occupied by two plastic plates, separated by a transparent key block. The bezel of the device is silver in the white version, dark brown in the black one.

The earpiece is located at the top of the headset.

Just below the center, you can see three buttons made of transparent plastic and a microphone hole. The side keys are responsible for changing the volume, and the center one for receiving a call. It's funny that in my white version of the headset the buttons were pressed very tightly, but in the black version there was no such problem.

There is also an LED above the transparent panel. It blinks blue once every six seconds, lights up red when charging, and when making a call, their fast "winking" is used.

At the bottom there is a connector for charging the device.

At the back there is a groove for the supplied strap.

There will be four color variations of the headset on sale: black, white, white-blue and white-pink. It is important to note that the white version is made of glossy plastic, while the black version is made of matte rubberized.

I had both a black and a white sample on my test. A part of the front plastic plate was slightly removed from the white one, while the assembly of the black one had no complaints.

Dimensions (edit)

The device is slightly smaller than a credit card in size, but if you put three cards on top of each other, then their thickness will be the same as that of this headset. The weight of the "miniphone" is only 38 grams, thanks to which you can comfortably communicate with it even for a long time.

  • BB-Mobile MicrON-3- 90x53x7 mm, weight 38 grams
  • BB-Mobile MicrON-2- 104x38x12 mm, weight 17 grams
  • BB-Mobile MicrON- 88x40x5 mm, weight 15 grams

As you can see, the new product has become twice as heavy, but according to the sensations, the difference between 17 and 38 grams in the hand is not very noticeable.

Connection and management

The device uses Bluetooth v3.0, class 2. With the help of a headset, you can receive incoming calls, put them on hold and call back the last called subscriber. Also, the headset can work with desktop computers, only in the settings you must first select it as the main microphone and speaker. The radius of comfortable use is 2-2.5 meters, further (in rooms) interference begins and the quality of communication deteriorates. The headset supports working with two devices at the same time, there are no complaints about this function.

The list of functions performed by the three buttons is quite impressive. Below, let me give you a quote from the instructions, which describes in as much detail all the actions of the buttons and the LED as possible:

Make a call to the last dialed number
In standby mode, quickly press the headset multifunction key twice.

Change volume
While talking through the headset, press the volume up or down keys on the headset.

Switch from headset to phone or vice versa
While talking through the headset, press and hold its multifunction key for 1 second.

Put the current call on hold
During a call, press the multifunction key and the headset volume up key at the same time. A melody will sound in the opponent's handset until you press the same key combination again or break the connection.

Manage two incoming calls
If during one conversation another call comes in, you will hear a double beep once every 5 seconds. To accept a call and put the current call on hold, press the multi-function volume up key on the headset at the same time. To reject the second call, quickly press the headset multifunction key twice. To switch between calls, press the multifunction key and the volume up key on the headset again. If you have already established two connections and another call comes in, you can accept it with a single short press of the headset multifunction key. This will interrupt the active connection.

Mute microphone
During a call, quickly press the headset multifunction key twice. You will hear a double beep from the headset speaker once every 5 seconds. To unmute the microphone, repeat quickly double-pressing the multifunction key.

Delete the list of connected main devices
In standby mode, press and hold the multifunction key and the headset volume up key at the same time for 5 seconds.

Check battery level
If the headset is turned on but this moment not used for conversation, press the volume up and down keys on it at the same time. The battery charge level is displayed by flashing red indicator: 1 time - low charge, 2 times - medium charge, 3 times - battery charged.

Also, despite the presence of only two LED colors, the headset has a large number of operations that these LEDs inform about.

Strikingly detailed and detailed instructions for a device for a thousand rubles. Those wishing to get acquainted with her full version can follow the link. However, as you can imagine, regular user it will hardly go into the complexity of the instructions, however, even if you do not read it, the intuitiveness of the work does not raise questions (when it comes to banal functions such as taking a call, calling back a subscriber or changing the volume level).

Battery life

The headset has a non-removable lithium ion battery capacity 420 mAh. The manufacturer claims up to 250 hours of standby time and up to 10 hours of talk time.

Surprisingly, for once the figures from the official website turned out to be true. I used the headset for about 10 days with a constant Bluetooth connection and talked for about 40 minutes, which leaves the device with about half its charge.

By the way, you can check the battery charge by pressing two volume keys at the same time:

  • 3 flashes - the headset is charged,
  • 2 flashes - medium charge,
  • 1 blink - low charge.

The device takes about four hours to charge from the computer.

Voice quality and speaker

When using the headset in tandem with a smartphone, there are no complaints about speech transmission, you and your interlocutor hear each other perfectly. But in conjunction with a computer and Skype, everything is not so smooth: they can hear you perfectly, but you hear the interlocutor's voice with a characteristic background noise.

The ringer is very loud, it is interesting that when a call comes in, both the smartphone itself and the headset ring.

Conclusion and personal impressions

The cost of the headset is 1,000 rubles, and it is already on sale in retail.

I liked that the device costs half the price of the previous miniphone, I was pleased with the materials in the black version, and, of course, I was pleasantly surprised by the battery life.

I didn't like the fact that BB-Mobile went down the path of simplification. Personally, I expected completely different functions from the third MicrON. I assumed that the company would increase the screen diagonal and optimize the phone book synchronized with the device. I hoped that with the help of the new "miniphone" I could not only make full calls, but also send SMS from the device and (maybe) even watch the latest notifications. I thought that, among other things, they would improve the work with headphones and add unpretentious plugs to the kit. Instead, almost everything was removed from the third version. interesting features(number buttons, screen, 3.5 mm jack) and reduced the bundle to a minimum.

However, the company can also be understood. It is possible that there are much more people who want to have a cheap Bluetooth-handset for their tablet or smartphone than geeks who would be interested in the option I have described.

All in all, if you are looking for a cheap tablet companion accessory for making calls, the MicrON-3 is perfect for this role.


  • Bluetooth: v.3.0, class 2. Devices v 2.1 and higher are supported
  • Battery: Li-ion, 420mAh, built-in
  • Frequency range: 2.4 GHz - 2.48 GHz
  • Talk time: up to 10 hours
  • Standby time: up to 250 hours
  • Full charge time: 3 hours
  • Line-of-sight distance: up to 10 meters
  • Working temperature: 0º - 45º С
  • Dimensions: 90 x 53 x 7 mm
  • Weight: 38g

Evgeny Vildyaev (