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Business promotion on social networks. Effective business promotion in social networks

But those who can do it, it brings good profits. How to start promotion and what to navigate in this process?

We will estimate the budget ways to promote your business in social networks.

But before we define whether it is necessary in your particular case.

"For" and "against" business promotion in social networks

To date, 85% of people who have access to the Internet, roll accounts in various social suites and sit there great amount time.

Russia has a palm championship in Europe by number of registered accounts and time to spend people on the Internet.

Business in social networks: Advantages

    Small investment.

    The cost of one attracted client over the Internet is much lower than when applying other ways to promote.

    If in other methods in order to:

    • lure potential customers
    • establish a community
    • conduct a conversation with consumers.

    Investment requires, it is possible to do without a consumption of funds.

    However, you need to be realistic: free promotion will always be slower and not so effective as paid.

    "Sarafanny" distribution.

    Promotion of business online in this way is the fastest. How does it act?

    In any group there is an interesting article.

    She was read 100 visitors portal, of which 11 shared a link to unique work with their buddies.

    Among them, too, those who will share with other buddies can be found and so on.

    It is at such moments that a viral program is launched, which will make a business in social networks successful.

    By the way, using SEO to get a similar result, like SMM, is very difficult.


    Promoting your own business on the Internet every year is gaining great popularity, as the number of users of the portals is growing.

    Some facts about the number and age of visitors of various social networks.

    Low competition.

    Most firms have not yet realized all the advantages that can bring business to social. networks.

    They do not understand how profitable it is, since such methods bring good profits with minimal investment.

    All this flows into low competition (compared to the real market).

Disadvantages Business Promotion on Social Networks

    It is not subject to detailed analysis.

    Analyze subscribers as, for example, using "Google Analytics" is simply impossible.

    The marketer can evaluate only the number of visitors and determine whether the course of business is committed by faithful.

    Control by the administration.

    Often such frames interfere with full-fledged promotion, you have to search for workarounds.

    Group worker.

    Each project requires control, even (especially) if it is built on the Internet. The group or community must have its administrator.

    The work of the administrator is such tasks:

    • survey members of the group,
    • posting posts
    • active support for communication in the group,
    • removal spam
    • content update.

It will be necessary to hire such a person and pay him a salary.

But thereby free yourself from small work, and proceed to more large-scale processes of promoting their goods.

If the founder or administrator of the group does not follow the page, then customers feel great, and the community will quickly decline.

Deploy, but on offline reputation it can also affect.

Overview of methods of promotion in the top 5 social networks

1. Promotion of VKontakte.

Website is the most popular portal on the expanses of the Russian-speaking Internet.

The number of registered people (or rather, pages) has 380 million, daily contact visits more than 80 million people.

Options for increasing profits from business in VKontakte:

  • Placing advertising in communities similar subjects;
  • Targeted advertising (reproduction of content depending on visitors' preferences), which is paid by the number of impressions and clicks.

    Example of action: A person previously searched on the Internet information about flights to China.

  • Translation of advertising in famous urban groups.
  • Creating a specialized page VKontakte on which all products of the business will be posted.

To attract consumers to the group, it is best to come up with any interesting and memorable name, as well as a bright avatar.

Basically, the audience of "contact" is the youth, therefore the proposed product or service must be inexpensive.

2. Promotion in classmates.

Site OK.RU is a resource on which the older audience of visitors prevails (30-55 years old).

It is not so "crowded," as "VKontakte", but also has enviable popularity.

The number of users exceeded 201 million, of which, 46 million are visited daily to their social network page.

Options for promotion in classmates:

  • advertising in applications or games,
  • creating a personal page for business
  • targeted advertising,
  • promoting your business with posting in other popular groups.

Content in Odnoklassniki should be aimed at attracting customers' attention in various ways.

These may be intriguing statuses, interesting videosrollers, pictures that are unobtrusive are demonstrated by visitors.

For example, a person put the class in a group that is based on selling children's products.

This "like" will automatically affect the ribbon from friends. If they like the products, they are also "lying".

In this way, people with their own business can be found in the shortest possible time.

In "Odnoklassniki" you can implement and offer services various levelsSince here "lives" the audience of various levels of solvency and tastes.

3. Promotion to Facebook.

The site is one of the largest networks of the world. More than 1.6 billion accounts are registered in it! 50% of them are viewed every day by users.

Facebook often registered people with medium and high prosperity, aged 25-45 years. In such social Networks are recorded even policies, entrepreneurs, stars.

If, for example, "VKontakte" and "classmates" have more entertainment nature of people's relationship, then "Facebook" is more business, as they are registered in order to exchange information.

Methods of promotion in Facebook

4. Promotion to "Twitter".

Website offers its users a quick exchange of information with each other.

Various segments of the population are registered in Twitter, ranging from politicians, ending with loaders and guards.

Of course, it is quite difficult to conduct the promotion of the case, but still there are tools that allow it to do.

For example, it contributes to popularization and enhance the recognition of the account management and the creation of a personal hashtega for your business.

It is possible to agree on the placement of this hashtega on the well-known accounts that "can boast" the maximum number of people signed on it.

Hashteg must specify the path to the business page and anywhere else, because it should be absolutely unique.

This promotion method is more suitable for Internet projects, and not for product sales.

5. Business in the social network "Instagram".

The website is based on the exchange of short rollers, photographs and personal messages.

And yet the images are "at the head of the corner."

In you can create a page and promote your business by promoting the group.

You can also place an advertisement for more promoted accounts with big amount subscribers.

In order to attract customers, you need to publish interesting videos, colorful and bright pictures, photos.

4 methods of promotion in social networks

№1. Protection - the main assistant promotion

Each marketer will say: "Without decent content, business promotion in social networks is impossible."

Three main content rules:


    Material must be systematically updated in the group.

    Two, four, six posts per day - these indicators depend on the direction of business and customer audience.

    The posting must be regular, and do not depend on the number of subscribers.


    Each material that will come from the moderator to the page must have high uniqueness, and interest the visitor from the first lines.

    Do not make plagiarism and copy articles from other sources.

    It is better to focus on creating exclusive business for business.

    Viral Promotion.

    All materials must hook the client as much as much as possible.

    It was at that moment that was previously described, and the viral dissemination of information is launched.

№2. The role of targeting in promotion

This method of advertising is aimed at a specific audience. The definition of "your client" occurs in accordance with its interests.

The ability to promote business with this method can be found in all listed social networks.

For greater understanding, consider the types of targeting:

    For example, a fitness center opens in Khimki.

    It means that information on the opening should be shown to residents of Moscow and close to the new fitness center inherent.

    This setting is set at the start of advertising. As a result, only your target audience sees it.


    For example, a novice entrepreneur who is based on the sale of products for children, it is necessary to post advertisements in groups of young mothers and married women.


    If a person is fond of fashion, he will participate in the "style", "fashion" groups, and not in the communities of carpenters or steel faith.

    For example, a person is fond of Latin American dancing and travel.

    Then the owner of the travel agency is simply obliged to offer a tour ticket to Cuba.

First, it is necessary to analyze whether the proposed product is suitable for the user. Secondly, make competently decorated advertising.

No. 3. Promotion in the community

About this form of promotion has already been told earlier, but still it is necessary to remind his essence.

At the same time, the entrepreneur must be aware than the "promotion" community, more money It will be going to pay for advertising on their page.

During the day, an advertising post ordered by them will be demonstrated for the subscribers.

About detailed promotion plans different types Companies in social. Networks will tell Ilya Balahnin in his video:

№4. Business in social networks: professional Promotion

There are specialized services that for the established fee will advertise business on social networks.

Often, they themselves develop content, activate the target mechanism and are negotiating the placement of advertising in thematic communities.

All these features suggests, for example, site "Plibber" makes it possible to develop business by attracting customers from social networks.

To work here, a novice entrepreneur must:

  • logged in the site
  • start advertising your products yourself or contact the qualified employees "Plibber",
  • in the first case - to analyze your target audience and develop the desired advertising post.

The site moderates the proposed task, after which you can proceed to promotion.

If you adhere to the above methods and analyze the information received, then business on social networks Bring good income with minimal investment.

The main thing is to know my target audience well, to appoint a responsible person in the group and not forget about the systematic replenishment by articles, photographs, videos.

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Perhaps finding a person who does not know anything about social networks is impossible.

Each of us has at least one account to communicate, listening to music and reading entertainment / cognitive materials. The social networks were so tightly integrated into our lives that now almost any field of activity finds its embodiment there. Of course, business is no exception.

Is it really worth promote your business in popular networks? What should I do for this? What underwater stones consider? Find answers to these questions right now.

Business in social networks: Is there prospects?

Ignore this opportunity - real nonsense.

Please note, to get ahead of Russia in the number of users could only Germany:

A businessman who wants to achieve success must use all the prospects that appear in front of him.

Why do you need to promote business in social networks?

  1. Introduce the products of new customers.
  2. Use comfortable tools For marketing research.
  3. These resources allow you to more accurate the image potential buyer, explore his habits, tastes, expectations.
  4. Create a positive image of the company.
  5. receive feedback from their customers.
  6. Follow feedback on the work of the company, products.

    It also allows you to work with a negative competently and eliminate the problems that you could and do not know (especially relevant, if the company has several branches or extensive staff).

And this is not full list Advantages.

Make sure that you need to submit your business in networks? Do not hurry to go to practice.

Before the start, it is also worth carefully learning the mistakes that are once again made by newcomers, promoting the business on the Internet.

Top 7 Errors for Business Promotion on Social Networks

As you already understood, business promotion is a lesson with a big perspective and return.

But it often happens that the selected promotion strategy turns out to be initially unsuccessful. Why? Because newcomers in this area, as one, allow 7 major errors.

Check out them and do not allow in your work:

    Do not hurry.

    So do not rush to put a cross on business if you do not see the effect after 1, 2, 4 weeks.

    I am on my own.

    Social networks - space for communication. Even if you decide to organize a business here, there will be no "behind the wall". Your customers / visitors should receive answers to questions, see returns and interest.

    If you want to be distorted, it is better to lead a business through the site.

    Business for the sake of business.

    The process of promotion is fascinated. But if you do not have specific goals, your enthusiasm gradually subsides.

    Set certain goals, the direction of business movement and, it is very important how much money you are willing to spend on business.

    Do not be frivolous.

    Social networks are easy to use. But business promotion will not be given to the same ease.

    That is why specialists in promoting business in social networks are not "darkened". Their work is not so simple.

    And in order to master it and do it yourself, you will have to make a lot of effort.

    It will not work - I'll bother!

    If you create a non-independent source of earnings, but "withdraw" offline business into social space, each action will be reflected in the reputation of the whole case.

    For example, the thrown group "VKontakte", filled with spam, will signal: "This firm is exactly bad things, if even to the VK cannot be driving down."

    Each business destination has its own characteristics. If a distinctive features The company does not have, how can she cope with competition?

    It is this question that it is worthwhile, if a crazy thought is crying to you just copy someone else's strategy of promotion.

    By the way, to steal pictures is also stupid and unsolonged.

    No analysis.

    Testing methods of promotion, you need not only to make the output "I went to do not go." It is important to analyze why some ways act on your audience, and others are not.

    In this case, you can build an effective campaign of promotion.

1) Business online "VKontakte"

About what is for the social network, you can not tell. In fact, each Internet user from Russia has (and someone even a few).

Please note how long the resource is all the rest in popularity:

That is why it is obvious that the promotion of business in social networks in Russia, first of all, is happening here.

Indeed, "VKontakte" is not only a place of permanent "habitat" and communication of millions of people. As well as a convenient platform for doing business.

Developers also understand this well, in connection with which innovations are constantly emerging, which make business processes easier and more affordable.

You must also not forget that "VKontakte" has built-in statistics collection tools, which is simply an indispensable assistant for marketing research!

And the main plus: you can use all the built-in services absolutely free.

To make business promotion here and receive income, you need to use basic knowledge about trade online and explore the working conditions on this site.

The better you are spinning, the easier it will be to act. And the bigger return from labor you will receive.

Features of business promotion in VK.

The main feature of this social network is its users. It is believed that the audience "VKontakte" is insolvent. Perhaps in 2009-10 it made sense.

To understand what salt, pay attention to the age schedule for years of birth:

But that is what any "class" of the audience has its own requests, you still can not forget. To promote "VKontakte" was successful, you need to adapt to young people, to be "in trend", use short posts and attractive photos.

Another feature of the network "VKontakte" is ability to create separate personal pages Under business.

As already mentioned, the developers enable entrepreneurs to use numerous functions and built-in services for promotion. Most of them opens them after the creation of "Public" ( public page) or group for doing business.

For example, you can create an Internet showcase right in your group:

5 ways to promote businesses in the social network "VKontakte".

Here you created a page or group, put an avatar and filled out the section "Description" by basic business information. What to do next?

The article will not separately consider "classmates".
The audience of these two networks is certainly different. Therefore, you will have to develop an individual promotion strategy for them.
But otherwise they are very similar to Vkontakte (or, in the case of Facebook, on the contrary, "VKontakte" was created by his "image and similarity). Therefore, I understood the mechanisms of promotion to "VC", you can find further way on your own.

2) How to promote a business in the social network "Instagram"?

If the promotion of Business "VKontakte" is a familiar to many topic, then instagram still remains a "dark horse", although it appeared in RuNet for quite a long time.

Active growth of business pages and the use of this social network has accounted for 2014.

Now we can already conclude: the site is suitable for promotion completely and gives a good result. Some entrepreneurs are committed to conducting a business exclusively in. A few years ago, it was considered impossible (successful business on the Internet without a website).

The kernel is guys and girls (weak sex - the prevailing majority) of 17-32 years. It is this category of consumers most often decides to buy under the influence of emotions.

Top 5 secrets how to promote an account in Instagram.

A torture reader may noted that the article has not covered resources as "Telegram, Pinterest", "YouTube" and many others.

The fact is that these "fields" for business activities in Russia are not yet particularly developed.

Such a "base" is more suitable for startups, innovative and creative ideas. And if your business falls into this category, do you really need instructions and algorithms for promotion?

Want to promote your business in Instagram?

See the valuable advice of the business coach in this video - and dare!

And yet you need to understand: when it comes to a serious brand, whose reputation does not want to risk, it is better to entrust this work to the professionals of your business.

The cost of their services will not particularly hit the owner's pocket, but the return will be colossal ...

We have released new book "Content marketing in social networks: how to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand."

Social networks are the resources created to communicate on their pages. Their functionality is growing, as well as popularity. Users mobile devices It has long been preferred to social networks compared to ordinary sites. They will find everything: news, recipes that new friends, entertainment, online shopping, tips and more. A place where many people attract business. Business management in social networks has become the norm and successful marketing move. Consider the main features of building strategy, stages of work and possible errors.

Social network to help business

What exactly can social resources for business be useful? What tasks can be put for them? Two main directions are distinguished: informational promotion and receipt of conversions (sales).
The main objectives include:

  • Acquaintance of consumers with new brands, goods and services.
  • Increase sales, purchase amount per client.
  • The increase in the number of regular customers, adherents of the company.
  • The growth of loyalty to the brand, improved image, withdrawing the existing negative.
  • Consultation and customer support for various issues from the selection and purchase of the purchase before use, settings and repair.
  • Feedback, collection of opinions from the audience for new items.
  • Transitions to the site.

To whom will suit

Business through social networks Moving a variety of companies - from small online stores to monopolists in their industry. Many giants of different spheres are present on social networks: telecommunication companies, automakers, world giants of the sports industry and others.

A few years ago, it was not worth going to SMM, because there were no clients, large enterprises category B2B. However, now there are a variety of people in social networks, including managers and managers of factories and industries, banks, transport companies and many other enterprises. Of course, to reach the state companies is more difficult, selling expensive goods (over a thousand dollars) also, but there is chances.

Invest big funds in the organization page and promotion is not in the case of sale embossed goods (for example, cheap, low-standard fakes). Customer feedback will convince the following visitors not to buy, and have to create new pageTo avoid negative comments and establish sales.

How to promote business in social networks

The process is quite painstaking and long. Guessing, with the choice of a resource, publishing a good and interesting material for the target audience, to expect loyal customers and sales worth a few months later. And this is not a one-time event, business promotion in social networks is the constant management of their pages and communication with subscribers.

It is worth deciding on those who will perform the main work. Depending on the size of the company, the goals set, the size of the budget, this can be entrusted with both SMM specialists and a company employee. Of course, if possible, it is better to choose a marketing agency. Knowledge of working methods, features of the application of certain tools, significantly saves time, strength and makes the result more projected and successful. To work on filling and maintaining the page, designer, copywriter, SEO specialist, content manager will be required.

The cost of such services begins from 5-10 thousand rubles per month and higher. This is quite explained by the time of time planning, the creation of a page, a constant search and filling it with its materials, tracking the response of the audience and commenting. The price of the error is high - the expected effect can be not received, and sometimes to achieve deterioration of customer relationships.

SMM services on the market in abundance, both independent experts and companies that organize comprehensive marketing campaigns, including through social networks. When choosing to cooperate with whom it is worth paying attention to such factors:

  • General Profile Agency - Present Preference better meaningWho is engaged only by SMM, and not everyone gradually.
  • Narrow specialization increases professionalism and experience of employees.
  • Portfolio, examples of pages of other companies, customer reviews.

When concluding an agreement, it is worth discussing the timing and parameters for measuring the results for which it will be possible to see how the process is moving.

If after all, for some reason, it was decided to do everything yourself, then the maximum attention should be paid to the creation of a page. Frequent practice is to hire a specialist (freelancer), for this task, and already further promotion.

Stages of business promotion in social networks

Any task will seem easier and clearer, if you split it into a few small steps. So in the case of promotion on social networks, we will make a phased action plan:

  • Selection of social network.
  • Strategy Development.
  • Creating a page (group, account) in the selected resource.
  • Filling materials, maintaining a page.
  • Attracting customers.


The best social networks for business are those where there is a target audience. And of course, it is better to choose among leaders in popularity: VKontakte, classmates, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others. Briefly analyze the most common.

In contact with

Resource No. 1 in Russia and the CIS countries. It is distinguished by a large (462 million people) and a young audience (about 25% - up to 18 years old, the most mass segment of 18-34 years). High Activity, willingness to participate in contests, challenges and discussions, a large number of publications, love for visualization and entertainment content - the main characteristics of the network. Vkontakte is suitable for business related to selling goods (clothing, machinery, furniture, cosmetics) and service services. Advantages of work: You can customize deep targeting, different payment options (for shows or clicks), place your publications in thematic publics (for a fee or per mutual service).


The Russian network with a more age-class audience (compared to VC) - from 34 to 55 years and older. Women prevail (more than 70%), classmate users are distinguished by more conservative tastes, not supporters of all new. A classic user portrait - middle-aged woman living in a small town (with a population of up to 500 thousand people). Produce and sell clothing, home products, garden, needlework - classmates worthy site selection.


Social Network No. 1 in the world, Russia comes in the top five popular. It is here that the largest number of managers, IT specialists, bankers and other secured people. In order to attract subscribers and visitors to the page on Facebook, you need to get into the news feed. You can do this in two ways: Paying for the placement or receiving a large number of "LIKE" and recovery marks. Trainings, programs, expensive goods, news, brand promotion - Facebook will suit.


The network is promising at the expense of great growth of users and growing demand. Built on visual content, many call it photoset because of great opportunities to edit and place photographs. Long texts with logical chains of conclusions here will not find a response. And the goods of the fashion industry, cosmetics, decorations, everything for image and appearance, cars, travel, real estate - are quite suitable. The high activity of the participants requires a very fast response to the comments.

Strategy Development

Implies search for answers to questions:

  • Objectives of work in social media.
  • Content types - what is planned to be published.
  • Time and frequency of posts.

It is important to understand what actions are expected from people who are interested in publishing: a subscription or the transition to the site for shopping. The last option is applied to those goods that are in demand and long to persuade it should not be purchased. If the product is specific, you need time to form a need, interest, but only then offer, then you need subscribers to the group. So a series of materials that encourage demand is suitable.

Creating a page

There are several concepts: Account, page, group. Account - what is available after registration. Inside it, you can create a group or page. The group is more suitable for personal purposes, combines interests (up to 500 people in friends). Page is a more official notion, no restrictions on the number of subscribers, is used to promote companies and brands.

SMM specialists are recommended to adhere to the creation of a single corporate identity page (including the publications on different resources). This increases the recognition and in itself serves to advertise the brand. Contacts and links to other resources should be specified if they are.

The focus on high-quality and attractive making an avatar, covers and caps - this is exactly what people see first of all, going to the resource. The title of the page is used or the name of the brand (if it is about a particular company) or keywordsthat will help you understand what you can find here.

What is publishing

The created page is filled with the material that will be interesting and useful to visitors and, at the same time, will contribute to the growth of the company's popularity as a whole and the goods offered to it. All materials can be divided into several groups:

  • selling;
  • training;
  • expert;
  • involving;
  • entertaining.

On the page, they should all be in one or another quantity. It will not be bored only to write about yourself - visitors will be boring, not everyone will have to do with the tactics of aggressive sales. It is not worth rushing to another extreme and pay attention to only humor, forgetting about its interests in social networks. Therefore, we combine all types of materials and give alternately. In order not to get confused, the content plan is drawn up, where in advance (preferably for a month) signs when which publication should be.

Pay attention is worth the day and even the time of exit to the "ether". Good time - the clock of the highest user activity in this network. For example, for Instagram is a morning from 8 to 9 hours, evening after 17 and night from 24 to 2 hours. The day affects the workload of a person and his willingness to spend time reading Internet resources. So, it makes no sense to publish selling posts on Monday, Tuesday - time for purchases is not suitable. And the closer Friday, the mood more relaxed, the working load decreases, which affects the growth of activity.

Let us dwell on the types of materials with examples and possible varieties.

Selling publications

This is not just a "buy-buy buy" in the forehead or online store, but the material that presents business from the favorable side shows how it is organized, what professionals work in the company, what excellent results obtain and what is confirmed. With these tasks coped well:

  • Descriptions of goods / services or processes.

To gain an audience of 50 million people, the radio took 38 years, television - 13. Facebook received 200 million users in less than a year.

More than 82% of Internet users have accounts on social networks and sit in them (minimum) for two hours a day. Russia ranks first in Europe in popularity of social networks.

The number of users who come to social skills are not for communication, but for information, as well as businessmen who understand that social media is an effective marketing channel. If you want to promote a project through social networks, then get to know four effective ways Promotions.

Content - Main Promotion Factor

Any SMM specialist will confirm: without high-quality content, promotion tools are useless. If on the page of your brand is bored, you should not count on the growth of the audience and its loyalty.

Three components of good content:

  1. Uniqueness. The information you publish must be relevant and fascinating. Do not copy materials from other resources. Exception is a crossposting between the company's blog and its social network page.
  2. Regularity. Articles must go systematically. Two, three, four or seven times a week - depends on the specifics of the business and its target audience. So, people from the business environment will have enough two-three updates, and for the Beauty community it is clearly not enough. It is necessary to adhere to the selected content strategy regardless of the number of subscribers.
  3. Virusity. Publications must be alive, causing an emotional response in the form of a burning desire to tell friends about them. Avoid frankly promotional posts.

Facebook in Russia - "Socialist not for everyone." It uses marketers, programmers and other IT-savvy people. They do not frighten the "complex interface", and in the sphere of their interests - gadgets, Internet, travel, education, books and business in all its manifestations. They willingly laugh and shake material data topics, as well as motivating articles configuring to positive. Most of the active audience Facebook enjoys mobile application - Posts are recommended to illustrate 800 × 600 pictures.

"In contact with" - the largest social network of Runet (more than 230 million registered users). Her audience is younger; In the focus of the interests of users mostly entertainment (communication, games, music, movies, etc.). VK users do not complain text content (it is desirable that the length of the post does not exceed 500 characters), but you love photos and videos.

Among photochostings in Russia is the most popular Instagram.. At the same time, leading the brand page in Instagram, it is recommended to adhere to a single style in the design (use not only standard filters, but also third-party photo edits), as well as position objects in a photo on 2/3 of the screen (this makes the picture visually more attractive).


The possibility of placing targeted advertising is almost all social networks: "Vkontakte", Facebook, Odnoklassniki and others. At the same time, it is believed that Target advertising in social networks is more suitable for the B2C sector. However, both B2B have companies that effectively decide business tasks through targeted advertising.

Some types of targeting:

  • Geographic (Geotargesting) is a display of advertising to residents of a particular region / city / district, etc. For example, you want to promote the beauty salon located in Khimki near Moscow. Your targeted announcement will be demonstrated by the inhabitants of this city.
  • Socio-demographic - display of advertising depending on gender, age, family situation and other social criteria. So, advertising of children's goods and home products is recommended to post on the pages of married women older than 25, and advertising of an artistic store - on the pages of designers, architects, designers.
  • Contextual - display of advertising in accordance with the interests of the user. Membership in groups of type "Fashion", Fashion, "Shopping", etc. Visually demonstrates the interests of the user. He will be interested in the appropriate advertising.
  • Behantic - advertising display depending on specific user actions (travel routes, favorite places, frequent search queries, etc.). Suppose a person is fond of Latin American dances, goes to the Salsa Club, looking for the relevant video - the probability is great that advertising of a burning tour of Cuba will be attracted.

Despite the seeming simplicity, targeting is a tool that requires serious preparatory work. First, it is necessary to analyze the target audience of the brand. Secondly, make an ad.

Advertising in the community

Community advertising (on professional language Sm Merchikov - Sowing) is the purchase of posting or reposts in popular communities. In the first case (Purchase Post) The purpose of the advertiser is to increase traffic on the company's website; In the second (repost purchase) - attract users to the company's group on the social network. At the same time, the more subscribers at the community, the post in which you buy, the more expensive the advertising campaign will cost.

With the owners of the communities, you can negotiate directly or use the services of a special exchange. In 2013, this was opened by the social network "VKontakte" (Cabinet for the advertiser). Advertising is placed by the community administration in its tape and, according to the conditions, should remain there within 24 hours.

Professional promotion in social media

Meaning services that provide paid services Promotion in social networks. As a rule, they independently create high-quality content, launch target mechanism and agree on advertising in communities. This is conditionally attributed to Plibber. Why conditionally? Because the possibilities of this service are much wider.

  • register;
  • decide on the format of work on the site (you can advertise your brand yourself or contact the Plibber team for the organization of a shock advertising campaign);
  • prepare an advertising post;
  • selection of the most suitable sites with Central Asia and start sowing.

After preliminary moderation, your task will be available, and you can proceed to attract the fans of your brand.

How to get organic loyal traffic? With this question, interested in all advertisers, we turned to the founder of the Plibber project Oleg Ratunin.

Oleg Ratunin

CEO And the ideological inspirer He knows about social media everything and even more.

To attract potential fans to your brand, follows:

  • use Address (Quiz), Infographic, Illustrations, Viral Videos, Advertising Games, and Other;
  • place a link within the visible zone of the post announcement (first-second lines);
  • introduce to the content call to action;
  • add a provocative survey;
  • work with a associative content format and its adaptation to the brand;
  • launch creative, bright and unique contests.

If you managed to add content that your audience craves, you can count on the figure over 600 transitions from one post.

Also, do not forget to analyze the communication of large brands with your subscribers, now a good result is detected in the community

Hello, dear friends!

Promotion of its services and goods in social networks are engaged in both young companies that only become on their feet and well-known world brands.

About how it happens and how profitable it is, I will tell you in this article.

Positive Aspects of Promotion in Socials

  1. The social networks possess a huge audience in which, of course, there is a target audience of interest to the company.
  2. Communication with users is carried out through simple and understandable tools of social. Networks.
  3. Promote business in social networks much faster than with standard methods, such, for example, as SEO (promotion in search engines). You do not even need your own website ().
  4. There is a close interconnection through photos, videos, images, statuses, news. Each user shares with her friends with something interesting. As a result, the so-called effect of viral marketing occurs. Inteiting someone, your company, the online store or web resource will quickly become popular.
  5. You can promote business in networks completely free. It attracts K. this method Promotion of webmasters and bloggers.

Soc. Networks - Tool Promotion of Services, Goods, Brands

In terms of marketing, they can be applied not only as a tool for promoting their own brand or web resource, but also as a way of influencing society. With the help of social networks, you may not just offer our products and services, but also to inspire potential customers the need for you to acquire exactly you.

  1. Video is used for training, entertainment, attraction;
  2. Audio - slogans are remembered for rumor faster than visually;
  3. Images are used to illustrate their goods, services and other things;
  4. Text - With it, you are familiar with users with the company and its activities.

The most popular social skins are.