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the main  /  BY / Registration of the VKontakte Group: Full Hyde for Design. Registration of the VKontakte community: the most detailed guide in Runet for a group or public page Creating miniatures for the group in VK

Registration of a group of VKontakte: Full Hyde design. Registration of the VKontakte community: the most detailed guide in Runet for a group or public page Creating miniatures for the group in VK

Evgenia Kryukov

* Update article.

The beautiful design of the VKontakte community is not a whim, and an important element that makes the confidence of users to you and your company. If a public page or group is framed unprofessional, your potential customers can quite logically conclude that you are also negotiated to your work. So that this does not happen, take care that your "VKontakte" page has been beautiful, neat and convenient to use. How to do it? Read below.

Actual sizes of VKontakte images

Some time ago developers social network "VKontakte" launched new design. This led to the fact that the size and principles of displaying images have changed. A memo that will be given below corresponds to all innovations and contains in itself the following this moment time.

And now let's go in more detail for each item.

The size of avatar VK

The minimum avatar size is 200 per 200 pixels. If you try to upload an image of less than 200 pixels in width or long, you will see this error:

The maximum avatar size is 200 per 500 pixels. But, in principle, you can upload images and larger size - up to 7000 pixels on each side. The main thing is that the ratio of their parties does not exceed 2 to 5.

Show on the example.

I have an image. Its size: 200 per 800 pixels (2 to 8 ratio). When loading does not occur any errors. However, I still can not use this image, because "Contact" does not allow me to allocate it completely.


Cover size for the full version of the site - 1590 per 400 pixels.

Note: in mobile version And the applications are displayed not the full version of the cover, but only its part of 1196 in size is 400 pixels. See how it is cut in the application mobile:

To this not happen, place the basic elements of your cover within 1196 per 400 pixels.

Attached images

In the updated design of "contact", the width of the news feed has become fixed. This means that images attached to the post are no longer stretched, but remain as they are. Therefore, if you want your image to fully occupied the place allotted in the news feed, its width should be at least 510 pixels. Best so that it was a square or rectangle in landscape orientation.

Sounds slightly confused :) Therefore, I'll show you on the example.

Suppose we have an image of a square form with the parties of 510 pixels. If we attach it to our record, it will be very good to look at the news feed on all devices:

But it looks like a horizontal image in the landscape orientation (width 510 pixels):

As you can see, the image (in height), the smaller it looks in the tape of smartphones. To make sure, look at the picture below:

It is clear that the difference here is not very critical, and the users of smartphones will still consider your image, just in the second case it will be a little comfortable.

Images to posts with reference

All this data is taken from the Open Graph markup code:

If Open Graph is not registered, the title is taken from the Title metagega, and the image is from the article. At the same time, it can be easily changed - either choose another image from the article using special shooters:

Or download your own:

The minimum image size that you can use as an announcement to your article - 537 per 240 pixels. However, you can upload and larger images if the proportion is observed.

Picture for an article created in the editor

Image size for the cover of the article created in the editor - 510 by 286 pixels. It is better if it is dark color and more or less monophonic, since the title of the article and the community is lost on a light background.

Good example:

Not a very good example:

Photo size and video for stories

Size for photos - 1080 at 1920 pixels. Size for video - 720 per 1280 pixels.

Specifications for video:

  • up to 15 seconds;
  • no more than 5 MB;
  • h.264 codec;
  • aAC sound.

In stories you need to use photos and videos of vertical format.

Please note: Stories on behalf of the communities at the moment only large communities can be added, for which the developers "VKontakte" have opened this feature. And this is done with official app. From the computer it is impossible to do it.

Examples of dynamic covers:

Cover + Community Description + Link to the Site

Some companies are not specifically fixed in the header any posts so that users have the opportunity to read the basic information about the page and immediately go to the site.

Description with hashthegami

Some companies add to the standard description of the Hashtegi pages that are characterized by it. This is done so that the page has a clearer relevance, and so that it is above it in the search for appropriate requests. Honestly, I do not know if this method works or not. I did not meet case on this topic, so if anyone knows, I will be grateful if you share a reference.

Fixed post telling about what page

If you want to tell about your page in more detail (with photos, links and beautiful layout), then you can attach to the header of the wiki-post or article, a burner in the editor, with a bright picture on the announcement that will call users to click on it. An example of such a post:

But what sees the user after he clicks on the link:

New link menu

Not so long ago, VKontakte developers finally pleased with the community owners with a new tool, with which you can create a menu - quickly and without any torment with wiki-pages. It looks somewhat primitive, so on how to create beautiful menuI'll tell you too.

The menu appears automatically if you use community applications or you have a connected store. For example, on the previous picture, all three menu items are links to applications. You can add your own here - on important entries, albums, discussions, etc., up to 7 pieces (not counting the application). But you can only refer to resources inside the social network, except the wiki-pages.

To edit the menu, click on "Set up" in the upper right corner of the widget:

To add a menu item, click New Link.

In the opening window, select the cover (minimum size - 376x256 px), enter the name of the menu item (it is important to put in 20 characters with spaces), add a link and click "Save".

If you want to hide the application from the menu, change its title or cover, click "Change" opposite the corresponding item. The same can be done with other references that were added manually and require adjustments.

At the exit, something like this should be:

The group menu is open

An open menu I call such a menu, which is immediately visible from which items it consists. That is, the picture-announcement of the wiki-post completely duplicates its contents. Thus, users immediately see what they expect them inside. Show on the example.

Here is what the fixed post in the Flatro page cap:

Group menu closed

The closed menu is the same wiki-post, as in the previous paragraph, only the announcement is the picture on which there are no menu items. Usually they write on it: "Menu", "navigation menu" or "Navigation for publishing materials".

But what we see when I click on it:

By the way, it is worth noting that this is not the only options. In fact, in this picture you can write anything. The main thing is that the user wanted to click on it, and he understood that he was waiting after that. Example:

Jump Menu for Group

The mens menu is when the picture on the announcement of your menu is one image with avatar. Just below, I will tell you in detail how to make such a menu, but for now just look like it looks beautiful.

Want to beautifully arrange your community "VKontakte", but no needed skills? Order registration in our company. Prepare for you an avatar, cover, templates for headings, menus and preview of goods.

Gifka and Avatar in one image

But this version of the design of the header really admired me. Automatically played gifs merges with avatar into a single composition and attracts user attention, even though there is no information on it at all.

By the way, I spied this example in the SMM marketer of Sergei Shmakov. So, for finding I express my gratitude :)

Hidden Menu

The hidden menu is available only for groups (there are no pages of such a functional). To see it, you need to click on the relevant link. Plus this method of design is that the users are visible to the main information of the community, and if they want to use the menu, they just have only one click. However, there is a small minus here - not all users know about the existence of this function, so your menu can get less attention than if it was fixed at the beginning of the page.

Automatically playable video

At the end of November 2015, an interesting innovation appeared on the social network "VKontakte" - as soon as the user comes to your page, the video attached to the header starts playing automatically. With this reception, you can attract even more attention of users (especially those who first went to your page), and at the same time, not to annoy those who do not like when he imposes his content, because the video is reproduced without sound and practically does not interfere .

How to add such a video into the header of your page?

For this you need to perform three conditions:

  • Attach the roller to the record and consolidate this entry at the top of the community.
  • In addition to the roller, nothing should be attached to the record. Only video and text at will.
  • The video should be downloaded "VKontakte" - third-party players are not supported.

Entry that gets many repost

Another way to productively use the place in the header of your page is to fix one of your most successful posts into it - the one that has already gained and continues to gain a large amount of likes and decisions. Why do it, I think everyone is understandable - the more reposts, the more coverage, the more subscriptions receive the page.

Announcements of new clips, albums, events

Presentation of new products / services

Discounts and promotions

Cases, customer reviews

Advertising applications

Practical jokes

Community rules

Links to other social networks

I listed far from all options for the design of the header. In fact, on the cover and in the fixed post you can post any information: jobs, ads, links to the best goods, etc. So do not limit the examples above. Turn on the fantasy and use the design of your community to achieve your goals.

What should Avatar

Avatar is not only a beautiful image with your company logo, and the working instrument of the marketer, with the help of which he achieves the goals. Let's analyze in all details how it should be to attract the attention of users and encourage them to perform the target action. Let's start with miniatures.

Miniature avatar

  1. The text on the miniature avatar must be large enough so that it can be read.

  2. The text should not go beyond the miniatures.

  3. Users should be clear what is depicted on the avatar.

  4. If possible, it is better not to use stock Stock Stock Illustration, since they often reduce confidence in the company.

  5. It is undesirable that the Avatar thumbnail is too flexible and boring, otherwise it will be lost against the background of more vivid avatars of competitors.
  6. If you want your avatar to look modern, make it in the style of minimalism: smaller text, shadows, gradients and not carrying any semantic load of elements. Your avatar should be as simple as possible and neat. This style is now in trend.

  7. If you have the goal to draw user's attention and stand out against the background of other avatars in the tape, you will have to include fantasy. Think about what you yourself pay attention when you are looking for interesting communities? Here I, for example, already once attracted avatars with a burning light, which usually indicates that a new message has come. This is a very old reception, but for some reason he still affects me - when I see a similar light, I will definitely delete his eyes.

I do not argue that this technique will work with your page. The thought I want to convey is that the ways to stand out very and very much, just need to ask this question and show some creativity. For example, another interesting idea, to which I myself could hardly have thought:

Avatar is a black circle: big and small. It would seem why to do it at all? But when you leave the list of communities, such avatars are attracted to themselves, because they are very different from everyone else.

What information can be placed on a miniature avatar

Despite the fact that the Avatar miniature has a very small size, it can be used to use it to attract subscribers to your community. How to do it? Let's consider several options:

New Product Announcement / Services / Events

Advantages of the company / Service / Pages

Phone number of the company

Favorable prices

Free shipping

By the way, very often information that the company provides free shipping is added to the name of the group so that users will definitely pay attention to it.




What should Avatar be?

I looked at what should be the thumbnail of the avatar and which text on it can be placed. And now let's go to the avatar yourself. Full version Avatar will be displayed only in the community in which the cover is not installed. It is for such cases that I wrote this section. So, what should be the avatar of your community so that users immediately realize that your company approached the creation of the page responsibly and professionally.

  1. Avatar must be qualitative. About how to achieve this, I wrote a little higher. For those who missed this part, I will say in short - the size of the avatar must be 2-3 times the more you planned.
  2. It is desirable that the avatar is combined from the menu: there was the same color scheme, had the same fonts, elements, etc. Thanks to this, your pages hat will look more accurately and professionally. Example:

  3. The avatar and miniature avatar itself can be different. For example, you can draw a circle on the avatar, arrange it as you like, choose this area as a miniature, and the rest of the avatar is performed in another style.

  4. Another option is to divide the avatar into two parts. One - for miniatures, and the second - for the rest of the avatar.

  5. In order to encourage users to subscribe to your page or send a message to the company to the representative, you can accommodate at the bottom of the avatar corresponding to the action and maintain it pointing to the button by the arrow.

  6. Try not to post too much information on the avatar, otherwise it will look overloaded and untidy. Add only the most important items to it and be sure to make sure that there are airs between them.

What information can be placed on avatar?

In fact, on the avatar you can place anything. Unlike miniatures, here really is where to roast. The main thing is not to abuse it :)

Site domain

Telephone / address / work time

Contests / Shares

The most purchased products / New

information about delivery

Advertising mobile app

The main advantages of the company / pages / goods, etc.

Update assortment / new creativity, etc.

Information that your community is official

Information about upcoming events

Account addresses in other social networks

Extended page description


In general, on avatar you can post absolutely any information. I brought only some ideas so that you could see what others do, and inspire their examples. Well, keep the main recommendations in my head: the avatar should be high-quality, the font is large, and between the elements of more air.

How to create a jigging avatar and menu

In order to make the merchandising avatar and menu, you will need a program. Adobe Photoshop. or its analogue. I will explain the whole process on the example of "Photoshop". So, let's go.

  1. Download a template for "Photoshop", which I specifically prepared for this article. In the usual size (menu - 510 pixels in width, avatar - 200) or in an enlarged (menu - 1020 pixels in width, avatar - 400).
  2. Open the image you want to take as the basis.
  3. Copy it, insert it into the template and place it as you would like to cut it.

  1. Add effects, text, graphics, etc.

  1. If you do not want to lose part of the image (in that space that is 50 pixels), slide it to the right as shown in the following Gif:

  1. Select the "Cutting" tool and click on the "Fragments on Guide" button.

  1. Remove the extra fragments (right-clicking mouse - "Delete a fragment") and adjust the already available (right click of the mouse - click on an empty place - we take the desired area And stretch it to the desired size).

  1. Go to the File section and select the Save for Web command.

  1. Go to the place where you saved pictures (desktop or some specific directory), and find a folder called "Images" there. It is there that will be your images. Now it remains only to pour them to the page.

P.S. The height of the avatar can be changed at your discretion. I took the maximum size - 500 pixels, but this value can be less. For example, as on the "Wiki-markup" page:

How to use widgets

Widgets are also part of the VK community design. With the help of them, the user can: place an order, subscribe to your newsletter, take part in the competition, read and leave feedback, open a search by community, get a gift, discount coupon, etc.

Here are some examples of what the widgets look on the VKontakte page:

class \u003d "incut"\u003e

How to issue images to posts

If you are engaged in web design or have an artistic taste and a sense of excellent, then you will not be difficult to come up with a corporate identity for your images. However, it seems to me that there will be a minority such people in this article (I, by the way, I also do not care about them). Therefore, let's look in detail how this is done, based on the examples of successful companies.

By the way, pay attention to almost all the well-known VKontakte companies branding their images, i.e. add a small logo, address of your page or watermark. It increases brand awareness and protects your copy images. Is it worth doing this, everyone decides himself. The only thing that would be advised to be advised: if you still decide to do it, try to make your logo not too bright and did not take too much space, otherwise the whole emphasis will go to it, and the image will lose your attractiveness.

Where to get good images?

Our blog has a good article on this topic - "". They are all free, but some kind of registration. If you do not pick anything suitable for yourself, try searching for a keyword + wallpaper (or, if in English, wallpaper). Usually quality images are in such a request. But here you need to be attentive and check the type of license, otherwise, if you have a serious business, you can run into trouble.

And what to do those who do not know how to work in "Photoshop"?

If you never worked in "Photoshop" (or any other graphic editors) And not yet ready to allocate time for its development, you can use the services in which there are already ready templates pictures for different social networks:


After that, in the left side of the screen, choose the template that interests us. Please note that only those templates on which there is no diamoman icon are provided for free.

We insert it into the template, select the left mouse button, select the Layer (Sandworm icon) and click on Move to Bottom. Thus, our picture will go back background, and all the inscriptions put on top of it.

After that, we change the text, font, font size, the layout of the inscription, etc.

Then click on the icon in the form of a floppy disk, select the name, image format, quality and click on the SIGN button in to download.

How to use wikie markup

Well, we approached the most interesting and at the same time complex section. Perhaps among readers there are people who do not know what the wiki markup is, and in general, this term is heard. Therefore, I will give a definition specifically for you, which gives the "contact".

Wika markup is a markup language that is used to design text on websites (usually related to the Wiki-project class) and allows you to simplify access to the capabilities of the HTML language. On our website wiki-pages - good alternative ordinary records and text navigation. If you need to create a large article with different text formatting (bold, emphasis, headlines, etc.) or add graphics to it, or just create a colorful navigation menu according to your community - Wiki is indispensable.

Similarly, both WordPress (or any other CMS) has an HTML editor, with which you create articles and the "contact" has its own editor to create and edit the wiki-pages. He looks like this:

With this editor, navigation menus are created, as well as articles with pictures, video and audio recordings. Just below, I will scan in detail how to work in this editor, but first I ask you to add two links to bookmarks. They will help you in the study of the wiki markup.

The successful design of the VKontakte group should be not only beautiful, but also functional and convenient. Cut the design to solve your marketing tasks so that the group attracts a solvent and buying an audience to the brand and remains with him forever.

5 steps how to issue a group in contact


Community Cover Today is an important tool for designing a group in the contact of the brand and its promotion. You can upload it in the "Community Management" section by clicking on the Settings tab. A high-class horizontal image in the community cap itself plays the role of the company's main promotional banner in the social network. She sets the mood, informs, increases the image, calls for target actions, sells at the same time.

1. Use high quality illustrations

The cover of the VKontakte community should be a size of 1590x400 pixels, but it is better to upload a photo 2-3 times more in format.png. So it will be possible to avoid poor quality display.

2. Adapt the image for different devices

Remember that this image can be shown differently with different devices - on mobile edges will be cut off, so it is better to whole important information Place closer to the center.

3. Place the slogan and ITP

Let your philosophy and the benefits of the client sees from the first screen.

4. Display goods / service, process or result of its use

So the potential customer immediately recognizes what you specialize and will be involved in the product.

5. Help customers immediately contact you

Write a telephone, e-mail on the banner, as well as other company contacts. If the territorial location is important for your business, for example, you see the field of catering or Horeca, the address will also not be superfluous.

6. Announce Events

Promote concerts, is expected to arrive a new collection or product output, spend the festival / conference / Customer day? Tell us about it to everyone who enters the community.

7. Present promotions and discounts.

Where else to tell the audience to tell the audience, what exactly can she make your order 2 times cheaper? The main thing, do not forget to change the illustration after the sentence is completed.

8. Offer to make a target action.

When loading the community cover in the lower right corner, there are horizontally two buttons - send a message and join the group. Specify the arrow on them to additionally attract the attention of the audience. So if the banner shows the product - you can offer immediately order it in messages. And if it is digest latest news - Subscribe to always receive fresh information.

Download avatar and select thumbnail

Separate brands still do not use the cover, preferring the old view of the first screen of the group, using the combination of avatar with a fixed entry as the so-called "caps". In this case, one picture is a continuation of another. It seems most effectively when the photo ends at the same level with the avatar.

Using maximum size Avatar 200х500 pixels The size of the picture in the fixed entry must be made of 510x308 pixels. Excellent involving reception - fixing the videos loaded through the player, which stylistically continues the avatar.

If you apply as a cap - the cover, the avatar will always be displayed as thumbnails.

Rules of Mc Miniatures Avatar Community

Thumbnails are a small round image that is crimped with a large avatar, and is displayed in search by groups, in the list of communities of each user and on the left under the cover, if any. Here are some tips for its design.

1. Thumbnail must be clear to the audience.

Do not place a piece of strange illustration. Visualize that subsequently will be associated with a brand, such as a logo, a product / service icon, and maybe the main marketing character of the brand.

2. Listen to only high-quality photos.

It is better to download the source code 2-3 times more required, so on the terrible pixel "squares" that you are not in the best light can be forgotten.

3. Develop your own illustrations.

Standard Stock Images Will look cheap and unprofessional, and users will be synonymous with the negligence of the brand. Make unique drawings in a single concept and colors that the rest design.

4. Contrast background page pictures - what you need

When making the VK miniature, so catchy, "rounding" stand out in the tape among other groups and does not merge with the pages background.

5. Place contacts or ITP companies

Depending on the purpose set for miniatures, place it contact number or the site address, information on free shipping, indicating the lowest price in the segment or share.

6. Make text large and readable

It is better not to apply fonts with serifs or italics - they are too "noisy" when viewed from the PC screens, mobile devices and smartphones, meaning. Make sure that the text does not go beyond the borders of the crocated miniature. This will allow us to correctly and effectively to the user message.

7. Apply non-standard forms

For example, in the desired round pattern. Enter a polygon or another geometric shape on a white background. Create an unread notification or graphic icon "Online".

Develop menus

The menu is an important element of the design of the group in contact, which makes it easier to navigate users by group - people will be more convenient to find the information you need. Each element and page are created in a special programming language - wiki markup. With it, it is possible to make images with clickable and easily comfortable pages inside the social network as if it were the site page.

You can use both open menu and closed. In the first case, the user immediately sees the sections that are included in it, in the second - they are preceded by a picture of the preview with the inscription "Menu". The menu can also visually become a continuation of the avatar, if you use the old version of the community.

Develop a showcase of goods

Locating in the shop window of the community, remember that the users are always visible the first 3 objects. Place in them the most popular and most ordered by downloading the presentation image in a single style. Publish here uniform icons or photos of the products themselves. You can place the goods. In design, show the process of providing a service or its result. The size of such a picture will be square - 400x400 pixels.

Registration of posts

1. Use the available image sizes in full force

Maximum width of the picture in the tape - 510 pixels. Square images of 510x510 pixels and rectangular - 510x300 pixels are most effectively watching.

2. Develop an individual style of posts.

So that the posts look individually, come up with a single style, font and color gamut.

3. Place short text in the picture.

For example, you can share the image into 2 parts - textual and graphic or write text, dimming the background. So that the text can be seen without a darkened background, write it on the substrate (contrast graphic block of homogeneous color) or add a shadow to the inscription. Photos look good with frame.

4. Make several templates for different purposes.

For example, for quotes, use one visual information presentation template, for the announcement of the materials from the site - the other, and for the third contests.

Use these 100% techniques, and your company will be represented by VKontakte the best wayAnd customers will conveniently interact with it. But do not forget that in everything you need a measure! Look even more than fresh ideas for the design of the VC community on the Trug Target Agency's Service page.

Most administrators think that by lifting a group on the first place on a key request to the top contact, they will take most of the search traffic and concerned customers. Sometimes it is true so it turns out, but in 90% of cases, the owners of groups forget about the quality design of the group and even when the hot customers comes in the first place.

Why is this happening?

The reason is very simple - low-quality design of the community search tourse. Simply put, your group in the search should stand out against the background of competitors and maximize the input search query. Only with a qualitative implementation of these conditions, you can get a high CTR community and a high probability of subsequent sales.

How to influence the search efficiency of the community?

The most effective lever of the impact on the group's clicability indicators is the Avatar thumbnail.
The miniature plays a very important role in the group, as it is highlighted in all places where the Group is mentioned:

  • in the group's news feed
  • in a contact search engine
  • searching for Google and Yandex
  • in the links of other communities
  • in the news tape of users VK

Details with such a wide coverage cannot be treated with disregard. And forgroup decoration miniature needs to pay special attention.

Principles of creating clicable miniatures.

1) Associative client range when typing your request.
Think that it is counting on to see your potential client when typing a query for which you are displayed in the search. For example, if a young mother chooses a children's jumpsuit, most likely she expects to see in the picture an image of a jumpsuit or a satisfied baby in a beautiful jumpsuit.

2) Color gamut and contrast against the background of competitors.
When choosing a picture for miniatures of the group, browse the miniatures of their competitors. What the color gamut is used, the density of elements in the picture, their logos. The main task is to create a thumbnail allocated on the background of others. For example, if the bulk of the miniature is green - make your red, if all dull - do your bright, if all the motley - do your one-photon. Please note, the main task is to stand out and save the request relevance!

3) Keywords In the image.
In our experience, the placement of the key phrase in the image also has a positive effect on the clichelism of miniatures, attendance of the community and overall efficiencygroup promotion.

4) Company logo.
Also on a miniature you can place your logo. The ideal situation will be the correspondence of the logo of the above principles.

When working with our clients, we always take into account all the nuances, including cases of high-quality and clickable miniature of the group, as well as other moments, key affecting the sale of goods through the VC groups.