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Resources for finding a job. Modern ways of searching and recruiting personnel Internet resource for job search

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On the site, all current vacancies are distributed by headings and cities. Here you can get acquainted with the most demanded professions and study the labor market. A large list of vacancies awaits young professionals in the field of trade and sales, education, science, medicine and pharmacology. If you are a creative person and are used to doing tasks while sitting at home, pay attention to suggestions for designers, content managers, editors and IT specialists.

The largest database of current resumes and vacancies on the Internet. Here is waiting for you good selection enterprises and companies that are ready to employ people on favorable terms. Thanks to a convenient menu, a fast search system and a catalog of professions, it will not be difficult to find the one that suits you among the thousands of offers. The portal has prepared a lot for visitors useful information concerning getting a job and career advancement. It is possible to subscribe to the newsletter by registering on the site

Hoping to find the best job sites ?! To do this, you do not need to go far and spend a lot of time. All you need is to go to this site and start looking for vacancies. On a universal Internet resource, you can learn about various types of part-time jobs, get free offers with decent earnings to all family members. In the "Place ads" section, each company owner or a novice businessman can publish news about the recruitment of personnel for his team.

On this site, it is possible to find proven and serious organizations that have managed to establish themselves with positive side in the modern job market. Any schedule, a workplace not far from home, career growth, the opportunity to take a paid internship - all this awaits you at [email protected]. For applicants and graduates of universities, the portal has prepared special offers for remote and shift work without interrupting their studies and requiring no investment. Read articles and share comments.

Interested in job search sites? Then take a look here. This Internet resource contains more than 10 thousand vacancies and the same number of profiles of applicants for various professional categories. Are you thinking of learning a new profession? The site will tell you about educational institutions that recruit for courses and trainings. Don't know how to write a resume? See instructions and requirements for describing your skills. If you have any questions, you can ask them to the portal managers online.

Looking for job search sites? One of these is "Job". On this Internet resource, you can appreciate all the convenience of an advanced or standard search by companies, enterprises and professions. A correctly formulated query will save time and make the task easier. Looking for remote work vacancies? Indicate your requirements in the blank lines and you will receive an answer within a few seconds. Also get acquainted with the rating of the demand for professions and study the labor market.

Looking for job search sites? Come to "HeadHunter" and search for the desired vacancy. Here you can find more than 250 thousand different vacancies, about ten million current profiles of job seekers, the most reliable employers, as well as advice on successful employment and much more. Read on the resource comments about companies and firms. Need help with your resume? Talk to paid services portal and specialists will do everything for you, observing the requirements and wishes of customers.

An authoritative site where you can find any type of income in Russia. Information about enterprises and large holdings, personal data, information for students and graduates of higher educational institutions is updated every day. In the "Salary Surveys" section, find out what specialty is in demand today and how much the employer is willing to pay for a job well done. Not sure where to start your career path? The portal will teach you how to write your resume correctly.

Here you can find qualified employees and find your dream job. The site is filled with thousands of vacancies and will tell you about each employer and its reputation. Find out on the portal the latest news about the labor market and see the rating of in-demand professions. The Internet resource will help newcomers to write a resume competently. Filling out and publishing application forms is a free service and does not require registration. The heading "Directory of agencies" contains the addresses of recruiting firms.


On the pages of the Internet resource you can find vacancies and resumes operating in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition to the standard list of employers, the portal offers all unemployed a directory with trainings and courses for training, retraining personnel and teaching foreign languages. If you think that your specialty is outdated and is no longer in demand in the labor market, the site will help you choose an educational institution where you will master one of the most popular professions today.

The Internet resource has a simple menu format, a convenient distribution of vacancies by headings and a fast search engine. Even if you are looking for a job for the first time, it will be easy and simple for you here. Do you want to find a job in your specialty? Choose a section with its title and get acquainted with the offers of employers. Are you still a student, but have a desire to learn how to make money? The site has prepared interesting options with a flexible schedule and without deep knowledge in certain areas.

This Internet portal provides everyone with the opportunity to get an education, learn a foreign language and find a job in Kiev or another city in Ukraine. There is not only a description of well-known companies that need qualified employees, but also a list of prestigious universities. If you have become a certified specialist and are in need of employment, the portal has prepared for you full instructions on finding an employer and will tell you about the main points in the process of writing a resume.

We would like to bring to your attention a project of urban employment centers in Ukraine. With its help, each employer and applicant can post their proposals and wishes, including data with an extended version of information, completely free of charge. If you need full access to all data posted on the site - register and fill out the user profile. In the "Legislation" section, study the rules and procedures for official employment, familiarize yourself with job descriptions.

Work in Ukraine, press centers, enterprise services, the alphabet of search, information for the employment of foreigners, as well as changes in the current labor code of the country and other types of data can be found here. Registered visitors can take advantage of free consultations and resolve controversial issues that have arisen in relations with the employer. In the e-Services section, learn about labor market trends and learn about ongoing trainings and courses.

The Internet portal allows immediately after registration to save in personal account favorite options and suggestions of employers. For those who are constantly on the move, who do not have time to sit at the computer, the portal has developed a mobile version, in which you can also search for vacancies, send resumes, arrange interviews and read latest news labor market. Here is a rating of popular vacancies in your city and contact center phone numbers.

Go to the virtual assistant for choosing a suitable place of work. The resource allows you to quickly search for a company or enterprise for the perfect job. The portal has an automatic selection of vacancies and a fast search engine. If you have not found a suitable job and you are not interested in anything, you can register on the site and subscribe to the newsletter of fresh offers. Read helpful articles on resume design and proper writing.

The Internet portal provides a range of information and other types of tools, service packages that can help job seekers in their job search, as well as allow employers to employ qualified office workers. Check out the labor market trends on the website and find out the rating of the most popular professions today. Those who want to undergo retraining or improve their professionalism - read about training centers, trainings and course recruitment.

A multifunctional Internet service that allows you to quickly select a resume, candidates and suitable vacancies in a short period of time. The placement of personal data and the search for qualified employees is a completely free service. On the site you can read useful articles on how to pass an interview and leave a pleasant impression about yourself, and whether it is worth filling out a portfolio creatively. In the "Abroad" section, find out where to go to study in Europe and where to find a job.

The Jobrapido website will allow you to find out about existing jobs in the world, country, city and region. All resource data are collected from third sources, and are also published by company managers through the "Add vacancy" form. Here user-friendly interface and a search menu, thanks to which you can easily familiarize yourself with vacancies in the field of activity you need. If nothing is of interest, leave your coordinates and resume on the portal and wait for the employers' response, and write comments on the forum.

The catalog offers to view the best Internet resources for job search:,,,, and others. Each site comes with short description, giving an idea of ​​the opportunities and prospects, helping to search for vacancies faster and better. Almost every portal has a forum where you can read opinions about employers. In the section "My sites" add the ones you like and keep track of their content and updates.

Your attention is presented the rating of the most popular Internet resources for job search in Ukraine. Read professional opinions on effective employment practices, clones, aggregators and satellites. Experts in their articles will teach you how to choose the right vacancy and post well-written resumes. Learn to pass interviews without worries and to articulate your thoughts clearly. Leave comments and share tips with the guests of the portal.

http: // ...

Do you dream of working remotely? Are you tired of sitting in the office and wanting to work from home or sitting in a pleasant cafe? Or maybe you want to travel, but at the same time not lose your job in your specialty? I have good news for you! Working via the Internet is absolutely real! Despite the frantic development of technology in the modern world, many still for some reason think that remote work is a scam for suckers, that there are no normal jobs at a distance, that you can only build a career by working in an office, and the salaries of remote employees are many times over. less than office ones. All these are myths that have no logical foundation.

Remote work is a reality modern world... Most large reputable companies have remote jobs, and some companies generally keep their entire staff at a distance. Why? I answered this question in detail in the article. And today I want to answer another equally popular question that I am asked at every meeting, in private messages and in the comments on the blog. And this question sounds like this: "Where and how can I find a remote job?" The answer is: on sites where vacancies in various fields are regularly updated. There are a lot of such sites, and today I share with you the links that I have collected for a long time for personal use.

I note that here are sites for searching for permanent remote work, in other words, a business contract or an employment contract, and not for freelancing or part-time work. Here are mainly English-language sites, tk. the market for remote work is just developing in our country.

Websites specializing in remote work

1. . About 10-20 new deleted vacancies are published on the site every day. Jobs can be sorted by profession: web development, mobile software development, design, Information Security and non-IT jobs. You can also weed out the highest salary jobs and startups. On the site, you can subscribe to the newsletter about new remote vacancies so as not to miss your dream job.

2.. Another specialized site. Main job categories: Developers and system administrators, programmers, designers, marketers, customer support staff, copywriters, managers and business consultants, other vacancies.

3. Believe it or not, about 100 thousand deleted vacancies have been published on this site to date! As the portal itself assures, the most popular remote professions, presented in the form of job search ads, are sales managers, administrative personnel, customer service managers, health and medical professionals. Jobs are posted on the site in 55 categories. In addition to vacancies on the site, you can read a lot of interesting articles, collections and tips for finding a remote job.

4. Nice site with five categories of remote vacancies search: development, design, customer service, administration, management. Here you can also subscribe to a daily or weekly newsletter with the latest selection of vacancies.

5. Another interesting resource for finding remote work in various fields, but as with most sites, vacancies from IT are significantly prevalent. You can filter vacancies by type of work (full-time, part-time, temporary work, internship, etc.), by professional area, by job level (beginner, leading specialist, etc.), by type of company (start-up, small business, medium business, large business, non-profit organization, etc.), by country and by the level of wages.

6. Nothing more, just vacancies. Many vacancies.

7. Jobspresso is a large internet platform that aims to help talented people seeking remote careers meet innovative, forward-thinking companies that offer remote positions. Job listings are moderated and updated on a daily basis.

8. On this site, in addition to the notorious sales and customer support jobs, you can find remote positions in education, HR, marketing and engineering.

9. One of the few sites where there are really many vacancies in completely different areas from IT to copywriting.

10. The site is especially attractive for the abundance of vacancies in the field of Internet marketing and promotion in social networks.

11. A very large database of remote vacancies. The site has a well-thought-out interface that allows you to store your documents, watch interesting research, use a special guide for finding a job. The site provides for mandatory registration.

12. Angel List - a site for finding a job in a startup. The resource contains over 42 thousand deleted vacancies. On the site, you can also invest in a startup and create a team for your business. Mandatory registration is provided.

13. Russian site for finding remote work in foreign companies. The site is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The main bonus of this service is the free mailing of your resume to 300+ companies for remote work.

General sites for job search, with the section "Remote work"

fourteen. . Yes, yes, the same Headhunter that most of us have used at least once in our lives to find a job. To date, more than 15 thousand partially or completely deleted vacancies are presented on And this number is growing every month (I checked).

15. . The main site for finding a job in Ukraine, an analogue of our Headhunter. My husband once, at random, posted his resume there and two weeks later signed a lucrative contract for remote work with a Ukrainian company.

16. A well-known site of professional contacts in Russia and in the world. To date, contains over 100 interesting deleted vacancies.

17. Cool and very unusual job search site. It has a cool modern interface, original approach to the description of vacancies. The Muse is the only online career resource that offers insights into job opportunities for hundreds of companies while showing the inner life of organizations. There are not only vacancies here, but also career building advice from renowned experts, current articles and reviews, individual career advice from the world's best coaches.

18. A simple and understandable American site with a convenient system for filtering vacancies by professional area (40 directions), companies, cities and states. On this moment there are more than four thousand remote positions on the site.

19. Most of the jobs on this site are from US companies. The range of professional spheres is very wide, salaries are on average $ 20 per hour and above (in the USA they like to measure salary by salary per hour or per year, but not per month).

twenty. . About 700 remote vacancies in various professional fields.

21. Idealist contains over 12 thousand vacancies around the world. A significant part of the vacancies are removed. There is a convenient filter for finding remote positions, including internships, volunteer projects, project work for organizing events, blogging, and much more. The job description contains all the necessary information about the job and the company. The site provides for mandatory registration.

Remote work in the field of IT

22. Remote work for IT-specialists: developers, designers, testers, support staff. Jobs are filtered by date - from most recent to oldest.

23. IT again. The site is an aggregator of vacancies, i.e. he collects deleted vacancies from different sites, passes them through moderation and publishes. On this site, you can be sure that the vacancy is 100% remote and does not involve visiting the office even once every few months (as is sometimes the case in some remote positions).

24. Notice board for remote vacancies with a focus on digital and IT-sphere.

25. A giant site for finding a job in the IT field. More than 60 thousand vacancies all over the world. Of course, there are a lot of deleted positions, you need to filter.

26. Nothing special, just a bunch of remote IT jobs.

27. A good aggregator of remote IT jobs.

28. Incredibly famous site among developers, where IT specialists of all stripes communicate, decide common problems, share tips and insights. The site has a section with remote vacancies, but only for IT specialists. Today there are about 80 deleted positions on the site.

29. An interesting resource for designers, which, among other things, contains a section where vacancies for designers from all other job search sites are automatically added. Only deleted items can be filtered.

30. A very original resource, target audience which are female developers. There are no vacancies for men, only for the fair sex, who are not afraid of words like front-end, back-end, full stack and the like. Moreover, this is exactly what they do in life. Wow! The site has success stories of beautiful ladies who found their remote dream job on powertofly.


31. Group in contact "Distance. Freelance, remote work "... There are good vacancies. There are other similar groups, but this is the most adequate one.

Where else can you go

I have prepared some more interesting links for you on the topic of remote work.

  1. If you are interested not only in remote permanent work, but also in freelancing, all kinds of project vacancies and part-time work, then I advise you to view the AdMe article. Despite the name, in this collection there is not a single site for finding a remote job, but only freelance.
  2. An interesting rating. The rating sums up the results of 2015.
  3. An equally curious list. If anything, you can apply for a vacancy right away! 🙂

Friends, to be honest, there are far from 30 sites for finding remote work. There are hundreds and even thousands of them, and of course I cannot tell you about all of them at once. Of course, for successful remote work with a pleasant salary, you really, really need a good English... It will open up many opportunities and interesting career opportunities for you. Pull up your tongue and go for it! Here are some tips.

  1. The best way to find a remote job in your specialty is to drive the following phrase into Google: the name of your profession in English + the phrase remote job / telecommuting / telecommute position / teleworking. Example from personal experience: internet marketer remote job or front end developer telecommute position.
  2. If you are interested not in a specific specialty, but in remote work in general, then you can simply search by phrases remote job / telecommuting / telecommute position / teleworking.
  3. A huge database of remote vacancies is located on numerous job search sites. In order to find exactly the remote positions, as a rule, you need to put an appropriate filter. This search option may be close to those who is good at some foreign language , for example, French, Spanish, and wants to apply it in his work. Then you should pay attention to the sites for finding work in these countries / in these languages.
  4. Another way to find a good remote position is to search not on job sites, but on company sites. Go to the websites of large international companies in the section like "Career / Work with us / Vacancies" and look at listings of open vacancies.
  5. Don't be discouraged if you didn't find a suitable job right away. Often in American companies, you can see the requirement for "US Citizenship" even for remote positions. This is not a reason to give up, there is a sea of ​​vacancies, you just have to keep looking.

For those in the tank

I am often asked: “What if I don’t know how to do anything that can be done remotely ???” Friends, I can understand you and really want to help you in your quest to find a remote job. Even if you do not have at least some acceptable skills for this. Therefore, I advise you to download and read a couple of brochures for free on where to start your journey in the other direction from the office. The books were written by my partners, a wonderful team

We bring to your attention a list of the TOP 10 best job sites.

1 HeadHunter Jobs, vacancies

HeadHunter has been operating in the online recruitment market since 2000. At the moment, the site is one of the best online resources for job search and recruitment. More than 300 thousand visitors are looking for work and employees on the HeadHunter website every day... Job seekers are provided with a job search by given parameters and by company. There is also special section for young professionals and a navigator for recruiting agencies. On the site you will always find the latest news, research, polls.

How to find a job using

Take our awesome free test "Are you a good leader?"

2 website. We make a resume provides job seekers with a job search based on a resume database and a catalog of vacancies in different cities of Russia, labor market news, reviews, information materials, a directory of recruiting agencies and employers, tips for writing a resume, etc.

How to look for a job on

3 Superjо

On which site to find a job? SuperJob is one of the most popular and visited resources in the field of job search and recruiting. On the site, you can familiarize yourself with the publications of vacancies of leading Russian and foreign companies, leave your resume or create a vacancy, find out the results of research in the field of work, get fresh information on trends in the development of the labor market. More than 70,000 resumes of specialists and more than 10,000 vacancies are added to the site's database every day. In addition, the site contains a list of Russian recruiting agencies, training companies, personnel press, as well as announcements of personnel events.

4 Job search on is the largest site for the search and selection of personnel. Applicants are provided with advanced job search and subscription to vacancies, resume publication, search in the catalog of companies. For young specialists and university graduates, a special section Work for students has been created.

5 WORK.RU is a national employment site. Designed for a wide range of job seekers, employers, recruiters, as well as employees planning their careers. The catalog contains over 100,000 vacancies and over 1,350,000 resumes. For applicants, a search is presented by parameters and in the catalog of professions: by industry or alphabetically. About 10,000 new job offers appear in the job bank every day. A special project has been provided for students and young professionals without work experience, and there are also many useful tips and articles. Access to vacancies and resumes is free: registration on the site is not required.


100 WORKS is a site designed for all Internet users in Russia and for Russian-speaking users of the CIS countries. 100 WORKS is a simple and convenient search for all vacancies! Thousands of new vacancies are posted daily on hundreds of job search sites. A special vacancy search mechanism finds new job offers and saves them for 100 WORKS. For 100 WORKS, you can get reliable statistical information about the level of wages by region and specialty.

In addition to fresh vacancies, the site 100 WORKS regularly publishes news and articles about employment, career building, professional development, as well as the most popular specialties and labor law issues.

7 is one of the oldest job search and recruiting sites. The project was created in 1999 and is invariably included in the five most popular and visited Russian job sites according to various ratings and polls. Every day the JobList database is updated with more than 1000 new moderated resumes. The site contains vacancies of the largest domestic and foreign companies. JobList advantages: simple and convenient registration; high-quality audience of applicants; wide coverage of regions; convenient search for resumes and vacancies; manual moderation of vacancies and resumes; search for vacancies by metro stations; daily news of the personnel market; convenient services for effective positioning of vacancies.

8 is a job placement site that has been working in this area for 10 years. One of the largest databases of vacancies and resumes in the Russian Internet - over 150 thousand ads! An exclusive advantage - the site publishes all the ads of the popular magazine "Work & Salary"! The site provides a master resume, subscription to hot vacancies, free posting of vacancies and access to the resume database, the possibility of online posting of vacancies in the magazine "Work & Salary", news of the personnel market, polls, materials from the magazine "Work & Salary"


Avito / Work is a project of the Avito team actively promoted on TV. There are many employment options here.

All services for employers (viewing resumes, posting vacancies) and job seekers (posting resumes, viewing vacancies) are free.

10 is a website that specializes in job search in Moscow. The site offers a convenient search for vacancies and resumes, including by metro stations, the ability to subscribe to resumes and vacancies, a directory of recruiting agencies and employers, more than 170,000 vacancies, as well as always fresh news and useful articles are presented.

On the last page, you can download the book "100 Ways to Find a Job" and a video master class on the phenomenally fast job search for free.

100 Ways To Find A Job

You can download a cognitive book on our website on how to quickly find a well-paid job, as well as how to behave correctly in an interview. File size - 141 kb, format - FB2.

Don't lose it. Subscribe and receive a link to the article in your mail.

The relevance of job search in our time not only does not decrease when compared with previous decades, but, on the contrary, becomes higher and higher. Some, others are fired, some want to change jobs for some reason, others simply face the need for change. But if before everyone used, so to speak, the classic method: buying a newspaper - searching for ads - phone calls- appointment of interviews; then today two, and most often even the first three points of this method can be safely crossed out, because people have the Internet at their disposal.

Searching for a job via the Internet allows you to significantly reduce time, avoid waiting in queues and preparing documents, because you can simply find a vacancy of interest and respond to it, or write a letter to the organization by sending a resume by E-Mail and briefly telling about yourself. Moreover, you can do this while sitting at your computer at home and sipping your favorite green tea.

However, special attention in this matter should be paid to finding the most suitable site for finding a job, because you can find many options, but not all resources can provide professional services and help you finally find a job. Therefore, we decided to provide a list of the most, in our opinion, the best job search sites in Russia, which have already been tested over the years and huge amount job seekers.

Below we will consider the "hot" ten sites, by turning to which, any person significantly increases their chances of finding a suitable job for themselves.


The site is one of the oldest job search sites - it has been operating since 1996. Having applied here, the applicant gets the opportunity to find a job in the territory of the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS, and the bank of vacancies is over 100 thousand offers, which are updated daily. In addition, on the site you can find out how to correctly write a resume, with an employer, find a lot useful materials related to labor law and career. All resumes submitted to the database from applicants undergo thorough moderation, due to which requests from job seekers correspond to the conditions of employers as much as possible.


The resource " (" occupies a leading position among the resources working in the field of job search. The site contains over 300 thousand relevant job offers and more than 13 million CVs of job seekers. Each applicant is offered the opportunity to take advantage of a very convenient search engine, find out about the news on the labor market, get acquainted with the updated salary catalog, get the help of a specialist online, as well as learn about all kinds of training and advanced training courses and visit the research section. Among other things, this site is very useful for employers as well.


The site "" is a portal offering job seekers over 180 thousand job offers in the regions of the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS, and employers - over 3 million resumes. Job search on this site is very convenient, fast and accurate, and its specialists are in touch 24 hours a day. A student, a storekeeper, a manager, a manager, and a specialist in any field can find a job here. However, the resource has quite strict regulations for posting resumes and vacancies, which is done in order to avoid dubious publications, repetitions and spam. In addition, the site has and mobile version and special application, which can be installed on a smartphone or tablet.


The database of the portal contains over 220 thousand vacancies from companies of various sizes and formats, both from domestic and foreign ones. But the main activity of the site is not only the provision of job offers, but also useful materials and the most relevant information in the field of the labor market, reviews salaries, tests on career guidance and even the help of specialists in the preparation of professional resumes. In addition, applicants have the opportunity to get a list of recruiting agencies, learn about various thematic events and find courses for training, advanced training or professional retraining.


The site "" has been working in the field of employment for 12 years and cooperates with the popular and well-known publication "Work and Salary". The resource invites users to familiarize themselves with a huge number of offers - there are more than 40 thousand of them in total, and the number of people who visit the site every day exceeds 100 thousand. The site is equipped with a functional, fast and convenient job search that is updated every day, news sections, labor market reviews and analytical data, as well as the ability to post a resume and subscribe to updates. Moderation of all incoming resumes allows you to find vacancies corresponding to the given parameters in the shortest possible time.


The Rabota.Mail.Ru portal is very well known to Russian job seekers and employers. Every day on the site you can find a lot of fresh job offers in all regions of Russia. Almost everyone can find suitable offers here, regardless of what their specialization is - there is work for everyone, from handymen and housewives to managers and specialists. In addition, site visitors have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with labor market news and all kinds of analytical data, and students can use a special section, which contains very good and promising proposals for people without work experience and who want to combine work with education.


The resource "" is very well known among Internet users and people who are specifically interested in remote work. Most of all, this site is suitable for people specializing in copywriting, translation of texts, writing articles, infographics, web design, photography, programming, etc. By and large, the presented resource is one of the most popular also for the reason that it allows offline employees to present their work and creations for sale and opens up a very wide scope for anyone who wants to work and with the possibility of receiving good financial rewards.


The site "" offers job seekers high-quality services and easy search for vacancies, the total number of which exceeds 170 thousand. Users can add their resumes to the databank and look for work, both at the employer's territory and remotely. The resource has been operating since 2000, and is currently considered one of the best. It is distinguished from the mass of others by its quick registration, the ability to post a resume and the presence of an internal mail that simplifies the interaction of job seekers and employers. In addition to this, it is possible to note the possibility of creating your own archive of vacancies, subscribing and getting acquainted with the latest news in the labor market.


One of the youngest job search sites is already included in the Top 7 most popular job portals on the Runet. More than 8 million users choose every month. There are almost 1.5 million vacancies here. The portal contains vacancies from 150 trusted sources, including the most famous job search sites in Russia. Employers can post vacancies on for free. Plus, it contains a database of candidates of 1.3 million resumes and services for quick search employees. It also has salary statistics, an indexing calculator, breaking news, helpful articles, commentary and expert advice.

Whichever path you choose, our selection will be useful in any case.

Best sites to look for work abroad


One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular message boards in the world. Here you can search not only vacancies, but also housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest job search engines (surpassed in the US in 2010), is represented in 50 countries and is available in 28 languages.

One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Here vacancies are published both for those who have a work permit in the EU, and for candidates for the future.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities for obtaining grants for studies or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

"BBBB are vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners of the planet. BBBB are responsible projects with a meaning, where work means taking care of nature and respecting the world," write the creators of the project.

The possibilities of the resource, originally created to find a place to sleep while traveling, are, in fact, much wider. There are separate groups here where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, both high-paying and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

“It is difficult to find a job in Germany without knowing German, but in Berlin it is possible. It all depends on the field and profile of the candidate: if we are talking about a startup, then it is possible without German, in some more conservative areas without knowing the language it is more difficult to get a job. Munich and Hamburg, too, you can meet a lot of guys who speak German for you, "say local IT specialists.

The two main sites for finding a job in Germany are Stepstone and Experteer.

Startup resources.