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How to make a Java programmer: Options for professional development. How to learn to program Java - Full Guide Java Programming Work

Hello everyone! I do not tell you how difficult it is to get a job by a programmer without experience in 2019. Competition at the level "No experience" has recently increased strongly (first of all, thanks to resources such as Javarush, Geekbrains, etc.) in the end, it becomes very difficult to stand out among the mass of graduates of all sorts of online courses. And the problem is not at all to go through the interview. The problem becomes easy to get to it.

How can Javarush graduate be mediated from the masses of those who want to get a job? I will not write about the obvious for Javist Enterprise-technology type Spring "A and Hibernate, because they themselves must-have, and without them to find work will be very difficult. Below are 5 recommendations to novice developers who want to find a job in 2019 . Each of them will definitely give your resume a lot of extra points.

1. Learn JavaScript.

To date JS - the most popular programming language for employers. The HackerRank portal conducted a survey among the companies for their "Wishlist", and it was he who turned out to be in first place at the request of employers.

The reason is simple - JavaScript today does not have a serious alternative when developing frontend. If you master the "clean" JS and one of the popular frameworks (primarily React or Angular) - your chances of becoming a programmer will grow FACTOR OF. First, any company seeking Java-Developer "A will be glad if he owns JavaScript. The reasons for this are quite simple: very often there are small tasks in the project - for example, to fix some kind of functionality." Button A must be called not a, A b, not to the right, but on the left, and call on the backend "e function X, and not y". But it is necessary to fix in this case and the backend, and frontand. And even if the task is elementary - for the EE solution, two people still need: a bachender and "front-line". But if the team has a person who owns both and other (not necessarily at an outstanding level) - the number of resources for closing such tasks is reduced at times. Second, Junov's vacancies and interns at Frontenders appear more often than the backenders. For example, stepping today by Headhunter, in my city I found 1 job Java Junior, but Frontend Junior - 3. In general, JS - your serious chance to get the first job. You will get a "javist" - excellent, for them JS is never excess. It will not work with Java (in many cities it is rotten with vacancies) - it is possible, you can be able to break through to IT through the "Front". On Javarush, I, I remember, read one "history of success" from a person who after studying here went to the front development. Excellent portal for studying JS - It is not as good as Javarush, but you will receive a strong base. There are also courses on all popular frameworks (they are already paid).

2. Learn to write SQL queries.

It would seem that SQL is no less obvious thing than not included in the list and. In fact, there is a difference: a large number of developers are able to use SQL "by top" - write "Select * from table_name", or to squat a pair of tables. I recommend that you thoroughly fill your hand on them, and do not be ashamed to indicate this in the summary. If you understand, and you yourself will be able to quickly write similar things - your value in the eyes of the employer will grow very much. Several of my colleagues in the past worked in areas where there were many SQL queries to write, and when they decided to change the sphere on Java-development - these skills helped them look very attractive in the eyes of the employer. And in the work of Java-Dev "A, of course, this is a good skill. I regularly run to them for the prompts :) You can start learning from" Head First SQL ", then it's easy to choose one of the popular DBMS (PORTGRES or Oracle, for example) And read a couple of books on it. As a task, I recommend the portal It looks simple, but with its function it is completely coping.

3. Get a profile on GitHub

Your GitHub is perhaps the most important thing that the potential employer will pay attention to the resume. A profile with several working projects unambiguously attract additional attention. Moreover, "Hithab analyzers" are becoming increasingly popular among staff selection services - Special programs that are stored in Github Code are found for developers with the necessary stack technologies. If they need a person who owns Spring Security - such a program Parsit Githab, and selects users who have code in repositories using this technology. It is clear that at the beginning to boast it will be especially nothing, but it is quite possible to start with the fill of the "big tasks" javarush. If you performed a test task for internship - it is also there. Reactjs / angularjs have mastered and created a pair of single-page applications - there. All that is created by your hands works, and may be interesting to the employer should appear in your GH profile.

4. Get the Oracle certificate.

The creators of Javarush will not allow me to lie: the most frequent question that potential disciples are set - "and give some certificate after studying?" Certificates for JR do not give, and there is, in general, a simple reason - they are not interested in employers. Check that you know and know how, they are quite capable of interviewing without any certificates of online courses. The difference between the Oracle certificate is that it is official confirmation from the creators of Java, that you are well owning this language. His presence you will have a very serious advantage for outsource companies, i.e. For those who "lease" their developers to other companies to work on external projects. For example, some bank need to create a new Internet client. To do this, its own detergent developers is unprofitable for a one-time project it is easier to find the team from the side. In such cases and refer to outsourss companies. They will pick up for a bank of people with the necessary skills and form a team. However, the customer is very important to understand that he pays money (and very considerable) for truly sensible developers. And here is the Oracle certificate and will be your advantage. After all, in essence, this is the only way to confirm the "paper" qualification of the Java programmer. In other words, the company is much easier to "sell" a certified developer to their customers. Oracle certificates are several levels. Get the first level (OCAJP8) will be completely easy. The exam will have questions about 8 topics:

  • Java Basics. (variables, packets, Main () method, etc.);
  • Working With Java Data Types (primitives, links, wrappers);
  • Using Operators and Decision Constructs (+ - * /, as well as if-esle, switch, etc.);
  • Using loop constructs (Cycles);
  • Working with Methods and Encapsulation (methods, encapsulation);
  • Working with Inheritance (Inheritance);
  • Handling Exceptions. (Exceptions);
  • Working With Selected Classes From The Java API (Working with multiple popular classes - LocalDateTime, ArrayList, String).
No complex topics of multithreading, IO / Nio, and the like. Many topics are truncated (for example, from all implementations List<> questions will only about ArrayList<>). You can prepare for the exam by any of the special books, their

From the author: Hello, friends! Today we have on the agenda - options for making people familiar with software code Java. If you combine in yourself, as Ranking Academician A.P. Ershov, "Accountant Accounting, Scout, Fantasy of the author of detective novels and sober insight of an economist", but at the same time, they run a lot, but you earn a little, then this article can be useful to you very much. Let's learn how to make Java programmer.

Why java?

Today, Java is one of the most sought-after and popular programming languages. You can write a program for any OS, including mobile. If you consider that the market mobile devices Recently, it grows in geometrical progression, it can be concluded that the Java language is a golden live. If you do not "brake", of course. In addition to demanding on the IT market, the benefits of this programming language also include:

good payment. About money that can earn a Java programmer, we will talk below. Do not switch to say only that the salary is very and very worthy, especially from Senior Developer. Especially if it is tied to the dollar rate;

easy learning. Despite the fact that Java's progenitor is a great and mighty C ++, it is intuitively simple and does not have such a "cloud" code. Especially easily on it to go after the languages \u200b\u200bof the C & & Group;

distribution. As I said, Java is sharpened for all OS;

Javascript. Fast start

safety that is provided by four-step protection that checks the code for maliciousness;

stability. Due to the careful check of the code during broadcast and interpretation, many syntactic errors can be revealed at the application development stage.

Furies salaries!

Sometimes it is interesting to observe the trends in the development of different programming languages. But even more interesting - monitor the salary, which offers the modern labor market to programmers, because the ambitious specialist is always in a state of continuous search for more promising work.

The average level of salary proposals directly depends on the level of the position and programming language, which is owned by the candidate. Let's see how much the lead Java programmer earns: on average, 155,000 rubles. And this is the highest rate among all the specialties presented in the table from the Superjob portal (May 2015):

Generally tendency to improve wages It is traced as the competition is reduced. Among Java programmers competition is least - the demand for good frames exceeds the offer.

Make a competent summary.

The summary should be drawn as responsibly, even meticulously. Check each bit. If you doubt your literacy - do not hesitate to ask for the help of a knowledgeable person.

In summary, highlight the knowledge of those technologies that are specified in the vacancy requirements. Describe the projects in which your duties within these projects. Just do not need to embellish reality - most likely you will have to answer every technology specified in the summary.

Prepare for the interview.

Regardless of the frameworks used on the project, you must show the solid knowledge of Core Java, and, of course, JDBC and JEE. Studying Java Enterprise is better to start with understanding how JSP works and the servlet.

In addition, you should know one of the simplest and well-documented application servers - Tomcat. Try to figure it out with the performance setting, SLL and remote debugging.

Javascript. Fast start

Explore the basics of JavaScript on a practical example of creating a web application

Also, you will most likely need at least superficial knowledge of SQL, XML, JSON, XPath, understanding SOAP and REST. As for JavaScript, here you need to be able to read (and even better, write) or jQuery.

And if you seriously think about tie your life with Java, then study english. First, the chances will appear to get a job in the international company, and secondly, you can read the useful literature in English. In any case, your value as a specialist will increase significantly.

Find the employer.

On the Internet there are many resources to find a job. You can also view sections with vacancies on programmer forums. And do not forget to ask for friends - suddenly they are just working in a company that is looking for a Java programmer.

Choosing a company, read reviews about it online. The vacancy that you liked could become the result of frames of personnel, and not expanding business. In large companies, there is a risk of getting boring, monotonous work. Yes, and notice your invaluable contribution there will be more difficult. And small companies are a greater level of creativity and risk. In any case, in any company you can learn a lot, especially if this is your first job in Java programming.

Do not "hit the dirt face" at the interview.

Initially, perceive the interview not as interrogation, but as a conversation between two specialists. If you asked the question to which you do not know the answer, do not panic. If you have not come across something in your practice, you honestly tell about it and promise that you fulfill the gaps in knowledge. The main thing is to avoid answers "I do not know." Before capitulation, try to solve the question logically, think about how you would decide this task at the site of developers.

Before the interview, lose all projects in memory, in which you had to participate. You will ask you in any way, so prepare for this part in advance.

Think of the possibility of freelancing or remote work.

What is the difference between remote work from freelance? In the first case, you will have to pass the interview, most likely by phone or skype. At the interview you will have to convince the employer that you are an independent person who can be self-organized and self-developed. Remote work often involves the conclusion of a contract for the year.

On the freelanse, it is usually no need to report to anyone - you write a code when you want and where you want. However, the earnings are less stable than with remote work. In addition, it is necessary to continuously monitor the forums, the exchange of freelance and social networks in search of new orders.

To get valuable experience, you can join the Open Source Development team. There you can practice your self-organization skills and learn how to quickly delve into someone else's code.

Another option of how you can earn a Java programmer - create your own, in demand app under Android. For this you have to go about such a way:

Even if you do not work out on my application, it will significantly increase your java-developer karma in employment, because the real experience is better than any programming books.

You can try to learn other languages \u200b\u200bto java and become full of full-stack developers. As I mentioned above, it is best to explore JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Summing up. Java programmers were and in the foreseeable future will be the most demanded IT specialists. Professionals are valued worldwide, they often work for the benefit of foreign companies and receive decent salaries attached to the dollar rate. And this, you see best defense from the economic crisis.

There are many ways to earn a Java programmer, and often you have to work hard and diligently to start getting good income. However, with great desire and purposefulness, you can get promising work at any point of the globe.

At this inspirational note I will finish. I hope you liked my article. If not sorry, share it with friends. I wish you decent earnings Java programmers and thanks to all for your attention!

Javascript. Fast start

Explore the basics of JavaScript on a practical example of creating a web application

Java. Fast start
Java Language Basics on the example of a small game

The video course will introduce you to one of the most popular, beautiful, widely used, reliable programming languages \u200b\u200b- Java. In the first part you will learn the basics of the language and learn how to write simple console applications. Next, we will tell you how to create as long as possible in a few minutes. simple game With a graphical interface and do not use third-party libraries. The goal of the course: to reveal some of the capabilities of the language and show that Java is simple and exciting. After successfully passing the course, you can use the model we have created to develop your own games. For effective development of the material, the minimum programming experience is required, so we recommend entirely novice developers to first go through the free online programming framework.

Lesson 1. Acquaintance with Java language

Brief description of the language; Installation required tools development; Writing the first program.

Lesson 2. Variables, data types, branching

Description of the fundamental concepts of the Java language on the example of a simple console calculator.

Lesson 3. Cycles; Game "Guess the number"

We start writing the Console game "Guess the number", on the example of which we will continue to study the foundations of the language.

Lesson 4. Methods

Demonstration of methods on the example of improving the game "Guess the number".

Lesson 5. Finish the development of the game "Guess the number"

I bring the game code to the final option.

Lesson 6. Development of the game "Catch a drop". Part 1

Create a game window.

Lesson 7. Development of the game "Catch a drop". Part 2

Learning to upload and draw pictures; We implement the game cycle.

Lesson 8. Development of the game "Catch a drop". Part 3.

We catch the events of the mouse and end the development of the game.

Lesson 9. Results

We collect the project into one jar file so that it is convenient to run without the development environment; Let's sum up.

Programmers are not born, they become. This means that you need to try at least. To do this, we created an interactive course "Fundamentals of Programming". You will learn all the most useful and relevant programming languages \u200b\u200band get the first experience of writing code. We thought how to create such an online course so that he became a bright and memorable event in the life of each novice programmer. Indeed, in many respects from the first acquaintance with the code, further interest in this area depends. We will tell and show what it works, what professions are in demand and what are the prospects for development in each direction of the IT-sphere. During the course, we will create a web site with browser games and publish a project on This site will be the first Case in your future portfolio, which is very important, because the portfolio is the first thing to pay attention to the employment. Having passed this course, you will take the first step towards serious training and can clearly decide on the direction of interests!

Lesson 1. The concept of the algorithm, variables, data types.

Introduction: What will we do on the course?
Will I become a successful programmer?
The concept of the algorithm. Installing the work environment. Hello World.
Acquaintance with variables.
Computer architecture
Data Types: Rows and Numbers. Operations with numbers and lines.

Lesson 2. Branching. Cycles.

Branching: if / else
Cycles: While, for
Logic operations. DO WHILE cycle.
Development of the game "Guessing"

Lesson 3. Arrays and functions

Acquaintance with an array. Memory development program.
Change the length of the array. Multidimensional arrays. Program for learning English.
Acquaintance with functions. Functions without a returned parameter.
Functions with returned parameters.
Recursive functions. Development of a blind printing program.

Lesson 4. Site Layout: Acquaintance with HTML and CSS

Acquaintance with HTML
Acquaintance with CSS
Place the game in riddles on the site
We place the game "Guessing" on the site
Publication of the site for hosting

Lesson 5. Overview of modern programming languages

How to choose a programming language and direction?
Programming Language Select: Web Development
Mobile development. Universal Languages \u200b\u200bProgramming
How to learn about the programmer?

The course for beginner developers, those who want to quickly master the foundations of object-oriented programming (OOP) and learn how to create their own projects. The main feature of the course is the combination of studying the theoretical foundations of the Java language and practical online workouts under the guidance of the mentor.

Lesson 1. Introduction to Java

  1. How Java works. JVM. General principles. Instruments.
  2. Hello, WORLD!
  3. Variables and data types.
  4. Methods and their application.
  5. Conditional operators.

Lesson 2. Cycles and arrays

  1. The concept of cycles. While cycle;
  2. Cycles for, foreach;
  3. The concept of the array;
  4. Determination of homework solutions.

Lesson 3. Workshop. "Cross-Noliki" in procedural style

  1. Development of the algorithm;
  2. Creating logic;
  3. Creating a computer's opponent logic;
  4. Hall a homework.

Lesson 4. Introduction to OOP

  1. What is OOP and why is it needed? Basic concepts;
  2. Creating classes and objects;
  3. Encapsulation;
  4. Inheritance;
  5. Abstract classes, interfaces and polymorphism;
  6. Hall a homework.

Lesson 5. Memory, data storage

  1. Data storage in Java: stack, bunch;
  2. Assembling garbage;
  3. String classes, string pools;
  4. Hall a homework.

Lesson 6. Graphic Interfaces

  1. SWING Library and other graphic libraries. Basics Swing;
  2. Placement managers and elements alignment;
  3. Events in Swing. Menu and dialog boxes;
  4. Hall a homework.

Lesson 7. Workshop. "Noliki cross" in OOP

  1. Defining classes and GUI;
  2. Logic development, part 1;
  3. Logic development, part 2;
  4. Hall a homework.

Introduction to Git.
Basics of work with Git

For 13 rollers, we will get acquainted with the basics of the Git version control system. Find out why it is important in modern development and collective programming. We will get acquainted with the basic concepts of Git: repositories, commits, branches and tags. We study the basic operations: creating and cloning the repository, merging branches, a request for the history of change and much more. Let's see how with the help of GIT to pass homework. This is a basic course, after it you can start learning any programming language. In addition, you will be ready for the passage of the interview, where several questions are usually devoted to the version control system.

Lesson 1. Introduction to version control systems

What is version control system?
Types of versions control systems
Git and its advantages

Lesson 2. Working with the command line

What is the command line?
Why is the command line?
How to open command line?
Useful teams

Lesson 3. Local work with Git repository

Introduction to the Console Client
Git Setup
Initialization of the repository
Cloning repository
Graphic Git Clients

Lesson 4. Basic operations

Publication of changes
Cancel indexing
Current status

Lesson 5. History of the GIT project

History of change
Rollback on the project history
Change Authors: Git Blame
Ignoring files .Gitignore site
Saving folders.keep

Lesson 6. Branches

Control branches
Creating and removing branches
Switching between branches
Conflicts Methods and their permission
Git Merge.

Lesson 7. Creating a remote git repository

Git Hosting (GitHub, Gitlab, BitBacket)
Creating your own Bare-Git repository
Registration on Github.
Publication of changes in the remote repository

Lesson 8. Remote branches

Names of repositories
Several repositories in one project
.git / config
Control of branches at remote repository

Lesson 9. Versioning

Waying methods
Tags and their connection with commits
Adding Taga
Deleting Taga
Tag management at remote repository

Lesson 10. Merge and Transfer

We merge the changes. Git Merge.
We carry branches. Git Rebase.
We carry commits. Git Cherry Pick.
We merge the commote in one. Git Squash

Lesson 11. Gitflow.

How used and why?
Test cycles
Perhaps BLUE / GREEN
Release branches

Lesson 12. SSH

SSH protocol
Why is it used?
Creating keys
SSH agent
Copy SSH files
Windows: Git for Windows
Using SSH together with Git-Ohm

Lesson 13. Domestream delivery through Git

Basics of databases. 20 lessons.
DB database and SQL queries

Databases (database) are data storage and data processing systems, for access to which SQL language (Structured Query Language) is used. Any modern site, a game or desktop application needs to be stored. On the this moment There are many different database management systems (DBMS), the most popular is MYSQL. "Basics of databases" are 20 intensive video lessons (10 minutes), where we will pass all the database design stages on the example of an online store using a language sQL queries. After this course, you can use different databases, such as MS SQL and PostGre SQL, since SQL syntax is practically no different for them.

Lesson 1. Relational databases

What differs the database from the DBMS; What databases are called relational; Overview of modern DBMS.

Lesson 2. Installation of DBMS

Installing MYSQL DBMS and graphic Application MySQL Workbench.

Lesson 3. Database Design, Normal forms

Data Design in Excel; Normal forms; Primary key.

Lesson 4. SQL command CREATE

Creating tables in the MYSQL Workbench graphical interface; Create command; data types; Work in the console.

Lesson 5. SQL-command Insert

Filling table data with graphic interface; INSERT command; AUTO Increment.

Lesson 7. SQL Teams Distinct, Order By, Limit

Obtaining and filtering data using Distinct and Limit SQL commands; Sort using the order by command.

Lesson 9. Data consistency

The concept of consistency or data consistency.

Lesson 10. External key

The concept of the external key and restrictions on the values \u200b\u200bof columns; Foreign Key Constraints.

Lesson 11. Creating tables with "many to many" ratio

Adding a basket to the online store database.

Lesson 12. Composite primary key

The use of a composite primary key when designing a table with a "many to many" attitude.

Lesson 13. Combining data from several tables

Obtaining data from several interconnected tables; Insolvency approach using multiple select-s.

Lesson 14. Operator Inner Join

Combining data from multiple tables using the Inner Join operator.

Lesson 15. Left Join, Right Join

Combining data from multiple tables using Left Join and Right Join operators.

Lesson 16. Operator Union

Combining the results of several SQL requests using the UNION operator.

Lesson 17. aggregating functions

Count, Sum, Min, Max aggregating functions.

Lesson 18. GROUP BY Operator

Grouping a selected row set using the GROUP BY operator.

Lesson 19. Indexes

Filtering in Group BY using having; Increase the speed of queries using indexes.

Lesson 20. Transactions

Concept of transaction; transaction operator; Requirements ACID to the transaction system.

Course for those who want to strengthen their knowledge in Java. On the course, students are mastering the theory and parallel under the guidance of the teacher from scratch develop a full-fledged project on Java, thus obtaining practical experience in the application of complex object-oriented concepts characteristic of the language. Before passing the course, it is recommended to master the course for beginners: "Java. Level 1".

Lesson 1. Object-oriented Java Programming

In-depth study of OOP issues in Java: Basic principles of OOP, abstract classes, interfaces.

Lesson 2. Exceptions

The concept of exception handling, its comparison with the traditional error handling mechanism, Try-Catch-Finally block, exception types, standard exceptions in Java and their role, emissions exceptions from the method

Lesson 3. Collection

Types of containers in Java: List, Map, Set. Basic implementations and techniques of use, passage for elements of the collection, comparison and sorting elements of the collection

Lesson 4. Advanced Graphic Interface Questions

Creating your own controls. Work with graphics. Processing events

Lesson 5. Multipleness

Flows in Java, ways to create and manage stream states, basic problems when working with flows and synchronization.

Lesson 6. Working with the Network

Sockets. Writing a simple echo server and console client.

Lesson 7. Writing a network chat. Part I.

Writing the client and server part of the chat. Multi-threaded processing of client connections.

Lesson 8. Writing a network chat. Part II.

Interface development for the client part. Authorization. Client and server interaction mechanisms.

Java. Level 3. 2 months.
Professional Software Development

The course is intended for those who want to learn about the advanced features of the Java language and get practical experience in writing applications. For the successful passage of the course, students need to be understood basic concepts Programming and have the initial experience with Java. The course covers all the main themes necessary for professional work.

Lesson 1. Generalizes

What is generalizations, generalized classes, methods and interfaces, inheritance of generalized classes, restrictions when working with generalizations

Lesson 2. Databases

Relational databases, SQL query language. Operators SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. Connecting to the database via JDBC, sending requests and processing results

Lesson 3. I / O tools

Overview of I / O tools. Byte, symbolic, buffered threads. Network interaction, serialization / deserialization of objects

Lesson 4. Multipleness. Part I.

Multipleness in Java, shared memory, flow management and synchronization issues, interaction of streaming of execution, mutual blocking

Lesson 5. Multipleness. Part II.

Classes for working with multithreading, Concurrent Collections, analysis of practical examples

Lesson 6. Review of development tools

Logging. Testing using junit, spelling tests, class assert

Lesson 7. Reflection API and Annotations

Concept of reflection, data type Class, classes metadata, access to fields and methods, annotations and their use, writing their own annotations.

The course is devoted to the use of data structures and algorithms in Java programming. Using data structures, the data storage method in the computer's memory is determined. The following data structures will be found in the course: arrays, stack, queue, lists, graphs, trees, hash tables. For each data structure, algorithms will be considered that provide various operations on these structures, such as search or sorting. The course is designed for listeners who have mastered the main course on Java SE.

Lesson 1. General information about algorithms and data structures

Introduction to algorithms and data structures.

Lesson 2. Arrays and sorting

Working with arrays and ways to sort them.

Lesson 3. Stack and queue

Overview of data structure, stack, queue and priority queue.

Lesson 4. Related Lists

Learn to create and use lists.

Lesson 6. Trees

Consider work with binary trees.

Lesson 7. Graphs

Consider work with one of the most flexible and universal structures.

Lesson 8. Hash table

Quick search and insert using hash tables.

Internship in Geekbrains. 2 months.
In the format of webinarov

During internship, students have to work in remote employment over the Open Source project or startup. Students will be prompted to choose one of the sets available for project development. Students will learn to work in a team, communicate with other developers, product- and project managers, designers, learn flexible methodologies, SCRUM framework, the principles of distance work. The result of the internship is the ability to work in a team, replenishment of the portfolio, the ability to specify the work on the project as a profile experience in the resume. The internship passes in the format of distance work with partial employment, weekly status meetings with a teacher in a webinar format.

Lesson 1. Acquaintance, project selection

What roles are in development. Product Manager, Project Manager, Developer, Designer. What is MVP. Architecture of modern service. As developers interact with each other. REST API, WEB Socket. Backend, frontend, mobile applications. Microservice architecture. Basics of remote work. Record in commands.

Lesson 2. Development methodology

Overview of methodologies. Cascade (Waterfall), Agile-Manifesto, Kanban, Skram. Where and for what are applied. Mixed methodologies.

Lesson 3. Scrum Methodology

Work on SCRUM. Sprint planning. Backlog Grooming. The purpose of the sprint. Increment. Flexible methodology under remote work. Task trackers (Trello, Favro) /

Lesson 4. User Story Mapping

Types of tasks. Decomposition tasks. Building a map of user stories. Work on user stories. Work with TK on a waterfall and flexible methodologies.

Lesson 5. Responsibility, Motivation, Personal Growth

What and how to motivate yourself. What motivation levels are. How not to burn at work. And how not to score to work.

Lesson 6. Writing a summary

How to write a resume so that HR does not deepen it. How to interest the employer. How to demonstrate the skills gained in school if there is no profile work experience yet.

Lesson 7. Pre-summing up, preparing for project protection

Collapse student summary. Preliminary lifting results. A little about startups, monetization, investors.

Lesson 8. Summing up, demonstration of the graduation project

Demonstration of the working prototype students. Discussion of the results obtained. Feedback from the teacher. Passage.

How to become a programmer. 13 lessons.
Step-by-step instructions for finding work

Career in the field of programming is a fascinating trip to the world of modern technologies. Each developer has its own history and experience. However, there is a basic algorithm that will help correctly make the first steps and lead to your goal. We have prepared 13 video lessons in which they answered the most relevant questions about the programmer's career in companies and in the freelance market. Often you think about employment and feel ready to start making money? Then this video course is for you.

Lesson 1. Profession "Programmer"

Features of the profession; frequently asked Questions; Real estate in the labor market.

Lesson 2. Professional guidance

Will I become a successful programmer? Success factors.

Lesson 3. We begin to draw up a summary

The most important thing is the first impression; What to call a position.

Lesson 4. Programming Language Selection: Web Development

Overview of languages \u200b\u200bfor website development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, C #, Java; right choice.

Lesson 5. Mobile development. Universal Languages \u200b\u200bProgramming

Languages \u200b\u200breview: Java, Objective-C, Swift; C #, C ++, Python: the right choice.

Lesson 6. Rules of Effective Summary

List of technologies; portfolio; diplomas and certificates; personal qualities. View of a technical specialist and HR.

Lesson 7. Job search: what, where, when

Dream work, psychological aspects; Request technique.

Lesson 8. Interview and probation

Interviews for programmers: how to behave, what to say, what to listen to; Protential and rule of its passage.

Lesson 9. Freilance: First Steps

Overview of Freilance sites; registration features; accounting account; How to stand out among most performers.

Lesson 10. Freilance: Getting started and ordering

Order search strategy; Order priority: what to take into work; Negotiation; tasks and underwater stones TK; methods of addressing the client; writing answers and attracting customers; Right questions.

Lesson 11. Freilance: Order and payment

Payment methods: non-cash or cash calculation; prepayment or post-payment; An overview of situations in which each method will work better; preparation for work and compulsory agreements with the client; Features of the work process; final stages of cooperation; Exchange reviews; Technique "consult."

Lesson 12. Specialty in the field of IT

How is the development in large companies? Who are analysts, designers, testers, architects, ProjectManager-s, Team-Lead-s, etc.

Lesson 13. Career Staircase in IT

What does the career staircase in IT look like? In which specialties it is easier to start your way? What are the prospects for development?

The course developed in conjunction with the Russian school will help to master key English-speaking topics, relevant to beginners of IT specialists. Maximum practices and focus on IT-vocabulary. In 10 lessons, the compilation of CVs, technical tasks and business letters, interviews and negotiations, international communication in the promotion of their project is disassembled. In living dialogues in English, students will enshrine phrases that will be useful to developers and testers, marketers and designers.

Lesson 10. Start Up

We tell about your project and present the team in English.

In this manual we will tell about everything you need to know before studying programming onJava. You will learn about the possibilities of the platform, its application, as well as how to start learning Java correctly.

What is java programming language?

In 1991, the "Green Team", the Sun Microsystems division, headed James Gosling, created a language for programming household electronic devices. At that time he was called Oak ("Oak"). Why "oak"? Just because it was a tree outside the window of the worker's office.

"Green Team" demonstrated the use of OAK in an interactive TV. But for the digital cable television of those years, this technology was too advanced. At the same time, the Internet was gaining popularity for which new Language Programming approached best.

After some time, the new language was renamed Green, and after that - in Java, in honor of coffee from the island of Java. Therefore, a mug with coffee is depicted on the Java logo.

During the development of Java, C / C ++ were popular, so the Gosling made the syntax of the language similar to C / C ++ and implemented for it the principle " write once - run anywhere" In 1995, Sun Microsystems released the first official version Java. And at the same time, it was announced that Java will enter the Netscape Navigator browser.

In 2010, Sun Microsystems, along with the Java programming language, was purchased by Oracle.

Version history Java.

  1. June 1991 - Start Development Project programming languageJava.
  2. JDK 1.0 - January 1996.
  3. JDK 1.1 - February 1997.
  4. J2SE 1.2 - December 1998.
  5. J2SE 1.3 - May 2000.
  6. J2SE 1.4 - February 2002.
  7. J2SE 5.0 - September 2004.
  8. Java SE 6 - December 2006.
  9. Java SE 7 - July 2011.
  10. Java SE March 8 - 18, 2014.
  11. Java SE 9 - 21 September 2017.

Java Programming Language Features

Java - Inter-platform language

Java code written on one platform ( that is, the operating system), You can run unchanged on other platforms.

Java is used to run virtual machine Java ( Java Virtual Machine, JVM). JVM processes byte code, after which the processor processes the code obtained from JVM. All virtual machines work in the same way, so the same code works equally in all operating systems, which makes Java by the inter-platform programming language.

Object-oriented programming language

There are various programming styles, and one of the most popular - object-oriented programming. With this approach, a difficult problem is divided into smaller way of creating objects. Due to which the code can be reused.

Object-oriented functions are in many programming languages, including Java, Python and C ++. If you are seriously configured to master programming, an object-oriented approach should be included in your learning plan.

Java works fast

Early versions programming languageJava was often criticized for slow work. But today the situation has changed dramatically. New versions of JVM work much faster, and the interpretive processors are becoming smoking.

Today, Java is one of the fastest programming languages. Well optimized Java code works almost as fast as low-level programming languages, such as C / C ++ and much faster than Python, PHP, etc.

Java - Safe Platform

Java is:

  • secure platform for developing and running applications;
  • provides funds for automatic memory management, which reduces code vulnerability;
  • provides secure data transmission.

Extensive basic library

One of the reasons for widespread Java is a huge standard Library. It can find hundreds of classes and methods from various packages that facilitate the lives to developers. For instance,

java.lang is advanced functions for strings, arrays, etc.

java.util - library for working with data structures, regular expressions, date and time, etc. - library for entering / output files, exception processing, etc.

Application of the Java Platform

Before learning Java. Programming from zeroYou need to know that more than 3 billion devices worldwide work on this platform. For which it can specifically apply it:

  1. Android applications - To develop Android applications, the Java programming language is often used in conjunction with Android SDK ( from English Software Development Kit - software development kit).
  2. Web applications - Java Used to create network applications using server programs, Struts and JSP frameworks. Here are some popular web applications written in Java:,,,

It is worth noting that these sites are not necessarily written exclusively on Java, and other programming languages \u200b\u200bcan also be used.

  1. Software development- Java writes such programs as Eclipse, OpenOffice, Vuze, Matlab and many others.
  2. Big Data Processing - To process "big data", you can use the Hadoop framework written in Java.
  3. Trade systems - Using the platform Oracle Extreme Java Trading Platform, You can write programs for trading.
  4. Built-in devices - based on Java Embedded technology from Oracle today there are billions of devices, such as televisions, SIM cards, Blu-ray players, etc.

Also programming onJava is used to develop games, scientific applications ( for example, for processing a natural language) And in many other areas.

Terminology Java to know

Java is a set of technology ( programming language and computer platform) designed to create and run software. However, the term Java often indicates the programming language itself.

Programming languageJava is an inter-platform object-oriented general purpose programming language, which has wide opportunities.

Java 9 - Last At the time of writing this article java version.

Java EE, Java Me and Java SE - these names denote Java Enterprise Edition, Micro Edition and Standard Edition , respectively.

Java EE is aimed at applications running on servers. Java Me is designed for devices limited by power, such as embedded devices. Java SE is the standard Java edition for writing regular programs.

If you are new to Java programmingWe recommend starting with Java SE.

JVM - Java Virtual Machine (" java virtual machine") This is a program that allows the computer to run programs written in Java.

JRE - Java Runtime Environment (" java execution environment") Includes JVM, relevant libraries and other components required to start programs. But the jre does not have a compiler, debugger and other development tools.

JDK - Java Development Kit (set Java developer) Contains JRE and other development tools, such as compilers, debuggers, etc.

How to run java on your operating system

How to run java on mac os

That's what you need to do for java Programming from scratch and installing platform on Mac OS X or MacOS:

  1. Download a fresh version of Java ( Jdk.) S. java SE Download Pages.
  2. Double click on the downloaded DMG file and follow the instructions of the installer.
  3. To verify the installation, open the terminal and enter the following command:

javac -Version.

If Java is installed correctly, the program will be displayed on the screen ( for example, Javac 1.8.0_60).

The next step will be an IDE installation ( integrated development environment) To write and run a Java code. We will install the free version of Intellij Idea and start Java on it. That's what you need to do this:

  1. Go to intellij download page And download the free version of Community Edition.
  1. Open the downloaded DMG file and follow the installation instructions. For quick access You can move Intellij IDEA to the program folder.
  2. Open Intellij IDEA. Select the "DON 'T IMPORT SETTINGS" option (" Do not import settings") And click" OK ". After that, accept the privacy policy of JetBrains by clicking on the "Accept" button.
  3. Now you can configure the interface for yourself. You can also skip this step and leave everything by default. If not sure, just skip this step by clicking the "Skip All and Set Defaults" button (" Skip everything and set default settings»).
  1. The program will show you a welcome page. Click on the "CREATE NEW PROJECT" button (" Create a new project»).
  2. In the next window, select "Java" in the left pane and click "NEW" at the top of the program window to select "JDK". Here you need to choose a place where JDK installed, then click Next.
  1. You will have option to create a project from the template ("Create Project From Template"). I ignore it and press the "Next" button.
  2. In the next installation step programming languageJava Enter the project name and click Finish.
  3. In the left pane you will see your project. If the panel is not visible, go to the menu Views\u003e Tool Windows\u003e Project.
  4. Go to Hello\u003e New\u003e Java and set the name of the class. We called it first.
  1. To start just written to the program, go to RUN\u003e RUN ... Click first ( that is the name of the file we created

How to run java on linux

To start examples from scout programming lessonsJava on Linux will be needed by Java Se Development Kit ( Jdk.) and IDE to develop your projects. Follow the instructions step by step to get started with Java.

Install Java.

  1. Open the terminal and type the following command to install Java:

    sudo Add-APT-Repository PPA: WebUpd8Team / Java Sudo Apt Update; Sudo Apt Install Oracle-Java8-Installer

  1. Accept the license agreement and the terms of use by clicking OK and YES, respectively.
  2. You installed Java. To verify that the installation has passed without errors, enter the following command in the terminal:

java -Version.

If the current version is displayed, the installation has passed successfully. If not, check with oracle page help page.

Installing Intellij Idea

  1. Go to.
  1. Download the free version of the Community Edition by clicking the "Download" button.
  2. After downloading change the directory in the terminalon the download directory and remove the Java Tar file to the / opt folder by the following command:

sudo Tar XF. .tar.gz -c / OPT /

  1. After unpacking, change the directory on the Intellij IDEA BIN folder:

    cD / OPT / / bin.

  2. To start the IDE, enter the following command:
  3. Select "DON 'T IMPORT SETTINGS" (" Do not import settings") And click" OK ". After that, we accept the privacy policy of JetBrains by clicking on the "Accept" button.
  4. Now for passage programming coursesJava You can configure the interface for yourself. Create a shortcut on the desktop to quickly access the program. After that, to start the IDE, press "Next" at all the following steps.
  5. The program will show the welcome page. Click "CREATE NEW PROJECT" (" Create a new project»).
  6. In the next window, select "Java" in the left pane and make sure that Java is selected in the Project SDK string. If not, select the location where you installed JDK: / USR / LIB / JVM / Java-8-Oracle.
  1. Twice press "Next" and create a project.
  2. In the next step, enter the project name and click the "Finish" button. Now in the left pane you will see your project. If this panel is not visible, go to the menu Views\u003e Tool Windows\u003e Project.
  3. Add new Class Java. Select SRC on the left pane by right-click and go to New\u003e Java Class. Set the name of the class. The class name should not be spaces.
  1. Write a java code and save the project.
  2. To start the program, go to RUN\u003e RUN ... Click HelloWorld ( the name of the project) - the program compiles the file and starts it.

How to run Java on Windows (XP, 7, 8 and 10)

For Java's development Fundamentals programming And running the platform on Windows will require Java SE Development Kit (JDK) and IDE to develop projects. Follow step by step instructionsshown below:

Installing java.

  • Go to download Page Java Standard Edition Development Kit.
  1. In the Java SE Development Kit section, click "Accept License Agreement" (" Take a license agreement"). Then click on the Windows link (x64) if you have a 64-bit operating system or Windows (x86), if you have a 32-bit OS.
  1. After downloading, run installation file. And follow the instructions that will appear on the screen. Click " Next" Choose all the functions by clicking " This Feature Will Be Installed On Local Hard Drive"And copy the installation location ( it is highlighted yellow) in "Notepad", after which click again Next».
  1. During the installation process, you will request the JRE installation. Click "Next" and then "FINISH" to complete the installation.
  2. Now you need to edit the PATH variable. Go to Control Panel\u003e System and Security\u003e System. In the left pane, select " Extra options Systems.
  1. Click " Environment Variables» . In chapter " System variables » Find the PATH variable and in the next window click "Edit".
  1. Choose all the text in the field " Variable value " and copy it to a separate text file. So it will be easier to edit it and check for errors. Look, whether in the copied text line: C: ProgramData Oracle Java Javapath; . If so, you can go to the next step. If not, then insert the installation location in the beginning of the variable copied earlier and add BIN at the end of the line like this: C: Program Files (x 86) Java JDK 1.8.0_112 bin; Please note that your JDK version (JDK 1.8.0_112) may differ. Copy the value of the variable and insert it into the PATH window.
  1. Click " OK"To save the changes made.
  2. To check whether the platform is installed correctly introduction to programmingJava, Open command lineby typing CMD in the string windows search or through the "Run ..." command ( Windows - R.). Enter the java -Version command. If the current version of Java is displayed, it means that the installation has passed successfully. If not, check with oracle page help page.

Installing Intellij Idea

  1. Go to intellij Idea Downloads page.
  2. Download the free version of Community Edition by clicking "Download".
  1. After downloading, run the installation file and follow the instructions that will appear on the screen. Then create a shortcut on the desktop for the 64-bit version and add associations with the .java extension. Click "Next" and continue the installation.
  1. After installation, open the Intellij IDEA by clicking on the desktop icon.
  2. Select "DON 'T IMPORT SETTINGS" (" Do not import settings") And click" OK ". After that, we accept the privacy policy of JetBrains by pressing "Accept".
  3. Now you can configure the interface for yourself. You can also skip this step and leave everything by default by clicking the Skip All and Set Defaults button.
  4. The program will show the welcome page. Click "CREATE NEW PROJECT" (" Create a new project»).
  1. In the next window, select "Java" in the left pane and press "NEW" at the top of the program window to select JDK. Here you need to choose the location where you installed JDK during the Java installation, then press "Next".
  2. Intellij Idea will find JDK and recognizes it. No other options need to be marked, just click "Next".
  3. On the next screen, enter the project name: HelloWorld and click "Finish". If the program tells that the directory does not exist, click OK. If you do not see the left pane, go to the Views\u003e Tool\u003e Project menu.
  4. To set the class name, select the SRC folder in the left pane. Click on it right-click, go to New\u003e Java and set the name of the class. The class name should not be spaces.
  1. Write the code and save the Java project Lesson programming.
  2. To start the program, go to the Run\u003e Run menu ... Click on HelloWorld - the program compiles the file and starts it.

Your first program on Java

To introduce users with a new programming language, use the Hello World program ("Hi, World!"). This is a simple program that displays the words Hello, WORLD! In this section, we will teach you to write this program On Java using Intellij Idea.

  1. Open Intellij IDEA.
  2. Go to File\u003e New\u003e Project ...\u003e Java ( in the left pane of navigation).
  3. Specify the project name (Project Name) from course programmingJ a Va. We will call it hello world and click "FINISH".
  4. Now you need to create a new Java class.
  5. Select the SRC folder in the left pane, then go to the File\u003e New\u003e Java Class menu and specify the name of the new class-HelloWorld.
  6. Copy the following code to the file and save it.

public Class HelloWorld (String Args) (// Prints "Hello, World!" System.out.PrintLN ("Hello, World!");))

  1. Click the Start button ( RUN.). If everything is in order, you will see the inscription hello, world on the screen!

How to learn Java?

Official documentation Java.

Oracle, the company owning Java publishes high-quality lessons. Official documentation covers all Java functions and is updated regularly.

Note: The only minus - the official Java documentation is not always written in the simplest language.

If you really want to learn programming onJava, buy a good book. Of course, 1000 pages do not read in one day. But a good tutorial will help you learn programming.

Java: Full guide (10th edition)

Excellent book for those who are just starting to learn Java. The last edition includes all Java 8 release functions.

The book describes everything you need to know about Java programming, including syntax, keywords And the fundamental basics of programming, as well as the Java API library, Java applets and much more.

Java philosophy (4th edition)

If you go to Java from another programming language, this book is for you. If you start from scratch, it is best to read it along with the other.

Java 8. Pocket Directory: Ambulance Java programmers

This book contains clear answers to questions arising from learning J aVA programming from scratch. She briefly tells about all the basic concepts of Java (including Java 9.). Do not want to flip hundreds of pages in search of the desired line? Buy this book.

Instead of imprisonment

If you start learning Java, you will not be mistaken - this is a promising programming language full of a wide variety of opportunities.

Before studying Java, use multiple tips:

  • Do not read the learning articles and examples as a novel. The only way to become a good programmer is to write a lot of code.
  • If you proceed from another programming language (say, C #), you do not need to write code in the style of C #.
  • Find the online community dedicated to Java. When you learn to write simple programs On Java, find popular sites and forums dedicated to Java. Try to solve problems arising from other programmers. This is a great way to expand your own knowledge. In addition, if you have a snag, you will know where you can ask for help.

We hope this article will push you to explore Java and help start work on the first programs.

This publication is the translation of the article " Learn Java Programming. The Definitive Guide"Prepared by a friendly project team