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Application to recognize anonymous letters in ask. Ask fm anonymous questions

How to write anonymously to ask?

A resource called first appeared back in 2011, quickly becoming popular and gaining recognition from many users of the Vkontakte social network. Thanks to the wide functionality, everyone can ask non-anonymous, as well as anonymous questions for an ask of any nature.

Many people wonder how to write anonymously to ask? Of course, this method attracts users more, because it makes it possible to ask any, even incorrect, question. Figure out, how to write anonymously to ask, not difficult. Today, there are separate services for this, where it is enough to log in, the same as on home page Subsequently, going to the pages of those to whom you want to ask a question, your data will no longer be displayed for other users of the site. It is possible to add likes or subscribers to your page in by clicking on link .

Almost every person has access to the Internet today, and more than 80% of them are registered in social networks. And this means that for such users the concept “ anonymous ask"Will not become a novelty, especially since today this resource is one of the most popular. Read additional information about anonymous questions in

How to find out who writes anonymously in ask?

Another equally popular question among social media users is how to find out who writes in asuka anonymously... This is a little more difficult than writing your own question in anonymous ask but quite feasible.

Find out the user of the site who asks you certain anonymous questions on ask, it is possible through services that receive sufficient information to calculate them. In particular, data on their IP-addresses will become available, through which you can subsequently identify the person himself. Cheat on VKontakte is available.

Some sites designed to resolve the issue, how to find out who writes in asuka anonymously, offer to go through a simple login procedure, after which all the necessary information appears in front of you. But be prepared: it is possible that tricky and unpleasant questions were the work of those whom you did not even dare to suspect. You will find more detailed material on the disclosure of anonymity in Asuka in this section .

Unique services for exposing Asuka users make the site easier to use, but at the same time make it more interesting. Therefore, do not neglect this opportunity, try to personally find out who exactly is asking you questions, using the help of professional resources. To become more popular on the Instagram network, go to this

Not so long ago, the "" service appeared on the World Wide Web - a standard responder. Responsible is a site that allows you to ask and answer questions.

A feature of "" is the ability for users of this service to answer questions from the site itself. The last function was created for those who do not have enough questions from users of the service or just want to be more understandable and interesting for the readers of their account (an account is a record containing information that the user reports about himself to some computer system). Also, a feature of "" is the ability to ask questions anonymously.

Both friends and enemies write anonymously. Many people get very unpleasant questions as well. And, of course, I would like to know - who is hiding behind the mask of an anonymous author. Hence the question follows:

How to calculate the anonym on ""?

The answer is simple- in order to find out who is asking you questions, you just need to download on the Internet special program... Internet users offer many programs, the essence of which boils down to declassifying the anonym.

Many sites offer to disclose the anonym on "" completely free of charge. The program promises to expose anonymous people on, determine the name of this user and immediately go to his Vkontakte page ( Isn't this complete exposure and domination of the hiding person? The creators claim that this service is very easy to use, and it has already come in handy for many users of the "" site. But are the creators of this program really frank with us, or do they overestimate their merits?

So, now let's summarize what exactly the program for opening anonymous accounts on gives us:

  1. You will be presented with a list of users who have logged into your account.
  2. You will see who wrote you messages on the "" website.
  3. And also the service will recognize and give you a link to the Vkontakte website of the person who wanted to remain classified.

But should we trust the creators of this program ?? Or is it just another internet trap? We can rely on the words of officials. They argue that it is impossible to recognize the anonymous person.

It turns out that all programs to expose lurking users are a simple Internet trap. It is not yet known what consequences these programs can bring to you. So communicate with anonymous users, and if you don't like secrecy, the site on has a function that allows you to turn off questions from anonymous users, you can also turn off questions from unregistered users. And in general, if you do not like a question, then no one forces you to answer it, you can send it to the basket. Why get upset over trifles? It is worth taking care of your nerves.

Be attentive and careful on the World Wide Web. Good luck to you! ( - social network in which the user can ask and answer other people's questions. You can ask anonymously as well as non-anonymously. The essence of anonymous questions is that the user can ask about something else, without indicating his first and last name. In this article we will figure out how you can find out the anonymous person on

Unofficial programs to expose anonym on Ask fm

According to the official statement of the developers, it is impossible to recognize anonymous names. But the desire of users to find out the identity of the person asking the questions is so great that unofficial programs are created that promise to "declassify" the anonymous author. But can you trust them? To find out, take a look at these sites.

A program whose reliability is in question

The level of trust in the Internet resource among other users is low. This does not mean that it was created by scammers (however, this possibility cannot be ruled out) - it means that people have rated it as suspicious. Go to Click on the button “Learn anonymous”, agree to the terms of the agreement, and then follow the instructions. Then we wait while the results are processed.

Sites to Avoid

The sites listed below are owned by scammers who profit from Internet users. Let's consider them and remember that you shouldn't use the services of these web pages.

  • The page is
  • The HachAsk program that they offer to download.
  • Web page
  • Web resource

Find out the anonymous person on Ask fm using your observation

Basically, our friends ask us questions on It is enough just to read the question again, pay attention to its main features (grammar, punctuation, rudeness / politeness) and try to remember whose writing style is similar to the question writing style. Also pay attention to the topic of the question itself: it is likely that someone from your acquaintances was interested in some part of your personal life, but hesitated to find out directly, and, seeing that you are registered on, decided to ask anonymously. If you already guess which of your friends asked you anonymous questions, ask him about it directly - perhaps he will confess.

As you can see, most of the anonymizing sites are phishing sites. Even the first is questionable due to the low level of trust in it among users. The conclusion suggests itself - you can infect your computer, lose money and privacy. Believe me, the desire to know an anonymous person is not worth the sacrifice. Better use your deduction, not suspicious sites.

You probably remember the boom around sites with anonymous questions that was so relevant 3-5 years ago. Many Internet users shared links to such resources, encouraging friends and strangers to ask them about different things. "" and "" were very popular among Russian users. Serious verbal battles, clarification of relations, exposure, confessions flared up on these sites. And the question "How to find out who writes anonymously to" Ask "?" asked, probably, everyone who registered there. Even though passions have subsided a little today, and only their loyal fans remain in these networks, there are still questions that are still relevant. We will analyze them.

What is ""?

If you were on the sidelines of that trend, then first of all, we will briefly tell you about this resource. (today it is ASKfm) is a social network where a user can either send others completely anonymous questions (if desired, incognito can be removed), and answer such messages himself. The resource was created in Latvia in 2010. Acted as a competitor and in some way the successor to the once popular Formspring.

Unlike the same Facebook, VKontakte, Asuka's functionality is somewhat limited: installing an avatar, a short profile, a wall with friends' answers, your own profile with all the questions you once asked in chronological order. By responding to a message, you automatically do visible question and your message to everyone who visits your page. You can post anonymous questions in "" and publish your answers in "Tumblr", "VKontakte", "Twitter", having previously integrated with these services. By the way, it was these reposts that at one time widely advertised this site.

Who writes to Ask? According to statistics, in February 2015, the popularity of the network reached its peak - 80 million users were registered worldwide. The attitude towards her is not unambiguous for everyone. Many were struck by the news of 2012: Irish schoolchildren committed suicide because of the persecution organized by their classmates at

How to ask anonymously a question without registering?

First of all, I wonder how to write to "Ask" anonymously. This can be done in two ways.

In Russia (not all countries have such an opportunity) it is possible to ask a question to the "Aska" user without having an account on this network. Of course, if the user allows the possibility of sending him such messages. This is done like this:

  1. Follow the link or through the search on the resource in the profile of the person you need.
  2. Enter the text of the question in the field.
  3. Express your agreement to the terms of service, confirm that you are over 13 years old, that you have not written anything that offends a person - just tick the box.
  4. Click on the orange button with the airplane - your question has been sent!

How to ask a question if you are already registered?

If you want to know who is writing to your friends in "Ask", ask and answer questions yourself, then it is easier to register on the network. It is not difficult - indicate email, name, password, date of birth, gender. It is faster to log in via "VK", "Twitter", "Facebook". It's easy to ask a question:

  1. Go to the page of the required user.
  2. Write a question.
  3. By default, it will already be anonymous. If you want the user to know the authorship, then move the incognito slider.
  4. You can also set invisibility: it will not be displayed that you were online at the time of sending the question.
  5. Press the button with the airplane and the question is sent to the addressee!

How to find out who writes anonymously to Ask?

If we turn to the information from the official representatives of this resource, we will see that they assure everyone that the site is absolutely anonymous. That is, if, when sending the message, you marked the "Anonymous question", then you can be 100% sure that this is really so: no one will ever know that it was you who sent the message.

In principle, this is the feature of the resource, which attracted you to it - the ability to ask questions incognito and receive them from people who want to hide their identity.

Are there services that can help reveal anonymity?

If you are wondering how to find out who writes anonymously to Ask, then you are probably looking for additional software that can provide such an opportunity. If we turn again to the official representatives, they will assure us here that there is not a single program in the world that would allow revealing all the cards of their users.

But we know that there are craftsmen who can hack even the most secure system, let alone the site data with anonymous questions. If we look at the advertising of these programs, then their developers describe the secrets of their creations in approximately the following way: "Asuka" knows the IP address of any user by which the system identifies him, which is why each of the users has a unique ID. Based on this data, the program tracks and calculates the anonym. And if he has a page from another social network attached to his profile, then you can in no time find out in the face of the person who left you such an exciting message.

However, there is one "but" - under the guise of whistle-blower applications, there is a mass of malicious programs that are configured to steal your personal data. Therefore, we advise you to refrain from such investigations.

How to protect yourself from anonymous questions?

If you are really worried about annoying anonymous authors, then we advise you to do the following:

  • Go to "Settings" ("gear" icon).
  • In the "Profile" tab, uncheck the "Allow questions from unregistered users" checkbox.
  • In the same place, uncheck the "Allow anonymous questions" checkbox.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Save".

That's all, now you will only receive questions from those who are not shy about showing their face.

So how do you know who is posting anonymously to Ask? As the developers of the site assure, it is impossible to obtain such information. In theory, however, they can be argued with. But it makes no sense to advise a specific whistle-blower - there is no proven reliable software of this kind. In the overwhelming majority of cases, having downloaded such software, you will bring a dangerous virus onto your gadget.

How to write anonymously to ask?

A resource called first appeared back in 2011, quickly becoming popular and gaining recognition from many users of the Vkontakte social network. Thanks to the wide functionality, everyone can ask non-anonymous, as well as anonymous questions for an ask of any nature.

Many people wonder how to write anonymously to ask? Of course, this method attracts users more, because it makes it possible to ask any, even incorrect, question. Figure out, how to write anonymously to ask, not difficult. Today, there are separate services for this, where it is enough to log in, the same as on the main page of Subsequently, going to the pages of those to whom you want to ask a question, your data will no longer be displayed for other users of the site. It is possible to add likes or subscribers to your page in by clicking on.

Almost every person has access to the Internet today, and more than 80% of them are registered in social networks. And this means that for such users the concept “ anonymous ask"Will not become a novelty, especially since today this resource is one of the most popular. Read more about anonymous questions in

How to find out who writes anonymously in ask?

Another equally popular question among social media users is how to find out who writes in asuka anonymously... This is a little more difficult than writing your own question in anonymous ask but quite feasible.

Find out the user of the site who asks you certain anonymous questions on ask, it is possible through services that receive sufficient information to calculate them. In particular, data on their IP-addresses will become available, through which you can subsequently identify the person himself. Cheat on VKontakte is available.

Some sites designed to resolve the issue, how to find out who writes in asuka anonymously, offer to go through a simple login procedure, after which all the necessary information appears in front of you. But be prepared: it is possible that tricky and unpleasant questions were the work of those whom you did not even dare to suspect. You will find more detailed material on the disclosure of anonymity in asuka in this.

Unique services for exposing Asuka users make the site easier to use, but at the same time make it more interesting. Therefore, do not neglect this opportunity, try to personally find out who exactly is asking you questions, using the help of professional resources. To become more popular on Instagram, go to this one.

How to ask an anonymous question on ask fm?

The ask fm social network is geared towards questions and answers. This is the most interesting thing on the web, accessible to everyone. Many people ask anonymous questions in ask fm, this feature is specially provided and widely used.

Interested in many regulars of social networks. In reality, this is not difficult to do. You can ask a question without registering on the network, and there will simply be nothing to show in the name of the author of the question. It is also suggested to install a plug-in to the Internet browser that anonymizes the author of the questions. It allows you to ask anonymous questions on ask, as in many other social networks (read how to reveal the one who asked you an anonymous question in this one). This is a great opportunity for those who do not like to advertise themselves on the Internet, but prefer to act covertly. It becomes quick and convenient to ask questions, you don't have to take into account the peculiarities of different social networks on your own. Boosting likes and subscribers in ask fm is available by.

To ask in ask fm anonymous questions, the account owner to whom they are asked must be allowed to ask questions anonymously. This is natural, since there is no point in asking anonymous questions if no one is going to answer them anyway. And if the interlocutor is ready for a discussion, it will be interesting.

What can you ask?

The very possibility of anonymous questions is good, but for those who are interested, how to ask an anonymous question on ask fm, it's worth considering the best Q&A options. After watching other people's discussions, you can, which are often asked and are popular (what interesting or funny questions you can ask on ask fm, find out from this). At first, it can be a good idea to follow the accepted fashion, gradually adding your own inventions to enliven the conversation. If you want to promote your VKontakte account, you can ask for help from.

It is interesting

The social network does not disclose any information about anonymous users, even to the police. In Ireland, two teenagers were driven to suicide anonymous questions on ask, but we failed to find out about their authors. The network keeps its secrets securely, to the displeasure of law enforcement officers. Find out anonymous questions ask fm- this does not mean learning anything about the curious who ask them.

The social network has its own "celebrities" who are especially annoyed with questions and who answer them most wittily. It is recommended that you get to know such users first, and if you manage to strike up a friendship, you can become popular yourself. You can order a high-quality inexpensive promotion on Instagram.

This network was created in Latvia and serves to enable people to ask and answer. Asuka has support for 10 languages. You can also like it if you really liked something. People use the service to chat with someone from another country, make acquaintances, maybe even make friends. Having entered the site, the user makes registration by filling out a questionnaire, and then he can ask a question or suggest an answer.

How to find your offenders on Ask fm

The interesting thing is that you can find your offenders and people on Ask fm anonymously. Of course, there are “well-wishers” everywhere who really want to say nasty things to you. In real life, doing this is much more difficult. But on the Internet - please. After all, you can log into as an anonymous user. There are such "individuals" on this resource. Reading messages, not all of which are positive, the user involuntarily asks the question - how to find out who writes to Ask fm (

If a person wrote to you on his own behalf, then it will not be difficult. But if a petty dirty trick wrote as an anonymous author, then what to do? The developers have taken care of this too. The instructions for using the site are simple, you just need to go to the anonymastik site. fm. However, this service can only be used by those who already have a registration at If there is none, then you need to go through it by filling in all the required fields. You will need the page address. When you enter it on anonymastik. fm., then you will need to confirm it. You have now joined a program that makes it easy to track anonymous users. Thus, those who leave impartial comments anonymously will become known.

Antianonym program

The service is based on data about IP addresses, so it is able to say with precision how to find out who writes on ask fm (, what kind of people they are in real life. You can find out all the information you are interested in about this anonymous person. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of bans. But when using the script, Ax's rules will be violated, and you may get a temporary or even permanent ban. Moreover, the online service will do everything itself, as soon as the user indicates the number of his page on Asuka.

Any avatar will no longer help the impudent or "troll" hide by asking vulgar questions, answering with mockery or commenting using phrases that demean human dignity. The service will spend only some time to calculate the data of the "spiteful critics".

As soon as the person asked the question, he left his IP address in the system. Using it, you can clarify how to find out who is writing to ask fm. And also all links of this user to social networks are calculated (a photo of the script is presented below).

Viewing Anonymous

Why recognize anonymous users on

Most often, the user wants to know the anonymous person in order to disaccustom unnecessary people to write dirty tricks. Unfortunately, on the Internet, as in life, not all people behave adequately. And for some reason, many people think that the Internet gives more security, and you can do whatever comes into your head, because "you will catch figs." But they are wrong. When information about a person becomes known, he certainly fears that he will be revealed. Therefore, the anonymous person calms down for a while, trying to understand whether he was figured out or not? Parents also use the above service to find out who wrote various bad things about their child.

However, it also happens that you like the question. The person asked an interesting, thought-provoking question. Or he answered in such detail that it immediately becomes clear that this anonymous person has a clear idea of ​​what he is writing about. That is, he understands the topic (repairman, System Administrator, an employee with experience in this field). Then I want to know more about such a person in order to talk with him, to consult in case of a similar problem. After all, it is far from the fact that this anonymous person will come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to the service. Maybe he will abandon Ask altogether - well, he has no time. And I really don't want to lose touch with a person who can help, explain it in a language accessible to a “teapot”.

And it's not very interesting to talk to a stranger - what kind of dark horse is that? What kind of person is this in general, who is the anonymous person - a girl or a guy? An adult, or maybe a child? Schoolboy or studying at the university? Is this your English teacher or professor in the Department of Chemistry? Such a turn is not excluded - the guy communicates with an anonymous person, sees a community of thoughts and interests. Of course, she wants to get to know each other better and may decide that this is a girl, and this is an old grandfather. Etc.

By the way, some people are shocked to find out in the anonymous people who were rude or rude, their friends or relatives.

Recognizing the anonymous VKontakte

There is another way to identify an anonymous person in, but this requires a VKontakte account. Next, you need to enter this social network and find a specific application. It's called SearchWS: Ratings, PR, Guests and Like Analysis. With its help, being on VKontakte, you can receive ratings on the wall, as well as catch visitors who wished to remain anonymous, i.e. anonymous. We need a button "How to catch guests". When you click on it, you will see a link that you need to copy and enter the link in the Ask profile. We get new link and put it, for example, on the wall.

Well, or, if you don't want everyone to see it, in your personal data. A link will appear on the VKontakte wall, redirecting to the Ask server. As soon as this happens, the application "recognizes" the service, and thus it will be possible to see who it is who came to Ask and asked the question anonymously.

Anonymous questions on ask

Many of the questions asked in ask fm are anonymous. Anonymity liberates people, helps them maintain a sincere conversation. Many topics that, when openly discussed, seem indecent, are successfully revealed under the cover of secrecy.

Anonymous questions on ask have been asked for a long time, and many users of this social network have extensive experience in such discussions. And beginners are interested in their details and.

For some time now, only users of accounts on the network can ask anonymous questions on ask. Unidentified "guests" are no longer welcome after police investigations in the country where ask fm is officially registered - Ireland. Therefore, they lost their meaning, in relation to ask fm, add-ons to browsers, through which anonymous queries were asked in many social networks without setting up their own accounts. How to disclose anonymous accounts in ask - read.

For an account owner to receive and answer anonymous questions, they must resolve them. This is done in custom settings, in the "privacy" section. There is an option "allow anonymous questions", which should be noted, then save the settings. What questions should be asked in asuka, you will learn by following this.

Subsequently, in the same way, you can "prohibit anonymous questions", this option will appear in the same section. Naturally, the account owner must give his permission, because if he does not answer questions, then there is no point in asking them. The network of questions and answers is built on a mutual dialogue.

Ask in ask fm anonymous questions it is possible through the anonymization function. After choosing the appropriate option and other characteristics of the message, it is sent to the addressee. Look for questions for guys and girls in this.

Is it possible to disclose an anonym?

Besides, how to ask an anonymous question on ask fm, users often want find out anonymous questions ask fm- who sent them. For regular user it is almost impossible. The network keeps its secrets strictly. Until recently, even the police could not penetrate the depths of ask fm. But the Internet address from which it goes to world wide web user is saved on the server. Therefore, with a strong desire, law enforcement agencies can identify not only the username in the ask fm, but also his passport data and home address (or place of work). And you should be careful when asking questions that can harmfully affect the human psyche, no matter how easy it is to find out. anonymous questions ask fm... Several Yet ( is a social network where the user can ask and answer other people's questions. You can ask anonymously as well as non-anonymously. The essence of anonymous questions is that the user can ask about something else, without indicating his first and last name. In this article we will figure out how you can find out the anonymous person on

Unofficial programs to expose anonym on Ask fm

According to the official statement of the developers, it is impossible to recognize anonymous names. But the desire of users to find out the identity of the person asking the questions is so great that unofficial programs are created that promise to "declassify" the anonymous author. But can you trust them? To find out, take a look at these sites.

A program whose reliability is in question

The level of trust in the Internet resource among other users is low. This does not mean that it was created by scammers (however, this possibility cannot be ruled out) - it means that people have rated it as suspicious. Go to Click on the button "Learn anonymous", agree to the terms of the contract, and then follow the instructions. Then we wait while the results are processed.

Sites to Avoid

The sites listed below are owned by scammers who profit from Internet users. Let's consider them and remember that you shouldn't use the services of these web pages.

  • The page is
  • The HachAsk program that they offer to download.
  • Web page
  • Web resource

Find out the anonymous person on Ask fm using your observation

Basically, our friends ask us questions on It is enough just to read the question again, pay attention to its main features (grammar, punctuation, rudeness / politeness) and try to remember whose writing style is similar to the question writing style. Also pay attention to the topic of the question itself: it is likely that someone from your acquaintances was interested in some part of your personal life, but hesitated to find out directly, and, seeing that you are registered on, decided to ask anonymously. If you already guess which of your friends asked you anonymous questions, ask him about it directly - perhaps he will confess.

As you can see, most of the anonymizing sites are phishing sites. Even the first is questionable due to the low level of trust in it among users. The conclusion suggests itself - you can infect your computer, lose money and privacy. Believe me, the desire to know an anonymous person is not worth the sacrifice. Better use your deduction, not suspicious sites.