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Seatools for Windows What Prog. Signs of such problems are

Seagate's hard drives, like any others, are not insured against trouble. As a result of errors, failures in their work or when influencing viruses, information on them may be at risk.

What to do in case files have become inaccessible? They can be returned with special programs, some of which we consider in this article.

Problems with HDD.

Interruptions B. hard work Discs may occur for several reasons. They can be divided into two groups - mechanical and logical. In the event of mechanical problems, the most optimal solution will appeal to service center, because they can be quite serious.

Signs of such problems are:

  • instability of the hard drive;
  • an increase in its loading time;
  • the appearance of the grincling, knocks and clicks when working.

Logical (software) malfunctions also lead to a variety of errors up to the loss of information stored on the disk. Let's look at the two most common problems.

HDD formatting

Formatting can be both random caused by negligence by the user itself and arising from the system failure. This leads to the loss of all files stored on the Winchester. In this case, it is not necessary to despair - the data is still subject to recovery. The main thing is to isolate the hard drive and not to save new data on it, as it can lead to the full loss of previously recorded files.

Failure of the boot unit

As a result, this failure ceases to start the installed operating systemMaking inaccessible information stored on Winchester. It arises as a result of critical OS errors, which can be caused by the action of malware. In this case, the data can also be restored.

Seatools - Specialized Program

For testing and restoring HDD Seagate, a software package that is called SeaTools has been created. This is a universal disk scanning tool for different errors and subsequent data recovery.

Composition of the utility

Seatools is a software package, each of which can be downloaded separately.

It includes:

  • funds hDD diagnostics For Windows, allowing you to check the disks with SATA, USB, ATA and SCSI interfaces;
  • hDD diagnostic tools for DOS, which will help check SATA and ATA hard drives using a boot disk;
  • Seagate File Recovery - utility for data recovery.

Note! Seagate File Recovery was developed primarily as a tool for working with Seagate discs, but this does not mean that the program supports only this brand of hard drives. It works not only with hard drives from other manufacturers, but also different types Media - flash drives, memory cards, external HDD.

Video: Restoration Seagate

Program installation

Consider the maximum simple process of installing a PC utility:

  1. download installation file For Windows (you can do it on the official website);
  2. keep it to the folder selected on the computer;
  3. after the download is completed, click on the file twice to start the installation;
  4. follows the instructions of the installer - select the directory where the program will be saved, confirm the choice;
  5. we are waiting for the end of the process.

Disc Check

After installing the program, launch SeaTools. The utility will define connected hard drives And will suggest to perform all kinds of tests.

After scanning if you have errors, you can spend automatic recovery damaged sectors, and also get detailed information About each of them. All these features are available from the Basic Tests menu. If you have questions about working with the program, you can use the built-in certificate in Russian.

We restore information using Seagate File Recovery

So, proceed to restore files:

  1. run the utility;
  2. go to the list of specific devices (hard drives, flash drives, etc.);
  3. press the right mouse button on the media and choose SCAN;
  4. in the window that appears, click again SCAN and wait for the completion of the search process for deleted or damaged files;

Important! The search process can occupy long time, depending on the scanned information. At this time, do not close the program and do not turn off the power.

Attention! Restored files cannot be saved to the original source device. For them, it is necessary to highlight the place on another hard disk or flash drive.

Other means restoring HDD Seagate

In addition to Seatools, there are many other universal programs that serve for this purpose. Consider some of them.


Recuva is a powerful and simple utility from the creators of such a popular product as CCleaner.

We start working with it:


Another popular program for operations with damaged files.

Working with it as follows:

Important! The scanning and recovery process may take a long time.

Raise Data Recovery.

Similar to the previous utility with a wide toolkit. With it, you can find damaged partitions that are not automatically defined, scan, restore and save the desired data.

If your choice fell on it, then:

Photorec 7.

Despite its name, PHOTOREC 7 serves to restore not only photographs, but also any data as a whole. It works both with hard drives and with other media.

We will proceed to work with it:

In general, the refund lost for one reason or another information on seagate hard drives is no different from working with hard drives of other manufacturers. To do this, you can use as specialized package SEATOOLS utilities and others universal programs. The process itself is not highlighted by special complexity and quite performed for regular user. We hope that our instructions helped you in this.


Seagate's hard drives, like any others, are not insured against trouble. As a result of errors, failures in their work or when influencing viruses, information on them may be at risk.

What to do if the necessary files have become inaccessible? They can be returned with the help of special programs, some of which we consider in this article.

Photo: SEAGATE Hard Drives

Problems with HDD.

Mixing hard disks may occur for several reasons. They can be divided into two groups - mechanical and logical. If mechanical problems occur, the most optimal solution will contact the service center, because they can be quite serious.

Signs of such problems are:

  • instability of the hard drive;
  • an increase in its loading time;
  • the appearance of the grincling, knocks and clicks when working.

Logical (software) malfunctions also lead to a variety of errors up to the loss of information stored on the disk. Let's look at the two most common problems.

HDD formatting

Formatting can be both random caused by negligence by the user itself and arising from the system failure. This leads to the loss of all files stored on the Winchester. In this case, it is not necessary to despair - the data is still subject to recovery. The main thing is to isolate the hard drive and not to save new data on it, as it can lead to the full loss of previously recorded files.

Failure of the boot unit

As a result, this failure ceases to launch the installed operating system, which makes the inaccessible information stored on the Winchester. It arises as a result of critical OS errors, which can be caused by the action of malware. In this case, the data can also be restored.

Seatools - Specialized Program

For testing and restoring HDD Seagate, a software package that is called SeaTools has been created. This is a universal disk scanning tool for different errors and subsequent data recovery.

Composition of the utility

Seatools is a software package, each of which can be downloaded separately.

It includes:

  • hDD diagnostic tools for Windows that allow you to check the disks with SATA, USB, ATA and SCSI interfaces;
  • hDD diagnostic tools for DOS, which will help check SATA and ATA hard drives using a boot disk;
  • Seagate File Recovery - utility for data recovery.

Note! Seagate File Recovery was developed primarily as a tool for working with Seagate discs, but this does not mean that the program supports only this brand of hard drives. It works not only with hard drives from other manufacturers, but also by different types of media - flash drives, memory cards, external HDD.

Video: Restoration Seagate

Program installation

Consider the maximum simple process of installing a PC utility:

  1. download the installation file for Windows (you can do it on the official website);
  2. keep it to the folder selected on the computer;
  3. after the download is completed, click on the file twice to start the installation;
  4. follows the instructions of the installer - select the directory where the program will be saved, confirm the choice;
  5. we are waiting for the end of the process.

Disc Check

After installing the program, launch SeaTools. The utility will determine the connected hard drives and will offer to perform all sorts of tests.

After scanning, if you have errors, you can carry out automatic recovery of damaged sectors, as well as get detailed information about each of them. All these features are available from the Basic Tests menu. If you have questions about working with the program, you can use the built-in certificate in Russian.

We restore information using Seagate File Recovery

So, proceed to restore files:

  1. run the utility;
  2. go to the list of specific devices (hard drives, flash drives, etc.);
  3. press the right mouse button on the media and choose SCAN;
  4. in the window that appears, click again SCAN and wait for the completion of the search process for deleted or damaged files;

Important! The search process This may take a long time, depending on the scanned information. At this time, do not close the program and do not turn off the power.

Attention! Restored files cannot be saved to the original source device. For them, it is necessary to highlight the place on another hard disk or flash drive.

Other means restoring HDD Seagate

In addition to Seatools, there are many other universal programs that serve for this purpose. Consider some of them.


Recuva is a powerful and simple utility from the creators of such a popular product as CCleaner.

We start working with it:


Another popular program for operations with damaged files.

Working with it as follows:

Important! The scanning and recovery process may take a long time.

Similar to the previous utility with a wide toolkit. With it, you can find damaged partitions that are not automatically defined, scan, restore and save the desired data.

If your choice fell on it, then:

Photorec 7.

Despite its name, PHOTOREC 7 serves to restore not only photographs, but also any data as a whole. It works both with hard drives and with other media.

We will proceed to work with it:

In general, the refund lost for one reason or another information on seagate hard drives is no different from working with hard drives of other manufacturers. To do this, you can use both the specialized package of seatools utilities and other universal programs. The process itself is not highlighted by special complexity and quite performed for a regular user. We hope that our instructions helped you in this.

If external hDD Seagate has ceased to be determined when connected to a computer, then the first thing is necessary to compile interface errors. Try connecting the removable HDD (hard disk) to another computer or replace the cable - sometimes it helps to eliminate the malfunction.

Check the performance of the controller

If you have stationary computerTry connecting outdoor hard Drive directly to motherboardUsing sATA interface. To do this, you will have to pull the HDD from the old container. If so hard drive is determined, you need to replace the controller. Buy a new box and install a hard disk from the old container. If the disk does not work even when connected via SATA, you should look at its software component - the cause of the failure lies in it.

Verification of the status of a disc

Connect the HDD to the computer and check whether it is determined by the system. The following error messages may occur:

  • No access.
  • Reading is impossible.
  • Format the media.

HDD format is not necessary - the information remote after deep formatting is difficult to return, besides, the error will not be corrected. Another sign is that the hard drive is not in order - incorrect display of volume. To see, in what condition is the HDD, let's go later further in the system's subsoil:

  1. Click on the "Computer" icon right-click and select the "Management" section.
  2. Open the "Disk Management" tab. Find the connected external hard drive.

HDD displays the correct volume, but the file system is defined as RAW. This is the reason that the hard drive does not open. To get rid of RAW, you need to format the disk in another file system. However, we do not want to lose important data, so before fixing the failure you need to pull out all useful information from the disk.

Restoring files

Let's try to pull out damaged disk All files using. It needs to download it (demo version is distributed free of charge) and install on a computer. This utility is able to restore data even after quick formatting by headers, so it must easily pull out files from a damaged disk. The program is universal: R-Studio is no difference, which disk is restored --seagate Barracuda, A-Data or any other HDD.

  1. Run the program and select the connected HDD from which you want to restore information. Click the Scan button. Check your search famous types Files and click Scanning.
  2. After the scan is complete, select the files you want to restore (they will be in the "Recognized" folder), and save them on another disk.

If R-Studio did not help return the necessary files, try other recovery programs - Recuva, etc. All these utilities are able to work with damaged file system And you can get useful information from the RAW disk.

Seagate File Recovery.

For hard seagate discs There is a program to restore files called Seagate File Recovery. She knows how to work with all series of Seagate disks (Barracuda, NAS, etc.) and hard drives from other manufacturers. You can download the utility on the official website Seagate.

After starting the program, a number of warnings appear on the screen. You can skip them - they are enshrined in them that you cannot restore files to that disc that you scan. The process of extracting information from the damaged media is extremely simple:

To save the file to another location, click on it right-click and select "Recover". Specify the place of saving. You can select multiple files or whole folders at once. To quickly transfer information from the damaged media.

How to return the disk to the working condition

The information is saved, but the hard drive is also desirable to return to the working condition. You can do this using the SeaTools utility, which is designed specifically to restore Seagate discs. You can download the program on the company's official website.

If the disk does not pass the test, then try to restore it with additional tests:

  1. Select damaged HDD.
  2. Open the "Basic Tests" section and select "Additional tests".
  3. In response to the warning that appears, press the F8 key. The "Additional Tests" button appears on the top panel. Click it and select "Full Erasing SATA".
  4. There will be a warning about full erasure of files. To start it, press F8 again.

Since all the information was previously retrieved from Winchester, you can easily format it if it corrected errors. After erasing, run a long test to verify that the HDD is now defined correctly.

Correction of failed sectors

If SeaTools tests could not eliminate the SEAGATE BARRACUDA or other hard drive, then check the disk surface using HDDScan or Victoria HDD programs. You can download these utilities for free, so no financial investments will be required. Let's see how Seagate Winchesters are restored, on the example of the program Victoria HDD:

More detailed information about the surface can be viewed on the left side of the main window. Special attention deserves the line "Reallocated Sector Count", which reflects the number of failure sectors, information from which is transferred to the backup place. Reference value - 0.

If failed sectors are too much, then the disk will not work.

For a deeper check, go to the Test tab. The check-run here will take a lot of time, but it will give a more detailed report on the state of the disk surface. Select the "Ignore" mode and set the marks near all blocks (only orange, red and blue can be noted. Click "Start" to start testing.

During the test, you need to follow the number of red and blue blocks found - these are bad blocks, due to which the hard drive works incorrectly. To delete them, you must start the second one after completing the second test by changing the "Ignore" mode to "Remap".

After remapping, failure sectors will be overwritten. You will lose information recorded on the hard drive, but will be able to just extend the life of his life. However, it is not recommended to use such a hard drive on a permanent basis - if bied sectors There was a lot, the hard disk will soon have to throw away.