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Viewing svg online. How to open SVG file? Specialized packages for creating SVG graphics

Not all users have dealt with files that have the .svg extension. In many cases, almost all of them delete such files indiscriminately, without thinking about which program was first associated with the SVG file.

The article will focus on exactly what tools allow you to open a file in order to carry out editing and, in general, whether you need to do it.

.Svg file extension?

The simplest notation is necessary first. An inexperienced user may not understand the question of how to open an SVG file. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that initially files of this type are needed to process graphics with a change in the raster or vector mode. In the case when the end user is a complete layman in such a matter, he has nothing to explain. As for the rest of the audience, it should be noted that the problem itself, how to open the SVG format, is largely due solely to the choice of the required application, which is installed by default or another similar to it.

How to open SVG files by default?

It should be noted that the most simple method open file of various types is to make a double click in an ordinary "Explorer". It should be noted that in this case the operating system independently determines which tool from its set is used to open a file of a given type. An SVG file is essentially generic. In fact, every program that supports the Scalable Vector Graphics standard, from which the abbreviation comes, is able to function with it without too many problems. It is worth noting that the same Adobe illustrator or Corel Draw package latest version or similar software packages can process files of this type.

If the appropriate applications are installed, problems usually do not arise. In the case when a simpler program is used, for example, the usual "Microsoft" Paint, Paint .NET or an editor that are part of the main package Microsoft Office any version and year of release, you should not count on something supernatural. Of course, they are capable of working with such data, but they do not always act as best utilities intended for editing. The SVG file may not be recognized by them.

One way or another, you can just view the picture, change its location on the sheet, slightly "edit" the colors or saturation. As for the rest, it will remain as it was, and sometimes even worse. Thus, you need to look at how you can open the SVG file in the editing area using the accompanying programs and applications.

SVG data processing tools

Surprising as it may seem, the .svg extension is believed to have no affiliation in terms of the associated program. However, it is a scalable graphics format. It's worth noting that it doesn't really matter what the SVG file is open. If there are enough installed programs and applications, the operating system independently prompts you to choose the appropriate application. Do not forget that a similar problem, which has to do with how and with what to open an SVG file, can be considered from the other side. After all, files of this type can contain HTML or XML markup. Thus, it is necessary to edit such data using specialized programs.

One way or another, when assessing the issue that is considered in this article, in the so-called global plan, it is worth noting that opening SVG files does not go beyond the scope of concepts generally accepted among users. And this is not surprising, since the format itself, as well as the accompanying extension, are related to graphics. This means opening for viewing and editing is provided from the outset. Moreover, it does not depend on the availability of special editors, as well as operating systems.

The only thing that can be advised is to install universal clients such as ACDSee or something similar, which can both recognize an SVG file on entry level, and work with it in a full-fledged editing mode. Its use can even change the structure of the desired file. In this regard, the SVG file format can support any internal external changes, and even those that relate to paraphernalia.

In the presented article, the question of what SVG files are. The main aspects of such a problem are considered and methods of its solution are proposed. This information is able to help many users who are interested in this issue.

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a scaled file vector graphics very powerful, written in XML markup language. Let's find out with the help of which software solutions you can view the contents of objects with this extension.

Considering that Scalable Vector Graphics is a graphic format, it is natural that the viewing of these objects is supported, first of all, by image viewers and graphic editors. But, oddly enough, until now, rare image viewers cope with the task of opening SVG, relying only on their built-in functionality. In addition, objects of the studied format can be viewed using some browsers and a number of other programs.

Method 1: Gimp

First of all, let's look at how to view drawings of the studied format in the free graphics editor Gimp.

Method 2: Adobe Illustrator

The next program that can display and modify images of the specified format is Adobe Illustrator.

Method 3: XnView

We will start examining image viewers working with the studied format with the XnView program.

There is another option for viewing SVGs in XnView. It is carried out using the built-in browser.

Method 4: IrfanView

The next image viewer, by the example of which we will consider viewing the studied type of pictures, is IrfanView. To display SVG in the named program, the CAD Image DLL plugin is also required, but unlike XnView, it is not initially installed in the specified application.

The picture in this program can be viewed by dragging the file from "Explorer" into the IrfanView shell.

Method 5: OpenOffice Draw

The Draw application from the OpenOffice office suite can also view SVG.

You can also view the image by dragging and dropping the file into the OpenOffice startup shell.

You can also launch it through the Draw shell.

Method 6: LibreOffice Draw

Supports Scalable Vector Graphics display and OpenOffice competitor - office suite LibreOffice, which also has an image editing application called Draw.

Another method of opening is to drag and drop a file from file manager to the LibreOffice startup shell.

Also in LibreOffice, like in the previous software package we have described, you can view SVG through the Draw shell.

Method 7: Opera

SVG can be viewed in a number of browsers, the first of which is called Opera.

Method 8: Google Chrome

The next browser capable of rendering SVG is Google Chrome.

Method 9: Vivaldi

Vivaldi is the next web browser to use as an example for viewing SVGs.

Method 10: Mozilla Firefox

Let's figure out how to render SVG in another popular browser - Mozilla Firefox.

Method 11: Maxthon

Enough in an unusual way it is possible to view the SVG in the Maxthon browser. The fact is that in this web browser, activation of the opening window is, in principle, impossible: neither through graphical controls, nor by pressing hot keys. The only option to view the SVG is to enter the URL of this object v address bar browser.

Undoubtedly, this option Opening locally located vector graphics on your hard drive is much more awkward and more difficult than other browsers.

Method 12: Internet Explorer

Let's consider the options for viewing SVG using the example of a standard browser for Windows operating systems for Windows 8.1 inclusive - Internet Explorer.

Despite the fact that SVG is a vector image format, most modern image viewers cannot display it without installing additional plugins. Also, not all graphic editors work with this type of pictures. But almost all modern browsers are able to display this format, since it was once created, first of all, for posting pictures on the Internet. True, in browsers only viewing is possible, not editing objects with the specified extension.

There are many formats for images, but they are all divided into two large classes - raster and vector. The former are mainly used for various complex and detailed graphics, for example, photography. In them, each pixel is the smallest element, it can have its own color, and the file, in general, simply stores the colors for each point in the image. Of course, different methods are used to compress the size of the information, and from this comes many bitmap formats - bmp, png, jpg and others. Usually jpg shows the best efficiency, as it produces a small file with good detail. But it has a drawback - the loss of information when compressing information. Therefore, if the file size is reduced, the image deteriorates.

Working with SVG files.

And even when such photos are enlarged, pixels become visible. Vector formats work in a completely different way. They use lines, segments, shapes that are described by mathematical formulas. Any space that is limited by them can be filled with color or gradient. The result is an image that is not tied to specific dimensions - it can be easily compressed or stretched to huge sizes without loss of quality. One of these vector formats is SVG. And it is becoming more and more popular, especially in the web development environment.

General description of the extension

Type of SVG file- short for Scalable Vector Graphics, that is, scalable vector graphics. The markup languages ​​VML and PGML are used to describe the image. In fact, it is Text Document, which describes for each shape the coordinates of the vertices and lines passing through them, as well as the colors of different elements. The first version of this format was released in 2001, and now the second version is being actively developed. That is, it is promising and developing. One of the advantages is the small file size, in which rather complex drawings can be saved. Therefore, now more and more icons, pictograms, logos and other elements of sites are used in this format, and not in raster ones. This speeds up the loading of the site. The unique capabilities of the SVG format include interactivity and animation. The first allows the picture to react to user actions, for example, to a mouse click or movement of some elements. Animation allows for fairly complex scenarios. All together allows you to create very beautiful and lively graphic elements for sites. They can even be embedded in regular bitmaps in png, jpg and others formats.

How to open SVG file

On the Internet, you can find many of these pictures on photo stocks, including free ones. They are created in graphic editors. Adobe photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, and some others. But the question arises - how to open the SVG format. After all, the built-in Windows tools do not show which pictures they contain. Although you can edit SVG even in a text editor, for example, in Notepad, because it is a text document, you need to have a lot of knowledge in markup languages. You can open an SVG file either in the program in which it was created, or in some other graphics editor that supports this format. Most Popular:

Of course, the list of programs for working with vector graphics is not limited to these names. There are a lot of them, including the most popular Adobe editor Photoshop can save images as vectors and has a plugin to open them. Do not forget about the most popular vector graphics editor Corel Draw, which can be called the most popular.

What else can cause problems with the file

Conventional Windows tools and many other operating systems, SVG files will not open. To see their contents and even more to edit them, you need to install any graphics editor that supports this format.

Most popular graphic editors allows you to save images in several formats. If the program works with raster graphics, then raster formats are offered for saving files, if with vector, then, accordingly, vector formats. However, there are bitmap editors that support the export of drawings to vector and mixed formats. Such, for example, is Adobe Photoshop, which can export a drawing to SVG - a fairly common format today that can store both raster and vector graphics.

What is SVG format and where is it used

Developed in 2001 by the Consortium World wide web, the SVG format is not an ordinary document. It is based on the VML and PGML markup languages, that is, we are talking, in fact, about text file... In doing so, editors and browsers interpret SVG as an image, which can be either static or animated. As the most common format for storing vector graphics, SVG is now widely used for storing and distributing vector and mixed images on the Internet.

Like all formats, SVG has its pros and cons. The former include scalability without loss of quality, relatively low weight, the ability to integrate PNG, GIF, JPG images into SVG documents, editing (with appropriate experience) in text editors, indexing by search robots, animation support and prevalence. The advantages of the format should also include good compressibility, openness and adaptability.

On the other hand, SVG inherits disadvantages with all that it implies. The format is poorly suited for creating complex objects, as SVG files quickly gain weight if they are composed of many small details. In addition, programs need to read the entire document to display a picture, which makes it difficult to apply the format in cartographic applications. Among the disadvantages of the format, we note the relatively low cross-browser compatibility and the absence of at least minimal support for 3D graphics.

The best editors for working with SVG files

As already mentioned, you can edit the SVG file in a regular text editor, but for this you need to have specific knowledge. It is much more convenient and correct to use vector graphic editors.

Adobe illustrator

The most powerful tool that is great for the role of an SVG editor. Adobe Illustrator has an impressive set of tools for working with vector and combined graphics. It allows you to create and edit both simple sketches and complex artistic illustrations. When working with the SVG format, the editor allows the use of layers and scripting languages, the use of special effects.

Boxy svg

You can also open SVG images using the Boxy SVG application specially created for working with this format. This editor is in many ways inferior to Adobe Illustrator, but you will find all the basic tools for creating and editing SVG images in it. The application supports working with shapes and objects, importing fonts and pictures of popular formats, working with the Pixabay library, viewing and editing source code SVG and CSS. Boxy SVG is available as an online service and as an app for Windows 10, macOS, and Chrome OS.


How to open SVG file yet? To work with files of this type, there is the Vectr program, which does a very good job with the editing tasks assigned to it. The application provides such functions as changing individual parts of a vector image, working with layers, adding text and primitives, applying effects (for example, transparency, stroke, outer and inner shadows), using gradients, pen, lines and other tools. Vectr is free and available for Windows, Linux and Chrome OS.


Unlike the previous two programs, Inkscape doesn't need much introduction. This powerful and utterly free editor can be used both for editing and for creating vector graphics of any complexity, from SVG icons to full-fledged illustrations. Inkscape program knows how to work with paths, text, markers, layers and channels, gradients and textures. Bitmap vectorization, SVG color management, and more are also supported.

By the way, you can change the SVG color by editing the source code of the file, but for this you need to have at least a basic understanding of the CSS language and color codes. By editing, for example, the style parameter in the code block highlighted in the screenshot, we changed the white color to red. And so, of course, if you can edit SVG, then Inkscape and similar programs.

How to open SVG online

If you need an online SVG editor, use the web versions of Boxy SVG, Vectr, and Inkscape. The functional set of such editions is practically one-to-one, as in the desktop versions. Inkscape, for example, can be launched from the project.

If you're looking for something simpler, try Sketchpad, an online vector editor available at Sketchpad has tools such as brushes, lines, arrows, primitives, clipart, pen, crayon, airbrush, fill, etc. There is work with layers, palette and gradients.

But for creating SVG images "from scratch" the service is not very suitable, although the function of arbitrary drawing is supported by it. The editor is aimed at novice users, so you can easily figure it out.

SVG to PNG converters

You can view the SVG file as a regular picture by simply dragging it onto the browser window, but it also happens that the SVG document needs to be converted into a more accessible and familiar graphic format, say, PNG. If convertible files a lot, it makes sense to use the free tool SVG2PNG which allows you to batch convert SVG to PNG in batch. To convert SVG to PNG, run the utility, drag vector files into its window, click "Start" and get the result.

From the author: SVG images are not as common as our favorite bitmaps PNG formats and JPG, however the benefits of vector graphics are attracting more and more designers. Designers are increasingly using vector graphics in their projects. Previously, we needed to download desktop applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape, but in 2017 you can design vector graphics without leaving your browser. If you've been looking for a free SVG editor, you can start with these six free tools.


Vectr – a good choice for beginners and advanced SVG users. The interface is neat and not cluttered with a lot of tools you won't be using. The editor is well suited for those new to vector illustration. The user should not get lost among the tools that are not clear for what they are used. The set includes several lessons. Even if you are a complete zero with SVG, you have the ability to quickly learn.

However, all of the above does not mean that Vectr has poor functionality. It contains all the basic set for creating a regular image: shapes, text, layers, shadows, frames, backgrounds, etc. It can't compare to a full-fledged desktop editor, but it's more than enough for quick designs and edits. You can create an image from scratch or upload an existing one.

When loading complex illustrations into Vectr, errors (maps or detailed diagrams) may occur. The editor doesn't always handle complex graphics well. However, for simpler SVGs (icons, logos, etc.) this editor will suffice.

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If in online versions there are no functions you need, you can download the desktop version of the application. The editor is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Chromebooks.

Perhaps the coolest feature in Vectr is that you can link and embed images directly from the Vectr site, making it an efficient SVG hosting. Many services block the loading of SVG files, so this is a big plus. You can display SVG images from Vectr on remote sites like WP, Medium, Tumblr, etc. that block direct loading of the SVG, but allow it to be displayed remotely.

Vectr lets you share vector graphics in the editor panel so others can modify the graphics you create. That is, you can, for example, make an SVG logo template, which users will already be finalizing for themselves. All this in the browser.

To this end, Vectr recently released a version of the editor in the form plugin for WP.


Unlike other tools on the list, when you go to home page RollApp, the editor does not open in front of you. RollApp is a bundle of apps, and the SVG editor is just one of the apps. Great tool, this is the browser version Inkscape.

You need an account to work with RollApp. You can register a new one or log in with using google, Facebook, Amazon. Very convenient, I hate creating thousands of new accounts just to see the application.

Inkscape at its best! RollApp is without a doubt the most feature-rich application on the list. You are literally using Inkscape in your browser! I haven't compared every detail, but this app looks like ALL Incscape features like layers, objects, text, paths, filters, effects, extensions, etc.

Large files are not processed so quickly, because actions are performed on the application servers and via the Internet. In short - if you need to edit large and complex files, RollApp is not ideal, but for other tasks outside the basic set, this editor is better than others.


If you've been a SitePoint reader for a long time, you should be familiar with the editor. BoxySVG, because in the last 12 months we have already talked about it. I will not do detailed overview since this is already done in this article.

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Importantly, since Alex's review, BoxySVG has added a code inspector, making it one of the most up-to-date SVG tools for web developers.


A couple of years ago Janvas was a very popular SVG editor. Unfortunately, this editor has not been developed recently, but even so it still works. The web is moving forward, and Janvas is standing still, so interest in it has faded. Alex from SitePoint worked with this tool for a bit in 2013-14 (including paid version) and even answered questions for a while on google page+. Janvas has been a pretty powerful tool.

The main problem with Janvas is that it is a little outdated. Browsers are evolving, and apps that don't follow browsers are becoming less stable every day. Janvas has many features: shapes, text, drawing tools, paths, masks and layers. However, users on the forums say that a lot of these features do not bring the desired result.

There is good news - it will come out a new version as a Chrome app. Hopefully they will fix the problems.


You may have already chosen a free online SVG editor. If not, then move on. DrawSVG- Fully compatible SVG editor with many features. I really like that this application's design is really tailored for the web and does not look like a port of a desktop application for a browser. The menu is located on the left, click to open the second level menu, etc.

With DrawSVG, you can draw, modify, and render objects. You can draw simple shapes, there are Bezier curves, straight and curved text, many stroke and fill styles, etc. Also SVG can be exported to PNG.


SVG-edit- the grandfather of online vector graphics editors, appeared in the mid-2000s. There is no server functionality, everything works in a browser. You cannot save your work without adding your own functionality.

However, for an editor whose life began as a highly limited and inconspicuous vector drawing program, SVG-edit functionality has been continually improved.

With SVG-edit you can draw simple shapes (lines, rectangles, circles, polygons, freehand lines, etc.), use paths, layers, gradients, you can view and edit SVG sources, export to PNG, JPEG, BMP , WEBP, etc.


In addition to these 6 SVG editors, there are others, but few offer more functionality than the five shown above.

If you want to get serious about SVG, and these tools don't have the functionality you need, you can always download a desktop SVG editor like Illustrator or Inkscape. However, for ease, speed and flexibility, all of the above editors offer useful set functions.

PS: can also try Figma... It's more of a UI builder, not an SVG editor. However, it has a great set of tools and generates well-optimized SVG code.