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Usb adapter for radio without. Workshop on making a USB adapter for OEM radio tape recorders

When purchasing a vehicle, motorists pay attention not only to its technical condition, but also to the level of comfort that accompanies this vehicle. Of course, over time, even the most modern equipment of a technical means becomes obsolete, there are alternative options, which are even more actively welcomed by motorists. The modernization process is developing rapidly, affecting, among other things, the equipment of the cabin with playing devices.

You can connect a USB flash drive to the car radio to listen to music.

A few years ago, one could find on sale car radios designed for use optical discs... Currently, the most popular are devices that play music files from a USB flash drive. Of course, relying only on the source of playback, it is difficult for most motorists to abandon their favorite car radio. In addition, most digital devices implemented in trading network are of dubious origin.

If you want to leave your radio tape recorder, but equip it with additional devices, thanks to which it will become possible connection to it a flash drive, then it will be quite useful for you to study the recommendations on how to quickly connect a flash drive to the car radio.

Connection options

There are several options for solving the problem associated with connecting a removable storage device to a playback device. Among such options there are those that are welcomed by only a limited number of motorists. An excellent alternative to them are quite popular actions that allow even those who do not have a technical education to figure out how to connect a USB flash drive to a radio tape recorder.

You can, of course, not subject yourself to any tests, but just visit a trading establishment and purchase a high-quality reproducing device of a famous brand. However, such a solution to the problem for many, although it will be desirable, is not at all affordable. For this reason, it is still useful to consider the recommendations of motorists who have gone through such a path of modernization, how to connect a USB flash drive to a car radio without a USB connector.

Perhaps someone already has experience connecting a flash drive to a radio tape recorder using a Bluetooth adapter. Of course, this option can be considered as one of the most likely ways to solve the problem. However, those who have already gone through such a technical solution path, in most cases, remained dissatisfied with the result.

First of all, you need to connect to the cigarette lighter, respectively, you have to consider the need to purchase a splitter. And this is not only additional financial waste, but also the appearance of some kind of discomfort when the protruding parts do not allow fast movements. In addition, such a specific conglomeration provokes a decrease in the aesthetics of the car interior. However, the main disadvantage is that you cannot expect high quality sound reproduction.

Some skilled technical craftsmen can not only successfully implement a USB adapter into any car radio, but also design it themselves in advance. However, this option is unacceptable for absolutely everyone, since you have to work with microcircuits, boards, which are important to understand. Even one incorrectly performed soldering can provoke a failure of the car radio.

A burnt-out board can certainly be replaced, but this again requires certain knowledge and skills, and you will also have to fork out, since the cost of such a "detail" can be quite high. In the retail network, if you wish, you can find a special USB adapter, which is completely simple to connect to your existing car radio.

This way of solving the problem is good in that it eliminates the need to disassemble the device, as well as connect to the cigarette lighter. You just need to initially remove the radio tape recorder and remove the ribbon cable.

The next step will ensure that your desire is achieved. Between the connectors of the radio tape recorder and the wires, you will need to install the purchased special adapter, which has a hole for the subsequent connection of a USB adapter to it.

After you have connected everything specified devices, it remains to return the car radio to its usual place, place the adapter where you think is acceptable for you. Most motorists prefer to place the USB adapter in the glove compartment, in this way, providing comfortable access to it, but at the same time hiding the device from prying eyes, which helps to maintain aesthetics.

However, this is not the end of your actions. Only theirs ends technical side, and in front there is a part of the manipulations associated with the necessary settings.

IMPORTANT. The radio tape recorder is designed to work with optical discs, so the USB adapter acts as an emulator that "deceives" your radio tape recorder.

No special "preparation" removable storage you will not be able to deftly "deceive" your radio tape recorder, so you should subject the flash drive to some settings. Connect the removable drive to your computer, then create seven folders on it. Each should be signed as a "CD" with a number appended. All the first six folders must remain empty, and the seventh folder "CD 7" will just be the storage for the music files.

IMPORTANT. If you ignore these tips, you will not be able to play music.

Using such recommendations, you can return to "life" those radio tape recorders that already read poorly optical discs, due to the fact that the laser head is worn out. In addition, it will become much easier to update music albums, because the flash drive allows you to record music files quickly and efficiently. The quality of the reproduced sound will be excellent, so it will satisfy any music lover.

So, connecting a flash drive to a car radio is a process that everyone can carry out if they carefully familiarize themselves with the algorithm for carrying out the recommended actions aimed at upgrading the existing sound device.

Have a nice day, everyone!

The underwritten is likely to cause confusion among true connoisseurs. good sound, but, nevertheless, with the help of this module several sound-reproducing devices have been redone, the new owners are quite satisfied.

From time to time, I had thoughts to somehow diversify the playlist in my car. At the same time, I really did not want to change the head unit, because for some reason I got used to it.

I drove for a long time, listening to music using various players, the output of which was connected to the line-in of the radio (the line-in, of course, had to be done by myself)

I have long waited for the Chinese brothers to invent something that can be inserted into the head unit, and finally waited.

Price $ 7.8

The photo is on the site, here from me general form from the side of the details.

As soon as one such board arrived, the child asked to install it in speakers... It turned out neatly, you can listen to music from a flash drive, and, oddly enough, all radio stations were caught on a stub of wire without hissing and with acceptable sound quality.

Since I did it at work in my spare time, and my colleagues were interested in what I was doing, the next three fees met the same fate.
One was installed in speakers, two in old radios.

The owners are glad if they used to have a radio on the refrigerator, now a radio with flash drives.

And now, finally, my hands reached the head unit in the car.

The sound quality suits me, the digital noise, oddly enough, is absent even in the pauses. I think the sound is about the same as if we took it from the line-out of a conventional sound card and serve it to the speakers. And if you compare it with what was (and there was only one radio in the car), then I'm just very pleased.

A little more about the device:

With the help of the module + purchased amplifier microcircuit + old 25W speakers + homemade case, we got a super-duper boombox for a summer residence. Plays loud, floors vibrate

In the case of mp3 there is a semblance of an equalizer, in the case of a radio there is no equalizer.

The remote control catches from five meters.

There is fast forward, backward, pause, autosearch of stations. There is no random playback. Shows only the track number. Tracks are played in the order in which the files are recorded, using this, you can create a kind of playlist.

If there is both an SD and a flash drive, then you can switch from one to the other.

In general, we can say that the module is the insides of the minibumboxes described in the adjacent topics, but it costs less due to its low weight.

It should be noted that different variations may come.

They come with an amplifier for each channel (about 1W each), sometimes without it. There are some with a clearly defined linear output, it so happens that you need to look for it on the board.

At the HH, there are various options for such devices. I liked the described one because the indicator can be disconnected and, by connecting it via a ribbon cable, it can be more flexibly installed in the donor device.

I could not find it cheaper anywhere, so I had to buy it at DH, kicked them for a month to be sent, then waited another month. If this feature of the store is unknown, you should take it into account.

I hope the review will be useful to the readers.

Thank you for your attention.

Recently, USB port in the car was almost an element of luxury. But, even today it is not uncommon for cars that do not have this type of connectors. And there is no need to talk about cars produced more than ten years ago.

But before answering the question of how to connect USB to the head unit, let's find out what a USB connector and AUX cable are and for what purposes they are needed.


In English, USB reads as Universal Serial Bus, which literally means universal serial bus. A special connector in the car radio (laptop, music Center, tablet, etc.), for serial connection different types devices.

AUX - an output on a radio tape recorder, as well as an adapter cable equipped with specialized connectors and performing the same role as USB. (Connects various devices and equipment for the car's head unit).


How to connect an iPhone to a radio tape recorder via USB? The action is performed through the AUX connection (connector on the radio panel and cable) of your iPhone and the standard Focus 2 auto player. In this case, the iPhone plays the role of a carrier audio information(files) and radio, and the player itself acts as a sound amplifier.

  • Ease of connection allows you to use the radio, any device.
  • No additional configuration required.

Cons of connection:

  • Hanging cables.
  • The iPhone battery is gradually discharging.

The connection is USB, it connects almost all devices with the corresponding port, but unlike the AUX connection, control can be carried out not only from the device itself, but also from the car radio panel or from the steering wheel of the car, if such functions are connected. Setting up (synchronization) of equipment is done in automatic mode and often looks like two commands on the display - connect the device and - insert the cable into the connector.

Positive aspects of connecting via USB:

  • Unlike AUX, the rechargeable battery of the iPhone is charged, which is very important given its extremely high level of power consumption.
  • Possibility of active use of the display of the standard audio player.
  • The disadvantage is the presence of a wire in the cabin.

All of the above is also the answer to the question - how to connect the phone to the radio tape recorder via USB.

Flash card

A carrier of video and audio information that has replaced technically obsolete CD - disks. Differs in a large amount of built-in memory.

You can connect USB to a radio without USB, due to its absence in the standard configuration, in several ways.

The first is a USB connection - an adapter designed for a car. This device is connected through the input / output intended for a CD - player, which is definitely available on all models of obsolete, head unit... With this connection, the OEM receiver takes the adapter for a multi-disc player (CD changer) and plays the recorded music files. The changes in management are not significant, just the buttons previously responsible for changing disks (disk, - +) now control the sound files of the flash card, and the buttons for selecting a specific composition perform the same function, but already in the file itself.

Very similar in appearance, USB adapters can differ in the connectors on the connection cables. Depending on the make and model of the vehicle.

The second is USB and Bluetoth as a universal connection.

DIY USB connection

To do this, you will need any cheap (Chinese) MP-3 player that reads information from flash memory cards, with a headphone jack.

We remove the radio tape recorder from the front panel, disassemble the CD drive, the wire with positive (plus) power from the player, solder it to the contact of the disc player, at the point where the voltage is after switching on. We reconnect the sound in the same way. The MP-3 output to the AUX input of the radio is connected by a wire. The electronic board of the MP-3 player is built into the body of the standard car audio system. After removing the CD-drive, there is enough free space.

The main connection is the correctness and accuracy when making connections. To prevent the possibility of short circuiting the electrical wiring. The buttons responsible for controlling the functions of the MP player are transferred to similar ones from the CD changer.

After checking the correctness, consistency and reliability of all contact connections, the car radio is assembled and installed in the reverse order. And you get the opportunity to connect, listen to music from a USB flash drive and other digital devices.

Musical technology for cars is constantly being improved, becoming more and more functional every day. Today, it is not necessary to purchase multiple discs and constantly monitor their condition. Now it is enough to carry with you a compact flash drive with music. However, some car owners are faced with the problem of using a flash drive, and therefore they are interested in how to make a USB input in the car radio? We will tell you about some of the intricacies in our article.

Preparation for work

Before taking action, you should consider how much it might cost you. If you are an amateur in this business, you do not even need to start, so as not to spoil the radio tape recorder completely. The most in a simple way the use of an FM modulator is considered. This device allows you to upgrade the radio quickly.

Now it is possible to purchase any convenient model, since most of them are equipped with a USB flash drive connector. In addition to the USB connector, there are SD and microSD slots. So, through another device, you can listen to music from your flash drive. Of course, this option is considered the most primitive and not very aesthetic, so we will consider another way. It involves the use of a soldering iron.

How to make a USB input in your car radio correctly?

To begin with, they disassemble the modulator and look for a microcircuit under the case. The main thing is to consider the firmware that determines the functioning of the device. The model must be written on the microcircuit. To alter the radio for a flash drive, you will need to have an output connector sound signal... An audio out connector is found on the diagram, wires are soldered to it. You can check the work by connecting the speakers, and if there is a signal, everything is done correctly.

To install USB into a regular radio tape recorder, you need to be able to think spatially.

For the soldering process, it is necessary to use shielded type wires. They eliminate unnecessary pickups. In the existing modulator, which is charged from a car cigarette lighter, a stabilizer microcircuit is hidden in the power connector. This "tail" will have to be disassembled and the board removed.

The player's wire is soldered off, and a bar is attached in its place, and shielded wires are thrown from it to where there is a microcircuit in the radio tape recorder with places in 12V.

Then you should glue the window under the cassette receiver so as not to break the structure by inserting the cassette there. This completes the key work. All that remains is to install the device into a standard slot and listen to your favorite music from a USB flash drive. A video for consolidating the result is attached.

We often fill the space of our car with our favorite musical compositions. It is a pity that factory audio systems sometimes do not allow us to do this to the fullest. Car enthusiasts have alternatives in the form of USB car radios, MP3 adapters or MP3 modulators.

If a USB output is provided in the radio tape recorder, then connecting a flash drive will not be difficult. You need to insert the flash card into the slot, and the radio tape recorder will automatically start reading the contents of the media.

The MP3 modulator is connected via the car cigarette lighter socket. It is necessary to pull out the cigarette lighter and insert the modulator into the vacant socket. Depending on the type of modulator, find its wave in the FM radio frequency search. Connecting an MP3 adapter. MP3 adapter is a device that appears as a removable CD player. Remove the car radio from its socket. Connect the head unit to the adapter using the existing cable. The device connector connects to the CD changer connector on the rear panel of the radio. Route the cable where you think the MP3 adapter will be comfortable. The next time you turn on the ignition of the car, the adapter will start automatically, and information about the playing track will appear on its display. The MP3 adapter is controlled from the buttons on the instrument panel or from the remote control, and the reproduced sound is of better sound quality.

Car enthusiasts still prefer MP3 adapters. The price of such an adapter is slightly higher compared to an MP3 modulator. But the first one has additional features such as rechargeable mobile phone via USB connector.