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What monitor should be. Which monitor is better for games? Screen cover type

Desktop computer hard to imagine without a monitor. Some even use it when paired with a laptop. The monitor provides a wide view and high resolution so that system control and complex programs simplified. But these words do not apply to every monitor. Shop counters are literally littered with low-grade products that make computer work a real torture. Do your best to avoid buying such a monitor!

In this article, we will try to talk about which lines in technical characteristics should pay attention when choosing a monitor. You will also be able to understand exactly how to behave in the store in order to weed out low quality products. The main advice is to try not to take the advice of the sales assistant. His task is to sell exactly the product for which he will receive the greatest deductions. And good-quality monitors are not always such a product! Therefore, try to rely only on your knowledge.

The main rules for selection

If you are going to buy yourself a monitor, then prepare to face a lot of difficulties. We do not live in the 20th century, when all such devices were created using CRT technology. Modern monitors have a different matrix and, sometimes, are supplemented with certain functionality. Try to stick to simple rules - so you can at least understand what kind of monitor you need.

Decide on the size

Even before entering a store or visiting an online seller, you need to decide on the screen size. To do this, imagine what tasks your computer is used for. If you buy a monitor for installation in an office, then the extra large size will only get in the way. But you should not choose a very small model either - employees need to provide a comfortable work. In this case, the aspect ratio of the screen does not play a big role - options 4: 3 and 16: 9 are suitable. After all, no one is likely to watch movies in the office. If the monitor is purchased for home use, then you only need a model with an aspect ratio of 16: 9. The diagonal is at your discretion. Our advice is to choose a larger monitor, it is more comfortable to play and watch movies on it.

Think again about the purpose

Then you have to think a second time about the future use of the monitor. Now you have to decide how many devices you will connect to it. Such a product is not always used only in tandem with a PC. Some people connect to it game console and even a camcorder or photo camera. If you also want to have this opportunity, then choose a monitor with a large number of connectors (you need at least a couple of HDMI). But we'll talk about ports a little later.

Forget saving

A monitor is one that is purchased for many years of use. It will be ideal if such a device will last much longer than the computer itself. Therefore, try to force yourself not to save. Cheap models are assembled from poor quality plastics, which affects their appearance. You will get tired of a similar monitor after a year of using it. Also, budget models may have defects in design. For example, the use of low quality solder is widely known. Under the influence of high temperatures, it literally melts, after which the contacts open. This leads to deterioration of the image or its complete loss. Of course, the repair of such a breakdown cannot be called difficult. But would you like to visit service center and spend your money (such troubles usually happen after the expiration of the warranty period)?

Matrix type


You may think that all LCD screens modern monitors created using a single technology. But this is far from the case. There are three most popular types of matrices. All of them are seriously different from each other, which is noticeable by the picture displayed on such displays.

TN + film

Devices equipped with such a screen are the cheapest. But one should not expect much from such a monitor. Such a matrix has a number of disadvantages, while the number of advantages is only a short response time and a low price tag. The screen, created using TN + film technology, has narrow viewing angles. It is worth slightly moving away or looking at the monitor from above, as the picture is almost inverted. This greatly complicates the life of the computer owner. Although you can get used to it, which shows the high demand for such monitors.

Pros: minimum response time, low cost.

Minuses: narrow viewing angles, low brightness, incredible colors.


Screens created using IPS technology were originally used in tablet computers and smartphones. But now on store shelves, you can easily find monitors equipped with such a display. The viewing angles of such a screen will be close to maximum. The colors can be called very believable - but for this you will first have to work with the device settings. It is a pity that such a matrix is ​​more expensive, which is why the cost of the monitor seems overpriced to some people.

Pros: believable colors, high brightness, wide viewing angles.

Minuses: quite high cost, long response time.


This production technology was invented relatively recently. Monitors with VA screens are very expensive. An ordinary computer owner rarely decides to buy it. Yes, he does not need such a monitor, since it is primarily intended for photographers and video editors. The VA display has the greatest color depth. This allows it to display almost any shade. As a result, the colors are as natural as possible. The photographer can be sure that the picture will go to print exactly in the form in which he sees it on the monitor screen.

Pros: natural colors, high brightness.

Minuses: long response time, prohibitively high cost.


When choosing a monitor, be sure to pay attention to its resolution. This is one of the most important parameters! It's no secret that even tablets and tiny smartphones now have Full HD resolution. It would be silly for a much larger monitor to display a less clear picture. Try to weed out all models that do not have Full HD resolution, as they can be called morally obsolete.

Sure, the 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution will cost more, but it's worth it! Again, you are buying a monitor for more than one year. If now the smaller parameter suits you, then in the near future everything may change. After all, camcorders and smartphones are now shooting Full HD video. Do you like watching the finished material not in the best quality?

There are now monitors with more high resolution... But buying such a device should only be considered if you want to be on top of progress. If you are not considering buying a 4K camcorder or a very powerful video card in the future, then you do not need a corresponding monitor either.



On the back of the monitor, you will in any case find one or another number of connectors. All of them are required to connect system unit and other image sources. In the office, only one connector is usually enough - it can be DisplayPort, D-Sub or HDMI. At home, you may want to connect something other than a computer to the monitor. In this case, it is better to choose a model with a pair of HDMI ports. So you can alternate between working on a computer and playing on a console.

There may be some specific connectors on the monitor, but their presence is no longer important. Most modern technology transmits images via HDMI - these are the ports that are used most often.

Response time


This parameter primarily depends on the type of matrix. It is very important for any gamer. The shorter this time, the faster the screen will react to user actions. The easiest way to estimate the response time is using the example of sports simulators. If this parameter is equal to five to seven seconds, then a white train will be left behind the footballers or hockey players. If the response time is only two seconds, then you will not notice any artifacts.

If you do not consider yourself to be an avid gambler, then this parameter should interest you the least. As a rule, when watching movies, artifacts are not noticed, not to mention the usual work with the operating system.

Other factors of choice

Not all buyers of monitors are satisfied with displaying a high-quality picture. Some people would like to get their hands on a device with advanced functionality. If you are from this particular group of consumers, we advise you to pay attention to the following parameters:

3D support- if you thought that only televisions have it, then we hasten to dissuade you. There are gaming monitors capable of displaying a three-dimensional picture using one method or another. In particular, products that support NVIDIA technologies 3D Vision - shutter glasses are supplied with them (although not always). It is much more difficult to find a 3D monitor based on polarization technology on the market.

Built-in TV tuner- it can be possessed by monitors with a sufficiently large screen. In fact, such a device can be considered a TV, sometimes store owners place it in the appropriate department. Such a monitor allows you to be distracted from work from time to time, switching to watching TV. It may also have a picture-in-picture function.

Appearance- this is also an important factor influencing the buyer's inclination to a particular model. If the monitor has a thin bezel and a stylish stand, then the consumer will definitely want to buy this copy. We do not advise you to do this, but all things being equal, you should take note of the design.

Wall mountable- not every model has it. If you are not going to place the monitor on a table, be sure to make sure that you have an appropriate mount.

Most popular monitor manufacturers


Computer monitors manufactured by the Taiwanese company Acer are very popular all over the world. This is explained by a very reasonable price tag. In assortment of this manufacturer you can find both the simplest models, endowed with a low-resolution screen, and quite advanced, with a large number of connectors and a great design.


ASUSTeK is better known for tablet computers and computer components. But monitors are also coming off the assembly line of its factories. A fairly large assortment allows consumers to choose a device for specific financial capabilities. If budget models have a low resolution and a tiny diagonal, then this cannot be said about more expensive products. Flagship monitors ASUS just ask for a computer desk - they have such an impressive appearance.


Monitors from LG Electronics cannot be called particularly cheap, but they usually do not hang the maximum price tag on them. This can be said about the functionality, which is simplified only for budget products. If you don’t save money, you can purchase a variant with a good design and a decent set of ports on the rear panel. And the South Koreans also relied on 3D, which works with the help of polarization technology. It is supported by monitors with a fairly large screen diagonal.


Headquarters of AOC International (Europe) B.V. located on the territory of Amsterdam. The products are distributed almost all over the world. I wonder what the manufacturer is based on consumer electronics was in Taiwan in 1967. Now his monitors are in decent demand - this is facilitated by both the low price and adequate characteristics. Although low-end products rarely please customers, what is the fault of the outdated matrix.


Many of us first heard about the Taiwanese company BenQ after its purchase of the mobile division of Siemens. In fact, the consumer electronics manufacturer was founded in 1984. Laptops, peripherals and LCD monitors roll off its assembly line. The best products boast 3D shutter technology and attractive designs. Low-end products are much less interesting - they are equipped with a low-resolution matrix and a minimum number of ports.


Samsung Electronics was founded in 1969. Throughout its existence, it has produced great amount DVD players, music players, laser printers, air conditioners and, of course, computer monitors. In the assortment of the company, you can find both budget devices and advanced models endowed with 3D shutter support.


The Dutch company Philips has not been engaged in independent production of TVs and monitors for a long time. However, products under this brand are still rolling off the conveyor of TP Vision factories. It should be noted that this company got all the technologies previously owned by the Dutch. In this regard, buyers rarely have complaints about their monitors.


ViewSonic has tried to reach Russian market shortly after the collapse of the USSR. Its monitors (then they were created on the basis of CRT) were in constant demand. Now, under this brand, affordable LCD monitors are produced, the matrix of which is created using TN + film or IPS technology.


The American company Dell was founded in 1984. She is engaged in the production computer technology including peripheral devices. Dell Monitors can be easily found in offices and educational institutions in the United States and Canada. The company entered the European market relatively late, not to mention the penetration into the Russian retail counters. That is why Dell products are not in very active demand in our country.

Common Buyer Mistakes


If you decide to buy a monitor at random, then prepare for serious consequences! A cheap model can almost disgust you. Such a feeling will arise due to the minimum viewing angles - they will not allow you to sit at the computer big company... Also, do not forget to check the monitor in the store for dead pixels. Even one such point can cause irritation.

Some buyers are facing a shortage of connectors. They purchased a monitor at a time when only a computer needed to be connected to it. They didn't think about the near future. As a result, a set-top box or some other device had to be connected to the TV or deal with an inconvenient cable change.

Another common problem is buying a 3D-capable monitor when you simply don't need it. Therefore, you need to understand whether you are going to watch 3D movies in the future. If the answer is no, then the corresponding support will cost you too much - it is better not to overpay.

The monitor is one of the main components for a computer. And the right choice depends on how comfortable working with our PC will be in the next few years. Therefore, to monitor selection need to be treated responsibly. And right now I suggest that you familiarize yourself with basic concepts you need to know when choosing and buying a monitor for home computer.


Size and detail

The dimensions of the monitor are determined by its diagonal length. If other dimensions in the documentation are sometimes indicated in centimeters or millimeters, then the diagonal of the display is traditionally measured in inches. The larger the monitor, the more information can be displayed on it, and in general, the diagonal length is the main parameter affecting the usability.

Displays up to 17 inches are in the budget category. It makes sense to choose them only if you put larger screen just nowhere. For serious and constant work, it is worth purchasing office monitors with a diagonal of 17 to 19 inches. If you need to work with graphics or tables, or your home computer will be used as a mini-cinema, then the screen diagonal should exceed 20 inches.

Another parameter that determines the visible area is the aspect ratio. There are almost square displays with a ratio of 4: 3 (rarely 5: 4) and rectangular displays "elongated" on the horizontal side (16: 9). The first aspect ratio historically originated earlier, and is still convenient when you need to work with text information... Since documents and web pages are scrolled from top to bottom, the larger vertical size allows one glance to cover more lines. The 16: 9 ratio, called widescreen, came to the computer industry from cinemas. This ratio corresponds to the field of view human eye therefore, video and images on these screens are perceived more realistically. Accordingly, widescreen displays are recommended for moviegoers, designers and avid gamers.

The quality of the picture directly depends on the resolution - the number of pixels that fit vertically and horizontally. The higher the resolution, the more information can be simultaneously displayed on the display. In addition, increasing the resolution at the same diagonal means that the dimensions of one pixel are reduced. And since pixels are the points that make up the image, the smaller the pixel, the smoother the picture looks. True, for most desktop monitors, the maximum resolution is uniquely determined by the screen diagonal and aspect ratio. Some variations are possible only if the image is constructed using Various types matrices.

The matrix

The matrix is ​​the part of the display that is directly responsible for rendering. Color depth, display brightness and contrast, maximum viewing angles, pixel sizes, and response time depend on the quality of liquid crystals and backlighting.

All modern desktop LCDs are made on thin film transistors and are called TFT screens, but there are several manufacturing offshoots within TFT. The most common monitors are TFT TN; they have good image characteristics at a low price. TFT IPS displays belong to the office and professional categories (the latter usually includes displays on H-IPS matrices and P-IPS, featuring fast response time and maximum possible color rendering, respectively). TFT MVA and PVA matrices provide extremely high quality pictures and wide viewing angles, but due to the serious price, they are used mainly by people working with graphics.

Depth of color (in technical documentation there are the names "color rendering" and "number of colors") - a parameter that determines how accurately and in detail the display displays the color palette. Office screens transmit 16.2-16.7 million colors, professional designer displays and expensive multimedia displays up to 1 billion.

Brightness and contrast show how comfortable it will work in bright ambient light. They are determined by both the matrix and the backlight. For pixel illumination, CCFL lamps or LED-light-emitting diodes are used; the latter provide the best quality images and gradually become cheaper, displacing monitors on CCFL-backlighting. The LED backlight can consist of two white light bulbs located on the sides of the matrix (WLED) or an RGB LED system. The first type of backlight makes the monitors thinner and cheaper, the second one provides better image performance. In practice, WLED is used much more often, since the display quality varies slightly.

The higher the brightness and contrast, the better. Brightness is measured in candelas per square meter; acceptable for an office or unassuming home computer values ​​- from 200. Contrast is a dimensionless parameter, as it shows the ratio of maximum and minimum display brightness. Most displays have a contrast ratio of 200-300; contrast values ​​for professional displays start at 600.

Response speed is a metric that varies greatly depending on the type of matrix. It shows how small the time interval is between the transmission of a command to a pixel and a change in its state. The faster the response rate, the better display shows itself when watching dynamic videos and playing games. Best monitors have a response time of up to 10 ms, however, even more common time intervals - up to 16 ms - are not critical for most tasks.

The viewing angle values ​​determine the directions in which, when looking at the display, the picture is seen without color distortion. Large viewing angles are important for those screens that will be used to watch movies in a company. Viewing angles are determined by the display matrix, but not only; as a rule, these angles are measured separately for each model to take into account the effect of glass and coatings.

Important little things

At choosing a monitor there are several nuances to consider that do not directly affect the image quality. First, depending on specific model the display can be placed on a table or mounted on wall brackets. For office work, desktop placement is optimal, but even in this case, you should pay attention to the extent to which you can change the angles of rotation and tilt of the screen. Secondly, if you intend to often chat on Skype or arrange video conferences, then it makes sense to purchase a monitor with a built-in webcam. Finally, it's helpful to know before buying if your monitor has a glossy and anti-reflective finish. Displays with a glossy coating have the best brightness values, but without antiglare coating, they are extremely uncomfortable to work with outside ambient light falling from the side. Professional displays have both glossy and anti-reflective coatings.

So, summing up, you can make out what you should pay attention to when choosing a monitor:

  1. Monitor size.
  2. Aspect ratio.
  3. The matrix.
  4. Color rendition, brightness, contrast.
  5. Response speed.
  6. Viewing angles.

And this is where I finish, I hope I helped you, and now it will be much easier for you to decide which monitor to choose and buy.

When buying a computer, many pay main attention to its configuration, trying to buy a more powerful processor and a video card cooler than that of a gamer neighbor. Unfortunately, the monitor is chosen, as a rule, by the size of the diagonal and, as they say, "for the rest of the money." But it is a good monitor that will allow you to get the most out of watching a movie, playing a game or surfing the net.

Only a good monitor will give you the opportunity to sit for hours in front of the screen, typing or engaging in charting, without harming your eyes. In addition, the LCD monitor is an integral part of the modern computer, which practically does not fail and does not wear out. That is why they are bought much less often than other computer components.

In this publication, the specialists of our company will give recommendations on how to choose a monitor for your computer and what its characteristics should be paid special attention to.

Matrix selection

The matrix is ​​the main element of any LCD monitor. Color rendition, viewing angle and much more that are associated with comfort and healthy vision depend on its quality and manufacturing technology. And if you want to know how to choose a monitor so as not to become a client of an ophthalmological clinic in a couple of years, then when buying, pay special attention to the technologies used in the production of the matrix.

  1. NT- the most popular matrices, as the cheapest. In addition, monitors with this type of matrix are the most energy efficient and they have the highest matrix response speed. The disadvantages include: poor contrast, small viewing angles and low color rendering.
  2. PVA / MVA- more modern type matrices, with significant changes for the better in color rendition and color depth. Increased to acceptable standards and viewing angle up to 178 °. The disadvantages include not the best image contrast.
  3. IPS the technology used in the matrix does not have the disadvantages of their cheaper counterparts. Viewing angles 178 °, excellent contrast, clarity and color reproduction. The disadvantages include the rather high cost of the product.
  4. PLC- the most modern type of matrix with excellent brightness and good color rendering. In addition, this type of matrix is ​​characterized by low power consumption, but has a low response time and contrast that leaves much to be desired.

Many users ask which type of matrix is ​​better, TFT or IPS. The thing is that these two concepts cannot be compared, since all the technologies presented above are varieties of the TFT matrix. Technologies are different, but the matrix is ​​one. The specialists of our company responsibly declare that for solving problems where color rendition, clarity and contrast are important, monitors with TFTIPS matrix should be chosen. If economy and response time are important, then you should opt for monitors with a TFTNT matrix.

Screen diagonal

If you are interested in the question of which monitor to choose for a computer so that you can not only wander the Internet, but also perform all user tasks, then you should pay attention to monitors with a diagonal of 22 inches. Why exactly 22 let's figure it out.

  • 17-inch screens are no longer available.
  • The 19-inch models are great for work and school. These screens are too small for movies and games.
  • 20 “screens have a fairly high resolution, but a small area, so they have not won much popularity among users.
  • 22 ”are ideal for both work and everyday user tasks. In addition, most of the models are quite affordable.
  • 24 inches is usually the choice of gamers and people whose work tool is a PC. On such a screen area there are many open tabs, windows, which are an integral part of most specialized graphics programs.

When choosing a screen diagonal, do not forget about the format. There are widescreen devices with an aspect ratio of 16: 9; 16:10, and regular, with an aspect ratio of 5: 4; 4: 3.

Monitors 5: 4; 4: 3 is not produced with a diagonal larger than 21 ”. That is why they are most often purchased in institutions exclusively for work.

For user needs, it is best to purchase widescreen monitors, since modern films and games have the same format, so it will be quite comfortable to watch them.

Screen resolution

Many people think the higher the resolution, the better. It is difficult to disagree with this on one condition: each screen diagonal has its own optimal resolution, and the higher it is, the greater the load on the video adapter.

Before deciding which monitor to choose, you should know that most modern films are now released in FullHD 1080p quality, which corresponds to a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels. For 720p video content, a screen resolution of 1366 × 768 pixels is ideal. For specialized graphics programs, it is best to use monitors with a high resolution of 2560 × 1440.

PC connection connectors

According to the specialists of our company, the quality and depth of color rendering, first of all, depends on the technology of the matrix, and secondly, on the interface to which it is connected. Today, in modern monitors, you can most often see:

  1. Analog VGA connector. Typically present on obsolete and budget models... This interface does not provide high-quality image transmission.
  2. The digital connectors DVI and HDMI are the most popular connectors providing the highest quality picture transmission.
  3. The most up-to-date interface, DisplayPort, is usually equipped with high-end models. Like HDMI, it is capable of transmitting both video and audio signals, but it has a wider information transmission channel.

Today, the most optimal interfaces that a good home monitor should be equipped with are HDMI and DVI.

Despite its budgetary cost of 6500, BenQ GW 2265HM9H.LASLA.DBE is worthy of attention:

  • Diagonal - 21.5 "widescreen; 16: 9 with LED backlight.
  • Matrix - MVA.
  • The resolution is 1920 × 1080.
  • Viewing angle - 178 °.

This model is perfect for solving most daily tasks and will delight the owner of high-quality broadcasting of video content in FULLHD quality.

Packard Bell Maestro 226DXbd UM.WQ6EE.002

This model can be considered universal. With this device, you can study and work, browse sites and watch movies in FULLHD quality, despite the rather low price of 6900 rubles.

  • Diagonal - 21.5 ”widescreen; 16: 9 with LED backlight.
  • Matrix - IPS with excellent color reproduction.
  • The resolution is 1920 × 1080.
  • Viewing angle - 178 °.
  • Interface type - DVI-D (HDCP), VGA

The progressive matrix will allow you to unleash the full potential of this product in graphic programs.

Acer G247HLbidUM.FG7EE.006

This model is suitable for watching movies and will delight gamers, thanks to the matrix response of 5 ms. The cost of this model is 8600 rubles.

  • Diagonal - 24 "widescreen; 16: 9 with LED backlight.
  • Matrix - IPS.
  • The resolution is 1920 × 1080.
  • Viewing angle - 178 °.
  • Interface Type - DVI-D (HDCP), HDMI, VGA

We hope that after studying the materials of this publication, you will not have any difficulties in choosing a high-quality monitor for your PC.

When working at a computer, it is important to have not only a smart system manager, but also a good monitor. Today we'll talk about how to choose a monitor for a computer, which one is quite suitable for work, and which one you can safely buy for games, based on parameters such as diagonal size, matrix type, contrast and brightness optimal for the eyes, resolution and response time.

The quality of the image depends on the monitor, and therefore the comfort during work and simple surfing the Internet.

Monitor selection - size

From the beginning, you need to decide on the size of the monitor. The defining indicator is the length of the diagonal, measured in inches.

The most popular sizes today are 21.5, 23, 27 and 35 inches. There are several more intermediate sizes, but we will not talk about them. As for the size, here, everyone should choose a monitor based on their preferences.

The optimal monitor size for work is 21-23 inches, for games 27 inches and above.


The resolution of modern monitors ranges from Full HD to 2K, 4K and 8K. This parameter directly affects the clarity of the picture, and is measured by the total number of pixels (dots) horizontally and vertically.

Full HD- the minimum resolution for a high-quality monitor today, has the parameters of 1920 * 1080 pixels.

Choosing a monitor for games, and looking at the options with 4K resolution, you should ask the question, will your video card pull? The price of such monitors is quite high, and buying it without regard to the characteristics of the video card, you can waste your money.

Resolution and size are obvious parameters, and you probably know about them, but the monitor has equally significant characteristics that you should pay attention to, and it is important to understand what they mean. About such parameters, below ...

Backlight brightness

Backlight brightness is measured in candelas per square meter (cd / m2). We will not talk about what candela is, and how this unit of measurement appeared, you will find this information easily by using the search.

The fact is that liquid crystals do not emit light by themselves, therefore, to see the picture, we need a backlight; without it, the monitors would simply be black, as if turned off. Accordingly, the higher this characteristic, the brighter picture, we can get.

Good, but we would say the minimum indicator for a good monitor is 300cd / m2.

It is worth remembering that this parameter should be considered in conjunction with another equally tricky thing, contrast.


Contrast is the ratio of the white level to the black level, i.e. how many times white point lighter than black.

This is very important parameter although marketers make our choice a little more difficult by inventing the concept of "dynamic contrast". This figure can reach 100,000,000: 1. But what is it?

Dynamic contrast is also the ratio of white to black, but to black at minimum backlight and white at maximum backlight.

By and large, this parameter is absolutely meaningless, because why do we need to know how many times a monitor turned on is brighter than an off. Although it can be used as a light bulb in a home, why bother?

Therefore, do not be distracted by this parameter, but when buying a monitor, look for an indicator, namely static contrast, i.e. at the same backlight level.

Why is contrast important to consider in conjunction with brightness? We explain that when shooting a monitor with a camcorder, one monitor may look faded, and the other, juicy and contrasting.

Before us are three monitors, the middle one is working at the limit of its capacity, i.e. this is its normal contrast, at maximum brightness, and in reality, it seems a little darkish.

That is, everything that is in the shadows merges into a single dark spot, and when playing games, if the action takes place at night or in poorly lit rooms, it is very difficult to see something.

If you try to correct this situation with drivers or settings, for example, then yes, the shadows can be "pulled out", they will look normal, but then all the light areas will start to merge.

This is because, with good contrast ratios, the monitor has reached its maximum brightness, and this cannot be corrected.

If a monitor has, say, a brightness of 200cd / m2 with a contrast ratio of 600: 1, then looking at such a monitor, you will get the impression that the screen is covered with a dull film, and although the color rendition will be good, it will be inconvenient to read texts, and it will be inconvenient to play.

Conclusion: The brightness index in the monitor should be at least 300cd / m2 with a static contrast ratio of 900 to 1000: 1.

Response time

Another important parameter is response time. Usually in the characteristics it is indicated as Gray-to-Gray (GtG), this is the time it takes for a pixel to change the gray color brightness from 10% to 90%.

There is also an indicator Black-to-White (BtW), the time during which a pixel from a completely off, black state, can become as bright as possible, that is, white.

And one more parameter Black-White-Black (BWB or BtB), the time it takes for a pixel from the off state to turn white, and then off again.

Basically, manufacturers specify the response time as Gray-to-Gray. Most monitors now have 5 to 7 milliseconds. And most of us won't notice any difference at all. On old monitors, this indicator was 10, 15 and even 25 milliseconds, and there was a trail behind all moving objects on the screen, this was especially noticeable behind the movement of the mouse cursor across the screen.

Advanced gamers prefer monitors with response times from 1 to 4 milliseconds, but they are also more expensive, and in our opinion, this is not necessary, since it is difficult to notice such a small difference.

The matrix

Finally, we got directly to the monitor matrix. In simple words, this is the thing that forms the picture.

There are several types of matrices, while they have one base, liquid crystals, i.e. TFT displays differing in the technologies used.

TFT TN matrix- the most old technology and appeared to replace SRT monitors, i.e. monitors with a ray tube.

pros- cheap price and fast time response (1-4 ms).

Minuses- poor viewing angle. It is necessary to slightly deviate vertically or horizontally, changing the viewing angle, and the image on the screen becomes dark, changes the contrast, etc.

TFT AH-IPS matrix- replaced TN technology. Everyone is probably familiar with it, on all modern phones, I don’t think it is budgetary, it’s just an IPS display.

pros- good viewing angles, almost 180 degrees. From whatever angles you look, the picture practically does not change.

Minuses- price. IPS panels are significantly more expensive than TN, but that's understandable. Previously, the price gap was generally catastrophic, but now it has become acceptable.

Previously, IPS panels suffered from very long response times, but with the development of technology, the figure is 2-5 ms.

TFT MVA matrix- was invented as an alternative to the expensive IPS panels at that time. Accordingly, several goals were pursued, to lower the price and reduce the response time (5 ms). At this time, VA matrices have better contrast and better color rendition than IPS, and they cost either the same or cheaper.

pros- good contrast and richness of color, price.

Minuses- at a high angle, the picture becomes slightly yellowish and slightly less contrasting.

There are gaming VA matrices that have a response time of 2 or even 1 millisecond.

Conclusion: Monitors with TFT MVA matrix, we consider it very good and the right choice... These are the most versatile monitors, and for the price they are cheaper than IPS, and the contrast with brightness is at the level. Suitable for working with documents, graphics, games, watching movies.

Video on the topic of choosing a monitor

When, you already come to the store, before that, having studied a bunch of forums and read reviews, and you will roughly understand that you need to use the following software:

When buying a monitor, take with you a USB flash drive with a program called "TFT monitor test"(weighs about 250Kb). The program will allow you to check the monitor for dead pixels, backlight uniformity and much more.

Recall that the presence of 1 to 5 broken pixels is not a warranty case, and it can be problematic to exchange a purchased monitor. Therefore, it would be nice to have this program at hand.

Take with you photos or screenshots from games that you know how they look, so it will be easier for you to evaluate the quality of the monitor, since your eyes already know these images.

Play around with the monitor menus to adjust the brightness and contrast.

Check the package contents, as many monitors only come with a VGA cable, but it would be nice to have HDMI and DispleyPort outputs.

I hope we haven't missed anything and you have an idea of ​​how to choose the right monitor for your computer. Otherwise, write your comments and questions in the comments, we will try to answer. We deliberately did not cover the topic of studio monitors, or as they are also called monitors for designers, since professionals are interested in what they need.


Due to numerous requests, which rained down after the release of the article about choosing a mouse, I will tell you today how to choose a monitor for computer.

From this article you will learn what first of all you need to pay attention to in the technical characteristics of the monitor, what types of matrices and backlights exist, which monitor resolution is better, at what distance it is optimal to install it, what kind of "legs" are there for monitors and how to free up a workplace on the table "nailing" the monitor with nails to the wall.

I will describe to you the choice of available monitors for ordinary users that are suitable for most daily tasks, rather than professional and exorbitant prices.

Monitor selection- a very responsible event and you should not trust it to goofy consultants in stores. The vast majority of them do not understand at all what they are selling. I personally love to drive them into a state of deep stupor by dumping on them all the baggage of my knowledge of their product.

Read on to read this rather long article and the shopkeepers will beg you to work for them in the monitors department.

Perhaps I'll start with what matters when choosing a monitor ... with its size.

Which monitor diagonal to choose

So that friends and acquaintances who still use ancient monitors with a size of 17 inches do not tell you, and the truth in this matter is reinforced concrete - the larger the size, the better!

True, I think that for a computer monitor, you still need to limit yourself to 30 inches. Otherwise, your neck will simply hurt from the constant movement of your head from one edge of the screen to the other, or you will have to sit 1.5 meters from the monitor. And I'm not kidding, it is!

The big screen is better in every way. Starting from appearance and the effect "Wow!" everyone who sees your brand new monitor measuring 27 or even 30 inches, ending with the ability to display large quantity information on the screen and super-comfortable watching movies.

Our youngest son (two are already adults and live separately) has a computer with a monitor of only 23.6 inches - so when he leaves for school my wife and I almost fight for this workplace!

First conclusion- do not listen to anyone, if possible, choose a large monitor diagonal and you will not regret it, I assure you.

As you already understood, the size of the monitor is usually considered in inches and diagonally ...

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

What is the optimal distance to the monitor

When the monitor is large, it is very important to maintain the correct distance to the monitor. It is customary to consider the optimal distance to the screen according to the formula - the diagonal multiplied by a factor of 1 or 1.5

I will explain "on the fingers". Let's say a diagonal of 27 inches, translate it into centimeters: 27 x 2.54 = 68.58cm. Now we multiply by 1 and 1.5, we get the optimal distance to the monitor with such a diagonal from 69 cm to 103 cm.

By placing the screen at a safe distance for health, you can already by standard means operating system set the scaling of fonts, labels, and so on, so as not to tire your eyes peering at these elements.

Screen resolution and aspect ratio

Everything is very simple. Screen resolution is a measure of the number of dots per unit area.

If you look very closely and carefully at the image on the monitor, you can see such a picture ...

The picture is formed from such points. So, the more such points the monitor can display, the better and clearer the image.