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Description of jQuery Lightbox. The Best Lightbox Plugins for WordPress Lightbox Script

The most popular library is Lightbox Javascript, which we have been using for many years on desktops, but not on mobile platforms Oh.

I present to your attention 14 Lightbox plugins with support for mobile platforms.


PhotoSwipe - Lightweight, touch-enabled, and most importantly modular plugin that allows you to remove unnecessary parts that are not needed. It works well in mobile browsers. You can change images with a swipe of your finger, as if it were standard application, with smooth transitions.

  • Required libraries: no.
  • Browser support: IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and other mobile browsers.
  • License: MIT license

Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup is another lightbox plugin developed by the same author as PhotoSwipe, Dmitry Semyonov. The plugin comes as a jQuery/Zepto plugin and also includes support that PhotoSwipe lacks, such as video, maps, and Ajax support. This is a great alternative for those who prefer to have more options at their fingertips.

  • Required libraries: jQuery 1.9.1+ or Zepto.js
  • Browser support: IE7 (partial), .
  • License: MIT license


Swipebox jQuery plugin with support for touch gestures for mobile platforms. It also supports videos from Youtube and Vimeo besides images. Swipebox is easy to install and has several options to customize its settings. I think Swipebox is a bit too bulky a lightbox plugin for those who don't know JavaScript.

Lightbox for Bootstrap

Initially, the Lightbox plugin is missing from Bootstrap. Lightbox for Bootstrap fixes this. If you are using Bootstrap it is highly recommended to use this library. The plugin integrates well with Bootstrap.

  • Required Libraries: jQuery and Bootstrap module
  • Browser support: IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera
  • License: GNU license

Nivo Lightbox

Nivo Lightbox is a highly customizable lightbox plugin. Various options allow you to change appearance. For example: theme, appearance animation, and navigation view.

  • Required Libraries: jquery
  • Browser support:
  • License: MIT license

Image Lightbox

ImageLightbox is a simple lightbox plugin with no frills. It is only used for the image, hence the name. Neither video nor other types are supported. It also doesn't require additional HTML markup; tag is sufficient. This plugin is easy to use.

  • Required Libraries: jquery
  • Browser support: IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera
  • License: Unspecified

Mini Lightbox

Another lightbox plugin without add-ons. The library weighs only 2 kilobytes and only works with images. This is the perfect plugin if you're only developing for the latest version of the browser and don't need to support video or other formats.

  • Required Libraries: No
  • Browser support: Internet Explorer 10+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera
  • License: MIT license


Lightcase is a wonderful lightbox plugin. Supports several types of animations such as fade, elastic, zoom and scrolling. Moreover, it also supports various kinds of media including Youtube Embed, HTML video, SWF and input forms.

  • Required libraries: jQuery
  • Browser support: IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera
  • License: GPL license


Featherlight is a basic plugin, weighing 6 kilobytes for knowledgeable developers and includes only the essentials. If you need a lightbox effect, for example for a group of images in a gallery, you can enable the gallery extension. You can also develop your own plugin extension to use in your projects.

  • Required Libraries: jquery
  • Browser support: IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera
  • License: MIT license


LightLayer is an easy to use lightbox plugin. The plugin supports many options, custom JavaScript methods and custom events. The plugin works with images, videos, maps.

  • Required libraries: jQuery
  • Browser support: IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera
  • License: MIT license


LightGallery , another lightbox plugin from large quantity functions. It includes over 20 options to customize the various details of lightbox effects.

  • Required Libraries: jquery
  • Browser support: IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone
  • License: MIT license


Fluidbox lightbox plugin works with images. Includes support for various displays, including floating image, absolute position image, bordered and padded images, and galleries. There is also a WordPress plugin.

  • Required libraries: jQuery
  • Browser support: IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
  • License: MIT license


StripJS is a unique lightbox plugin. Instead of overlaying the image, the lightbox module slides side to side with the image so that the image won't block all the content. StripJS supports both images and videos.

  • Required Libraries: jquery
  • Browser support: IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS 5+, and Android 3+
  • License: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License

Lightbox is a small JavaScript library that is used to display large images on top of the current page. It is easy to install and works in all modern browsers.

The script allows you to display images both single and with switching inside the pop-up window.

Instructions for use.

PART I: Connecting the library.

1. Download and unpack the archive with the script from here

2. In the JS folder, find the files jquery-1.10.2.min.js and lightbox-2.6.min.js and copy them to the folder with your scripts on your site.

3. Connect these scripts to your page by writing between the tags the following lines:

4. In the css folder, find the lightbox.css file and copy it to the folder with your style files.

5. Connect this file to your page by writing between the tags the following lines:

6. From the img folder, copy to your server into the folder with the images of your site's design following files: and next.png. These files are used in the style file lightbox.css. By default, the style file refers to images that are located in the img folder, which has the same parent as the css folder. If your images folder and styles folder are in completely different different folders, then you should change the paths to the pictures in the lightbox.css file to the appropriate ones.

PART II: Inserting pictures on the page.

This script is triggered by clicking on a link. The link can be either text or an image. In order to tell the script which link it should process, you need to add the link attribute data-lightbox and give it any value.

Single pictures.

Link text 1 Link text 2 Link text 3

* The title attribute can be filled in as desired. If it is full, then its contents will be displayed under the pop-up image.

Group of pictures.

Let's say you have a group of images and when you click on one of the links, you want a pop-up window to scroll through all the images in this group without having to close the pop-up window.

Link text 1 Link text 2 Link text 3

*You used to use the rel="lightbox" attribute for the LiteBox script. You can still use it now and it will work, but using the new attributes is preferable as it gives you more options.

Everything seems to be done, everything should work, but:

If we form a group of pictures from images, then when viewing in a pop-up window, under the pictures it is indicated image 1 of 8? I would like to see something like this "image 1 of 8".

To do this, in the lightbox-2.6.min.js file, on line 13, you need to replace this:

return "Image" + b + "of" + c

return "Image " +b +" of " +c

return "Image " + b + " of " + c

return "Image " +b +" from " +c

The last time I used this script, I needed to use it in conjunction with a carousel script, so I noticed one glitch.

Below is a description of the glitch and how to fix it.

If we have 2 different groups of images on the page, and for example, in the first group, the pictures have captions (the title attribute is filled in), and in the second group, the title attribute has empty values ​​​​or is not registered at all, then when viewing pictures without a description (previously we viewed at least one picture with a description), we will still display the description of the last viewed picture. That is, the script refuses to clear the title for the pop-up window, it replaces it with a new one, if any. How to fix it?

To fix the error of not clearing the Title attribute, replace the text in the lightbox-2.6.min.js file on line 219:

if (typeof this.album.title !== "undefined" amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; this.album.title !== "") ( this.$lightbox.find(".lb-caption ").html(this.album.title).fadeIn("fast") )

if (typeof this . album [ this . currentImageIndex ] . title ! =="undefined" & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; this . album [ this . currentImageIndex ] . title ! =="" ) ( this . $ lightbox . find (".lb-caption" ) . html (this .album [ this .currentImageIndex ] .title ) .fadeIn("fast" ) )

In this article, I reviewed 14 WordPress Lightbox effect plugins tested for the Lightbox effect on a WordPress site. Lightbox is an effect for a photo, in which the display of a photo on a web page is carried out in a modal window when you click on the photo.

In the modal window, the photo is enlarged to the size of the original. At the same time, another part of the page (the background) fades out, "the screen turns off". This gives site visitors the opportunity to take a closer look at the image without leaving the page. For the Lightbox effect on the WordPress site, JavaScript libraries are used: jQuery, MooTools.

Lightbox JS v2.0


Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive, off-system script used to overlay images on the current page. Works on all modern browsers. This latest version initial Lightbox JS by Lokesh Dhakar. Plugin features include:

  • index.html
  • js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js
  • js/lightbox.js
  • css/lightbox.css
  • images / close.png
  • images / next.png
  • images/prev.png
  • Plus some files for the demo page

Lightbox Plus ColorBox

The Lightbox Plus plugin is a plugin that implements the Lightbox JS method by Lokesh Dhakar (see above). Lightbox Plus is used to create an image overlay on the screen of a web page and automatically adds the correct links to the overlay image. Lightbox Plus can add to lightbox WordPress galleries images, display simple slideshows, videos, forms, and external content (texts) in pop-up overlays. The back page is darkened by a dark or light background, the so-called "blank page" effect.

This article brings together the best jQuery Lightbox plugins to help you build beautiful websites.

These jQuery plugins are used to add popups to a website. Such plugins are a very powerful tool for any web designer and developer as they help to achieve very beautiful effects, giving an ordinary site a spectacular and attractive look. To use the jQuery plugin, you need basic knowledge of JavaScript and jQuery. If you don't know the basics, just read the plugin description and follow the instructions.


I'll start with a plugin I wrote - . You can see how the plugin works in this article — all images are clickable. My goal in designing it was to make a simple lightbox with only images, no slideshow effects, etc.

Lightweight, touch-enabled, and most importantly, a modular plugin that allows you to remove unnecessary parts that are not needed. It works well in mobile browsers. You can change images with a swipe of your finger, as if it were a standard application, with smooth transitions.

Lightbox for Bootstrap

Initially, the lightbox plugin is missing from Bootstrap. fixes it. If you are using Bootstrap, this library is recommended. The plugin integrates well with Bootstrap.


Strip is a unique lightbox plugin. Instead of overlaying the image, the lightbox module slides side to side with the image so that the image won't block all the content. Strip supports both images and videos.

is a JavaScript library for creating responsive lightbox galleries. Lightweight and compatible with mobile version, easy to customize and use smooth transitions images in CSS3.


Rebox is a very lightweight and fast content lightbox. Mostly, of course, for images. To initialize the plugin, you only need to include the JS and CSS library.

Great lightbox plugin. Supports several types of animations such as fade, elastic, zoom and scrolling. Moreover, it also supports various kinds of media including Youtube Embed, HTML video, SWF and input forms.


LightGallery is a highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating adaptive gallery. It has absolutely everything you need: lightbox view, slideshow, full screen zoom, previews. Also, the user who is viewing the gallery can immediately download the picture.

Unlike some of its counterparts, it is not a combine for displaying anything in a pop-up window. The plugin was created and works only for the purpose of displaying images - both single and as part of a set (gallery), but this does not make it any less attractive.

jQuery Lightbox Plugin

The jQuery LightBox plugin is simple, sleek, unobtrusive, requires no extra markup, and is used to overlay images on the current page thanks to the power and flexibility of the jQuery selector.

Allows you to create dialog boxes in the style of facebook, while it is allowed to create dialog boxes with plain text of some elements, images, ajax pages in them.

Serves for creating photo galleries and displaying other content in beautiful modal windows. If you are planning on the site and a photo gallery and placing some content in modal windows, then pay attention to this script.

Pretty lightweight, can resize images to fit the window, and is easy to set up.

ImageLightbox.js is an image-only lightbox, not video, text, and frames at the same time. By default, there are no titles, navigation buttons, or backgrounds.

It is a jQuery UI mediabox that is capable of displaying many types of content, including images and videos from YouTube and Vimeo. There are many unique features here, including Panorama and Live Re-size.

jQuery TosRus

jQuery TosRus is a convenient and functional jQuery plugin for working with videos and images. The script can act as a lightbox tool and a horizontal slider at the same time. Content in modals is responsive by default. Adapted for touch devices.

- this is one of the varieties of lightbox, on jQuery, with more advanced functionality than traditional ones. Like all analogues, it has a bunch of settings for controlling background transparency, display speed, effects, sizes, captions, etc.

is a jQuery plugin designed to provide an unobtrusive, responsive lightbox that is ideal for high resolution images. It works great on mobile devices ah, and can also be applied on screens with more high resolution for beautiful display of images.

– jQuery plugin for desktop computers, smartphones and tablets. He supports touch control for mobile devices, keyboard navigation for desktop devices, CSS transitions with fallback to jQuery control, pretty easy to set up.

jQuery Superbox

jQuery Superbox makes it very easy to create lightboxes for images, groups of images, external pages, or specific content. The plugin is fully accessible and understandable, and uses the "rel" attribute to run the script and "href" to indicate the address of the image or page.

- jQuery lightbox plugin with wide support for various media formats: including video, Flash / SWF, Ajax, frames and maps. This plugin also adds buttons social networks at the top, allowing its users to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Reddit. In addition, there additional settings to see which can be applied in different occasions.

- this is another responsive jQuery Lightbox plugin suitable for displaying images, iFrames, Google-Maps, Vimeo and YouTube videos. The plugin calculates the maximum width of the image on the screen and keeps the proportional height even if it is larger than the window height.

Allows you to easily create beautiful popups using jQuery. You can enhance your media content automatically or create custom popups using a powerful API.

— great adaptive lightbox. It can be used to create stunning galleries that look great on any screen.

Magnific Popup is easy to use jQuery plugin lightbox focused on performance. Its main goal is to provide a comfortable experience on any device.

Basic plugin, weighing 6 kilobytes for knowledgeable developers and includes only the essentials. If you need a lightbox effect, for example for a group of images in a gallery, you can enable the gallery extension. You can also develop your own plugin extension to use in your projects.

If you come across an image site built with jQuery, it will most likely use a lightbox. The strength of a lightbox is that it can turn even a simple picture library into an attractive and effective gallery. It is in this feature that the popularity of such plugins for jQuery in the field of web design lies.

Thanks to the jQuery community, there is great amount lightbox plugins, which creates great opportunities for designers to work with images. In our tutorial, we present 15 different plugins that you should pay attention to.


TopUp is an easy-to-use JavaScript library for displaying images and web pages unobtrusively. The library is managed through jQuery and jQuery UI for cross-browser compatibility and compactness.

High slide plugin

Highslide is a dedicated tool for viewing images, media and galleries.

color box

Small custom plugin for jQuery 1.3+.

Lightbox 2 is a simple, unobtrusive script that is used to display an overlay image on the current page. It's easy to install and works in all modern browsers.

prettyPhoto supports not only images but also video, flash, YouTube and Ajax. Lightbox for media files.

Slimbox 2 is a 4 KB clone of Light box 2 implemented with jQuery.

Shadowbox is a web-based media viewer that supports all popular media formats. Shadowbox is written in JavaScript and CSS and has good opportunities settings.

Pirobox Extended V.1.0.

One of the advantages of this plugin is the ability to open any type of file - from embedded content to .swf file, from simple image to .pdf file.

Other great features include automatic image resizing and drag and drop support.

GreyBox can be used to display websites, images and other content.

Super Box is a plugin that displays windows with a lightbox effect.