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Scripts for images. View images and photo gallery

A simple script for easy viewing of images on the pages of your site. Easy to install and works in all popular browsers. An example of work can be seen. The library itself is connected in two steps:


Lightbox uses the Prototype and Scriptaculous libraries. You have to include them in the head section of the HTML page:


In order for the image to open with Lightbox, you need to add the rel = ”lightbox” attribute to the image link tag. The title, if required, can be placed in the title attribute. For example, like this:

image # 1

If you need to place several logically related images and organize navigation between them in the viewport, then you need to place the group name in square brackets for each linked image in the rel = ”lightbox” attribute. For example:

image # 1
image # 2
image # 3

Several photo galleries can be placed on a page and each of them can contain any number of images.

The previous version of the LightBox library is implemented without the use of third-party libraries. It has no animation and no way to view multiple linked images.

Comments: 8

  1. admin:

    qpeo, I checked the library in the 6th and 7th versions of MS IE - I did not notice any problems.

  2. Helena:

    Thanks for your site and for this script. It is very easy to pose, the only question. Is it possible to make it so that there is also a slide show, that is, not to click on the mouse, but so that the pictures themselves change? Maybe add some code?
    Tell me, who knows, thanks in advance for your answer.

» PHP scripts picture galleries

Coppermine Photo Gallery

Coppermine is a versatile, multi-functional web image gallery written in PHP language, using GD or ImageMagick, as well as the base MySQL data.

| v.1.5.24 | Downloaded: times

Maian gallery

An excellent, simple photo gallery script. View Full Size images in a new opening window, auto-generate thumbnails and much more in this Maian Gallery package.

| v.2.0 | Downloaded: times

KoschtIT Image Gallery

KoschtIT Image Gallery is free and open source(open source) PHP photo gallery script. The program is used to quickly add a PHP image gallery to an existing website.

| v.3.1c | Downloaded: times

Max "s PHP Photo Album

Max "s PHP Photo Album is a simple, easy-to-use using PHP Photo Album script. You can upload pictures to your server, add a title / title and description to your photo files, protect files from viewing with a password and other standard functions.

| v.1.0 | Downloaded: times


A simple photo gallery written in PHP using a MySQL database. Just upload photos - files and they are immediately presented to your site visitors in the best possible way.

| v.2.0 | Downloaded: times

Simple image gallery

Simple Gallery is the most light system an image gallery control written in PHP that uses jQuery, MySQL and the GD Library.

| v.1.3 | Downloaded: times


Plogger is a fundamentally new generation picture gallery php script with open source for editing. The PHP program is not bloated with any extra features or complicated configuration.

A great alternative to LightBox using jQuery.

2. javascript gallery "Awesome Box"

Supports IE6. Navigation using the keyboard is possible: button n (next) - next image; button p (previous) - previous.

2. Mootools display content in modal windows "Bumpbox 2.0"

Support for various formats: PDF, flv, swf, audio, HTML content, support for frames.

A compact and easy-to-connect script that allows you to display enlarged images in a pop-up block. The site is in Russian.

4. jQuery plugin "ColorBox"

The plugin is implemented in five different styles. To see it in action with different designs, follow the links Examples 1 to 5.

5. Visual Lightbox

Another script from the lightbox family. It is possible to customize both image thumbnails and the display style of a full-size photo.

6. Popup images in "Simple Modal Box With JQuery" lightbox style

Smooth transition from monochrome to color on hover using jQuery.

7. javascript gallery "EnlargeIt!"

8. "LightWindow" pop-up window in Lightbox style

It is possible to display information in various formats in a pop-up window: single images, gallery, media files, forms. The demo page links to various content options.

9. jQuery SuperBox Plugin

Another alternative to the well-known LightBox plugin. Click on the image on the demo page to see the script in action.

10. jQuery Facebox plugin

11. javascript plugin "FancyZoom"

12. "FancyZoom" using jQuery library

13. jQuery plugin "YoxView" for displaying images, flash and video

Amazing smooth content changing effect. On the description page, you will find links to all demos of the plugin.

14. Plugin "Floatbox"

15. "GreyBox"

16. "Highslide JS"

17. Mootools plugin "ImageZoom"

18.jQuery lightBox plugin

19. "Lightbox +"

When the browser window is resized, the image is resized.

20. Plugin "LightBox2"

Uses javascript library Prototype.

21. "Lighter Box2"

22. jQuery plugin for displaying images "TopUp"

23. Mootools pop-up modals "SimpleModal"

Displaying various content in modal windows.

24. MediaBoxAdvanced

Displaying information in modals using Mootools: images, videos, animations, social services, etc.

25. Plugin "LyteBox"

26. Mootools plugin "Milkbox"

All scripts presented here have been personally tested for operability (Denver 3 was used, PHP version 13), found bugs were fixed, something was modified or changed to improve functionality (especially for those scripts, the originals of which were found by me on one popular English-language resource). I posted a demo - you can see the most interesting scripts in progress.

If you have any questions about setting up or installing the scripts posted here, I ask in the comments, I will be happy to help. Also, please contact us about improving the functionality of the scripts, for example, adding the admin panel to the gallery, etc.

By the way, about the admin panel. As a gallery control panel, if it was absent initially, you can use any file manager script, for example Webinsta , phpFileManager , File Thingie from the next section. Just place the script in the appropriate folder in the gallery to be able to delete, rename or download images via a web browser.

Last added:
Free Gallery script, Gallery Generator(March 2015)

Picture Gallery with PHP

added: 02/06/2015

The script that forms the gallery of images is a single file that you just need to place in a folder with pictures. The gallery has a thoughtful light design, looks equally good both on computers and on smartphones. Thumbnails are generated dynamically, without saving to disk, but the gallery is loaded quickly enough, due to the fact that the page displays a fixed number of thumbnails specified in the settings (12 by default), the script automatically generates a list of pages with links where you can view the rest of the pictures. Display images can be sorted by title, size and date. Supported formats: jpg, gif. png. Images with Cyrillic names cannot be used. The only drawback of this script is that there is no slideshow mode.


added: 04/19/2013

A simple gallery script, just put in the folder with images, automatically creates a folder with thumbnails, when you click on the picture, the original image opens, which can be saved. Supports browsing subdirectories. Language - English, not translated.



added: 04/19/2013

phpGraphy is a professional gallery script for jpg images and flv videos (mp4 downloaded from youtube will also play if you change the extension to flv). Provides multi-user authorization, rating system, flexible gallery settings through the admin panel. Can use MySQL, but works without it. The archive contains an already configured script, - you can unpack it to the server and upload folders with content to the / pictures / directory - the gallery will work. By default, the Russian language is turned on, ffmpeg and exiftools are turned off, so that the script is guaranteed to run on any server (all this can be changed later through the control panel)


Simple Image Hosting Script

added: 04/19/2013

A simple image hosting script - does not create thumbnails, only full-size images.



added: 11/6/2014

Image gallery script, works "out of the box", just place your folders with pictures in the galleries directory, there is a slideshow mode, animated gifs are displayed normally. Of the features - the ability to set password protection for individual galleries. It is possible to change the interface language, there is Russian

To open a folder Private in the demo on my site, use the password 1234

The script is paid, you can download it from the offsite only after payment, I no longer remember where I got it. It was some of the early versions, the script had to be slightly altered to make it work properly. However, I did not notice any noticeable changes in the version that is now available on the off-site from my version.


PHP Photo Album

added: 04/19/2013

Powerful script of the photo gallery, many settings: you can use the comment system, search, it is possible to send e-cards. User registration, creating groups with various privileges through the admin panel. Changeable themes, friendly with the Russian language. All basic gallery settings can be changed through the panel administrator, you can't figure it out in five minutes, but it's worth it. Another plus - the script does not need a database.



added: 02/19/2015

Qdig-Single is just a file index.php, which can be placed in the folder with pictures, or next to the folder where the images are located, to get a beautiful gallery on the site. Taken from the original distribution Quick Digital Image Gallery, in which there is also a function of adding and editing captions to pictures via admin.php, but I don't see much sense in it, so I removed all unnecessary things, translated the interface into Russian, commented out some unused variables, and, on the contrary, turned on some options. In the script, there is a link to the author's site, you can download the original if you are not satisfied with my version.
All major graphics extensions are supported, even * .bmp. By default, the script displays one image per page, the navigation bar is displayed as a ribbon of thumbnails, which looks very good. The page display options can be changed on the fly through the options menu in the page header. Of the minuses of this script, links to other image directories are presented as regular links, and not in the form of thumbnail images.


Easy PHP Album Lite

added: 04/19/2013

Slideshow script, all the code in one file, which should be placed in the folder with images. Thumbnails are cached to disk. Does not display files with Cyrillic names


Pyxy gallery

added: 04/19/2013

Displays predetermined amount images on the page as a preview, the cache is not created. When clicked, it displays the image in its original size.



added: 04/19/2013

According to the author, the script is intended for an image gallery optimized for Iphone. Checked, it works right away, "out of the box", but I did not like that the originals of the images cannot be saved, only reduced copies are loaded through the browser.



added: 04/19/2013

A good gallery script: two themes, a slideshow mode, the ability to download original images, displays thumbnails for catalogs, shows animated gifs. Added Russian language, the script is already configured, just upload a folder with your images to it



added: 02/05/2015

I liked this gallery because it has a design compatible with mobile devices. But on the other hand, there are restrictions on the number of pictures in a folder, - thumbnails are not created, images are formed on the fly, if there are a lot of pictures, then the page will load for a very long time. Therefore, the best option is not to put all the pictures in one folder, but evenly distribute them in separate subdirectories. Images and directories should be in the gallery folder, as specified in the script settings. And the script only works with * .jpg, other formats are not displayed, even if the picture has the * jpeg extension, it needs to be changed to * .jpg.


Compact Albums Store v0.1 (CAS)

added: 02/11/2015

Gallery created by me based on Picture Gallery with PHP, which I really liked because of the design and high speed of work, despite the fact that thumbnails are not cached to disk. Unlike the original script, which displayed only pictures from the directory in which it is located, added the ability to select all found albums, a preview is displayed for each album. Subdirectories within albums are not supported. Also added the ability to display images in a window over the gallery, like LightBox. The interface is completely translated into Russian, the script works immediately with the default settings, just place the folders with pictures in the directory albums... For additional settings, see the instructions in the archive. In the future, I will probably add a control panel if I have free time to write :)


PHP Slideshow

added: 04/19/2013

Simple slideshow script


KoschtIT Image Gallery

added: 04/19/2013

Professionally executed image gallery script. Slideshow, user comments, control and configuration through the admin panel. Of the minuses - it displays an animated gif as a static picture, but it is possible to download the originals. The gallery language is English, to change to another, you will need to manually translate the entire script. How to get to the admin panel? Add after the gallery address? Admin = admin, for example,, enter the password, by default password The default name and password can be changed by editing ki_setup.php which lies in the folder ki_config



added: 02/09/2015

MG2 - further development MiniGal Nano, but in fact it is a completely different script. All image formats are supported, there is a slideshow, there is a commenting system, albums can be password protected from viewing. Management and configuration - through the admin panel, you can also turn on the Russian language there (although in IE the encoding constantly flies, in other browsers there are no problems). To get to the control panel, click on the key icon. Uploading files to the gallery is also done through the admin panel, but through experiments it turned out that you can upload pictures to root folder pictures by FTP, click import and then the new images will be visible in the gallery. Then tick off these files, select the destination folder, press move, and all the pictures will immediately appear in the desired album.


Gallery generator

added: 03/10/2015

The script consists of two files that should be placed next to the folder with images (by default img) to display images on the page. The script works smartly, thumbnails are formed on the fly, without saving to disk, animated gifs are displayed as is, and not in the form of static thumbnails. The number of pictures on one page can be set in the settings. The script logic is set in index.php, file gallery.cls.php responsible for appearance galleries. If you show your imagination, then using one index.php, using get-requests and sessions, you can display images from different folders.


Easy Image Photo Gallery script

added: 04/19/2013

Simple one-file gallery script, just put in your pictures folder. Display one image per page and create navigation menu (10 links by default)



added: 04/19/2013

It is quite a working script, without any special bells and whistles, there is an admin panel.


Free Image Hosting Script

added: 04/19/2013

An image hosting script with a minimum of functionality - no preview, saves and displays links only to a full-size image. Supports all formats, including .bmp. Modified, - made the output of the image to the browser after loading (in the original it was not), the maximum file size was set - 10MB. Cut out google adsense... Tweaked the CSS to prevent the heading from sticking to the top of the page.


Single File PHP Gallery

added: 04/19/2013

Gallery script with great design! No problem with animated gifs and files with Cyrillic names. It works right away, without configuration, just place it in a folder with images, subdirectories are supported. The interface is in Russian (my translation).


Compact Albums Store v0.2 (CAS)

added: 02/19/2015

Second version of my gallery. Unlike the first one, an admin panel has been added here, and there is a built-in image loader that allows you to upload images via the web interface in batch mode. The latest version, with even wider functionality, -added the ability to display pictures in slideshow mode, can be found at home page section PHP scripts for image galleries without MySQL The script works right away with the default settings, just place the folders with pictures in the directory albums... For additional settings, see the instructions in the archive.