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SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 RAM takes a lot of space. How viruses fall on Android and how to remove them

Phones on android a lot: samsung j1, j2, j3, j5, nokia Lumia 620, 640, 530, LG, Samsung Galaxy S5, Lenovo, zTE Blade., Alcatel One Touch, 6016x, Prestigio, Asus, Microwave, Tele2 Mini, Fly, hTC Desire, Alkatel, Fly, Lyuma 520, Nokia 5330, Nokia 5230, C5, Huave, sony Xperia., C2305, Lenovo, Samsung Dosa, Huawei W1 U00, Philips and so on.

All these phones have a memory and unfortunately in most devices, it is very small, and you can get a message message at any time, which is full of memory on the phone - fortunately it can be cleaned.

Seeing the name 4 ways to clear the memory in the phone android, you will probably have a question. Is it not enough?

The fact is that the memory in android is not alone, but you can say a few: an internal, external memory card, SIM card and the so-called cache.

In general, android like any operating system It has its pros and cons. Many drawbacks of this system refers to trivial functions that seem to be not important, but only until the package does not begin to capricious system.

One of these shortcomings is the lack of space to store applications. It often happens that after installing several applications, it is completely filled.

Then, the logical solution to remove unnecessary programs. We delete the applications until finally it turns out that the memory is cleared, but you can't tell about this method - quickly and right.

So, for example, if you player, most of the games create "maintaining levels". As you probably guessed, a dozen of such files occupy a lot of space.

Unfortunately, during the removal of the game "Save" itself is not deleted. A similar principle of operation of some applications. How to clean such data?

You can go to the settings and select "Delete Data", but after a while, if you do it constantly, so to speak manually, it is very annoying.

Definitely the best solution is to use special applicationswhich were created for such purposes. Highly good example is an example. Acceaner.

The phone that stores a lot of data on the device is usually after a while receives a message about the lack of place in internal memory. Android devices can solve this problem in several ways.

In many android phones, you can find a microSD memory card slot. Only not all models support cards with a capacity of 64 GB and 128 GB, and usually 32 GB. Therefore, it is necessary to check the device specifications before purchasing.

Note: If the records are pictures, they will be taken on the Samsung Galaxy phone with Android 6.0.1.

How android phone correctly clear the memory card

If your phone lacks internal memory, you can increase it by making the SD card internal memory.

In the settings, you can check the data that takes up most of the space in memory - unnecessary applications, games and multimedia.

If you want a memory card memory completely, it is best to format it - you can via the computer or in the phone itself.

However, you can also delete unnecessary files.

How android on your phone can be cleaned cache memory

In the settings of each application you can clear the cache memory. Unfortunately, after a while, this space will be filled again, and this process must be repeated.

Because it is quite time-consuming, you should be armed with the application that will allow this process to some extent to automate.

Many applications of this type can be found in the official application repository for Android or on Google Play..

In old models, memory is often divided into separate sections - to store user data, system memory and application data.

Therefore, the system can show you that there is a free space, but when installing applications, it will write that the memory is missing.

A similar message may appear with multimedia data if you make too many images, write video or store a lot of documents and music.

How in the phone android you can clear the RAM

It makes it easier to soar. It is enough for you to reboot your device and the RAM compels.

Similarly, it happens in a computer, laptop or tablet - the principle one: turn off and turn on the device.

How to clean the memory of the garbage without deleting anything

Clear memory from the garbage does not remove anything impossible, but temporary files always accumulate in the phone.

If this garbage is deleted, then everything is stored in the phone will remain untouched, and free space will increase significantly.

You will not even notice anything, all programs, games, photos and so on will remain like. Who will do this procedure for the first time, I recommend

How in the phone android you can clear the memory SMS

Over time, you can accumulate thousands of old SMS (if from time to time does not clean the phone from SMS).

I came across this and you can believe me that it is not a better option to delete one SMS.

It is best to clear the memory SMS application "History Eraser - Privacy Clean" - everything will be removed quickly.

This application will erase your android history data, clean the phone, search, call history, delete saved passwords, text messages, cleanse the cache and delete the list of the most common numbers.

This is a good vacuum cleaner, allowing you to get extra memory. One click is enough to remove all hidden files And get more free space and free memory.

Program for cleaning memory in the phone android

In the phone, you must take care of the system and applications that are installed and timely remove trash.

Most of all garbage in cache applications. Its cleaning does not speed up the work of the phone, but the memory saves if you lack it.

At the same time cleaning applications that are often not recommended, because they will occupy more time when working.

However, if you installed dozens of programs that do not use on a daily basis, you can get hundreds of megabytes extra.

You can do in separate applications to clean the cache of memory, but it is best to use the application.

At the same time, you have the ability to delete messages from memory, call history, clean browser, search history, Gmail, Google Play, etc.

How to get more internal memory on the phone android

Over time internal memory (system), Samsung Galaxy, like any other, becomes less and less, and the device works more slowly and slower.

Let's see how to get more memory in your phone. The phone generates a lot of data cache.

To clean your data cache tools android, go to the settings and select Application Manager.

If you see three vertical points (depends on the Android version), then click on them and select Select "Sort by size".

Then you will see that the biggest file will be the first in the list - here they need to be cleaned.

Note: Google Play Market Also offers several applications that can automatically destroy the cache files: cachecleaner and cachemate - work quickly and conveniently.

Another way to move applications on an SD card. To do this, insert the external SD card into the phone and move them.

How to move and in the future download directly and install applications on the SD card. Successes.

Sooner or later, this moment will come when all your photos, applications and a constantly increasing collection of songs will have a negative impact on yours. All the free space of internal memory that you had, will disappear. And what do you do in this case? Do not worry - you can easily get up on the right way And return valuable megabytes (and maybe gigabytes).

We present a selection of tips, how to free the space of internal memory on Samsung Galaxy S4 and improve its performance.

Remove unused applications

This can be called the fastest and easiest way to free disk space. You may be surprised how much space is occupied by various applications. Show some cruelty: if you do not use any application or game - remove them without thinking.

Open the "Settings", then "Advanced", then "Application Manager" and scroll down the list of applications. You will see how much space every application is occupied, and the rectangular icon at the bottom of the screen will tell you what amount of free memory you are available. Click on any application unnecessary to you, then click on the "Delete" icon. Walk in a similar way over the entire list of installed applications.

Make cache cleaning

While you are busy watching installed applications, there is another thing you can do to free up memory - Clear application cache. Note that such a cache can be very quickly filled with hundreds megabytes, and if you have set many applications, they can "occupy" a decent amount of disk space.

Go through the "Settings\u003e Advanced\u003e\u003e Application Manager" and alternately click on each application available in the list. In the "Cash" section you will see how much kilo (mega) bytes it is filled. You can clean the internal memory of the device if you click on the Casha Cleaning icon. Also, you have the opportunity to free up even more space by clicking on the "Delete Data" icon, however such an action will reset the applications before the state when you first installed them, and plus will delete all your settings and data.

Remove music and photos

If you listen to music on your phone, then, "thanks" to your favorite tracks, you have reduced the internal memory of the device. Also, we all know how you can quickly make a bunch of photos in high resolution, which will also quickly "eat" the precious amount of disk space.

Open the Gallery application and view various albums. Surely you will find several photos that turned out not too well - you may have been closing too early or with a small delay. While in the gallery, go to file selection mode by pressing and holding your finger on the first photo that you would like to remove.

In the future, you can also choose other photos (or video) to delete. Click on the "Basket" icon at the top of the display to get rid of these files. Similarly, you can open the music "Music" and remove any albums unnecessary or individual tracks.

Use microSD card

An excellent way to get an additional amount of memory is to install MicroSD to your Samsung Galaxy S4. To do this, you must find a slot for such a card (as a rule, it is next to the compartment for SIM card). On the Mounted Map installed, you can store different types of files, as well as transfer to it previously installed on the application device to make place in the internal memory of the device without deleting any data.

After you inserted an SD card into the phone, open the Application Manager and select the application you want. Click on it and then click on the "Transfer to the SD card" icon. You can repeat such actions for any applications any number of times, but you need to remember what to reflect on the performance of some applications. In principle, this is not so scary - you can always return a certain application if his work becomes unsatisfactory. We add that the transfer function from internal memory on the SD card will not be available for all applications.

Delete downloaded files of various types

When you start the Internet space, you periodically download to your phone pDF files And another format, and you can only briefly view them, and in the future they may not need you. We advise you to look into the "Downloads" folder to find out if there are any files that can be deleted.

Open the Download Application and make a long press on your application unnecessary to you, then you can select any other files to delete and click on the "Basket" icon.

Using all our tips, you will probably be surprised how many disk space of your device you can free.

Have you been able to free a lot of space on your phone? Notice the improvement of its performance? Tell us about it in the comments.

When memory is filled, the device begins to work slowly and hang. Also, a corresponding notification appears on the screen.

So that this is not happening, keep free at least 500 MB of the main memory. If the memory is still filled, use the recommendations below.

Remove applications that do not use

Follow the number of applications and remove unnecessary - good habit. It saves not only the place in memory, but the battery charge. Check the applications that are installed on your device, and remove unnecessary.

Perhaps some part of the applications can be transferred to the memory card. This option depends on the developer of a specific application.

Delete photos, music, videos and other files or transfer them to a memory card

To view files, the application "My Files" application is used on the device. This is an analogue of the "Explorer" on a computer with Windows.

How to see how much memory free

Most devices, the amount of memory can be viewed directly in the "My Files" app. The first digit shows how much busy, the second is how much memory.

If on your device in the "My Files" application, such information is not displayed, open the "Menu" - "Settings" - "Memory".

Viruses can be of two types:

1. Fake - the name and icon of a well-known application is used, but inside only malicious code. Most of the viruses of this type.

2. Trojan horse - a malicious code is added to the normal application, which works with the application.

That may have viruses

1. Turn money from the SIM card: call or send SMS to paid rooms As long as money will not run out on the SIM card.

2. Turn information: send passwords from Internet banks, bank card data or personal files fraudsters, send messages with viral links to numbers from the notebook on your behalf.

3. Block the normal operation of the device: Display a wizard banner that does not allow the device.

4. Use the power of your device: to show hidden advertising or matery cryptocurrency.

How viruses fall on smartphone or tablet

Scammers mask viruses for harmless applications and files: browsers, players, games, navigators, books, antiviruses. Then they distribute them:

1. On sites for adults, sites with hacked applications and pirate films, torrent trackers, etc.

For example, you are looking for some game or program on the Internet, and fall on the forum. Someone left the desired link, and everyone is somewhat thank.

In fact, the forum and commentators are not real.

Or come in a site with pirate films and TV shows, a message appears. It says that the smartphone / tablet is infected with viruses or some kind of program strongly outdated. It even happens that the device begins to vibrate or make strange sounds.

In fact, it is not all right with the device.

2. By SMS, MMS and Email

As a rule, this is an SMS from "girls from dating sites", from sites free ads, letters from "notaries from Germany", reports of winning in the lottery.

Be careful, it does not happen miracles. In most cases, these are fraudsters.

All such messages have a common goal - to make you click on the link so that the virus downloaded to the device.

How viruses infect a smartphone or tablet

In order for the virus to start working, it is not enough to download it, it is also necessary to install it. Usually, viruses are loaded into the "Download" folder (download) and look like setup files Applications with the expansion "APK".

If you click on the virus, a list of permissions will appear. Permissions are the actions that the application can perform after installation.

If you click "Install", the virus will be installed and starts to work.

How to distinguish a virus from a normal application

Most of the viruses are written by non-professional, who want to get money quickly and without any problems with the law. Therefore, the standard signs of such viruses are permissions to send messages or calls. When such a virus is installed, it will begin to unnoticate SMS or call paid rooms.

Compare these applications and viruses. Dr.Web Antivirus:

Permissions of the original antivirus from Play Market

Virus permits that gives itself for antivirus

Yandex Navigator:

Permissions of the original navigator from Play Market

Permissions of the virus that gives itself to the navigator

Speaking Tom 2 game:

Permissions original Game Volume 2 from Play Market

Permissions of the virus that gives itself for the game Volume 2

Of course, not all applications that request access to calls and messages are viruses. And not all viruses request access to paid functions.

If scammers want to shoot your camera - access to the camera and the Internet will need.
If your files are required - ask access to memory and internet.
Write to block the screen by the banner - ask the administrator rights.
And some viruses are generally able to hide permissions during installation.

Identify a qualitatively made virus difficult - either you need to watch source Applications, or install the virus on the device, remove logs from it (incident log) and understand them. Fortunately, such viruses are rare. More often you will use two guidelines:

If the application has downloaded from an unknown site and requests access to paid functions - this is a virus in 99% of cases.

How to secure a smartphone or tablet from viruses

1. Install applications only from Play Market and come to their choice seriously

Distinguish the virus from the normal application in an unprepared person is very difficult. To secure users, Google has made a special directory with applications - Play Market.

Before adding the application in Play Market, Google checks whether there is no malicious code in it. Customers who download applications from Play Market are more protected than those that download applications from different sites and forums. But remember that there is nothing completely safe, so approach the choice of applications is seriously: carefully read permissions and look at the ratings.

2. Do not go according to unknown links in SMS, MMS or mail

Scammers even learned to fake numbers and addresses emailTherefore, messages with viral links may come from your acquaintances.

3. Do not roll the device and do not install unofficial firmware

If there is a root on the device, the virus will be able to register in system applications And then only the complete flashing of the device can be removed.

4. Disconnect MMS auto insurance on your device.

Fraudsters can automatically load viruses on the device via MMS. This is due to the vulnerabilities of the Stagefright library.

To disable the MMS autoloadload, select: Messages → Options → Settings → (Advanced) → MMS → Auto-switch (autoload) → Disable.

5. Do not connect the auto-plane banking service (automatic replenishment of the phone number balance when declining to a certain amount)

If suddenly the device gets a virus that sends SMS to paid numbers, the balance of the SIM card will be replenished until the money on the card is run. Messages from the bank are usually blocked.

Tip: To receive messages from banks and other important seitters, buy a separate room that no one will know, and a simple phone.

How to understand that a virus appeared on a smartphone or tablet

There are no unambiguous signs, it all depends on the virus. Some are noticeable immediately after installation (a banner appears and access to the device), others may not produce themselves for a long time. In most cases, signs are:

  • There are large accounts for SMS or calls;
  • A banner appears demanding to pay fraudsters that does not allow the device;
  • Unfamiliar programs appear;
  • Very quickly begins to sit the battery;
  • Quickly spent Internet traffic with incomprehensible applications;
  • The device begins to slow down.

How to remove the virus if the menu opens

How to remove the virus if the menu does not open (banner-extortionist)

If a banner-extortionist appeared on the screen and does not allow the device to use:

    Do not list the money fraudsters - they still do not unlock the device.

    Pull out the SIM card so that you do not write off the money from the account.

    Load the device B. safe mode.

    If the banner in safe mode is disappeared, disable administrator rights from all applications.

    If the banner does not disappear, go to point number 11.

    Browse all installed applications And delete unknown to you.

    Restart the device. The device will boot B. as usual mode, banner should not be.

    If after rebooting the banner appeared, go to clause number 11.

    Download Antivirus, who trust, via Wi-Fi from Play Market.

    The virus device and mechanisms of operation of antiviruses are changing daily, so advise some particular antivirus is impossible. Focus on other user ratings and reviews. According to the author, good antiviruses: Eset, Kaspersky and Dr. Web.

    Check the device with antivirus and remove all the viruses found.

    Remove the antivirus that installed.

    Download another antivirus and check the device again.

    If the previous options do not help, reset the device data.

    Unless you manage to cope with the virus, contact service center Samsung.

Does the antivirus need an Android

If you are a novice user and are not sure about your abilities - needed. But only one.

If you use the device carefully and follow the safety rules, the antivirus can not be installed.

SAMSUNG smartphones have powerful functional and large system memory. But as the device is used, many owners face the problem of slow operation of many functions, with a long loading of the phone itself and the Internet. As a rule, each user installs various applications and programs to his smartphone, from time to time the system is updated, and at one moment the user appears in front of the user. Well, if the system memory can be increased on your model, because you can get much more free space and delay the moment of "cleaning". But it is only for a short period of time.

It is important to remember that self-interference in the system of your smartphone without certain skills can lead to a failure in the device. If you need qualified help of specialists, contact the SAMSUNG smartphones repairing a specialized center.

Several ways of freeing system memory on Samsung phones

So, if on your sAMSUNG smartphone missing system memory, i.e. several ways to get additional space. All these ways are suitable for phones with Android OS. Naturally, the easiest way to remove unnecessary programs and do not worry once again.

First method - using conductor

You need to go through a special conductor on your smartphone, choose all the files unnecessary to you and transfer them to the basket. In this case, you should act very carefully, because by negligence you can delete a really important utility, thereby having lost the possibility to call or transmit files. The program restoring is possible, but it will require a rather large amount of time and strength.

The second method - with ROOT rights

Upon receipt of ROOT rights, the cleaning process will become elementary. If you already have these rights, you can delete unnecessary files through the same conductor. To do this, you need to select the root-conductor mode and clean. We want to emphasize once again, be careful when removing important programs in order not to cause damage to the system of your smartphone.

Third way - using the Clean Master program

There is another way to clean the system memory. Here the user can resort to use special ProgramWhat will control the update process and help the system in work. One of the most popular among such utilities is Clean Master. Just go to the market, download the program and install it on your smartphone. This program easy to use and greatly simplifies the process of cleaning systemic and random access memory. You can choose unnecessary files to you, put lock on updating any programs.

Also, do not forget to check the smartphone for viruses. It is possible that they were the reason for filling the memory. After the virus is eliminated, the system memory will be released. And remember how the system memory on your device is important, do not litter it unnecessary programs and applications, and then your smartphone will not have to be brushed from garbage.