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How to delete an unnecessary game from the computer. Methods for full removal of games from a computer

What is it needed for personal Computer The overwhelming number of users? Well, of course, to launch games! All sorts of simulators, races, quests and "ferroings" flooded international internet. But this moment comes when the favorite toy is annoying only by the title, and hDD Computer requires the release of an additional place for new video files and applications. After sending a shortcut, located on the desktop, in the "basket", the beginning "user" thinks that everything. He coped. However, this is not the case. So how to remove games and programs correctly and completely? Consider in this article.

Delete single application

In some cases, the game or computer application can be located in a single folder, with any information about the installed application, the Windows operating system will not be issued. List installed programs It will be "silent" as partisans during interrogation. In this case, completely and correctly remove the utility can simple click Mice. But first it is necessary to find "Location" toys on the system disk. By clicking the right mouse button, select the item: "File Location".

We find the Uninstall file (or something similar to it) and run automatic removal. In the case when this file For any reason is missing, delete the folder with the game manually from your computer - and that's it!

Management of installed programs

Windows operating system has such a control function over set applications. One of its parameters is such a function as "removal of programs".

Using Revo Uninstaller

When installing a program or game, the operating system of your computer usually offers a specific location in which you can "write" files. But in the future, some data can be copied without your knowledge in the registry where an indefinite time can be, even after the utility or toy was removed by the "user". To clean system Disk and the registry can be used special utility, namely Revo Uninstaller. This utility Can delete irrevocably applications, search for files, fully clean your PC from garbage and much more.

Removing "hidden" games

To uninstall the game that is not displayed in the list of "Prog" list, use "Hunting Mode". To do this, click on the green circle, and then on the desktop you will see the sight that you need to drag to the "meticulous" toy or application. After that, the program itself will offer you the options menu. We are also interested in the menu: "Uninstall".

Sometimes for certain reasons may need to reinstall a certain program or completely get rid of it. In this regard, the question arises: "How to delete the game from a computer completely?" It does not matter what caused such a request, but we will look at all the ways from the easiest to complex one.

general information

So how to remove the game from the computer completely? It should be noted that softwarewhich can help in this can be divided into two types. The first is the use of standard features that the program and the operating system itself provides. The second approach is the use of specialized software products of third-party developers. What do they offer?

We use standard features

The easiest answer to the question: "How to delete the game from a computer completely?" - Located in the folder with her. To make sure that you need to go to the location of the entertainment and search the file whose name is Uninstaller. If there is nothing like this, you can search for documents with expansion EXE, then, it is likely that he will be removed. But what to do if it is not? Provided that nothing in the location folder has not changed, you can try another option to find it. To do this, click on the "Start" button and go to "My Programs", although if the most modern operating systems are installed, it will be enough to scroll through the list of programs visible to the left. You need to find the software folder. Open it, it should be seen something on the manner of the same Uninstaller or "Delete" " software name" Click, "Master" appears, which should be launched, and he will do everything. But what if the described methods do not help?

System Removal Means

Then we need to use something that has already been provided when creating a computer shell of a computer. Namely, a system deletion wizard. So, for this, we need to go to the control panel (in recent versions called "Settings"). Then we put on the "system". And finally - click on "Delete" (or "Programs and Functions"). After that, you need to choose the program from which we want to get rid of. And click on the "Delete" button. And the process of eliminating all files will begin. If nothing has been revealed, and only a label remained, it will be proposed to remove it. That's how to remove the game from the computer completely. It helps in 99% of all cases. But periodically it happens that for certain reasons this method does not work. You can also meet with such a negative point as deleting not all files when it remains in the "Information Track" system. What to do in this case?

We introduce heavy artillery!

In special cases, software from third-party developers come to the rescue. There are quite a lot of them, therefore, to more or less decide, within the framework of the article will be considered cCleaner program. Or in Russian - "Clever". She scanned operating system And the registers in the search for all files with which the connection is not established, or that were as it were removed, and is reported about their presence. And a person needs to be able to agree with their deletion or familiarize themselves with the fact that the program is identified as garbage. Also, if something failed to get rid of something, believe me, CCleaner will block all the protective mechanisms. And the program will be deleted.

In what specific cases Maybe you need her help? Here, for example, there is a question: "How to completely remove the game" Warface "from a computer?" And if it is a pirate version, where, probably, something intensely occasionally, then here it certainly will not help. Just a few clicks in CCleaner - and no longer care about how to remove the game from a computer completely. "Tanks", "Assassin Skreid", "Epoch of Empire" or something else - does not matter. The program will be deleted.

In any version of the operating windows systems There are several standard games. They weigh a little, the system does not affect the operation, but sometimes distract users from the performance of useful tasks. So that this does not happen, it is better to remove them. How to delete standard games, we will now see.

So, you installed Windows 7 and decided to remove everything from the system extra programs and applications. Start definitely follows from various built-in entertainment windows componentsthat kill time and do not bring any benefit.

Open the Control Panel. Set the "View" parameter to "large icons". Find the "Programs and Components" section and expand it.

Find on the menu on the left item "Enable / Disable Components" and go to it. Wait until the list is formed.

Find the "Games" section among the components - it will be marked with a check mark.

You can remove all the games from the system, removing the checkbox from the corresponding item, or disable only individual applications.

Similarly, you need to act in earlier windows versions. For example, in XP it is necessary through the "Control Panel" to go to the "Install and Delete Programs" section, where to select "Setting Windows Components".
Next, find subparagraph " Standard programs"And select the" Games "section. Enable / disable individual components by installing / removing checkbox and save changes.

Full removal

If you know exactly what the idea is to restore windows games 7 You will never come to you, you can delete them from the system completely. To do this, use the registry editor, which is called by the "Regedit" command entered through the "Run" menu.

Run the registry editor and follow the path of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Gameux \\ Games.
You will see several subfolders, each of which is responsible for launching a specifically game application.

Catalogs have alphanumeric names, so at first glance, it is difficult to understand their appointment. If you want to get rid of all entertainment applications, just erase all available directories - right-click and select "Delete".

To see which folder is responsible for which application, expand the directory and check the value of the "ConfigapplicationPath" parameter. Here at the end of the address indicates the name of the game.
In this way you can remove the game from the computer completely without the possibility of restoring standard means Windows.

Almost all games are removed from the computer just like all other programs. The easiest way to do this with the installation wizard / removal wizard windows programs. Step by step guide By this way, you can read in the articles "and" ". Choose an article depending on which operating system is installed on your computer. In Windows 8 games and programs are deleted similarly to Windows 7. In this article, I will tell you how to delete the game using other ways if you could not delete through the Windows program delete wizard.

How to delete the game through the "Start" menu

Most installed games You can find in the "Start" menu. On the left at the bottom of the screen, click on the checkbox, in the menu that appears, press the left mouse button to "all programs". You will see a list of programs (including games), which are installed on the computer. The list can be scrolled with the mouse wheel or scroll bar. Find your game on this list and open the left mouse button folder. If you have a string "Remove the game", then naturally click on it.

Run the removal process. In each game, it takes place differently, but if you need your participation, just constantly press the "Delete" and "Next" buttons. Ultimately, the game will be removed.

How to remove the game using Revo Uninstaller

If you have any specialized program to remove other programs on your computer, you can use it. There are many such programs, it can be Revo Uninstaller, Advanced Uninstaller, Final Uninstaller, Absolute Uninstaller, AShampoo Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool, etc. I will tell you how to delete games through Revo Uninstaller. Run the program and look for your game in the list. Click on it with the left mouse button and above click the "Delete" button. See the Picture below. Run the game deletion process. If you need to press something during the removal process, always press the "Next" buttons and "Delete".

Sometimes, video games can disappoint us, and sometimes just take too much space on the computer. What do we do in this case? That's right, we remove them. However, sometimes it is not so easy to do that, which may be due to some factors: You are still an inexperienced user, the classic removal options are not available / do not work and so on.

In this article we will tell you how to remove the game from a computer, and quickly and do not strain your nerves. In addition to the foundations, we will also consider and remove the game from digital distribution stores, such as Steam or Origin.

Removal method 1 using an uninstaller

So, for starters, let's consider the most basic and classic method for removing the installed game, and other software based on the Windows operating system (examples will be given) - uninstaller.

Usually, when you install the game on your computer, and the so-called uninstaller is also installed with it, with which it is incredibly just to complete the game, if it is necessary to the user.

The uninstallator is stored, as a rule, in the folder with the installed game. Go to the folder and find there executive file. Under the name unstall.exe or something similar. Click on it twice to run the removal process. Confirm your intentions if the uninstaller requests you to delete confirmation. And finally, wait for the end of the removal process and close the window with uninstallation, if necessary.

That's all. It is also desirable to delete the files of remote games that sometimes remain in the folders of their former location. This method of removing the game from a computer is the easiest and requires the user only knowledge about the location of the folder with the game. However, not all games are equipped with an uninstaller and need to be removed a little differently.

Method number 2 of the program and components (applications and opportunities)

The following way to remove the game will be the use of such a item of the system as "programs and components", with which, as expected from its name, can be deleted or updated installed applications and games.

Right-click on the Start and select context menu Item "Programs and Components". Then find the necessary (but apparently not very) in the list of installed components, press it with the right mouse button and select "Delete". Confirm your intentions about deletion and ready.

Windows 10 operating system users can take advantage of something else that we are now and consider. Again, right-click and select "Applications and Features". Find the game in the list of applications. Click on it once, and then click on the "Delete" button. In Windows 10, there are also "programs and components", which can be easily reached, but there is no need for it.

Method number 3 Removing games in digital distribution stores

How to delete these games in Steam or Origin? Let's deal with this. The thing is that the games installed in similar services do not have classic uninstallromes: they must be removed directly through the client itself, which will not be difficult. For example, let's look at the removal of the game in Steam, but you can apply the following information also to other clients of digital distributors, such as Origin, Uplay or Gog, as all of them are made on one manner.

So, open your Steam client. Next, go to the "Library" tab, in which all your games are located. Find the game from which you want to get rid, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Delete ...". Then confirm your intentions again by clicking on the "Delete" button again. After clicking on it, start the removal process, after which the game will be erased from your disk and tabs of the installed games in the library.

Method number 3 Removing problem games

Now we go to something more complicated. How to delete a remote game? If you see this question for the first time, he may seem rather strange to you, but it is not at all. Suppose you have already tried to remove the game from the computer, but during the uninstall process something went wrong, for example, the disconnection of electricity, forced completion of the removal process, etc. As a consequence, in the registry of your system, there were records from a remote game, which can cause some problems when trying to delete the game from entries in "Applications and Features" or "Programs and Components".

If you encounter such a problem, you need to remove the remnants of the game records in Windows registry. You can perform this with these steps:

  • Press the combination Windows + R.
  • Enter Regedit. And press ENTER.
  • Using the left pane of the window, go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → Software..
  • Find the name of your game (or developer / publisher) in the section list.
  • Click on it right-click and select "Delete".

As soon as you do all the above, try again to remove the game by traditional methods - this time everything should go as expected.

METHOD №4 Using third-party utilities

If you do not want to use the tools built into the operating system, you can always use third-party software. The functionality of such tools is different from each other, ranging from simple removal Installed programs / games and ending with cleaning temporary and garbage files on your computer.

Advise some certain program It is quite difficult, since, in principle, their functionality is still similar to each other. For example, you can use the Uninstall Tool utility. Users are more or less satisfied with its functionality.

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