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Recording conversations on Samsung smartphones. How to turn on the voice recorder during a call on Samsung

Samsung Voice Recorder is designed to provide you with a simple and wonderful recording experience with high quality sound, and also offers playback and editing capabilities.
For your everyday needs, we have developed a “Voice Memo” recording mode so that you can convert your voice to text (speech to text).

Available recording modes:

[STANDARD] This provides a nice simple recording interface.
[INTERVIEW] Two microphones located on the top and bottom of the device will be activated to capture you and your interviewer (or interviewee's) voice, it also shows a double wave respectively.
Record your voice and then convert it to text on the screen, the so-called STT.

Before you start recording, you can set up
□ Directory path (If an external SD card is available)

While recording,
□ You can reject incoming calls while recording.
□ BOOKMARKS points you want to mark.
□ Background recording is also supported by simply pressing the HOME button.

Once saved, these steps below can be performed:
□ Both mini player and full player can be launched from the Recordings LIST.
* Built-in sound player supports media controls such as skip muted, playback speed and repeat mode.
□ Modify: Rename and Delete
□ Share your recordings with your friends via email, messages, OneDrive, WhatsApp, etc.

* Not Support S5, Note4 Android-M
** Available mode recording depends on device model
*** These are Zipped Apps Samsung devices which is preinstalled by the application.

The following permissions are required to serve apps. For additional permissions, the default functionality of the service is enabled, but not allowed.

Required Permissions
, Microphone: Used for recording function.
, Storage: Used to save recorded files.

Additional permissions
, Phone: Used to reduce received calls during recording and provide voice tag function

Changelog / What's New

V21.1.04.11 update include:
- Minor bugs fix
v21.1.04.10 update include:
- Support Night Mode
- Showing user guide to exclude Voice Recorder from sleeping application list (make recording possible in background)
- Support Convert Speech To Text in the recording file
- Add recent search history

New voice recorder from Samsung cannot be called a pocket spy, since its dimensions will not allow you to compactly hide the device in your clothes. The thickness and length of the voice recorder are quite large compared to similar models. But thanks to these parameters, the device can offer modern functionality. There is always a power button under the finger, two buttons are located at the end. They are responsible for setting bookmarks, changing the folder for recording, as well as deleting unnecessary information and looping a fragment of a file. Running mode allows you to define the function to be handled with a specific button. This eliminates the need for a large number of buttons on the ends.

On the front panel we find a screen and a few more buttons. 9 buttons are arranged in 3 rows. 4 buttons form a four-way navigation block. The other 5 buttons are made smaller so that you do not have to constantly touch them when operating the recorder. On the left side of the end surface there is a lever that allows you to select one of two modes: Meeting or Interview. Hidden under the protective cover is a connector for USB cable... You will not be able to connect mini USB wires, you will have to use the cable that comes with the kit.

The built-in speaker is located on the back of the recorder. Special cutouts on the ends of the device will allow you to clearly distinguish the sound even if the device is lying on back cover... The loudness of the speaker pleases, in a normal room you can easily make out speech. The sound quality is poor. Have direct competitor sound much juicier and better quality. The built-in 0.3 megapixel camera is located above the loudspeaker.

The voice recorder model is available in two colors: black and silver. We do not use a rechargeable battery for power supply, but ordinary batteries. Apparently, the manufacturers decided that the battery can turn off at the most inopportune moment, while batteries can be purchased at any store. According to the manufacturer, the device works for about 30 hours while recording files, about 20 hours when playing back the recording, about 50 hours when listening to the recording through headphones.

The compact display has a resolution of 128 x 128 pixels. These parameters of the display and its dimensions allow you to display the necessary information. In the sun, you have to look closely at the data, but you can still see the image. The developers have tried to please customers by prudently releasing the recorder in two versions: with 4 and 8 GB memory.

Even a child can handle the dictaphone. If you had to work with Samsung players, you can intuitively figure out how to operate this device. The buttons allow you to return to the menu, block the device, and call the context menu.


Naturally, the voice recorder function prevails for this device. However, the developers decided to go further and supplemented the recorder with various gadgets. Everyone decides for himself whether he should purchase a device that combines numerous functions that are not fully implemented.

Press the button on the end of the recorder to activate the recording. Whatever function the recorder is currently performing, it can start recording immediately after pressing this button. Even in the off state, the device is able to record files if you urgently need to record something very important. If you pressed the button completely by accident, then you can duplicate the press: the file will not be saved, since the recorder refuses to save records less than three seconds long. All recorded information is saved in a folder, which is divided into directories with letter designations. To change the directory for saving data, use the FOLDER button located on the right side panel. It is useless to create your own folders to save data: the recorder recognizes only its own directories, in which you can perform various manipulations with the recordings.

The user gets the opportunity to make a number of settings, which, depending on the recording conditions, will achieve maximum sound purity. The recording quality setting has 6 bit rates, the maximum limit is 192 kbps. Many people will find the spy function useful, which allows you to record when a sound of a certain volume level occurs. Recording in this mode is possible only indoors in a quiet room, because the microphone will not be able to pick up a specific sound among other noises. It is upsetting that this noise level cannot be set, it is the value set by the developers.

If desired, the user can set the noise canceling function or disable it. Automatic gane control or AGC function allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the microphone according to the input signal level. You can set the sensitivity manually. When you select a mode, you can set the recorder to Interview or Meeting mode. The coverage radius is larger in Meeting mode. When choosing the Interview mode, you should prepare for the fact that the background noise will recede into the background, the interlocutor's voice will become clearer.

An external microphone is included with the recorder, which will come in handy during recording. If necessary, it can be fixed on clothes, while it can be hidden from the eyes of the interlocutor. For a better, professional recording, you should look at another microphone, because the included microphone will only offer you monaural recording.

For recording telephone conversations, a special adapter is used, which has proven its functionality during testing. The kit is complemented by a line cable with two jacks at the ends of the wire.

In order for the user to be able to remember what is at stake in specific file, you can use the zest of the model - the built-in camera. At the end of the recording, the recorder will offer to take a photo. The image will be automatically saved in the folder where the freshly recorded information was stored. The photo is sewn into the tag. Therefore, images cannot be confused or lost. Files can go in a list or in the form of a mosaic with images, which sometimes greatly facilitates the search for data. The resolution of the saved image is 208 x 200 pixels.

During recording, the user gets the opportunity to change the mode, which may be useful in that case. If you have to enter or leave the premises, transport. This does not interrupt the recording. During the playback of the recording, you can increase the rate of speech in order to skip unnecessary parts, but not to miss important information at the same time.

Undoubtedly, many can seriously compete with this model in terms of recording quality. But hardly any of these models has so many settings and modes as this device... One of the advantages of using this recorder is the ability to use it as a music player... It is not necessary to listen to only the recorded files. Although there is no section in the main menu that allows you to think about the musical direction of the gadget, the file browser will allow you to listen to your favorite songs. The most popular formats WMA and MP3 are available to the user. The screen displays information about the file, a small image of the album cover, equalizer settings, playback mode. To configure the sound, you need to go to the context menu.

The dictaphone allows you to make bookmarks, while the number of bookmarks per file is limited to one. On the right side, you need to find the corresponding button. The main menu contains a list of existing bookmarks. This function will be relevant when listening to audiobooks, which is quite suitable for a modern user as an alternative to listening to music. Connoisseurs of FM broadcasts can find their favorite show thanks to the built-in FM receiver. Three dozen stations can be entered into the device's memory. Autosearch allows you to easily find your favorite programs. Additional function is a recording of radio broadcasts.

When connecting the recorder to a PC, the system detects the device as a removable disk. This allows you to abandon proprietary programs. But one is available: EmoDio. From the official website of the manufacturer, if you wish, you can easily download the program. It will make it possible to create playlists, quickly exchange data. When connected to a computer, you can remove the batteries, the device will still work. If rechargeable batteries are installed in the recorder, they will not be able to recharge from the computer, they require a special charge.

Summing up

The voice recorder cannot be called a professional journalistic or spy gadget that many manufacturers are trying to create. The number of settings is quite large, but many will want to expand this range. For those who purchase the device as a voice recorder, the set of settings and modes will be to their liking. But the FM receiver and the player are implemented without any frills. I am pleased with the equipment of the device, which contains a large number of accessories: a line cable, headphones, a cord, an external microphone, an adapter for recording from a phone.

  • Voice recorder - USB cable
  • Hand strap
  • Two AAA batteries
  • Headphones
  • 3.5-3.5mm cable
  • External microphone
  • Phone Recording Adapter

What is happening there in the market of digital voice recorders - who knows. Let's say here I am, in principle, a representative target audience... I often use an old Olympus voice recorder, and even more often I resort to voice recorders in iPods and phones. From time to time, in the wake of the thirst for renewal, I want to spend money on some of the new models, but then ... Then comes the understanding that they are, these dictaphones. We can do without them, the old Olympus will be enough. But when they offered to test the new Samsung voice recorder, I gladly agreed. Moreover, the preliminary acquaintance was quite surprised, the impression was that the company was trying to create a kind of mega-dictaphone for more than reasonable money. Let's see what this thing is for more than three thousand rubles.

A bit of personal history

One of the first classes at the university was devoted to technical means journalism, including the teacher talked about dictaphones. It was almost twelve years ago, and many of the things said are still relevant. Our "teacher" was a fan of voice recorders and suggested using this device as often as possible, not only for recording interviews, but also for creating notes, tasks, discussing plans with oneself, and so on. He followed all the innovations in this area, I believe that he was one of the first in the capital to acquire a digital voice recorder. We, accordingly, also got hooked on this technical needle, my first recording device was from Sony, a dictaphone for ordinary cassettes. Actually, I still have this recorder, it works. True, not a single tape recorder was left. So, I happily used it for a while, until gadgetomania came, it was bought by Olympus on microcassettes. Lost, bought another one. Then the time came for the first digital voice recorder, which, because it was unusual and interesting, was used one hundred percent. It was a period when I not only wrote interviews with his help, but also remembered everything that the teacher said. Notes, personal notes, even pin codes and other information. It was an excellent dictaphone, I don’t remember the brand, something not too branded. And finally latest model family members gave me a present for some holiday. This is the Olympus DS-40, a beautiful, sensitive, cool and loyal (and reliable) gadget that, unfortunately, I rarely use now.

Apparently, although the recorder is mine professional tool, I use this thing quite rarely. Sometimes interviews were written on the phone, these were models from Sony ericsson, and from Nokia, and even from Apple - tried the voice recorder software for the iPhone. Of course, it would be more correct to write your voice only with the help of a dictaphone, but, you understand, sometimes you just don't want to take an extra device.

Nevertheless, in my opinion, a digital voice recorder is an extremely useful and necessary piece that can come in handy in a bunch of situations. Recording of negotiations, the already mentioned planning and personal notes, "note-taking" of lectures, hidden entry and so on and so forth. I wonder if you have a digital voice recorder and how much you need such a device in your life?

Design, construction

I'll start with the delivery set, it is extremely large, which is just not there. A special adapter for recording calls from your phone? There is. 3.5 - 3.5 mm cable for recording from a player or laptop? There is. There is a small carrying strap, headphones and so on.

We did our best. The recorder itself is quite large, a kind of block, quite heavy when the batteries are in place. Physical dimensions are 34.7x109.6x15 mm, weight - just over sixty grams. The entire front panel is made of textured plastic, which, it seems, can be used to sharpen your nails. But the recorder does not slip in the hand, it is problematic to drop it. The plastic on the rear panel is common, the battery compartment lid crunches when squeezed. A gray insert runs along the ends, in general appearance strict, not to say that very graceful, but strict. Not a toy, but a serious thing. On the left side there is a plug for connecting a USB cable, closed with a plug, on the bottom - a groove for a strap. Above we find two connectors, one for connecting headphones, the other for an external microphone, let me remind you that this thing is included in the kit.

The indicator light located "in the forehead" lights up brightly, signaling the start of recording, blinks during this process. Surely it was done for a reason, because before starting the interview, you must inform the interlocutor about the use of the dictaphone, ask if it is possible to "write" his voice. It seems to be so written in the law on the media, if in your own words. There is no problem to glue the indicator with a piece of adhesive plaster - just thinking aloud.


No touch buttons, solid "mechanics", which is very good. Below the display is a block of functional buttons, let's list them: going back to an item, calling a list of additional options, blocking, Play / pause, turning on the device. But these black pimples are nothing more than a joystick for navigating menus and lists. On the right we find the button to start recording, under it - function key responsible for switching between folders. On the left - a lever for switching between recording an interview or meeting, depending on your choice, the recorder will focus on one direction (and the voice of your interlocutor) or will carefully "process" all directions during heated debates. The record button is clearly made under the right-handers, the finger rests directly on it, it is convenient. In general, the control is extremely successful, the block of buttons on the front panel is taut, you won't be able to accidentally press it too much.


Two "micro-finger" batteries, I think, can be obtained anywhere on our planet. But finding an outlet or USB port is sometimes extremely problematic. I think that this conservatism on the part of the company is very correct, the official data on the operating time are as follows: thirty hours of recording, fifty hours of playback through headphones, twenty through speakers.

PC connection

There are two variants of the device, for two and four gigabytes of memory. There is no memory card slot, and they are not needed - after all, we are not dealing with a player, but a fairly utilitarian device. When connected to a computer, we can use the memory of the recorder as our heart desires - pull out all the files or "put" something of our own. It reproduces exclusively MP3 and WMA, the recording is in MP3, conveniently. Can be listened to on anything.


There is an FM tuner with the ability to record (of course), it is possible to memorize the necessary frequencies on your own, use auto-tuning, and select the recording quality. For anyone involved with radio, this can be an interesting tool.

View files

A regular browser, before you folders Voice, Music, FM Radio, Playlists. Despite the presence of the Music folder, no one says that this is a player, although the playback quality is at a normal level, suitable for use in this quality. In the Voice folder we see something like a directory, five folders, from A to E. This is convenient for storing different records say, in A - only interviews, in B - the sounds of nature, in C - a secret recording of some conversation. While in the recording menu, you can quickly select a folder by clicking on the button on the right, this is convenient. By default, entries are displayed as icons, more on that in the next chapter.


Voice recorder with VGA camera? It seems to be such nonsense. But no, the camera here is very good helper For example, if you work at an exhibition and there are five to ten interviews a day, then it is extremely difficult to analyze this material. If you focus only on the recording time in the file names. The YP-VR1 does not have this problem, because after recording is finished, the player asks you if you want to sketch. Let's say you say "Yes!" The camera is activated, you “click” the right person, place or thing that was talked about, the picture is recorded in the tag of the sound file - great. After that, say, in a hotel, when you go into folders, you see icons-photographs. Choose the one you need, decrypt.

For me, it's such a great thing, badly needed. Nobody says that this is an add-on for landscapes, even on the product page on everything written above is chewed up in even more detail.


In the settings, you can change the date and time, you need to do this first thing after purchase, so that you do not get confused in the records later. Also here are the display settings, language selection, sleep time, enable or disable sound signal, system information and so on. I will not dwell in detail, everything is transparent. Basically, after setting the time, fresh and high quality batteries, you can start recording right away.

Voice recorder

There were practical tests, it was necessary to record a meeting and conversations with two people in a quiet restaurant. Working, so to speak, the moment. Usually, after all, how: at the so-called "business" meetings, people talk a lot, be creative, come up with. And then, when they try to remember what was said so ingeniously, memory lapses begin. So, the cafe was quiet, in the Meeting mode the recording was quite normal - here you have conversations, and the clatter of knives, forks, conversations with a waitress, discussing a case, conversations about life, leisure, women, places, gadgets, and so on. Fruitful, so to speak, oncoming lane. And it's nice to listen. There are no complaints about the YP-VR1, everything is fine. True, the microphone is either very sensitive, or vice versa - not only the voice, but also the surrounding space writes painfully well. A whisper test was carried out, in a quiet room the recorder was lying at a distance of three meters from me, and I whispered all sorts of dirty tricks and complained about life. I listened. I did the same with the Olympus. The latter, after all, caught my groans much better.

By the way, there is a good speaker here, loud, it allows you to completely do without headphones. True, the nightmarish editorial work immediately comes to mind, when a couple of journalists simultaneously transcribe an interview without headphones - you can go crazy.


The average price of a model with a 2 GB memory capacity is less than four thousand rubles. Let's look at this thing as a simple voice recorder. The recording quality is normal, but not to say to straight out ah. Will go for work. That's why you need to love a model, so much for a camera that helps a lot in life - no problems with disassembling records. Excellent delivery set, I hope that I still have the opportunity to use and external microphone, and a device for recording from the phone - you don't know when and what will come in handy. It's very good that it runs on batteries, the eternal "Damn, I forgot to charge it !!!" it will not work here. Accordingly, we can recommend the YP-V1 for purchase to anyone who may need such a thing in life. Yes, I would also like to note convenient control, a good speaker, this is also important.

Have you ever thought that Samsung voice recorder, Android voice recorder or iPhone voice recorder can also be used to monitor activity versus telephones? no, then rethink about it. With apps like Spyzie, you can track every activity of any smart device along with its amazing voice recording feature.

Every smartphone comes with a voice recording app. If not, you can easily download it from the Internet. Samsung Voice Recorder has become an essential tool for many people, including professionals. Samsung Voice Recorder App on Google Play Store which has been highly praised by users due to its varied features. Click if you want to know how to recover a call recording.

If you are looking for an application that works like a voice recorder and monitoring application then you must go with Spyzie as it offers so many possibilities in one place. Read on to find out more about it!

Part 1: What kind of recorder is it?

Before moving on, you should be aware of what the recorder actually does. Voice recorder is used by many people to record audio as well as video. This app helps you to record sound through microphone or jack.

In digital recording devices, audio files are stored as digital files. These voice recorders are used for a variety of purposes and some of them include:

Using the Samsung Voice Recorder

  • He records and stores brain ideas, how writers get them at any time.
  • She studies and improves public speaking skills.
  • Use to learn new language expert voice recordings.
  • It can be used to record meetings as well as other important information.
  • It can be used to record student lectures.
  • Help investigators, doctors, and lawyers take notes.
  • It can be used to create transcriptions.

Unfortunately, voice recorders record calls and plays what is being recorded. These recorders are not equipped with any monitoring function. You cannot spy on anyone's smartphone with these voice recorders. Look at an app that works both as a voice recorder and as a control device!

Part 2: Best Samsung Voice Recorder

Samsung Voice Recorder is an application that has crossed millions of downloads. It works eminently like a voice recorder for Android devices... Its recording quality is much better than other voice recording applications available on the internet. It comes with a wider range of features than any standard voice recorder. Some of its features are listed below, take a look!

Features of Samsung Voice Recorder:

  • It can be used to select different recording modes.
  • He edits audio and voice.
  • Its voice memos converts speech to text.
  • This is the bookmark of the points that you think are important.
  • It edits and renames files of your choice.
  • Play recordings with list view.
  • This makes background recording.
  • It sets up NFC tags for voice files.
  • Control your media files using features such as pause or skip.
  • It shares voice files with other users through an internet platform.

Download link:
Visit, = & ch = ep

Part 3. How does Spyzie work as a voice recorder?

step 2: Select “Android” option

After landing on your setup wizard, provide the required data and select operating system like “Android”.

step 3: enable installation

After successful registration, you need to install the Spyzie app on the device you want to control. Before that, you must allow the installation of applications from unknown services. To do this, visit the settings on your phone and then, look for the “Security” tab. Now, enable the option “ unknown sources”From there. Click OK!

Step 4: Download Spyzie

Now, you have to download the Spyzie app on the target device. After installing the program, open the application and select the "Start" option. After a while, the icon will disappear automatically. Spyzie will now monitor the target device's activity remotely.

step 5: Go to “control panel”

You can see all the actions of the target device in the Spyzie dashboard. Go to “control panel” to access it. After synchronizing the data, you will be able to see everything that is happening on the target device.

Step 6: Search for “Surround Sound Recording”

In order to use the voice recording feature in Spyzie, you must click on the “Record Surround Sound” option. This option will be available on right side along with other functions. Please note that this only works when the internet connection is working on the target device.

So, you can use Spyzie that there is so much to offer compared to the Samsung voice recorder. undoubtedly Spyzie has some additional features that you find in the voice recorder. Besides recording video and audio, Spyzie offers you tools that can be used to monitor any phone. It has such an intuitive and simple interface that it does not require any technology knowledge to use.

Some users need to record from time to time telephone conversations... Samsung smartphones, like devices from other manufacturers under Android, also know how to record calls. Today we will tell you what methods this can be done.

You can record a call on a Samsung device in two ways: using third party applications or built-in tools. By the way, the availability of the latter depends on the model and firmware version.

Method 1: Third Party Application

Recorder applications have several advantages over systemic means and the most important thing is versatility. So, they work on most devices that support call recording. One of the most convenient programs this kind is Call Recorder from Appliqato. Using her example, we will show you how to record conversations using third-party applications.

  1. After downloading and installing Call Recorder, the first step is to configure the application. To do this, launch it from the menu or desktop.
  2. Be sure to read the terms of the licensed use of the program!
  3. Once in the main Call Recorder window, tap on the button with three bars to go to the main menu.

    There select the item "Settings".
  4. Be sure to activate the switch "Enable automatic recording mode": it is necessary for the program to work correctly on latest smartphones Samsung!

    You can leave the rest of the settings as they are or change for yourself.
  5. After initial setup leave the application as it is - it will automatically record conversations in accordance with the specified parameters.
  6. When the call ends, you can tap the Call Recorder notification to view details, mark or delete the received file.

The program works excellently, does not require root access, but in the free version it can store only 100 entries. The disadvantages include recording from a microphone - even the Pro version of the program cannot record calls directly from the line. There are - some of them are richer in features than Call Recorder from Appliqato.

Method 2: Built-in Tools

The call recording function is present in Android out of the box. In Samsung smartphones, which are sold in the CIS countries, this feature is programmatically blocked. However, there is a way to unlock this function, but it requires root and at least minimal skills in handling system files. Therefore, if you are unsure of your abilities, do not take risks.

Getting Root
The method depends specifically on the device and firmware, but the main ones are described in the article below.

Note also that the easiest way to get Root privileges on Samsung devices is by using modified recovery, in particular. Also, using newest versions programs, you can install CF-Auto-Root, which is the best option for an ordinary user.

Enabling the built-in call recording function
Since this option is programmatically disabled, to activate it, you need to edit one of the system files... This is done like this.

  1. Download and install on a rooted phone - for example, Root Explorer. Open it and go to:

    The program will ask for permission to use root, so grant it.

  2. In folder csc find the file named others.xml... Select the document with a long tap, then click on the 3 dots in the upper right.

    From the dropdown menu select "Open in a text editor".

    Confirm the request to remount the file system.
  3. Scroll through the file. At the very bottom, the following text should be present:

    Insert the following parameter above these lines:


    Note! By setting this option, you will not be able to create conference calls!

  4. Save changes and restart your smartphone.

Call recording by system means
Open the built-in Samsung dialer app and make a call. You will notice that a new cassette button has appeared.

Pressing this button will start recording the conversation. It takes place in automatic mode... The resulting records are stored in internal memory, in catalogs "Call" or "Voices".

This method is rather complicated for an ordinary user, so we recommend using it only as a last resort.

Summing up, we note that in general, recording conversations on Samsung devices does not fundamentally differ from a similar procedure on other Android smartphones.