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Download Antivirus Doctor Web Frey. Available operation modes

If an antivirus is already installed on your computer with Windows, and this is not a doctor web, then there are often doubts about the reliability of its protection. In this case, a small free attending utility Dr. Web Cureit. - This is exactly what you need. The program independently and without installing a complete Dr.Web can quickly and reliably check the computer for viruses and malware. It is only possible to download free Dr.Web Cureit Anti-Virus, and it will save a computer and Windows from any infection absolutely free.

Is the computer sick? Or is everything all right?

Often, the usual person is not understood: the computer is sick, or everything is in order. Something is wrong, but what exactly? Perhaps viruses? Check the computer using Anti-Virus Dr. Web Kurett, look at the verification report. If there is a need to get rid of viruses and malicious programs using Dr. Web Cury! After scanning, infected files are effectively and instantly treated, infected with an unknown virus - move into quarantine.

The freshest viruses are familiar Dr.Web Cureit!

This antivirus program (viruses base) for a computer almost daily updated and the latest version contains the latest virus databases, malicious, spyware for computer. These bases allow you to effectively find and neutralize infection. Dr. Web smoke - one of the best tools for relieving threats information security. It is distinguished by such significant advantages:

  • excellent user interface,
  • support more than 30 languages,
  • used without installation, including "flash drives",
  • normally "adjacent" with other antiviruses,
  • there is a selective check (memory, load sector, autorun, etc.),
  • check discs in multithreaded mode,
  • use of multi-core processors,
  • quick check of large volumes
  • perfect stability of work.

Dr.Web Cureit! - single antivirus

Unfortunately, to provide information security in real-time, this antivirus is not suitable. Dr. Web smoke will undoubtedly cure files infected with virus, but will do it once. Guaranteed to cure a computer from viruses DR.Web Cureit utility! You can only with a new version of today, and for this you need every day free download Dr.Web Cureit!

It is not sad, but a permanent means for protecting a computer with Windows from viruses is a full doctor web to buy for money. Another free antivirus is suitable from the site collection.

Free Antivirus Dr.Web Cureit! free download

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Greetings to all the visitors who looked at this site. In today's article, I want to continue the topic about and telling about one very useful attending utility Dr. Web, which is called Dr.Web Curelt. If your computer began to behave somehow suspiciously, and you understand that it was most likely a virus, and the installed antivirus program of treacherously silent, then Dr. Web utility will come to the aid.

It will not replace the antivirus installed on the computer, as the DR.WEB CURELT assignment is a disposable computer check. Therefore, let's consider the basic functions of the utility in detail how to download it and configure.

If you have not previously used Dr.Web Curelt, then let's look at what this program is for what it is intended for.

Dr.Web Curelt is a free attending utility of the famous Russian company "Dr. Web". As I have already written above, the utility is intended for a single test of a computer for malicious software. It is not a substitute for stationary antivirus, she has other destinations. It will come in handy in cases where

  • there is no possibility to install antivirus on an infected computer;
  • installed antivirus does not cope with his direct task;
  • it is required to carry out the prevention of the computer for the presence of viruses;

I listed you the main destinations of the doctor's doctor web. Now let's look at how the threats can handle Dr. Kurete:

  • various viruses;
  • trojan programs;
  • internet worms;
  • rootkites;
  • spyware software;
  • advertising banners;
  • potentially dangerous software.

The utility does not require installation on a computer, it is enough just to download and run it. It works under control and with any architecture.

How to download and configure your doctor web utility?

In order to download the most actual version Dr.Web Curelt need to use the official website: Download Dr.Web Curelt

Since the program is updated several times a day, and if you need to check not one computer, then try to download the most recent version.

After downloading the utility, on the hard disk of the computer you will see a file whose name consists of a set of letters and numbers. Do not be afraid of this, such file names are standard for this Utility Doctor Web and are necessary to ensure that viral programs cannot recognize it and locate.

After starting the program, you will see the "License and Updates" window, you must put a tick opposite item "I agree to take part in quality improvement software. Statistics collected during the computer check will automatically send the company "Doctor Web", otherwise the program will not start.

Note! Attending Dr. Web utility runs in a special window that cannot be blocked by viruses.

After making a license agreement, you must configure the program for checking. How to do this below.

Customize Dr. Kurete.

In order to maximize the computer for viruses to start, you need to configure the utility. To do this, press the button as a key and fall into the "Options" drop-down menu. We are interested in the setup item. Go there.

By default, the doctor of the doctor's doctor is already configured, but if you need to strengthen the level of scan, then perform settings for yourself.

In the settings menu that opens, the following items are presented:

On this settings, the Dr.Web Curelt utility run out, go directly to checking the computer to viruses.

Virus check in Dr.Web Cureit

After you have dealt with the settings, go to the computer check. You can perform express or deep check. In order to run a quick check, you must click on the "Start Check" button. This check Does not take much time. It can also be canceled at any time by clicking on the "Stop" button or suspend by clicking on the "Pause" button.

Note! It is impossible to interrupt the check only if RAM or system processes are scanned.

During the inspection, the Dr.Web Cureit utility shows the following information:

  • Test time checking;
  • Time remaining until completion;
  • The number of proven objects;
  • The number of threats detected;
  • Information about the verified object.

At the end of the verification, the doctor of Dr. Web will provide information about the detected threats. You can also see the service report, for this, click on the "Open Report" link.

If the threats are found, the default program will offer an option to combat them. You can choose such actions how to move, skip, cure or delete. Also, if it is not clear to you, what a utility file considers the virus, you can look in the "Path" field. In order to neutralize all the threats at once, you must put a tick as to the lower or select each file individually and apply the action to it.

There are often cases when Dr. Web Kurete considers a threat, program files to which cannot be confidential, for example, these are programs for remote connection. In this case, so that the attending utility does not delete the files you need, we remove the checkboxes from them and click skip.

Note! Sometimes in order to completely neutralize the threat, you need to restart the computer.

To perform a deeper check, affecting all files and discs on your computer, you need to click on the "Select Objects to Check" before you start. The following window will open, in which all local and local and network discsAnd then click on the "Start Check" button. Such a check will take enough long time. Therefore, be patient.

Function - quarantine.

Dr.Web Cureit has another one the desired function - Placing infected files for quarantine. To go to the quarantine manager, open the option "Options" menu and select the appropriate item.

If you have already placed some files to quarantine, then you will display their list. These files can be removed from quarantine, restore to the previous place or on the specified path. All objects placed on quarantine are encrypted by the program.

Let's summarize.

Today, we looked at the doctor of Dr. Web entitled Dr.Web Cureit. This utility copes with its task a hundred percent, while the quality of work is ahead of many stationary antiviruses. The program is suitable for those who need to check the computer for viruses once or if the installed antivirus does not find threats. I also recommend to carry out a preventive test of the computer by this program at least once a month.

Review of the program Dr.Web.

Dr. Web Cureit. - free antivirus utility for the treatment / removal of infected objects on personal Computer. The utility does not conflict with antivirus products of other manufacturers and does not require installation. But, Dr.Web Light You can use to constantly protect the Android device. It will protect personal data, protects from unwanted calls and SMS, and protects from theft.

System requirements for computer

  • System: Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit).

System requirements for phone

  • Operating system: Android 4.4 and above.
Antivirus capabilities

Scanning System
  • The inclusion of self-defense.
  • Select the type of check. There are three types of checks: Fast, complete and selective. During a quick check of Dr.Web checks rAM, boot sectors, autorun objects, root directory boot disk, system folder And the "Windows" directory.
  • Heuristic analysis of the system to identify hidden viruses (rootkit).
  • Lock local network and the Internet during the inspection.
  • Check BIOS for viruses before booting a Windows system.
  • Support command line. In the line, you can specify modes and check objects. For example, find and check the file "explorer.exe" in the "C: \\ Windows \\" folder.
  • Adding files, applications and programs to the exception list.
Reports and notifications
  • Representation of the report on detected threats.
  • Release Notifications new version Programs, new anti-virus database signatures, as well as on finding malicious objects.
  • Representation of the list of isolated files.
  • Automatic acceptance of the necessary actions to threats.

Dr.Web Cureit 11.1.2 for Windows

  • Updated Anti-virus core Dr.Web Virus-Finding Engine to version
  • Eliminated failure in the anti-virus core.
  • Increased speed program.
  • Improved self-defense.

Dr.Web Light 11.2.1 for Android

Dr.Web Cureit (Dr. Web Kurete) - A free attending utility that does not require installation and can be applied on the infected system. Each computer needs to protect against viruses, but unfortunately, regular antiviruses do not give 100% protection guarantee. In addition, practice shows that there is no ideal antivirus, there is no such program that could protect the computer from all possible threats. Even using serious, in your opinion, antivirus, there is always the likelihood of problems and oddities in the work of OS or various programs.

Today, more and more often in the field of view of users, information about the emergence of new viruses and trojans, which can cause significant damage to the computer. This portable version (can be launched even with uSB flash drives) free Antivirus Dr.Web finds and removes various dangerous software. The program is downloaded for free from the official site and after cleaning the computer is removed, while not entering the conflict with an antivirus already installed on the computer.

Key Features Dr.Web Cureit

  • pC scanning for malicious elements can be used both in scheduled mode and in emergency situations - when troubleshooting is detected;
  • support for a computer clean and order because it detects and removes that other antivirus programs do not see;
  • checking both the whole and selection of objects for verification;
  • there is a certificate where the process of working with the program is described in detail;
  • run from the command line will allow you to set additional settings for check;
  • quarantine manager with the ability to delete, restore the default and in the specified folder;
  • scanner protection mode during verification;
  • the ability to add files to exceptions in the settings;
  • support for a large number of program interface languages.

Dignities and disadvantages Dr.Web Cureit

The advantages of the program can be attributed

  1. There is a possibility of installation on the device already infected with the virus.
  2. Detection of viral programs Even when they are absent in the database.
  3. Scanning function archive files Many different formats.
  4. Consumes a small amount of computer resources.
  5. The program is portable, do not need to be installed on the PC.
  6. Free use on home computers.

The disadvantages of the program can be attributed

  1. Files copied to PC are automatically checked for viruses, and therefore the copying process is significantly slowed down.
  2. It is possible to hang when the computer interface is "frozen" (the phenomenon is quite rare, but quite real).
  3. Designed for disposable use. Since its anti-virus base is not automatically updated. To check the computer itself last version It will be necessary to download again every time.

Installing and updating Dr.Web Cureit

Program installation

Dr. Kurete does not need installation, as it is a portable version. Run a double click of the downloaded file below, put a tick (agree with the terms of use) click the "Continue" button and start the check. You can also choose objects for checking and settings as desired, nothing complicated in it.

Program update

Dr.Web Cureit! - The attending utility will be able to cure the system once and is not a constant tool to combat the computer with viruses. To update this utility You will need to download on the new link below, so the databases are updated one or several times per hour.


Today, Dr. Kurete is one of the best solutions to quickly check the computer for viruses, Trojans and other evil spirits without installing on PC. There are of course analogues from other companies, but as shown by experience this product Changes with its task perfectly.

Download Doctor Web Kurete FREE you can link below.

On a computer, most users are usually worth any antivirus program. But in some cases suspicions may arise that the antivirus program does not cope, or she missed something. Then you can use the Russian-speaking free attending utility Dr.Web Cureit!

The advantages of using it is that it can check the computer without disconnecting the main antivirus if it is installed.

This check can be carried out once a month or otherwise, there are no clear recommendations. If for some reason on the antivirus PC is not at all, then the computer check can also be carried out by a free attending utility Dr.Web Cureit.

Signs of infected computer

Consider the most common signs that the computer is probably infected with the virus (of course, the list suggested below is not exhaustive):

1. The browser has changed homepageWhile no new programs have been recently installed.

2. Pages and sites on the Internet spontaneously open (as a rule, this is all kinds of spam: Zhulnic offers of earnings in the network, online casino, dubious content sites, etc.).

3. On the worker table Windows There were shortcuts that no one added there (most often these links to sites about the same content as in the previous case).

4. The computer suddenly began to work markedly slowly (again without installing any new programs on it).

5. Well acquaintances and long-used applications have become much slower to start and work.

6. Intensively operated hDD (It is constantly on or often flashes its indicator) when any programs are clearly not running on the computer.

At the same time, such activity is also characteristic of useful background programs (antiviruses, testing and optimization programs hard disk, applications for background reserve copy, software updates, etc.). Therefore, it is worth making sure that these useful programs in this moment Not launched. This can be done, for example, checking all the processes currently active at this time.

7. An Internet connection is actively used, although no programs or processes may be launched on the computer, which can create Internet traffic (browsers, file download programs, update utilities, etc.). You can check it in the same way as in the previous case.

It should be noted that almost every program includes the option automatic update (most often - in the background), so checking the presence of such traffic should be especially carefully.

Free Utility Dr.Web Cureit

1) Armed on the basis of the above list with reasonable suspicions regarding the likely presence of malicious programs on a computer, you can resort to the help of a free attending utility Dr.Web Creatit! For this:

  • it needs to download its computer to the hard disk,
  • start checking
  • and then you can delete from your PC.

Important: Duration DR.Web Cureit Utility! It is only two days, so I don't make sense to download it.

Yes, and anti-virus databases are updated almost either hourly, because about the same frequency new viruses appear.

If necessary, you can download the latest version of the attending utility Dr.Web Cureit! From the official site and re-launch the test on your PC. Thus, the attending utility Dr.Web Cureit! Checks on user request. However, it is necessary to make aware that it is not a means of constant anti-virus protection. In addition to her, it should be installed on the computer.

By the way, at the attending utility (Dr.Web Cureit! And other analogs) there is another name: an anti-virus scanner program, which just means that the program (utility) is intended for one-time scanning, and not for constant protection of the computer.

I pay attention to one important momentBefore using the free Utility Dr.Web Cureit! The computer must be left alone, not to carry out any actions on it until the utility finishes its check. Run the Dr.Web Cureit utility and at the same time listen to music, lead with someone correspondence or make any other actions extremely undesirable during the test of the computer for viruses.

All programs and all windows should close and enable the utility to work well.

To do this, you can run the Dr.Web Creatit utility, for example, overnight, having previously closed all applications.

By time, the utility can work from 15-30 minutes to several hours, depending on the state of the computer being checked.

2) You can download its latest version at:

As a rule, this program detects significantly more viruses and malicious programs than its competitors.

Fig. 1. Download your doctor's utility DR.Web Cureit! from the official site

By clicking on the "Free Download" button (Fig. 1), a window will appear:

Fig. 2. We put ticks in exchange for the presence of Dr.Web Cureit attending utility!

Here (Fig. 2) you need to install two ticks opposite the proposals:

  1. "I agree to send statistics on the course of scanning and software and hardware of my PC to" Dr. Web ",
  2. "I agree with the terms of the license agreement."

Then you can click on the "Download" button, which will be inactive without installing these two checkboxes.

Note: If you bought licenses or something else in the "Dr. Web", then you can not put a tick on the contrary "I agree to send statistics on the progress of scanning ...", but then you will need to introduce serial number Dr.Web from previously purchased product.

3) When the Dr.Web Cureit utility is running, it will be in the "downloads" of your browser, you need to find it there and click on the downloaded file.

The "License and Update" window (Fig. 3) opens, where we put a tick opposite

  • "I agree to take part in the program quality improvement program. Statistics collected during the test of the computer will automatically go to Dr. Web company.

Fig. 3. In the "License and Update" window, we put a tick "I agree"

Click on the "Continue" button, the "Check" window will appear:

Fig. 4. You can "start checking" of the entire computer or "Select objects to verify"

As can be seen in fig. 4, you can immediately click the Large "Start Check" button (1 in Fig. 4).

4) but it happens so that you need custom scanor full Check.

Under the "Start Check" button, there is a link "Select objects for checking" (2 in Fig. 4). If you click on it, then all items in the list should be noted in the list. To do this, it is enough to put the highest tick opposite "check objects".

Fig. 5. Select objects to verify the attending utility Dr.Web Cureit

At the same time you can check those flash drives that were previously used on an allegedly infected computer. To do this, it is necessary (before starting the Dr.Web Cureit utility) insert flash drives into USB ports, after which they also mark them in the list. In this case, you can be sure that the test will turn out to be a comprehensive (though, it will take a lot of time, so it needs to be considered in advance).

5) Without sufficient experience, other important program settings are better not to change. By default, the utility will try to cure infected files, and incurable - put into quarantine.

If there is a desire to actively participate in verification, you can set the option of sound alerts about all events during it. To do this, press the pictogram with the image of the spanner on the right above (3 in Fig. 4 or 3 in Fig. 5). If, on the contrary, you want to "run and forget", you can set the same option for automatic use to the threats of action by default.

Finally, if the check will continue in the absence of a user (which, of course, makes sense only in the case of the automatic application of the default action program), can also be installed the option automatic shutdown Computer after checking. In this case, with the results of the program, it will be possible to read by reading text file its report.

6) If Dr.Web Cureit utility! Places any files to quarantine, it is better to click on the "Neutralize" button.

Fig. 6. Check Dr.Web Cureit! Completed

Note: If the computer has been infected system files, then as a result of the inspection, they will be discovered and presented as threats. If you delete them, then windows system After that, it may not boot. It is possible that it is for this reason that it is sometimes advised to check the Dr.Web Cureit utility only when operating system Windows is loaded in safe mode.

7) As a result of the fact that the files were placed in Quarantine, some application could stop working, part of which were these files. You should not try to extract them from there, "restoring" the performance of the application thus.

It will be more correct and safer all the quarantine files after the end of the check, and then uninstall and re-install the appropriate applications if they do not work or work incorrectly.

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Developer: "Doctor Web"
Version: 11.1.7 from 04/25/2019
System: Windows
Language: Russian, English and others
License: Is free
Downloads: 88 256
The size: 179 MB