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How to configure a modem in router mode. How to configure the modem to router mode

Most users of the ADSL modems do not know its device, and which it has internal settings. Therefore, often users complain about poor communication, poor wireless network connection, as well as on the so-called "lags" and "brakes".

However, in addition to a variety of features, ADSL modem has several modes that change its operation, thereby giving the user a choice in favor of this or that functionality of using the modem.

Consider in more detail how to configure the modem mode yourself and how these modes are different.

AdSL modem modes

ADSL modem has two modes:

  1. Mode "Bridge" (Bridge).
  2. Router mode (Router).

That is, the router works in the bridge mode and router mode. Consider these two modes in more detail.

Setting the modem to "Bridge" mode

ADSL modem in the "Bridge" mode works as an ordinary adapter from the cord of the telephone line to the network wire into the computer. This mode is required because the telephone wire cannot be connected directly to the computer network card.

In this mode, the modem does not know how to do anything. And the connection to the Internet is possible only through the receipt of the IP address and settings from the provider, which, in turn, are entered in the computer settings, and not a modem. You make a login and password on your computer and connect to the network when you want.

The advantage of the "Bridge" mode is that it is possible to assign an external IP address to a computer directly, bypassing the modem. Also, if you have only one computer or a device that requires Internet, then the "Bridge" mode suitable better Total. However, today this mode is almost not used.

To set up a modem in right mode, need to:

  1. Find the IP address of the modem in the documentation and enter it into address line browser.
  2. In the window that opens, you must enter the login and password, which can also be found in the documentation. Usually, the default login and password is the word "admin", however different models The modem may differ login and password.
  3. In the modem settings you can find the necessary features. If you cannot find, you can use the documentation or contact the firm that produced a modem.

After that, the modem will work in the "Bridge" mode.

Setting the ADSL modem to Router mode

If you have a lot of electronic devices in your apartment that require the Internet, then the "Router" mode for the ADSL modema is best suited. In this mode, the modem is assigned a network IP address that will be the same for all devices that will be connected to the common point of access of the modem. Also in this mode, you can configure the wireless Wi-Fi network to not be dependent on the wires.

In this mode, the modem instead of a computer runs authentication and receives network data from the provider, simplifying work. The modem acts as a server. However, for this it will be necessary to enter the necessary data from the network provider in the modem settings.

In addition, in this mode, the modem acts as additional protection From malicious Internet programs. And other modem functions like the protection of the network login and password will be available, which will not be afraid of "squeezing to the canal" neighbors around your apartment.

All settings are also made through a virtual modem service, as written in the previous section. All information should be in the documentation or on the modem manufacturer website

You can also read our article where it is written in detail about internal settings modem.

Many users have an ADSL modem. But not everyone knows that this device can be not only a "adapter" between the computer and the telephone line. If the modem is equipped with the LAN port and is connected to a computer with an Ethernet cable, most likely such a device can perform the functions of the router. How to set up modem as a router - we will look here.

Modem with LAN port

ADSL modem can work in one of the modes: "Bridge" or "Router". The second option is good because it is possible to connect not one computer to the modem (that is, to the router), but a lot. True, for this you have to use a switch. Even, you can directly connect the Wi-Fi access point directly, and get a wireless network.

Routher and Modem Connection Scheme

To connect an external IPTV-console, you need an additional LAN port (so buy a switch - you still have to). You can watch IP-TV via the computer, but for this it will be necessary to switch the modem into the "Router" mode (and then, configure the additional connection interface in it). Said about IPTV - True for most ADSL providers, including Rostelecom.

Configure a modem in router mode

How to go to the Web interface?

On the sticker or in the instructions - the IP address must be specified. graphic interface modem. First we try to get into it without performing a reset of settings.

The LAN modem connector - connect to the computer, as shown:

Modem Connection Scheme to PC

The network card is configured as follows:

  1. IP address - Anyone belonging to the range of modem addresses
  2. Gateway address is equal to an IP modem address (or web-interface address)
  3. The mask of the network is set "with the last zero" (give an example):

Setting network card

If, after checking multiple address values, it became clear that the login cannot be logged, give a single tip: you need to reset the modem settings. After a minute or later, after turning on the power of the modem, you press the RESET button on the housing (holding it 10-15 seconds).

It is important to know that you can perform a reset only if VPI and VCI parameter values \u200b\u200bare known to further configure the connection. Otherwise, it will not be possible to configure the modem even "as it was."

After reset to any modem, you can connect, configuring the network card on the "Auto" IP and DNS. Sequence - Such: Reset, Setting up a network card, reboot PC.

Customize the connection in the modem router

How to configure the modem to the router mode, we consider on the example d-LINK devices DSL-2500U BRU. When entering the interface, inform the username and password of the administrator (word admin):

Main interface tab

You will need to delete "unnecessary" connection interfaces (using "Remove"), and click "Add":

Setting up a new compound

Please note: if on the second page - to specify instead of "PPPOE" "Bridging" mode, then we get a modem working in the "Bridge" mode. The setup is reduced to the installation of the connection parameters followed by clicking "Next".

PPPOE connections:

  1. VPI and VCI values \u200b\u200bfor the Internet channel
  2. Encapsulation mode (usually - LLC)
  3. Subscriber Name and Password
  4. "Static" IP (only in case of use)

Install the Keep Alive checkbox if you need to get a connection running constantly. The option "NAT" and "Firewall" must be used necessarily (and "IGMP" - only in the case of the transfer of IPTV to the IPTV provider, moreover, one channel together with the Internet). "Wan Service" - you should always use. At the last stage, click "Apply" (and then "Finish"). Successful setting.

Additional features available in Router mode

IPTV, option VoIP and others

Router mode is good because you can configure multiple connection interfaces with the provider (one, PPPoE is the Internet channel). Rostelecom, for example, on a separate channel transmits IPTV. Also, additional interfaces are used to use the VoIP option or some others:

Multiple connection interfaces

Please note that VCI / VPI values \u200b\u200bfor each of the interfaces are different. The second and subsequent connections can be configured in the "Bridge" mode. In some modems, it is additionally necessary to indicate that the main connection gateway is the PPPoE interface:

Configuring D-Link Modems, "New" Graphic Interface

If LAN ports are provided by several, you still need to "bridge" a bridge interface with one of the ports. Explore the instructions on the modem (if the LAN port is one, you will not need to perform this setting).

Connection Modes in Router

  • "Keep Alive" - \u200b\u200bpermanently enabled (it is "Always ON"), this mode is recommended to use
  • "Dial On Demand" - auto-connection when accessing Internet resources (shutdown occurs through set time After completing the transfer)
  • "Manual Connection" - Connect / Disable Connection through the tab (usually, basic) in the Web interface

How to configure the Internet connection in the D-Link modem with a new graphical interface option - is shown in the movie (Router mode, without IPTV):

ADSL modem can be configured as a router (router) or Bridge. In Bridge mode, the modem serves as an adapter between the computer's network adapter and the telephone line - in this case all network connections are configured on the computer. In the ADSL modem router mode is a mini-server that provides network services to a computer. This mode is most safe and, in most cases, is preferred.

You will need

Computer, Network Adapter, Splitter, Modem, Ethernet Cable, ADSL Cable, Power Adapter, Driver Installation Disc

P & G placement sponsor Article on "How to configure a modem to router mode" How to switch the modem to router mode How to configure ADSL modem as a router how to configure a Netgear router


Before you configure the modem into the router mode, you should connect it to the comer and telephone line. To do this, connect the telephone line to the "LINE" connector, to the phone "Phone" telephone. ADSL modem Connect the splitter to the "MODEM" connector using ADSL cable. Connect the ADSL modem to the power source through the adapter. When the splitter is properly connected, the ADSL indicator on the modem should flash. Then connect the "Ethernet" connector of the modem to the computer's network adapter using an Ethernet cable. The "LAN" indicator on the ADSL modem must glow.

Next, you need to configure IP. In the "Start" menu, select "Setup", then "Network Connections \u003d\u003e Connection over LAN". Next, click "Properties". On the General tab, check the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) item. Click "Properties \u003d\u003e Get the IP address automatically." Confirm the selected settings by clicking the OK button.

Adjust the router. To do this, open a web browser and in the address bar, enter or, depending on the modem model. On the authorization page that opens, in the "Login" and "Password" field, you need to enter accordingly "Admin" and "admin". The exact data are specified in the documentation you got with your modem.

After authorization, you must create an Internet connection with a login and password that the Internet provider provides. Find in the modem settings items that contain "UserName" and "Password / userpass" and enter the values \u200b\u200breceived from the provider.

In the Settings menu, locate the items in which the connection type and the "VPI / VCI", "Encapsulation" value are defined. Connection Type Select "PPPOE" or "PPPOE OVER Ethernet", "VCI / VPI" and "Encapsulation" values \u200b\u200bor leave by default, or choose those that offers a provider. Restart the modem.

How simple

Other news on the topic:

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ADSL Internet due to its availability and ease of connection is still very popular. For his work, it is enough to have a city phone and a special device - ADSL modem. The modem can work in two modes - Bridge and Router. In the first case, the connection is installed on

Some providers still provide ADSL-Internet services. The difference from the usual connection through the LAN port is that a telephone line is used to communicate with the server. You will need a network hub (if you need to connect a large number of devices). Sponsor

Sometimes there is a need to connect multiple computers to one connection line with the Internet. But not many know that you can use the usual ADSL modem as a router (router). You will need an ADSL modem, a network concentrator (possibly), network cables. Sponsor

Router (router) is used to organize a computer (computers) in local network and Internet (Router) in ADSL mode). When eliminating a local network or change the modem mode, you must turn off the router. You will need a computer under

ADSL - Setupmodems D-Link Series 2500-2640 in Routher Mode

For access to K. Web interface Modem Settings by IP address It is necessary for the IP address network adapter The computer had an IP address from the same subnet as well as a modem, for example, (it differs in the last digit that can be from 2 to 254). Since the default DHCP server works in the modem, you can specify the mode in the network adapter settings automatic receipt IP addresses. What to log in to network connections You must open the Start menu - Panel management-network Connections. Select a local network connection to which your modem is connected. (Connecting settings are given for the Windows XP operating system). For Vista OS, we go to the start-up control panel- control of network connections - changing the adapter parameters.

You can configure the router (later modem) through its web interface. To do this, using the Internet Explorer browser or any other browser, go to the IP address of the modem, in the dialog box that appears, enter the "user" - admin (register), password - admin, and press the "OK" button

Choose in me on the left Advanced Setup - WAN. In the window that appears, click the Add button.

Select the PPP Over Ethernet connection type (PPPOE) and click Next

and then click on next

In the window that appears, we do not change anything, but we press Next

Click Save

The window will appear the window that you specifies the connection. To save the settings, you must click on the Save / Reboot button after which the modem will go to the reboot.

Connect the phone line cable to the modem and wait until the modem boot. After the modem is complete on its panel, the POWER (power cable), Status, DSL (signal from the station) and the Internet (authorization indication) should be loaded onto its panel. All indications should light up with green light. Moreover, Status and LAN must flicker. After that, open the Internet browser (browser) and are trying to enter the Internet.

version first


a) No terms and concepts claim to be scientifically, accuracy, and the correctness of the wording, this is done intentionally, so as not to load the mind reader with verbal periods and other nonsense. I wrote this article for friends and acquaintances who are asked to "configure ADSL" - in order not to explain every time again, but just give a link.

c) You may need to configure the modem in the bridge mode :.

First set network connection.

We go to Start -\u003e Settings -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Network Connections, select the label of our LAN connection ("Connection over Local Network") and open properties. It is assumed that the network card is already installed and configured, and the modem is connected. Otherwise, read first. We highlight the TCP / IP Internet Protocol and press the Properties button.

Here must be all like the screenshot below:

Click "OK" and once again "OK", the properties of the LAN connection are configured. Next, configure the modem in the router mode. We recruit the address in the browser (default Login Admin, Pelle Admin, perhaps in login, the word Admin must be written with a capital letter). We see such a picture.

Click on the WAN button. We see that we have some kind of connection. Remove it by putting a tick in the "Remove" field and clicking the "Remove" button. If you first set up this particular modem, it is possible to delete anything will not have to, in this case, you can immediately press the "Add" button. And after deleting an old connection, also press the "Add" button.

Fill out the VPI and VCI fields, these parameters had to issue an ADSL provider. The SERVICE CATEGORY field leaves the screenshot. Click Next.

We put a tick opposite PPP Over Ethernet (PPPOE). Below, fill the Encaspulation Mode field, the value should have issued the provider if I did not give out - put on the screenshot, and then still be sure to find out, otherwise there may be glitches.

Next, fill PPP Username (login that issued a provider), PPP Password (password, which also issued a provider), and put a tick opposite Keep Alive. The MTU value should not be more than 1500, and even better, write there 1492. We click the Next button.

Place the checkboxes according to the screenshot. Click Next.

You see the total settings. Click the Apply button. The modem will restart, the process indicator will crawl on the screen. Wait for the end of the reboot.

After rebooting the modem, log in to it if the browser does not automatically replace you in the control panel (Admin password, ADMIN login). Go to the top menu status and lateral Device info. See, all the fields are filled with different iPishniki? This means that the Default Gateway, Primary DNS and Secundary DNS are automatically affixed, and the standard LAN address of your modem. So everything should work. If some fields are empty, it means that the modem has not connected to the network as it should be. Once again, check the settings and password / login from the provider.

After that, we leave from the modem control web panel (close the browser tab or the browser itself), it is configured in Router mode and is ready to work.

2007 (c) Maxim Samokhvalov

Many users have an ADSL modem. But not everyone knows that this device can be not only a "adapter" between the computer and the telephone line. If the modem is equipped with the LAN port and is connected to a computer with an Ethernet cable, most likely such a device can perform the functions of the router. How to set up modem as a router - we will look here.

Modem with LAN port

ADSL modem can work in one of the modes: "Bridge" or "Router". The second option is good because it is possible to connect not one computer to the modem (that is, to the router), but a lot. True, for this you have to use a switch. Even, you can directly connect the Wi-Fi access point directly, and get a wireless network.

Routher and Modem Connection Scheme

To connect an external IPTV-console, you need an additional LAN port (so buy a switch - you still have to). You can watch IP-TV via the computer, but for this it will be necessary to switch the modem into the "Router" mode (and then, configure the additional connection interface in it). Said about IPTV - True for most ADSL providers, including Rostelecom.

Configure a modem in router mode

How to go to the Web interface?

On the sticker or in the instructions - the value of the IP address of the graphical interface of the modem must be specified. First we try to get into it without performing a reset of settings.

The LAN modem connector - connect to the computer, as shown:

Modem Connection Scheme to PC

The network card is configured as follows:

  1. IP address - Anyone belonging to the range of modem addresses
  2. Gateway address is equal to an IP modem address (or web-interface address)
  3. The mask of the network is set "with the last zero" (give an example):

If, after checking multiple address values, it became clear that the login cannot be logged, give a single tip: you need to reset the modem settings. After a minute or later, after turning on the power of the modem, you press the RESET button on the housing (holding it 10-15 seconds).

It is important to know that you can perform a reset only if VPI and VCI parameter values \u200b\u200bare known to further configure the connection. Otherwise, it will not be possible to configure the modem even "as it was."

After reset to any modem, you can connect, configuring the network card on the "Auto" IP and DNS. Sequence - Such: Reset, Setting up a network card, reboot PC.

Customize the connection in the modem router

How to configure the modem into the router mode, we consider on the example of the D-Link DSL-2500U BRU device. When entering the interface, inform the username and password of the administrator (word admin):

Main interface tab

You will need to delete "unnecessary" connection interfaces (using "Remove"), and click "Add":

Setting up a new compound

Please note: if on the second page - to specify instead of "PPPOE" "Bridging" mode, then we get a modem working in the "Bridge" mode. The setup is reduced to the installation of the connection parameters followed by clicking "Next".

PPPOE connections:

  1. VPI and VCI values \u200b\u200bfor the Internet channel
  2. Encapsulation mode (usually - LLC)
  3. Subscriber Name and Password
  4. "Static" IP (only in case of use)

Install the Keep Alive checkbox if you need to get a connection running constantly. The option "NAT" and "Firewall" must be used necessarily (and "IGMP" - only in the case of the transfer of IPTV to the IPTV provider, moreover, one channel together with the Internet). "Wan Service" - you should always use. At the last stage, click "Apply" (and then "Finish"). Successful setting.

Additional features available in Router mode

IPTV, option VoIP and others

Router mode is good because you can configure multiple connection interfaces with the provider (one, PPPoE is the Internet channel). Rostelecom, for example, on a separate channel transmits IPTV. Also, additional interfaces are used to use the VoIP option or some others:

Multiple connection interfaces

Please note that VCI / VPI values \u200b\u200bfor each of the interfaces are different. The second and subsequent connections can be configured in the "Bridge" mode. In some modems, it is additionally necessary to indicate that the main connection gateway is the PPPoE interface:

Configuring D-Link Modems, "New" Graphic Interface

If LAN ports are provided by several, you still need to "bridge" a bridge interface with one of the ports. Explore the instructions on the modem (if the LAN port is one, you will not need to perform this setting).

Connection Modes in Router

  • "Keep Alive" - \u200b\u200bpermanently enabled (it is "Always ON"), this mode is recommended to use
  • "Dial On Demand" - auto-connection when accessing Internet resources (shutdown occurs after the set time after the transfer is completed)
  • "Manual Connection" - Connect / Disable Connection through the tab (usually, basic) in the Web interface

How to configure the Internet connection in the D-Link modem with a new graphical interface option - is shown in the movie (Router mode, without IPTV):

When connecting to the Internet, your Internet provider issued a modem (ADSL or GPON) or a router. This device has no Wi-Fi, and maybe the parameters wireless communication This model equipment does not suit you. In such cases, you have to acquire an additional Wi-Fi router and connect it to an existing device. And here I can arise corrections about the connection topology and correctly setting up both devices.

First of all, you will need to find out:

  1. IP address of the equipment issued by the provider (for example
  2. IP address Wi-Fi Router (for example,

We will examine two situations:

  1. IP addresses you have different devices. In this case, you configure:
  2. It should be noted here that some providers have the issued equipment can only work in some one mode, i.e. Clear it is not possible. You should specify this question from your Internet provider.
  3. IP addresses you have the same devices. In this case, you can change the IP address for one of your devices available. Best of all Wi-Fi router. For example: ADSL modem and Wi-Fi Router IP addresses I am IP address at the router at

Connection topology.

Everything is simple here. One end of the UTP cable (it is included in all routers) connected to any port on your modem (specify your provider, perhaps on your modem there are ports only for the Internet and only for TV.. In this case, connect to the port for internet. This is important!), The other end is in Wan. port on a Wi-Fi router (on some models this port is called Enternet).

Features settings.

As mentioned above, there are two settings:

  1. Provider equipment in Bridge mode, and a Wi-Fi router to Router mode.
  2. Provider equipment in Router mode, and a Wi-Fi router in Bridge mode.

Option 1.With these settings, the Internet provider modem was configured to Bridge mode. On a Wi-Fi router, you create an Internet connection with data from the contract (what type of connection uses your telecommunication operator Specify in service technical support). Most often used PPPoE connection. In the router, choose the type of connection PPPoe.

Option 2.With these settings of the Internet provider modem, configured to the Router mode (these settings you must provide your telecom operator). For setting up Wi-Fi Router choose the mode Dinamic IP. (dynamic IP) or Static IP. (static). On some models Dinamic IP. may be called DHCP..

For more information, see the model of your Wi-Fi router on our website.

Hello everyone! This first article from the heading "Media Network for Home" and we will touch on such an important topic, as a modem setting Promsvyaz M-200 Ato use it in the media network.

Since the router (he is simply a modem) nourishes our Internet at home, at least in most cases, it is from his settings that the stability and the speed of the entire system will depend on its settings.

By the way, this device It is a complete analogue of the ZTE W300, which is also issued byFly to Beltelecom subscribers.

It is clear that each provider has its own equipment and settings, but if you are good ancient ADSL technology, then this article will come in handy and you.

So reading the article, you will learn:

The general diagram of connecting an ADSL modem to the telephone line and the devices of the local network is standard and is as follows:

Let's go through the steps:

Step number 1: One end of the RJ-11 cable (normal telephone wire) connect to the houseline at home.

Step number 2.: The second end of the RJ-11 cable is connected to the "Line" splitter connector (comes with an ADSL modem).

Step number 3.: Connect the RJ-11 cable "Modem" of the splitter and the "DSL" jack of the router.

Step No. 4.: with help network cable RJ-45 (he is a twisted pair with direct crimping) to the "LAN" modem connectors connect devices that will feed the Internet (computer, TV, satellite receivers etc.).

Step number 5:connect the power supply and turn into a power outlet.

(!) On modems Promsvyaz M-200 A from Byfly Port "LAN" No. 4 is default for the IPTV service and will not work on the local network. Have this in mind when connecting the equipment:

This modem connection to the telephone line is completed. As you can see, nothing complicated here. In practice, the connection of all connectors takes no more than 2-3 minutes.

Everything required cable (And only two of them) always come with a router:

The correct connection to the telephone line can be checked by the "ADSL" indicator on the modem panel. He must constantly burn in yellow:

Now we need the router to connect to the Internet and distributed it to all devices in the network at the same time. Such a mode of operation is called "Router" (from here and the name of the device).

In order to access the modem settings, you need to go to it from the computer, with a properly configured network card. To do this, select the desired instruction, depending on your operating system:

Setting up network cards (LAN and Wi-Fi) for Windows XP (Click)

Press the "Start - Control Panel" menu:

Click on "Network Connections":

Now you can select the network card you need to set up - LAN (wired), or Wi-Fi (wireless):

(!) Since on this stage We have not yet configured the point access Wi-Fi On the modem, connect via LAN (wired) network.

To do this, right-click on the "Local Network" connection, then select "Properties":

(!) If "not native" DNS servers are specified, with a minus balance, there will be no access to the guests of your provider (for example, you will not be able to enter your personal account).

That's all! Network card on Windows XP, ready for further modem setting Promsvyaz M-200 A.

As you can see, everything is simple.

Setting up network cards (LAN and Wi-Fi) for Windows 7 (Click)

Click "Start - Control Panel":

Then choose the item "Network and Internet":

Click on "Network and Shared Access Management Center":

Click "Change Adapter Settings":

Now you can choose the network card you need to configure - wired (LAN), or wireless (Wi-Fi):

(!) Since at this stage, we have not yet configured the Wi-Fi access point on the router, connect via wired (LAN) network.

To do this, right-click on the "Local Network" and select "Properties":

For settings wireless Wi-Fi Maps, respectively, right-click on the "Wireless Network Connection" and "Properties" item:

Remove the daw with the "Internet version 6" protocol. Then select the "Internet version 4" item and click "Properties":

Select "Use the following IP address" item:

(!) If "not native" DNS servers are specified, for the minus on the balance sheet, there will be no access to the guests of your provider (for example, you will not be able to enter your personal account).

Network card on Windows 7, ready for further configuration of the MO-200 A modem. And in just two minutes.

Setting up network cards (LAN and Wi-Fi) for Windows 8 (Click)

Network settings windows maps 8 Fully identical with Windows 7, except for the entry into the "Control Panel".

To do this, on the desktop in the lower right corner, find the icon similar to a computer monitor and click on it with the right mouse button.

In the discontinuable menu, select the "Network Management Center and Common Access":

At the end of all the above settings, restart the router:

Now it remains to learn how to connect to a wireless point of access of a modem from computers or laptops that are equipped with a Wi-Fi network card.

It is done very simple, to do this, select the appropriate instruction to you:

Internet connection for Wi-Fi for Windows XP (Click)

Go along the path "Start - Control Panel - Network Connections" . On the "Wireless Network Connection" label, right-click and select Properties:

Go to the tab " Wireless networks". Mark" Use Windows to Setup Network "item. Then click" Wireless Networks ":

Now select a network called the name when setting up the modem and click the Connect button:

Enter the password, which also pointed out before setting the access point and click the "Connect" button:

If you did everything right, you will see such a picture:

Select from the Network list with the name that specified in the modem settings, then click "Connect":

Enter the password inventing you when setting up the access point on the router and click "OK":

If all right did, the connection process will go:

On this configuration of the connection to the wireless access point of the router Promsvyaz M-200 A is completed!

Solution of problems

If you all made according to the instructions above, but for some reason the network does not connect, check out some parameters on your computer.

May not include a network connection in the most operating system. The screenshot shows how to check the LAN connection status:

If not connected wi-Fi networkThe same check for it - see the condition of the wireless network connection.

In laptops, to enable Wi-Fi connectivity, a combination of hardware keys is often used. Look carefully in the photo:

On this example, these are the keys Fn + F2, or one function key (at the top on the screenshot) with a light indicator of inclusion.

If, in the "Network Connections" tab, you do not have any labels at all, most likely that the network card drivers are not installed. You can verify this on the Device Manager tab.

For example, for Windows XP, run along the path "Start - Control Panel - System - Equipment - Device Manager":

If you do not have network cards, it means to seek forward and put the drivers on them. But this topic is not this article.

That's all. We have passed step-by-step at each item and now you know what is a modem configuration of the M-200 A modem to work in a home media network.

By the way, if you are the BYFLY subscriber and the model of your router differs from the archive described in the article, download the archive with the settings of all models of their routers.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

In the meantime, see a cool video about self-dedicated computerists, who, probably, you also felt, during a passionate process setting up your router. 🙂

That's all with the modem settings, it remains to configure laptops, I want to note that you already have to work on the computer (if you have a stationary) setting up a laptop with WinXP 1. Turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop 2. Start - settings - Control Panel - Network Connections If there are no networks immediately, then you click update the list of networks, it will appear, where there is a larger signal that and your modem if you meet the same names. 2. Click Connect Enter the password and that's it.

On this, all the Modem Commercials with a laptop on Wi-Fi in Win XP will now show what it looks like everything in Win 7 1. Similarly, do not forget to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop 2. To the right at the bottom of the clock click on the network connection icon and see the following :

3. Next enter password
4. Check the Internet
That's all. So immediately write a couple of answers to the expected questions: 1. Neither I nor Dmitry (Orangevi) do not work in Byfly. To configure it is your modem without seeing your problems we cannot. 2. For questions asking for instructions on another modem - send by mail, bring to the test then and will be the instruction, I have only such a modem at home. 3. On the question, I do not work anything help - either we close the site and forget, or make a common reset on the modem and do everything from the beginning. 4. If you used the Internet earlier, and after the settings suddenly, the Internet stopped working on the computer - I do a start - Run - CMD and write rOUTE -F (After that, you need to register in the network card settings of your IP and gateway (IP modem)) 5. You will all get the main thing not to rush and do not panic - everything works for me.