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Collect the door of the washing machine. How to fix the door of the washing machine

For the safe operation of modern washing machines of automatic type, electronic locking locks are installed on them, which prevent the door opening (hatch) during the operation of the machine, as well as not allowing to start washing at an open door. Despite the construction worked on the years, the castle, as well as the inner mechanism of the door, sometimes need to be repaired.

Castle malfunction diagnostics.

There are two main situations that may be a consequence of a faulty castle. The first thing when the machine completed the wash, but when the door opening lever is pressed, it does not open, but remains blocked even after turning off the machine from the network with the subsequent five-minute waiting. In this case, open the door can only from the inside of the case washing machine: After removing the top cover of the machine, you must shift the movable (blocking) metal plate of the lock, thereby freeing the hook of the door.

The second situation is that, despite the visually dense closure of the door with a typical click, the washing machine does not block it, the wash is not started. Simply put, the car "does not see" the door closed and continues to demand it to close.

First of all, you need to access the lock to dismantle it (extraction), check and replace the new, if necessary. In order to remove the lock from a washing machine having a frontal type of load of linen, it is not even necessary to move the machine from the place and disconnect the hoses. All those uncomplicated manipulations shown below on the example of the Indesit Wiu82 machine, are made quickly, only a pair of screwdrivers will be required of the tools.

1. Open the door. We find a rubber cuff laced ring from a wire. Carefully refress it with a screwdriver and completely remove it. Thanks to the spring present in the ring, it snugs the cuff tightly on the steel rim of the machine housing.

2. Move the cuff in the castle area,
So that you can reach it with your hand.

3. Holding the lock, unscrew the two fastening screws,
Give the lock out.

4. Turn off the plug. Dismantling is completed.
Assembly (setting the new lock) is performed in the reverse order.

The principle of operation of the castle and its verification.

The ideal option, if you suspect a lock failure, it is a test replacement on knowingly good. But, as a rule, there is no such possibility for a simple ordinary man. In this case, in order to avoid unjustified cash, it makes sense to check the dismantled castle to make sure that it is inoperability or find out that the reason for the vehicle breakdown is not in it.

The design and principle of operation of electronic locks of the overwhelming majority of modern washing machines are as follows. The castle has a plastic case, on the end of the castle there is a large hole in which the hook of the doors enters and engages with its complete closing. Inside the case are: movable metal plate, which has direct contact with the hook, low-power heating element (thermistor), bimetallic plate (more about its principle work is described in the article about), a pair of electrical contacts, as well as a small pin. After closing the door, the hook comes into engaging with the lock and moves the movable plate by installing it into a certain position. Now, if the washing machine gives the command to lock the door, the stress is supplied to the heating element, as a result of which the bimetallic plate having thermal contact with the heating element is deformed and pressed on the pin. The pin is included in the hole on the movable plate, blocking it moving, which causes locking the doors. At the same time, the contacts inside the castle are also closed, it flashes the washing machine that the door is really locked. To unlock the door, it is necessary to remove the voltage from the heating element, wait until the bimetallic plate is cooled and the pin will return to the initial position. By the way, so the door of the washing machine does not work out immediately after completion of the washing, and it is required to wait some time.

In case the door of the washing machine is not completely closed, the movable displacement of the movable plate will not occur. When the voltage is supplied to the heating element, the contacts of the contacts inside the lock will not occur, since the pin will not be able to enter its hole on the movable plate.

Hook hook for a hole in the castle.

Photos of the castle of the washing machine from different sides (the model of the washing machine is unknown).

Castle disassembled. Bimetallic plate - a central flat element with a round spring at the end. Under the bimetallic plate, a heating element of a cylindrical shape can be seen. According to the measurement results of this sample, the resistance of the thermistor in the cold state was 900 ohms.

Electrical lock diagram.

Check performance electronic Castle, Knowing the above principle of its work is not difficult. It is necessary to simulate the closure of the door, mixing the movable plate by something at the desired distance (selected by experimentally visual path), to submit voltage to the lock and make sure the contacts are triggered, for example, using a multimeter. You also need to check how the lock returns to the initial state After turning off the power.

The voltage 220 V. The bimetallic plate came down, the movable contact was lifted (the contacts closed), fascinating the pin (plastic part of the rectangular section, to the right in the photo).

Repair of the door.

In the course of a long exploitation of the washing machine, there is a somewhat different problem, similar to the malfunction of the castle, but it is not. It is about breaking the door itself, or rather a simple mechanism inside it. This mechanism transmits the press of the door opening knob to the hook, which turns and comes out of the label with the lock.

If the door hook appeared a noticeable backlash, or with its complete closing disappeared the familiar click, or the door stopped closing to the end at all, then this is causal to open the door and inspection to identify the internal mechanism. How to do this is shown below on the example of the door of the washing machine Indesit Wiu82.

1. We dismantle the door by unscrewing the pair of screws.

2. We dismantle the loop from the door.

3. Remove all screws around the door circumference, with an effort disconnecting the hollows of the case from each other, gently use the glass.

An example of a breakdown of the mechanism: the metal pin partially left its landing place (shown in a red circle).

All parts of the inside mechanism of the door (handle, hook, pin, spring) and half the door housing to which they are installed.

When repairing any complex household appliances With your own hands, you need to remember the risk of the unsuccessful result of this repair, especially if the technique is new and is on warranty service. Even such a relatively simple operation as a replacement of the castle of the washing machine door, can cause even more trouble. But on the other hand, with the proper level of responsibility and accuracy, will save a significant amount of money on paid service, as well as get new knowledge and experience.

During operation, the washing machine can get faults in which the washing is impossible. If the washing program is over, the blocking time (5 min) passed, and the hatch does not open, and of course the water is absent, then the problem is in the door.

You can try to disconnect the washing machine from the power supply and wait about half an hour. If this does not help, then the repair of the washing machine or replacing the device remains.

Malfunctions can be different:

  • the door of the door can be broken;
  • faulty or worsted latch;
  • loop breaks on the support;
  • problem in the Luke Lock Device.

In this case, repair the doors of the washing machine is not difficult to perform with your own hands. You need patience, time and proper preparation.

But the module itself comes out of order and the problem is already more serious - in electronics.


What will required before start repairing?

  1. Understand what it is for the device and how it is manufactured.
  2. Know some nuances that use the wizards when repairing equipment.
  3. Required tool (depending on breakage).
  4. Materials and spare parts.

Problem with UBL

If the door does not open, you can use the emergency opening of the hatch. In the instruction for a washing machine, the emergency opening procedure is indicated. Most often, manufacturers specifically provided a solution to this problem and built an emergency cable into the car. It is located under the lid of the drain. The cable is usually bright orange and you need to pull it up so that the hatch opened. Not all models are equipped with a similar device.

If the cable is not, then the retainer turns off differently. The typewriter is removed from above and she leans back to move a little. After that, the retainer moves down to hand.

There is also a people's way, which is often effective when repairing the latch lock device washing machine. Capron thread or fishing line is taken.

The middle of it is pushed with a screwdriver or knife between the door and the hatch in the castle area. Then they stretch both ends so that the thread or fishing line gets inside the machine. After that, the latch is delayed and the click will hear. The door is open.

The door is the detail of the washing machine through which the underwear is loaded into the device drum. It would seem, it is designed extremely simple, and it is very easy and nothing to break. In fact, the specialists of service centers are often faced with the doors malfunction. Most often, the problem is not in the factory marriage, but in improper operation of the device. It even happens that the handle is completely completely. Actually, it is fixed quite firmly and, if it is not necessary to handle the laundry, nothing like this should happen. If you pull the door with an excessive force (and this is not uncommon), then the plastic design may not withstand. In the article, consider the most typical breakdowns and repair of the doors of the washing machine.


Problems with the latch interfere with the normal closure of the hatch. It often happens this from the fact that they appear on the lever. Eliminate this trouble in this way:

  1. Remove the wash door.
  2. Street jar on the lever with the help of the leg.
  3. Apply a bit of graphite lubricant to the lever, but do not overdo it so as not to pack things during washing.
  4. Return the door to the place and fix the screws.

Repair of the door of the hatch at the washing machine - leaks

SAMI frequent cause leaks, if you believe commercials, insidious scale, which accumulates in the washer in incredible quantities. In fact, the reason for this unpleasant phenomenon is the deformation of the machine cuff. It is impossible to repair it, only replacement is needed.

Repair is simple, it can be done on your own. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Remove the cover, control panel and decorative bar.
  2. Loosen the screw and remove the spring, fixing the front of the cuff.
  3. Pull the cuff on yourself, then disconnect the wires.
  4. Remove the spring attaching the cuff to the tank. To do this, you must first remove the counterweight.
  5. After replacing the worn cuff to work, make an assembly in the reverse order.

If the algorithm seems difficult to you and incomprehensible to you, contact the service center, do not tempt fate.

Loop doors

The reason for such a breakdown is a coarse physical effect on the outdoor hatch of washer. Plastics does not withstand this and, naturally, breaks. Remove the hatch of the washer, unscrew the corresponding screws, install new loops. After that, in the reverse order, collect the hatch.

Important! Faced the problem of an unpleasant smell of washing machine? Be sure to get acquainted with the review in which collected.


To replace damaged glass to a whole:

  1. Disassemble the hatch according to the algorithm specified in the previous paragraph.
  2. Unscrew the screws that fasten the halves of the hatch.
  3. Patty glass in such a way as not to damage your fingers. You can use a small screwdriver for this.
  4. Replace the cracked glass new and strictly assemble the hatch.

Repair of glass

You can try and repaired damaged glass. The procedure for such:

  1. Remove the door.
  2. Using the scotch, turn the film on the front surface of the glass. It is impossible to leave the cracks.
  3. Take the reinforcing tape to the glass defect.
  4. Divide the epoxy resin, mixing the base with the hardener.
  5. Fill the defect with the resin. As a rule, for complete polymerization you need to wait 24 hours.
  6. Remove the polyethylene film.

A fairly simple and very effective repair of the hatch washing machine.

Plastic knobs

They are quite fragile, it is possible to break them quite easily. Changing the handle is inappropriate, it is better to replace. First, remove the door, remove the glass. Standard plastic handle kit includes:

  • Handle.
  • Spring.
  • Pin.
  • Tongue.

That's what to do:

  1. To begin with, set the spring in such a way as to hook it for the hatch housing.
  2. After that, install the metal tongue, aligning the housing and springs holes.
  3. Insert the pin into the spring and body opening, holding the resulting design below.
  4. Now fasten the plastic handle and press it into the pin.
  5. Check the handle tension. If there is no tension, the installation is incorrect.
  6. If testing has passed successfully, make an assembly, all by the same principle "in reverse order".

Katya 03/23/17

In our apartment, in the kitchen, the built-in dishwasher NEFF is installed. And as you understand, dismantling and delivery to the repair shop would take a lot of time and strength. Therefore, we invited the masters of this service Center With repair at home. The car served us without interruptions for three years, but still, it's time when she demanded repairs. All problems were as water. It was because of her that the car failed. The Master advised to deliver an additional filter, especially for the dishwasher. And in the future there will be no such problems anymore. I also really liked that before the arrival, the Master asked about the model of the machine, and that it happened with it during the breakdown. This gave him the opportunity to take all the necessary parts with himself, and produce repair in place. Very satisfied with the repair and master who produced him.

Anton 24.03.17

We have a very small family, there are only two people in it, and the Bosch dishwasher is also compact sizes. This technique served us every day for 8 years without any breakdowns and complaints. But the moment came when she just stopped working. Before a trip to work, I phoned the repair workshop, and agreed that I would bring them a dishwasher for repair. They did not even ask the model, just agreed to do everything. Brought, left, said that when they repaired - call back. Already after dinner, I received a call, the car is fixed, and I can come after her. After work, I did it. In fact, we have only one day there was no dishwasher. Very promptly everything is done.

Georgiy 04/19/17

Not so long ago turned for the repair, when the wife said that the drying car (which we had Miele's brand) stopped working, or rather stopped spinning the drum in the car, when trying to run it. There is nothing to do, I began to call the masters.
A young man arrived, looked and said that we had a control unit fee, voicing the price of repair. I expected much more than the amount, so I was glad when he heard a number 2 times less than expected.
In general, pleased, the repair took an hour with superfluous, while the master was very accurate in work, managed to observe the process, during communication on the topics, he slowly carried out repairs.

Tatyana 08/15/17

On the Internet found your site. Washing machine Bosch. After the application, the next day, Baranov Alexander Leonidovich arrived. Master of the highest category. Professionally, methodically, with the knowledge of his work eliminated all problems: the replacement of the Tan, proceeded, knocked out the Rune. There are many problems. Once already appealed to the repair shop. The master on leakage waved his hand: "It happens," replaced Ten, although he was in working condition. In short, there is something to compare with. Therefore, the subsidism and attention of Alexander Leonidovich surprised and pleased! THANK YOU! I agree with Irina: you are the best !!!

There is a lock, locking hatch. In a professional, this item is called "Lock Lock". And already from the name it can be understood that its main function is to block the hatch when washing things. Why should the hatch be blocked? So that things do not fall out of the typewriter and water during washing or annealing did not appear on the floor.

A simple device, which seemingly not playing any important role in the work of the machine. But if the Luke Castle is faulty, the washing just starts the process. Therefore, a minor breakdown of a small detail will cause serious difficulties. The repair of the castle of the washing machine will need to be carried out the sooner, the better.

How is the castle arranged?

In order to better understand how situations may arise when you need to repair the castle of the washing machine, and how it is better to fix the part, you need to figure out how the mechanism is arranged.

There are two types of lying blocking devices:

  • Thermocons - works at the expense of the bimetallic plate;
  • Electrocum - functions thanks to electromagnets.

Most of the styrels, such as, Candy, Atlant, and almost every new model Equipped with thermocammon. Such locks are reliable and very rarely broken. In addition, they are arranged extremely simple. The components of the blocking device are bimetallic plate and thermoelement. When the voltage is supplied, it is heated and, accordingly, heats the plate. It is experiencing the effect of temperature, strifting, activates the retainer and blocks the drum cover.

At the same time, a closure occurs in the chain, and the control module comes with information that the door is blocked. Only after that the machine may begin to wash in the installed mode.

But if something is wrong with the lock, the system will notify you about the error.

Signs of breakdown

In general, signs of breakdown devices of the hatch blocking can be two:

  1. The drum cover is not blocked, wash does not begin;
  2. The drum door does not open after washing.

In the first case, the problem may be at all and not in the castle. Sometimes it may be that a person just closed the door wrong. Therefore . But if you checked the hatch, I was convinced that everything was closed, as it should, and the wash still does not start, this is an alarming sign.

The second case can deliver much more problems. Much worse if the machine does not give things back, than if it refuses to wash them. But here may be a lung solution.

Do not forget that the door of the drum after washing does not open immediately. So you should not twinger by the handle after a second after the washer stopped. On many models there is a light bulb that will flash after a while after washing, showing that the lid can be opened.

After washing, the lid can remain closed for a few minutes. The reason for this is a plate and a thermoelement after stopping the voltage supply, not immediately cooled. The lid opens when the plate has cooled and returned to its original position.

But now if enough time passed, and the car still does not open, it means that the castle of the washing machine is needed.

The main reasons for breakdown Ubed

Why can there be a breakdown of the hatch lock device? Electric scams less reliable and causes of their breakdowns often become voltage drops, malfunctions on the network, water from entering and other household trivia.

Thermal shrinks are less vulnerable to this kind of trouble. Even when you turn off the light during the washing process, the device reacts to it quite calmly. The plate is cooled, and the lock can be opened after some time. With the electrical lock you will have to wait until electricity appears in the apartment again.

The main reasons for breaking the blocking device:

  • The most common cause of reliable thermoslands, no matter how surprisingly, time. The bimetallic plate is designed for a certain number of heating and cooled and, after the time of the time interval, is simply wearing;
  • Voltage drops negatively affect thermocamons. Due to them, the destruction of the components occurs.

What if the castle of the machine broke?

To repair the worn item will not work under any circumstances. The castle will have to change the new one. And if the door just stopped closing, it is easy enough to make it, as it will not be difficult to get to the castle itself. The masters of our company coped with this task using one scolding. But, despite the ease of repair, we do not recommend you changing the device yourself, if you do not have experience with electronics. To function correctly, you need to know how and how to connect contacts.

It is much more complicated by the situation, if the door of the hatch does not open. Then you have to remove the entire front panel from the machine. And here you can no longer do without an experienced repairman who knows how to handle the wasy machines. And you can find such people by contacting our company.

Directly at your home will change the device to a new, high-quality part from a proven manufacturer. And your machine will still serve you for a long time.

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