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Office 0 10c. News and analytical portal "electronics time"

For dimming (adjusting the luminous flux) of LED strips and luminaires, light control systems are often used that work according to the 0-10 V and 1-10 V standards. Connection diagram led strip shown in Fig. 1.

Fig 1. Diagram of connecting an LED strip through a dimmer (LED Dimmer SR-2001) by Arlight.

Sometimes, when organizing light control systems, questions arise in the difference between the dimming standards of 0-10 V and 1-10 V. The standards are very similar, when the signal voltage changes, a change in the luminous flux is assumed. If the value is 10 V, then the luminous flux is maximum, if the value is 1 (0) V, then the luminous flux is minimal. Sometimes it seems that these standards are the same, but this is not entirely true.

Let's understand the difference between these standards:

The 0-10V standard is regulated by ANSI E1.3, developed by the American National Standards Institute. The standard assumes an active regulator and a passive dimmer that responds to the regulator signals, the diagram is shown in Fig. 2. The regulator plays the role of an active source that sets the voltage depending on the rotation of the slider; for the operation of such a regulator, a supply voltage is always supplied to it. The dimmer is passive, it reacts by changing the luminous flux to voltage changes created by the regulator.

With a signal value of 10V, the system outputs 100% brightness. At 0V - 0% brightness, full blanking.

Rice. 2. Connection diagram according to the 0-10V standard.

The 1-10V standard is regulated by IEC 60929, the standard was developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC; English International Electrotechnical Commission). The regulator is passive, plays the role of a consumer (this is a resistive element, a potentiometer), the dimmer is active, it creates electrical voltage in the control system.

When the signal value is 10V, the system outputs 100% brightness. At 1V or lower, the minimum brightness, the brightness level depends on the manufacturer, for complete dimming, it is necessary to break the 220V power supply circuit. Therefore, such regulators are often equipped with a switch that, when the slider is turned to the minimum value, breaks the power circuit. Schematic diagram connection is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Connection diagram according to the 1-10V standard.


The buyer does not need to know at all who is the source and who is the consumer, who is passive and who is active. It is important to understand that not all dimmers and controls are compatible with each other.

Dimmers 1-10V can work with any regulator with both 1-10V and 0-10V, but with a 0-10V regulator an additional switch may be required.

0-10V dimmers can only work with an active 0-10V regulator. Figure 4 (a, b, c) shows the working connection diagrams,

0-10V control

1. What is 0-10 V?

2. Why do boilers need such an entrance?

To smoothly control the power or temperature of the boiler.

3. For which boilers is it needed?

Traditionally, boilers are controlled by "dry contact". If it is closed, then the boiler turns on and heats the coolant. If open, the boiler does not heat.

If the boiler has a single-stage burner, then this is the simplest, correct and only possible way work with him.

If the boiler has a modulated burner, then this can also be controlled, but the modulation procedure itself will not work, the boiler will either work at its maximum, or it will be turned off. To control the modulation of combustion, they came up with different ways, incl. external signal 0-10 V.

4. Why is a modulating burner better than a single-stage burner?

One-stage will be switched on / off to reach a certain flow temperature. Very often this usually cannot be done, so they came up with hysteresis, that is, the boiler will overheat the coolant by a certain amount, after which it will go out until the coolant cools down to the desired temperature.

Thus, the boiler:

    turns on and off, which leads to unnecessary noise and some small overexpenditure of the energy carrier in these transients.

    overheats the coolant, which leads to slightly greater wear and tear of the heating system due to cyclic heating and cooling, as well as a slight overconsumption of the energy carrier for increased heat loss from the pipes of the boiler circuit.

A modulated burner has a certain modulation depth, usually 50 ... 80%, that is, it can reduce power up to 50 ... 20% with a reduced heat demand and constantly work at this power without switching off and keeping the supply temperature at a constant required level.

    no transients

    no overheating of the coolant

5. I have a boiler with a modulating burner. Do I need 0-10V control?

In simple systems, there is nothing but a boiler and radiators. In them, the boiler can often calculate the required flow temperature based on the street temperature and keep it further by changing the modulation of the burner, and besides, the boiler can often control the production of hot water by itself.

If your heating system is somewhat more complicated, that is, there are several circuits with different temperature conditions, for example - several floors, buildings or there are still warm floors, snowballs, a swimming pool, ventilation, or various sources of heat - a cascade of boilers, a solid fuel boiler, a gas boiler, an electric boiler at a night rate, solar collectors, a heat accumulator, etc., then for control this system will need external automation.

External automation calculates itself what temperature is needed at what point in the system and turns on the boilers at its discretion.

Here it would be nice to be able to set the temperature or power in the boiler, if it is modulated. For this, a 0-10 V signal is used.

6. Do I need to buy something for the boilers?

It happens that such an entrance is in the boilers themselves inside, for example, in DeDietrich boilers with Diematic.

It happens that there is an expansion module that must be installed inside the boiler or connected outside, for example, the VR34 board for Vaillant boilers.

Almost all manufacturers of modulating burner boilers have models or adapters with a 0-10 V input.

7. How do boilers interpret the 0-10 V signal?

There are two modes:

    setting the desired temperature, for example 1 V ⇒ 10 ° C, 10 V ⇒ 100 ° C

    setting the burner power, for example 1 V ⇒ 10%, 10 V ⇒ 100%

More often than not, one can choose one of these interpretations in the cauldron.

In SmartWeb automation, both interpretations can also be used, but in other automation usually only one.

8. Which mode to choose - by power or by temperature?

Thus, we use completely factory algorithms of the boiler manufacturer and the temperature is the most stable.

The fact is that when controlling a cascade of boilers, ideally correct temperature control cannot be done. With the best algorithm, it will be necessary to start the first boiler overheating relative to the required temperature, which could have been avoided by operating at power.

9. Okay, are there any alternatives to 0-10 V?

There is the OpenTherm protocol, in which the boiler temperature can also be set.

Pros regarding 0-10 V control:

    Boiler errors can be read

    The boilers have dialects of this standard, not the fact that the boiler will work with your automation or that errors will be read

    It is impossible to diagnose the connection, because digital standard and there is nothing to do without a bus analyzer. With 0-10 V control, a voltmeter and a battery are sufficient for diagnostics.

10. My boiler has a modulating burner, but it is not possible to connect 0-10 V, are there any other options?

For boilers with built-in weather-dependent automation and street temperature sensors with a nominal value of NTC5K ... NTC10K, a special adapter P10 has been invented, which is connected to these boilers to the outdoor sensor terminal, and thus the boiler can be controlled by temperature. These boilers include Baxi Slim / Luna, Viessman Vitodens 100, etc.

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Dimmer (Dimmer) - in Russian - dimmer, which is used to adjust the brightness of the luminaires of the lighting system.

When designing audiovisual complexes (AVK) of premises, sometimes the problem arises of controlling the lighting system in a given room using an integrated AVK control system.

Additional requirements are imposed on the lighting system of premises equipped with AVK: lighting zoning (luminaires are divided into groups according to their functional purpose); possibility smooth adjustment illumination (dimming) in separate zones.

The choice of the type of dimmers and dimmer control interfaces is complicated by the fact that often, at the design stage, it is not possible to obtain a detailed technical information about the used luminaires of the lighting system. And there are no universal dimmers for controlling any type of luminaire, some types of luminaires are not dimmable at all!

To minimize compatibility risks, the best option For the AVK designer, it is such an option when the luminaire supplier supplies luminaires complete with appropriate dimmers (usually an electronic ballast with an additional dimming option). It remains only to define the interface for controlling such dimmers.

Electronic start-up control device (electronic ballast, electronic ballast) - electronic device providing start-up and maintenance of the operating mode of gas-discharge lighting lamps.

You can debate for a long time about the choice of the type of interface, but the simplest from the point of view of connection and configuration, as well as cheaper is the analog interface 0-10 V.

Analogue interface 0-10 V.

This analog interface is defined in IEC 60929 (Appendix E). The interface uses one control wire, which carries the 0-10 V control signal (plus the neutral wire). A special dimmer or circuit as part of a control system can act as a control device. The control device or dimmer works as a current source, which makes it possible to control several electronic ballasts connected in parallel. The 10 V control voltage provides the maximum brightness of the luminaire, which decreases linearly to zero when the voltage decreases to 0 V, as shown in the figure.

10 V corresponds to maximum brightness (100%), and 0 V corresponds to light off (0%) or the lowest possible brightness level.

So, we connect lamps with a dimmer (electronic ballasts with dimming) via the 0-10 V interface to the control controller. We control the light: decrease the intensity, increase it, everything works great. We want to turn off the luminaire by reducing the control voltage to 0 V, but we cannot, the luminaires continue to burn with a low brightness level. What's the matter - it's a question. We look carefully at the documentation and see that the operating control voltage of the electronic ballast is 1-10 V! It is impossible to turn off such a lamp by reducing the control voltage to 0 V. Unfortunately, sometimes it turns out at the very last moment, when the equipment has already been purchased and installed.

If you plan to use luminaires with a dimmer (electronic ballasts with dimming) connected via the 0-10 V interface, it is necessary to provide for the installation of an additional relay for each group of luminaires.