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An essay on how I helped my grandparents master digital technology. Essay on the topic "how I helped my grandmother or grandfather to master digital technologies" How I help grandmother

Until today, I did not think at all about old age, my own and someone else's. Until the very moment when, at an inconceivable speed, overcoming the distance between the Sennaya metro station and the Spormaster on Moskovsky, I heard a piercing:
- Help! Bring me on!
Slowing down, I turned around. Behind me stood my grandmother with a stick and a bag, her head was covered with a handkerchief, instead of a kurkti there was some kind of large jacket. An ordinary grandmother.
I went up to her.
- Let me help you!
The grandmother turned out to be very small. Much below my shoulder.
- Won't you take my bag?
I took the package from her. A good bag - there were three kilograms in it, or even four. I wouldn’t bear it.
Grandma explained that she needed to get to the Fontanka. I promised to bring it, and we ... went.
Oh oh. How slowly we went. I took her arm. She did not lean strongly, but I felt: without my support, she really would not have reached anywhere.
- Hello, my granny! - a young man of southerly appearance put something in my grandmother's pocket and left.
- Do you know him? - I ask.
- No, I don't know anyone. What is he, "my granny", as if we know each other! - my ward was quietly indignant.
- He put something in your pocket! Look! - I say (I really did not see what was there).
Grandmother felt her pocket.
- Yes, a pretty penny.
I think that's okay. Cool guy. Would he have led "his grandmother" by the arm if I had not been caught by her earlier? After all, if he put money in her pocket, then he understood: I have nothing to do with her. That is, I kind of hold her arm, but we are strangers. And he was not ashamed.
And we moved on. The grandmother moved in tiny steps. Such that I sometimes had to stop while she stepped twice. Every small groove in the road masonry is a slowdown.
Grandmother groaned, it was very hard for her, but I didn't know what to say. She had a kind of too stern face. How old is she? Over 80 for sure.
In general, there was nothing to talk about, and I began to think. At first I wanted to understand: what am I experiencing now? Yes, I could have been pushing in the Sportmaster for a long time, choosing a warm jacket for myself, and I walk in the light rain with a grandmother I don't know and drag her heavy bag. On the other hand: what if it weren't for me? Would anyone stop?
I also thought that I might not be on the Haymarket. I drove here in Petrogradki, intending to return to Nevsky. And if, besides, I went to Sportmaster through the shopping mall, and not through Movskovsky Prospect? Is it a test of my nerves or my volunteer fitness?
Fortunately, I was in no hurry. For about 15 minutes we walked to the Fontanka, my grandmother was worried: "And this is Fontanka? And we have to cross the road." And then it turned out that she needed house 87. I twisted: we are standing at house 109.
- Okay, - I say, - I'll bring you.
- Will you bring it? Oh, God bless you !.
And we went. The speed of movement was decreasing, the grandmother was clearly tired.
- There is a bench over there, if you are tired, we can sit down!
Grandma almost burst into tears, we went on.
Come on. Disgusting rain. And I keep thinking. Sincerely am I helping? It seems like yes. My heart really sank from this "Help". Therefore, my thoughts went somewhere in statistics - how many such lonely grandmothers are there? Who helps them? How do they walk around the city?
And it's good that my dear grandmother clearly remembered where she needed to, otherwise I might have run away from her ... There were even thoughts of calling friends volunteers.
There are long houses on the Fontanka embankment. 109, still 109 ... 107 .... 103 ... Grandma slows down, the rain intensifies. The stupid bag pulls my hand away, I really want to run away. Here is the 99th house. And here...,
- Kate! - two women of retirement age rushed to my grandmother. Ignoring me, they spoke to her. - Why are you alone! Oh, oh! ...
Smiling, I said something like "here, we met at Moscow, I helped ..."
- Where are her things? - one stranger looked at me sternly. I handed over the package.
- Thank you, thank you! - the second cackled. - We go on ourselves.
Well, OK. I turned around 70 degrees, and then:
- Girl! Can I leave you a brochure about the Bible?
Well e-mine. That's what she shouldn't say at all. I refused and finally fled to Spotmaster.
So what happened? I spent half an hour on a rainy Thursday to bring my unfamiliar grandmother to her Setan friends. Half an hour! I alone covered this distance in 5 minutes. Instead of gratitude, I was almost foisted on another dregs about how brilliant the Bible is, and I hate it.
I should have felt morally satisfied: I did a good deed! But there was no satisfaction. But there was no anger either. Perhaps such a trifling act of help should be quite common. Even though we do not help the elderly every day, we still need to understand that we ... how to say ... should help. Otherwise, no one will ever help us.

ZY I didn't invent anything. The fatal meeting with an unknown grandmother took place today, 11.11.2010 at 10-30 am Moscow time. And ... I still did not understand what I felt, completing my "feat".


MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1"

The subject of the essay is:

“How I helped to master digital technologies

grandmother or grandfather. "

Gymnasium Director: L. M. Safiullina

Educational institution address:

The work was performed by student (s) 8b grades.

V. Osipova, living at:

Checked by: Prokopyeva L.A. (teacher of Russian.

Yaz. and literature).

Elabuga 2014

How I helped my grandparents master digital technology.

Nowadays, the world is full of digital technologies such as cell phones, tablets, eBooks, laptops, computers ... The latter is probably the most widespread and widely used in life. And this very one of the latest technologies my grandmother wanted to master.

Well, let's start at the beginning. The fact is that the grandmother often writes letters to her childhood friends. But they often do not reach, are delayed along the way, and this creates a lot of problems. Therefore, on the advice of a friend, I decided to teach my grandmother to use a computer, and then suggested that her friends should do it too.

And so my grandmother and I got down to business from the very simple. I taught her how to turn on the computer: we check if all the conductors are connected to the outlet, find the largest processor button, press it and wait until it appears blue screen... Then we decided to create our own mailbox for her. We needed to connect the internet. To do this, I found a shortcut to the Internet, showed my grandmother how to use a mouse (with two halves computer mouse she quickly figured it out), and, having connected our Internet, we entered a link from the site into the search engine mailbox... Further, by clicking on "registration", I helped my grandmother fill out a questionnaire that related to the information of a person's personal data. Then she entered her own, already invented, username and password.

Then the most difficult part of our work began. Since the grandmother had previously worked little with the keyboard, I had to train her a lot for the speed and dexterity of her fingers. For this we used a standard "notepad". I gave her ready-made texts, and she typed them on the computer. Only after all that had been done, we began to use "mail". But before that, with the help of a special search engine, we found already registered friends of the grandmother. They "offered" them "friendship" and started writing messages.

All this captivated the grandmother so much that now she is doing a lot with the help of a computer. On her desktop, she created a folder called Home Cooking Recipes. To do this, she, as she explained later, clicked on right side mouse click, selected the tab "create", after "folder", and then entered the name of this folder. Then, she began to save her favorite recipes there, and also took them from the Internet from various sites. And she learned all this in a very short time.

Now my grandmother has already mastered the computer well. This is manifested in her ability to use Internet sites, in the creation of shortcuts, folders and files. It also works well, although not very quickly and not yet clearly, on the keyboard. This is encouraging, since any small activity in digital technology can then lead to some higher heights as a result of this activity. That is, based on a simple goal, you can set the highest for yourself.

It is believed that people in modern world stopped helping each other and taking care of each other. We treat strangers with suspicion, and often with obvious distrust. All this is sad. It seems that 100 years ago everyone forgot: to make the world kinder, you need to start doing good yourself. And yesterday I woke up with a bright feeling: I urgently need to do some good deed! I decided to experiment. I went to the market and began to offer grandmothers to carry their heavy bags home.

In the first one, my bright impulse caused hysterical laughter.

In total, in the Central Market, I tried to make life easier for about 30 grannies:

Let's help! Why are you going to strain ?!

They looked at me now as an idiot, then as a criminal who only strives to hide with other people's property in the gateway. "Help! They are robbing! " - at least no one shouted like that. They just looked with piercing eyes:

Come on, boy ...

They say that old women who survived the Soviet era and the era of Boris Nikolaevich can endure everything. Tempered their life. Bringing bags of 10 kilograms home to your home is not a test! One of the grandmothers in a painted headscarf refused to accept help, while she could hardly move her legs. She began to be baptized: - God bless you, Timurovite! Happiness and health to your family! But I myself ...

“I myself”, “I myself”, “I myself” - I only heard the answer in another market - Leninsky. Just like in the popular talk show of the 90s about the difficult fate of women. And some even explained everything to me in detail:

Granddaughter, I'll take the tram now, and my grandfather will meet me at the stop. Do not worry! - the grandmother stopped, put the bags on the ground and caught her breath ... Sellers in the market asked my colleague-videographer what we are actually doing here.

Well, we help ... We want to bring the bags home, - said our Vanya. - Only nobody trusts ...

I stood with my back to them a little further away.

So I wouldn't trust him with the bag! - Nadezhda waved her hand in my direction: - This drunk!

Interesting people here, right? But it was impossible to give up. I decided to transfer someone across the road. And now I see, standing in front of the zebra is God's dandelion. She looks around uncertainly. The flow of cars near the railway station scares the old woman. But here, too, failure! He just took her arm and ran away! I was lucky with the grandfather who appeared because of the gazelle. The stooped pensioner minced, leaning on a cane.

Hold on! - I ran up to him and held out my hand.

Thank you ... - the elderly Omsk smiled.

In general, with good deeds somehow it came out tightly. "Will they help me?" - I thought. And he composed a legend. They say that the money on the phone has run out, and it is very urgent to call. For this part of the experiment, we chose one of the most crowded places in the city - near the Blue Light store. Friends turns out to be about existence mobile communications many of us have no idea at all! 15 people told me they didn't have cell phones... Neither the well-dressed men who came out of the Mercedes, nor the company of girls. Then I decided to catch a man in his hands with a mobile phone: