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the main  /  Programs/ Diagnostics of the drivers. How to fix DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION blue screen errors (0x000000C4) How to find corrupted drivers on Windows 7

Diagnostics of the drivers. How to fix DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION blue screen errors (0x000000C4) How to find corrupted drivers on Windows 7

A faulty driver can cause many problems with your computer. The main sign that your computer has faulty driver- This blue screen death, which is often caused by disconnecting the driver.

In this article, we will show you how you can find a faulty driver and then update it or completely remove it.

Sometimes Windows notifies the user that one of the drivers is out of order. However, it happens that the system cannot detect what the problem is, therefore it does not display error messages, which makes it slower or not as required. In this case Driver Verifier Manager(Driver Verifier) ​​puts additional stress on system drivers, thereby trying to cause a failure. If one of the drivers fails then Driver Verifier Manager will report the problem with a blue screen.

A warning

Before using Driver Verifier Manager Please note that the tool may restrict you from using your own computer. Because the Driver Verifier Manager launches a blue screen of death when it detects a faulty driver, this can cause big problems when Windows starts up.

If you do not have the opportunity to get into Windows to disable driver testing, the computer will run in a "boot -> load -> crash" loop from which it is rather difficult to get out. The Automatic Repair feature is one of the few options to access Windows, but it's best to avoid this situation.

Before using Driver Verifier, make sure you have at least one of the following emergency exits:

  • You can go to Safe Mode. Entering Safe Mode before starting Windows boot usually done by repeatedly pressing F8 while the computer boots up. However, new computers boot up so quickly that you simply don't have time to hit F8 at the right time.
  • You created a system restore point before using Driver Verifier Manager... It is also desirable to have installation disk Windows so you can restore your computer to factory settings.

How to start the Driver Verifier Manager

Before starting instructions for use Driver Verifier Manager, make sure you read the "Warning" section above. There it is written how to avoid endless loading of Windows.

When you are 100 percent sure you have an emergency exit plan, click Windows Key + R"And enter cmd in the dialog box " Execute", Then click" OK».

In the command window, enter:


In the pop-up window, select " Create custom parameters (for program code)", Then click" Further».

You will see a list of all the tests you can run to verify your drivers. Select all tests from the list, except Simulate Accidentally Out of Resources and Additional DDI Compliance Check, then click Further».

On the next screen, select " Choosedriver names from the list" and press " Further».

Here you can select the drivers to test. If you don't know which driver is malfunctioning, select all but Microsoft because they usually work without errors.

When you click " Ready”, Windows will prompt you to restart your PC. After the computer turns on, continue to use it as usual. If you get a blue screen, pay attention to the error message and restart your computer.

Once you know the faulty driver, you can disable Driver Verifier Manager in one of two ways. You can reopen command line, enter the command verifier, and choose “ Delete existing parameters».

Alternatively, you can open a command prompt and type:

Verifier / bootmode resetonbootfail

After disabling the Driver Verifier Manager, restart your computer. If the computer does not turn on, then use one of the emergency exits, which we talked about in the "Warning" section.


If you think that one of the drivers is malfunctioning, but cannot figure out which one, then Driver Verifier Manager will be a great helper.

However, you should be prepared for the computer to be unable to turn on after testing the drivers, so consider an emergency exit, such as going into safe mode or running a Windows restore point.

Have you ever had problems with drivers on your computer? How did you find the faulty driver? Let us know in the comments below!

Driver Verifier (verifier.exe) is designed to analyze problem drivers, when analysis of memory dumps after BSOD does not allow finding a problem driver. Driver Verifier is a “lifesaver” in the most problematic situations.

With Driver Verifier, you can:

    stress test of the driver (conditions of lack of resources are simulated);

    buffer overflow control;

    control over errors that occur when wrong work at a given IRQL;

    analysis of input-output errors;

    detection of deadlock situations, etc.

Driver Verifier comes in handy when:

    the administrator (user) has suspicions that it is this driver that is causing the system to crash and he wants to additionally check whether this is actually the case;

    driver developers who want to test their driver;

    When analyzing a dump after a BSOD, the problematic driver cannot be found.

One of the most difficult cases parsing memory dumps is a case when a driver erroneously overwrites data before or after the end of the buffer allocated by it. In such cases, errors occur in the OS kernel (for example, analysis of the dump after BSOD shows that the error occurred in ntoskrnl.exe).

Let's see a similar case at specific example... Using the NotMyfault utility, we call BSOD - “Buffer overflow”.

The result of analyzing the dump using windbg is in the attachment below.

According to the analysis of the dump, we get.

1. Arg1: 00000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed (there was an attempt to free an already freed pool)

2. IMAGE_NAME: ntkrpamp.exe (the very core of the system has to do with this)

It is with such errors that verifier comes to the rescue.

Run verifier.

We select “Create non-standard parameters”. Next, select “Select parameters from the list”.

We select everything except “Simulate lack of resources”.

Then we select “Select unloaded drivers to this list” and specify the path to the myfault.sys driver, which is located in the same directory as the NotMyfault.exe program.

Then we mark the driver and click “Finish”. After that, we need to restart the computer.

We carry out all the same actions as in the beginning. Run NotMyfault.exe, select “Buffer overflow” and press “Crash”. As you have noticed, the crash may not happen immediately, since it is not known in advance who and when will try to work with this memory. As you can see in the image below, thanks to the verifier, the system can identify the problem driver.

Let me give you an analysis using! Analyze –v in windbg.exe to dump memory after BSOD.

The verifier program makes it so that the driver being checked, instead of the usual memory available in the kernel, uses a special pool designed to detect such an error. Thanks to this, you can find the driver that leads to the BSOD.

If we look at the results of the analysis, we see the following.

1. DRIVER_PAGE_FAULT_BEYOND_END_OF_ALLOCATION (d6) - this is one of the errors that verifier generates

2. IMAGE_NAME: myfault.sys - the driver that led to the problem.

Thus, if the analysis of the memory dump after BSOD does not allow finding the “guilty driver”, use the verifier.exe program (install all checks, except for the lack of memory).

The easiest way to use Driver Verifier (verifier.exe) is to run it with the following parameters:

verifier / standard / driver driver filename

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One of the most likely causes of a blue screen of death is incorrectly working drivers. You can determine the exact cause of the failure by analyzing the dump file after BSOD, but this is not always the case. In some cases, it is not possible to determine the source of the problem even with the most thorough analysis of the dumps. In such situations, it can help - full-time Windows utility designed for advanced driver testing.

Working in the background, it not only monitors the operation of drivers, but also simulates various "Stressful" situations, such as lack of random access memory... Information obtained during testing "Added to" to dump file DMP... Driver Verifier allows you to analyze I / O errors, monitor buffer overflows, identify errors in the mechanism IRQL etc. In a word, the program allows you to identify situations in which a driver can lead to a system crash with BSOD.

The specificity of the utility does not at all exclude its use by ordinary users. Anyone can create a report with its help; it is quite another matter to deal with its decoding. But this from ordinary users no one demands that as for the received dump, its analysis can be entrusted to the shoulders of professionals, asking for help at some well-known computer forum.

Important note: before using the utility it is highly recommended create a system restore point or full backup... In Windows 8 and 8.1, you will also need to activate the mode secure boot ... This is necessary in case of unexpected errors during the operation of Driver Verifier. This will allow you to boot, disable test mode, and roll back the system.

You can run the utility with the command verifier.

In the next window of the Manager, mark the parameters by which testing will be performed (all can be selected for completeness).

You can leave nothing in the third window.

In the fourth window, the utility will offer to select a group of drivers for testing.

By default, all unsigned drivers are selected as included in the risk group, but you can also specify the drivers yourself by ticking them in the fifth window of the Scan Manager.

It's all. After restarting the computer, the driver check mode will be activated. All this time, the computer can be used as usual, until the moment it appears BSOD... After that, copy the dump file from the directory C: / Windows / Minidump and send it for analysis. It may take a little longer to boot a PC with driver testing enabled, so don't be alarmed. This is normal. After receiving all the data, the debug mode must be disabled manually by selecting in graphical interface utility item "Delete existing parameters".

If you suspect that any of the drivers is not working correctly or, after analyzing the memory dump, you identified the driver that caused the error, then for a more thorough check of the drivers' operation, you can check the drivers yourself using the built-in checker tool Verifier.exe.

Checking for unsigned drivers.

verifier and press Enter.
2) Select an item and press the button Further.
and press the button Further.
Simulating lack of resources and press the button Further.
Automatically select unsigned drivers and press the button Further.

If unsigned drivers are found, the system will display a list of them, which will include the driver files and their descriptions. Moreover, the drivers found can belong to both devices and applications. Do not close the Driver Verifier window yet or click any buttons.

Option 1. Updating the program or driver.

6) Visit the website of the device manufacturer or the author of the program and download a newer version.
7) Reinstall the program or update the driver.
8) After updating the application or driver, close the Driver Verifier window by clicking the button Cancellation.
9) Restart your computer and continue working in the operating system.
If the system does not encounter errors related to this driver, then updating the driver or program has fixed it.

Option 2. Removing a program or driver.

6.1) Uninstall the program that this driver belongs to.
6.1.1) Open Control Panel All Control Panel Items Programs and Features and uninstall the application that owns the driver.
Before uninstalling the program, make sure that you have its installation disk or that its installation is saved on your disk.

6.2) Uninstall the driver in Device Manager.
1) In the menu Start right click on Computer and select the item Properties.
6.2.2) Click in the list on the left on Device Manager.
6.2.3) B Device manager find the device, right click on it and select from context menu paragraph Properties.
6.2.4) Go to the tab Driver and press the button Delete.

7) After uninstalling the application or driver, close the Driver Verifier window by clicking the button Cancellation.
8) Restart your computer and continue working in the operating system.

If the system does not display errors related to this driver, then uninstalling the driver or program has eliminated it.

Option 3. Checking unsigned drivers.

Attention! After checking for unsigned drivers, the system may not boot (before proceeding to further action, read this option to end).

6) Press the button Ready and restart your computer.

7) Restart your computer
8) Before the start Windows startup press the F8 key. When the drive selection window appears: select the drive on which you have Windows installed, press Enter, and then immediately F8.
9) Select an item Safe mode
10) Open dialog menu Execute: Start ->
11) Enter the command verifier.exe / reset and press Enter.

If the system has booted to normal mode, verification of unsigned drivers completed successfully - they are not the source of the problem.

Verification of signed drivers.

1) In the Start Menu search bar, type verifier and press Enter.
2) Select item Create custom parameters (for program code) and press the button Further.
3) Set the switch to value Select individual parameters from complete list and press the button Further.
4) Check all the checkboxes except the checkbox Simulating lack of resources and press the button Further.
5) Set the switch to Select driver name from the list and press the button Further.
6) Click on the column heading The supplier to sort drivers by vendor.
7) Select the first 10-15 drivers by checking the boxes opposite them in the column Check.
Do not select all drivers at once, as checking them will take a lot of time and system resources.
8) Press the button Ready and restart your computer. If the system booted normally, the selected drivers were checked successfully - they are not the source of the problem. In this case, repeat the above steps with the following 10-15 drivers selected.

If, after rebooting, a blue screen appears with an error, the problem driver has been identified - its name will be included in the error message. In this case:

1) Restart your computer
2) Before Windows starts, press the F8 key. When the drive selection window appears: select the drive on which you have Windows installed, press Enter, and then immediately F8.
3) Select item Safe mode
4) Open the dialog menu Execute: Start -> Run or press the combination Win + R
5) Enter the command verifier.exe / reset and press Enter. If the check of all drivers was successful, then most likely, the drivers are not the cause of a critical error that occurs in your system.

Points to system driver which is unlikely to be causing the problem (e.g. win32k.sys). In this case, a serious analysis of the dump will be required, requiring very deep knowledge and experience in this area. However, you can check the drivers yourself using the operating system's built-in validator. Verifier.exe... While it is detailed in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article, Using the Driver Verifier to Troubleshoot Windows Driver Issues, the material presented there is quite complex. technical level... Following is the short description steps to follow to check drivers.

On this page

Getting Started with Driver Verifier

On the menu StartExecute(or StartSearch) enter verifier and press Enter. The Driver Verifier starts. Select item Create custom parameters (for program code) and press the button Further.

Select individual parameters from the complete list and press the button Further.

In the next step, check all the boxes except Simulating lack of resources and press the button Further.

In the next step, select Automatically select unsigned drivers and press the button Further... If no unsigned drivers are found, go to.

Unsigned drivers

If unsigned drivers are found, you will see a list of them.

Drivers can belong to both devices and applications. Do not close the Driver Verifier window or click the button Further now.

Find updated drivers

You need to check if there are updated drivers.

  1. If you see an application driver listed, visit the manufacturer's website - the application may have been updated. If there is no updated version, you can try uninstalling the application (you can always reinstall it later). If the critical errors stopped, that was the cause.
  2. If you see a device driver listed and are running in Windows Vista use Windows Update to find new drivers. This method works well for Windows Vista because many device manufacturers partner with Microsoft to provide their drivers for download using Windows Update... In the control panel, select Windows Update and check for updates to your device driver. If a driver is found, install it.
  3. If Windows Update doesn't offer you new drivers, visit the device manufacturer's website. Perhaps new drivers are available there. If you are having trouble finding drivers, please visit the Find Drivers, Firmware and Manuals forum on

After updating the application or driver, close the Driver Verifier window, pressing the button Cancellation(but not Further) ... Restart your computer and continue working in the operating system. If the fatal error no longer occurs, you have fixed it by updating the driver.

Removing drivers

If no new drivers are found, try uninstalling the driver.

Attention! Removing drivers leads to inoperability of devices. After reboot at best operating system will install suitable driver from our own storage of drivers. If you are not sure if you need to uninstall a particular driver, do not uninstall it.

In device manager ( StartSearch / Rundevmgmt.mscOK) find the device, right-click on it and select the item from the context menu Properties... Then go to the tab Driver and press the button Delete.

Checking unsigned drivers

Attention! After checking unsigned drivers, the system may not boot (below is described how to proceed in such a situation).

If you do not want to uninstall the driver and / or want to check for unsigned drivers, in the Driver Verifier window, click Further... You will be prompted to select a physical disk.

Ready and then restart your computer. If after rebooting you see a blue screen with an error, the problematic driver has been identified - its name will be included in the error message. Enter Safe Mode and reset all driver verification options by typing in StartSearch / Run command verifier.exe / reset.

If the system has booted normally, the check for unsigned drivers was successful - they are not the source of the problem. You can see a list of tested drivers by running verifier.exe .

Since unsigned drivers are not the cause of the fatal error, other drivers need to be checked.

Selective Driver Verification

If no unsigned drivers are found or the validation does not reveal any problems, you will have to perform a spot check of the drivers. In this case, in the window shown below, select the item Select driver name from the list.

In the next step, you will be prompted to select the drivers to check. Don't select all drivers at once, since checking them will take a lot of time and system resources.

Therefore, the check may have to be done in several stages. The step-by-step sequence for selecting drivers can be as follows:

  1. Recently updated drivers or those that typically cause problems (drivers antivirus software, firewalls, virtual disks).
  2. Drivers not from Microsoft.
  3. A group of 10 to 15 drivers at a time.

Select the drive where the operating system is installed and click the Ready and then restart your computer.

Attention! After checking the drivers, the system may not boot (below is described how to proceed in such a situation).

If after rebooting you see a blue screen with an error, the problematic driver has been identified - its name will be included in the error message. Restart your computer and enter Safe Mode by clicking F8 while loading. After logging in, reset all driver verification options by typing in StartSearch / Run command verifier.exe / reset.

If the system booted normally, the selected drivers were checked successfully - they are not the source of the problem. You can see a list of tested drivers by running verifier.exe and choosing in the first step the item Display information about currently tested drivers.

Now select the next driver group and check again.

All drivers are verified - what's next?

If the verification of all drivers is successful, I must take off my hat to your patience and perseverance. Chances are, drivers are not the cause of a critical error occurring on your system. It is possible that the problem lies in the hardware of your computer - for example, in a faulty hard disk or RAM, or the power supply has insufficient power to ensure the operation of all devices. There may be other hardware problems that cannot be detected by checking the drivers either.