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Front panel to the computer. Front panel audio does not work

Windows headphone front panel not working, identifying problems and finding solutions.

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The front panel with headphone jack is an essential element of any computer. But it also happens that its work suddenly stops, listening to sound files becomes impossible.

There may be several reasons why the headphone front panel stopped working.

Among the most common, the following malfunctions should be highlighted:

  1. Required drivers are not installed;
  2. Assembly defects;
  3. Control panel not configured;
  4. Parameters not set;
  5. Input not connected;
  6. Sound mode not set.

And now about everything in more detail.

Let's figure out how to solve this problem... First of all, you should find out the cause of the malfunction.


Before proceeding with the solution of the problem, you need to make sure that the drivers on your device are installed correctly. To do this, try playing a sound file using the back panel.

If the file does not play, the problem is serious. You'd better seek help from a qualified professional. If there is sound, then we proceed to solving the problem with the front panel.

When the panel crashed

Remember how long ago the front panel stopped working. You may not have connected it since you purchased the device. Then, most likely, the problem is in the assembly. In this case, you can contact the store where the device was purchased (or the service center) for help.

If the panel worked properly and a breakdown occurred recently, remember what settings you have made recently. Perhaps something was configured in the Control Panel.

Improper installation could result in a malfunction that could cause the front of the computer to malfunction.

Control Panel

Now let's move on to checking the sound settings. Open the control panel, find the section with sound there.

Please note that in the "Play" tabs

and "Record" devices were installed by default.

To view all installed devices, click on any free space with the right mouse button and check the box next to "Show disabled devices".

Now go to the "Play" tab. On the device that works, right-click, launch "Properties". In the window that opens, check that there is an item with a front panel in the list of connectors.

The same should be done in the "Recording" tab. Only here we open the properties of the microphone.

Realtek HD

If all the drivers in your computer are installed correctly, then you have the Realtek HD Configurator. You need to check its settings. You can find it in the Control Panel.

Open the Speakers tab, select the yellow folder icon on the right. Make sure Disable Front Panel Slot Detection is enabled.

If the parameter was not set, install, save and check the panel's functionality. You also need to go to additional settings (the corresponding item is in the window on the right, at the top).

Set here the options you want: “Separate all output jacks as independent input devices” and “Disable front panel jack detection”.

Connecting inputs

If not so long ago you disassembled your computer, then it is important to check that the panel was connected correctly and the wires were not damaged.

The panel can be connected in the following ways:

  • With one-piece block (AC'97 and HD Audio). Nowadays the most common type is HD Audio. AC'97 is already outdated and comes across very rarely.
  • With separate labeled connectors.

If you don't know if everything is connected correctly, use your motherboard manual. It will help identify the problem.

Sound is not working in the correct mode

It also happens: the connectors on the panel are AC'97, and the sound is reproduced in HD. Your task is to change the way sound is played in BIOS.

It should be displayed on the AC'97 panel. Alternatively, try turning HD off.

The front panel for Windows headphones does not work, the result

We've covered the most common front panel issues. If none of the methods helped you, contact the wizard. Perhaps the problem is much more serious than you think.

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Often users of the new operating system complain that the front headphone panel does not work on Windows 10 and the laptop does not see the connected device. This problem can be software or physical. And if in the first case it is possible to return the headphone jack on the front panel to work, then in case of physical breakdown you will have to contact the service center.

Ways to solve the problem with the non-working front audio panel of the laptop

In order for the front panel with headphone and microphone jacks to work properly, Windows 10 must be installed Realtek Manager... Its icon can be seen on the taskbar or along the path "Start", "Control Panel", "Realtek Manager".

If the headphones do not work on the laptop and there is no Manager, you should go to the address "C: \\ Program Files \\ Realtek \\ Audio \\ HDA" and check for the file "RtHDVCpl.exe". If you run it, a new window will open with the settings for audio devices.

In order for the headphones on a laptop with Windows 10 to work correctly, you should go to the "Speakers" tab and click " Additional settings devices ".

A small window will open. There are two checkboxes to check here: “Separate all output jacks as independent input devices” and “Disable front panel jack detection”.

After these settings, the headphones in Windows 10 will work correctly. However, if there is still no sound, it may indicate missing drivers or physical damage to the connectors. In this case, it is worth updating the audio driver or rolling it back to an earlier version. If this does not work and the connector on the front panel is still not recognized by the system, you will have to open the laptop or open the side cover of the system unit (not recommended for inexperienced users) and follow these steps:

  • Find the audio jack. We check if it is connected to the correct pins on the motherboard, and also if the lead wires are not deformed. To connect the front panel, two types of pads can be used: AC'97 and HD Audio, separate connectors with precise marking. It is important to take this point into account.

  • The AC'97 type is rarely used today, but the HD Audio (High Definition Audio) standard is very widespread. On the motherboard, the front panel HD Audio connector is usually identified by a letter designation, for example, F_Audio.

  • However, if there is no such connector or you have pads with different designations, there should be a connection diagram in the instructions for the board or laptop.

  • The plan for connecting individual connectors to AC'97 is as follows:

  • If you have correctly connected all the connectors to the computer, the system should see the connected gadget.

It is worth noting that there is another way how to enable the front audio connectors through the BIOS settings. To do this, follow these steps:

  • We reboot the computer and boot into the BIOS (press F1 + Del, there may be other combinations).
  • Find the "Advanced" section, then the "Onboard Devices Configuration" item.

  • The option that controls the front soundbar is called “Front Panel Type”. IN different versions BIOS, it can be labeled as "Front Panel Support Type", "High Definition Front Panel Audio" or "Legacy Front Panel Audio". By default, this option is set to “HD Audio”. It needs to be changed to "AC97".

  • After saving and rebooting the system, it is worth checking if the headphones or speakers connected to the front panel are working.
IMPORTANT! If your BIOS is set to "AC97", then switch to "HD".

If after the above manipulations the headphones for some reason do not work, it is worth making a few more settings through the "Control Panel".

  • Click "Start", "Control Panel", "Sound".

  • In the "Playback" tab, check that the "Speakers" are set by default. Also in the "Sound" tab, "Microphone" should be set by default.

  • Then right-click on an empty space and put the checkboxes "Show disconnected devices" and "Show disconnected devices".

  • In the "Playback" tab, press the same right-click on the active device and select the "Properties" item. In the "General" section, look at the list of connectors. The item "Front panel 3.5 mm jack" should be present.

  • We also do all the same actions with the "Microphone" in the "Recording" tab.

After making changes to the system settings, reconnect the headset to the PC.

If the methods on how to connect headphones to a laptop with Windows 10 did not help to solve the problems, it is worth checking the jack for serviceability. To do this, you should contact the master.

The front panel of the system unit is connected to the computer motherboard for the operation of buttons, indicators and all connectors. The developers have only those connectors on the front panel that can be turned on and off hot, without turning off the computer. These are all USB connectors, as well as headphones with a microphone. All these connectors are optional, but button outputs and indicators are always needed. Otherwise, the computer will not work. Here we will take a look at how to connect the front panel to the motherboard on various models.

The connectors on the outside of the system unit are marked and have special keys that do not allow putting the wrong cable into the connector. Inside, there is no such protection at all. Any wire can be connected to any pin. There, the same pin connectors are used everywhere with a pitch of 2.5 mm between the contacts. Therefore, all connections must be verified by the inscriptions on the wires and on the motherboard itself. In order not to designate each wire, manufacturers adhere to several standard connection schemes. It turns out a rectangular array of contacts in two or three rows. To find the reference angle, manufacturers leave a key - an unused contact.

Connecting all buttons and status indicators

All buttons and indicators must be connected. Connecting additional connectors is carried out as needed, for example, an audio connector on many motherboards just missing. Also, they often do not connect a microphone, since they do not use it. It is unacceptable to do this with buttons and indicators. They must all be connected.

The motherboard has three groups of contacts for connecting the front panel: a group of indicators and buttons (about 15 pin pins), F-audio (Front Audio) and USB, which modern models usually several. All of them are connected with wires with appropriate inscriptions. Color coding is also popular, but is optional.

The first stage of connection - we identify these three groups on the motherboard and on the wires in system unit... You need to focus on the labels on the connectors and on the board. All this is quite simple if you figure it out. Additionally, you need to clarify: whether the motherboard has a built-in BIOS speaker. If it is, then there are no connectors for its connection.

The group of contacts of indicators and buttons has 3 standard versions. Modern motherboards use a built-in speaker circuit. Exactly 8 contacts are active in it. 2x2 for LEDs and 2x2 for the "Power" "Reset" button.

A motherboard with an external speaker has 10 required pins. In this case, the contact pad has 17. Of these, 3 remain empty at the top (key), and the BIOS speaker is connected to 4 contacts along the edges with a gap of 2 contacts. The pad for 4 contacts for the speaker can be made separately and not included in the general group. It also uses only two contacts. Contacts are identified by the inscriptions on the board.

The exact location of the contacts on the motherboard can always be specified in its specification. The technical manual is easy to find online. The main thing is to accurately enter the brand of the motherboard.

The following connectors must be connected to the front panel (in brackets - the inscription on the board for identification):

  • "Power" button (denoted as PW, PWR, MSG, LD);
  • "Reset" button (marked as "SW" or simply Reset);
  • lED power indicator (LED);
  • lED activity indicator hard drive (LED HD);
  • bOIS speaker (if present, designated as SP or Speaker).
The terminal block is often referred to as "Panel 1".

After connecting the required group of contacts, proceed to the connection of the front panel connectors with hot disconnection. These are USB and audio connectors.

The process of connecting the front panel of the case of the system unit

USB connectors on motherboards are always the same. This is a group of 9 contacts. Of these, only 8 are active, and the 9th is used as a key. Across uSB port significant currents are transmitted. There's not 10 milliamps like there are in the front panel LEDs. The port does not tolerate wrong connection and immediately burns out. When connecting it, you need to be very careful. It is necessary to strictly follow the general rules:

the assignment of contacts in the upper and lower rows is strictly the same, they simply belong to different ports and should not be confused;
from the side of the empty contact (key), the upper and lower contacts are ground;
on the opposite side, "power" contacts (designated as "+ 5V");
two contact middle - data bus. The wires are usually green and white. For them, the correct sequence is also very important.

All groups of 9 USB pins are labeled as "USB1", "USB2" and further by numbers. There are a significant number of them on modern motherboards. The ports operate at the same speed regardless of their number. In terms of architecture, they are all the same. The numbering is included only as a designation of the contact groups on the board.

Sometimes the USB connector is made with a single piece of cable without splitting into separate contacts... In this case, you just need to connect the four-pin plug so that the black wire (ground) is on the side of the key.

Connecting the front soundbar to the main board

The audio connector has 4 pins, and their actual number may be higher. This is done for noise immunity. The ground bus is connected many times. These are analog connectors, so the length of the wires (longer than the wire means more noise and interference), especially for a microphone, is critical there. Usually the contact group is located near the sound chip. It is labeled F-Audio. If there are no jumpers on it, then the chip supports operation on many channels.

To connect an audio connector, you need its wiring diagram (pinout), which is oriented by an empty contact (key).

Headphones are a necessary device that is actively used when connected to a computer. This is not surprising, since the use of headphones can significantly expand its functionality. With a microphone, such a device will become indispensable when communicating in Skype or other communication services. Headphones are no less useful for those who regularly play computer games online, as they allow you to stay in touch with your playmates.

Even the standard function for headphones - playing music - deserves attention from users, especially if it is not possible to listen to music through the speakers, because of the risk of interfering with someone.

Connectors and outputs at a glance

Most computer models are designed to include sound card... As a rule, it is a sound card built into the motherboard, or connected separately. To connect headphones with a microphone, your computer or laptop must have two outputs: one for feeding sound to the headphones, the other for the microphone.

As a rule, the headphone outputs are marked in green, while for the microphone - in pink, but it is not uncommon for the connection to occur linearly. The panels of the computer are usually marked with symbols that will help you not to be mistaken in which connector you need to insert.

Headphones that are used on computers, or rather their plugs, are also marked with the above colors. This significantly distinguishes them from ordinary headphones for music players, since there is no question of any marking there.

Another difference between computer headphones is their durability. Thanks to the longer and thicker cable, these headphones can last much longer than conventional ones, and besides, they are more comfortable to use.

To connect the headphones, simply insert them correctly into the connectors on the computer: the green plug into the green jack, the pink plug into the pink jack. After that, the headphones are tuned using a special program.

Connecting headphones on laptops is carried out in an absolutely identical way. Typically, headphone and microphone jacks are located either on the left side of the laptop or on the front panel opposite the user. By the way, if the headphones do not easily fit into the laptop connector, you should not think that they do not fit. Most manufacturers in their products specifically tighten the headphone jacks in order for them to last longer.

Newer laptop models have combo jacks that connect headphones with a microphone. They may not be marked with the above colors, but there are symbols near the connectors that will help you navigate where the connector is located.

Connecting headphones to a computer

After you have inserted the headphone plugs into the corresponding jacks on your computer, you need to check if they work. In most cases, after this procedure, the sound is already played in the headphones, and therefore the headphones do not require further adjustment.

However, there are times that even after the headphones and the computer are properly connected, the sound does not appear. In this case, you should do the following:

1. Check if the headphones themselves are working. The problem may lie in their inoperability. For testing, it is recommended to use any working device with a headphone output: TV, MP3 player, video player, tablet.

2. Another reason why the connected headphones do not produce sound is the lack of required drivers... In order to check for the presence of drivers, you need to enable any sound file on your computer through the speakers. If the speakers work, then the drivers are installed on your computer, and the problem is different.

If your computer does not have drivers, you should go to "Device Manager" through the control panel.

Next, you should find the lines « Sound devices» and "Audio outputs and audio inputs"... There should not be exclamation marks or crosses in front of them. If you see such characters opposite the indicated lines, you need to reinstall the drivers on your computer.

3. If you are convinced that everything is normal with the drivers and headphones on your computer, it may be that the volume is set to the minimum on the computer. In order to fix this, you need to find the speaker icon in the lower right corner. By clicking on it, a mixer will appear on the screen, allowing you to control the sound level.

You can also check if the sound is set to minimum in "Control Panel" in section "Sound", link "Adjusting the volume".

It is also worth noting that with the help of the indicators that are highlighted in the sound mixer, you can determine whether the computer is playing sound. If no sound file is played, the mixer does not move.

For those who use headphones with a microphone, it is also useful to know that you can track the operation of the microphone in the tab "Record", which is in the section "Sound" in the control panel.

If, after completing these steps, the sound in the headphones on your computer does not work, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible reasons for the lack of sound. In addition, the reason for the lack of sound may be a malfunction of the sound card, and then the computer will need specialist help.

We connect headphones and speakers to the computer in parallel

It is not uncommon for a computer to have only one connector for both speakers and headphones. Obviously, it is not very convenient to constantly change devices, especially since over time this wears out the connector, and it will work worse. One way to solve the problem is to connect the headphones to the speakers, which in turn are connected to the computer. However, this solution is only suitable for conventional headphones that do not have a microphone.

The best solution to the problem is to connect headphones and speakers in parallel to the same connector on your computer. This method is quite convenient, since the sound will work both in the speakers and the headphones, and at the moment when you only need the headphones to work, you can easily turn off the speakers with the corresponding button.

This method is possible only if you have a special splitter, which can be purchased at a radio or cable store. The cost of such a cord is in the range of 100-150 rubles.

Video on the topic of connecting speakers and headphones at the same time for Windows 7

How to connect headphones with a microphone

It was already mentioned above that headphones with a microphone have special markings, and have two plugs - one green (headphones) and the second pink (the microphone itself). This marking is present on most models of headphones with a microphone, and is necessary precisely so that the user can easily connect them to a computer device.

As a rule, it looks like this:

First of all, you need to insert the headphone plug into the corresponding socket on the computer panel, and do the same with the microphone plug. After you have installed the headphone plugs in the corresponding connectors on your computer, you need to do the following:

1. For windows users XP: go to control panel, select item "Sounds and Audio Devices", select item "Speech"

2. For Windows 7 users: go to control panel, go to section "Sound" and choose an option "Playback".

If your headphones are connected to the computer correctly, then there should be green marks next to the corresponding lines. Here you will be able to customize the headphones in the respective sections.

Recently, a friend contacted me with a question why the front panel of the sound does not work for her. She recently bought a computer, everything works, she is happy with everything, she connected and configured the Internet. But there was a problem.

She bought headphones with a microphone to talk on Skype. After plugging them into the front panel, she found that neither the headphones nor the microphone were working. Moreover, if you connect them to the back panel, then everything works. And there are many such cases. What's the problem? Maybe this is a marriage and you need to use the warranty service?

Not everything is as bad as it seems. In fact, in almost every case, users just don't look closely at the settings. The connectors on the front are functional and rarely break!

What to do if there is no sound from the front panel

In the lower right corner of the monitor, click on the speaker icon. We are looking for a driver designed to play sound on a computer. I call it "Realtek HD". If suddenly it is not there, then we turn to the control panel and look for it on it. If it is absent there, then you just have a different driver.

We launch the found driver. The sound settings window will be displayed on the monitor. Select the "Speakers" tab (if you are the owner of Windows XP, then you will have the "Sound Inputs / Outputs" tab)

As soon as you do this, a sound will appear on the front panel.

All of the above applies to Windows 7. Therefore, if you are the owner of the XP version, then your control panel will be slightly different. Going to the "Audio Inputs / Outputs" tab, you will see that next to the "Analog" label there is a small wrench in a blue circle. You need to click on it, then a window will appear on the screen, as for windows versions 7. And then according to the instructions.

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