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Throw the BIOS to the factory settings for your computer. How to reset BIOS on a motherboard to factory settings

BIOS (Basic input / output system) - basic settings input \ output of the computer. The operation of the processor, RAM, boot priority, time and date is configured through the BIOS. Sometimes, in case of errors related to booting the computer, resetting or restoring the settings to the factory defaults can help. In this article we will try to describe possible options how to reset bios to factory settings.

Reset BIOS to factory settings

There are several options for resetting Bios settings to factory defaults:

Let's analyze these options separately.

Option 1

Through BIOS options. This method will allow you to simply and quickly reset the settings through uefi bios to the factory. It excludes direct access to the computer hardware and is perfect if the operating system is not loaded. Difficulties can arise for users who may not be able to navigate well in English names or words.


  • Reboot your computer;
  • On reboot, press the key that brings up the BIOS. The required key can be indicated on the startup screen, accompanied by the designation Setup. Depending on the manufacturer of the laptop or motherboard, the keys may be Esc, Del, F2, F8, F12
  • Go to the Settings or Exit tab. In this tab you need to find the following items:
    - Load Default Settings;
    - Load Default;
    - Load Setup Default;
    - Or other similar combinations.
  • Exit the settings and save the current changes.

Option 2

Using a jumper. This option Ideal if you need to reset your bios to default settings but cannot be accessed due to an error or failure. This jumper is present on each motherboardpersonal computer or laptop.


  • Turn off your computer;
  • Find the Jumper on the motherboard with the following designations
    - CLEAR;
    - CLR CMOS;
    - CLR PWD.

If the jumper has 2 contacts, open it (remove the jumper) for a few minutes and reconnect it. If 3 pins, connect the jumper alternative way(for example, from position 1-2 to position 2-3).

  • On a laptop: remove the RAM strips. Under them, find 2 contacts labeled CLEAR, CLEAR CMOS and others. You must close these pins to clear the CMOS.

A warning! Not all laptops have these contacts, the following option is suitable for them.

Option 3

By removing the CMOS battery. This method is the most difficult / inconvenient when using a laptop, but sometimes it is the only one, since the manufacturer did not offer other options. This method will help resolve the issue of how to reset bios settings on a laptop (HP, Asus, Lenovo, Acer and others) to a preset value.


  • Turn off your computer;
  • Power off the device (remove the laptop battery or disconnect network cable from the power supply of the system unit) and remove the computer cover.

Necessarily! Make sure there is no static electricity or use special anti-static materials.

  • For computer. There is a small CR2032 battery on the motherboard. This battery supports dynamic memory (CMOS) power so that every time you turn off or restart the computer, you do not have to reconfigure all the hardware and boot parameters. It must be removed for 2-3 minutes and reconnected.
  • For laptop. Remove the laptop cover until you reach the small battery. It differs slightly from the "computer battery", there are 2 wires from it, these contacts are connected to the motherboard to maintain the CMOS performance. Disconnect contacts for 2-3 minutes and reconnect.
  • Assemble your system unit or laptop, connect to power and turn it on.

Resetting the parameters to the factory settings is not always difficult and incomprehensible, it is enough to have a suitable instruction at hand.

Have a great day!

An ordinary user begins to be interested in the device of the OS and its components only when something is broken. This also includes the BIOS - a system shell without graphical interface, for which it did not receive much popularity among users (like the command line cmd.exe). Let's consider what this utility is, how to use it, and, most importantly, how to roll back to the initial parameters.

What is BIOS

It is the basic control of the system. Primary task and hardware manager. At BIOS help you can adjust the work of the system, activate those devices that Windows cannot see. The basic and most important task is to work with equipment and devices that are connected to the PC in this moment.

Why reset settings

Often, the current system configuration does not allow certain equipment (modems, flash drives, external sound cards). Roll back drivers or automatic setting the system doesn't always help.

Also, on new operating systems (Windows 10, Windows 8.1), the hardware works with errors that are not perceived standard means diagnostics operating system.

When to reset the BIOS configuration

Most often, the BIOS is remembered when the computer does not start or hangs at startup. Forgotten password or a bug when starting the operating system also reminds the user that there is such a tool as BIOS. However, a number of cases are described below that can be solved through the BIOS.

If you need to reset the password for entering the BIOS (or the password for continuing to start the OS)

For example, if the user has forgotten the password for account and further work in the OS is not possible. If the message "Enter the correct password" appears on the screen when starting the PC, then you need to contact the BIOS. We are talking about the password from the BIOS itself, and not from the account, although the reset general settings removes all passwords.

If the computer is not stable

Third-party drivers or software components often do not interact with the OS properly. For example, when you connect an external modem, the Internet is lost or other applications are turned off.

If the computer does not load the operating system

Another frequent signal of incompatibility of hardware with the OS. There are only 2 options for the development of events:

  • from time to time a different color "screen of death" appears. Usually blue, but there are other colors as well;
  • The OS does not start, so as not to provoke an error.

The second option is undoubtedly better, since it does not allow the system to accumulate errors and does not disrupt its operation. Computer use is postponed until complete elimination Problems.

If you have changed the configuration of the BIOS Setup settings

Remember, at the beginning of the article there was a paragraph about improvisation? BIOS can both improve system performance and disrupt it. The BIOS itself does not know what configuration the user needs. He can only execute commands. Independent actions for which instructions are not provided can only be performed experienced users who are accountable for their actions.

How to reset BIOS settings

Let's consider the most popular ways how to reset BIOS to factory settings that even a beginner can handle. Unplug your computer from the mains before carrying out any operations to avoid short circuits or damage to spare parts. After turning off the power, you must wait at least 10 seconds before restarting.

Resetting BIOS Setup using the CLRTC jumper on the motherboard

In order to perform the operation, you will have to disassemble the system unit.

CLRTC jumper on motherboard

  1. Remove the cover.
  2. Find your motherboard.
  3. On it, near the battery (which will be discussed below), you can see a small jumper.
  4. It must be removed and rearranged one division to the right (it is better to use tweezers for this).
  5. Press the power button (to discharge the capacitors).
  6. Move the jumper back.
  7. BIOS restarted.

The jumper looks like a small blue cube that switches between two positions. When restarting the capacitors, you also need to wait 10 seconds before and after the procedure, otherwise there is a chance of breakdown.

We take out the battery

  1. Disassemble your PC after disconnecting it from the network.
  2. Take out the battery (regular crown) next to the jumper.
  3. Press the power button to restart the capacitors.
  4. Put it back in.
  5. BIOS restarted.

The battery on the motherboard is when the battery needs to be replaced as metal is also susceptible to corrosion. If there are traces of rust or oxidation on the crown, feel free to change, otherwise problems with the PC cannot be avoided.

Using BIOS Setup options

This method is useful only when the user remembers the BIOS password.

  1. While starting the PC, you need to press the DEL (or F8) key.
  2. You need to go to the "Exit" tab and select "Load Setup Defaults".
  3. After that, the system will restart and the settings will be returned to the default.

BIOS Setup Options

ATTENTION! If the user has installed a non-standard (custom) build of the system, his factory settings may differ from the usual ones. In this case, dumping can even harm.

Moving through the menu is done through the arrows "Left" and "Right", and confirmation and cancellation of actions, using the keys "Y" and "N", respectively.

For this method, you will need a command line that everyone does not like.

  1. Press the Win + R keyboard shortcut.
  2. In the window that opens, enter "debug" (without quotes).
  3. A command prompt will open.
  4. Enter there:
    About 70 17
    About 73 17
    (for AMI BIOS or AWARD)
    O 70 FF
    O 71 FF
    (for Phoenix BIOS)
  5. BIOS restarted.

Debug utility for reset BIOS settings

Contrary to popular belief, you can paste the copied text into the command line. Only this is done not by the standard combination of CTRL + V, but by right-clicking on the field command line and choosing the "Insert" item. If you enter data manually, you must respect all line breaks and spaces.

Contact jumper with any metal conductor

The method is useful for laptop owners.

  1. Take out the battery.
  2. Look for the JCMOS pins on the surface of the motherboard.
  3. Between them you need to place a metal object (master key, screwdriver) for a couple of seconds. The contacts will close and the settings will return to factory settings.


We hope that this article helped the reader understand what BOIS is and reset the settings. There is nothing super complicated in this, nevertheless, the following conditions must be observed:

  • strictly follow the instructions, without deviating from it. Any improvisation can lead to a dead end;
  • write down or remember the order of actions in order to be able to restore the chronology of events or roll back changes.
  • have an operating system image handy, or bootable USB drive(in case of failure).

How to reset the BIOS - for sure, this question has repeatedly risen to the edge for many users of a personal computer. A procedure such as resetting the BIOS settings can be extremely useful in cases when the computer does not help a reboot and, as it seems, cannot be revived by the user's efforts, and the only way to restore the PC's performance is to visit a repair shop. Since clearing the BIOS returns the factory default settings, this method often helps to solve problems associated with a malfunctioning PC.

You may need to reset BIOS settings for various reasons. For example, it may happen that you experimented with computer hardware as part of a CPU overclocking exercise, and as a result, your computer simply stopped booting. Or you need to reset the password that prevents you from entering the BIOS. In short, the reasons can be different. The methods for resetting the BIOS can also differ, and not every method can be applied in every situation. But it's better to say everything in order.

All BIOS reset methods can be divided into two main categories: hardware and software. The most well-known methods at the moment include the following:

  1. Reset BIOS to default settings BIOS means Setup.
  2. Reset by setting special jumpers on motherboard.
  3. Reset by removing the system board battery.
  4. Reset by closing certain contacts of the BIOS chip.
  5. Reset by programming ports.

Let's take a closer look at these options.

Resetting BIOS to default settings using BIOS Setup

The easiest way to carry out the BIOS reset procedure is to start with this software method. To implement it, it is enough to enter Setup (as a rule, by pressing the Delete key on the keyboard when starting the computer), find the appropriate section, select the desired option and restart the computer. After a reboot occurs, the BIOS will revert to factory defaults. There is an option to load BIOS defaults in almost every BIOS version... It's usually called Load Defaults or something like that.

Everything seems to be simple, but there are some limitations. The thing is that it will be difficult for you to apply this way in the event that you cannot enter BIOS Setup - for example, when your computer does not boot at all. A similar situation occurs when an unknown password prevents entering Setup or continuing to work with the computer after boot. Thus, the functional usefulness of the described method is limited.

Resetting the BIOS by installing special jumpers (jumpers) on the system board

Naturally, many motherboard manufacturers provided for the possibility that the user would not be able to clear the BIOS memory using Setup and load the standard factory settings in a similar way. Therefore, the motherboards have built-in solutions that allow you to reset the BIOS settings in hardware.

Most often, a special jumper can be used for this purpose. Of course, finding a small jumper on a large motherboard is not always easy. Therefore, it is usually best to look at your motherboard manual to find it.

If you do not have a manual with you, then you should remember that quite often this jumper is designated on the motherboard as Clear CMOS (and therefore this type of jumper is often denoted by the term Clear CMOS).

Clear CMOS jumper on motherboard

In addition, the jumper is most often found near the battery that powers the CMOS memory. However, this rule is not always observed, therefore it is safer to use the motherboard circuit to find the jumper.

Usually, closing the Clear CMOS jumper is sufficient to clear the CMOS memory. For reliability, it is worth keeping the jumper closed for a while. Typically, after a few seconds, the BIOS memory is erased, and after that you can turn on the computer again.

We hope that all readers know the following principle, but still recall it again: all jumper setting operations must be carried out on a computer completely disconnected from the network, otherwise the results can be disastrous for the motherboard.

Resetting the BIOS by removing the CMOS battery from its socket

If there is no corresponding jumper on the motherboard (or you could not find it), but there is a CMOS battery on the board, then you can try to reset the BIOS memory in the following way - just pull the battery out of its slot. However, this method is not always as effective as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that CMOS memory usually does not require a lot of power to work and therefore BIOS data located in this type of memory can remain in it for a long time even in the absence of power. Therefore, in order to make sure that you managed to completely clear the BIOS memory, you need to hold the system unit without a battery for a while. Usually, after a day, the CMOS memory is completely cleared, although very often a shorter period of time may be sufficient for this.

Appearance CMOS batteries

A CMOS battery is usually quite easy to find on a motherboard - it is usually made of shiny metal, and its surface is in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 1 cm. Removing the battery is also quite simple - just press the special latch that holds the battery in the socket.

Like the jumper operation, the CMOS battery can only be removed when the computer is completely disconnected from the mains.

However, it should be borne in mind that the battery is not always removable. Quite often, especially on a laptop, it is simply impossible to remove the battery without damaging the motherboard. In this case, the only way out for the user is often a trip to the service center.

Other ways to reset BIOS

If none of the above methods helped you, and you do not know how to clear the BIOS memory, then in some cases you can try other methods. However, they are not as reliable and you should use them only at your own risk.

First of all, it is worth noting that such a frequently mentioned BIOS reset method, like closing the contacts of the BIOS battery, is unlikely to help you. Moreover, if you apply it, then it will be fraught with failure of the motherboard.

However, for some BIOS microcircuits, a positive result is sometimes brought by the closure of certain contacts of these microcircuits. Below we provide a list of the corresponding microcircuits and the procedures that must be performed with them to reset the BIOS:

  • Р82С206 Chip - closure of contacts number 12 and 32 (or 74 and 75).
  • F82C206 Chip - closure of contacts 3 and 26.
  • Dallas DS1287A, DS12887A, Benchmarq bq3287AMT - closure of contacts 12 and 21.
  • Motorola MC126818AP, Hitachi HD146818AP, Samsung KS82C6818A - closure of contacts 12 and 24 (it is also possible to pull the microcircuit out of the socket).
  • Dallas DS12885S, Benchmarq bq3258S - closure of contacts 12 and 24 (or 12 and 20).

When performing actions to close the contacts of microcircuits, you should adhere to a few simple rules. First of all, it is worth remembering that all operations with microcircuits should be carried out only when the power of the computer motherboard is turned off! In addition, often simply closing the contacts may not be enough to reset the BIOS, so it is best to keep the contacts closed for a few seconds.

In addition to the BIOS reset hardware, as well as reset using the Setup program option, there is also a clean software methods based on writing a certain set of data to the ports of the computer. First, for this purpose you can use special utilities... But if you do not trust the programs downloaded from the Internet, then you can create a similar program yourself. The easiest way to do this is to use Debug utility included in MS Windows OS. To carry out the operation to clear the BIOS from AMI or AWARD manufacturers, just run the Run program and enter the following set of commands:

After entering these commands, a computer restart is required.

Features of resetting BIOS for laptop

How to reset BIOS - this question arises for users working on a laptop no less often than for those users who use a desktop PC for work. However, on a laptop, implement this operation is usually somewhat more complicated. In many cases, the same methods can be used on a laptop as on a desktop PC. However, often on a laptop, the user may encounter enhanced BIOS data protection, especially on a top-class laptop. In this case, to perform a BIOS reset operation on a laptop, it is best to contact a specialist.


Any user may find useful information on how to reset BIOS settings. If your computer shows no signs of life, malfunctions, or you cannot boot it because you do not know the password, then you should not despair. Resetting the BIOS contents to factory settings in most cases will restore the computer's performance.

There are many ways to reset BIOS settings, and the most reliable and universal of them are hardware methods, such as setting jumpers on the motherboard or removing the CMOS battery.

Good afternoon.

Many problems on a laptop can be solved by resetting BIOS settings to factory settings (sometimes, they are also called optimal or safe).

In general, this is done quite easily, it will be more difficult if you put a password on the BIOS and when you turn on the laptop, it will ask for this very password. Here you cannot do without disassembling the laptop ...

In this article, I wanted to consider both options.

1. Reset the BIOS settings of the laptop to factory settings

To enter the BIOS settings, the keys are usually used F2 or Delete(sometimes the F10 key). It depends on your laptop model.

Finding out which button to press is easy enough: restart the laptop (or turn it on) and see the first welcome window (it always shows the button to enter the BIOS settings). You can also use the documentation that came with the laptop when purchasing.

And so, we will assume that you entered the BIOS settings. Next we are interested in Exit tab... By the way, in laptops of different brands (ASUS, ACER, HP, SAMSUNG, LENOVO) the name of the BIOS sections is almost the same, so there is no point in taking screenshots for each model ...

BIOS setup on ACER Packard Bell laptop.

Further, in the Exit section, select a line like “ Load Setup Defaults"(Ie loading default settings (or default settings)). Then, a pop-up window will need to confirm that you want to reset the settings.

And all that remains is to exit BIOS with saving the settings made: select Exit Saving Changes(first line, see screenshot below).

Load Setup Defaults - load default settings. ACER Packard Bell.

By the way, in 99% of cases with reset settings, the laptop will boot normally. But sometimes a small error happens and the laptop cannot find where to boot from (i.e. from which device: flash drive, HDD, etc.).

To fix it, go to BIOS again and go to the section Boot .

Here you need to change the tab Boot Mode :UEFI change to Legacy, then exit BIOS while saving the settings. After reboot - the laptop should boot normally from hard disk.

Changing the Boot Mode function.

2. How to reset BIOS settings if it requires a password?

Now let's imagine a more serious situation: it so happened that you set a password for Bios, and now you have forgotten it (well, or a sister, brother, a friend set a password and calls you for help ...).

Turn on the laptop (in the example, an ACER laptop) and see the following.

ACER. BIOS asks to enter a password for working with a laptop.

For all brute-force attempts, the laptop responds with an error and after a few incorrect entered passwords it simply turns off ...

In this case, you cannot do without removing back cover laptop.

There are only three things to do:

  • disconnect the laptop from all devices and generally remove all the cords that are connected to it (headphones, power cord, mouse, etc.);
  • remove the battery;
  • remove the cover protecting RAM and HDD laptop (the design is different for all laptops, sometimes it may be necessary to remove the entire back cover).

Upside down laptop on the table. You need to remove: battery, cover from HDD and RAM.

Laptop without battery, hard drive and RAM.

There are two contacts under the RAM slats (they are also signed by JCMOS) - that's what we need. Now do the following:

  • close these contacts with a screwdriver (and do not open them until you turn off the laptop. Patience and accuracy are needed here);
  • connect the power cord to the laptop;
  • turn on the laptop and wait about a second. 20-30;
  • turn off your laptop.

You can now connect your RAM, hard drive, and battery.

Contacts that need to be closed to reset BIOS settings. Usually these contacts are signed with the word CMOS.

Bios ACER laptop was dropped.

I must say a few words about the "pitfalls":

  • not all laptops will have two contacts, some have three, and to reset it is necessary to move the jumper from one position to another and wait a few minutes;
  • instead of jumpers, there can be a zeroing button: just press it with a pencil or pen and wait a few seconds;
  • You can also reset the BIOS if you remove the battery from the laptop motherboard for a while (the battery looks like a tablet, small).

That's all for today. Don't forget passwords!

In this article, we will show several ways to restore BIOS settings to default, or, as experts say, "reset BIOS to defaults." You can use a reset in a variety of situations. For example, if you change something in the BIOS settings and the computer does not work as it should. Or the PC completely stopped turning on, showing a black screen after trying to overclock the processor, memory or bus.

How to reset / restore BIOS settings

If your computer boots up and allows you to enter the BIOS, then it is not difficult to restore the default settings: to do this, you need to enter the BIOS, select the LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS item or LOAD FAIL-SAFE DEFAULTS:

and then select SAVE AND EXIT SETUP and, if prompted for confirmation, select Y (yes):

After that, the system will reboot and ALL BIOS settings will be restored to their original (factory) settings.

If your computer does not start and it is not possible to enter the BIOS, you need to reset the BIOS by hardware.

Such a situation may arise after setting incorrect values ​​of critical system parameters: processor frequency, system bus, RAM timings and some others. Most often, the system does not start after an inexperienced user tried to overclock the system incorrectly 🙂

So, a BIOS hard reset:

  1. Turn off the computer
  2. Remove the cover of the system unit
  3. We are looking for the CLR_CMOS contacts on the motherboard. They look like three needles, two of which are closed with a jumper, and are usually located near the BIOS battery.
  4. We remove the jumper and install it on other contacts so that the middle contact now closes with another contact.
  5. Turn on the computer

If, after the procedure done, the computer still does not start, try additional steps:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Disconnect the 220 V power cord from the back of the system unit.
  3. With the 220 V power cable disconnected, press the power button on system unit... This is necessary to completely discharge the capacitors.
  4. Take out the BIOS battery (battery type - CR2032) and insert it upside down, i.e. "not right".
  5. Wait about 10 seconds, then remove the battery again and insert it upside down. Turn on your computer.

If after this the computer still does not start, try replacing the CR2032 battery
That's all.