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Window Help and Support Windows 7 Disable. Full disabling troubleshooting

When installing the operating system or even after buying a new computer on the device can be found extra programs and applications. OS can independently record some services in memory, which can not be needed at all. Any similar software consumes any extent. system resourcesAnd there are always few of them. All this can be removed, thereby improving the performance of the PC. The main thing is to know what can be disabled without serious consequences in the future.

Where do the pre-installed programs come from?

Additional software may appear on a computer in several cases. For example, you just bought a computer or laptop, launched it and saw several incomprehensible labels on the desktop. Sometimes manufacturers make peculiar "gifts" to customers. New laptops and personal computers are often installed on processor manufacturers, video cards. A little less frequently installed programs distributed by agreement with developers. It often happens so that a peculiar "associated program" is established.

This means that during the installation of the desired you software You did not notice the ticks (usually hiding in the "advanced settings of the installation") and with it they put an annoying, unnecessary application.

Different additions to the installation package can also be attributed to the discharge of unnecessary programs. Often these are drivers, according to the developers necessary for the quality of the device. Subsequently, except required drivers, others are installed, "just in case." Extra systemic services are also related to the same.

Closed computer with pre-installed

Remember that even if on your laptop or stationary computer enough free space on the Winchester PC and random access memoryAll the same, delete unnecessary programs based on security reasons.

Often, such applications wink and send information about the user to their own servers, and the transmission channel of such data is weakly protected. In this case, your confidential information can be very easy to get into the hands of ill-wishers.

What applications and processes can be disabled?

Before you delete everything that gets you at hand, remember: "Know what you are doing." If the process or program is unfamiliar to you, then you first disperse with this, find out where it came from the computer. Similar situation with disconnection system Services operating system.

Note that uninstalling programs and applications should occur traditional system, that is, not through the deletion of the folder with the program. In this case, you risk what we clow hDD information that will no longer use.

Without serious consequences when working in the future, you can disable the following system services:

Despite such a large number of unnecessary services, there are several extremely important responsible for the performance of components and many processes on the PC. Do not turn off and do not delete the following:

How to disable extra processes in Windows 7

Most software can be removed by standard tools and the capabilities of the Windows7 operating system itself. The situation when the owner of the computer cannot quickly remove some party program It is extremely rare (for example, disable_windowsupdate.exe). To begin with, it is recommended to generate an operating system recovery point.

It may be needed if the user incorrectly deletes certain components of the programs or system.

The system recovery point is the unique feature of Windows operating systems, which allows the user if necessary to make the so-called rollback, before making changes. This will require:

  • Open the Start menu and click right-click on the "Computer";

    Select the "computer" and click "Properties"

  • In the list that opens, find "Properties" and go to the "System Protection" tab, which is located in the Special Left menu;

    Select the item "System Protection"

  • In the Click window, click on the "Create" button (located next to the "Create a Point Recovery Point ..." field);

    Create a system recovery point

  • Specify the name of your recovery point and confirm with the "Create" button.
  • In this case, the system of "rollback" will indicate independently. If something during the procedure for removing unnecessary components or entire programs does not go wrong, then you can return the computer to your previous condition.

    Through "Start"

    When installing any program or application, together with the shell of software and its functionality, an embedded program is set to delete. All shortcuts that we need in this case will be in the "Start" menu. For removing unnecessary applications Perform the following manipulations:

  • Open the Start menu, go to All Programs;

    Choosing "All Programs" and We are looking for the program we need

  • Specify the directory with the program that you do not need, find the uninstaller and run;
  • If it is not, then right-click on the program shortcut and click Delete;

    In the window, click on the link, but you do not delete the label

  • A warning will appear where we will tell us that only the label will be removed, but the program itself will remain unharmed. Here you need to click on the link "Programs and Components";

    We are looking for a program and delete through "Programs and Components"

  • In the list we are looking for an unnecessary program, we highlight it and press the "Delete" button.
  • Please note if you delete the label itself, then no effect from it will be. All data on the program will remain the same, intact, only you can not run it.

    Through the "Control Panel"

    The "Control Panel" is located a standard tool for removing programs and components. As a result, we must get into the same window that was stated in the past paragraph. This will require:

  • Open the Start menu and select "Control Panel" on the right side;

    In the "start" open the "Control Panel"

  • In the window that opens, we will need only the item "Programs and Components";

    Run the "Programs and Components" utility

  • After clicking, a list of all installed programs will appear. Here we find what we do not need, allocate and press the "Delete" button.

    We are looking for, allocate an unnecessary program and press the "Delete" button

  • After deletion, it is advisable to restart the personal computer. You can do it later when you delete all unnecessary components and applications.

    Video: Removal through the "Control Panel"

    Through the "Task Manager"

    "Task Manager" allows you to work not only with applications, but also with processes, services. The application on Windows 7 can be caused by the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination.

    Each tab is responsible for a specific element of the system. Thus, if you go to "services", you can view all those services that are available on a personal computer, including those stopped. Current status is displayed in the "Status" field. Using the Task Manager, you can disable the service for which it is enough to select the desired you, click right-click and specify the "Stop Service". In the same way, it can be started again.

    Go to a complete, detailed list of all services can be clicked on the "Service" button. Here will be detailed description Each service, the functions that it performs, as well as status. The window allows you to change the way to start the service, which is done by clicking the right mouse button.

    Full list All computer services

    In the "Task Manager" you can deactivate any process that you do not need. Be careful because here are displayed and system processesdisconnecting which can lead to problems while working personal computer. Therefore, disconnect only those processes that you have a view. To work with the processes you will need:

  • Run "Task Manager";
  • Go to the "Processes" tab;

    Turn off the processes through the "Task Manager"

  • Select unnecessary and press the "Complete Process" button.
  • Please note that such a compulsory shutdown is valid only throughout the specific device operation session. The next time you start the process will load automatically.

    Video: Cleaning through "Task Manager"

    Use the "System Configuration"

    The "System Configuration" utility allows you to turn off the autorun of unnecessary services and applications after loading the OS. To change the configuration you should:

  • Press the Win + R keys combination on the keyboard;
  • In the Enter msconfig command in the window;

    Remove unnecessary services and programs through the "System Configuration"

  • A window appears in which we are interested in two tabs: "services" and "autoload".

    Disable unnecessary services through the "System Configuration"

  • To disable unnecessary services and programs from autoloading, you will be enough to remove the box on the left in front of the name of the application (service). Click the Apply button and OK to save the changes made and exit the utility.

    Programs to remove unnecessary files

    You can save time and take advantage of special software that will automatically find and delete unnecessary files On a personal computer.

    A small, easy-to-use program that will improve the performance of the PC by removing old and unnecessary files, including to get rid of unnecessary software on a computer or laptop. The utility has a simple and understandable interface.

    Allocate unnecessary programs, start the removal procedure

    During the first activation, the program will require you to confirm the license agreement and will ask if PC-DecrapiFier is used on this computer for the first time or not? If you first resort to the use of this utility, it will automatically create a system recovery point. After answering this question, the program will analyze the computer and provide you with information on all installed programs, residual files. The only thing you need to do is to highlight applications in which you do not need and click on the removal button.

    Video: Removal through PC-Decrapifier


    The program is designed to clean the computer from various "garbage". The utility analyzes information on the device and shows details on all file found, including inside system registry. With it, you can easily get rid of unnecessary temporary files of pre-installed programs (even those that are not deleted standard method) And find residual data.

    To delete unnecessary files and programs you should:

  • Run utility;
  • Go to the "Cleaning" tab;
  • Select the Windows tab;

    PC analysis via CCleaner

  • Press the "Analysis" and "Cleaning" button;

    Computer check result CCLEANER program

  • Wait for the completion of the procedure and repeat the same with the "Application" tab.
  • As a result, all old, unused data from which you can get rid of will be found.

    If some of the found fragments needed you, then remove the tick on the contrary and only then press the "Cleaning" button.

    Video: Working with CCleaner

    Easy to use free utility. Available paid version With an additional set of features: Automatic software deletion when uninstallation by another application, regular update check. By and large, users will be enough free version. With it, you can analyze the system for the presence of old, temporary files, delete them and unnecessary programs.

    To work with the utility is enough:

  • Run Iobit Uninstaller and wait for the completion of the scanning procedure;
  • Allocate unnecessary programs and components;

    Cleaning the computer via Iobit Uninstaller

  • Press the "Delete" button.
  • Video: Delete via Iobit Uninstaller

    Thus, with the help standard tools Windows 7 operating system or additional software you can improve computer performance, free the space on the hard disk and provide good defense Its device from external threats.

    In this instruction, I will tell you how to remove the program from the autorun and disable the autorun programs in Windows.

    The autorun function, or Autorun, is good because when inserting or connecting the media, the operating system itself will decide what to do with the data. "Smart" player will start playing a DVD, the music player will pick up the music list on their own. In the case of mixed content, ideally, a comfortable membrane should appear ... Of course, all this is convenient. Especially for users who are with a computer only "on you" and weakly focus on navigation. However, there is a category of people that Autorun doesn't use and disables it with all possible ways.

    What is the autorun programs

    In essence, Autorun is text filecontaining the path to the executable file. Under which anything can be hidden, including viruses. We have repeatedly wrote that recently autorun-viruses are increasingly making themselves felt. They received their name in view of what they apply to Flash drives. Not via CD or DVD, not through files, but as a "sophisticated" way. This guarantees them a wide range of distribution, because the circle of devices that use flash memory in their work is diverse. This is I. cell phones, and audio, and video players. But most often computers for which Autorun viruses and represent a major threat.

    The idea itself is about what causes some discomfort. Here we approached the main question: Is it possible to block a removable medium from recording viruses on it? Everything's possible. Since we started talking about viruses, it would be a bad tone not to affect the topic of struggle with them.

    How to remove the autorun programs in Windows through the registry editor

    By default, when you insert the disk in the CD / DVD-ROM device, Windows starts the disk shell or asks what application is open. The same applies to any storage devices, up to the camera and video cameras.

    Many users find this feature Useless and obsessive. In addition to that, some viruses prescribe themselves into autorun, which makes you think about the safety of the autorun. The fastest and surest way is to disable it via the registry editor.

    1. Run the registry editor.
    2. Open the branch and change the Autorun parameter from 1 (enable) to 0 (turn off).
    3. Restart the computer.

    How to disable autorun programs through add-on msconfig

    Universal way to disable the autorun programs and services next. In Windows 7, the msconfig superstructure is responsible for autorun programs. Open the "Run" dialog and run the msconfig utility by entering this word in the text box and pressing ENTER. In the "Services" tab (or "Services"), find the service "Determination of the shell equipment" and disconnect it by removing the appropriate checkbox. It should be noted: benefits from what you turn off automatic startwill be a little, because the virus will somehow declare itself. However, the program deactivation of the autorun does not guarantee protection against the "unclean".

    We understand how to remove the program from the autorun

    Windows auto start cleaning

    Despite the fact that the programs considered today make it possible to quickly disable or remove unnecessary elements from the autorun, we will share with readers of information about those secret places of the operating system, where these objects can be located (and hide!). Removing them, you can "kill two hares" at the same time. First, so we will speed up windows downloadAnd secondly, we will get rid of the knowingly dangerous applications that are so asked to register "illegally". Here we will take all sorts of viruses, trojans, spies, various advertising.

    1. Start -\u003e Programs -\u003e Startup. The most "open" location of the autoload programs. Naturally, even if you delete all the elements from here, you will not all be fully insured. Therefore, we go further.
    2. Start -\u003e Run -\u003e "msconfig". The feature of the MSCONFIG utility program is that in addition to disconnecting the actual autoload objects, you can manage the download different services. Alone, without instructions, it should not be done, especially since as a result of disabling service data you do not speed up the system loading. Since we are engaged in cleaning the startup, we are interested in the corresponding tab - "autoload". Without seas, you can turn off all the elements as it will not affect basic work OS. Not only the elements of the "Auto-loading" folder are collected here, but also some links in the registry.
    3. Start -\u003e Run -\u003e "Regedit". Branch. If you find an extra key in the Run section, delete it by selecting context menu The corresponding point or by pressing the Delete key. If you are not sure about your actions, save the entire registry command "File -\u003e Export" command. In case of any error, you can restore the registry reverse action: "File -\u003e Import".
    4. Certain interest is a branch. There are programs that are launched only once, and then erased from the download. On the one hand, no malicious programs are resorted to such an action, on the other, one download is enough for the virus to completely paralyze the system. Therefore, if during Windows you have noticed any "oddity", it is advisable to check the Runonce on unfamiliar elements. If you do not know what the program illegally spent myself in the registry, you can search for it by the name of the key in or another search engine.

    To speed up the removal of autoload keys, we recommend using the small Codestuff utility. However, she is not the only one of its kind.

    Windows 7 has a convenient means of analyzing the status of the system. The function that is engaged in this is called "Windows Support Center". In the previous article, we studied all the subtleties, now consider the functions of the support center and how to configure it to receive only important notifications.

    Windows 7 Support Center Constantly monitors the security of your system. If he reveals any problems that did not reveal the antivirus program, you are notified, so you can take the necessary measures. The support center controls the system maintenance:

    1. planned systemic backups
    2. looking for ways to solve problems
    3. checks the availability of service problems
    4. much more

    If trouble detected, the user receives a notification, focusing on which it can eliminate the problems.

    Notifications of the Support Center

    In the notification area there is a small icon of the White Flag, this is the support center icon. If you do not know what the notification area is, read the article, how to configure the notification area. If there are different messages for the user, then in the notification area, various icons imposed on the White Flag icon will be displayed:

    1. red Cross
    2. black watches

    Hover over the flag icon, and you will see a pop-up hint, as shown below, which gives you a brief information about what is happening with your system.

    To see a list of messages you need to pay attention to, click on the support center icon.

    How to open a support center and see posts

    To open the support center and see messages, click on the link called "Open Support Center".

    Another way is to search for the word "center" in the Start menu. After you print this query, find the search results and click on the "Support Center".

    Support Center Window Displays current security issues and maintenance On your computer, each of which is shown in the appropriate group. Also here you can see detailed information For each question and the options for their solution. The figure below shows messages labeled with a yellow label. This means that these alerts are advisory, they can be ignored.

    You can also display alerts with a red label. This means the importance of the message, and not the deferred user intervention is required. Otherwise, if you ignore their elimination, it can harm the system.

    Clarification of error messages

    Support Center will inform you when the following problems arise:

    • Windows Update Center (Important) - Automatic download and installation of updates are recommended. To view required settings Click on the button "Change Settings"And then select the appropriate update option.
    • Protection against spyware and unwanted software (important) - warns you that windows Defender Or another anti-spin program is turned off. To see the list of available options, click "View AntiSpion Programs".
    • Firewall (important) - warns you that windows Firewall Or any other installed network screen (ESET, KASPERSKY) is turned off. You must make sure that the firewall is always enabled.
    • Protection against viruses (important) - Notifies when the antivirus is not installed or disabled. It is strongly recommended, or to install the antivirus or enable it.
    • Account control (important) - says that this setting Disabled. In case you do not know what account is controlling, read the article.
    • Backup setup - Notifies you that you must create a backup task. This is not so important as security issues above, although if you have enough free space on the hard disk, you can configure the system to regularly be made backup copies of files and settings.
    • Check availability - notifies you about non-critical software updates for windows components, or for other Microsoft products.
    • Troubleshooting: System maintenance - Notifies any service procedures that must be carried out in order for your computer to work more stable.

    How to disable Windows 7 Support Messages

    All listed problems have the option to turn off messages, which allows you to remove notifications about them.

    Disable messages does not solve the problem, but only prevents display of notifications. It will not be very good if you do not see security related messages. But if you decide to disable alerts, on the left side, click the "Setup Support Center" link.

    The result will open the window where you can remove the checkbox with a specific message group. After dealt with the settings, click OK.

    I strongly recommend that you do not disable any group messages. securityFor obvious reasons: You can skip the important alerts about the possible trouble of the security of your computer. Messages from other items can be disabled, oriented to your needs.

    In this article discussed where to find how to use and how to configure Windows 7 support center. Although notifications are annoyed, but they help to avoid trouble and solve problems with a computer.

    The support center constantly reminds the same with its posts. It monitors the security and maintenance tasks. They look like this:

    They appear in the lower right corner of the desktop, in the area of \u200b\u200bnotifications. As a rule, users know about the changes they have done and such alerts are not for what. If the checkbox is depicted with a cross - it means there are any notifications.

    He himself is mostly needed for:

    1. Solving any problems of computer service.
    2. Security checks.
    3. Reminders of the planned tasks associated with the system.

    Usually it only interferes and nerves. The support center actively begins to notify when:

    1. When the updates are disconnected, on Microsoft's recommendations, you should always install new updates. Therefore, the appropriate recommendation is demonstrated.
    2. When the firewall is disconnected ( network protection Or Firewall) - It is built into operating system And they can also be controlled through antivirus program. It is recommended that it is always turned on.
    3. When disabled antivirus - there is a built-in program for windows protection Defender. Such a message is shown if no antivirus is turned on on the computer. It is desirable that it is always active.
    4. When the backup is disconnected - Microsoft recommends to do regularly. backup. The message appears if it is disabled or has not been done for a long time.
    5. With other problems - for example, if the Internet does not work, then recommendations will be displayed on how to enable it.

    If you open the support center, you will see various recommendations. Red are marked the most important, and yellow desirable. Here is both advice and information on solving a problem in the form detailed instructions. If it is unnecessary to you, then proceed to the trip.

    Disable warnings

    To do this, go to the Start menu \u003e\u003e Control Panel \u003e\u003e Select the display method by large icons \u003e\u003e and find the support center.

    Then select Setting the Support Center to the left.

    In the window that appears, remove the checkboxes from all elements:

    Now you will not be shown notifications.

    If you are not too advanced user PC, then I recommend leaving the item "Remedy windows troubleshooting"So, there are delivel tips for correcting the problems that have arisen.

    But that's not all. Additionally, it is worth removing the icon that will remain on the right.

    Turning off icon

    So that he does not interfere, it is worth removing it. Press the right mouse button on the desktop at the free position of the right bottom panel. Select Properties. In this window, find the support center and turn it off as in the image below:

    Now you will not interfere with the computer when working at the computer.

    You can also watch a short video as it is done.

    Did you turn off the Windows Support Center?

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    Safety support and maintenance are important for any computer, and in Windows 7 there are a number of improvements that simplify these tasks.

    In this lesson you will learn how to use the support center, account control parameters and troubleshooting to support computer performance at the maximum possible level. You will also learn how to restore your system settings by recovery. windows systems 7.

    What is the support center?

    The support center is a place where you can see the message of the security and maintenance of the computer. It also performs troubleshooting on your computer.

    To use the Support Center:

    If there are important messages for you, the flag on the taskbar shows the "X" symbol.

    1. To open the support center, click on the checkbox icon in the taskbar.
    2. Review messages.
    3. Click Open Support Center to respond to messages.

    To open the support center from the control panel:

    1. Click Start.
    2. Go to the control panel.
    3. Click Computer Status Check in System and Security.

    Solving problems using the Support Center:

    The support center panel displays messages for you. Near important messages is a red strip, less important is yellow. If the security problem or service is a solution, the special button to solve the problem will be located to the right of the message.

    Some messages simply notify about the problem, but do not indicate a solution to a computer problem. There are no problem solving buttons in such messages, but they may be contained. important information and instructions.

    • To troubleshoot the problem, click on the solution button and follow the instructions on the screen. After performing the necessary actions, the message will disappear from the Support Center.

    What is accounting accounts?

    Account control warns you when a program or user tries to change the computer settings. It creates a temporary lock on the computer until you confirm what changes can be made.

    It helps protect the computer from malicious programs. When this feature appeared in Windows Vista.Many users did not like a large number of messages from it. In Windows 7, you can customize how messages will be issued.

    To change account control settings:

    Windows 7 diagnostics

    Not all computer problems are shown in the support center. For example, you may have problems with specific device, program, or internet connection. For such types of problems, you need to see troubleshooting options.

    • Click troubleshooting at the bottom of the Support Center panel.

    In troubleshooting pane, you will see a number of programs that are called troubleshooting. They will help you determine and eliminate problems with software and hardware.

    1) Programs

    Click here to solve problems with programs created for previous versions Windows.

    2) equipment and sound

    Use these options to solve problems with external devices, for example, with a printer or monitor.

    3) Network and Internet

    Use these options to solve problems with network connections and common access to files.

    4) registration and personalization

    Use these options to solve problems with the display of AERO effects.

    5) System and Safety

    Use these options to solve problems with recent updates Windows and maintenance tasks.

    6) Internet troubleshooting service

    Check the option at the bottom of the panel to automatically download the latest troubleshooting tools from Microsoft.

    What is the system restoration?

    The programs you install can change the system settings, which can sometimes lead to problems with the computer. System restoration is often the most simple way solutions. The system restore allows you to "rewind" settings for your computer to earlier state, called recovery points. Keep in mind that the system restore will not destroy your documents, but not used to restore lost files. However, the function can delete recent programs and drivers.

    To start the system recovery: