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Restore dialogs on the page. How to restore correspondence in VK: all working methods

How to recover deleted VK correspondence? Every modern user should know the answer to this question. Social media has become an important part of people's lives. And everyone should be able to work with them. Even schoolchildren. Correspondence in "VK" is one of the main objects. And its restoration raises many questions.

The right to success

How to recover deleted VK correspondence? To begin with, it's worth figuring out whether you can do this at all. Some social networks do not offer this feature. And therefore, on certain sites, dialogs are not restored.

"VK" allows you to bring your idea to life. If we are talking about recently deleted dialogs, there are no problems with recovery and cannot be. And it is problematic to return the old correspondence. Here you cannot do without preliminary preparation. We will consider all possible methods solving the problem. Let's start with the most unusual tricks and end with the simplest.

On methods for solving the problem

How to restore a long-deleted correspondence in "VK"? This can be done in several ways.


  • use the built-in recovery function;
  • write to technical support social network;
  • contact your interlocutor to send messages;
  • activate third-party applications;
  • use notifications by mail or SMS.

All this works without much difficulty. But, as a rule, it is required to prepare in advance for the processes. Otherwise, you will not be able to return the deleted correspondence.

Alert system

How can I recover deleted VK correspondence? For example, every user has the right to use the notification system. In this case, messages will be duplicated on the phone and on email... Having saved such letters, a person will be able to read this or that message at any time. Posts that are too long are displayed partially. And this must be taken into account.

How to recover deleted VK correspondence? The following guidelines will help:

  1. Log in to your profile on
  2. Click on the function menu (right top line, down arrow next to the avatar).
  3. Select "Settings".
  4. Go to "Alerts".
  5. Indicate the way of informing. For example, "By e-mail".
  6. Enter the necessary information - phone or mail.
  7. Check the settings for informing the user.
  8. Click on the "Save" button.

Ready! After the actions taken, the user will receive notifications about the messages sent. If you do not delete them, then after cleaning up the correspondence, you can find the desired letter at any time.

Friends to help

But this is only one of the possible layouts. How can I restore VK correspondence if I deleted it?

The following tip will help those who have cleared up dialogue with a friend or accommodating person. The thing is that when you delete messages in the correspondence, they are erased only from one interlocutor. The comrade's dialogues remain intact. Accordingly, you can turn to him for help.

What to do? Either ask to repeat the information of interest, or apply with a request to forward the desired message. The method does not give any guarantees, but in practice it is used quite often.


How to recover deleted VK correspondence? If all the above methods did not help, some people prefer to contact the "Help" section of the social network. Technical support helps to solve the problem.

In practice, such restoration of dialogues almost never takes place. Therefore, when contacting VK support, you can not really count on luck. Restoring dialogue this way is a welcome exception, not the norm.


How to recover deleted VK correspondence? A program for browsers (extension) will help bring your idea to life. You just need to install it in advance.

The algorithm of actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. Download and install VkOpt. The utility works great in Google Chrome.
  2. Launch the extension.
  3. Log in to your profile on
  4. In the left menu, click on VkOpt.
  5. Check the box next to "Correspondence".
  6. Click on "Let's go".
  7. Select the date of the conversation.

All that remains now is to look at the menu that appears. Usually, the reception does not cause any problems. But it doesn't always work. VkOpt, as we said, functions perfectly in Google Chrome. Crashes and malfunctions are possible with other Internet browsers.


How to recover deleted VK correspondence? You can refer to the built-in function. But it only works for messages and dialogs that you just deleted. After refreshing the page, the function disappears. This is fine.

To restore a message or dialogue, after deleting the corresponding object, click on the "Restore" hyperlink. Then the letter will appear again. This technique is used in cases in which the correspondence was deleted by mistake. The method is not suitable for old correspondence.


We have figured out how you can restore deleted correspondence in VK. All of the suggested tricks work great today. Most of them are aimed at preserving the existing dialogues.

The network is full of proposals indicating paid recovery of correspondence in social networks. They are scammers. They either want to cheat for money, or they are trying to get the profile data of a gullible user.

You can also encounter different third party programs recovery. Most of them are fraudulent. Better to either work with VkOpt, or look for specialized browser extensions in reliable sources.

Now it is clear how to restore deleted correspondence in VK. It's best to think a few times before clearing dialogs. After all, leaving the correspondence and finding the desired letter there is easier than thinking about restoring.

The social network VKontakte is aimed at communication between users, which involves sending each other text messages, photos, music, documents, voice recordings and much more. All this can be done through personal messages on VKontakte, in which the correspondence between users will be stored until it is deleted. At the same time, the correspondence can drag on for years, nevertheless, it will always be possible to find sent messages using a search, see files transferred etc.

For many, VKontakte correspondence is of great importance, and its deletion can become an unpleasant incident. Consider, within the framework of this article, what can be done to restore VKontakte messages if they were accidentally deleted.

Table of contents:

How to delete VKontakte correspondence

Before proceeding to the issue of restoring correspondence, you need to understand how it can be deleted. There are two options for how to erase messages between VKontakte users.

The first option involves deleting one message. To do this, in the dialogue with the user, you need to select the message (by clicking on it with the left mouse button) that you want to delete. Next, a corresponding button will appear on top - delete. Click on it, and after that the message will be erased.

Please note: By deleting messages in this way, you only erase them for yourself. That is, if you wrote something to a person, but then did not want him to read it, then deleting the message in this way will not correct the situation - in any case, the message will reach the person, even if you delete it before it is read by the interlocutor.

The second option involves deleting all VKontakte messages within one dialogue. To do this, you need to go into the dialogues of the social network and then bring up a dialogue with one of the interlocutors. An icon with a cross will appear on the right side of the dialog selection window. By clicking on it, a pop-up window will appear asking if you really want to delete the conversation. If so, then click "Delete", after which all messages with the interlocutor will be deleted from your VKontakte profile.

Please note: the deletion of a dialogue is one-way, that is, the messages of the user with whom the correspondence was conducted will not be deleted.

How to recover VKontakte messages

Above we have considered two ways to delete messages, and there are two options for how to recover them. One of them allows you to recover only one message, and the other allows you to restore the entire correspondence, but it is more complex and does not always work.

How to recover a deleted VKontakte message

If you accidentally or on purpose in the course of correspondence with a person deleted your or his message, it will not be difficult to restore it. Immediately after deleting the message, the "Recover" button will appear in its place. It is enough to click on it to return the message you just deleted to the correspondence.

Important: the "Restore" button will remain active until you reload the page. That is, you can switch between dialogs, and at this moment you will still have the opportunity to return the deleted message. But if you decide to close the page or go, for example, to the list of your groups, that is, exit the dialogs, the message will be erased and the "Restore" button will disappear.

How to recover deleted VKontakte correspondence

If you have deleted the entire correspondence, it is possible to restore it too, but this is much more difficult. Since the correspondence is deleted only from your account, it means that it is stored by the second interlocutor and in the VKontakte database. A simple option to restore the correspondence is to ask the interlocutor to send you the message history, but if it is long, it will be problematic to do this, given that you can send no more than 100 messages at a time. Then all that remains is to contact the VKontakte support service.

It is best to submit your appeal as follows:

Important: this way does not guarantee one hundred percent return of deleted correspondence, and even more so it should not be abused. In many respects, whether deleted VKontakte messages will be restored to you or not, depends on the will of the support specialist, to whom your question was submitted for consideration.

You have the ability to delete both individual VKontakte messages (see) and all correspondence with the user (see). But what if you suddenly need it?

Now I will show you how can you recover all deleted messages in a contact.

Recovering one message

When you are chatting with a person, you have the opportunity to delete one or more messages. Recovery in this case will be available immediately.

Try highlighting and deleting the message. In its place, you will immediately see a special "Restore" link.

The message will appear immediately. This function will be available while this dialog is active.

How to recover deleted messages in a contact

When trying to delete a dialogue with a user, VK informs us that after that we will not be able to access this correspondence.

But there are some tricks here.

Even if you completely delete the dialogue, the user with whom you communicated will retain all the correspondence. It is enough to ask him to send you the whole story.... This is the fastest and most convenient way.

An alternative option is to contact the VKontakte support service (see). Of course, if the history is kept by the second participant in the conversation, then it is stored in the VK database. And with a strong desire, support specialists can restore deleted correspondence.

We go to the "Help" section. Here in the search bar we type "Recover Deleted Messages".

You will be taken to a form where you need to indicate the essence of your problem. Describe the situation - state that the correspondence was deleted by accident, and it is extremely important to restore it.

After the form is completed, click the "Submit" button. The question will be sent. You can always see the response from the administration. To do this, view your question in the "My Questions" section.

For 2017, it ranks 7th in popularity. It is a network through which users can exchange messages, music, and also join any interest groups. Today we will touch on the topic of recovery deleted messages and dialogues on this network, we will tell you how to fix the problem and get your records back.

The main thing in the article

Is it possible to recover deleted VK correspondence?

Both theoretically and practically, it is possible to return deleted correspondence. True, in some cases, this is done quickly, while in others, additional time is needed.

Is it possible to view deleted messages on VK without recovery?

  1. There is an option to view it through a pen pal. If he has not deleted the messages, then ask him to forward the text to you.
  2. If you have enabled the notification function via a mailbox in the settings, then when you enter the latter, you can view the incoming correspondence.

Existing ways to return deleted messages to VK from a computer

  1. Instant recovery if the page has not been refreshed. To do this, you need to act very quickly, because even if the page has not been updated, but a lot of time has passed, the situation is irreversible.
  2. Through the interlocutor with whom the correspondence was conducted. The other side with whom the correspondence was conducted may not have resorted to such drastic measures. And there is a chance that the interlocutor will send you the text of the messages. But there is also a chance that he does not need it, and he will refuse.
  3. Through the included alert option via email. If in the settings you have the enabled notification option with the current mailbox, then you can view and restore the incoming correspondence. But it should be borne in mind that the number of characters is strictly limited, therefore, if there are a large number of messages, then you can return not everything, but only the last part.
  4. Through specialized software... Among other things, there are software, with the help of which you can expand the functionality of the application, as a result of which the lost information can be returned.
  5. With the help of an experienced programmer. A specialist in his field will always come to the rescue for a small reward. Therefore, if you do not understand programs at all, use its help.
  6. With help technical support ... Ask for help on the social network through the "My Questions" tab, ask what you need and wait for an answer. Go to messages. Click in the upper right corner on the arrow under your icon. Choose help, then "Messages" and the item you need.

Special programs for recovering deleted messages

In order to return everything to square one, you can use the services of programs specializing in similar problems. These include.

). But what if you suddenly need to get access to remote correspondence?

Now we will analyze how you can view deleted messages in a contact..

If you have deleted one or several messages in a conversation, you can restore it right in the chat window. To do this, click on the "Restore" link.

Please note that if you delete individual messages in this way, then in the dialogue with the user with whom you are chatting, they will be saved.

After restoration, messages will be available in standard mode.

If you have completely deleted the dialogue with the user, it is possible to restore it through a request to the support service (see).

Go to the page:


Please note - in the brief help it says that a copy of your conversation is kept by the user with whom you are texting. Therefore, you can ask him to send you the entire correspondence history.

But let's get back to communicating with the support team.

In the block "Describe your problem", type any text.

Below you will find instructions that should help you solve the problem. If you did not find the answer there, then press the button "None of these options work.".

You will be moved to a new window. Here press the button "Ask a question".

Submit your request in a special form. Ask to restore your correspondence with the user. Specify the address or id of its page (see).

It remains only to wait for the result. The answer will be displayed on the "My Questions" tab.

Checking the VKopt extension in operation

Before preparing this material, I analyzed the information regarding the recovery of deleted messages. Many have advised using the VKopt extension. Allegedly, with its help, you can collect all the statistics of your messages (see), and view any dialogue, including the deleted one. I tested this extension in operation. That's what I did.


Select the version for your browser, and proceed with the installation in standard mode. After that, go to your VK page.

Set the parameters as shown in the picture below. Then click the Let's Go button.

Wait a while for all data to be processed.

As a result, you will get the following result.

All your dialogs will be collected here. Pay attention to the column "Last message"... The date and time are indicated there - and they are made in the form of a link. The developers say that if you click on it, you will be taken to a dialogue page. Even if it has been deleted.

But this feature doesn't work! I deliberately tried to delete the correspondence with the user, then went to it from the "Statistics" page. As a result, I got to the general list dialogues.

I have analyzed all 3 methods in a short video tutorial.


As you probably understood - the most quick way view deleted correspondence - ask your interlocutor to throw off the message history. All other options take time.

Don't be discouraged if the support team refuses you. Try to reasonably explain the essence to them. After all, the messages remain with your interlocutor. This means that they are not deleted from the database. It is logical to assume that, if they wish, they can restore them.


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