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EMISS indicator. Unified interdepartmental electronic interaction system (SMEV)

The Federal State Statistics Service within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of State Statistics of Russia in 2007-2011" provides a set of works on the creation of a single interdepartmental information and statistical system (EMISS). The state customer works to create and implement the system is RosinformTechnology.

EMISS is designed for:
- integration of information and statistical resources that contribute to their effective use;
- providing state services for official statistical information in in electronic format;
- information support state information systems, incl. GAS "Management".

According to the Regulation on EMISS, EMISS participants are the coordinator, operator, subjects of official statistical accounting and users.

Coordinator EMISS is Rosstat, which is entrusted with:
- maintaining the register of official statistics to be downloaded to EMISS;
- the procedure for placing and actualization of official statistical information in EMISS;
- control observance of a single methodology for the formation of EMISS metadata;
- control of the formation and updating of data and metadata;
- Use actual versions Classifiers and reference books.

Operator EMISS
Defined RosinformTechnology, which should provide:
- technical support, operation, administration and development of software and technical means EMISS;
- compliance with the security requirements of EMISS;
- the possibility of using electronic digital signature when providing official statistical information;
- Providing free-precise subjects to the subjects of official statistical accounting of software and technical means.

Subjects of official statistical accounting We must provide:
- the presentation of the EMISS coordinator of the list of indicators formed in accordance with the federal plan of statistical works for their inclusion in the register of official statistics;
- formation, placement and timely updating in EMISS metadata of indicators;
- Placing reliable official statistical information in the departmental statistical resources of EMISS in accordance with the Federal Statistical Plan.

It should be noted that state information resources formed by the subjects of official statistical accounting are currently stored in 49 conducted systems.

Executive systems have various models Data and formats, in the formation of which a departmental description of parameters with varying degrees of details and local reference books are used.

The basic principles of the operation of EMISS were formulated back in 2007 in the concept of EMISS and implemented in project decisions in 2008-2009, this is:
- relevance, availability and openness of official statistical information;
- the use of a unified methodology for the formation of metadata with subjects of official statistical accounting;
- the unity of formats and technologies for the provision of official statistical information;
- the application of uniform regulatory information and all-Russian classifiers of feasibility and economic and social information;
- the unity of the organizational and methodological support of the operation of EMISS;
- ensuring the possibility of integration with other state information systems, including the GAS "Management".

EMISS includes:
- software and technical means EMISS;
- integrated information resourceformed by departments in accordance with the Federal Statistical Plan;
- Reference information and data.

An XML format is used to place information in EMISS.

The advantage of the proposed technical solution is:
- separation of the responsibility zones of the operator EMISS and departments;
- optimization of the number of software and technical means necessary for the deployment of statistical information in EMISS;
- minimization of costs for maintenance and administration of software and technical means EMISS;
- minimizing the costs of solving the task of ensuring the protection of EMISS and its information resources;
- Minimizing the costs of communication services in the sample of the necessary information from the departmental segments of EMISS.

In 2010, Rosstat together with other ministries and departments was held big job To ensure the information content of EMISS by all the subjects of official statistical accounting. As a result, there was an inventory of all indicators of official statistics, the arch and formation of a single statistical array of indicators.

The registry of EMISS indicators includes more than 1900 indicators. The indicator is a multidimensional matrix containing the values \u200b\u200bof the indicator in various cuts: in terms of observation periods, on subjects Russian Federation, By type of economic activity, property forms, etc. In addition, each indicator has detailed description (meta-information), including the methodological explanation of its origin and use.

Rosstat in the past year actively collaborated with 49 ministries and departments that are subjects of official statistical accounting and formative statistical information to consider the obtained indicators for the formation of their final list to download in EMISS.
In 2010, the download of information in EMISS was produced by Rosstat in two stages.

At the first stage (Until July 1, 2010) in EMISS almost all indicators of official statistical information contained in the central base of Rosstat statistics (for reference: the CBSD is posted in free access on the official website of Rosstat). It is about 700 indicators. So, as of April 15, 2010, within the framework of the work of the first stage, the load was carried out by 90%.

In the second stage(the third - fourth quarter of 2010) the remaining 700 indicators contained in the operating databases were loaded. It demanded the development of refurbishment procedures from operating databases containing both open and confidential information.

From October 2010, Rosstat began to organize and control the download of statistical indicators in EMISS, formed by the subjects of official statistical accounting, and in November - to the implementation of the organization and control of information filling the values \u200b\u200bof statistical indicators in EMISS.

Rosstat has been developed by the development of uniform methodological and organizational foundations of the register of EMIS scores.

In December 2010, Rosstat has been loaded in EMISS statistical information, including regional incision, and implemented softwareproviding execution of electronic services through a single portal of public services. Software implements the following functions:
- registration of an application for the provision of official statistical information using the thematic reference of statistical indicators;
- search for indicators in the thematic rubricator in their names;
- preparation and sending response in MS Excel, MS Word, XML formats;
- visualization of information about the status of application processing;
- visualization of information about the processed statements and the results of their execution.

In 2010, Rosstat in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation was ensured by the provision of official statistical information on user requests electronic.

Starting from the 3rd quarter of 2010, Rosstat provides this service in automatic mode. The applicant is given the opportunity, going through a single portal of public services ( in the section "Economics, Finance, Statistics", choose from the heading the desired figure, the desired cutting of the indicator and specify the box email To get a response. For the month, this state service receives about 800 users.

From January 1, 2011, a single interdepartmental information and statistical system (EMISS) was commissioned, uniting statistical indicators formed by ministries and departments - subjects of official statistical accounting as part of the implementation of the Federal Statistical Plan.
The medium-term activities for the period up to 2012 is the operational updating of EMISS by statistical information generated by Rosstat within the framework of the Federal Statistical Work Plan, an increase in the list of indicators downloaded to EMISS and the provision of state services "Providing official statistical information on requests of citizens and organizations" in electronic form in automatic mode.

Market analysis: where to get the data?

Beginner marketers conducting market analysis often ask where the market data can be found. Of course, the easiest way to buy a ready-made marketing study, in the market, data about which you need is needed. But in the absence of money, the question arises, on what free resources there are data that can be used when analyzing the market.

There are quite a lot of options, today I want to tell about such an undervalued resource as official statistics of the Federal State Statistics Service, or more easier Rosstat.

The official website of Rosstat - the main features to get data

First of all, the "Official Statistics" block is of interest to the marketer-analyst

Block "Official Statistics on Rosstasta

Basically, it includes statistics on macroeconomic indicators,

By clicking on any partition you fall on the official statistics page, and selecting the right menu item on the right ("Content") - Get a list of available documents and information.

A set of documents and data in the "Official Statistics" section.

The first block, immediately called the section contains references to the available data in the Rosstat bases. To see them, you need to click on the name of the corresponding partition in the block.

Statistical data can be presented in a different form:

  • Regulatory table.
  • Database.
  • Map.

You can see each and choose what data it will be more convenient for use.

Block "Methodology" Contains an explanation of the method of obtaining data and research methods.

Block "Operational Information" - Contains the documents most interesting for operational work analytics. Here you get the latest processed data.

Block "Official Publications" - Collections prepared by the staff of Rosstat and related to the chosen topic.

Even in this section there are data that will help in assessing the market. In any case, demographic data you will most likely come in handy.

Data by region

If you need more detailed information on your region, you can go to the Rosstat Regional Office website. Make it very simple.

At the bottom of the site, find the map of Russia and choose the desired area.

Contact data will be shown, the territorial authority of Rosstat, including the site. By clicking on the link, you will be taken to the Rosstat website of the selected region, the structure of which is similar to the structure of the official website of Rosstat. Only the "Official Statistics" section will contain data related to the region you are interested in.

Official statistics of regions

It should be noted that on the websites of regional offices of Rosstat, the composition of information and its representation may differ. Treat the search for information, as a study, you may be lucky and you will find exactly those data that you will use to analyze the market.

Rosstat data in EMISS

(Unified interdepartmental information and statistical system)

It is no secret that Rosstat, as well as other ministries and departments collect a large amount of data. They are contained in reports that enterprises are required to provide in the statistical authorities. Is it possible to find this data on the Rosstat website? The answer is yes, most of the data that Rosstat collects from enterprises is in open access. When they are searching there are two problems

  1. You need to know what data is in the databases.
  2. Where to find data from reports.

Let's try to figure out.

All data (well, or those that Rosstat decided to provide for free access) are stored in a single interdepartmental information - statistical system (EMISS). Special site EMISS has been created to work with the data. Even if you do not know the addresses, it is simple enough to find it. The link to it is on the Rosstat website, in the database section. The path is shown in the picture.

By clicking on the item "EMISS" we fall on the page, the entire content of which is the link "Unified Interdepartmental Information - Statistical System (EMISS)", with a description.

It contains official statistical information formed by the subjects of official statistical accounting within the federal statistical plan. EMISS was created and commissioned in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2010. № 367.

And warning that via browser Microsoft Internet Explorer with the system is better not to work.

EMISS website - Unified Interdepartmental Information - Statistical System

But finding data in it if you do not know that it is not easy to seek daily.

To facilitate the task again we go to the Rosstat website and looking for a reference to the EMISS registry.

I give a hint - it can be downloaded by the link that is hidden in the "Statistical Toolkit" section for the last button on the right:

The section is right under the map with the territorial departments of Rosstat, which we have already spoken.

Pressing the button, you download excel filecontaining a list of data that are in the system. However, you can download it directly from the article by clicking on the picture. All you have - see what data can be useful to you to analyze the market.

Register EMISS

To do this, look at the "Name" column in it lists the data that is presented in the relevant section of EMISS. The report column 2 will prompt from which reporting form this data is obtained.

Finally, the d column will give code to which this data can be found in the EMISS system.

For example, by taking the 9300770 code of the "Number of small and medium enterprises" and by entering it into the search window, we see a link to the desired report and can open it.

It is very convenient that the data can be downloaded in excel formatthat allows them to handle themselves.

As you can see, finding these markets is not difficult. More importantly, the ability to apply them to analyze the market, which is interesting to you.

Successes in the search for data and analysis!

Join the group "

Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Create a single interdepartmental information and statistical system.

2. To approve the attached provision on the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system.

3. Install that:

the operator of a single interdepartmental information and statistical system is the Federal Agency for information technologies;

the coordinator of a single interdepartmental information and statistical system is the Federal State Statistics Service.

4. To the Federal Information Technology Agency to ensure:

a) together with the Federal State Statistics Service Commissioning until January 1, 2011. The unified interdepartmental information and statistical system and its further functioning;

b) the technological possibility of including the subjects of the official statistical accounting of official statistical information into the composition of official state information statistical resources included in the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system.

5. Subjects of official statistical accounting include official statistical information to the formal state information statistical resources that are part of a single interdepartmental information and statistical system, in accordance with the federal plan of statistical work.

6. Financial support for the implementation of the implementation of this Resolution in 2010 is carried out within the budget allocations for the fulfillment of existing expenditure obligations provided for by the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal Information Technology Agency for the Federal Budget for 2010 on management and management in the field of established functions.

7. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in the preparation of the draft federal federal budget law for 2011 and for the planning period to provide for the allocation of budget allocations:

a) a federal information technology agency - to ensure the operation and operation of a single interdepartmental information and functioning system;

b) the Federal State Statistics Service - to the organizational and methodological support of the functioning of a single interdepartmental information and statistical system.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Regulations on the unified interdepartmental information statistical system

1. This provision determines the purpose of creation, purpose, the principles of functioning and the structure of a single interdepartmental information and statistical system (hereinafter - the interdepartmental system), the circle of its participants, their powers and responsibilities.

2. The interdepartmental system is a state information system that unites the official state information statistical resources formed by the subjects of official statistical accounting in the framework of the federal statistical work plan (hereinafter referred to as statistical resources).

3. The interdepartmental system is created in order to provide access using the network of public authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals (hereinafter - users of the interdepartmental system) to official statistical information, including metadata formed in accordance with the federal statistical work plan.

4. Access to official statistical information included in the statistical resources included in the interdepartmental system is carried out at a free and non-discriminatory basis.

5. The interdepartmental system is intended for:

a) combining statistical resources that contribute to their effective use when making management decisions and forecasting;

b) providing users with an interdepartmental access system to official statistical information in electronic form;

c) providing the possibility of submitting official statistical information to state information systems.

6. The functioning of the interdepartmental system is based on the following principles:

a) relevance, availability and openness of official statistical information;

b) the unity of formats and technologies for the submission of official statistical information;

c) the use of a unified methodology for the formation of metadata by subjects of official statistical accounting;

d) the use of unified regulatory and reference information and all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic and social information;

e) the unity of organizational and methodological support;

e) the use of electronic digital signature to ensure the accuracy of the information;

g) ensuring the ability to integrate an interdepartmental system with other state information systems.

7. The inter-agency system consists of software and technical means of central and departmental segments and includes departmental statistical resources containing official statistical information formed by the subjects of official statistical accounting, metadata, reference books, classifiers and other information support.

8. The use of software and technical means of the central segment using the infrastructure of the All-Russian State Information Center provides:

a) placement, actualization and control of the filling of departmental statistical resources;

b) the formation and maintenance of the database of official statistical information;

c) providing access to official statistical information;

d) the possibility of using electronic digital signature;

e) integration with other state information systems.

9. The application of software and technical means of the departmental segment ensures the interaction of the subject of official statistical accounting with the technical and technical means of the central segment in order to form and update official statistical information in the departmental statistical resource of the interdepartmental system.

10. Participants in the interdepartmental system are:

a) coordinator of the interdepartmental system;

b) the operator of the interdepartmental system;

c) subjects of official statistical accounting;

d) users of the interdepartmental system.

11. The coordinator of the interdepartmental system:

a) provides the register of indicators of official statistics subject to the statistical resources included in the interdepartmental system;

b) monitors the formation and actualization of official statistical information;

c) monitors compliance with the unified methodology for the formation of metadata;

d) monitors the use of current versions of classifiers and reference books;

e) defines the procedure for placing and updating official statistical information;

e) interacts with the operator in order to ensure the functioning and development of the interdepartmental system.

12. The operator of the interdepartmental system provides:

a) technical support, administration, operation and development of software and technical means of the interdepartmental system;

b) compliance with the security requirements of the interdepartmental system;

c) the possibility of using an electronic digital signature in providing official statistical information;

d) granting at no chart of subjects of official statistical accounting of software and technical means of the departmental segment.

13. Subjects of official statistical accounting:

a) represent the coordinator of the interdepartmental system a list of indicators formed in accordance with the Federal Plan of Statistical Works, for their inclusion in the Register of Official Statistics Indicators;

b) form, placed and actualized metadata;

c) include official statistical information into statistical resources included in the interdepartmental system, and ensure the accuracy of this information.

EMISS is a state information system involving the provision of public authorities, local governments and other users of access to official statistical information over the Internet. In addition, it provides for the combination of statistical resources providing them effective use When making management decisions and forecasting, as well as the presentation of official statistical information into state information systems.


2017: "Software Product" continues to develop an examination in IT support

2015: Running an upgraded version of EMISS

According to the deputy minister, everyone who wants to go to the portal today and see the list of subjects of official statistical accounting that participate in the program.

"You can also see what statistics are available, how much mailings It is processed how many services are provided by a fixed or mobile communications And so on, "said Oleg Protnitsky.
"We believe that today we have a good basis," said Oleg Gritnitsky. At the same time, in his opinion, it is necessary to develop the system in the future, "so that the number of information being downloaded there has increased that the number of subjects and participants increases to increase interest in the system." In particular, it is necessary to update the technical component, upgrade "server space so that the system worked as quickly as possible and reliably."

According to Oleg Schitnitsky, the entire server infrastructure component is located on the subordinate Ministry of Communications of the technological infrastructure located at the enterprise "Sunrise".

According to the source of the publication of, for 2012, from 80 federal bodies 66 have already provided their data in EMISS.

"Rosstat and the Ministry of Communications Communications of Russia will try to attract as much of the state authorities and organizations as possible," said Oleg Spiritnitsky.

Interview of the creators

The State Statistics System is modernized: a single interdepartmental information and statistical system (EMISS) comes to replace the disparate departmental bases of statistical data, "living" in dozens of websites. For whom it is created and how access to it will be organized, in an interview with CNews, the Deputy Head of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), Vyacheslav Zabelin, tells.

CNews: What is a state statistical system and who forms official statistical information in Russia? Rosstat?

Vyacheslav Zakelin: The system of state statistics consists of information systems of federal government bodies that collect and process primary statistical and administrative data, form official statistics on a single agreed methodology with Rosstat.

The federal authorities participating in this work are called subjects of official statistical accounting. Their more than 60 and they all act in accordance with the federal plan of statistical work. The task of Rosstat - to coordinate the development of the draft federal plan and provide it to the government for approval.

CNews: How do users get access to official statistical information? Vyacheslav Zabelin: Official statistical information is published on the sites of the subjects of official statistical accounting on the Internet. It can be divided into two types.

The first type is the information created in the form of an electronic document: these are annual and quarterly reports, for example, a quarterly report of Rosstat "Socio-Economic Regulations of Russia". It is also quarterly, monthly and weekly references, for example, "about the consumer price index", "On the dynamics of prices for gasoline", "Employment and unemployment", "On overdue debt on wages". They give a verbal description of social, economic, demographic and other social processes in the Russian Federation, the dynamics of processes with the necessary detail. These electronic documents are not only posted on the official website, but also are sent to the country's management.

The second type of information is structured data: electronic tables, XML structures, SDMX-structures containing values \u200b\u200bof statistical indicators in cuts, such as subjects of the Russian Federation, forms of ownership, observation periods, etc. In this view, information is formed from the databases of the subjects of official statistical accounting, to which users receive an official site available with the possibility of subsequent processing of the selected data.

CNews: What is the fate of the central base of statistical data (CBSD) Rosstat, access to which from the Rosstat site is closed?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: The central base of the statistical data of Rosstat is one of the departmental bases, it was created in the 90s. Despite its 20-year-old age, the CBSD is supported by Rosstat and is updated. But its web component, created also in the last century, requires a serious upgrade so that it can be used on a modern hardware and software platform. Therefore, it is temporarily removed from operation. Authorized users can operate authorized access to the CBSD operating in LAN Rosstat. Currently, the CBSD is used as the main source of official statistical information placed by Rosstat in a single interdepartmental information and statistical system (EMISS).

CNews: That is, EMISS is the development of the CBSD?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: No. EMISS, created by the Government Decision, should contain official statistical information not only Rosstat, but also all federal executive bodies. It was introduced into industrial operation in November 2011 and is available at The EMISS registry includes 3,718 indicators, of which Rosstat accounts for 1526 (41%), to the share of the remaining 60 departments - 2192 of the indicator (59%).

The EMISS operator is the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia, and the coordinator - Rosstat. We define and control the procedure for posting and updating all official statistical information in EMISS.

CNews: Thus, the information statistical resources of all departments should be kept in EMISS? Why do you need such efforts?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: Currently, the statistical resources of 60 departments are stored in databases of various architectures under the control of various DBMS. In order to get the necessary statistical information you need to make a request to each department separately. This situation must be corrected: state information systems should receive official statistical information on the whole of the list of indicators.

Therefore, a single interdepartmental information and statistical system was created. It is designed to combine statistical resources, provide information on user requests and other systems. One of these systems is state automated system "Control". For its information content, a technological map of interdepartmental interaction is formed, containing 582 indicators of official statistical information from the EMISS register. This year, the Ministry of Communications must develop, firstly, an electronic service that will implement requests from external information systems to EMISS and, secondly, the function for processing requests from external IP to represent statistical data from EMISS on the specified list of indicators.

CNews: You are talking about the needs of state information systems, but where are the interests of living users?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: Users can receive official statistical information from EMISS in two ways: either through the EMISS portal, or through the portal of public services. In the 1st quarter of 2012, the statistical information was provided through the State Service portal 6 thousand requests. Currently, for users, the rule is valid: one request is one indicator. But it should be noted that the indicator may have many cuts (by year, according to the subjects of the Russian Federation, etc.). That is, the query result is, generally speaking, not one number, but a rather complex spreadsheet.

CNews: Is the issue of creating a unified repository with open access to all official statistics published in Russia?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: All subjects of official statistical accounting placed information on their sites. Another thing is that statistical activity is not their main task, and the statistics of "sink" other than the extent of the information placed by the Office on its website.

The question is about creating an object navigator that provides access to all official statistical information generated by federal executive bodies. Rosstat decides this question as part of creating its single Internet portal. It will be implemented by thematic navigation, subscription to news, calendar of the issue of statistical information, electronic versions of paper collections; involved various methods Data visualization: Tables, charts, graphics, cards. Access to databases will be, as well as now, free.

One of the main features of a single Internet portal Rosstat - personalization of statistical data for various groups of users and target audiences.

The following interactive services are provided on a single Internet portal of Rosstat: service reception and processing service from the catalog information services; Formation and provision of a list of all thematic data showcases that allow you to search, filter and transition to the list item; resource popularity indication service; Polls, web conferences, as well as services that ensure the availability of information for people with disabilities and for mobile users.

CNews: When will the portal run?

Vyacheslav Zabelin: The transition from the official website of Rosstat to a single Internet portal is planned to be carried out in August of this year. Currently, it works in test mode.
