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Almost board powered by SMF. How to protect your forum on Simple Machines (SMF) from spam

Hello, Habravchan!

Most recently, I was puzzled by the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a forum. Now the creation of the forum does not cause a lot of work for users, since there is a sufficiently large number of ready-made forum CMS, which greatly facilitate the execution of this task. But among their abundance, it is very difficult to choose the really necessary CMS. Therefore, I decided to write my own review, which is at least a little bit, but may help the user to make a choice towards a particular engine.

Free engines
#1 - Punbb.
Beautiful and easy to use engine. Comfortable and intuitive administrative panel interface. The forum is very compact, has a small number of functions (with under the box), but it can easily be corrected by add-ons. Convenient and easy to create themes. If you need simple and easy to install, configure and use the forum is the perfect choice.
- Russian community
There are still many different engines that I did not include in the review, for I believe that they are not so in demand and popular as mentioned above. As for my subjective opinion, I would recommend PUNBB or Xenforo.

Tags: Create Forum, Forum CMS, Forum Engine

This article is not subject to comment, since its author is not yet a full member of the community. You can contact the author only after he receives an invitation from any of the community participants. Up to this point, its username will be hidden by a pseudonym.

Let's start immediately from the main script code:

#! / usr / bin / perl

# script
# (C) 2010 Alexandr A Alexeev, http: // Site /

use Strict;

# Commented lines - for rigor
# If the task is to collect the statistics of the engines, leave as it is
# If you make a list of forums - Rassate

mY $ DATA;
$ Data. \u003d $ _ While (<> ) ;

# Check how much it was powered by phpbb without reference in the basement
print "phpbb. \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? phpbb \\ .com \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e PHPBB / I Or.
# $ Data \u003d ~ /ViewForum\\.php\\?[ ^""**F\u003d\\D+/i OR
$ Data \u003d ~ / PHPBB \\ -SEO / I OR
$ Data \u003d ~ /) ;
print "IPB \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? INVISION (?: Board | Power) \\. Com \\ /? [^ "] *" [^\u003e] *\u003e [^.<]*IP\.Board/i Or.
$ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? INVISIONBOARD \\ .com \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e INVISION POWER BOARD / I Or.
$ Data \u003d ~ /

/ I. Or.
$ Data \u003d ~ /INDEX /.php\\?[^""**ShowForum\u003d\\D+/I.) ;
print "vbulletin. \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ / Powered by:? [^<]+vBulletin[^<]+(?:Version)?/i Or.
$ Data \u003d ~ /) ;
print "SMF. \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? Simplemachines \\ .org \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e Powered by SMF / I Or.
$ Data \u003d ~ /INDEX\\.php\\?[^"""*board\u003d\\D+\\.0/i.) ;
print "Punbb. \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + HREF \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / / / (? :(?: www \\.)? Punbb \\ .org | Punbb \\ .informer \\ .com) \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e PUNBB / I.); #Or.
# $ Data \u003d ~ /ViewForum\\.php\\?[^"""*id\u003d\\D+/i);
print "Fluxbb. \\ n "
# if ($ Data \u003d ~ /ViewTopic\\.php\\?id\u003d\\D+/i OR
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / / (?: www \\.) Fluxbb \\ .org \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e FluxBB / I) ;
print "EXBB. \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? Exbb \\ .org \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e EXBB / I); # OR
# $ Data \u003d ~ /Forums\\.php\\?[^""**_Forum\u003d\\D+/i);
print "Yabb. \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? yabbforum \\ .com \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e Yabb / i Or.
$ data \u003d ~ /yabb\\.pl ~ / )""*_num\u003d\\d+/i);
print "Dleforum. \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ / \\ (Powered by Dle Forum \\)<\/title>/ I. Or.
$ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] + (?: http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? DLE \\ -Files \\ .ru | ACT \u003d Copyright) [^ "] *"\u003e DLE Forum<\/a>/ I.) ;
print "Ikonboard. \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? Ikonboard \\ .com \\ /? [^ "] *" [^\u003e] *\u003e ikonboard / I Or.
$ Data \u003d ~ /\\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /\\ n "
# if ($ Data \u003d ~ /Forums\\.php\\?fid\u003d\\D+/i or
# $ data \u003d ~ /topic \\.php\\?fid\u003d\\D+/i or
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? Flashbb \\ .net \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e FlashBB / I) ;
print "stokesit. \\ n "
# if ($ Data \u003d ~ /Forum\\.php\\?f\u003d\\D+/i or
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? stokesit \\ .com \\ .au \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e [^ \\ /] * Stokes IT / I) ;
print "Podium. \\ n "
# if ($ Data \u003d ~ /topic ~Fp\\?t\u003d\\D+/i or
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d [""]? http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? SOPEBOX \\ .com \\ /? [""]? [^\u003e] *\u003e Podium / I) ;
print "USEBB. \\ n "
# if ($ Data \u003d ~ /Forum\\.php\\?id\u003d\\D+/i or
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? USBB \\ .net \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e USEBB / I) ;
print "Wrforum. \\ n "
# if ($ data \u003d ~ /index ~Fp\\?Fid\u003d\\D+/i or
if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? WR \\ -Script \\ .ru \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e WR \\ -Forum / I) ;
print "YetanotherForumnet \\ n "
if ($ Data \u003d ~ / Yet Another Forum \\ .net / I OR
$ Data \u003d ~ /Default\\.aspx\\?g\u003dposts&t\u003d\\D+/i.) ;

This and other scripts mentioned in the post can be found in this archive.

Script Examines the HTML page code for the presence of a forum engine signature in it. We used similar reception when determining WordPress and Joomla, but there is a couple of differences. First, the script itself does not upload the page code, and reads it from STDin or a file transmitted as an argument. This allows you to upload a page once, for example, using WGET, and then drive it through several analyzers if we are not alone. Secondly, in this script, the presence of signature is a 100% sign of the engine. Last time the presence of signature only gave the weight to the corresponding engine and "won" the engine with the greatest weight. I decided that in this case this approach only will complicate the code.

To test the work of the script, I spent a slight study. I am a list of several thousand forums and drove each of them through my script, thereby determining the percentage of the program's triggings and the popularity of various engines.

To get a list of forums, I took advantage of Google Parser. Search engine sent types of type

site: Forum. *. ru
Site: Talk. *. RU
Site: Board. *. RU
Site: phpbb. *. ru

etc. Full code generator code you will find in the file gen-forumSearch-URLS.PL.. In addition to were also .ua .kz I.BY. Last time, this study was difficult, since sites on Wordpress and Joomla do not have similar signatures in the URL. Catalogs like do not provide sufficient sampling. What is 600 sites on Drupal?

I must admit, the results of the experiment were upset of me. Of the 12590 studied sites, only 7083 engines were determined successfully, that is, only in 56% of cases. Maybe I did not take into account any engine? Is it really bitrix at half to see? Or did I stand more time to pay the search for signatures? In general, additional research is required here.

Among the 56% of successfully identified engines most popular, as expected, turned out to be IPB (31%), PHPBB (26.6%) and VBulletin (26.5%)

For them with a large lag behind SMF (5.8%) and Dleforum (5.3%). My favorite PunbB was only 6th place (1.64%). I would not advise to greatly trust these numbers (they say, every third forum in RuNet works on IPB), but certain conclusions do, of course, you can.

For example, if you intend to make a website on the forum engine and plan to modify the forum, say, pay users of 0.01 $ for each message with automatic output of funds once a week, then you should choose one of the three most popular engines. The more popular the forum, the greater the chances of finding a programmer who disassembled well in it.

If significant changes in the engine is not expected, it may make sense to choose not the most popular engine, for example SMF or PUNBB. By this, you will reduce the number of hacker attacks on your forum and the number of spam automatically sent on it.

Scripts for search / definition of forums can also be found not one practical application. The first thing that came into my head personally is to sort the identified forums on the Titz and place the posts with links to one of their sites on the first hundred. However, hundreds of forum dofolllow links did not affect TIC (2 updates passed), so it's better not to spend time here, unless you are interested in transitions.

It is clear that the name of the scripts is far from the only one. I think you will easily come up with how else you can use them.

Let "S Not Forget Good Old Forum Software. Geeks Use Them for Tech Support. Businesses Use Them for Collaboration. Here" S Our Take on 70+ Forum Engines, Hosts, and tools.

Forum Engines (FREE Software)


Punbb - With Xhtml-Compliant Pages, Simplicity, and Speed, What "s Not to Like?


RFORUM - Strong Forum with Mailing List Integration, Powered by Ruby.

Simple Machines Forum (SMF) - Originally a Fork of Yabb SE, Smf Features Wysiwyg, Powerful Groups, and Much More. Note: There IS Some Dispute About Whether SMF IS Free Software or Not, Since You Are Not Allowed to Redistribute The Forum / Software ItSelf without Written Permission.

Snitz - Basic ASP Forum.

Tiny Forum That Stores Is Information in TXt Files Instaad Of A Database.

Unclassified NewsBoard Forum (UNB) - Easy to Use Forum Engine with Jabber Notification.

USEBB - Lightweight, Clear, And Efficient Board Package.

Vanilla - Terrific Ajaxified Forum With a Really Nice Look You Won "T Find Anywhere ELSE.

VikingBoard - Minimalistic Board Engine for High Performance.

Viscaccha - Board with Integrated CMS and Conversion From Cutecast, Vision Board, PhpBB, and WBB.

Yabb - Easy To Install and Easy to Use, Yabb Is More Than Yet Another Bulletin Board.

Yazd - Basic Forum Engine Under The Apache License.

Forum Engines (Commercial)

AspnetForum - Clean and Powerful ASP.Net Forum Engine. $ 85- $ 169.

Burning Board - Easy To Set Up Board That Will Import Existing Invision Power Board, Mybb, PhpBB, PunbB, Simple Machines Forum, OR VBULLETIN FORUMS. $ 139.99- $ 269.99.

Fusetalk - Powerful Forum Software Used by Big Names such as Adobe, Boeing, NASA, NBC, US Airforce, McAfee and Lonely Planet. But The Names Will Cost You. $ 649- $ 4599.

FusionBB - Calendar, Photo Gallery, Paypal, Article Templates, and Much More Are Available with this Great Piece of Software. $ 425 Flat Fee OR $ 149 Flat Fee and $ 39 / Year.

IDEAL BB - ASP / COM Board with a Nice Revision Feature. $ 299- $ 2099.

INVISION POWER BOARD (IPB) - One of the most Popular Commercial Boards of All Time. $ 149.99- $ 299.99.

Jive Forums - Powerful Board Used by Companies Such As Ea and Espn. Unfortunately, Very Expensive. $ 14950 Flat Fee, $ 1950/1000 Users, $ 4950/5000 Users, OR $ 9950/20000 Users.

MyProbb - Powerful Anti-Spam Features Makes This One A Keeper. IT "S Cheap, Tooo. $ 25 / year.

UBB.Threads - $ 725 Flat Fee OR $ 229 Flat Fee and $ 125 / Year.

vBulletin - Extremely Popular Board with Tons of Features. $ 160 Flat Fee OR $ 85 / Year.


Forum Hosts.

Blursoft Metaforum - Has a Ton of Ajax Features, But Manages to Stay Search Friendly. And Yes, The Back Button Does Work. FREE.

Conforums - Unlimited Categories, Boards, and Posts WITH HTML AND. JavaScript Customization. FREE.

Cutecast - Basic Forum Hosting. FREE.

Goboardz - Nice Forum with Photo Sharing and A Nice Interface. FREE.

Hyperboards - A BIG Hosting Provider WITH Global Logs Forum (One Hyperboards Account Logs Forum), Skins, Pages, and Unlimited Posts and Boards. FREE.

INVISION POWER BOARD (IPB) - One of the most Popular Commercial Boards of All Time. $ 10- $ 75 / month.

Proboards - A Well Known Host Powered by Yabb. FREE.

Sudden Launch - Forum Host with Unlimited Posts, Replies, And Boards. FREE.


Forum Integration.


Joomla Component That Adds a Powerful Forum.


IPBWiki - Connects Invision Power Boards and MediaWiki.

Joomla! Vanilla - Bridge Between The Joomla Cms and Vanilla.

Forum Tools.

BBCodextra Firefox Extension - Context Menu to Insert BBCode OR (X) HTML. Freeware.

If someone does not know, Simple Machines Forum - for brevity SMF is, as it is stated on the official website, a free, professional level package, which will allow you to organize your own online community in a few minutes. On this engine, you can see here. I myself set my forum on it (by the way, come in

No matter, a lot or little spam appears on your forum. It is important that you spend your precious time to moderation. Setting the plugin that will do all the work for you takes a few minutes, and it will save you, in total, days and months, which will be collaborated from those minutes that you would spend on erasing messages and delete users.

I note that I tried to fight my own spammers - blocked IP access and even at subnets. It really worked, sifled a lot of garbage, but, nevertheless, once in one or two days someone made his way. And quite a long time went on replenishing the base of the banned IP. I thought it should be more convenient wayAnd he really found!

1. Installing and configuring STOP SPAMMER

For two weeks of work, this plugin blocked 2202 fake users. Each of them would leave, for a minimum, one post. Spammers are not going to slow down turnover and every day I would spend time on clearing my forum.

Instead, once a few days I go to the user management page, I see there something like this:

I turn to the section "Expect approvals" (these are the spammers found, which are deprived of the opportunity to leave messages before approving them accounts administrator). I put a tick "to allocate all" and remove them with one click:

That's all, all spam accounts are sent to unprecedented. Return to our list of users:

It can be seen that the list was noticeable, but who is the rest? We highlight all and send one button to check:

One "red" appeared, I immediately delete it. If you have free time, you can do others. If there is no time, do not do anything with new users - most of them are "blushing" with subsequent checks. If you have time, you can go to their profiles and see if there is a link in the signature - immediately in the ban, these are fake spammers that will never leave a single useful message.

I told how to use this magic plugin, now I will tell you how to install it.

Download two files: (this language package To transfer the plugin) and (the number may be different, since the versions are updated). Unpack the contents of the archive in some folder. In the same folder, unpack the archive, agree to replace the files. Now pack our folder to the zip archive.

In the admin step, go to the installation of packages. Opposite the "Download Package" inscription there is a button to select a file on a computer. Choose our new Archive (where we replaced the language file), unload it to the forum and activate the package.

That's all ready!

Additional setting of the plugin occurs in the admin: Go to

Users → Registration → Setup

You can leave the default values \u200b\u200bthere. Even there there is the "Your API key" field. Without this key, you will not be able to report new spammers (but the plugin will work and filter well-known spammers). If you want to get your own API key, go to the website for registration, and then specify the key here. If you have not received the key, leave the field empty. Then the default key will be used.

2. Installing and configuring Anti-Spam Links

At the Adepts of the Seo Religion (more about my attitude to Seo-Nists can see in another) there is a solid conviction that increasing the number of references to your site, they "promote it" (for some reason the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating interesting and high-quality content to anyone from They do not occur). There would be a sucker, and ways to pull out money from it will be found. So, some "citizens" provide services on the "run" sites on the forums. They create a large number of accounts on different forums and insert back links in the signatures and in other available fields. Despite the fact that even "CEO experimenters" have been experienced by experienced, sense from these links zero, some warn that you can get ban on search engines, Yandex, for example, simply ignores links to all forums and websites where anyone can leave links. Google also has similar algorithms - ignoring references in comments, etc. But the law is not written, the law is not written ... Therefore, we, owners of forums, have to be reckoned with those facts that "steep seed optimizers" for a thousand rubles are ordered by "run" of their befickers.

A lot of plugin Stop Spammer.. But we can help him! You can knock out from under the legs of spammers, it is of interest to post links on your forum. It is for this that needs Anti-Spam Links. This plugin (specific numbers can be changed in the settings) does so:

  • those who, for example, less than five posts, can not leave links at all
  • those who, for example, less than 15 messages cannot leave active linksFrom the links are removed http: // and in general these links become Nubolinki (newbielink)
  • those who, for example, less than 50 messages can leave active links, but all links receive the Nofollow attribute.
  • well, those who have more than 50 messages can insert the most common active references that transmit the weight of the site page to which they refer.

Believe me, the grief-optimizers are very closely related to what form their link hits the site. They will quickly lose interest to your forum, if you can not easily leave your shit and links there to your shit sites there.

Yes, by the way, the rules above work in these fields as a signature.

To install this plugin, go to its official page. Download the archive (the number may be different). Again in the forum admin. Scroll to install packages (how it was done with the previous package) and install it. There is no language file for this package, so you do not need to unpack the archive or something with it.

To configure the plugin, go to the section

Configuration → Modov Setup ... → Setting up modifications

At your own desire, it is necessary to stand up how many messages must have a user to upgrade its capabilities.


These two plugins greatly facilitate you, the owner of the forum, life and save a lot of time. However, from time to time spammers break through and, at least once a week, you need to "rush" users and delete spam messages. So do not throw your web resources!

Well, let's start giving small tips on optimizing and promoting sites (forums) on PHPBB. In this case, we will spend a small hack that will help get rid of the external links of the species " Powered by phpbb ©... ". In this publication, we will look at 2 ways with which you can do this - reception for pHPBB 3.x.x..

Remove the external link Powered by phpbb © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 PhpBB Group and Russian PHPBB support

The first way to remove external links with the inscription Powered by phpbb © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group. And so, the most easy way - Delete with the admin panel. Go to B. administrative panel, Go to the menu item "Styles", we see the panel where the block is located in the menu, we are interested in the "Style components" block, and in it "patterns". According to the standard in the proposed window, we will see the following: Prosilver and Subsilver2, although Muga is different if you installed them. In general, do not essence. From the closed kit, select the default used. Click on the "Edit" button next to the template. Next, a window appears with the "Select the template file". Next, select the "template file" - "overall_footer.html". Below appears HTML editor. Find the following code: " Powered by PhpBB 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 PHPBB GROUP"And just delete, although you can install your link and inscription."
"(Which is below, can also be deleted) - This code is responsible for localization for example an external link with the inscription" Russian PHPBB support ".

The second way to remove an external link with the inscription Powered by phpbb © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 PHPBB GROUP. This method is similar, but we connect to the site of Pratacolau FTP. Go to the next STYES path / OVERAL_FOOTER.html_footer. And edit the same code that we edited above. If you change the code, do not forget to set UTF encoding - so on the place of the ankors may appear "Crakrooms" (squares, and other incomprehensible characters).