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How to copy descriptions in instagram. Active Link to Instagram

How to make a repost in instagram with text?

In fact, in Instagram there is no repost function in the understanding in which we are accustomed to see it in other social networks. At least it was not at the time of writing this post. Repost is a publication on your post reference page created by another user. It doesn't matter what kind has a repost, whether it is one link leading to the post or display of the very post on the Repograph of the page, the essence is one - the post is one source! All who are postponed writing to themselves onto a page in one form or another, distribute links to the post of original. There is no such thing in instagram. Applications that allegedly make repost publications in Instagram simply duplicate the post of the original by applying labeling and links to the profile from which the repost is made. That is, you just create a new one, similar post - that is, violate the copyright! To make more convenient and faster to copy someone else's content to their pages, I will answer the question - how to make a repost in instagram with text?

We make repost in instagram with the text

If you want to make a repost of publication of another user entirely, that is, together with the image, text and hashtags, then download and install the "Repost for Instagram" application on your device.

Open the application. On the main page Apps You can see a list of all publications that are available for repost. If you previously downloaded a photo or video from instagram, then most likely this content will be displayed here. To add the publication to this list that you are going to repliety into your profile, click on the Instagram icon in the upper right corner.

After clicking on the icon, Instagram will open. Find in Instagram the post you want to reprehend. In the upper right corner of the post, click on the vertical Troyaty, and in the drop-down list, click on the "Copy link" item.

Next, go back to the Repost for Instagram application. The list on the host page should appear post, the link to which you just copied. Click on it to continue the reappear procedure.

On the page that opens, you can configure the reference parameters to the author's profile, which is superimposed on the image. You can specify a place from which side the link should be fixed in the photo, as well as a pointed link background - white or black. This link represents only the text superimposed on the image and is not active or active. You can also remove the link to the author of the post, but this function is paid.

Configuring the Link Settings on the image, click the "Repost" button. In the popup window that opens, click on the "Open Instagram" button to start publishing a record. Please note that according to the information given Popup window, the text to the post, which we repostees, was copied to the clipboard.

And now the most important thing is to insert the text. To do this, put the cursor in the description field, hold down the cursor in the field until the button "Exchange Buffer" fails. Click on it and from the opened list of content buffer content, select the text of the post.

That's all!

Useful post? Take it to myself on social networks not to lose!

Useful advice

How to create an Instagram account?

Create an account in Instagram using the application:

Option I.

If you have a Facebook page, then you can register in Instagram by clicking "Logging through Facebook".

* In this option, you will not need to enter the username, password and email address or phone number.

Option I.I.

1. First go from your smartphone on the App Store (if you have an iPhone) or in the Google Play store (if you have a phone on Android) and download Instagram application.

Create an account in Instagram on your computer:

Option I.

If you have a Facebook page, then you just need to click "Entry through Facebook" and that's it. Now you are registered with your Facebook account.

* If during registration you left Facebook, you will need to enter it again.

Option I.I.

3. Dial your own in the desired row electronic address Or phone number, your name, username and password.

* Specify TU emailTo which you have access to in case you forget the password, it could be restored or changed.

How to upload photos in instagram?

1. Open the Instagram application by clicking on its icon. If you entered your account, you must open homepage Instagram. If you do not have an account, go through to find out how to create it.

2. At the bottom of the screen, locate the + button. You should be displayed on your camera interface screen.

* In case you do not see the + icon, try clicking on the house icon, which is located in the lower left corner of the screen.

3. Now you need to choose one of the download options. There are only three of them, and they will appear at the bottom of the screen:

Gallery - Here you will find a list of photos and videos that this moment There are on your phone or tablet.

Photo - the camera of your smartphone is turned on so that you can make a photo.

Video - Includes the camera of your smartphone so that you can record the video.

4. When you took a photo or recorded a video, your job will open in the edit window.

After you have chosen the desired photo or video, click the Next button, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen.

5. Now you can decorate a photo or video by selecting your favorite filter. Click on the filter, and you automatically apply it.

* If you click on the filter again, the slider will appear, which will allow you to increase or decrease the filter effect.

* You can also select the "Edit" tab, which is located at the bottom of the screen to use other parameters of your photo or video. This helps, for example, edit brightness or contrast.

6. Now you can add any signature to your image or video. To do this, click on the text box located at the top of the screen and then enter the text.

7. At will

You can mark people on your photo by clicking "Mark User", then clicking on the photo and choosing those people who are on it (about it in more detail below).

You can add your own location to your photo by touching "Add Geodatan", and selecting the location.

* In case your instagrema page is related to the pages of other social networks, for example in Twitter or Facebook, you can publish your photo or video at the same time and there.

How to upload a photo in instagram from a computer?

There are several ways to upload a photo in instagram through a computer:

Method I.:

We use the browser

1. Open your browser and go to your Instagram account.

2. Press the key combination Ctrl + SHIFT + I And you will open the developer window. This window can also be opened by pressing the right button at any location of the screen and select "View" or "View Code" in the menu.

3. Find the mobile device icon (for chrome icon with a tablet and smartphone in the upper left corner, for the Firefox icon on the right in the center) and click on it. You can choose any mobile device model. Now you activated the imitation of the smartphone and the button at the bottom of the screen appeared to add photos from the computer.

Method I.I.:

We use the Gramblr (Windows., MAC. OS.)

Here, what allows this application:

2. Edit images with more than 50 filters.

3. Plan posts.

How to use the application

1. Download the application from the official site and install it. Download the Gramblr application is possible.

2. Carefully read the instructions. You need to transfer the photo, and then you can edit it.

Method II.I.:

Use the BlueStacks application

This app imitates the android system on the computer. Just download and install the program. You can pass the learning program.

2. Enter your google Account.

Click "Continue" and log in to your Google Account. Next, you can remove all the checkboxes and click "Next" (Next). Enter your name that will be needed only to personalize some applications.

3. Install the application.

Now you have a mobile version from Google Play.. Find Instagram in search ( search string At the top of the screen), select it and install it. After some time, the instagram icon appears under the "My Applications" tab. Click it to start the application.

4. Load the photo, add filters and share.

Using instagram on the computer as well as on the smartphone, you can add photos and videos by clicking on "+" at the bottom of the screen. Next, you can edit your materials, add text and celebrate people in the photo.

Method IV.:

We use official Annex For Windows.

Here you use the official (free) Instagram application on your computer.

Cons of this application:

1. You can only download photos made from a computer camera or laptop.

2. You can not edit a photo.

How to instagram mention someone in history?

If you add a photo or video in Instagram and wish to mention some person, then you need to pass the following simple steps:

1. We first take a picture.

Click on the camera icon, which is located in the upper left corner of the screen. You can also spend your finger for any part of your ribbon on the right side.

2. After you have created a photo or video, click on the icon with the letters AA.

3. Right before the person name, put the @ sign and select the user you need.

* Every time you mention someone in a photo or video, the name of this person appears in the image with underlining. If someone browsing your material, he can click on this name and immediately go to the page of the profile of this person.

If you mentioned a person, he will receive a push-notification - that is, notice that it was mentioned in your story. Another user will receive a message from you (it will disappear after 24 hours), which makes it possible to preview the story.

* In one publication, you can mention up to 10 people, and everyone will receive a notice that it was mentioned.

How to remove an account in Instagram?

If you delete your account in Instagram, all your photos, videos, comments, subscribers, and the mark "Like" are deleted with it.

If you are still in doubt, then the ability to temporarily lock the account (about it is slightly lower).

When you deleted your profile, then you can no longer use the same user name when new registration. You also need to know that the remote account is not activated.

That's what you need to do to remove your profile forever in Instagram:

1. To start, go to Page Removal Profile from a computer. From the application you can't remove it.

* If you have not entered your account yet, then log in.

2. You need to choose the reason for removal. There will be several options in the menu next to the item. Why do you remove your account? ". After that you need to enter your password again. You can only delete your profile after selecting the reason for deletion.

3. Now click on the item " Full removal Account. "

How to remove another profile in instagram

* In case you wish to delete another profile, you need:

A) go to the account removal page, and touch the username that is in the upper right corner.

B) Press the nut icon, which is located next to the name and click "Exit".

C) Save on behalf of another account, and repeat the above steps to remove.

Instagram will not delete your account at your request, you need to do it yourself.

How to temporarily close your account in Instagram?

It is worth noting that when locking the account, your photos, comments and marks "like" will also hide until you activate your account, just going to it.

To temporarily lock your account you will need:

1. Go to your account in the browser on your smartphone or computer.

* From the application you will not be able to block the account.

2. Click the little man in the upper corner and select "Edit Profile".

3. Now scroll down and find the item "Temporarily block my account", which is in the lower right corner.

4. You must specify the reason why you need to choose one option from the menu next to the item "Why did you decide to block your account?". You will have to get your password again.

5. Last step: Click on the "temporarily block account" button.

Repost in Instagram: how to do it?

So you can make a repost, you will need to download a third-party application. In fact, there are several of them: "REGRANN", "REPOST FOR INSTAGRAM", "REPOST". You can download them for free. Google Play.

We try to make a repost with the application "REGRANN"

1. Download the app and go to it by typing your name and password from Instagram.

Before use, the application is understandable and just tell you how to use it.

3. Being in the application where the photograph you will be copied, click on the Instagram icon, select "Ribbon" or "Stories" and go to edit mode.

Add a passing, filters, tick people and all you want, and publish a photo.

The same can be done with the video.

How to copy text in instagram?

Copy text is quite simple, it all depends on what you use, a smartphone or computer.

Copy text in instagram from a computer

On the personal Computer Or a laptop is much more convenient to work with the text than on the smartphone. Therefore, copy the text is very convenient and easy.

You just open any video or photos, highlight the text and copy.

Copy text in instagram from smartphone

Android OS.

1. Open the post.

2. Press the three vertical points at the top of the screen on the right. IN open menu Several options will appear: complain to the post, copy the link, include notifications about publications. You need to select the second ("Copy Link").

3. Now close the application in the phone and open the browser (it may be browser Chrome., Opera or Other).

4. Now it is very easy to copy the text from the post in Instagram from the search window - to highlight it by holding the words with your finger and copy, release a finger and selecting "Copy" in the menu.

iOS. (iPhone. , iPad. )

Here you can apply the same steps as above.

In addition, you can use the Messenger "Telegram". Moreover, this method is also suitable for Android devices.

This messenger, among other things, provides for the use of bots, and one of them is instasave. If you give a telegraph in the search, you can easily find this free bot.

1. Open a dialog with a bot and, if you wish, read the instructions for using it.

2. Insert your copied link to the link to the dialog box and send this Bott link.

3. Bot will independently remove the data from the instagram and send you two messages and give you a photo itself or video from the post along with the description.

How to make a post in instagram?

There are several simple rules for creating posts in Instagram:

1. Break your text on paragraphs. Users are poorly absorbed by solid text.

However, it is worthwing to know that a simple gap will not be able to create a paragraph, since it will simply delete it. You will need to replace the space with some symbol. For example, you can use a white smiley or put a simple point.

3. Optional.Complete your posts with different emoticons. Such a decoration to taste very many users.

Try not to overdo it, and use only those emoticons that are suitable for the topic of the post.

4. If you want to write something clever under the photo or video, but do not know what exactly does not write anything.

How to upload video in instagram?

Loading video in instagram is quite simple and easy to download photographs. That's what you need:

1. Open the application and click on the "+" icon at the bottom of the screen.

2. Click the "Video" tab, click the Record button (in the middle of the screen) and hold it.

If you want to select a video, you need to find it at the bottom of the screen or click "Film" at the top of the screen. After that, the albums and video will appear in front of you on the screen.

3. When you found the video you need, tap "Next" to go to the edit section.

4. Select the filter you like and, if you wish, shorten the size of the video by clicking on its thumbnail. The sound in the video can be turned off by touching the icons at the top of the screen.

5. Having reached the "Cover" tab, you can choose any frame from the video - it will become the cover of the roller when you publish it in your profile. Click "Next".

6. You switched to the window to describe the video. Here you can specify geolocation and prepare a video for another social network.

When you click on the "Advanced Settings", you can find the function of disconnecting comments so that no one can comment on your video.

Very important: the minimum video duration is 3 seconds, the maximum duration is 1 minute, and in Storiesthis indicator is 15 seconds.

How to upload video from computer

You will help a special service called BlueStacks. This program It is an Android simulator.

1. Install the program to the computer.

2. Download Instagram with Google Play and install it.

3. Now you can use instagram on your computer, take photos and video, as if on the smartphone.

Download BlueStacks program you can.

How to impose music on video in instagram?

For this, third-party applications pass to the aid. In fact, applications that make a lot of text and / or music on video, and they work approximately the same: videoshow, Splice, Vivavideo, Inshot, Kinemaster, Quik, PowerDirector Video and others.

Let's try to impose music on video using Videoshow and publish your video in Instagram:

Now about more "tricky" applications with great opportunities:

it excellent app For video editing on mobile device. Moreover, it can be downloaded for free, and even if there is an advertisement, it is not intrusive. It is also worth noting that the application does not impose any watermarks in the final result of processing your video.

YouCut is a more specialized application and therefore more complex in use, however it can replace a set of smaller programs that perform small steps.

It was created to process video for YouTube, but it can be used for cutting video in instagram and for many other cases.

1. Ability to cut video on passages of any length.

2. The ability to glue several rollers to one.

3. Ability to export video in a wide format.

4. The ability to slow down or speed up the video.

5. Ability to use different filters.

6. Ability to impose music on a video, both from the collection of the application itself and from the phone.

7. Ability to turn video or create its mirror reflection.

8. Ability to squeeze video or convert it to another format.

Application foriOS. and android

This application also provides many useful features To edit the video on a smartphone or tablet. He has a high rating, and it is free, but the application leaves its watermark. If you have a big problem for you, you will have to buy a premium version of the program.

Vidtrim was not created specifically for cutting video for stories in Instagram, which means you have to work a little with it and get used to the functionality so that the clips need the length you need.

Briefly about the capabilities of the application:

1. Ability to cut a big video or glue a few small clips to one big.

2. Ability to add various effects.

3. Ability to save sound separately from MP3 video.

4. Ability to rotate the video.

5. Ability to add any music to the roller.

How to download video from instagram?

Here you will learn about seven ways to download video with instagram.

For android devices

1. Check your file manager.

If you have a smartphone on the Android system, you do not need to use various sites or applications for downloading video. All videos that you viewed in Instagram are saved on your device.

To find them, use your file Manager. If you can't find it, you will have to download from Google Play - just enter in the search for "File Manager" and download any.

2. The program for downloading video for instagram.

If you work with the file manager for you, it is too difficult, you can safely download one of the many specialized programs from Google Play, which will help you download the video.

One of the most popular is called Video. Downloader. For Instagram.. It allows you to download or reprehend video on or from instagram with one click. The roller is automatically added to your phone, and more specifically in the gallery.

3. DREDOWN application (it is Video Downloader - for Instagram Repost App)

This is one of the first applications created to download video from Instagram. To use it, you need to first download the application from Google Play.

* Go to Instagram, find the post you need, press the three vertical points in the upper right corner and select "Copy the link".

After a few seconds, your browser will start downloading the file. You will find your downloaded video in the video folder on your device.

It is worth noting that this application works not only with intagram, but also with YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Vine, Vimeo, Metacafe, Tumblr and other.

For iOS. devices ( iPhone. , iPad. , imac )

1. Appendix Regrammer

There are several applications in App Store.which allow you to download videos, but many of them are stuck with advertising, and they are not always easy to use.

The REGRAMMER application is an exception. It is completely free, and, although it comes with advertising, this advertisement is not very intrusive.

On the last page, you can choose between downloading the video to your device or repost from your name.

2. Gramblast application

It will not be superfluous to acquire a spare way of downloading video and photo from Instagram.

This method works only on the computer.

Downloaded video you can reboot to any social network Or just keep on your hard disk.

Remember the user rights!

Of course, download video from Instagram is easy, but you should not forget that each video and the photo have its own author, and you can violate copyrights.

Download only for personal use. Enjoy, but do not use the downloaded material as your own. You would not like to be accepted as well.

What is instagram

Instagram is a social network where all participants share with each other photos. Recently, the service is gaining momentum. It is only designed to use from the phone or tablet.
Instagram is installed on the phone or tablet as any application. If you need to pour photos made by not a phone in instagram, then you must first throw photos from the computer to the phone and then publish them.

Basic elements of the page

Your main page consists of the following items:

This is what one entry looks like:

Hastegi and their role in the promotion of the account

When you post a photo, immediately enter an interesting description for it. Hastegi is better to place a separate comment so that they do not cut the eyes when watching.
Hashtegi is the main way to promote your account. They find you. Maximum can be placed 30 hashtegov.

Examine your competitors through the search for hasties

Professional accounts are immediately visible on good pictures. Go to the accounts and read them. If your account has many subscribers, see what they use: contests, references to other participants of the OTD. If there are no hashtegs under the last photographs, look closer to the first photos. Usually, the account is still spinning with hashtags. You need to collect your hashtag base, popular in this topic and copy them to notebook. Hesteg's popularity is checked when searching for it - if a large number of records are shown (the counter in the upper right corner), then this hashteg is suitable. You can make several such sets. When adding new photo In the comments, you add one of standard sets Hestegov + those hashtags that are suitable for this photo. If hashtags are not published - an error is displayed in the comment, check - most likely you indicated more than 30 hashtegov.

Comments. Function "Reply"

When clicking on a comment, menu occurs:

So you can delete the comment if this is spam. Copy the text of someone else's comment or, for example, hashtags.
Reply - a very useful opportunity. If you commented on, you give a comment in response through "reply" and then a person in his account sees that you answered him. Looks like this comment like this:

When the comments are too much, then under the first comment appears inscription: see comments.

You can still see under the first comment sign +. It is necessary to click on it to see the rest of the comments. This is important because often the popular recordings all hashtags are in the second comments, and it is hiding under a plus at the expense of the large number of subsequent comments. Similarly, when you will comment a lot of ugly bunch of hashtegov in your second comments when you first view, it will cease to be visible.

In the lower menu, if you click on the heart, you can see who subscribed to you or looked like a photo.

How to tie Instagram account with other social accounts. Networks

In the profile settings in the bottom menu, you can associate an instagrama account with accounts in VC, Facebook ITD, then when adding a new photo you can optionally make a crosspost to other social networks.

How to add photos

1. Click on the button in the middle of the bottom menu

If we need to upload photos from the phone, then press the squares on the left.
Further on android it looks like this:

Choose photos from the gallery:

It will chant up to the famous Instagram square, so you can move it with your finger so that the desired part gets into the square. Also, you can enlarge it with your fingers. Click on the arrow.

If you need to turn the photo, it can be done in the settings:

The photo appears in the tape:

Click the comment and add hashtegi:

Helpful information

Fishka for those who read to the end. You can invent your hashtags and write about it on the page. In order for people to be photographed with your product, you celebrated your account in the photo and signed it by your tag, and at the end of the month, for example, among all those who did something played out.

Let's do for you

Also, if you have any questions about the design of the profile in Instagram - we are ready to carry out for you the analysis of competitors and advice on it.
What information you get in the consultation process can be seen on the page.

Cost consultation: 5000 p.

If you need - contact them!
Fill out the form below and our specialists will contact you.

How to copy text in "Instagram": Instructions

"Instagram" is an incredibly popular social network in which each unnaturally large content is aggregated daily: photos, videos, texts, etc. It is not only that this company was once bought by a child brand Zuckerberg. Yes, Instagram is part of Facebook Corporation.

In this article you will get an answer to the question of how copy Text in " Instagram."From the comment. In addition, you will also learn a lot for more information On the text content of this social network.

as copy text In "Instagram"?

Extract the necessary information from the text in this social network is relatively simple. It all depends on what device you use: a computer or mobile gadget based on one of the popular operating systems.

First, let's consider the simplest example: How to copy the text in "Instagram" from a computer.

Personal computers

It should be noted that "Instagram" on a computer in the browser (in standard form without third-party extensions and add-ons) and "Instagram" on any mobile device as an application - completely different things.

In the computer version, unlike mobile versionNo restrictions on interaction with the text of user messages. Therefore, to understand how to copy the text in "Instagram", it is much easier to desktop version Site. On the PC you can simply open any photo or video and copy the description using a normal selection.

Android: Tablets, Smartphones

Now you can figure out how to copy text in " Instagram."From the phone based on Android OS. Make it is not much more complicated than on a personal computer. It is only necessary to master the algorithm.

IN mobile applicationIf you use it more often, not the browser version on your smartphone or tablet, you need to open the desired entry. Then in the upper right corner you will need to find three points vertically.

How to copy someone else's post in Instagram

How to turn text and photos from fast in Instangam

Registration in the team: Why was another other.

By clicking on them, you will open the menu in which you will be asked or complain to the message or copy reference or include notifications about publications. You must choose the second element.

The copied link must be inserted into the browser search window on a smartphone or tablet. And only in the open version of the message you can copy the text from the description by the usual choice. It turns out copy text in " Instagram."On Android" is not difficult.

iOS devices: iPhones, iPads and iPods

Nevertheless, Android is not the only mobile operating system that people use. There is also iOS. Finding out how to copy text In "Instagram" on iPhone.For example, even easier.

In fact, in the case of iOS devices, one and the same instruction described above for Android devices can be used.

For devices on both operating systems, one more universal wayassociated with additional software. it software He is a popular messenger "Telegram". Its functionality is associated with the use of bots. One of these bots is instasave. It can be found in the search for this particular name (without quotes). By the way, this bot is free. After you have opened a dialog with him, you can read the instructions for using it or simply insert a link to the message in the dialog box and send it a bot. He himself will choose the material from the social network, and in two messages will provide an image or video from the post, as well as its description.

How best to make messages in "Instagram"?

So as not to cause unnecessary problems with your subscribers who follow the information you publish in your accountYou need to follow several rules for compiling messages to "Instagram", which will be described below.

First, you need to split the text on paragraphs. Words and proposals written in solid text are very poorly assimilated, unlike those that apply in accordance with paragraphs. Just need to take into account that the usual gap in the paragraph in "Instagram" will not work for this position. An empty string will be removed by the system. It is necessary to take it with some symbol. For example, the emoji-emoji of a white color or a regular point. In this case, everything is limited only by the imagination of the author.

Secondly, in text Description There is no need to insert links. They will not be encrypted, and subscribers will not be able to use them. Consequently, the whole point of such reference disappears. Of course they can be copyBut above is already described how to do this in the "Instagram". Therefore, it is better to save all useful links in the description in the profile to the "Website website" column. In this case, they will be active, and subscribers can pass them.

Thirdly (optional) Texts for messages can be supplemented with emotions. Many users (if not the overwhelming majority) "Instagram" like this visualization. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of these emoticons. In addition, it is worth remembering that it is appropriate to insert them, and not as terrible.

Fourth, if you want to print some description in the photo: smart idea, your own thoughts, but do not know what to write, then you better not do it at all. With a high probability, nothing intelligent and interesting to come up with.

Thanks to this article, you learned to copy the text in "Instagram", as well as how to better create messages in this social network, so that it is convenient and interesting to browse and read subscribers.

Instagram application makes it easy to send your favorite publications and profiles to your subscribers (using a special arrow under photo), but this feature does not provide for sending found publications beyond the application. Just for such cases and ease of use there is a function "Copy link"publications in photos, video or user account. After copying, information can be sent any suitable way: through other social networks, in SMS, or, if necessary, insert address line browser. On the one hand, it seems it is not at all difficult if you know how to do it.

In this article we will analyze in detail how to copy links to instagram application. Algorithm of action on different gadgets and operating systems Almost the same, the interface is slightly different. Consider the example of the device running Windows 10 Mobile.

Let's start. We take a smartphone, open installed application We go under your profile (account), looking for a publication, photo or video, and a different user profile you want to send beyond the application.

Copy links in photos and video

Actions when copying links to photos and video are the same. Take one publication for sample. To duplicate recording on a photo or video, there is no need to specifically enter the profile, who has published, copying can be performed directly from the information tape.

Suppose you want to send this photo from the publications of

In the upper right corner there are three horizontally located points, press these three points, the pop-up window of the menu is displayed with a proposal to select one of the items, select the second line and click " copy link «.

After clicking on the string « copy link« , pops up a green banner with the inscription: « reference copied« Talking that actions are made correctly, that is, the record is saved in the intermediate data storage - in the clipboard. And it will be stored there before rebooting the device or until the next copy.

Next, you can send the link to another person any in a convenient way, for example, via SMS. To do this, using a special icon or holding the input field, insert the copied element.

That looks like:

The message field displays an entry that was duplicated from instagram. Regardless of whether the attagram application has installed at the recipient, recording in any case will open in the device browser.

Copy Link to User Profile

We go to the account of the account (click on the name and go to it), which you need to send with the help of sending to another person. In our example, this is a profile

Again in the upper right corner we see three horizontal points, click on them.

Green banner with inscription « reference copied« Again, informs about the successful completion of the operation.

Then we insert the record already known by the method, and send.

In the text of the message, an entry to the account is seen from the instagram.

Copy data can not only be sent to friends and acquaintances, but also to keep in your notes or in documents. In this case, it is necessary to remember that if the user deleted the publication or account, the recording you saved will not be active.

Duplication of links in instagram from the browser is similar to copying any other web site pages. It is enough to highlight the mouse cursor the desired link in the address bar, right-click to click on it to choose the left mouse button « copy« And then you can send or save. These actions (when operating a computer) can be replaced by simultaneously pressing the keys on the keyboard. Ctrl + C., After that, insert in the right place.

When duplicating instagram links on a smartphone or tablet through a browser, it is enough to press a finger to the address bar to select it, then hold until the pop-up window appears with the word « copy« . After that, the recording went to the clipboard, from which it will be caused at the right time.

Copying links is the fast and most common way to exchange information in the Internet community environment as well a good option Save the necessary data.

After you have learned to use the function, " copy link"Communication with friends, relatives and colleagues will become more fascinating and more interesting.

Having understood with copying, you can now learn and add links to instagram. The main rule adding an entry to the instagram application is:

- add full active and working link in the account header, that is, in the section « info« . To do this, click on the button « edit profile« , Find a string « web site« And place a link there (printed manually or coping from the browser). Such a record can lead to another social network or Internet resource (VKontakte, classmates, twitter).

- Placing short (abbreviated) entries under publications. This uses special services. In most cases, these records may not be active, but they are freely remembered or reprinted in the browser string. Records for photos and video complement and specify the basic information of the profile or a specific publication.

To master the functions of applications and services it is always interesting and very helpful.