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How to move the file other folder. Transfer all the desired folders

If you have an operating system installed on one local disk, and on the other local disk you store all the data (as is usually done correctly), I think you have sometimes questions how to transfer some required folders On another local disk.
This is usually done in two cases:
1) When the disk space with "Windows" is already a little and you need to move the constantly something from the folders to another disk.
2) In the event that "Windows flew" you will remove everything that was on them. Because when reinstalling or everything is overwritten or formatted.
So, I will show you like in Windows 7 and 8 you can move the folders favorites, downloads, images, videos, documents, music and work desk.

First of all, create a separate folder on the local disk where you do not have Windows.
It is necessary to create a new one and rename it so that it is not accidentally deleted or not confused for what it. Although "Windows folders" write.
In it, create more folders. For downloads, desktop music, documents, etc.

I have this way C: \\ Users \\ 1

We see there such a cluster of folders:

Now click on the necessary PCM on you (for example, desktop) and choose Properties And then tab Location

I did not accidentally allocate the button Move. Click on it and choose the created folder on another disk where you want to save

Zhmem. Applyagree to the warning

We are waiting for everything to move, then click OK In this window and everything is ready.

Now these actions are done with other necessary folders ( My videos, My documents, My music, Images etc.)

There is also alternative way - through .

Go to the branch

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Explorer \\ Shell Folders

And we look at what:

Here are all the folders and paths to them, you only need to know a little english In order to translate Personal - My documents, My Music - My music, Favorites. - Favorites, etc.
Next you need to press 2 times on the parameter and change Value On the path to the folder, which was created.

Of course this method Suitable to more advanced users.

After all these manipulations, you have places on system disk Frequently and all subsequent actions will be held on another disk.

Hello everybody! Yesterday, students were sent to work on the work of the third courses of the university to practice. Yes, now they are not at all comics, like schoolchildren, but practical classes. There was nothing more special to occupy, since the repair of computers in the summer is not particularly in demand, people prefer to relax, and not sit at home for a laptop and half a day, young people were in Kurilah (a place for smoking), and also walked around our building and asked to redeveloped -Theless. And then I took my mind to ask you to write their small article for our site on a very simple topic of transferring the folder "Desktop" to another disk. What is interesting, the idea of \u200b\u200bthem lit and the article was ready in 30 minutes! Friends, I retained the original style and practically did not change anything in the article, which turned out very peculiar and most importantly on the topic. That's it precisely on such a "language", many young people are talking to "Metershack", that is, without adults. I am sure you will be informative.

Yes, and for those who do not know, comics are vacation.

How to move folder desktop

Hi Dear cravings! It turns out that our Guru Dmitry has a very cool web page (site) and he asked us to compose a selection of articles, though on very silent (boring) The topic transfer the Desktop folder to another disk. They fled to us in the first grade and we perfectly coped with the task.

So article! You bought a new compote (computer) and together with Hard bought solidified 120 GB with a volume of 120 GB, then stallioned on it of Windows from small (Microsoft), but here was a year and free space onSSD remained with Gulkin's nose (somewhere 5 GB). I returned you only 10 GB of free space and naturally you are in active search for others real ways Watch the "gigi" for the system disk. Ready to youstretch hand help and give helpful advice. I think you and do not guess that the most huge folder on your section (C :) isDesktop ( Desktop) and you can not clean it from files, but simply roll to another disk.

Move movingthe desktop must also be because 90% of users are absolutely falling out of the theme and toupe (do not know what to do) when necessary. In this case, they do not strain the brain, but simply sit on treason and call someone else's uncle on the announcement, which turns out to be bread (a person with low IQ) and jars (knows) even less of themand simply rearranges Windows from scratch, all files on the disk (C :) At the same time dying mercilessly.

Simple words, If you transfer the folderDesktop I. you after that suddenly need to rearrange windows(Reinstall the operating system),you will be ne you need to learn data from the desktop with any crutches (loading flash or LiveCD) before it. Also write down (remember), which in the case of the infection of the system with a virusnya, first of all suffer from the files on the system disk. From this you will also be insured.

Let me take the first laptop that brought to this service center For repairs and launch the program. See that the catalog "Desktop" occupies as many as 10 GB!

Find the size of the Desktop folder can be without this softy, just go along the way

and look at her "properties".

For transfer we go to any other disc, where there is enough free space, for example (D :) and create a folder with the name "Desktop" on it.

After that, go to the folder:

C: \\ Users \\ Your username \\ desktop

and open it "properties",

Go to the "Location" tab and click "Move".

We search in the conductor created previously folder and highlight it with the left mouse button, then click on the "folder".

That's all, the transfer is carried out. Click

Apply and approx.

Files from the desktop are moved to the folder on the disk (D :).

In the same location, on the disk (C :), the folders "Desktop" is now not.

I think you really helped!

Note site readers.

It is dangerous to make a similar transfer (or cutting) - with the presence of a large amount of valuable personal files on the desktop. Large volume, theme-more strange data, it is better to transfer simple copyingand then produce a system binding to the new location of the desktop, before it deleting there already moved files, as in The most responsible moment, the PC power can occur (on the laptop battery, too, should not be hoped), in this case, part valuable information It may be lost or damaged.

Many of us use the "My Documents" folder to store all your information. Unfortunately, this folder is placed by default on the same disk as windows files. Default folder destinationthat is, the actual placement of the "My Documents" folder: C.: \\ Documents and Settings \\ user_name \\ My documentswhere C. - disc on which operating windows system, but Username - Name accountWith which the user has entered the system.

For many reasons, the storage of these two directories "in one basket" for many users is not convenient.

Here are just some of these reasons:

Firstly,the amount of information and data that we are tightened to the computer, unlike the operating system files, has a property very quickly. What are the multi-sized photos! And it is not surprising that over time, we notice that seemingly limitless at the capacity hDD, felt on the seams from the driving data.

Of course, such a filling of the disk may (and it will) affect windows performance. Previously, or later this will cause the need to remove or transfer some data, which in itself is an unpleasant procedure.

SecondlyThis complicates backup. Your data is in a state of constant change, while Windows files almost always remain in the same place where they are "left" when the operation is installed. This means that your data needs to be baked much more than Windows data.

The same arguments can be attached to the disk defraction. Mixing user files and operating system does not improve the disk status. Defragmentation should be produced more often and takes it more time.

And finally third. When reinstalling the system, if (for some reason) you need to complete the disk formatting, saving the data stored on it can also take a long time.

As you can see, the neighboring folder "My documents"and directories « Windows» On one disk is unnatural, and comparable to storage on one shelf of bread and rat poison :). It is permissible, but the wonderful idea to call it difficult.

An ideal option may be a case when Windows is installed on one, and documents are stored on another computer disk (no matter - physical or virtual).

Is it possible to do so? Sure you may!

First, make sure that the disk (or its partition) has enough space to store all your data. Go to « My computer» and right-click on the folder "My documents"choose « Properties». There will be the volume of these documents on the disk.

Create a folder on it, for example, My Documents -here we then move our folder"My documents"

Changing the default location of the "My Documents" folder

To change the default folder location "My documents"

  • Press the button Start and highlight item My documents.
  • My documents And select Team Properties (If in the menu "Start" Icons My documents You will not find it, do it with an icon on the desktop).

In the window that opens on the tab Folder destination We can see the folder My documents really located on the disk FROM, namely in the folder C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Your Account \\ My Documents:

Perform one of the following procedures.

  • In field Folderenter the path to the new placement of the folder and click OK.. For example, enter D: \\ My Documents

If such a folder does not exist (you did not create it in advance), the dialog box appears Creating a folder. Press the button Yesto create a folder and then click OK..


  • In the tab Folder destination(1) Press the button Move (2), Select on Local disk D: (3)folder for storing documents My Documents (4)and then click OK. In both windows.

  • If you want to create new folderClick the button Create folder (5). Enter the name of the folder:

And then click OK. In both windows: first click on the selected folder where it will be transferred My documents And then press the key OK.

Return to the window Properties: My Documents And on the tab Folder destination Click on the button OK.

  • In the dialog box Move Documents Windows will want to make sure - do we really want to transfer personal data to this folder ?: Press the button. Yes Not

  • Move information from one disk to another can take some time.

  • But after that, you can get to a new folder "My documents" Through the appropriate icon on the desktop or from any other place (application) of Windows.

Just in case:

Restoring the default folder "My Documents" folder

To restore the default folder location "My documents", follow these steps.

  • Press the button Start and highlight item My documents.
  • Right-click Item My documents And select Team Properties.
  • Press the button Defaultand then - button OK..

  • In the dialog box Move Documents Press the button Yesto move documents to a new placement, or button NotTo leave documents in the original placement.

Ban on changing the user location folder "My documents"

If you do not want the user to move and rename the "My Documents" folder in the explorer and my computer, then create a type parameter DWORD DISABLEPERSONALDIRCHANGE. with meaning 1 In chapter
HKCU \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Policies \\ Explorer (do not confuse the My Documents folder with the ActiveX item My Documents ). Now when trying to rename or move the folder will be displayed.

Look at the video on this topic:

Default folder My documents in Windows 7, As in previous versions Stored on a system disk. But it is not always convenient and not as safe as possible. Since in case "fly" operating system or any failure will happen, then we risk losing important data.

To avoid such situations, you need the folder my documents is not stored on the system disk, where we have a system installed, and on some other one. And in this lesson we will deal with the transfer of the "My Documents" folder to another disk.

How to transfer my documents to another disk folder?

We go to the "Start", and click there on the right mouse button on the "documents", in the contextual menu that appears, select the item "Properties".

In the window that opens, we can see Kakai on this moment The path and disk is used to store the My Documents folder, there is a check mark.

To change it, you need to click on the "Add folder" button.

And in the window that opens, specify the folder we want to use to store our documents in the future. I choose a folder on the disk (D :) - "My Documents" and click "Add Folder".

Now, I also had this folder in the list here to make it default for saving documents, you need to highlight it and click just below the " Set folder to save».

Now the tick is standing next to her, it says that it is this folder that the path specified by us will be used to store my documents.

A couple more strokes that need to be done. Click on the default folder right-click and select Up Context Menu.

And so we will have a folder in the top.

Do not forget to click "Apply" and "OK" button so that all changes made to take effect.

By the way, the paths to other folders that are not used can be safely removed in order not to be confused, and if necessary, they can be restored through the " Restore default values».

And only after everything is saved, we can check that everything works. I will create a "Vordovsky" document, I will write there anything and try to save.

Press the save button and in the window that opens in the left menu select "Documents" and click the "Save" button.

Now I go to the "My Documents" address, the path that we indicated when the folder is selected. In my case, it is on the disk (D :), the "My Documents" folder. And I see there is a stored document stored by me.

So everything works. This is not a difficult way to transfer the folder of my documents to any other disc in Windows 7.

All modern file Systems allow you to freely move files between folders. You can save the file on the desktop, and then shift it, for example, in the "Documents" folder or transfer to the USB flash drive. In this article we will tell how to move files in Windows.

How to move file dragging

The easiest way to move files is dragging. To move the file, highlight it, hold left button Mouse and drag it to the folder in which you want to put, and then release. This method is convenient to use when the file, and the folder in which you want to put it are in mind. For more complex cases, you can use cutting and insert.

How to move file cut

To move the file to the folder, which currently not in your eyes, select it, press it with the right mouse button and select the "Cut" option. After that, find the folder in which you want to insert the file, click on it right-click and select the "Paste" command. In this method, you can move the file and on the USB flash drive: Cut it out, open your flash drive through the "Computer" window and paste the file to it.

There is an alternative way cutting. To move the file to the disk, USB flash drive or another folder, select it and press on the keyboard + [x]. The file will be cut. Now open the folder or disk to which you want to move the file, and press the + [V] keys. The file will be inserted.

Why do not move files

Finally, we will explain for what reason the movement of files may not work. If you try to move or cut the file, open in some program, you will receive a warning about what to do it is impossible. At the time of operation, the file is blocked, so there are only two ways to put it in another folder: close the application with which it is busy, or copy it. In this case, the original file will remain where it was, and its copy will be inserted into another folder. To copy the file, click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Copy" option or use the + [C] keys, and how to insert files, we have already told above.