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the main  /  Installation and Setup / PROGRAMDATA where is located. How to open ProgramData without displaying hidden files? Why do I need a PROGRAMDATA folder and how to clean it correctly

ProgramData where is located. How to open ProgramData without displaying hidden files? Why do I need a PROGRAMDATA folder and how to clean it correctly

Users who have little space for a system disk internal accumulator, periodically encounter a shortage of memory. And it takes it not an operating system and not software installed, And the directory of ProgramData. What is this folder and why it is needed, described in the article.

Why need

This is a Windows system folder designed to store installation files, data, program parameter files and applications that are on a computer.

Where is and how to find?

Since ProgramData system, it is located at the root of the disk with installed windowsBut by default has the "hidden" attribute. Therefore, it will not be possible to find it through the conductor (this topic is disclosed in more detail in the article "Display hidden folders In Windows 10 "). To see it, open hidden files and folders.

Windows 8, 8.1, 10

This computer → System disk (mainly it is indicated by the letter "C") → Menu View → In the "Show and Hide" block, check the box at the "Hidden Elements" item.

Windows 7.

Computer → System Disk → Press Alt → Menu Service → Folder Settings → Tab View → Block Extra options → Set the switch to "Show hidden files, folders and discs" → OK.

Thereafter folder ProgramData. will appear.

Alternative optionwhich works in all versions of Windows: Enter in the search string% ProgramData% → Enter.

Important! At the end of all actions, do not forget to hide the open elements - it will save you from the inadvertent removal of important documents.

Can I delete content?

The main question is whether you can delete the contents of this folder, because it takes a lot of space? It is possible to make it possible, but remember that ProgramData is a system folder where important files are stored, which may be needed during the computer. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to delete its contents.

For example, some programs (mainly it is anti-virus software) stored in it backups Installation distributions that are requested during damage to the main files. Thanks to this, the application is automatically restored without user participation. If you delete them, the program and computer will fail.

If you still decide to "clean" this directory, first of all, delete folders of those programs that are already uninstalled with PC. But the remaining folders in ProgramData do not touch. I want to "demolish" and them, remember that you do everything at your own risk!

Optimal option To free up free memory on the domestic drive - use the disk cleaning utility or special programs, like CCleaner. To start cleaning the disk:

PCM on the system disk → Properties → Cleaning the disk → Specify the files to be removed by checking them with checkboxes → OK.

If you are a Microsoft insider and install each time windows updates 10, the system disk stored previous builds and setup files OS. They are used in case of a computer failure or if the user rolls back to the previous build. If the device works stably and you know that they do not need them, remove them.

PCM on the system disk → Properties → Cleaning the disk → Clear system files → Install the checkboxes at the points "Previous windows installations"And" Windows settings "→ OK.

Hello dear readers and other visitors blog From this article, you will learn about the assignment, some properties and the possibility of deleting the ProgramData folder present on the system disk in Windows 7, 8 and 10.

Attention to the PROGRAMDATA folder is explained by the fact that this folder takes quite a lot of space on the system disk. At the same time, not all users know what the assignment of the PROGRAMDATA folder, where it is and is it possible to remove it. The latter is especially true for computers with an insufficient system disk.

Today we will deal with all questions regarding the ProgramData folder, and first of all find out how to find it.

How to find the ProgramData folder?

As already mentioned, the ProgramData folder in Windows is on the system disk, in its root. However, by default, this folder is "hidden". To see it, open the system disk (as a rule, disk C) and click on the View menu in the Explorer window.

In the "Show or Hide" section, check in the "Hidden Elements" item, after which the hidden folders of the system disk will be visible, and among them and the ProgramData folder. Opening, using the context menu, the window of its properties, you can make sure that the folder really takes a lot of space on the disk.

Keep in mind that immediately after installing Windows, there is no ProgramData folder on the system disk. It automatically appears there when installing various applications, being the storage of their installation files and some other information. Therefore, if you recently installed the operating system, the ProgramData folder may well be absent on the disk as unnecessary.

Purpose of the ProgramData folder

In the PROGRAMDATA folder, some applications place their installation files. Here you also save these programs and their settings that are common and accessible to all PC users. IN previous versions Windows specified files Stored in the C: / Use / All Users / folder, which is not now, but for compatibility considerations, these files are redirected to the ProgramData folder.

Is it possible to delete the PROGRAMDATA folder?

Delete the ProgramData folder is extremely undesirable. In addition, it is present folder Microsoft, Delete which is impossible. You can only delete only unnecessary files from the folder. However, it is necessary to approach their choice.

It should be remembered that ProgramData is a system folder and deleting some important files can violate the normal operation of the computer. You can release the folder from the remnants of programs uninstalled before, which will allow you to free the disk space. All the rest of the contents of the folder is better not to touch.


For many users, the ProgramData folder is interesting, mainly as an object, at the expense of which you can free an additional place on the disk. However, as we found out, the deletion of some of the files contained in it will not give a great positive effect. The most correct way to release the disk space will be the use of a regular disk cleaning program.

To start it specified ProgramOpen the "Computer" folder and click on the icon of the system disk with the right mouse button. IN context menu Select "Properties", after which the window of the same name must open.

On the General tab of the properties window, click the "Disk Cleaning" button and wait until the program estimates the disk space that you can release, and the "Clearing Disk" window opens.

Click the "Clear System Files" button. After another volume estimate, put ticks in all items section "Delete the following files: "And run the cleaning process by pressing the" OK "button.

After completing the system disk cleaning, check its results using the Properties window. For example, about 0.5 GB of disk space was released as a result of cleaning.

That's all about the ProgramData folder. Now you know why you need this folder that it is stored in it and you can delete it, and you can also clean any partition hard disk via full-time Windows. Thanks for attention.

With questions and additions, please contact the comments. I will definitely answer.

Sincerely, Vladimir (

ProgramData: Where is it, why do you need a folder and can you remove it in Windows 10

Everything windows users Perfectly familiar with the Program Files folder, located on the system disk, in which most applications are installed by default. In the Windows 10, 8 and 7 operating systems, the ProgramData folder may also be present on the system disk. It does not appear immediately after installing Windows, but it is necessary for competent system operation. Delete ProgramData is impossible, and below we will look at what it serves.

How to find a programdata folder

The default ProgramData folder is on the system hard disk, that is, on which the Windows operating system is installed. The folder is located at the root of the disk, but initially it is hidden.

To find the ProgramData folder, you need to go to the root of the system disk and turn on the display of hidden folders and files. In the Windows 10 operating system, this is done in the "View" tab of the window where you want to select "Show or Hide" and install a tick in the "Hidden Elements" item. After that, the ProgramData folder will be visible.

Why do I need a folder ProgramData

IN modern versions operating system Windows Folder ProgramData serves as a repository of general data, such as settings of various applications. All users, regardless of the availability or lack of administrator rights, can turn to information saved in it. This folder It is convenient to use, for example, to store in it templates for editing photos, video, general documents, and so on.

This folder was provided for by Microsoft in the operating system to third-party applications did not store the settings and general files In the Program Files folder, which is systemic and overwrite data in it is unsafe.

Note: in early versions Windows operating system was provided a shared folder For storing documents at:

C: \\ Users (Users) \\ all users

IN this moment From her refused to programdata. Make sure that it is true, quite simple, in address line Explorer need to enter the old address: C: \\ users \\ all users \\. By clicking on ENTER, you will notice that the conductor redesamed you to the ProgramData folder.

Why are PROGRAMDATA folders on disk

If the ProgramData folders are not on the system disk, this may be two reasons:

  • A new operating system is installed on the computer, and at the moment no program has saved the general data in the ProgramData folder, respectively, it has not yet appeared;
  • The display settings disabled hidden files and folders.

Independently create a PROGRAMDATA folder is not required, if necessary, the operating system will make it instead of a user in automatic mode.

Is it possible to delete the ProgramData folder

Remove the ProgramData folder is not recommended. If it is already created, most likely there is already a Microsoft folder that cannot be deleted due to the restrictions of the operating system. In this case, it is possible to erase the extra data from the folder. Removing from ProgramData temporary files of unused applications, you can free a lot of space.

This is especially critical if the operating system, and accordingly, the ProgramData folder is located on a small volume SSD.


Why do I need a PROGRAMDATA folder and how to clean it correctly

woodhummer 1.07.2016 - 21:43 Workshop

Cleaning a system disk from unnecessary filesUsers are faced with the "ProgramData" folder sizes. Consider in more detail what is in it and how to clean it correctly.

What do you need this folder and how to find it

"ProgramData" refers to the system folders and is located at the root of the C drive. The following information is stored:

Note: ProgramData is a hidden folder, to display it, you must enable the appropriate option in Windows Explorer. You can also get to it by entering% ProgramData% in the "Run" window (Win + R).

How to clear the ProgramData folder

You can delete content from this folder, but this should be extremely careful: thanks to the copies of the application files stored here, the application can be automatically restored in case of failures. However, from this folder you can safely remove the "tails" of programs uninstalled from the computer. Best option - Use the system utility to clean the disk.


For manual removal Files from the PROGRAMDATA folder be very attentive!

updated: 07.07.2016

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Why is needed and where is the AppData folder in Windows?

Windows applications often store their data and settings files in the AppData folder. Moreover, APPDATA has a folder of each user of a particular computer. By default, the APPDATA folder is hidden, and you can only see it only displaying hidden files and folders.

How to find a folder appdata

For an account of each user, Windows has its own APPDATA folder, and it contains the data that is the user in the folder of which is located. This makes it possible to programs and windows applications Store several options for settings on a computer that is simultaneously used by several users.

AppData folder (which is a reduction from Application Data) for the first time appeared in Windows Vista. and is present in all modern versions of the operating system: Windows 7, 8 and 10.

You can find AppData in the folder with the user name. So, in the folder of my user named Valery, the AppData folder is located at:

C: \\ Users \\ Valery \\ APPDATA

As mentioned above, by default, this folder is hidden. But if in the address bar file Manager Drive% APPDATA% and press Enter, the application of the current user opens.

Folders Local, Locallow, and Roaming

The AppData folder includes three folders: Local, Locallow, and Roaming. Different programs And applications store different types Settings and your data in each of them.


The Roaming folder consists of data that goes beyond the user from one computer to another, due to their synchronization or if the computer is connected to the domain with roaming profile. Often - these are important data and application settings.

For example, you will find a profile of the user here. Google Chrome., Mozilla Firefox. And Opera in which bookmarks and other browser data are saved, which go along with the computer from the computer to the computer. Also here are some accounts for Viber, Skype, anti-virus programs and virtual machines.


The Local folder stores data that belong to one specific computer. They never synchronize with other PCs, even if the computer is in the domain. These are specific data for a specific computer or large files. It may be cache programs and applications or settings, the synchronization of which developers are not provided.

If the computer is not on the network, then the big difference between the roaming and local folders will not be. All data will be stored only on PC. However, the data of such folders are divided by default developers of applications.


The Locallow folder is designed to save these applications with "low integriti" ("Low Integrity"). Such that work with more limited settings security. It is intended mainly for buffer data generated Internet Explorer., Java and Adobe programs. For example, when using a browser in secure mode or incognito mode, it will only have access to the Locallow folder.

If the program or application requires one set of settings or data for several or all users of the computer, then the ProgramData folder will be used for this. In earlier versions of Windows, the User AppDDATA folder ("All Users") was used.

Antivirus programsFor example, in the ProgramData folder, save scan logs and settings that are common to all users.

But there are exceptions. For example, Google Chrome stores all its settings and user data in the Local folder. Although, theoretically, such data should be stored in the Roaming folder. And such cases are not single.

Thus, some applications store settings in the root folder of the user account folder (C: \\ Users \\ username \\), or in documents (C: \\ Users \\ username \\ Documents). Others, can store their data in any other place of the system. In Windows, application developers have the ability to customize them in such a way that the data will be stored in any convenient location.

Is it necessary to reserve and is it possible to delete these AppData folders

Most Windows users do not even suspect the existence of the APPDATA folder. An ordinary user of the computer to know about it is not necessary. Therefore, it is hidden by default. This folder is designed for storing programs and applications in its service data, and users usually turn to it only in case of extreme need.

In principle, the need to make a backup of the entire folder there is no need. Nevertheless, it stores the entire history of the correspondence of most messengers (as Viber, Skype or Messenger), as well as the history of some browsers (like Google Chrome). In the backup copying of such data, the meaning of course is there.

Conversely, in case of deletion or loss of one of the folders in APPDATA, the user risks lingering access to important data of a particular application.

About "how to restore the history of the browser after cleaning", "how to restore remote story, contacts and password Skype "," How to restore access to Facebook Messenger and save history on Android or Windows Computer", As well as" How to restore the history of chats, contacts and viber files on Android or Windows "How using the AppData folder data is already described in other articles of our blog.

Backup these programs and applications that are stored in AppData often comes down to simple copying They are in another place. In order to restore them, a folder with such data is enough to copy back to the same place of the AppData folder of another or new computer. As a result, the program or application will use data or settings from the created earlier backup.

Just keep in mind that whether the program will correctly use data from the backup depends on the properties of each individual application.


Users who, under the system disk allocate little space on the domestic drive, periodically face a lack of memory. Moreover, it does not occupy its operating system and not installed programs, but director of ProgramData. What is this folder and why it is needed, described in the article.

Why need

This is a Windows system folder designed to store installation files, data, program parameter files and applications that are on a computer.

Where is and how to find?

Since ProgramData is systemic, it is located at the root of the disk from the installed Windows, but the default is the "hidden" attribute. Therefore, it will not be possible to find it through the conductor (this topic is disclosed in more detail in the article "Display of hidden folders in Windows 10"). To see it, open hidden files and folders.

Windows 8, 8.1, 10

This computer → System disk (mainly it is indicated by the letter "C") → Menu View → In the "Show and Hide" block, check the box at the "Hidden Elements" item.

Windows 7.

Computer → System Disk → Press Alt → Menu Service → Folder Settings → View tab → Block Advanced parameters → Set the switch to "Show hidden files, folders and discs" → OK.

After that, the ProgramData folder will appear.

An alternative that works in all versions of Windows: Enter in the search string% ProgramData% → Enter.

Important! At the end of all actions, do not forget to hide the open elements - it will save you from the inadvertent removal of important documents.

Can I delete content?

The main question is whether you can delete the contents of this folder, because it takes a lot of space? It is possible to make it possible, but remember that ProgramData is a system folder where important files are stored, which may be needed during the computer. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to delete its contents.

For example, some programs (mainly it is anti-virus software) store backups of the installation distributions that are requested during damage to the main files. Thanks to this, the application is automatically restored without user participation. If you delete them, the program and computer will fail.

If you still decide to "clean" this directory, first of all, delete folders of those programs that are already uninstalled with PC. But the remaining folders in ProgramData do not touch. I want to "demolish" and them, remember that you do everything at your own risk!

Cleaning free memory

The optimal option for freeing free memory on the domestic drive is to use a disk cleaning utility or special programs, like CCleaner. To start cleaning the disk:

PCM on the system disk → Properties → Cleaning the disk → Specify the files to be removed by checking them with checkboxes → OK.

If you are the Microsoft insider and install Windows 10 updates each time, the previous assemblies and installation files of the OS are stored on the system disk. They are used in case of a computer failure or if the user rolls back to the previous build. If the device works stably and you know that they do not need them, remove them.

All Windows users are perfectly familiar with the Program Files folder located on the system disk, which most applications are installed by default. In the Windows 10, 8 and 7 operating systems, the ProgramData folder may also be present on the system disk. It does not appear immediately after installing Windows, but it is necessary for competent system operation. Delete ProgramData is impossible, and below we will look at what it serves.

How to find a programdata folder

The default ProgramData folder is on the system hard disk, that is, on which the Windows operating system is installed. The folder is located at the root of the disk, but initially it is hidden.

To find the ProgramData folder, you need to go to the root of the system disk and turn on the display of hidden folders and files. In the Windows 10 operating system, this is done in the "View" tab of the window where you want to select "Show or Hide" and install a tick in the "Hidden Elements" item. After that, the ProgramData folder will be visible.

Why do I need a folder ProgramData

In modern versions of the Windows operating system, the PROGRAMDATA folder serves as a repository of common data, such as settings of various applications. All users, regardless of the availability or lack of administrator rights, can turn to information saved in it. This folder is convenient to use, for example, to store templates for editing photos, video, general documents, and so on.

This folder was provided for by Microsoft in the operating system so that third-party applications stored the settings and general files in the Program Files folder, which is systemic and overwrite data in it is unsafe.

Note: In earlier versions of the Windows operating system, a shared folder for storing documents is provided to the address:

C: \\ Users (Users) \\ all users

At the moment, they refused to programdata. Make sure this is true, quite simple, in the address bar of the conductor you need to enter the old address: C: \\ Users \\ all users \\. By clicking on ENTER, you will notice that the conductor redesamed you to the ProgramData folder.

Why are PROGRAMDATA folders on disk

If the ProgramData folders are not on the system disk, this may be two reasons:

  • A new operating system is installed on the computer, and at the moment no program has saved the general data in the ProgramData folder, respectively, it has not yet appeared;
  • The display settings disabled the display of hidden files and folders.

You do not need to create the ProgramData folder yourself, if necessary, the operating system will make it instead of a user in automatic mode.

Is it possible to delete the ProgramData folder

Remove the ProgramData folder is not recommended. If it is already created, most likely there is already a Microsoft folder that cannot be deleted due to the restrictions of the operating system. In this case, it is possible to erase the extra data from the folder. Removing from ProgramData temporary files of unused applications, you can free a lot of space.

This is especially critical if the operating system, and accordingly, the ProgramData folder is located on a small volume SSD.

Most of the ordinary users of computers and laptops running on windows-basedRarely refer to specialized system components, including the ProgramData directory. What the PROGRAMDATA folder in Windows 7 or in any other modification of the operating system, not everyone knows, especially since it is reliably hidden from the eye of users, even having administrator rights. Questions appear only when a free space begins to decrease in the system section, and to install new programs or even for the correct operation of the OS itself (and for this you need a minimum of 10-15% of the total) it is not enough. As it turns out, partly in reducing the free space is to blame the described directory. Where to find the ProgramData folder on Windows 7 or in other versions that it is located in it, and whether it is possible to get enough to get rid of its contents, then we'll see. But to start briefly focus on common characteristics of this object.

What is the ProgramData folder in Windows 7 and above?

First of all, you need to clearly understand that this catalog is one of the most important system componentsIn which the installed programs store their own data regarding and the initial installation, and some of the settings applied after installation. In addition, here you can find important components reserved software For the possibility of rapid restoration of its performance, which most applies to the antivirus software. Finally, the PROGRAMDATA directory also serves as a kind of storage of some templates that can be used by all registered users, regardless of the access level installed for each of them.

Where is the PROGRAMDATA folder in Windows 7 and above?

The directory itself is usually located exclusively in the root of the system partition (disk), but it is not possible to see it among those present components. So where the ProgramData folder in Windows 7, how to view its contents?

This object is initially hidden, so in the same "conductor" to display it first, you must first use the section section, then enable the display of hidden folders and files in the list of settings (sometimes you may need to activate the display of hidden system elements and disks).

In the eighth and tenth windows version You can use the activation of the display item of hidden elements, which is located directly on the main panel at the top.

The main components present in the catalog

What the PROGRAMDATA folder in Windows 7 figured out a bit. But for a complete understanding of its purpose and roles in the operating system, it is necessary to dwell on the description of everything that can be in this directory.

After opening, this directory immediately striking invested folders with long names containing incomprehensible combinations of letters and numbers. If you look carefully, many may figure out that in something such names are reminded what can be seen in the system registry. Yes, indeed, it is, however, inside such directories you can find the most installation files that were used just with the first installation installation.

There are also references in the form of labels, for example, on custom folders Documents, "Desktop", Templates, Main menu, etc. In addition, the registry keys corresponding to the DirectX platform user profiles and links to the Application Data directories are stored here.

Is it possible to delete a folder or its contents for cleaning disk space?

What the ProgramData folder in Windows 7 and other OS modifications and which information is presented in it is understandable. But after all, the main questions concern exactly the possibility of removing its contents. How unsafe is it? By and large, it is not recommended to delete manually. Exception can only be folders and files related to those programs that were accurately removed from the computer, and, apparently, exclusively windows toolsSince such tools residual components are able to remove not always. For example, you used to use the iTunes application, then as unnecessary to it uninstalled, but the Apple folder remained in the ProgramData directory. There are no questions - delete.

But to ensure the most secure content cleaning, it is still better to use either Windows tools ( standard cleaning Disc I. system files), either apply optimizer programs like CCleaner, Advanced Systemcare and the like. Only in this case there is a guarantee that the performance of the system will not be broken (especially since the parent directory is very closely related to the catalogs of Program Files and AppData). And do not believe the posts on the Internet, in which it is argued that someone allegedly deleted the main folder, and then the system worked as a clock. This is absolute not true.

With each exit new version Windows its file system is increasingly complicated. There are new files and folders not very understandable to the destination user.

Also happened with the operating room windows system 7, the structure of the directories of which has undergone significant changes. On the network, more and more articles appear explaining the functions of a file or folder. We pursue the same goal.

The subject of our note is the purpose of the folder called ProgramData. Is it necessary to be interested in ordinary computer to be interested in such things? What is the benefit of this? It turns out - yes, you need. This information may be needed at the most unexpected moment. For example, if the next system failure is detected.

Knowledge of destination system folders It is necessary and in order to accidentally not erase with a hard disk anything very important, some vital-needed directory.

If your computer has not started after the next, free or involuntary, manipulations with file system - do not be surprised.

Not knowing at least the most common features of the system organization, it is impossible to competently optimize its work. For example, the presence of directories with temporary data stored there with a variety of programs can lead to a decrease in the performance of the entire system. We will fly away from abstractions and engage in the ProgramData folder.

Assigning a suspicious folder

Only a very lazy user knows what is system registry. It stores a variety of auxiliary information necessary for the proper operation of the operating system and each individual application.

Not all programs retain their settings in it, but most of the programs are exactly the same. This behavior has an alternative - to store configuration parameters in ordinary text filesBut with another extension (usually.ini).

There was a time when the configuration and the "windows itself" continued in the ini files, but later the developers moved away from such practices. In Linux they do this today. So, the "ProgramData" folder is used by the "seven" about the same purpose.

Mass is kept here useful information On the configuration of individual applications, as well as some of their components, for example, installers. Deleting the contents of the directory is fraught with different unpleasant consequences up to the loss of operations applications.

Something stored in this folder antiviruses. The contents of the directory consists of subdirectories with names that match the names of specific applications. If the application itself is removed, then you can get rid of the subdirectory corresponding to it. If not - then the subdirectory is better not to touch. Now you know about ProgramData in Windows 7 and what is the folder.