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How to activate the service happy time beeline. Bonuses "Happy time" from Beeline

Mobile operator Beeline quietly closed with fanfare the loyalty program launched three years ago Happy time». Apparent reasons- lost specific monetary benefits of the player, the need for which outweighed the hard-to-calculate loyalty of subscribers.

The “Happy Time” loyalty program has lived for exactly three years. Operator's explanation: new discount systems have appeared, and this platform is outdated and may be restarted.

Having started earlier than others, in the 2000s, with the co-branding program "Malina" and with the High Light Club for highly profitable subscribers, "Beeline" yielded to MTS and "MegaFon" in terms of the launch time of the classic bonus program. He introduced understandable and convenient rules for the mass market only in the summer of 2013 - see the material on the site - as the next stage of the “turn towards the client”. The new CEO, Mikhail Slobodin, who proclaimed this strategy in 2012, struggled with the outflow so much, and on the eve of MNP made a high stake on Happy Time.

As of August 2, 2016 - Beeline's website does not keep pace with marketers. The button "Become ..." leads to the page "Connection closed"

The essence of the program is a discount on communication depending on the length of service of the subscriber in the company. With each spending on communication services - the accrual of bonuses to him. With an experience of up to 6 months - 5%, then up to a year - 8%, up to 2 years - 10%, up to 3 years - 12%, more than 3 years - 15%.

The returned money could be spent on a monthly fee (except for a direct number), calls, Internet, SMS / MMS with other restrictions such as roaming (even on-net), and others. Additional services, for example, the extension of Internet traffic on package tariffs.

It is quite easy to calculate the lost profit of the operator thanks to these numbers. You can take a particular example. In particular, the co-author of this material once a month used the service of obtaining an additional 1 GB of Internet traffic at his tariff of the "Vse" line. The cost of the service is 95 rubles or 95 bonuses - the choice was always made in favor of the latter option, since the experience allowed. Thus, the operator lost about 1.1 thousand rubles a year. You can scale this figure to cover the country and multiply, for example, by 1 million.

The program was launched at that time by the director of mass marketing of Beeline, Yulia Koneva (at the end of 2015, she moved to McDonald's - editor's note), who was previously engaged in loyalty programs in other large companies... To the favorite question of news agencies: “how much money does such a system bring to the operator”, she replied that “the effectiveness of loyalty programs cannot be counted, and here the result is different, in loyalty itself”. In private conversations, the operator's representatives admitted that the profitability of such projects is questionable - and this was understandable from analogues in other companies, whose experience was brought with her then by Mrs. Koneva. But the issues of subscriber retention at that time outweighed other arguments.

Facebook "Beeline" from July 26, 2016

Someone learned about the closure of the program for prepaid subscribers from SMS, someone from Beeline's social networks and its official website - there were no official messages from the company for the general public.

In order to comply with the requirements of the law to notify of changes 10 days in advance, the company's website announced on July 19, 2016 that the accumulated bonuses can be spent until July 31: “Our new products allow you to save more than Happy Time. It became clear that it was time to modernize it and add personalized offers, partner promotions and other features. But it takes time and a new technology platform. Therefore, we decided to close the current one and focus on creating a new one, ”explains the operator.

Screenshot of the "Personal Account" of the once "happy" subscriber of "Beeline"

As a bonus, loyal subscribers after August 1 were offered a 10% discount on smartphones in their own stores, the promotion lasts until September 30, 2016.

It is worth noting that Happy Time was also closing for post-payers. From February 21, 2016, participation in the program had to be activated monthly by USSD request, and the system applied a discount to the next invoice. It was impossible to save the discount by switching to postpaid, because the connection of new "lucky ones" to the program was closed.

In FB Beeline for August 2, 2016 there is a correspondence of the subscriber with support:

It is a pity that the bonus program is no longer working. And the crisis touched you?))

And he too. The program is closing because we have released many offers that allow you to save money, such as "All for the family" and "All in one".

What will it strive for (if any) new platform, you can look at the examples of MTS and Aeroflot. Following world practices, their bonuses are not only communication services, but more convertible value. In the summer, MTS even announced bonuses for connecting auto payments (500 for each type; for comparison, for 400 you can get a charm - a non-precious piece of jewelry such as a pendant or an element for a bracelet). True, the press service of MTS did not receive a response to the publication's inquiry about the prospects for the development of the loyalty program.

The press service of MegaFon reminded that their loyalty program MegaFon Bonus allows active subscribers to receive discounts, bonus minutes, SMS and megabytes, as well as accumulate Aeroflot miles. But comment further development programs also did not.

For all users of tariff plans, the popular operator has launched a new premium promotion, which not only helps to save money, but at the same time get even more opportunities for communication with a significant decrease in the level of costs!

Actual way of saving

For the convenience of using mobile communications, a bonus program "Happy Beeline Time" was created. Its main essence is the return of the money spent to pay for the connection as points for the purchase of packages provided by the provider. The number of accumulative points that will be credited directly depends on the time of using Beeline's mobile communication.

Receiving bonus accruals

The main and at the same time the only condition for participation in the action is to be a user of the Beeline provider. The longer, and also the more you use the offered goods of the operator mobile network, the more income you get. Consider the size of the accrued Beeline Happy Time points:

  • use up to 6 months - 5%;
  • from six months to a year - 8%;
  • from one to two years - 10%;
  • from two to three years - 12%;
  • more than three years - 15%.

Interesting! You can find out the exact time during which you are a user of the Beeline network in personal cabinet, as well as in the office serving consumers of the provider's products, or using the application "My Beeline".

Connection of the action

In order to activate the "Happy Beeline Time" bonuses, use one of the following actions:

  • send a request from the phone: asterisk (*), seven hundred and sixty-seven (767), hash (#) and press the call button;
  • make a call to the number "zero seven six seven" (0767);
  • using the "Personal Account" or by using the application.

After that, the personal account, on which the received bonus bonuses "Happy Beeline Time" will be accumulated, will become active.

Earning points

You can take advantage of Beeline Happy Time bonuses by paying mobile communication operator - this means the subscription fee for the provided minutes, calls and SMS messages, Internet traffic. It is important to remember that the list of payments that bring gift accruals does not include:

  • payment of fines, payment of utility bills or other similar payments;
  • calls or SMS addressed to other countries;
  • funds spent while in roaming.

Use of accrued points

In the Beeline network, payment with bonuses "" applies to calls, SMS and MMS messages, high-speed Internet packages. To do this, you need to order the service using the * 789 # command and the call button. Within thirty calendar days, points will be deducted from your account, and after their expiration, funds will already be spent from the main account. After the expiration of the term, the service must be reactivated. Also, using the USSD command asterisk (*), seven-six-seven (767), asterisk (*), two (2), hash (#) and the call button, you can check the amount of gift receipts on your balance.

Additional features

You can spend Beeline Happy Time bonuses by ordering promotional packages of our provider's products.

  1. "100 sms in international roaming"- the cost of 295 bonuses (bb) for 30 days. To order, call 06740487.
  2. "" (Reduced rates) - 25 extra. balls, call by phone 06740486.
  3. "" (Additional Internet traffic package) - 250 bb, call - 06740488.
  4. "Extend speed 4 Gb" (the traffic package, like "Extend speed by 1 Gb", is not valid in the roaming area) - 500 bb, order - 06740489.

Carefully! Points are stored for six months from the moment they are generated on the balance sheet. Older points are used first. But after six months they burn out.

Transfer of bonuses to another subscriber

There is also such an option as the transfer of "Happy Beeline Time" bonuses. This subscriber to whom you want to transfer points must also be a member of this program.

All you need is:

  • send a request to the number * 767 #;
  • indicate the phone number of the recipient of the transfer additional funds in ten-digit form (no plus seven (+7) or eight (8));
  • confirm the action using the code received in the text message.

Important! The minimum amount for your transfer is ten points, and the maximum is three thousand (this is also the daily maximum). The term for using the funds received is thirty days. After this time, they disappear from your account.

Many of us are accustomed to the fact that most mobile operators always have a name associated with the word "bonus" in one way or another. But Beeline simply does not have any information on the network about this. The thing is that this operator communication bonus program for its subscribers in Russia has a different name - "Happy Time".

How to register in the Beeline bonus program

It is very easy to register your number in the bonus program and you can do it using one of the following methods:

  • send USSD command *767# ;
  • call on toll free number ;
  • enter Personal Area and connect Beeline bonus(instructions for registering in your Beeline account).

What can you spend Beeline Bonus points on?

If you are already a member of the program in Russia, then you can easily spend your points for various rewards:

  • activate the service "My Country" for 25 bonuses for 30 days by number;
  • activate the option "My Intercity" for 55 bonuses for a period of 30 days by calling;
  • add the service "My Planet" for only 25 bonuses for 30 days -;
  • activate "100 SMS in international roaming" for yourself for 295 bonuses / 30 days by number;
  • Internet lovers are dedicated to the option "Extend the speed of 1 GB" for 100 bonuses -;
  • another service for Internet users - "Extend the speed of 3 GB" for just 200 bonuses is activated by number;
  • get a discount of up to 10% in Beeline communication salons by exchanging your bonus points for it;
  • send your bonuses to another subscriber of the company. To do this, dial * 767 #, indicate the number to whom to send and the amount in points (from 10 to 3000 per day) and confirm the operation with an SMS code;
  • if you do not choose a reward, then the Beeline Bonus will be spent on the main connection, SMS, MMS or on Mobile Internet, spent in the same way as money on the main balance.

You can always find out the balance of Beeline Bonus points by the combination * 767 #.

Do you want to receive bonuses just for using mobile services? Beeline provides an opportunity to communicate with other subscribers, while bonus points are accumulated on the balance. Bonuses from Beeline are the ability to receive additional useful services or gifts for the usual use of cellular communications.

Participants of the bonus program from Beeline are awarded bonuses in proportion to their expenses for cellular communications. If you communicate a lot on the phone and often use the Internet, then you will receive more points than other subscribers and you will have a chance to receive a more significant gift from Beeline. You always have the opportunity to spend bonuses at your discretion.

If you want to start receiving bonuses, then you need to do the following:

  1. First, you need to type the command *767# ... After that, the operator will send you a notification that you have become a member of the bonus program. Connection to the program is free of charge.
  2. You can confirm your participation in the program by calling 0674777 .
  3. Top up your balance as you spend on mobile communications.
  4. The accumulation of points will occur in proportion to the amount of replenishment of the account, as well as the time that you are a Beeline client.
  5. For those customers who have long been using the services of the Beeline operator, the number of bonuses accrued can be 15% of a one-time account replenishment.

Bonus account management

You can control the number of bonuses through USSD requests or in your Personal Account. If you need to check the number of bonus points, then you need to use the command *106# ... The phone display will show information about the number of points and connected bonus services.

If you have joined the Happy Time program, then the balance is checked by the team *767# ... You can also transfer points to another Beeline subscriber using this command.

How are bonuses from Beeline accrued?

After you enable the function of accumulating bonuses, they will be credited to your account by default for sending messages, making calls and using the Internet. The operator's website has all the official procedure, respectively, with which bonuses are accrued. First of all, the subscriber's expenses are calculated per month. Further, the summation of all services and options that are connected to the number is carried out. After these operations, bonuses are accrued from the total amount spent.

How can I spend points?

Subscribers can use bonuses in several ways

Beeline also provides its subscribers with the opportunity to choose one of the prizes:

  1. A package of minutes for communication in cellular network Beeline.
  2. Additional traffic for Internet access.
  3. SMS messages to operator numbers.
  4. Replacing your number with any one you like.

Additional Information

  1. The promotional offer to pay for equipment is valid only if the bonuses are used in official service centers companies.
  2. At least 10 points per day, and maximum 3 thousand.
  3. Bonuses are valid only within 30 calendar days from the date of their accumulation. The account can have no more than 10 thousand points.

"Happy time"

Depending on the amount that you spend on replenishing your mobile account, you can spend the accumulated points together with the "Happy Time" service:

  1. If you became a subscriber of the Beeline cellular network less than six months ago, then you will be credited with a bonus of 5% of the top-up amount.
  2. If you use Beeline from half a year to a year, then you can get 8%.
  3. In the case when the subscriber uses the services mobile operator from one to two years, then he will be credited with 10%.
  4. Subscribers who have been connected to Beeline for 2-3 years will receive 12%.
  5. When using Beeline mobile services for more than 3 years, the subscriber will be reimbursed 15%.

You can activate or deactivate the service by calling 0767 .

Happy Time is a loyalty program, a service for Beeline subscribers, with which you can receive bonuses and spend them at your discretion (for example, on other mobile network services). It is also possible not to use bonuses right away, but to accumulate a certain amount of them and receive a large prize. There are many advantages, the key of which is saving up to 15% of funds on communications per month.

Description of the tariff "Happy Time"

The number of points directly depends on the "loyalty" of the subscriber of the Beeline network (the longer the SIM card of this network is in use, the more points accumulate):

How to activate Happy Time?

To activate this program, you can use several methods:

  1. Log in to the operator's website, register (if this has not been done earlier), go to the user's personal account and press the button for connecting the service;
  2. Call 767;
  3. dial the command - USSD request * 767 # .

All requests, calls and other commands for connecting the service are free for Beeline subscribers. After accumulation bonuses will be automatically used after they are accrued.

When using this loyalty program, you can apply for which, over the last 3 months, you need to spend on average more than 1,500 rubles for communication services. This status is activated for 1 year, and then it is automatically renewed if the expenses correspond to the same characteristics.

If the subscriber no longer wants to be a subscriber of the Happy Time service, he can send a USSD request * 767 * 0 # or go to the site in the settings in your personal account.

How to check the amount of accumulated bonuses?

To check bonus balance, you need to enter the request * 767 * 2 # or go to the portal to your personal account.

It is important to remember that bonuses are not awarded and will not be received for the following operations:

  • if mobile commerce services have been paid for, in particular, payment of utility bills, and other services of third-party organizations);
  • services "Beeline" of informational and entertainment nature;
  • mobile transfers;
  • messages and calls to other states;
  • messages and calls in roaming;
  • when using the service "".

How to spend bonuses?

They can be used when using communication services: for calls, subscription fees, messages, Internet. Free calls are the main direction of using bonuses. In addition, bonuses can be paid at Beeline offices when purchasing equipment (part of its full cost). You can also pay with bonuses for the fact of switching to another tariff plan or give them to any subscriber.

The service is valid for 30 days, after which the debiting of bonuses is terminated and they are accumulated again until the debiting option is reactivated.

If the bonuses are over, communication services are paid by the account balance. If, when the function of writing off bonuses is enabled, they have accumulated again, then they are automatically spent on communication services.

Bonuses are written off in the order of their accrual, i.e. those that were previously displayed on the personal account are debited faster. Their life expectancy is 6 months after the personal account (they will burn out after this period, if not spent).

How to transfer bonuses to another subscriber?

  1. dial USSD request * 767 # ;
  2. point out telephone number the addressee of bonuses in the format 90XXXXXXXX and the amount to be presented;
  3. enter received via SMS secret code to confirm the transfer operation.

How to pay with Beeline bonuses for other services?

In addition, points are paid for the following services:

  • "100 SMS in international roaming" (valid for 30 days, cost of 295 bonuses): connected by number 06740487;
  • "1 GB" (value of 250 bonuses): connected by number 06740488;
  • "Extend the speed of 4 GB" (the cost of 500 bonuses): connect by number 06740489.

Subscribers with a credit method of settlements can receive a discount on their monthly invoice, which is valid for 30 days in relation to expenses exclusively for mobile communications: calls, subscription fees, SMS, Internet. The discount must be activated before invoicing USSD request *805# at the same time, it applies to the invoice nearest to the invoice. You don't have to use it every month. If 3 monthly bills are not paid with a discount, then you can get one of the gifts: 500 MB of Internet, 60 minutes to the local network, a 10% discount on the purchase of phones and smartphones in the Beeline office.