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Android does not connect to WiFi authentication error. Ways to correct authentication errors when connecting to WiFi on OS "Android

While connecting to a Wi-Fi-channel device on mobile android platformThere may be different problems that are the most common among which is WiFi authentication error.

Most often, problems arise due to incorrect settings in or in the router mode, as well as a channel that is selected for the Wi-Fi network. When you try to connect to the network using a tablet or phone on Android you can see some errors.

WiFi (Android)

This is the problem of authentication, in which the designation is usually "disabled", and the device to wi-Fi network Not connected.

This device often advocates a smartphone, however, the WiFi authentication error on the tablet is spread in a nursing degree.

Infinite receipt of IP addresses

Connection status is as follows: "Get an IP address" or "Connection". However, the device does not connect to the network. As you can see, the WiFi authentication error is not the only one, although the common one.

Error "Saved, protected WPA \\ WPA2"

The Android OS device is connected to the router by Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work anyway. In the browser, sites do not open. Based in such cases, the network level indicator is inactive (for example, gray, and used to be blue). Next, we will try to figure out how WiFi authentication, and also eliminate all the problems described above.

Solution of problems

Before proceeding to make changes to some settings, we just advise you to reload your device that refuses to connect.

There is a chance that we are dealing with some kind of failure, and the device reboot will help. If it did not help, let's consider other options. In the event that everything was previously connected, but now it does not want (and you have not changed no settings), we recommend changing the channel to work with wireless network. Perhaps a new router appeared nearby, whose network made an interference for the usual connection.

This can be done most often in the "Wireless" tab ("Wireless Network"). Or elsewhere where you usually set up the wireless network settings. Procedure Next: Change the channel number, save the settings, restart the router, then try to connect.

The device is connected, but the Internet still does not work

You see the status "connected". It seems that everything is true, but the Internet still does not work. First of all, you need to make sure that the network is really present on the router. Often, a similar problem occurs during the first to connect some other device to Wi-Fi. In the event that it connects, but the Internet will refuse to work, most likely, we have a problem with incorrectly specified settings on the router. If another device goes into the network, try our other tips in action.

WiFi Authentication Error: Details

If you can see an error on the phone screen, which gives the "Authentication" message, most likely we are talking about problems associated with incorrectly specified security settings, or with an incorrect password.

While writing a password, stick to the specified letter of letters. If the password you enter correctly, check the settings for security. Install the WPA2 security type. Password Indicate exactly 8 characters. In addition, try changing your wireless network mode. You can change it in the same place where we chose the channel (router settings).

Reboot the router and save the settings after each introduced change.

It is also worth checking the settings of the region. Specify the country in which you are. Check if it works specified device with other wi-Fi dots. It is possible that the problem is enclosed in a tablet or phone.

And if the virus?

We did not mention above that the WiFi authentication error may arise due to violations system files and dynamic libraries with various malicious programs (simply speaking, viruses) that attack your mobile device.

In this case, immediately apply comprehensive measures to combat specified error. There are several programs that can solve such problems without special time costs. Just follow all instructions antivirus program After running it. Use only proven applications, and then the likelihood of all sorts of failures in the mobile device (including the definition of a wireless network) will significantly decrease.

Perhaps we described the decision not for all problems with connecting to Wi-Fi, however, they tried to stay in the most common situations. For more detailed information Contact your provider or in a service center.

WiFi authentication error on Android is a fairly widespread error when the message "Saved, WPA / WPA2 protection appears. Unfortunately, not every user understands what it means, and how to eliminate it. At the same time to decide to decide, why it arises. Therefore, to start, you should answer the question of what WiFi authentication is.

WiFi authentication error on android phone Or the tablet is to check the security key. This check Need to increase network security. The fact is that the point access WiFi. It has a sufficiently large radius of action, due to which not only trusted faces can be connected to it, but also intruders.

To prevent unauthorized connection, use data encryption technology. Therefore, to connect to the network, we need to enter a password.

Why an authentication error appears

There are two reasons why WiFi authentication error may occur on android devices When connecting to the network:

  • Incorrectly entered key.
  • Non-compliance with data encryption.

WiFi security password and encryption type are configured in the router parameters. Therefore, on android, it is only important to closely monitor the correctness of the key input. No need to make no settings on the tablet or smartphone.

It should be noted that in addition to the above reasons why Android does not connect to the WiFi network and an authentication error appears, other problems associated with the instability of the router itself may occur.

Causes of WiFi Authentication Error: Video

The fact is that access points, especially budget models, can hob and give failures. Such failures may entail malfunctions on the provider line, failures in the power supply network, overload with a large number of subscribers.

Also rolling can occur as a result of long-term download. big files At high speed. In any case, it is eliminated by simply rebooting the router. Sometimes it may be necessary to re-set the router.

Solving the problem of authentication

So, if you have an authentication problem wiFi networks On Android, first of all should check the correctness of the key. To do this, enter wiFi settings On the device with android.

How to enter WiFi settings on the tablet with Android: video

This will allow you to see the entered characters. Carefully check the correctness of the key. If the password is entered correctly, but still an WiFi authentication error will appear on Android devices, you should enter the router settings and check the type of encryption.

Setting the encryption type in the router parameters

In order to enter the router parameters, you need to connect to it. You can do it using a laptop or stationary computerBoth WiFi and cable. After connecting, open the browser and in address line We prescribe an access point. As a rule, the address of the device is indicated on the case, in the instructions or box. In addition, it can be viewed in the network control panel.

A fairly common phenomenon. At the same time, users cannot connect the tablet or smartphone to Wi-Fi, despite the use of standard router settings and properly entered password, which represents greater difficulty, prevents the normal operation of the mobile gadget. Such a problem is easy to decide, possessing certain knowledge. It is enough to change some settings so that the mobile device can be connected to a wireless network. Frequently, users face a situation when they just purchased tablet are not displayed available connections Either it is impossible to establish a connection. At the same time, Internet access is needed to set up a mobile gadget, install applications, updates, without which the device will not perform its functions. We recommend carefully change all parameters. wireless connection To the network, not to reset properly installed router settings. Any rapid action can lead to the need to flash the router.

Solving an authentication problem when connecting a tablet or smartphone to a Wi-Fi router

Authentication when connected to wireless connection It is the definition of the device and its parameters. It is necessary for the purpose of security - only in this way other people will not be able to take advantage of your online connection. On the other hand, the authentication "defines" is how compatible settings that are used for wireless connections are compatible.

Security is provided by the user introduction of the correct password. In this case, all the router settings must be specified in such a way that the tablet or smartphone can accept the connection, which will open its owner the ability to use the Internet.

Authentication errors arise in three cases. The first implies the erroneous insertion of the password. Since it does not require changing any parameters, we recommend accurately make sure that you have entered the combination correctly. If the key is specified correctly, the connection did not become active, it means that the reason lies in incorrect data encryption. It is often enough to simply change the type of data encryption so that authentication errors do not occur.

The third reason lies in the incorrect operation of the router itself. Such a problem often occurs on budget modelsbecause the quality of the device is known depends on the price. In addition, the signals of a large number of budget routers that work on standard settingsmay "overlap". This is primarily the cause of the interruption of the signal is not during authentication, but during the use of the connection. Often incorrect work The router may occur due to the load on one device, the technical fault of the provider, the large volume of the loaded in this moment Files at high speed. Sometimes electricity interruptions can cause authentication problems and the inability to connect to the Internet.

Wi-Fi authentication error is very simple. Users of mobile devices based on android will see the message "Saved, WPA / WPA2 protection" or "Authentication Error". It should be noted that the most often such a problem occurs on smartphones, and not on tablets. In any case, the task of each user is to configure the router in such a way that such errors do not occur. They deliver a big inconvenience, especially at the moments when urgently need to use the Internet.

What to do to the user before making changes to the parameters? First of all, we recommend to make sure that you use the correct network name and correctly enter the password. If everything is true, but the connection is inactive, try to restart the router by shutting down and then turn on the network. On many devices there is a button for resetting the settings. We do not recommend using RESET, as this will make it necessary to fully customize the router.

We change the sacrament of the compound

There are only 14 sacred connections. And the fourteenth sacrament is used for military purposes. IN Russian Federation, Ukraine is allowed to apply 13 sacraments for extension. Often, the routers of one manufacturer choose a specific channel by default. We recommend checking such a parameter and set a new value for it.

To do this, open the browser and enter the numbers "". After that, press ENTER. Next, you need to enter a login and password to access the router web client. Such information is contained in the instructions for the device. After that you can see the settings of the router. You should go to the Wireless tab. On the tab you can see the Channel parameter. For ease of use of a wireless network on smartphones and tablets, you must set the AUTO setting. It will automatically select the channel depending on what load on a different channel. Do not forget to reboot the router after changing the parameter.

It should be noted that such a change will help solve the problem of authentication if mobile devices find a lot of connections to the wireless network. This situation is common in offices and apartment buildings.

The password and network name are of great importance when connecting to Wi-Fi on tablets and smartphones. The network name should not contain the following characters: \\, |, /, $, &:,%. We also do not recommend using hyphens and dash. As for the password, it is desirable that it fully consisted of numbers. The combinations allowed alphabetic symbols, but many users who encountered the problem of device authentication, recommend using numerical combinations.

To change the name of the network and password, you will need access to the web client of the router. After that, go to the Wireless tab, find the SSID1 parameter and change it. Password change also easy. You must first activate the Wireless tab, then go to Wireless Security. Password PSK is the one key that needs to be entered when connected to wireless Internet. After making a change, you must restart the router.

Encryption type

We recommend this setting to be performed simultaneously with the change of connection name and password. The optimal and reliable today is the WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK connection. This setting should be installed in the Wireless Security section.

After that, you need to check the Version parameter. It is desirable that the version of the AUTO security standard is installed. It can solve the problem on old devices, which simply do not know how to work with the WPA2-PSK standard. Sometimes on new devices, the version of the operating system firmware does not allow you to support WPA2-PSK. The encryption type allows the device to use the WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK2 simultaneously. It is supported by all modern mobile gadgets and is more advanced settings than WPA2-PSK.

Tablet firmware and root access

Often an authentication error when connecting to Wi-Fi may occur if there are problems with the version of the tablet firmware or smartphone. This applies to whose users have made changes to. In some cases, users cannot connect to a wireless network if the operating system version is not authentic.

Any firmware contains drivers that are responsible for the module. wireless communication. The unauthentic version of the operating system, respectively, can use inappropriate drivers that impede normal connection. In such cases, we recommend to correct authentication error. Choose only high-quality firmware. Previously read the reviews of people who have already installed the software on their gadget. But this decision will only suit those who made sure that there are no other options to correct the problem.

Authentication errors during the connection of the tablet or smartphone to Wi-Fi are not rare. At the same time, the solution to the problem is to change the settings of the router, checking the correctness of the password entering or changing the firmware. In any case, if such situations occur, the easiest option is to restart the router and double-check the combination when connected. Before changing the type of data encryption and other parameters, you need to make sure that it does not entail other router failures.

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Often quite many users working under mobile operating systemsFights with an unpleasant situation when the device is issued an authentication error when connecting to a wireless network. Equally, such problems can be attributed to stationary systems, but it is precisely in them the failures of this kind are much less common. For them, the troubleshooting methodology will be proposed separately, but still focus on Android devices. It is to them that the appearance of this failure is most often. Accordingly, the proposed techniques for eliminating such situations are mainly calculated on mobile, and not stationary systems, although they cannot be discounted. But first things first. And for a start, a few words - about the nature of the utmost, without an understanding of which all solutions to correct the situation may be completely ineffective.

What is the authentication error in the general sense?

Let's consider even the wrong error and nature of its failure itself, and the authentication process directly. Do not confuse it with initialization and authorization. These are different things.

Authentication When you try to connect to a WiFi-based wireless network, it is an inspection of the key to access the key, and simply speaking, the password that is used in the settings of the router or distributing stationary computer device To prevent unauthorized connection.

The most banal situation associated with the appearance of the Wi-Fi authentication error consists in the usual inattention of the user itself, which is in the case of an incorrect combination as a password. In this case, you should go to the network settings, select the change in the parameters and set the checkbox in front of the password display string, and after entering it to compare it so that is used as the default access key.

Authentication error when connected to WiFi: Causes of failure

However, in most cases, the main problem is not connected with this. It may very well be that on a mobile device and router there are various types of protection or data encryption, which are transmitted by protected compound. Sometimes short-term failures can be observed. It is especially worth noting the incorrectly installed router settings in terms of choosing the type of connection and the channel used. You can fight all this with completely elementary methods, after which the problem will disappear. Next, several main techniques are proposed.

Check the current mobile device mode

So, we assume that when you try to connect to some network, an authentication error is issued. What to do?

First of all, check the device mode. Each user must understand that when activating the "aircraft" mode, absolutely all connections are blocked. It may well be that you tried to install a silent mode by reducing the volume of the speaker volume, but accidentally produced a longer pressing, which activated the corresponding "aircraft" mode. Just disconnect it and check the connection.

The simplest method of eliminating the error

WiFi authentication error on Android, oddly enough it sounds, may be associated with short-term system failures, Especially when you have a set of any optimizer, turning off all background services to speed up the device.

Try simply to restart the device, but do not use the restart for this, and turn off the device completely and turn on again.

If we talk about home users who have an Android system authentication error when connecting to WiFi issues at home, the problem may be associated with the router itself. Perform full reset His settings by way full shutdown Power Supply for about ten to fifteen seconds, then turn on the device again. Some experts advise to withstand a longer pause (up to ten minutes), although it seems that the specified initial gap is quite enough.

The difference in encryption systems

What is the authentication error, figured out a little. Now a few words about the most common causes of its appearance. The problem is that the router and mobile device can use the types of the selected protection system that differs from each other.

Very often such a problem is observed with mobile devices model Row Samsung Galaxy. A WPA-PSK Personal is installed on the default router, and WEP is used on the phone. Such a mismatch and leads to the fact that the device issues the WiFi authentication error.

Routher Setup Questions

Thus, eliminate this problem You can install correct parameters and on the router, and on your mobile device.

On the router you can use automatic settings, and as additional means Select Mixed Connection Mode (11B / G or 11B / G / N). Typically, such parameters are in the Wireless Wireless Connection section. Yes, here's another. Do not forget to check if the distribution router is included on the distribution router, and then the Internet connection indicator may flash, the provider router is determined by an external ping, and there will be no connection as it will not.

Installing the priority channel on the router

There is another common problem associated with the settings of the used channels allocated for the connection. In this case, a message about failure may also appear. What is the authentication error in this case? It is not different as the inability to connect on the automatically selectable communication channel.

To solve the problem, log in to the router web interface via any browser installed in the stationary computer system (for example, in Windows), and in the appropriate parameter item, alternately select the use of one of the eleven available channels while saving settings and check the connection feature.

Setting the conjugation

Finally, one of the global solutions to the problem of the interconnection of mobile equipment with routers or distributing stationary devices is the installation of pairing with standard IP protocols of the fourth and sixth version. You need to set such options on your smartphone or tablet.

The sixth protocol, apparently, will not have to use, since in the post-Soviet space, there will be not so many providers using the sixth version DHCP servers. Therefore, it can be limited to the conjugation with IPv4.

Windows solutions

But as long as everything described in more than the mobile systems described. You shouldn't forget about Windows too. This is especially true for situations when a sinking server is installed on a computer or laptop.

As a rule, the IPv4 settings indicate automatic receipt addresses of all types, but often the problem may be that the system cannot convert standard requests for domain name In a digital combination, the DNS servers are responsible for.

To solve the problem, try simply change the settings of the preferred and alternative dNS serverBy setting parameters in the form of free Google combinations (options with eights and fours).

Sometimes, if the distribution is not carried out, it is necessary to call the Services. Services.msc in the "Run" menu), find there DNS and DHCP clients, check their condition (they must be active with the set priority "executed"). If the services are stopped, you should enter options (double click or menu of the PCM), by pressing the start button to start them manually and set the type of startup to automatically. Upon completion of all actions and save the settings, the computer system should be rebooted at mandatory, and after restart, check the ability to connect via WiFi.

Another common problem can be called the blocking of incoming and outgoing connections on the created server from the installed standard antiviruses and Windows files. At the same time, the appearance of such situations is very often associated with the AVAST package.

To solve the problem, disable ten minutes for ten antivirus and check the connection. If it works, get rid of this software. If there is no effect, deactivate Windows Brandmauer.

In case of suspicion of the effects of viruses, use portable scanners like KVRT or DR. Web Cureit.But it is best to check the system before the start of the download using disk applications like Kaspersky Rescue Disk. The uniqueness of such utilities is that in them, when writing to a removable medium, you can use the built-in loaders, select a graphical interface and scanning computer system even before windows downloads. For mobile systems, such funds are not provided (unfortunately).

Maximum that can be used - mobile antivirus or programs that turn off all unnecessary services like root booster. Such applications, however, will require the availability of the rights of the Superwater, but the effect of increasing productivity will not be compared with anything. In practice, this utility showed itself from the best side.

Instead of the result

In general, if you summarize what is an authentication error, it should already be clear. And should not bind her appearance exclusively with mobile systems. As follows from the above material, with the presence of distributing devices based on virtual Server For Windows-systems, the appearance of such a failure is also no exception. As for the elimination of problems, start, of course, stands from the settings of the router and mobile Device.Since the same types of the same protection systems may not coincide. Otherwise, the proposed solutions can be used in the order of their description, although it is quite difficult to call the true cause of the failure of the failure in most cases, especially since there is nothing particularly specific about the description of the error. And it is precisely this is the most huge minus, because of which the failure to initialize is simply impossible.