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We produce traffic from the Rambler Top100 catalog. We produce traffic from the Rambler Top100 directory whether Rambler Top 100 is needed

Hey! How yesterday and promised today will be a useful article about how to add a site to Rambler Top 100. First of all, you will need to register in Rambler. And also the very first thing to include good musicFor which I usually write articles. Usually here I take new songs 2013. Adding to this will not give, of course, instantly hundreds of unique visitors, but if you miraculously go to the top in your category, then traffic will be.

Registration in the catalog is free. But it is worth noting that moderation costs and your links are not indexed by search engines (at least it was before). Therefore, it is not necessary to register for the sake of the backlink. Let's start directly to adding our site. To begin with, prepare a description, name and keywords For your site. Of course, your site should not violate the laws of the Russian Federation or contain adults, etc. Accordingly, the GS also does not have to contact there.

Step 1. Register an account in Rambler:

Activate the account. The link will receive a link to the specified e-mail by clicking on which you activate the account:

Step 2.

Step 3.. Setting up the site.

Hello expensive readers. In previous articles, we considered. Today we'll talk about the Rambler Top 100 catalog. This catalog does not use such popular as Yandex and DMOZ, but to get an opposite link with a huge resource, especially since search engine, no one would refuse. Moreover, finding your site in the Rambler catalog, guarantees an increase in attendance, as Rambler is one of those search engines that aims to a Russian-speaking audience.

What is the Rambler Top 100 catalog

The Internet directory Rambler is a direct rival of catalog from Yandex. It is also aimed at the Russian-speaking Internet segment. But in contrast to Yasha, he is not as popular. Many have noticed on sites in the network the presence of informer (counter) statistics from Rambler. It can be said that it is in popularity takes the following place after the LiveInternet meter and Yandex.Metrica.

The Rambler Top 100 catalog is more similar to the rating, since the positions of sites in the catalog are largely dependent on the meter to be installed on the site, namely from its indicators. Yes, yes, it is from the presence of a meter on your site depends whether your site will be in the Rambler catalog or not.

Rambler 100 catalog - This is one of the few services that lived to this day and has been reborn in design and functionality. The same applies to statistics from Rambler, whose counter and you need to put on my site. The creators of the statistics collection service from Rambler tried to close the functionality as close as possible and the design to the statistical collector Yandex.Metrica.

Adding a site to the Rambler Top 100 directory absolutely free. In this Internet directory can get any resource. After a few days, your site will be accepted into the Rambler 100 catalog and can compete with other projects in the catalog. The main condition for adding and finding the Rambler catalog is the presence of rambler statistics on your site.

Adding a site to the Rambler Top 100 directory, receiving and installing the meter

To add your site to the Rambler 100 Catalog, you need to enter your account in the Rambler. As you can see, Rambler began to use a single account for all its services, as well as Google. If you have previously been registered in Rambler, the login and password will be login and password for a single account in the Rambler system.

Go through this link And we get to the main village of Rambler Top 100.

On it press the button " My sites" You get to the page of your sites involved in Rambler ranking. Here is a list of your sites, the number of visitors, views and rating in the catalog. Click on the button " Add site».

On the next page, enter the address of your site and its name. Click on the button " Create a counter».

On the next page you are invited to configure your counter and get the code for installation on the site.

You can choose whether your counter will be visible for visitors or not. To do this, choose the "widget" - a noticeable meter or "pixel" - not noticeable. You can change your resource name. To change the address you need to contact the Rambler Top 100 directory administration.

Innovation for assembling statistics has become additional setting Page blocks. It is necessary to determine the clicability of individual page blocks. You can read the documentation in more detail how to post the page for Rambler.

The meter code will be presented below. It must be copied and insert in the place you need. What certain requirements for inserting the counter code Rambler does not present.

We continue the process of adding a site to the Rambler 100 catalog. Go to the " Rating top 100.».

On this tab, we put a tick opposite the field "Participate in the Rating". This is to add a site to the Rambler Top 100 catalog. For this we started registration of the site in Rambler.

Choose the topic of your blog, site. For this, click " add Topu "and in the discontinued list, choose the appropriate directory of the catalog to your site. It is in the Rambler rating that you selected and your site will be located.

Choose the type of your site, click on " add Type»

This list presents the types of Internet resources that are located in the catalog. Among the types submitted, you must choose the type that your project matches.

Choose the region. Sites in the ranking are sorted by regions and precisely in that region that you select, and your Internet project will be displayed. This is more concerning a commercial development projects, since if you have an information portal with world news, for example, it doesn't matter to which region it includes your site. In this case, you can choose the region " CIS", For Russian-language users.

In field " Display statistics" can choose " Available to all", If you want the successes of your site to see all the ranking participants. If you close, then only the dynamics of popularity will be seen.

Go to the fold " Adjust access" Here you can provide access to your statistics.

In field " Adding users»You can add users who are registered with Rambler and specify them with the rights to statistics, that is, either only viewing, or editing your data in the rating. This is already to solve you.

To return to the list of your sites, you need to click on the "My Sites" button. This list will have sites that you registered in the top 100 rating, site moderation results and small statistics on them. By clicking on one of the sites, you will go to the deployed statistics of your project.

As you can see, my site is still on moderation, since it added it only today. In field " rating»A rating of your site will be displayed, which it takes in the Rambler Top 100 directory. Here you can change the counter settings, rating and access your site or delete it from the directory.

As withdrawal

After filing the application, you need to wait a few days while your site will be moderated. After that, it will appear in the top 100 rating. Increasing traffic it will not provoke. Since the rating is not on this moment Highly popular. It also depends on attendance of your site. The higher the attendance, the higher the position in the ranking, and therefore more people will see your site, and therefore, more people will go on the link to your resource. Everything is interconnected.

But, nevertheless, Rambler still owns a certain part of the Russian-speaking Internet audience, and therefore registration in the Rambler Top 100 catalog can bring its positive fruits.

Hello, dear blog readers Site! In this article, I want to continue adding the site to the ratings and setting counters that help keep the attendance statistics, on the queue services Rambler Top 100 and hotlog. I already mentioned that registration on similar Web resources helps to get not only additional traffic target audience, but also a fat reference to your resource.

In previous publications, we have already managed to get acquainted with the inclusion of the Web site in the ratings and receiving codes of counters from Liveinterenet (), Top () and. All this will help withdraw the web site to new heights and will be an additional advantage when optimizing it and promotion. So we will not neglect such an opportunity.

Registration in Rambler Top 100 and receiving the counter code

Rambler Top 100 pretty famous information resource In the Russian part of the Internet, has a huge attendance, and therefore is very beneficial due to the above reasons to include its website in its rating (directory). To begin, it is necessary to register and on this page will agree with the terms of the provision of Rambler services, having previously familiarized themselves with them according to the link below the existing regulation and fill in Checkbox check mark:

Then click the "Start Register" button. As a second step, enter your address email, Password more complicated and click "Ready":

After that, get such a message from rambler:

It says that you will be sent to E-mail from Rambler 100, which provides a link for which you need to go through to activate the account.

In the window that you will need to click on the site "Add site", as a result of which proceed to the process of adding your project in rating Rambler Top 100:

Make a site address to the appropriate field and go to the second step, where you need to come up with a name and description of the website that will participate in the ranking:

Carefully think out this aspect, the description must fully comply with the subject of the Web resource, since moderation and terms of inclusion in the Rambler catalog top 100 more severe. At the bottom of the form located on this web, you are binding the VEB resource to the catalog. Specify the topic by clicking on "Add theme", select the type of website, turn on here the keywords for which promote the project:

In the third step, there are synonyms. For example, if the main page is available in several addresses, then you need to note all these URLs (for example, http: // and http: // Also add the addresses of those Web pages that you want to exclude from the Rambler 100 rating (for example, the test version of the HTTP resource: //, if you have it):

Finally, the final step, where we are trying to add a web site to Rambler 100. Go to the counter settings:

Here you need to decide whether to open a web project statistics for all users and be sure to note the checkbox "participate in the ranking", because it is almost the main item. Then choose the type of informer (static or dynamic). Static will be displayed on the web pages simply as a logo Rambler Top 100, and the dynamic will show the numbers that display real visits statistics. Here you can choose the shade of the informer from the proposed color palette. When everything is ready, click on the "Get Counter Code" button:

The resulting code fragment must be correctly placed on all web pages of the resource. How to install will be described in a separate article, so follow the publications. By the way, I already wrote on the installation of the visiting meter to the WordPress site.

Adding announcements, RSS feeds and statistics page Rambler Top 100

After registering and receiving the counter code, go to the top 100 rambler. If you left the Top 100 directory, then on this webline you will see the inscription "Access is prohibited". Then you need to click on the link "Go to authorization". As a result, you will transfer to the next address where you need to enter an e-mail and password that were used during registration:

After clicking on the "Login" button, you will find yourself in your account:

Here you can go to edit the settings if you click on the Link "Change Site Settings". In the window that opens, you can, for example, add an announcement (an additional link to one of the pages of your web site):

Then you can see this extra hyperlink next to the line on the main project webcader:

In the same form, this design will participate in the rakeer Rambler Top 100. We go further and add the RSS tape by clicking on the "Add RSS-Tape" link, it also has an important meaning:

Enter the URL of the tape and enter the captcha, then go to the second step:

Here we describe the RSS tape. The description again must comply with the subject of the Web resource. Naturally, it is desirable that it contains keywords. On the same web page account Rambler 100 can be edited and "counter settings" in another tab (including appearance Informer), if suddenly decide to change them. By clicking on the link with the name of your resource, you will go to the Rambler 100 statistics Web page:

This window will display various statistical information about visits to the Web project, including visitors' activity, login pages, transition sources, search queries and other essential indicators. To see the position of the web site in the Rambler Top 100 catalog, click on one of the categories of the "Theme" section located in the upper right corner.

Registration in the service HotLog, adding a site to the rating

Another service, organizing the ranking of sites, with which you can get a bold backelink (the trust indicators of this project are very impressive) and make cases of attendance of your Web resource, is hotlog. To pass registration, you must fill in the appropriate form:

First select the appearance of the informer from the collection of proposed. Moreover, you can choose the most suitable color for design by clicking on the link "Other colors" under the samples. Below, enter the name, website description and its address by analogy with filling out similar information in the above-described registration process in Rambler Top 100. You should also specify the category from the drop-down menu to which the weblash will be included in its participation in the HotLog rating.

Next, enter the code from the picture, and in the lower left corner of the option of registration, the hotlog fits the email address and password, it is desirable as much as possible. Once fill in all the necessary data, click on the Add button. After that, the actions fall on the next web page, where you get the HOTLOG counter code:

This piece of code must be inserted into certain places on the pages of your resource, more on how to do this, I have already written (about inserting the code of the meter LI) and I will also write in subsequent posts, which has already mentioned above. In the "Site Rating tab", if you open it in the operator's browser (more about this browser) with the SEOBAR plugin, along with the position of your web site, you can see that the links are tinted with brown.

So, these links will be indexed by search engines, and the relevant resources (including your web site) will receive its trast partial (for example, an increase in the TIC indicator) from the HotLog service.

To confirm this assumption, you can make the address of the rating page hotlog in the addurillet (addurl) of Yandex:

As you can see, this page is already indexed in Yandex, therefore, all links leading from here will also not avoid it. And these links, as we have already been convinced using the SEOBAR expansion, are not closed by Nofollow. In conclusion, a small movie about KVN:

Maybe someone else does not know that Rambler has updated the functionality of his catalog. To transfer the site meter registered in previous version Rambler Top100, you need to enter the number of the counter and password. The meter number can be viewed in the code you added to your site.

Why add sites to Rambler-type directories?

Many skeptics believe that adding a site to various directories does not help in promoting and receiving visitors. And the buttons of the set of directories are simply annoyed on the main one. To begin with, I want to say that all directories do not need to register the site at all, and even more so add their counters to themselves on main page. Already, probably, the majority forgot to what directories were created. Now, many resource owners are so strive to add their website to Yandex Catalog, that even money is ready to pay for the thickness workers of this search engine deign and look at this creation. Those. They do not even give any guarantee that paying 14,500 rubles your site will fall into this catalog! They made the Internet commercial themselves and are still angry when the webmasters also want to earn a little.
Tax .. I brought a little. So, returning to the essence of today's post.
So for what to add a site to such directories, as in Rambler?
The answer is simple.

1. Free link from the resource of the Titz is 180000, and PR 9.
2. With a competent description of the description, new visitors will be consistent with the catalog.
3. Rambler counter can be placed in target \u003d "blank" REL \u003d "NOFOLLOW"

In the end, we get a fat link and visitors for a small picture of a meter, which is not even taken into account as an external link.
If you need quick results, then the promotion of the site on traffic is exactly what you need. First, there is a detailed acquaintance and study of your resource, and then - attracting targeted traffic.

Add a site to Rambler directory.

My sites are tested for a day or two. To add a site to Rambler directory, you must first register or enter your login and password on the portal.

After that, we select the Top100 tab and the clay on the link "My sites" or "for site owners." The following page will be the link "Add Site".
If your site is already in Rambler catalog, then you will be reported that Jarl is not unique.
After that, you can add: Title, announcement, description, owner, reasons, RSS tape, configure the automatic publication of the announcements, specify the subject of the site, geographic binding, choose the type and thematic format of the site, as well as specify keywords. You can also configure synonyms and exceptions, the view of the counter, who is available to statistics and whether the resource in the top 100 rating will be displayed.