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The off button on the windows 10 desktop. Create a shortcut - the shutdown button on the desktop

I am more than sure that many of you have not thought about what are the ways to quickly turn off your computer. What's there, clicked "Shut Down" and you're done. But there are situations when the PC is frozen, the Start menu has turned off, and so on.

For such cases, we will tell you how you can turn off your computer under Windows control 10 (some methods are also relevant for previous versions of the operating system).

Method 1.Using the additional menu Start

Few people know that the submenu has returned in recent versions of Windows. Start... To open it, right-click on the icon.

Method 2. Using a shortcut on the desktop

In order not to climb into the Start menu, you can create a special shortcut to turn off the PC on the desktop.

To do this, right-click on an empty space on the desktop, Create -> Label... Enter this text in the field% windir% \ System32 \ shutdown.exe / s / t 0. Finish creating the shortcut. Then you can double-click to turn off your PC.

Method 3.Using hotkeys

There is another option for quickly shutting down your PC. To do this, just press the Alt + F4 key combination. In the context menu, you can select both the transition to sleep mode and shutdown of the computer. Next time, just press Enter and your PC will shut down.

Method 4: Reconfigure the power button

Most quick way- press the power button. There are 2 modes, programmable and emergency. Use the latter only if your PC is frozen - hold down the power button for about 5 seconds, the computer shuts down abruptly.

Programmable way:

Step 1... Go to Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Power supply.

Step 2... Open the tab Power button actions.

Step 3... Go to Changing options that are currently unavailable.

Step 4... We put "Completion of work", click save.

All these 4 ways will help you shut down your computer faster.

In this article I will consider a rather interesting feature that allows you to save a little time and make your computer more convenient to use. Of course, as they say, there are no comrades in taste or color, but personally to me this non-obvious option seemed interesting. So, consider, How can I drag the shutdown shortcut to the Windows 10 desktop? or entering hibernation mode.

Let me say a few words about why I even thought about looking for such an opportunity. The point is that my home stationary computer I most often use it as a media system - for watching movies and listening to music. I work, for example, on a laptop, and music is playing on the hospital (which at that moment is 4-5 meters away from me). So, given that the computer is quite far away, all the elements on the screen become too small and control them using wireless mouse not very comfortable. If I add or decrease the sound I somehow got used to the touch, but shutting down the computer is not very convenient. Also, to turn off your computer in a standard way, it is necessary to perform as many as three actions: open the Start menu, click on the power icon, select the "Shutdown" item. So I wondered how to drag out the icon to turn off my Windows 10 to the desktop. Well, and, of course, I found a way to implement my plan:

  1. The first thing to do is right on the desktop, right-click and select CreateLabel.
  2. In the window that appears, at the location of the object, you must enter the following data:
    shutdown / s- for a shutdown shortcut
    shutdown / r- for a reboot shortcut
    shutdown / l- for a shortcut to logout with closing applications.
    shutdown / h- for the hibernation shortcut.

Additionally, you can specify the delay time before the command is executed. If, for example, in the path of the shortcut you add after a space / t 10, then shutdown or reboot will be performed after ten seconds.

(In the picture, shotdown.exe is indicated in the file location line, however, it is not at all necessary to specify the extension (.exe) - you can just write shutdown).

  1. Then press Further.
  2. The next step is to come up with a name for the shortcut (for example, OFF) and click Ready.

At this point, you can complete the creation of a shortcut for shutdown windows 10, but you can modify this very shortcut a little and make it more conspicuous - for example, arrange it in the form of a red shutdown button. For this:

  1. We stand on the shortcut and right-click on the Properties item.
  2. Go to the "Shortcut" tab.
  3. We select the button "Change icon".

  1. Next, a warning appears, we agree with it by clicking OK.
  2. We see a new window "Change Icon". In it we find the one we need, select it by clicking.
  3. Click OK first in one open window.
  4. And then in another.

As a result, I ended up with a pretty nice and understandable-looking shortcut for shutting down the computer or restarting it on the Windows 10 desktop.

Needless to say, you can use any of your pictures as a shortcut? To do this, you just need to register the path to the place of its storage.

You can turn off and restart your computer or laptop different ways... And if in Windows 7 and XP it is enough to click Start - Shutdown, then in Windows 8 this procedure takes longer. Here you need to move the mouse cursor to the right corner, wait 1 second, select Parameters - Shutdown, and only there will be “Shutdown”. Pretty awkward, right?

It's good that in Windows you can make a button to turn off the PC and place it on the desktop, pin it to the taskbar, or place it on the Start screen. And then just one click - and the PC or laptop will immediately turn off.

The shutdown button on the Windows desktop can be created for various reasons: for parents, inexperienced users, or for yourself (it's convenient). It will also help out if the PC does not turn off in a standard way (the problem is in the drivers, etc.).

This is a common label. You just need to create it, write the appropriate command and save. For clarity, below is an example of how to create a shutdown, restart and hibernation button for a PC.

The described instruction is universal and is suitable for Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP. Moreover, you can write these shortcuts to a USB flash drive, and then use them at work, give them to friends, etc.

How do I create a shutdown shortcut?

That's all. The shortcut was created successfully.

Since it doesn't look very good, you can change the icon. For this:

Now the PC shutdown shortcut looks prettier, right? For convenience, you can select it, right-click and pin it to the Start panel or taskbar. In Windows 8 and 10, you can also pin it to the Start screen.

How do I make a reboot shortcut?

If you need to frequently restart your PC or laptop, you can make a restart button on the desktop, taskbar, or start screen. The principle of operation is the same, only the command is slightly different.

So, to make a reboot shortcut:

How do users usually turn off their computers? Most often this, of course, is the shutdown button located in the start menu, yes, of course, there are so many tough guys who cut down their devices by pulling out the cable from the outlet or simply squeeze the power button on the very system unit, but still most do it with the help of "Completing the work".

But, there are those who prefer to turn off their computer not through "Start", but use the button located right on the taskbar or somewhere on the desktop. Especially this shutdown option was relevant for those users who worked with Windows 8 and could not get used to turning off the PC through the "Options" menu. And for some, the shutdown procedure in Windows 8 was generally a mystery.

So, now you will familiarize yourself with the instructions on how to create such a shortcut or button to turn off the computer and place it on the same taskbar, well, maybe in some other place on your computer, but this is as far as your imagination is enough.

Add a shortcut or shutdown button to the taskbar

So, to create the shutdown button, we need to right-click on any free space, call context menu... Further, in the context menu, click on the items "Create" - "Shortcut".

Accordingly, in the object selection field, we need to indicate its location, but since we want to make not an ordinary shortcut, but a full-fledged shutdown or restart button, we need to specify this file with certain parameters.

For example:

  • shutdown -s -t 0 - the parameter responsible for shutting down the computer. If you want to create a shutdown shortcut, then copy this command into the field "Specify the location of the object" and move on.
  • shutdown -r -t 0 this parameter is responsible for rebooting. Therefore, when creating a shortcut or button on the desktop for restarting the computer, we indicate this parameter in the location line.
  • shutdown -l usual exit from account or as indicated in "Start", "Logout". This, of course, can be done with the "Win + L" keyboard shortcut, but if it is more convenient to use the shortcut, then we prescribe this particular parameter.
  • rundll32.exepowrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 - this command will be useful for lovers of, shall we say, hibernation. That is, by copying this line into the file location field, you can create a shortcut responsible for instantly switching to hibernation mode.

Okay, the command is selected, for example, I will have a shortcut to turn off the computer.

Decorating the PC shutdown shortcut

Ok, we made a shortcut to turn off the computer, but it looks somehow not very good. I think it would not be bad if we assign it an appropriate icon, which at least somehow denotes the action it is performing.

So, by calling the context menu, go to the properties of our shutdown or restart button.

Also, if you wish, you can set some of your own icon using the "Browse" button.

Basically, the shortcut for the shutdown button is ready, you just have to choose its location. Let me remind you that this can be not only the taskbar, but also any free space on the desktop.

By the way, to move this button to the taskbar, you just need to drag it there.

Well, as usual, I will remind you of our Youtube channel to which you should subscribe and wish you the best of luck!

Do you like to play around with your computer? It doesn't matter, there is more than one way to turn off your PC. We present to your attention 7 ways to turn off your computer on Windows 10. All methods have been tested and work. The material is broken down from simple to complex.

1. Shutting Down Using the Start Menu

To do this, click start on the taskbar in the lower left corner of the screen.

Then click on shutdown .

By default, only 2 options appear, click to restart your computer, shutdown to turn it off completely.

If you are using Windows 10 on a tablet, the taskbar may be slightly different, but the algorithm is almost the same for invoking the menu Start .

2. Turn off Windows 10 using the WinX menu

Starting with Win8, you can use WinX to shutdown Windows 10 by pressing the Win + X keyboard shortcut.

A list of system functions will appear, almost at the very bottom we move the mouse over Shutting down or logging out for additional shutdown options.

You can also access this menu by right clicking on Start, or if you are using touch screen, hold with your finger until the WinX menu appears.

3. Shut down Windows 10 using the ALT + F4 keys

Please note, do not press ALT + F4 while working with a program or application, this key combination will close the application. Be careful, use it only when you are on desktop ... After clicking, the shutdown menu will open.

Here you can open a drop-down list where you can select “ switch off or shutdown »Or even restart Windows 10. You can also log out of the user profile or switch to another profile. Please select desired option and press the button OK to perform the selected actions.

4. Shut down Windows 10 using the command line and the "Shutdown" parameter

If you like to work in the interface command line, you can turn off the device using the parameter. Enter it and click Enter... The shutdown will start in a minute, a warning window will pop up.

You can also use this command with the Run command, then type and press Enter to turn off your Windows device.

For restart windows, replace the ending / s on / r... To get everything available options, you need to enter shutdown in command line .

Turn off Windows 10 from the lock screen

When the device or PC is in lock mode, you can turn off Windows by first clicking on the power in the lower right corner, after which the options will open under the context menu.

6. Shut down Windows 10 using the "Slidetoshutdown" command

Press the key combination Win + R to run the command " Execute". In the command window, copy and paste Slidetoshutdown.exe, then press Enter or OK .

This file is stored in system files Windows, it can be displayed using a shortcut to the desktop and disconnect the PC directly from it.

7. Turn off Windows 10 using the power button on the device

If you're using Windows 10 on a touch device, smartphone, or tablet, there is another faster way to turn it off. First, you need to long press the power off and on button of your device, after which a splash screen appears exactly like we used in the previous step, with the Slidetoshutdown.exe command.

Now you just need to slide the slider down to turn off Windows 10.


If for some reason you want to turn off or restart your device, Windows 10 provides a wide variety of options. Since this is a simple solution, there is no need to complicate your task.

Having trouble shutting down or restarting your computer? Write in the comments to this article, maybe we will give you a solution.